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Corrupting the Innocent: Lisa 01

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Innocent Lisa slowly changes.
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This is a typical case of content being created because demand outweighs supply--demand here being myself!

Few stories satisfy these fetishes, so I decided to venture out and write one myself. As this is my first submission, please bear with any mistakes and inadequacies I make, and feel free to leave a comment.

Feedback is appreciated.

Fair warning: themes of addiction, manipulation, body modification, and moral degeneration.

Full teen, redhead, blonde, small boobs, petite, smoking, corruption, fake nails, addiction, piercing, tattoo, moral degeneration, female submissive, light femdom, nerd, male submissive, heavy maledom, foot fetish.


In the back of Daniel's mind, he knew that his current mindset was, for lack of a better word, unhealthy. As soon as he saw her, his mind started warping and distorting.

[A week ago]

A totally innocuous yet fateful meeting, or so he'd like to believe. Ever-dedicated to his fetishes, Daniel had been hanging out in the shade around a nail salon and checking out all the beauties with long manicured nails coming out the door, his neck craning and eyes almost popping out for the brightly colored fake ones in particular.

And that's when she came out.

He didn't know how he could've possibly missed her when she went in, but thank all that is good that he didn't miss her this time. As soon as he'd seen her, he knew: If he couldn't have her, if she couldn't be his, he felt the earth sink at the thought of such a future.

Back to the present, the 26-year-old stood outside a classroom's windows, barely out of sight, as he pretended to check his phone. In reality, he bought this phone yesterday for an exorbitant price. Reviews praised its camera quality as the best in the market, and he was now busy verifying those claims firsthand.

"Worth it." Daniel smiled.

Afraid he would be spotted and interrogated, he quickly fled the scene and took a seat in a café close to the campus. A woman in her early thirties, the waitress, swiftly approached him with a smile.

"Heya there, Danny."

A small accent was barely noticeable in her speech.

"How's it going, Antonella?"

"Oh, you know, same old, same old."

He ordered his regular jasmin tea and talked for a while with the waitress, with whom he'd become familiar over the past week of stalking. He briefly glanced down from time to time, taking in the beautiful Latina's matte black nails.

Once served, he sipped on his drink and connected his phone to his laptop, transferring the most recent pictures to an already large file named "Lisa". Daniel then carefully observed the zoomed-in pictures, all depicting the same girl.

Lisa Lauderdale, a 19-year-old freshman at PCMU, is pursuing a bachelor's degree in gender studies a couple states away from her hometown.

She was only about 1m60/5"2 tall, but her assets were well balanced. Light green eyes and straight copper hair gave her a friendly girl-next-door vibe, perhaps she had Irish ancestry. Despite stalk--, following her for a week around campus, he'd only been able to find out that much.

Daniel was both relieved and frustrated that Miss Lauderdale was "off the grid".

"But all is well, there is finally some progress. I managed to buy that property, and if I make a few phone calls.. Yup, that'll do. Everything is on track, but I have to be careful that she doesn't suspect me. Not this early, at least."

He wrote down pages of notes on his laptop. Daniel had never been this thorough and careful with anything, not his college degree nor his million dollars in cryptocurrency investments.

He had finally managed to make a plan for Lisa, to make sure she wouldn't escape his clutches. He could, of course, go about this the old fashioned way : meet and get to know her, then confess his love and pray for success.

"What a joke. I won't take any chances. No, she needs to be the one chasing me, and for that, some arrangements are in order."

Daniel Wett, a man as intelligent as he is insecure.




I woke up in a sweat to the sound of someone banging on my door. Stumbling to put on my bunny slippers, I rush to the front door.

"Who is it!?" I ask out loud to cover the banging.

"Please get out, Lisa! There's been an emergency alarm in the entire building. They say we won't be able to come back for a few hours!"

The panicked voice of the girl next door worries me, and I do my best to pack up my essentials as soon as possible and put some clothes and shoes on. I then follow her downstairs, where the rest of the students on this side of the dorms are assembled.

By the time we're allowed to return, it's already evening. Thankfully, I managed to attend classes and take notes on my tablet, but then the director responsible for the dorms came to talk to me.

"I truly apologize, Miss Lauderdale, but this is beyond my power. It seems the age of the building caught up to it. We can't let a defect in the construction remain unrepaired, this is some serious stuff, and we have no clear estimate of when the repairs will be finished. It could take months. It's unfortunate your room was in the affected area, but you are not alone. All of you will need to move out within a week, and fret not, you will of course be compensated for this inconvenience; it's the least we could do."

I'd already zoned out.

I would have to find housing within a week in this overcrowded, expensive city. That's less likely to happen than finding a leprechaun. The dorms never have vacancies at this time of the year, and I couldn't stay with a friend. I was a freshman, with no deep friendships yet in this state. I was doomed, and nothing less than a miracle would save my butt.

Two days later, as I was having the worst time of my life, throwing up from stress and anxiety, a miracle happened. A spacious room shared with another person, with separate bathrooms and only sharing the living room and the kitchen. It even had a small garden and a veranda for smokers, not that I would ever use them for that purpose.

"Where's the catch? It's probably a scam. But what if it isn't?"

After a few minutes of back and forth, I knew I couldn't hesitate and potentially lose my only chance at finishing my studies, so I did what I'd been doing every few hours the past few days: call my mother.

She was both my best friend and my life advisor. Unfortunately, she wasn't answering. No surprise considering it's 3 a.m. Terrified that the offer would be snatched up before dawn, I ended up submitting an application for the place. If I receive an answer within a few hours, then this is probably a scam, if not, I'll sleep on that thought.


The next day, I found myself checking my email at an average rate of, oh, I don't know, twice or thrice per minute. Even in class, I couldn't focus and barely took any notes.

"I guess they'd be useless if I couldn't find a place anyway."

I shook my head and brought my attention back to my phone, checking for any new offers on the dozen websites I had open. I was especially bitter that the one place that had popped up was snatched up so fast that by the time I'd submitted my form, it'd been gone.

Once classes were over for the day, I made a much needed call.

"Moooom! Listen to this, that bastard landowner didn't call back... Then, with my dogshit luck.. and then.. but they snatched it! And now I don't know what to do anymore. *sniff* "

I talked with my mother for a few hours as we brainstormed solutions together. Unfortunately, no relatives live nearby, and we didn't have the means to rent a room in a hotel or anything like that, even for a short while. The only reason I could afford college in the first place was my scholarship, dorm room included. The promised "compensation" wouldn't be delivered to my account for another month, far too late at that point.

As the deadline approached, I stopped going to classes and started packing my suitcases, ready for a quiet life and early marriage back in my small hometown. I'd even contacted the college for any possible solutions, but they shut me down.

It was over.

Or so I thought as I answered the unknown caller.


"Ah hi! Is this Ms. Lauderdale's number? This is concerning the rental offer for the room on 6th Hamilton Street. I'd like to apologize for not contacting you earlier; I just came back from a trip out of state."

A deep, manly voice answered me, and I was over the moon. I couldn't believe it. Maybe it wasn't over after all!

At this point, I'd completely forgotten my earlier fears of this being a scam; this was my only hope.

"Um, no problem! None at all!"

"Great, but I won't lie, you're not the first person I call regarding this. But everyone before you refused, either because they found something else in the meantime or because of what I'm going to say next: there's a new development regarding this place, you'll have to share it with a roommate. If this is a deal-breaker for you, I understand and will proceed to the next person interested."

I only hesitated for a split-second.

"That's not an issue, but will the rent be the same?"

"Wonderful, and not to worry, the rent will be reduced to account for said roommate."

I could feel the relief in the man's voice; he was probably happy he didn't need to call more applicants. For my part, I was over the moon. The already decently priced place would be even cheaper.

"You can move in whenever, or visit first if you'd like."

"So, um, is uhh tomorrow a good day?"


The man was speechless, but I needed to be out of here by tomorrow, and I'd rather not have to pay for a night in a hotel. After agreeing on a time to meet up, I hung up and jumped in excitement.



"That went even better than my best-case scenario. I got lucky."

Indeed, luck played a large part in the success of Daniel's master plan this time.

Everything had been orchestrated perfectly, but one factor was out of his control: other lodging offers popping up and Lisa contacting them. Of course, he had plenty of countermeasures for that possibility, but things went surprisingly smoothly.

"Though I do feel bad for all the other students displaced from the dorms."

Daniel felt a tinge of remorse for disturbing the lives of the unrelated students that had to leave the dorms, but he felt that it was compensated by the potential lives saved by making the construction defect known.

As for how he'd come to know about it? Well, he had his ways. He even thought of a plan B in case the college didn't heed his anonymous warning, but they'd been surprisingly dutiful.

"I still don't know how I managed to wait for so long before calling her. But it had to be done for her to immediately accept. Man, her voice was sweet and cute, just like the rest of her. I can't wait to taste those lips."

The next morning, Daniel was dressed classily yet casually, with a freshly shaved stubble and immaculate hair, pacing up and down the corridor while biting his lower lip.

"She's way too late!"

A few moments later, the doorbell rang, and he rushed to open the door, unable to contain himself.

He came face-to-face with Lisa.

'Her eyes are so big and bright, I can't look away.'

This was Daniel's first reaction once he saw the petite beauty standing before his doorstep. The next step was conviction.

He saw her as his life partner, and he would ensure she shared that sentiment. But for that, much needed to be done.

"Good morning! I'm Lisa Lauderdale. Sorry I'm late."

His new roommate and tenant took the initiative. He'd spent too much time thinking, a bad habit of his.

He quickly smiled and took her suitcases, one in each hand, ushering her inside in front of him as he stayed back and made sure to close the door. Just in case.

"Mornin'! Wett. Daniel Wett."

She chuckled at his lame James Bond reference.

"Welcome to my, and now our, humble abode."

Daniel could see the gears turning in her pretty little head as she frowned.

'Cute.' He thought.

"Sooo, you're both the owner and my roommate?" She was visibly confused.

"Correct, sorry if that wasn't clear during the call, I might've neglected to mention it. It's not a big deal, though, right? Haha!"

Of course, that was a lie. He had made sure not to mention it, and it was a big deal too. The owner being your roommate was quite a terrible experience; it would make anyone walk on eggshells in their home, and well, then it wouldn't feel like home anymore. After all, if your roommate didn't like you, they could just evict you.

Unfortunately, Lisa didn't think that far.

"No! I mean, yes! I mean, it's not a problem at all! I don't mind, Mr.Wett. Only if you're a good roommate, though, heh."

'So fucking cute', Daniel was at his limits, so he turned around and showed her the house.

"Please call me Daniel. This is the living room, quite well furnished, but feel free to add whatever you like. On our left is the downstairs bathroom. The door doesn't lock well, but I'm used to it, so you can have the upstairs one."

"Nice, thanks a bunch."

Relief was evident in the readhead's voice. Daniel was satisfied with her reaction, it meant he didn't waste his efforts to buy the best place available in the area.

"On the other side of the living room is the kitchen, it's a little small, but I keep it stocked. You don't need to worry about your meals as long as you don't mind my cooking."

"Is that really okay?"

"Oh, sure, I love cooking, so it's my pleasure."

"Wow, you're so nice to me. Thank you, Daniel. I'll wash the dishes then, and you can't say no! "

He showed her around the house, ending at her room, where they finally signed the rental documents and shook hands. Then he left and let her unpack and rest.

For the first time, remembering those large, bright eyes, Daniel's resolve faltered. At the very least, he decided, he wouldn't force her to do anything.

He would put some things in motion, but everything would be up to her.



"He's much nicer in person."

That was Lisa's impression of Daniel, who'd sounded cold on the phone. It also helped that he had clear hazel eyes, cute curly brown hair, a charming smile, and looked masculi--"Aaarf, he's your roommate, Lisa, your roommate!"

Lisa shook the "naughty" thoughts away and busied herself unpacking the seemingly endless amount of stuff she'd brought.

"... sa-, LISA!"


So busy was she that she actually jumped and almost fell down when she heard Daniel's voice from inside her room. But he'd caught her just in time, and she found herself looking straight into his hazel orbs.

"D-Daniel! Um, what's up?"

She quickly escaped and looked at her feet, blushing.

"Well, I've been calling you for a few minutes now from downstairs. Lunch is ready if you're interested."

"Oh..OH. Sure. That's super nice of you, I'm coming right now."

As I got up to follow him downstairs, I noticed yet another pack of cigarettes.

The first one I'd seen as soon as I'd arrived, on a side table by the front door. The second was in the bathroom downstairs. This would be the third, and to my shock, it was right inside my room. I don't know how I didn't notice it earlier, probably too eager to start unpacking, but it sat on the floor next to my bed.

At lunch, I tried to muster the courage to ask if Daniel smoked. This was important to me; I hated the smell so much. Instead, we kept talking about the food (which was admittedly delicious), the weather, or some other stuff. I was embarrassed to ask the question so soon after arriving, so I decided to postpone it, and we just talked amicably for the rest of the meal.

"Can I at least wash the dishes?"

"Nope. It's your first day, just rest up and take your time unpacking."

I decided to quickly stop by the upstairs bathroom, only to find another pack there, but I had to respond to my urgent needs first.

While sitting, I reached for the cigarettes and noticed it was a brand even I knew: Virginia Slims.

'But isn't this more popular with girls? I mean, I won't judge.'

In the end, my business finished, I took the virginia slims, and I finally confronted my roommate.

"Hey Daniel, I found these in the bathroom, and I wanted to ask. Do you... smoke?"

My heart raced in my chest as I looked at him. He looked surprised.

"Um, no? Ah, these were the last tenant's cigarettes. She's a bit of an airhead and left some random stuff behind. Of course that girl doesn't want to bother taking it back, and I'm not interested either. You can have it all if you'd like, in fact, you'd be doing me a favor. A lot of it is junk, but there's some cool stuff, like a hairdryer, books, and whatnot."

"Um, I'm not really-", I stopped right there.

A hairdryer would be nice; mine is old and damages my hair a lot. Books could also be sold online for some money, and Lord knows that's always welcome. Besides, I could just sell or throw away the cigarettes too.

"Actually, sure, I'll take care of it!"

And so it was that I found myself holding the pack of Virginia Slims in front of my dust bin. Try to sell it or throw it away. It's been a few minutes, and I'm still unsure. The money wouldn't be much, and it would be quite bothersome to find a buyer. But there were at least four packs in this house, possibly more.

The monies!

Curious, I took a whiff of the pack, and it smelled surprisingly good. Nothing like the cigarette smell I'd come to hate so much. I brought the thing closer to my nose and inhaled harder.

'Smells.. nice.'

I couldn't believe it. I quickly threw the Virginia Slims on my nightstand and went back to unpacking.


That same evening, I found the items Daniel was talking about scattered around, some of which I couldn't quite accept that someone could just throw away.

"No waaaay, this make-up kit costs hundreds of dollars... How rich is she if she doesn't bother coming back for it? Is she Gill Bates's daughter?!"

Basic stuff like foundation aside, I'd never been a big fan of make-up as it takes a lot of effort to apply, besides, it's money better spent elsewhere. But with something this good, wouldn't it be a shame not to use it?

So I started scouring YouTube for makeup tutorials.

The next day after school, I was shopping for groceries. I didn't want to take advantage of Daniel's generosity, after all. But when I walked past the 'beauty' aisle, I stopped to take a quick look.

'I mean, it's obvious I'm going to be terrible the first few times I try putting serious make-up on. And the Gucci kit at home would be wasted on my first attempts. I should buy this for practice, just once. Oh, and this is nice too, fake eyelashes looked so good on that video... just the normal looking ones. This pink lipstick looks cute too!'

A few hours later, I felt deep regret while looking at my bank account. I had spent too much on the beauty products, in my opinion. By the end of my shopping spree, the groceries had become an afterthought.

'But it's fine, it's just this one time anyway.'

At dinner, Daniel offered me a glass of wine, which took me by surprise.

"Um, I'm not sure that's a good idea, you know I'm not 21 yet." 

He chuckled at that.

"It's fine, no one's looking, and it's just some wine. Have a sip, is it your first time?"

Daniel felt his heart leap as the words left his mouth.

'This moment will be one of the first major steps toward her corruption.' He thought.

"Y-yes. I'll drink a tiny bit then, thanks." I wasn't very confident, but I was determined not to look like a little kid in front of this man. His amused look irritated me, and I took a big gulp in retaliation.

I regretted it immediately.

*cough cough*



"Quick, have some water." He had me drink some water, and I quickly felt better.

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