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Claire and the Boys Next Door Ch. 05


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He took a moment. "Yes, Yvette, you're the maid and we're your employers, so I don't think you should be questioning us." It seemed I was wrong, Tom had had enough of this particular role play. "You can start now and if you need some help to take any of your clothes off I'm sure one of us will give it."

Matt looked delighted at this development, I looked nervously at the floor and at this point it wasn't much of an act. Although the thought of leaving had never really occurred to me as the moment approached I was still feeling a little bit like normal Claire in an outfit. I found myself hoping I could still put on a show feeling like this, which at least made me realise how much I did still want to put on a show for them. The sight of three guys just gawping at my body slightly entranced was starting to work its magic.

"Oui, m'sieur, you are ze boss. I 'ope you like my dance." I curtsied for them to signal my acceptance.

Alex and Tom were mostly nervously expectant whilst Matt just seemed expectant. I walked to the middle of the room, Tom started fiddling with a laptop that was hooked to the stereo. I swayed a little before the sounds of a recent pop song started, it had a fairly decent beat and was very danceable. If anything it was a bit too fast.

I tried to start slowly but just following the music meant I had to move quite energetically. For now I didn't do anything with my outfit, figuring that the tight, short dress would already make the sight of me dancing a pleasant one for them. I could immediately feel my breasts bouncing and jiggling and my skirt flipped up constantly as my body moved, the boys would soon be familiar with my frilly knickers if they weren't already.

First I danced towards Tom, and seeing his now familiar look of contentment gave me a little more confidence. I smiled at him and bent low letting him look down my cleavage as I shook my body, it felt like a nipple was possibly already out in the open. As I straightened up I looked down and there it was stiff and just above the top of the dress. I did pop it back in as I turned my back to Tom even as with what was about to happen it was a bit pointless.

I thought about approaching one of the others but I felt Tom take hold of the apron straps and tug, he obviously still thought I was going too slowly. I let him undo the knot as I danced in place and he lowered the white cloth to the floor. As he brought his hands upwards he ran them lightly up the back of my legs. In the past that might have been it for Tom but his new found confidence with me carried on as he lifted my skirt, exposing all of the thin panties stretched across my round butt. I carried on dancing and swaying my arse. As he held the skirt up for a few seconds I couldn't help but think of Geoff pulling those same knickers down last night, I half wondered if Tom was so impatient he would do that right now.

"Oh, m'sieur, you must let me take something off myself." I looked back round at him, he let go of the dress a few moments later and I moved away.

I decided I did indeed want to take my clothes off myself today, being stripped by the men last night was an experience but it was time for something new. If that was to happen, though, I probably needed to get on with it, Tom had already set a precedence and it was likely Matt at least would try and get involved with the performance. The idea of not going near him was one of those vague notions that seemed impossible in the heat of the moment, of course I would give him a bit of closer attention when the time came, that was inevitable.

Alex shuffled in his seat which was enough to make me dance towards him now, I jiggled in front of him which caused him to sit up. I danced between his legs for a moment running my hands up and down my body and squeezing my tits, but at his first hesitant reach towards me I took a small step back wagging a finger lightly.

"I can manage eet, m'sieur" I smiled, and, staying very close to him I reached backwards and began to slide the zip down at the back. I heard Matt mutter something to my side but didn't pay him attention for the moment.

I held the dress at the front but let go of the zip when I felt it all go pretty loose. From what I remembered it would probably drop off my breasts but stay around my waist until I, or someone else, pulled it off. I realised that what a lot of guys probably thought were my best features, my rather large boobs, were going to make an entrance very early in proceedings, but not having a bra on there wasn't much I could do.

I did try to add a bit of tease, I looked right at Alex and asked quietly "Are you ready, m'sieur?" Then I mouthed ostentatiously "un, deux, trois" and after 'trois' I dropped the dress but tried to keep my arms at either side of my breasts so that, for now, only Alex saw everything. The I giggled, covered both nipples with my hands and spun around away from all of them. I could feel that the dress had indeed stopped fairly low on my waist so I was still only naked from there upwards, apart from the hat and choker of course.

"Oh, come on, stop teasing!" Matt sounded like he was having fun but was still impatient.

I danced with my back to them for a few seconds keeping my hands where they were, then I reached up and clasped my hands above my head, I could feel my boobs swaying about freely now and the air across them. It felt great, as did the anticipation of turning to show off for the eager boys behind me. I closed my eyes and spun round.

Matt was the first to react. "Jesus christ, just look at those."

I must have been close to the zone now as that comment caused me to open my eyes and turn towards him. I continued to dance slightly but looked at him, then down at my boobs, then back at the cocky boy's face. "Do you like zem, m'sieur?"

"Fuck, yes."

"'ow about now?" I moved closer to him and as I went bounced them 4 or 5 times in a very blatant manner. I then giggled as I continued my dance now stood, as for Tom and Alex earlier, between his legs. He finally looked up at my face.

"I thought you were 'just a maid'?"

"Maybe I 'ave done something like zis before."

"I bet you have with that body. If you hadn't it'd be a criminal waste."

I turned intending to do as I'd done with Alex and move away when he inevitably reached for my legs or ass, but Matt wasn't Alex and within a few seconds he'd grasped me forcefully by the waist and pulled me down onto his lap. My bum plopped into place and I gasped a 100% genuine gasp.

"Don't stop dancing now, Yvette." He said next to my ear, his hands still holding each hip firmly. He wasn't really preventing me from getting up, but he was making it difficult.

"Oh, m'sieur, I'ave not done *zis* before!"

"You'll work it out."

I could already feel him pressing into my bum as I started to move, still trying to keep some sort of time to the music. As I slid around on top of him the pressure grew and became pretty unmistakable, I can't say it was unpleasant and it was pretty obvious positive feedback on my performance.

After about a minute or so he shifted his hands quickly and groped both of my breasts, squeezing and rubbing before I properly realised what was happening. By then I had dropped my own arms to the sofa to support myself a bit in his lap, so I could only use my hands to stop him if I also let myself again drop fully onto his groin. From what was pressing into my bum by now I was worried that might hurt him so I let him have the freedom of my body for the moment, though I did formulate a plan.

"What does m'sieur think I will take off next?"

He did relax his grip on my tits a little bit to contemplate this.

"Well, your dress I reckon."

"Oh, m'sieur, you are too predictable!" This unexpected response made him pause and relax even more and I was able to clamber up quickly out of his grasp.

"Where are you going?"

"Patience." I said as I once again made my way over to Tom. My breasts felt incredible after the attention they'd received at the hands of Matt, the nipples stiff and almost sore with excitement. The hardness just emphasised their pertness which was still visible despite their size, the hours I'd spent looking at my body in the mirror and fantasising really let me see myself from the boy's perspective as I did stuff like this, which just excited me more and more.

I danced even more enthusiastically now in front of Tom, running my hands up my sides and lifting my dress as I went to expose the front of my knickers to him. Then I reached up and plucked the hat from my hair, shaking my hair completely loose in the process. It fell about my shoulders, and I flipped my head down and then back up to throw it around even more. It was the sort of thing I'd seen strippers do and I imagined something that guys liked.

Tom lightly gripped the sides of my legs as I danced but didn't try anything more, I imagine he was trapped between wanting to emulate Matt and fear of provoking me to move on. I asked him the same question I'd asked earlier. "And you, m'sieur, what do you think I will remove now?"

"Oh, well, if it's not your dress.. maybe your stockings?"

"Wrong again." I giggled and moved back to stand in front of all three of them. The idea had come to me earlier as I sat on Matt's lap, I again turned my back to them and reached under my dress making sure to pull high enough to expose most of the back of my knickers. Then, with movements as obvious as possible, I hooked both thumbs into the waist band of my panties. I pulled them down just a ltitle bit, then stopped and turned my head round to the guys.

"Zese are what I was thinking of, but maybe you boys are right and it is too vite?"

Surprisingly Matt kept quiet and it was Alex who managed a, "No, no, that would be great Yvette!"

"I thought so" and I turned my head back round. I made sure my legs were quite tightly pressed together and then I went for it, pulling the knickers down fairly quickly and bending at the waist so that the skirt didn't hide my bum at all. I held the pose for a few seconds then straightened up and stepped out of my panties. The skirt would just about keep me decent if I stayed still, but I wasn't really going to be staying that still.

I span fairly vigorously, I'm sure giving a brief flash to the three of them as I went, then I threw the knickers at Tom who caught them. I had come round to return the outfit after all.

"Get over here." Said Matt, probably wanting to try what we'd done earlier with less fabric between my bum and him. I again wagged a finger. "It ees not your turn." I danced over to Alex instead.

My plan hadn't really extended beyond thinking how exciting it would feel to be in a tiny skirt with no knickers, and whilst that was definitely true I did now wonder how exactly to dance for him. If he dared repeat what Tom had done earlier, for example, then the tease factor would be non existent.

Alex didn't immediately reach to expose me and I danced as I had for Tom for a few seconds, but the urge to push things further was ever present by now. I held my dress against my leg to try and stay decent-ish and placed my right foot on his knee. I nodded towards my garter which was on that side.

"Per'aps I can let m'sieur remove one thing for me."

"Oh, right." Alex looked down and seemed to understand what I meant, I smiled as he slid his hands up my thigh to take hold of it, making lots of unnecessary contact with both sides of my leg. As he started to slowly slide it down I continued.

"Oh, ees my dress in ze way?"

Alex stopped, not quite thinking fast enough to reply immediately. Obviously it wasn't in the way at all, but obviously he wanted to know what I might do. I helped him out.

"I will move it for you."

Keeping the skirts pressed to my body quite tightly I slipped them up even further, exposing my legs to my hips. I ended up with just one hand in front clasping it between my legs, the other holding the skirt high at the back to expose most of my bum.

"Ees zat better?"

Alex nodded and got back to slipping the garter down my leg, as he neared the end I repeated a trick I'd used the night before and let my stockinged foot slip from his knee to his groin. He again stopped as the garter reached my ankle, I guess not wanting to disturb the position. I moved my foot a little wiggling my toes, there was something there but nothing like Matt had been. I tried for a cheeky giggle.

"I can do better zan zat." Then I lifted my foot and arched it in front of him whilst he removed the garter completely.

I moved back to the middle of the room, let my dress fall back naturally but then started to dance without paying any attention to it. Or at least without touching it, I certainly thought a lot about when I might be briefly exposed. The song had moved on to another recent hit a little while earlier, and as I moved and bounced to the rhythm I paid close attention to the feel of the frilly underskirts on my legs. Sometimes a boy's reaction would give away that I'd been on display for a moment and a further shiver of excitement would run through me. Normal Claire controlling my actions was a very distant worry now.

There was something inevitable about me taking the skirt off in front of Matt, I told myself it was just the way it had worked out (it was his turn) but I'm sure it was all part of what drove me. I wondered what he might do as I approached, I didn't want to be pulled on to him immediately so I kept a small distance and thought about how to lose my last piece of covering. There was something to be said for simplicity but also for continuing to involve the boys with questions.

I stopped moving, grasped each side of the dress about my waist and wiggled my hips a few times whilst looking right at Matt who returned my gaze incredibly seriously.

"Do you want zes off?" I tried to enunciate each word separately.

Matt didn't change his expression much but said quickly. "Yes".

I then tried to sound casual. "OK," and I tugged the dress down which fell quickly to the floor after it cleared my hips. I stood still for a few seconds, hands on hips and still staring at Matt as his eyes lowered to my neatly trimmed public hair and exposed pussy.

As he finally looked up I turned to Tom. "OK m'sieur, as you can see I have danced until I am nuded." I did still have the stockings and choker on but I figured they wouldn't mind, I liked the way they made my nakedness look and I guessed the guys probably did too.

To his credit although Tom had been gawping at my body as much as Matt he answered quickly. "Don't stop there Yvette, you can carry on dancing."

"Oui, m'sieur." It was the answer I'd expected and I carried on, this time mostly sticking to the space between all three and not giving any special attention. I found dancing completely naked for them amazing. Without having to worry or think about which parts of me were or weren't exposed or how I would be removing the next item, I was able to just move to the music. Also, whilst earlier I'd been worried about this performance being only the beginning and not the finale, it seemed that that fact also relaxed me. Being totally nude for them was just as exciting as it always was, but if the few other occasions had felt like something that needed to be ended very quickly to preserve its mystique, this time I knew there was no way that was happening so I could really explore the sensation.

There was also the purely physical side, feeling my body move without clothes, seeing and feeling the bounces and poses that the boys were enraptured by. I bounced my tits blatantly again a few times, making eye contact with one of them as I did so. I even turned and bent at the waist very briefly a few times in a way that I know left me very exposed. It was just for a second or less but still the sort of thing I'd even been nervous about including in my fantasies as it was so revealing. It made my heart race and my stomach plunge, but after I'd dared to do it once I couldn't help but repeat it a couple more times.

After two or maybe three songs of me dancing naked an advert came on breaking the mood, it seemed Tom was using some free music streaming service. I stopped again and the boys relaxed a little bit from the attentive poses they'd held whilst watching me. We all seemed aware of our surrounding again and I laughed nervously.

"Was zat OK?"

Tom got up to stop the annoying advert, whilst Matt responded on all their behalves. "It was great. It's not over, though, is it? I hope not."

Alex cut in. "Well, Tom said he'd paid till one o'clock, so we've still a few hours I think."

"Er, yeah, that's right." Tom was still by the laptop, I realised he might soon start another run of music. I didn't imagine they were about to let me get dressed, but I did need a break.

"But I cannot dance like zees all zat time, I am tired!" Although this was exactly how I really felt I still channelled the slightly bratty persona I seemed to like using in these situations.

"Too bad," said Matt, "and maybe you want to dance a bit closer this time."

I stuck my tongue out at him, even then he didn't really smile. It seemed he absolutely did just expect me to keep dancing.

I could see Alex from the corner of my eye still running his gaze up and down my body. I was standing without covering anything of importance, I was trying to seem natural but was finding there wasn't really too natural a way to be naked in a room with three guys. I shifted my weight and looked at him.

"You will let me 'ave a rest, won't you, m'sieur?"

He looked up at my face for the first time in a while. "Oh, yes." He looked at Tom. "She probably does need one."

Once again I couldn't quite leave things there. "Can I put my uniform back on, or must I remain like zis?" I looked at Tom expectantly.

"Oh, I think you should stay like that, Yvette."

"Oui, m'sieur." I sighed slightly exaggeratedly. "It is a good thing it's warm in 'ere." I walked over and sat next to Alex, Matt was on the other side of the right angled sofa. I fanned my face with a hand I'm sure causing my boobs to move about. "I am so chaud, after that!".

"Just look at that body," said Matt, doing just that. "It's amazing, how big are those? D cup or something I bet." He whistled. I felt his gaze on my nakedness and I looked down at what he was looking at, without the music and the dancing a bit of the reality of situation was creeping back and I felt the embarrassment that was always there rise a little. Part of me wanted to cover up but part of me wanted to show him more closely what he'd just described.

He continued, though. "And that waist, it's tiny, you can even see your ribs when you stretch up. Fuck, how do you end up a door-to-door stripper with a body like that?"

I smiled nervously still fighting the competing urges. "Merci, m'sieur."

"Her bum's awesome too, isn't it?" Said Tom enthusiastically. "So round but firm, I love the way it looks when she's in heels."

"Eh, she's not wearing any?"

"Oh, right, just when she came in earlier. I saw it under her skirt." He trailed off a bit. "It was awesome." I figured he'd get away with it just because how could you expect the others to guess the truth?

Tom sat down next to me on the other side to Alex, I smiled at him. I wondered what we'd do now, would we just make small talk with me naked till they managed to persuade me to dance again? How long could I hold out? How long did I want to?

Alex chimed in "Well, two hours. We should maybe invite some other people over, they'd be gutted to miss this." He looked at me nervously as if I was maybe about to object.

"Yeah, I suppose so, she could do another full performance." Matt was talking himself round to it. I didn't know how I felt about this but didn't know how to object. Presumably dancers didn't get to pick their audience.


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