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Conumdrum Ch. 06

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Tracking Beth.
4.4k words

Part 6 of the 9 part series

Updated 10/18/2022
Created 12/30/2008
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CHAPTER SIX Reconnaissance and the dark before dawn

The two watchers, Jock and Goat had found observation posts overseeing the house from different perspectives. Jock had carefully made his way slowly over country from a mile and a half away, keeping his body low to avoid silhouetting himself against the skyline, using ditches and hedgerows. At one point he realised that the direct path could have exposed him to anyone watching from the house, so he had boxed round to approach from a different direction. He found a good spot, where he could crawl forward under overhanging branches and see the house on two sides from a south westerly direction. Unfortunately he could not get any closer than two hundred yards, as there was no cover. Goat had the more difficult approach having to tab for three miles. At one point he had to freeze, face down flat to the ground underneath a wild rhododendron as two farm workers strolled casually by just six feet away. However he managed to find an observation post slightly closer to the house. He called Jock on the mobile. The phones were set on mute; a ringing tone in the middle of the countryside would appear a little odd; but the vibration alerted Jock. They spoke in hushed tones.

"Where are you?"

"South West of the house, covering two sides on a knoll. Good leafy cover. What about you?"

"I'm east, only got one side. Cover is thick bush. I shall have to go down after dark and recce."

"Ok. Let me know when you go."

The house was large, late Victorian, early Edwardian. Set in a what appeared to be a natural bowl in the land. The immediate area around the house had been cleared and lawn established on all four sides for some one hundred yards, so there was no cover to approach the house. As Goat scanned round he could see that what at first sight was a natural bowl was partially artificial. The natural petered out to the south and had been expanded by a built up bank. The land to the rear of the bank was hidden from the house. From his position Jock could see a terrace, on the south west wall with a large conservatory. He had been there for an hour, when two figures walked out of the conservatory and sat on boat chairs enjoying the sun. One was a blonde, and the other had dark hair. The dark haired one seemed to him to be a little unsteady, and the blonde helped her to take her seat. The blonde went back inside and returned with a tray. Jock lifted binoculars, safe that with the sun now behind him there would be no flash to alert the two women. The tray had large glasses of presumably wine. He had seen a photo of Matt's wife, and recognised the dark haired woman as Elizabeth.

Goat could only see the north east wall of the house. There was an entrance on this side, which he assumed would be the back door to the property. There were no cars to be seen. The door had a small portico over, and a window to the right. A large soil pipe ran down from the first floor. The windows on the first floor next to where the pipe left the building were frosted, obviously a bathroom. There were windows to the left and right of the bathroom, not frosted, and he watched these carefully for any sign of movement. This side of the house was in shadow, but his position would be sunlit, so he had to be careful. He couldn't move forward or to the side until the sun had set sufficiently to put him in twilight.

Chubb and Spag had rendezvoused at a lay-by on the A44. Much used by truckers, there was a mobile canteen there which provided a brew of tea which would rouse a dead man. They put out the map on the bonnet of the Landcruiser and assessed the position.

"I'd like to know how long that drive is." He had brought a comprehensive selection of three inch to the mile Ordnance Survey maps with him. What maps he would need was guesswork, but he had been lucky as he had the right one. "The map doesn't show the track, but it would appear that the house is about eight hundred yards in from the lane." Spag could answer that question.

"I drove past it after dropping Goat. Your right about the length, it winds about a bit, but the crucial thing is that the house is set slightly higher and the drive would be seen from the house all the way. There's a few bushes alongside, so there could be all sorts of alarms hidden. The drive is gravel all the way, and there is a Cattle Grid so little chance of a quiet approach."

"Bugger. That means we will have to approach on foot. Well I hope that Jock or Goat can find us a way in." He pondered a little. "Anything else that you noted?"

"No. I couldn't be seen to be loitering, that's all I could get from a slow drive past. Didn't want to go back." Chubb shook his head.

"Probably the best decision. I would imagine that lane doesn't have much traffic at all, and any strange vehicles will be noticed."

"Right, so we are going in on the hoof. We need all four of us to make the entry, so that means that, once we have the house secured, we will have Gary bring one of the four by fours up. He can then get on with doing whatever he is going to do to the computer." He thought about that a little. "Matt will have to have his car, to take his wife away, so he can follow Gary." His brow creased with concentration. "It's all conjecture until we can get situation report from the other two." With the information at hand they were able to give Gary the map reference, and the house name 'Ecton House' which Spag had noted on his drive past.

Chubb would occasionally get a call from either Jock or Goat, but they kept the calls to a minimum and short, but they gradually got the picture. Chubb called Matt.

"Boss. It looks like we won't be able to go in until the evening. There's a chance that all the birds won't be in the roost until then. From what we have seen so far, little happens during the day."

"Understood. When should I come up?"

"Make it late afternoon, oh and bring Gary with you. We will have to go in on foot, so I need him free to drive one of the four by fours."

"Ok. Anything I should bring?"

"No. I think we are well equipped for what we have to do. Call you later."

The evening wore on. With little excitement at all, Chubb and Spag went over what they knew, and how they intended to deal with the entry. At a quarter to eight, Goat phoned.

"Two cars arrived. The Volvo, and a Merc. One man in each." He gave Chubb the registration of the Mercedes. Chubb called the number into Gary. Fifteen minutes later Gary called Matt.

"Listen mate, A Merc. arrived at the house. Chubb gave me the registration, and you will never believe who it is." He named a very prominent Government minister. Matt was astounded.

"Fucking hell! If he's there tomorrow when we go in, there will be shit hitting fans all over the place." Gary was laughing evilly.

"That's what I thought. The bastard bangs on in the press and on television about morals and standards, and he's involved with these buggers. Matt! This does really mean that the Special Branch has to be involved."

"Yes, you're right. My only concern is to keep Beth out of it all."

"Don't worry mate. I will make sure that her involvement is scrubbed from any files I have to hand over to them." Matt could hear him shuffling papers. Then Gary spoke again. "Got the names of the owners of the house, but doesn't help much. It's a Company, guess where they are based?"


"Got it in one. I am trying to do a little more delving, see who pays the Council Tax, but that may take too much time. It will be easier to get the information when I get my hands on their computer files." Matt then explained that Gary should come up with Matt.

"Chubb reckons that they will have to go in on foot, so they want you to drive one of the four by fours in, once they have secured everything."

Chubb and Spag had made use of the mobile canteen until it closed at eight o' clock, then made themselves comfortable in the Range-Rover. They had taken some time during the afternoon to scout round for somewhere they could keep the vehicles covertly for when they infiltrated the house. They found a place, just about a mile from the house, where they could back both four by fours up a track heavily overgrown by trees. The vehicles would be missed by anyone just driving by.

It would be a long night, not something they weren't used to though. Forty-eight hours without sleep was normal on the ops. that the SAS tasked them. The proprietor of the canteen locked up. He left without comment. This close to Hereford he had seen his fair share of strangers, dressed in semi-military overalls, who seemed not to have too much to do. He knew better than to ask about them, or to comment later to anyone.

It had been dark for over an hour, when Goat phoned to say that he and Jock were going down for a closer look. Chubb just acknowledged the message without any advice about being careful. They knew what to do, and they knew what information was required. He didn't expect to hear from them much before four o' clock. It would start to get light then, so they would have to be back in their safe holes by that time.

Around three a.m. it started to get cold, as the air cooled. A heavy dew was the last thing they wanted, as anyone in the house would see their footprints on the grass in the morning light. Just after three-thirty Jock phoned.

"We are back in position. Got lots for you. We will stay until midday, then rendezvous with you. Where?" Chubb thought.

"Yes. About a mile before we got back onto the 'A' road, there was an old barn, falling down. There was a track leading off the lane. We'll be there about twelve-thirty."

"We'll find it. See you there."

Jock and Goat appeared out of no-where at one forty-five, and climbed in the back of the Land Cruiser. They were dirty, smelly, and both wore big grins on their faces. Especially as they were handed sausage and tomato sandwiches.

"They're cold now, but that's your fault." Spag chided them. "Almost two hours to cover about three miles! You're losing your touch."

"Bollocks!" replied Goat.

"Never thought I would be doing that again." Said Jock with his mouth full of sausage. "Quite enjoyed it." There was quiet for a moment as the sandwiches were gulped down. Spag turned right on the A44, not wishing to go back to the mobile café again. He soon found a Truck stop where their appearance in overalls would not excite attention. Jock and Goat disappeared off to the Toilet, where they were able to clean up a little and get rid of their worst body odours. They came back to join Chubb and Spag at the table where two very large English breakfasts awaited them.

Just as they finished eating Spag went to the counter and returned with mugs of sweet tea. Pushing the plates to once side, Jock got out a grubby piece of paper, on which he had drawn a rough plan of the house in it's terrain. Goat checked it first, then added details from his side of the house.

"The house is in what appears to be a natural bowl. It is facing South East. There is no cover at all for a hundred yards, it's all grass. The South west side has a large terrace, and a conservatory built on to what appears to be used as the main living room. The South face is just windows, presumably onto the main room, and upper storey windows, presumably bedrooms. Entry from that side would be very dodgy." Chubb nodded and looked to Goat.

"The Drive comes up to the South East. There is a large circle to the front door, but no-one used that whilst I was there. The North East side has a ground floor door, with a parking area just outside. The cars I saw all used that parking area. Just to the left of the door is a soil pipe running from what must be a bathroom or toilet. I suspect bathroom, as the light went on for about half an hour on two occasions it was used. On the South East the rising ground creating the natural bowl is man-made, so there is dead ground behind it a bit like a Berm."

"Can we use that soil pipe?" The question came from Chubb.

"Shouldn't be a problem, and of course it is on the opposite side of the house to where the main activity takes place."

Chubb turned back to Goat.

"What did you find out on your closer recce?"

"The main activity does take place in the room behind the conservatory. When we went down we could hear music and voices. The music was quite loud. I think whatever is going on, it starts about eight o' clock. The drapes are closed, and the blinds in the conservatory are lowered. I don't think the place is alarmed, as they left some of the windows on the upper floor open during the evening, and they were still open at night. But there is an Infra-Red beam surrounding the house. They are using what looks like disguised Solar patio lights. We checked, and it's a single beam about two foot six above the ground, and about thirty yards out from the house. There is another beam protecting the drive about six hundred yards out."

"Sounds like they are there to warn them of casual visitors or the inquisitive." Spag commented. Jock and Goat agreed with that idea.

"Two foot six eh?" mused Chubb. "That's a joke! We will have no trouble getting under that then." He looked at Jock. "What time did activity stop?"

"About twelve. Gave us a right fright too, as we were close to the terrace when the music stopped. Thought they may draw the drapes and see us. The Mercedes left about one o' clock."

Chubb gave voice to the plan the others were thinking of anyway.

"Right. We'll go in from the South east at ten o' clock. Near to the old barn, there is a track, doubt that it has been used for years, with good cover. Leave the vehicles there and go right round to approach from the East. We'll use the dead ground as much as possible. Get an entry with the Soil pipe, secure the top floor first. Soft shoes up there, but if there is music it will help cover us. then downstairs and give them a big surprise. Spag, Goat and I will enter the room. Jock, I want you to check for any alarm system and disable it." Jock nodded.

"From what we have seen, they use the back door to enter and leave, so any control box will be close to that." That made sense to Chubb.

"Once we have the targets down and secured, I'll give Gary the word and he and Matt can come up. Any questions?"

Beth had wakened that morning with a troubled mind. She was clearer this morning than she had been other mornings here and last night, and she could remember some of what had happened last night, but no order to it. Fragments would creep into her head and then be displaced by others, but she was unable to make sense of them. The trouble in her mind was that whilst her conscience was telling her that this was all wrong, her emotions were awash with the acceptance of her servitude. There had been another man there. She thought she recognised him. Possibly a public figure, but as she took little notice of the current affairs, and politics she could not put a name to the face. Matt would of course. As soon as that thought struck her she started to weep. Oh Matt! What had he done to deserve a wife like her. He was so kind and gentle, always showing his concern and feelings for her in so many ways. She adored him, but was starting to believe that she could never go back to him. He would hate her after this. The new man was introduced as Master William.

She and Gill had served the men a meal. They were naked as they did this, and having placed the dishes in front of the two Masters stood quietly, with head bowed slightly to the right and behind their chairs. The Masters had chatted inconsequentially, taking no notice at all of the two women, until at a sign Gill indicated that they should clear the plates and serve coffee. Then the first Master addressed Beth.

"Bring that flask from the side table!" Beth fetched the large glass jug. She stood by his side and offered the flask. He paid no attention to her for a moment. Then he spoke.

"I need to urinate." He pushed his chair back from the table. "Unzip me and hold the flask so that I can relieve myself." Beth hesitated. She couldn't do this.

"Do it!" He used a tone of voice that denied her choice. She knelt down, unzipped his fly, pulled his penis out, and held the flask, so that he could pass his water. The indignity of the situation brought a red blush of shame to her cheeks, yet she carried out his instructions. When he finished, he handed her a paper napkin. "Wipe me dry." She did.

"Now dispose of that." Beth hurried to the downstairs toilet, pouring the yellow liquid down the pan. She returned and he was still sitting away from the table, with his penis still out of his trousers. Gill spoke softly to Beth.

"Now you must clean Master with your tongue and mouth." Beth looked from her to Master and back. Gill nodded, encouraging her. Shamefaced, Beth knelt and took his penis into her mouth. There was an acrid flavour of pee which disappeared quickly as she laved the organ with her tongue. Unsurprisingly his cock started to harden, and she worked harder to bring this to an end as quickly as possible. This was not what he wanted.

"Stop!" Beth was confused, she thought this was his desire.

"You must learn to take your time. Savour the moment, enjoy the sensations of my being in your mouth. You do this not just to pleasure me, but to pleasure yourself." He spoke kindly to her, but there was an edge of steel in his voice. He rose to his feet.

"Undress me!" She put her hands to his belt, and fumbled in her haste to obey him.

"Slowly, prolong the experience."

As she removed his clothes, she noticed that Gill was undressing the other Master. When the two Masters were naked they walked into the Lounge and sat down. Master indicated the large sofa, and Gill led Beth over to it and laid her down. She started to kiss Beth sensually, and although Beth resisted at first, a word from the Master, "Elizabeth!" ceased her resistance. Eventually Gill turned round and presented Beth with her Pussy, at the same time as she opened Beth's legs to lick slowly from the base of Beth's pussy to where her clitoris peeked shyly from her vulva. Beth was on one hand appalled by what she was being asked to do, but on the other hand was intrigued by the sensuality of the moment. Her passion overwrote her doubt and she reciprocated Gill's caresses. She would have been astounded if someone had told her that she would climax from another woman's tongue, but she had no thought at all when her orgasm ripped through her. She wasn't sure but she thought Gill had climaxed as well.

The Masters watched her, sitting languidly in their chairs, glasses of Brandy on tables to the side. Later, and Beth did not know how much later, as her wristwatch had been taken from her, and there was no timepiece in the room, she was taken and stretched face down on the small settle. The Master addressed her.

"Elizabeth. You have demurred twice this evening. You are new to this I know, but you must learn that obedience is immediate. In addition you had an orgasm without asking permission." Gill took hold of her wrists and pulled, as Master William took hold of her ankles. Master picked up a leather strap swishing it to test its flexibility.

"You will count the strokes aloud, and thank us all individually for each one. There will be ten strokes, and if you lose count, or fail to thank us properly, then another stroke will be added for each infringement. Nod your head if you understand." With tears in her eyes Beth nodded. She waited for the first stroke, it seemed an age in coming, so when it did it was a sudden and painful shock to her. She screamed! Sparks of pain painted her bottom cheeks, as if she had been branded, and the tears fell easily from her eyes. Gill looked at her and nodded, as if encouraging her to do something. Then Beth remembered.

"One! Thank you Master, thank you Master William, thank you Gill." The second slap came almost immediately, and the pain redoubled. After her giving her thanks to them all Master told her.


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