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Corporate Sissy Ch. 01 - The Interview

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A closet Sissy has the most bizzare interview.
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Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 04/27/2023
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Corporate Sissy - Chapter 1 The Interview

I'm sure everyone has had this experience - longing for something to change in your life but not quite sure what that "thing" has to be. All you know is that you know you'll be more fulfilled once you achieve it.

In my case the 29 years of my life lived so far had been singularly undirected as I wandered aimlessly through a variety of jobs and relationships all ending within a relatively short period of time because nothing kept my attention or focus. Lest you, my cherished reader, be fooled by such a journey it is important to know that I am well educated - MBA from a good school, as a specialist in logistics and supply chain management (yes, it's as boring as it sounds).

I am good looking, or so I've been told, in a soft and gentle sort of way. I've never seen the inside of a gym yet I maintain a slim, almost feminine, body shape. Over the past number of years I've discovered that the women I wanted to date were fine with the shape and size of my body and as a result I've had my share of attractive lovers.

The one asset I can't explain, and maybe it's the reason for having had women come on to me, is the size of my cock. Despite my slim shape I am happily endowed with a large and well-shaped cock - 6" soft and more than 9" when hard.

Ok enough about that and now to the subject of this story - my new job. This is the 4th such "new job" I've had in the past 5 years and once again I was looking for a job in my field (yawn). You see I'm good, very good, at what I do and despite moving on from a number of positions, I always received good recommendations from my previous employer. So here I am about to be in front of yet another manager answering the same questions about the same subjects.

I arrive at the appointed time, and I'm greeted by an extremely attractive, tall and slim young woman of about 20. Blonde hair stylishly cut, large breasts under a conservative business top that somehow managed to be both sexy and proper at the same time, short, tight navy skirt showing about 4" of leg above her knees, dark stockings (I could see the outline of her garter belt) and black 5" pumps. She offered to shake my hand at which time I noticed the perfectly manicured, blood red nails and soft skin of her slightly larger than expected hand.

I am ushered into an opulent board room panelled in dark wood with the floor covered in thick carpets, a massive wooden board table and deeply padded chairs. I'm shown a specific chair and asked to wait for the manager who will be interviewing me. The young lady, who has introduced herself as Mandy, asks if I would like something to drink and at my request, she returns with a glass of ice water.

I sit in the chair and amuse myself by looking around the room and sipping the water. After about ten minutes I feel a flush rising from my chest to my face and the room begins to feel warm to the point where a small trickle of sweat slides down my back. I shift in the seat as I feel my cock begin to swell and I'm wondering what the hell is happening as the door opens and possibly the most beautiful woman I have ever seen walks into the room.

I'm sure my jaw hit the floor as this Goddess enters and sits down opposite me. She is tall, about 5'10", shapely with broad hips and what I can only describe as a perfect ass swaying back and forth under her tight mini-style skirt. I say mini skirt but still professional and not at all out of place in this environment. Her business suit jacket is held closed by one desperately outclassed button tasked with containing her massive chest inside a crisp white blouse. Her cleavage, which I could only imagine was staggering, is left to the imagination as only a hint showed at the top of the blouse. On her feet she wears 6" stiletto peep-toe heels that made not a sound through the thick carpet. As she reaches out to shake my hand I note that her long, red nails matched her distinct, gloss lipstick perfectly. A breath of her perfume washes over me seeming to find its way into a portion of my brain in such a way that I would never forget and even crave more of it.

Thick blonde hair flowed down to her mid-back and held in a long ponytail with a black velvet ribbon. Her make-up is perfect and her face almost angelic, but it is her eyes that slay me and cause me to lose all sense of presence in the moment. They are a piercing green under dark lashes and once I look into them I know without a shadow of a doubt I needed to work for this woman. As she approaches her chair I politely stand only to be reminded as I did so that my cock has risen of its own volition to full attention under my dress slacks. I blush deeply as she glances that way but then appears to ignore the obvious bulge.

We both sit and she introduces herself as Ms. Taylor.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Styles" said the Goddess. "I'm happy to meet you finally".

Finally? What does she mean by "finally"?

"We have been watching your career for a while and had have been hoping and, in fact, planning that you would, one day, end up in our boardroom. We have a great need within the organization for someone with your....talents." she explains.

I am deeply confused but for some reason the words I need to summon to ask for clarification are trapped within me. I nod like some sort of fool and continue to be fixated by her eyes and the perfume she is wearing that wafts over me from time to time.

She continues to speak and even though I hear the words there does not seem to be much I can do to respond in anything more than grunts and nods. After what feels like an hour, but I'm sure in only 10 minutes, she stops speaking and stares into my eyes. I feel myself getting lost and mentally drifting across the table into her arms.

"Mr. Styles I need you to listen very carefully to what I'm about to ask you." She says.

I nod like some sort of star struck fan.

"How did you choose today's panties? The ones you are wearing under your clothes", she asks without the slightest inflection in her voice.

My heart stops. Literally stops! For about 30 seconds as my brain exploded. How the....? What the.....? Who.....?

"Huh?" is all I can muster.

"The panties you are wearing. How did you select them this morning?" she asks again.

"Ummmm I suppose they were just the top of the pile" I mutter.

"I don't believe you Mr. Styles. Why those panties?", she asks again.

My face, red as her nails and lips, flushes hot and sweaty. How does she know? How could she possibly know? My deepest and more private secret asked about openly and without emotion.

"They are my lucky panties." I answer, hoping it's a good enough answer.

"That's not entirely true is it Mr. Styles?" she replies. Her green eyes flash for the first time denoting a moment of displeasure at my answers. "What's the real reason and don't lie to me again or this interview is done." She says with just a hint of hardness to her voice.

For some reason I cannot begin to fathom, I feel compelled to answer her truthfully.

"They are the panties my current lover wore for several days. I wear them because I love the scent of her pussy when I sit down. The longer she wears them the better the scent." I answer. I figure the interview was over now and began to stand to leave.

"Sit down Mr. Styles. That's the correct answer and now we can get to the real point of this interview." Says the Goddess before me.

For the next few minutes, I sit in stunned silence as she outlines the real job I am being interviewed for.

As she spoke I took a moment, and only a moment, to reflect on where this seemingly bizarre fetish had arisen. You see curious reader it not about just wearing panties. Oh no, it's much, much more. In my heart of hearts, it comes from a deep desire, almost a longing, to have my own pussy that I can smell every day in all its glory.

A number of years ago, I can't honestly remember when, I had a fling with a very hot young lady who introduced me to D/s, face sitting and of course the scent of a ripe and unwashed pussy. One of the things I found very sexy about this lady was her busy and active career as a construction supervisor. She had to manage a whole bunch of horny and hardworking men who had particular ideas about working for a woman, let alone a young beautiful one. She had a heart of steel and a mouth to match and kept all those guys in line while getting projects done on-time and under-budget.

Well to my great pleasure she brought that steel heart into the bedroom and from the very first night we spent together there was no questions who was in charge in the bedroom. That first night was a marathon of sex where I was told in no uncertain terms what she wanted and how. Over the course of the weeks that followed she took full advantage of my submissive streak and had me tied to the bed, dressed me in her lingerie, spanked and flogged my ass, and generally ordered me around.

The night she got me hooked on scented pussy was the middle of the first week. She arrived at my apartment after a long day of work in the hot sun. Her eyes looked at me like a lioness looks at her next meal. She growled and told me to get in the bedroom and strip. She pushed me onto the bed and looked at me as she slowly and deliberately took her clothes off.

"I haven't showered in three days baby and you're gonna eat me til I'm exhausted", she muttered with passion dripping in your voice. I looked at each item of clothing came off. Her face was streaked with dust. Her long blonde hair dishevelled. I could see the sweat stains under her arms and her bra was stained with sweat salt. She pulled the bra away and her magnificent DD breasts burst forth. She undid the belt of her filthy work pants and dropped them with a clunk to the floor. Her red panties were stained and damp. As they were peeled off I could see her trimmed pussy fur was wet with what I assumed was sweat and sex dampness.

The smell of her pussy hit my nose like a punch to the chin. Pungent, earthy, sweat sour and so arousing that my cock slammed into my belly fully erect in an instant. She growled again as she climbed onto the bed. I watched that soaked pussy getting closer and closer to where I knew she was headed. She paused with that beautiful tight pussy hovering over my mouth. The scent made my head spin. Inch by tortuous inch she lowered herself towards my mouth. I could see every fold and a single drop of pussy juice balanced on her outer lips.

I reached out with my tongue and licked the drop off. I was in heaven. It was salty and strong flavoured. As she hovered there my tongue reached deeper between her lips and I began to lap up her cream and cum and sweat like a starving man. I was hooked and I couldn't get deep enough no matter how hard I tried. As I reached deeper I heard her groan and felt the bed move as she began to rock her hips back and forth giving me better access. I cleaned the sweat off her pussy fur and licked the small spot between the bottom of her pussy and her asshole. As my tongue touched her asshole for the first time she jerked in pleasure and positioned her hips in such a way that I could reach her better. I licked and probed and dug as deep as could into her ass.

Without a word she stood up over me and turned around on the bed. I had no idea what was coming but before I could ask, she plopped back down on the bed and completely covered my face with her pussy and ass. Her clit was right where I could reach it with my tongue, her wet leaking pussy was on my nose and her ass was right in front of my eyes. Her entire weight was pushing down and sealing my mouth and nose tight. After a moment I realized that having air to breathe was going to be at her discretion so I dug in and lapped as much juice and sucked as much clit as I could possibly get.

Within a minute my heart was beating harder, and my lungs were burning (need to work on my cardio obviously) so I reached up and tapped her leg to let up so I could breathe. Well at the same time she was working hard to deep throat my stone hard cock and seemed to be a bit distracted with her own breathing. Another 30 seconds and I began to see stars and tapped a bit harder to no avail.

Finally in desperation I had to lift her off my face by doing what amounted to a pussy bench press. I gasped as the sweet pussy scented air rushed into my lungs. At that moment as her pussy hovered a few inches above my face her orgasm hit and resulted in a massive squirt release that filled my mouth and nose. Now I'm choking on squirt and cum while trying to get air into my oxygen starved lungs and loving every single second of it!!

A few moments later there was stunned silence as we both paused to gather our wits, and in my case get my breathing under control. She turned around again and with that same hungry look in her eyes told me to hold on cause the ride was just beginning. For the next two hours we fucked and sucked in ways neither of us had ever imagined. At the end of the evening we were lying in bed catching our breath. My cum was drying in her hair and across her face and I was covered from head to toe in her scented juices.

During the excitement I had made a point of kicking her stained and soaked panties under the bed in the hopes that he would forget them. As we looked at each other she smiled and said "I know what you did with my panties". I blushed and said, "and..."?

"Put them on", she said with a look in her eye that said "no" was not really an option.

At this point I reeked of her scent from top to bottom anyway but as I slipped them on I could smell the panties overwhelming the scent that covered my body. Despite two hours of hard fucking and a massive cum, my cock twitched and began to swell in the panties. They were tight and silky and damp and their smell drifted up deep into my nose.

"You're going to wear those for the rest of the week baby", she said. "And tomorrow we are going to shopping for some pretty things for my little slut to wear", she added. By now my cock was raging hard again. "Fill me up and leave the next load deep inside my cunt" she said. What's an aspiring sissy to do but comply to such a command?

That weekend she took me to a few lingerie stores and without moment's hesitation she proceeded to show me off by loudly announcing what would fit or not and how hot she thought one item or another would look on me. After the first few minutes of horrifying embarrassment, I found myself aroused and getting into the game we were playing. By the end of the day I was openly calling her Mistress and she referred to me as her Little Slut. Needless to say, by the time we got home we were supremely horny and ready to play.

I learned the pleasures of wearing lingerie and even women's outer clothing. She made me shave and eventually wax all my body hair and taught me skin care and makeup tips. We would dress up together and go out for the evening as girlfriends. I especially fell in love with the feel of lingerie next to my skin. Stockings, garter belts, panties of all sorts and types, camisoles, skirts and dresses all aroused me endlessly.

Topping it all off was when I wore heels. I had always loved the sight of a woman wearing stilettos and now I wore them at every opportunity, the higher the better. Along with the lingerie and clothing I amassed a shoe collection that would be the envy of any woman.

By the time the relationship ended I was almost as comfortable in women's lingerie and clothing as I was in men's clothes. Through it all came the pleasures of her scented cunt and finding more ways to carry her smell with me day and night.

So now I'm in a meeting with Ms. Taylor and stumbling through an explanation of why I'm wearing panties and smelling like I have a pussy...

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Very nice start!!!

AmberFountaineAmberFountaine3 months ago

Interesting start! Looking forward to the coming chapters.

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