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Claire and the Boys Next Door Ch. 05


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Matt kept me held in that position, taking the opportunity to study my pussy from up close whilst we waited.

"See anything you like?" I asked sarcastically, trying to call him on a bit of ogling so blatant even I was a little embarrassed by it.

"Yeah.." He looked up at me. "You could maybe do with shaving again, though." He dropped his eyes back down. "I can see a little bit of stubble up close, I think." It seems Matt wasn't bothered by my interruption at all and he went back to checking my grooming intently.

I shook my head and decided to concentrate on Tom, I figured his only hesitation could be that he thought I might be annoyed with him. I wasn't, at least not now, but if he did think that I could maybe use it to my advantage later. The mood I was in, though, I was definitely hoping he'd decide to continue my 'punishment'.

He did eventually speak. "OK, but I don't want you lay across my lap."

"I guess..?" I wondered what he meant. He smiled at me and took my hand, Matt let me follow and he lead me to one of the walls. "Nothing complicated, we'll just do it with you standing up. Or, well, bending over, really."

I wasn't about to say no, though as Tom indicated a spot about breast high on the wall where he'd like me to put my hands I realised I might be fairly exposed. I complied by standing fairly close to the wall and just reaching out, that way I didn't need to bend very much at all.

"No, no", said Tom. "You're not getting it." I did know what he really wanted but as ever I preferred to be shown in more detail. He grabbed my hips like Matt just had and shuffled me backwards till I was a good few feet from the wall, I'd lifted my hands off as I moved backwards but as he stopped I started to bend in to place. I could feel my back arch and my bum stick out, I was making sure to keep my legs close together.

I could see Tom step back, contemplate the scene then step back in again. I suddenly felt his hand very low down on my stomach pressing upwards. "You need to arch you back more." I complied. "Right, that's it."

I could feel my boobs hanging down and the tightness in both legs, I arched my back as hard as I could, powerless to resist pleasing Tom and the others, my bum felt like it might be higher than my head. I could only imagine the sight I must be presenting to the boys, naked and in heels presenting my ass towards them and practically begging to be spanked. As I waited for the first stinging slap I wondered if this is really what happened with strippers. I suspected not, but I also suspected none of us there had any real clue.

"If you two aren't going to have a go, can you give your 6 to me, please?"

"Er, yeah, sure."

"Hey, that's not fair!"

"Why not? What difference does it make to you who slaps your bum." Matt joined in to support his friend.

I looked up as best I could without losing the position Tom had placed me in. "Eighteen is way too many!"

"Matt got ten or more." Paul weighed in, a little surprisingly. He tailed off as I glared at him from beneath the hair hanging across my face. "I'm just saying," he muttered.

"How about a compromise?" Asked Tom. There was no way I could move my head to look at him so just put my head back down as he continued. "I'll stick to six, but not with my hand. I think that's fair, after all I could just insist Paul and Alex took their goes."

"But what would you use?" I tried to sound a little whine-y again.

"Nothing bad I promise." I heard him cross to the cabinet against the far wall and open a drawer. "Just this."

I had to look to answer him so straightened up and turned, Tom was brandishing a normal looking plastic, 30 cm ruler.

"Am I at school, then?"

"If you like."

I figured a ruler couldn't hurt that much more than a hand, and I did prefer keeping this between me and Tom rather than involving relative strangers. "Let's get on with it, then." I resumed the position, sticking my butt out and up without needing to be told this time.

I heard Tom approach and then felt the cold plastic get pressed against my bare bottom, it wasn't the first spank but just Tom finding his aim. I felt the ruler get pulled back and I started anticipating the strike, I moved my head around nervously and shifted the weight on my feet, it seemed to be taking ages.

"Well, get on with it."

A few seconds after I complained the ruler landed hard, fast and right across both of my ample ass cheeks, there was a loud crisp crack followed by my cry. It was really sharp and painful for a good few seconds, I couldn't help but lose my position by standing up and instinctively rubbing my bum whilst slightly hopping up and down.

"Ow, Tom!" The pain eventually faded to a sting, I felt like I could still feel the ruler pressed against my ass even though I could see it in Tom's hand. He was grinning a bit gormlessly whilst watching me jiggle and bounce. "That hurt!"

"Well, it's supposed to I guess. Anyway, one down five to go." He carried on grinning and waved the ruler at the wall indicating I needed to get back into position.

As I obediently stretched back out, I looked over to my right and saw Paul and Alex absolutely rapt by the spectacle of me offering up my naked body for Tom to do what he liked to. My ass was still feeling the effects of the first ruler strike and I felt almost weak kneed with excitement, images swam in my head of what I must look like stretched out naked, my body taught and on display. I bit my lip in anticipation and waited.

The slapping noise rang out again, Tom didn't hold back in the slightest and registered another blow across both cheeks on the meat of my ass. Again I lost position slightly letting out more of a yelp than a cry, this time throwing my head down and back up but only reaching back with one hand.

I rubbed the cheek I could reach whilst mostly staying bent over. "I can't believe I'm letting you do this", I moaned almost to myself. The sentiment was partly true and partly an act, I couldn't quite believe that, thanks to my new life, a normal morning could lead to this, but given how great it felt there was no real confusion as to why I was letting it happen.

I felt the ruler gently tapping my hand, "next one, Chloe". I moved my hand back to the wall and shifted my weight to balance again, a few seconds later the third blow fell, this time just on one cheek. Tom must have changed his angle of attack. I let out a small cry and breathed in through my teeth.

The fourth blow landed, this time on the other cheek, the last two seemed like he may have eased off a little. I again managed just a small noise and stayed in place, though I did then choose to straighten up and rub my ass a little before the next one.

"She's getting used to it." Matt seemed almost disappointed. Then I heard him whisper something to Alex and Paul, and as I again waited to be spanked I could see them moving round to be behind me with Matt and Tom.

"Still two to go, remember." Tom was still grinning.

"Yes, I know, let a girl have a little break though."

"Break's over." Said Matt from behind me. I turned my head and glared at him, though I still began to get back in place. As I bent down I realised why the boys had moved, as I'd stood up that time I'd moved my legs apart in my stance, I knew exactly what view I might now present to the four of them behind me. I shivered a little as I relaxed in to place, closing my legs again. Part of me wanted to keep them open and was imagining the view. If anything I stretched out even more in compensation, I knew what the guys wanted and I was still mostly happy to provide it.

The penultimate blow landed and I stayed fairly rigid, just shaking my head a little bit. The stinging pain was still there and the throb in between blows grew stronger with each one, but, as Matt had observed, I was used to it now and only had one more to go. I could feel the ruler pull back as Tom readied himself.

It was the hardest yet, Tom obviously wanting to make the final one count. I let out a little yell, more as I thought the guys would appreciate it, then held the position for a moment before standing up. I stayed half turned from the boys so they could still see the state of my bum, I rubbed it a little bit. "Well, that was certainly something." I said, letting my gaze go across each of them. "I'm not sure I'll be able to sit down for a little while."

"Thanks, Chloe." Said Tom, sounding 100% genuine for the first time in a while. I smiled at him and he looked back for a few moments before letting out an exclamation. "Oh! I know what will help." He headed for the kitchen.

The other boys drifted back to their seats and I stayed stood in front of them. I hoped Tom wouldn't take too long on his errand as I wasn't quite sure what I would do next, and wasn't certain I wanted Matt suggesting something.

"Is Chloe your real name then?" Alex hesitatingly asked. It seemed he was trying a bit of nervous small talk.

"No, but it's fine to use it." I tried to sound friendly, but also imply I wouldn't welcome being asked my real name.

"Right." It sounded like he'd taken the hint. "So, how often do you do this sort of thing?"

"Well, whenever someone hires me and I can make it. Not that often, really." I'm not sure why I wanted to keep my lies to the minimum but I did, I guess so as to not get trapped in something that was obviously false.

"Working your way through college, I bet." Matt chimed in. "I always wanted to meet someone like you, it's really hot to imagine you in school with your classmates not knowing what you do, or what you look like naked."

I ignored that for now and stayed looking at Alex.

"And is this, erm.. typical?" He waved his hand vaguely around himself, not quite knowing how to characterise what 'this' was.

"Not really, I usually do maid stuff for a lot of the time and only, well, take some clothes off towards the end."

"Oh, right. So you're not a stripper then?"

"Not exactly." It probably seemed a strange thing to say as I stood naked in front of three guys, but was the truth.

"But you do usually take off your clothes for the guys that book you, don't you?"

"They usually ask me to act sexy or remove some item, and", it was now my turn to gesture vaguely with my hand, "things go from there. I do normally end up like this, it's true, guys seem to like it."

"I can see, I mean, you look amazing."

"Well, if all they have to do to get you to act like this immediately is ask then they're mugs." I was learning that Matt always had strong opinions.

"I dunno", said Paul joining in. "If you needed your house cleaned wouldn't you prefer her in that uniform to some random cleaner?" He sat back staring at me as he said this.

"I'd prefer *her* doing it like this?" Matt was once again pretty emphatic, pointing at my body. I obviously hadn't been covering anything up as I stood chatting to them.

"In fact, I've a bunch of chores to do, how much would you charge to come round and sort them out? Without your uniform, obviously." He laughed and I took that as an excuse to not treat the question seriously. In any case Tom came back a few seconds after he finished speaking.

"Here you go, Chloe." He was brandishing a bottle, it looked like some kind of lotion.

"What's that for?" I asked, genuinely a bit confused.

"Well, your bum is quite red so I thought you'd maybe want something to soothe it. This is a moisturising cream for damaged skin, or so it says. I borrowed it from the bathroom."

This was very much like his idea about the aftersun cream last week. "Oh, thanks." I turned so my bum was facing him then looked down over my shoulder. "I guess I can still feel it, is it pretty sore looking?"

Tom and the rest of them had a good look. "It does still seem quite red", he confirmed.

"OK, well I'll put some on." I reached out for the bottle, I could see Tom hesitate before handing it over but it seemed he thought doing it himself was a little too forward in this company. I made to squeeze some into my hand.

"Need any help?" Matt laughed again.

"Good idea!" I said, not wanting to let him always have the upper hand. He looked fairly surprised and excited, but instead of walking over to him I instead approached Paul.

"Why don't you help me, Paul. I should make it up to you for the trick earlier."

"Oh, there's no need to..", Paul half spoke this to himself as he sat up to take the bottle from me, his politeness was not going to stop him from accepting the invitation.

As I turned to present my ass to Paul I looked defiantly at Matt for a few seconds, then at Tom with a slight cheeky smile. He looked rueful, realising that his hesitation had cost him. I bent slightly. "Is that OK for you?" I asked over my shoulder.

"Well, I think I'll manage." I looked back and could see Paul shuffling in his seat, the sofa was fairly low so he had to move to perch on the edge to reach.

"Oh, never mind, I'll get on your lap like when Matt spanked me earlier, that'll be easier."

Paul sat back and I knelt beside him on the sofa. "Ready?" He took a moment to look down at my breasts up close then nodded. I laid out across him obediently, sliding my body against his into place.

Paul squeezed the lotion into his hands and then started applying, he moved his hands fairly tentatively but paid good attention to rubbing each part of my butt. I rested my head on my hands and stared at Matt and Tom, Alex was next to Paul the other way so had the view from behind. I waited patiently letting him take as long as he liked, his strokes getting more confident as time went on, kneading and squeezing my butt cheeks.

After a few minutes he stopped, I looked back and asked if I could get up, he nodded so I did, once again kneeling beside him to show off my breasts. As he looked down at them I couldn't resist. "Would you like to do those as well?"

He looked surprised but obviously nodded again, without thinking too much I lifted a leg across him and ended up sat on his lap facing him with my legs tucked beneath me on either side. I leant back and supported myself with my hands on the edge of the sofa, my boobs hanging a foot or so in front of his face. "Will this work?"

"I think so." He sounded nervous but got on with the job, this time first sqeezing the lotion amply across the top of my chest. He used two hands and, with just a moment's hesitation, rubbed down and onto my boobs. I sighed in pleasure to encourage him and, as with my ass, he started to make sure every inch of them was well covered. My nipples had been stiff already but responded even further to Paul's touch. As I leant back enjoying the sensation I wondered why I'd chosen Paul for this and realised that it was simply because he was nearest when the idea occurred.

After a while I noticed Paul had started straying from just my tits, rubbing down my sides down to my hips and across my stomach. As he slid one of his hands across my belly button I opened my eyes and looked down to what was going on. It was a shock but shouldn't have been, with my legs stretched to either side of him I was offering him a very intimate glance at my pussy, which was visibly moist with its lips spread open. I'd inadvertently been offering a view I'd been trying to not give, my stomach plunged as I could tell that that's exactly where Paul was now staring as he trailed his hand just short of my neatly cropped (despite what Matt had said) pubic hair. I imagined what he might be thinking but I was fairly certain he wouldn't go any lower, though I wondered how I'd react if he did and if I'd let him? Quite possibly, though it would have again been just because he was there.

After a good few moments like that Paul looked up and jumped a tiny bit when he realised I'd been watching him.

"All done?" I asked breezily, I felt the need to let him know that I was still fine with everything, even though I wasn't absolutely certain I was. It was my own fault, though, I got in to the pose and I did feel great showing off for Paul.

"I think so." He took his hands away and looked at his work, my breasts pertly sticking out and my body glistening from the lotion.

I let him have a few more moments but then got up, this time also getting off the couch to stand again near the centre of the room.

"You tease." Said Matt, clearly annoyed I hadn't chosen him.

There was silence for a few moments and I decided it felt like the right time to end this. "Well, I'm pretty sure I've given you two hundred dollars worth this morning, so if you'll excuse me.."

"Is it one o'clock?" Asked Matt immediately.

"It is still about quarter to, actually." Alex seemed to be the official timekeeper.

I looked at Tom, trying to let him know that the fun was over. "I think she's right, guys, I don't feel like I've been ripped off. Thanks, Chloe."

Alex started to get up from the couch. "OK, but we should get a picture before we go, shouldn't we?" He was taking his phone out of his pocket.

Although I'd fantasised about having photos of me earlier that morning I definitely didn't want them in the hands of others to decide where they'd be sent. "No photos, guys, I would have thought that was obvious." I looked at Tom seriously, hoping he'd step in if needed.

"Oh, yes, of course. Sorry, Chloe, I was thinking any we took we'd make sure no one could tell who you were."

"OK", I said, softening my tone a little.

"You could turn your back, or put your hair across your face, or we'd just take one where it was out of shot." He was sounding more excited as he carried on, which was a little infectious. Pictures of women naked with clothed men was something I'd found online at some point and it usually excited me, it even had a name, CMNF. The idea of being the star of one of those shots definitely appealed.

"OK, but my face can't be in it at all and you have to promise that I can delete any I want to afterwards."

"Yes, definitely."

I smiled at him again. "OK, I guess I can stick around for that. What are your ideas?"

"Well, I figured one way your head could be out of the shot was if we were sat down and you were stood up, so how about one with us sat round the table and you stood nearby."


We all heading into the kitchen where there was a good sized dining table. The boys fussed a bit about who should sit where and who would take the photo, then Tom had an idea.

"How about if you put the maid's dress back on and hold the tray, that way it looks like you're serving us."

"Er, I think you're kinda missing the point of this photo." Matt was his usually cheery self.

"Well, she can leave it open or even pulled down at the top, and it doesn't have to be the only one."

"Sounds like fun", I said, "though you'll have to get me the dress from the front room." Tom went on the mission and I was soon enough pulling it on. I left it bunched around my waist leaving my boobs out then picked up the tray which still had the drink and snacks from earlier and had been mostly forgotten since.

Alex took the shot on his phone, I was stood at one end with the boys at either side of the table. They put glasses and plates in front of them and were told to look normal, I stood still and Alex snapped a few shots till he was happy.

"Yeah, that looks great." I decided to wait till the photo shoot was over before looking so it was on to the next.

"How about one with you *on* the table?" Asked Paul.

"Fine, I think, though I'll be right out of shot won't I, stood up?"

"I was thinking you could be on all fours, and leave you dress like that, and then if we take it from behind.." He slightly trailed off here as we all considered the view. Certainly it wouldn't be my face in the picture.

At this stage despite still feeling apprehensive about such a potentially exposed pose I didn't think I could possibly say no on grounds of modesty, besides I did have the skirt on. I answered by climbing in to place, I could feel that was mostly covered at the back despite the shortness of the skirt.


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