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Common-law Wife

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Life is hard but love lives on forever I found out.
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Common-law wife.

By loveofmyLife75.

My name is Daniel Edwards and twenty-three years of age. Let me give you a bit more background about myself. I am six-feet-tall, and weighing 175 lbs. My best friend's name is Edward Harris. He is the same age as myself and same height, and build.

We first meet after my parents moved us across to the other side of town. To a much better area and of course, too a far better school for myself. I forgot to mention. We are the only children. To each of our parents.

Well, when Edward and I first met. We hit it off, straight away. We were just like two peas in a pod. Yet we were unlike in so many ways. But our friendship grew with every single day that went bye. We both went to the same college and studied Engineering. We both had that keen passion for engineering.

There was always going to be rivalry between the pair of us. Like who could get the best marks daily in college. But it never stopped either of us from being the best of friends.

We mated outside of college and even shared our pocket money. So, we both had equal amounts to spend. He would have given me the shirt on his back, and I would have done the same for him. Yes, we were good friends. Well, more like brothers.

We did all the usual things together. Like, Swimming, Hiking, Fishing, and Camping. As for Edward's parents. They were a second set of parents to me and my parents were the same to Edward. I now think you got a clear picture about the pair of us by now; yes, we were inseparable.

As time moved on, we started to look at girls. I was getting those internal feelings looking at girls. Yes, those in my head. With that tingling feeling down there with my cock. As you all full well know. All us men and boy's wank. It was to feel that funny feeling when you shoot your load of spunk.

You know you want to feel it again don't you. But there was a much more satisfying feeling to come. From having sex with women. Edward also was getting the same feeling but he said nothing to me. But we both knew what was going on inside our bodies down there.

We both started to attended a dance lessons. Both of us were not happy doing it. But it was the only way, for the pair of us to meet girls of our own age.

We were shown how to hold a lady with some basic dance steps. Before we went into the main dance hall to learn how to dance. With lots of lovely ladies and single girls.

We both knew that all the single girls were all there looking for a boyfriend or a possible husband. Then we and attended dance classes in the main hall for months on end. Now we could now dance well.

We entered the dance competitions, he won, I won. All was even. The ladies we dance with would never let us sit down. All the married women wanted us to dance with them. While the husbands sat down and watched us. We got the feeling that the husbands were not happy with us dancing with their wives.

They all knew what it could lead to. So, it was time for us to move on. Before the pair of us was going to end up in the hospital.

So, we started to go dancing in the next town. Since it was only five miles away. We chatted and danced with girls the same age as us. Yes, all the married women there wanted to dance with us. It looked like we were getting trapped with the married women once again.

+ + + +

Then one night two new girls came walking in the dance hall and sat down. The two of them were walking Venus. Let me TRY and describe what they looked like, YES, I do mean TRY.

Both girl's figures were of the hourglass shape. Their body measurements WOW, they must have been the same 37-24-36 inches. Both standing 5 feet 6 inches tall. Give or take half an inch or so. Weight 120 pounds. Give or take half a pound or two. Both were dressed in a light blue low-cut dress. Their hems 3 inches above the knee. And those legs, WOW those long shapely legs.

I had seen them first, so I had first choice. We walked over to their table and asked them for a dance. Well, that was it for the rest of the night for the four of us. But the two walking Venus. They were getting the evil eye all night long. By the regular married women and of course the other single girls.

The girl I was dancing with, her name was Amanda Holden. She had long blonde hair. The girl Edward was dancing with. Her name was Kim Andrews. She had long darker blonde hair. Both had the same hairstyle. I had picked the wrong girl. I liked girls with darker blonde hair. That was all down to me in rushing over to them.

Amanda with her radiant beauty. With captivating dark brown eyes, she oozed for giving and receiving of love. That was what I was looking for. I was in love at the drop of a hat that night. Call it love or desire. God only knows. I wanted Amanda all the time we were on the dance floor.

From time to time, we sat down. Edward and Kim followed suit. A quick drink then back of the dance floor. It was empty for us. Because we were so wrapped up with each other. And I was sure that it was the same Edward and Kim were as bad as us.

After that night, the four of us went out together. But sometimes we went out on our own. For dinner and a dance. Which we always, ended up in a hotel room. What went on in there I would be telling.

When we were out with Edward and Kim. They had the same point of view and got on well with each other. With any subject that was going on at the time. As for myself with Amanda, well we were that bit different. I would say something. Amanda would challenge what I had just said. Debates were long and hard but interesting.

Then one night. I found out Amanda birth sign. It was Virgo. I wanted for us to be ideal for each other.

When you break down the word Virgo. You get the following.

"V" it's meaning is virtuous. "I" it's meaning is for intelligent. "R" it's meaning is for responsible. "G" meaning is for generous and "O" is for optimistic.

I was a Pisces and when you break that down. You get the following.

"P" meaning was psychic. "I" was for intelligent. "S" was for surprising. "C" was for creative. "E" was for emotionally-driven and "S" was for sensitive.

For me that meant, we were a good match for each other.

++ + + +

"You too should be in politics you never agree on anything. Come on get on with it. Life too short," Edward and Kim said to the pair of us.

The months passed bye, we both bit our tongues, and generally had an enjoyable time. But there was that one unmistakably thing in the air. We were in love.

On this night. I went down on bended knee and proposed to Amanda.

"Yes," Amanda said to me.

I was jumping for joy.

On the same night Edward. Asked Kim to become his wife. She also said the same.

So, the four of us. We planned for a double wedding. After the double wedding was over our life moved on. But still the four of were still inseparable.

I wanted a motorbike and Edward wanted one too. That was it, we both went out and bought a motorbike. It goes to say that. Kim and Amanda were not happy in the beginning. But every weekend we hit the road. With our wives sat behind us. Both had fallen in love with riding the bikes.

+ + + +

We had been married for eighteen months. Then one weekend it was a Saturday morning. I had Kim on the back of my bike, and Edward had my wife on the back of his bike. We did that from time to time.

This Saturday was when everything changed.

Edward had shot off with Amanda on the back of his bike. I was yards and yards behind them. Amanda was waving her hands in the air to us. Beckoning for us to catch up with them.

Then there was the accident, a crash. Call it what you will.

To me, it was a disaster.

As for Edward and Amanda. Amanda had been thrown right over Edward's back. Right into the widescreen of the oncoming truck. Which was on the wrong side of the road. Worst of all. She had forgotten to put on her crash helmet.

I pulled up, and Kim jumped off the bike. I dropped the bike on the road running to help my wife, Amanda.

Running like hell to help my wife. I climbed into the truck cab. I looked at my wife there was no hope for her. Her head flattened on one side with blood pouring out. There was no sign of life. She died at the accident site inside the truck cab. I held my wife with tears pouring out from my eyes.

My tears were flowing at the loss of my wife. But what about Edward? Edward had fared no better. His bike had gone under the truck. He, went under the wheels of the truck crushing him to death.

I staggered out of the truck cab. Tears were flowing like hell. By the time I got to him. He also was dead. His chest crushed in from the weight of the truck.

Kim had gone down on her hands and knees. She was sobbing her heart out. Holding Edward as best she could. I climb back into the truck wanting to kill the driver. He had passed out from shock from the dreaded accident I assumed.

Someone had called the emergency services. Thank god. The Fire, Police and Ambulance all arrived soon. The police were dragging me of my poor my dead wife. Kim was also being dragged away from Edward by the Ambulance staff.

Then we were both taken to a waiting ambulance which was there in minutes.

The police asked questions of me. I was unable to tell them exactly what had gone on. Thank god. For the man who saw the whole thing. He gave the police a full run down. The truck driver was drunk as a skunk. I found out later.

Kim and I were then taken to the hospital. And was treated for shock. The staff wanted to give me something to calm me down. What in hell could calm you down? After looking at your dead lifeless wife. That was going to live with me for the rest of my life.

As for Kim, she had been injected with something that would make her sleep. And she was going to be kept in overnight. Because of the sight of her dead husband. Edward lying there was too much for her.

The police officers were waiting in the hospital. They wanted as many details as I could give to them. I made a full statement from leaving home to the time of the disaster.

"So sorry about Mr. Harris's wife," a policeman said to me.

They had no idea at the time. That Amanda was my wife and Kim was married to Edward. I burst into tears. Remembering the state of my dead wife in that truck's cab. After some time, I told the police that Amanda was my wife. And Edward's was married to Kim.

What I had told them about the accident. Matched the man's statement who saw the whole dreaded thing.

I went home and hit the booze. Then I remember that someone had once said something like. There are no answers at the bottom of a glass.

It made no difference to me.

I got drunk.

The following morning, I woke with one hell of a hangover. But I had to make sure Kim was safe in the hospital. A quick bit to eat and two headache tablets. Off to the hospital to see Kim. When I got there two police officers were asking Kim all about the accident.

She was in tears at the loss of Edward, my best friend. I pushed my way through towards Kim. Telling the police officers to leave her alone. She has lost her husband. With that Kim held on to me. I held her she sobbed; and we sobbed in each other arms.

The police found out nothing from Kim, so they left. Minutes passed and the doctor came in. He told Kim she could go home, but she had to rest. Kim dressed and we left the hospital. I was taking her home. An empty house as far as she was concerned. Who could not blame her?

On the way to her house. I told her I got drunk last night. And that was going to be the last time. I was ever going to have an alcoholic drink. When we got to her house, I asked her will I tell her and Edward's parents what had happened the day before.

Kim said," yes."

Then she went on to say she wanted to speak to them at some point.

Using her house phone, I rang Edward's parents. This was going to be hard for me. Eric's father was like a second father to me. He answered the call. I told him all about the accident and his son Edward was dead. I burst into tears. Kim had taken the phone from me. Asking him to tell his wife. She also was in tears all the time.

Next was a phone call to Kim's parents. Her father answered the phone. I told him all about the accident. Kim had taken the phone from me. Asking her father to tell her mother. I could not hear his reply. He was shaken up. Kim's father between the silences. He had managed to say. He would be right over. After that, I phoned all our friends and told them the bad news. In the meantime. Both Kim's parents arrived.

I said to Kim," I will leave you with your parent now. And I will phone you tomorrow."

Kim said," no, sit down you are going nowhere. We must be with each other from now on!"

I sat down and her mother held Kim, in her arms. Her father wanted to know all the details. I told him what Kim had seen. The crushed body of Edward. Then he asked me about Amanda. Between my sobbing. I told him about the head injuries, and that she had died in the cab. All due to a drunk driver.

Two days later. I was at the funeral directors. Kim was with me. On the way there we had agreed on a cremation for the both.

The days passed slowly for the both of us. We talked on the phone, and I went round to see Kim every other day. Then my nightmares started. No, they were not nightmares. I was dreaming about the love I had for Amanda. Yes, they were enthusiastic nights in bed and so, so much more. I had lost my love forever.

The day of the funeral arrived for the pair of us. Kim was with her parents, Aunts, and Uncles. I was with my family. In the church Kim wanted me to sit with her. Throughout the service, we both cried our eyes out. We did not hear a single word of what was beaning spoken. As we walked out the door Kim held on to me. Until her parents got hold of her.

The following week. I sold my bike. Edward's bike went to the scrap yard. Kim did not want to see the darn thing ever again. I decided to bury my head in work. To climb the ladder of success. Kim went to work, and now she also wanted to climb the ladder of success.

For the next three months. I spoke to Kim on the phone and visited her at least twice a week. We spoke about the good times the four of us had together. Needless to say. I was as upset as she was. My love and Kim love for our loved ones. Would always be there in the back of our thoughts.

Then one night. I asked Kim out for a dinner date. We went to our favourite restaurant. That night something changed between the pair of us. I loved girls with darker blonde hair. It was like someone had thrown a switch on the pair of us.

We looked at each other. Then there was that chemical reaction going on between the pair of us. I tried to shake it off. But it never went away. After that night we went out every other night. The chemistry was working between the pair of us.

When I had taken Kim, home one night. I held her by her waist. I looked deep into her eyes, and she did the same. Our lips meet for the first time. It was the sweetest kiss I had in months. Then Kim pushed me away and ran into her house crying. I had to leave. The following evening, I phoned Kim to try and explain things.

"Thank you for last night, but we must have a long talk sometime?" Kim said to me.

"May, I come round right now?" I said to her.

"No but I will meet me at the restaurant in half an hour," Kim said.

I was trying to work out what I had done wrong. All I could think of. I should not have kissed her.

We sat as far away as we could, from all the other customers. I wanted to speak first. But it was Kim who wanted to speak first. Both her hands were on the table. She was fidgeting with them all the time.

"Daniel, I have a confession to make to you, I have fallen in love with you," Kim said.

She was now looking at the tabletop. Both my hands shot across the tabletop. Grabbing hold of both her hands.

"Kim, I feel the same way," I said.

That night Kim spoke about Edward. She thought that nobody was ever going to replace him. I told Kim. I had all the same thoughts about Amanda. That was why I was wrapping myself up in my work.

Well, that was it the start of our love affair. Kim told me she was uneasy about what her parents were going to say to her. I told her. I had the same feeling when I was going to speak to my parents.

Kim went to her parent's house by herself. To tell them that we had fallen in love. While she was there. They both tried to talk her out of it. But it made no difference to her. On the same night, I was at my parent's house. My father told me that the marriage between the pair us would not last! Because there were too many good memories, about the four of us. I would never be able to shake them off.

He told me to break it off with Kim. And look for a nice girl elsewhere. I listen to my father, but it made not one bit of a difference to me whatsoever! We told all our friends they also told us it would not work! Because of the memories we had.

On the Saturday, we went to the registered office. And booked for our wedding day for in three weeks' time. Then we went and bought the engagement ring and wedding rings. Bought the invitations and made our plans.

Then two nights before our wedding day. We both made a solum oath to each other not to cheat on each other. Both our parents were at the registered office, and all our friends were there also. To be honest, we did not care what they thought. We were getting married.

For the next two years. I moved up the promotion ladder. Becoming the Chief engineering manager my next step would be director. Where Kim worked, she also had moved up the promotion ladder. We had a nice house and plenty of money coming in.

Kim and I. Had talked about having kids. But Kim wanted another five years before we were to have any.

The owner of the company where Kim worked. He had bought a smaller company in the next town. It was only five miles away. He had bought it in the November. Five people staffed it. It was what you would call a satellite company. Staffed by two men and three women. Part of Kim's Job, was she had to communicate with them every week by phone or visit the place!

It was coming up to both our Christmas parties. I had to attend ours. Come hell or high water. Kim had to attend her party because of the position she now held. The parties were to be held on different nights.

My Christmas party was the first one held. There was eighty people there. Male and female employees with their wives or husbands or boy or girl friends.

The meal was good as usual. Up next was the speech. From the big boss. Everyone that night was told. That I was the new Director of Engineering. Taking up my new appointment on January the first.

The socialising and dancing were all about to start. Kim was at my side. After all the handshakes and pats on the back were finally done. One of the men from the parts department came up to me.

His name is Jim Davis. He was the manager in that department. He was the same age as the both of us. I knew he had gotten married six months before. Then he introduced his wife to the pair of us. We chatted for a while. Kim was talking to Jim. So, I had to talk to his wife. Her name was Ann.

Kim and I had to break away. Because we were both expected to be on the dance floor with all the other members of the management. After my dance with Kim, I told her that we were going to have the last dance of the night. I had to socialise by dancing with other women for most of the night.

I saw Kim after a couple of dances she was with Jim Davis. I went and had a drink of pop. Jim Davis's wife Ann was at a loose end. So, I asked her for a dance. When that was over, I returned her to her husband Jim Davis.

After a few more dances. I looked for Kim. There she was again with Jim Davis. And his wife was talking to some women. The same thing again more dances, and Kim was with Jim Davis.

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