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Claire and the Boys Next Door Ch. 02

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Claire shows off some more, this time at the boys' house.
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Part 2 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 01/23/2019
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To say my mind was a whirl most of the rest of the day was an understatement. I couldn't stop re-living what had happened, focusing on my favourite moments and elaborating on what might have happened if I or the boys had done things differently. I did go through a few phases of embarrassment, spending five minutes or so wondering what I could have been thinking, but I always returned to just how exciting I found it. Being naked for them was like a compulsion or a drug, I thought seriously about just heading next door several times during the day. I wondered if the appeal was like riding a roller coaster, it was scary whilst it was happening but the feeling of exhilaration was more than worth it.

But it wasn't just an adrenaline thrill there was certainly something sexual about it too, about making my body a source of lust for Tom and Jim and being able to see their reactions. I was getting off on the power my body had to make them want to do things, but I was also getting off on the way it made them objectify and control me. They had literally stripped me for their pleasure a few times. When Jim was lifting up my top or Tom was yanking down my thong they had no interest in anything other than my ass and tits, and were prepared, or had been pushed, to just take them. It was perhaps being treated like a sex object on my terms that got to me, but then I hadn't always been in full control and I think I liked that too.

In any case it was perfectly clear I would be doing it again. The only questions were when and how.

The easiest thing to do would be to get in touch with the boys and arrange something, but I did worry about seeming too eager. If I so quickly arranged to "try on some outfits" for them again I'm sure they would expect more from me than last time and I didn't know if I was quite willing to provide it. I decided I probably shouldn't be the one to get in touch, at least not for a little while, and that I'd let them try and persuade me to do something more for them. I wasn't about to refuse but if they thought I was maybe a little reluctant it would probably make things more exciting next time anyway.

I resolved to follow the plan, but I also knew there was no way I could go back to the usual routine of a summer day - hanging about at home or a friends house doing nothing much and wearing my normal clothes. I had discovered I was something of an exhibitionist if I got myself in the right situation, and like anyone who discovers a new obsession I didn't have much patience for doing anything else. Reflecting on the situation the next morning a trip to a local mall seemed the obvious first step. Even if I wasn't sure how or to whom I'd exhibit myself I had no wearable in public clothes that would show my body off.

I had set off to the mall in slight trepidation, worrying about someone who knew me seeing me buy the sort of clothes I wanted, but I soon realised the mall is a fairly anonymous place and the day passed without real incident. I had a great time trying on the clothes, but all in the privacy of changing rooms. On the way there I had had some fantasies about showing off, but no opportunities arose, no cute sales guys strayed into the women's fitting rooms for some reason.

Firstly I bought a couple of bikinis. Neither as revealing as the one I'd worn the day before but both with tie-strings and one in particular pretty small, especially at the back. I figured I could wear them to go next door, but I could also possibly head down to some of the places in local parks that people sunbathed. Then I bought some of the kinds of clothes I'd seen the hotter girls at school wearing this summer, tops and skirts that covered everything up but let you know what was underneath. I made sure to get a few tighter, smaller tops as thoughts had come to me about wearing something close fitting and thin with no bra in public. I had no idea if I could follow through - and it would have to be somewhere people wouldn't recognise me - but if I didn't even have the clothes there was no chance it could be anything other than fantasy.

That day at the Mall was a Friday, and it wasn't until the following Tuesday that Tom and Jim got in touch. The weekend had been normal and busy, doing stuff with my parents and visiting family. Monday had been a little slow, I'd seen some friends for lunch and was slightly tempted to tell them something but I decided they probably just wouldn't understand. That afternoon was the first time I'd really had chance to do anything and was very tempted to see if anyone was in next door but I'd stayed strong.

On Tuesday, however, something definitely had to give as I couldn't help myself and dressed in some of my new clothes. I chose a tight, string top with no bra and a short, loose skirt with some fairly revealing knickers. I'd then not done much, just imagined a few scenarios, when, excitingly, the doorbell rang around 11am. I hoped it was the boys from next door and I wasn't disappointed.

I greeted them brightly and was happy to see the two of them give me a once over with their eyes. Even though they'd already seen a lot more of me than was currently on show it seemed like they still enjoyed it.

"Hi Claire" began Tom.

"Nice top" said Jim.

"Oh, thanks, it's new actually, just wearing it for the first time today. Do you think it suits me?"

They had a closer look. I think they were more interested in my nipples which were starting to become prominent than any fashion concerns.

"Yeah, definitely!"

"Thank you. Now, what can I do for you?"

"We just wondered if you'd fancy coming round to maybe do a bit of sunbathing today?" Tom ventured.

"Oh, really? I don't know, I was maybe going to see some friends later.."

"Well, you could just come for a few hours."

"I guess."

"You said you would." Added Jim.

"I suppose I could head round for a little while. I'm not sure I should do much more than that, though, I was a little embarrassed after you both left last week."

"Oh, it was fine! Nothing to be embarrassed about."

"Well, I'm sure you thought that. Just, you know.."

"Just a little while in the garden, that's all we were thinking of." Tom took up the persuasion once again.

"Fine. I guess I should put on a bikini or something. I got a few last week so no need to lend me your sisters again." The boys didn't seem massively thrilled at that news.

"I guess that's OK." Jim still thought he should be in charge of my wardrobe, it seemed.

"Yeah, come round when you're ready." Tom was a bit more diplomatic.

They headed off and I went up to my room to change. I chose the more revealing bikini, obviously, it was black and tied behind my neck and back up top and on each hip below. It had more coverage of my boobs than Jim's sister's barely there bikini and was actually intended for someone with my size. There was also more material for the front down below, covering everything nicely, but the back was once again largely string. My bum was on show but at least it was obvious I was wearing something this time, it was basically the most I could be showing off whilst still wearing something that felt like it wasn't obscene.

Once I was ready I looked at myself in the mirror, it still gave me a thrill to see my body, my large breasts and bum bulging out and barely covered by the small amount of material. Just the idea I was about to go in public in the sort of tiny bikini I'd only seen before on airheads on TV was thrilling.

I decided to just head out like that, not even a wrap or sarong for the journey. Our street was quiet so it seemed unlikely anyone would see me, but the idea of walking down the street, even if it was just one house, gave me an extra tingle. My parents were predictable and hid a spare key in the yard so I could get back in later easily enough.

I closed the door and started down our drive, wondering how things would play out next door. I was just starting to anticipate the boy's reaction to my bikini when I heard a voice close by.

"Hello there!"

I froze, it was so close it could probably only be directed at me but I had no idea who it was.

"You must be Claire, I suppose."

That settled it, I didn't think I could ignore the voice even given my state of dress, so I turned to where it was coming from. There was a man probably in his early 40s in the front yard next door to the other side to Tom's house. He was walking over to the short border that separated it from our driveway and smiling at me.

"Oh, er, yes, that's right, I'm Claire. Hello." I walked the few steps over as well and we shook hands.

"I'm Geoff, I live next door. Your parents came round the other week and introduced themselves."

"Ahh, right. Nice to meet you."

Geoff took a step back and had a glance up and down my body, though I'm sure he'd already taken me in as he'd obviously seen me before I was aware he was there. It didn't seem like he was trying to be particularly discreet about it.

"Well, I guess you're off to catch the sun somewhere. Not in the street, I hope."

I'm pretty sure I must have blushed, I couldn't help but look down and avoid eye contact with him. I hooked one of my hands into my bikini top strap out of nervousness.

"I'm just heading next door the other way, they said they have a side garden and that it's a bit more secluded. I didn't expect to meet anyone on the way.."

"Yeah, I can imagine. Never mind, I doubt there's anyone else about." He again ran his eyes over me, and let out a slightly exaggerated breath. "That kid over there must be a fast worker to have you heading round dressed like that already. Well played that man, I say."

I didn't really know what to say to that, so just stood there. Geoff was still looking at my body, this time not just glancing at all. I was still feeling pretty timid, it was quite different being looked over by an adult than the boys next door, though I could see it was the same sort of enjoyment he was taking in me he certainly wasn't treating me like a child. He wasn't bad looking for an older man I found myself thinking, and I wasn't trying to cover up despite the jitters. I tried to look a bit more confident and stood up straighter shifting my weight to both feet, my shoulders back a little bit more.

"OK, it was nice to meet you.."

"Oh, yes, certainly" said Geoff. "I guess I won't tell your Mum and Dad we met whilst you were wearing.." He gestured at my body. ".. well, not very much."

I still didn't really know how to acknowledge that a man my Dad's age was enjoying my near nudity, so I stayed quiet again, probably blushing some more despite my new posture.

"You young people, though, I guess today it's all just no big deal. In fact, if you're in to catching the sun then we've a pool in our garden, you're welcome to head round one afternoon."

"Oh, thanks."

"I work from home, so I should be around most of the time. My wife isn't usually there during the day, but.."

This was definitely getting into territory I wasn't sure how to navigate, but every time I caught Geoff's eyes lingering on my breasts I got the same kind of buzz I'd got last week.

"OK, well I'll let you know if I feel like a swim. Bye for now."

I realised that if Geoff stayed where he was he'd get a good look at my basically bare ass as I headed off. Given that thought I couldn't resist walking slightly slower than normal as I moved away from him, making sure to sway my hips. The idea of him watching my round bum move and bounce slightly was somewhat intoxicating, I even considered stopping and bending down at the waist for him but I couldn't think of an excuse to do so. The best I decided I could manage was to adjust the back of my bikini as I walked, so I pulled on the string between my butt cheeks a little as if trying to get comfortable, if nothing else it would have made sure that's where his focus was if he was watching me.

As I turned into the drive next door I looked back and saw my performance wasn't in vain, Geoff was exactly where he'd been and was watching me pretty closely. I gave him a grin and a wave and carried on. As I rang the doorbell I wondered briefly if I should take him up on his offer, it seemed much more serious than just teasing Tom and Jim.

That was what was on the cards for now, though. They quickly took in my bikini and ushered me into the house, we went through to the kitchen which opened onto a conservatory and then the back and side gardens, it was a beautiful large space with lots of light, though the boys were pretty much only looking at me.

"Oh, wow, Claire. You look great again."


"Yeah." Added Jim, as his eyes roved across my body. "I thought you'd probably be wearing something much more .. er .. boring than my sister's one, but this is great too."

"You mean you can still see my bum, don't you?" He at least still had the grace to look a little embarrassed, but not too much.

"Is this OK, though, it's fine to wear in your garden?" My encounter with Geoff was really testing my resolve to not just show off for them. I found myself giving them a spin, letting them inspect my bikini, and myself, from all angles. I was right back to our dynamic from last week almost immediately.

"Yeah, definitely."

"You can wear anything out there, like we said no one can see in at all."

"Of course, I forgot." I turned back round to face them. "If that's sorted shall we head out there?"


"We think it's time for you to try on that thing from last week first. You know, the underwear."

"Oh, I thought I was here to sunbathe."

"Yeah, like we said you can do that in anything in the side garden, so we figured why not the lingerie? You did promise."

Jim was doing the talking mostly, but Tom wasn't idle, he had crossed the kitchen and picked up the black lingerie set from last week that had been on one of the chairs.

"You're very prepared, I see." When they first asked I was a little taken aback and unsure, but once I saw how skimpy and sexy it looked I knew I'd do it. I'd not dared try on fancy underwear at the mall but I'd stared in a few windows. "Are you still telling me what to do, then?"

"Yeah." The two boys again looked a combination of nervous and trying to be serious.

"OK, well I guess it's not actually too hot at the moment, so I shouldn't get weird tan lines." I'd just considered that if my Mum saw a tan from a suspender belt it would be a tricky thing to explain.

Tom handed me the underwear, they looked at me expectantly.

"Where do I get changed, then?"

I could see straight away that that was something they hadn't considered, they looked surprised and glanced around nervously. I felt both sorry for them and slightly disappointed, they were realising that if they'd just done a bit more preparation they might have got a repeat of the show I gave them when I took off the bikini last week.

"Err, we didn't really think." said Tom.

"Maybe you could just.."

I was worried Jim was going to suggest me changing right there in front of them, which did seem a bit much. I hastily cut in.

"You say no one can see into the side garden at all?"

"No, the hedges are about 8 feet, no way they can."

"I'll just step out there then, and call you when I'm ready." I could see there seemed only one window that looked out onto it, over the sink in the kitchen.

I started towards the door, but turned back as I got there wagging my finger at them. "No peeking, though, you'll see soon enough."

I stepped out onto a smallish piece of grass with a few chairs and loungers. As they'd said the hedges were very tall and there was indeed no chance of me being watched. Apart from via the kitchen window, obviously. I realised there was no way they wouldn't look, so it was my intention to keep my back towards the house as I changed. I think I realised I was inching closer and closer to just being naked for them, but each step was part of the journey I didn't want to miss.

I ended up standing about 10 feet away from the window and got to work. As with last week I was both slightly scared and incredibly excited. I began by pulling the knots behind my neck and back simultaneously, my bikini top fell to the floor and I was all of a sudden topless in my next door neighbour's garden. I quickly did the same with the knots at my hips, which this time gave no trouble and my thong dropped off me, I was naked. I took a moment to imagine my audience watching, then, being careful to keep my legs close together I bent down at the knees and picked up the underwear set.

I couldn't resist prolonging my exposure, so decided to start with the suspender belt which wrapped around my hips and clipped in the back. It had 2 straps hanging down each leg, front, back and outer side. I then realised that putting on the stockings would involve lifting each leg in turn, and might present quite a sight from the back. It would also be pretty difficult standing up. I had no choice but to sit so I shuffled sideways to a chair and turned it to face not quite side on to the window. Then I put one arm across my breasts and sat down.

From the corner of my eye I saw Tom and Jim at the window, they ducked down but I pretended I'd not noticed them. I needed both arms for the stocking so I would now be baring my breasts. Once they reappeared Tom and Jim would only really see my left boob from the side, but they would probably see the nipple if there was nothing in the way. I reached down to grab the first stocking and started to pull it on, I tried to keep my tit as covered as possible with my arms as they worked, but it was a fairly futile effort I imagined. The boys did pop back up as I rolled the stocking past my knee, I couldn't help but lift and arch my leg even more as I eased it up my thigh and clipped each strap into place deliberately. I still didn't react to them and they stayed watching, just the tops of their faces visible. Slowly, and with trembling legs and hands I did the same with the other stocking.

Next was the knickers. As I picked them up I saw that although they were slightly bigger than the bikini bottoms from last week, they certainly didn't cover more. They were a black string at the back, with a lacy transparent frill across the top, then a fairly full front but again just transparent lace until right at the part which would cover my labia, which was a short piece of black fabric. My trimmed pubic hair would be visible, and my arse once again out in the open.

I pulled them up to just over my knees whilst sat down, then I stood and completed the motion quickly, slipping them up over the suspender straps. I made no effort to cover my boobs now, though was still stood side on. I looked down to make sure I was as covered up as possible, but saw I definitely needed readjusting so, keeping my gaze downwards, I turned more straight on to the window and adjusted my knickers upwards, making sure to bounce my breasts with the body motion. Then I continued the turn right round until my back was to the window so I could look up once again without alarming my audience.

Finally came the bra, which was, unsurprisingly at this point, mostly made from the same lace as the front of the knickers. There was some thicker fabric and elastic underneath, which would support and no doubt push up my tits, but the front of each breast would be more-or-less uncovered. The boys might be nervous, but they certainly weren't shy in getting me to show off for them. I clipped it in place around myself, slipped it up onto my shoulders and tucked in my boobs. Surprisingly although it was tight it pretty much fitted, Tom's Mum mustn't have been a small woman either. Without anything else to do I called out that I was ready and almost immediately I heard the door open so I turned round to face them.

Their faces were again a picture of slightly stunned lust as they walked out towards me, by now not hiding their inspection of my body in the slightest. I decided to try and not act nervous and stood fairly naturally with one arm by my side and the other on my hip, not acknowledging how much of me supposedly covered was actually effectively on full display. I saw Jim in particular cast a few lingering glances over my knickers and what lay beneath, I was glad I'd started taking care of that a few months ago and had trimmed up the small patch of hair a day or so ago. It was still fairly amazing to think two boys my age were giving it a pretty thorough inspection, though.


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