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Crying Uncle


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Olivia's face turned bright red causing Lucas to stop in mid-sentence. "Olivia, I didn't mean to embarrass you, honey. I know you haven't been on many dates, it's just that..."

"I've never been on a date before," she said just above a whisper.

"Never? Not even one?" he asked.


"Well, I can promise you that's going to change. I just didn't realize I'd feel this way about it."

"What way is that?" she asked naively.

Lucas shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter. It's silly."

"Not to me," she said without looking up. "It matters to me."

"You are so amazing," he told her. "After all you've been through you still care about other people. I like that a lot, Olivia."

"You didn't tell me how it makes you feel," she said taking him back to his point.

"Don't laugh at your old uncle, but for a minute I guess maybe I was just the tiniest bit...jealous. You know, of the boys you'll be going out with. But as I said, that was just silly."

Again Olivia said, "It isn't silly to me." She still hadn't looked up at him but most of the blood had drained from her face.

They finished eating as as they were putting the dishes in the dishwasher, Lucas bent down and winced.

"Are you okay?" Olivia asked him.

"Yeah, I'm fine. My neck is killing me lately," he said as he stood up and rolled his shoulders.

"Does it hurt?" she asked.

"It's just so...tight. I really need a massage or something." He continued trying to stretch it out then asked, "Would you mind kneading it for me? It feels like there's a huge knot on my right side."

"I don't think I should do that," she said demurely. "Isn't that inappropriate?"

"No, not at all. It's not inappropriate to help someone you love feel better. If your neck was sore I'd be happy to massage it if it helped with the pain. You'll just have to squeeze really hard because your hands are so small and my shoulders are pretty big. Would you mind?"

"I guess not," she said.

He sat down and asked her to stand behind him. "Rub right here, okay?" he asked pointing to the area where it hurt the most.

She touched him very tentatively at first. "Go ahead, honey. I won't bite. You need to squeeze it for me."

She began doing that but she was very thin and not strong at all. "Can you do it a little harder, please?" he asked.

She applied more pressure and Lucas said, "Oh, that's better. Just like that, okay?"

Olivia squeezed and kneaded using her thumb and after a couple of minutes Lucas told her, "That's really good but my shirt is making your thumb slip. Do you mind if I pull it down a little so it's out of the way?"

The thought of seeing his body that way brought up those mixed feelings again. A part of her screamed out that it was very wrong while another, newer part of her very much wanted to see him that way. "If it will make it easier or better then that should be okay," she told him.

He unbuttoned his shirt and removed his right arm and let the shirt fall off that side of his body. As Olivia looked down on his thick traps and his muscled chest she felt a new warmth growing from that special place. As she put her hands on his bare skin a wave of something washed over her. She pressed hard with her thumbs and each time he moaned with pleasure she felt it again.

A minute later he told her, "Okay, that's good. Can you do the other side, too, honey?" he asked.

"Yes," she told him. The new part of her, the unfamiliar part, rose to the surface. No matter how hard she resisted it cause her to say ever-so sweetly, "Would it be a good idea to move your shirt away here, too?"

When he told her that was a good idea, the warmth was more pleasant than before. Her tiny hand was trembling as she pulled the collar of his shirt away from his body. He sat up slightly and the shirt fell between his back and the chair. She was aware that her special area was getting very wet and that feeling itself cause another wave of warmth to grow from there and make its way to her tummy and beyond. She spent the next five minutes pushing, pressing, rubbing, and kneading until he said, "Oh, my. That was really nice. Thank you, Olivia. That feels so much better."

He turned around and stood up and picked up his shirt. As he did, Olivia watched as he slid his right arm in then winced again. "It's still a little sore. Can you help me out with the other side?"

She picked up the left side of his extra large shirt and held it for him so he could slide the other arm in. He turned around and started buttoning it up and told her, "Thank you, again. You're a very good masseuse." He was pleasantly surprised to see her smile at him when he smiled at her.

"You see? I told you you have a beautiful smile. That just made my day. Well, that and your massage."

He'd done three buttons when he held his arms out to hug her. This time she stepped in with very little hesitation and hugged his neck. "I'm glad I can make you feel better," she said softly.

He ran his hands up and down her back and told her, "You always know exactly what to do to make me feel better from wearing pretty things I like to making my pain go away. Thank you, honey."

"You're welcome," she said.

As she slowly let to of him, this new part of her wanted her not to pull her hands away until they had run down his broad shoulders and briefly along his wide chest. As she did so, her uncle waited for her to look at him then smiled and leaned down and kissed her softly on the cheek. The old part of her caused her to flinch slightly and he immediately apologized.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you. I was just letting you know how much I appreciated you taking care of me."

The new part of her wanted desperately to tell him it was okay, but the old Olivia won out. She pulled her arms down to her side, turned away, and went to her room. She stayed there the rest of the evening. At around 11 o'clock, she changed and got into bed.

She relived the events of the evening over and over in her mind and she couldn't stop thinking about the warmth that kept spreading out through her body. It was something very new to her and the most troubling aspect of it all was the source of the feeling. For the first time in her life she felt compelled to explore the origin of the warmth. It seemed like there had to be a connection of some kind even though it made no sense to her.

Slowly, she moved her hand from the bed next to her leg, then up and over it. She avoided 'that place' momentarily by resting her small hand over her belly button. Then, ever-so slowly it began moving, almost on its own, toward the soft tuft of hair that covered the mound between her legs. Her forbidden place. Her hand slid through the soft, curly hairs until it touched the two wide lips she knew were there. Instinctively, she extended her middle finger and let it slide in between them. On its journey, it ran over a bump at the top of the mound and as soon as she touched it, she heard herself quietly gasp. She ran her fingertip down the bump to the bottom of it and then back to the top. As she did, that feeling of warmth grew. Unlike before, it was immediate and her mind made the connection. This was the source of those feelings. This 'bump' was the origin of her pleasure.

Still curious, she ran her finger back down the bump pushing even harder. The warmth grew warmer and some kind of unknown force pushed her finger deep inside those two soft lips. She gasped again as she passed the second knuckle before returning all the way to the top of her bump. Olivia realized she was breathing more rapidly and deeply. On the next foray into her secret place, she very much wanted to feel another finger inside of her. The feeling was full and...delicious. And then she saw the imagine. The imagine Olivia cried softly when she thought about it. She knew that it was somehow supposed to fit inside this warm place, but she couldn't imagine how something that big could possibly fit. It hung down so far and she couldn't believe it could do anything but cause pain until she noticed a third finger was now inside herself. She was no longer content to just have them in her, she wanted them to...move. She needed them She pushed hard against herself and as her fingers went ever deeper inside of her, she used her fingertips to push. It was as if she were reaching back up toward her tummy as she applied pressure. When she did, a new, more intense sensation shot through her like a bolt of lighting. It was far faster and far more intense than the slow warmth that had gently spread out from there earlier. She pressed hard several times, pulled her fingers back and massaged her bump, then plunged back in desperately wanting to find that same wonderful, sweet spot again.

She did this several times in a row and after a dozen or so repetitions, something else happened. Her fingers instinctively went to her bump and began rubbing it. Up and down, then all around. As she did, every muscle in her body tensed. Everything except her fingers seemed to freeze as she continued fingering this most delightful of places. Her body shook and trembled and what began as a gentle warmth turned white hot as fire consumed her from head to toe. As her body stopped trembling and her muscles relaxed, she was finally able to remove her hand which had been held there by some kind of magnetic force. Olivia was almost panting as she rolled over and fell asleep. The last thought she had had that night was that it wouldn't hurt. She didn't know how it wouldn't, she only knew that was true.

Olivia was still very uncomfortable with all of the new attention she was receiving at school. Nearly all of the boys smiled at her and most said hello and called her by her name. Many girls did the same thing while a few of them made ugly faces at her. She was no longer able to eat lunch alone as either girls or boys wanted to sit with her. But nothing was more troubling or unnerving than the newfound attention she was receiving from her history teacher, Mr. Lufkin. He seemed to looking at her at all times. He wasn't an ugly man but he wasn't attractive. He was nothing like her handsome uncle and this unwanted attention made her very uncomfortable.

She debated telling her Uncle Luke about it but after the way he'd reacted when she told him about Logan, she decided against it. However, she had also decided she would take advantage of his offer to buy her some new things. She'd been unable to stop touching herself each night as she lay in bed thinking and dreaming about her Uncle Lucas

When she went into the bedroom she noticed a change. She walked over to the wall where all of the pictures of her Aunt Kelli were hung and there, right in the middle of them, was the picture of her her Uncle Lucas had taken after eating dinner at the restaurant. She was smiling and she looked...happy. And he was right. She was pretty.

She knew he liked it when she wore Aunt Kelli's things and he made it very clear he liked the way she looked in the pretty sweaters she'd worn every day for him. Her new self had an idea; an idea her old self would have immediately rejected as sinful and evil. But her new self saw it as a way to show the same kind of love and appreciation to her uncle as he'd shown to her.

On Saturday, she'd had him drop her off at the mall just outside of Seattle. He told her he'd meet her back there in three hours. When he returned, she had a half dozen bags from the nicer stores sitting next to her on the sidewalk.

"Well, it looks like someone has been spending my money!" he said smiling to show his approval.

"I spent quite a lot. I hope that will be okay," she said with some concern.

"Of course it will, honey. I want you to have nice things. Pretty girls should have pretty things," he said as he loaded the bags into the car.

That evening she surprised him by asking if he would like to go out for dinner. "Seriously? Did you just suggest we go out?" he teased.

"I'm trying not to be so shy, but it's really hard to change," she confessed. "It's just that you've been so good to me and I want to try and show you how much I being so nice to me."

"You do that every day just by being here, Olivia. I just want you to know how glad I am you came to live with me even though it wasn't under the best of circumstances." He changed the subject by asking, "So am I wearing a suit and tie or what?"

"It's up to you," she said. "I...I bought something I hope you'll like and I just wanted to wear it for you tonight," she said sweetly.

"Wow. That sounds very nice. I can't wait to see you it, but I'm sure that no matter what it is, you'll look beautiful."

"I hope so," she said as she smiled. "Well, I guess I should go get ready for our da...for dinner."

Fifteen minutes later, Lucas was sitting in the living room wearing a dark suit and blue tie. He was watching the news waiting for Olivia. Thirty minutes later, she came up behind and said, "So...what do you think, Uncle Lucas?"

He turned around and saw her and hoped his eyes hadn't really popped out the way it felt they had. He was speechless. "I!"

"Is this okay?" she asked as she turned around to show him the back side.

She was wearing a short, cropped, pink sweater with three-quarter-length sleeves and a fairly tight, pink, A-line skirt that went to about four inches above her knee. Her thin but shapely legs were standing in what looked to be nearly 4-inch pink heels. She was wearing Olivia's double-strand pearl necklace and pearl earrings. He'd never seen her wear much makeup before but her eyes were like nothing he'd ever seen. She'd added dark eyeliner and the new look was all topped off with a glossy pink lipstick.

He had to make some adjustments before he could stand up and asked her to turn around for him one more time so he could.

"I don't know what to say, Olivia. You may be the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. If you weren't my niece I'd say 'sexy,'" he told her truthfully.

She helped him stand up and put her arms around him and said, "Thank you for the new clothes, Uncle Lucas. I'm glad you like them." Her perfume was intoxicating and he could feel himself continue to grow. He'd been holding his jacket and when she let him go, he held it in front of himself to hide the massive bulge in his pants.

As before, everyone in the restaurant turned to look but this time many of the men were staring. Most tried to hide it and some drew reprimands from their wives, but they were definitely staring.

Olivia smiled back at them then took her uncle hand and said, "I think they're looking at me again." When she saw the way he was looking back at some of them she pulled him close and said, "I like when you're jealous, Uncle Lucas. It tells me you really do love me."

"Honey, I'm not...jealous," he said trying to convince himself as much as her. "I'm just That's all."

"Okay," she said. "I like it when you're...protective."

For the first time, Olivia talked with him during dinner. It wasn't a deep discussion, but she actually talked to him. And she smiled the entire evening. He hadn't had a hard on this long or this intense in...well, it had been since Kelli was alive. He'd kept his coat in his lap the entire time hoping she wouldn't notice.

"How's your shoulder been this week?" she asked as she took a bite.

"Better, thank you. I was even able to play racquetball with a buddy from work."

"I'm glad to hear it's better. You were so tense and so tight."

"Yeah, it is better but I pulled a muscle in my back on the last shot. He hit a kill shot I thought I could scoop up but my racket got caught on the floor and it really did a number right back here," he said touching her back where his was hurt.

"I'll massage it for you when we get home," she said. She took another bite in a way that almost made him cum in his pants. After she swallowed she said, "After all, I always know how to make you feel better, right Uncle Lucas?"

He not only hoped she couldn't Mt. Everest under his jacket, he hoped the redness he felt around his neck hadn't spread above the collar of his white shirt.

It was a little after nine when they got home. Olivia thanked him for dinner and said, "I need to use the bathroom. Why don't you take off your shirt like before and go lay down on the bed and I'll come in and take care of you, okay?"

He felt helpless. He looked at her and her short, blonde hair, her soft, full, pink lips, and that short sweater hugging her B-cup boobs. If that wasn't enough, her tight skirt was showing off what hips she had in a way that was killing him. He dared not even look down at her heels again.

"Um, okay. Sure. I'll go lay down and wait for you."

He again adjusted his massive erection so that he could lay face down on the bed. He felt slightly uncomfortable without his shirt on yet he was unable to stop himself from doing what she'd suggested he do.

"Oh, there you are," she said as she walked in. "It's really bright in here." She adjusted the dimmer switch until it was just short of being dark. "There, that's much better," she said.

She sat on the edge of the bed next to him and asked, "Is this where it's hurting you?" as she touched the place on his back he'd touch on hers.

His reaction told her that was the place. "Okay, let's see what we can do about that," she said. She reached across his back and began massaging the area with her fingertips.

"Oh, that's perfect," he told her. "Right there."

A minute later she stopped so he asked, "Is everything okay?"

"Well, I can't reach that far from the side of the bed. I'm gonna need to climb up here with you," she said. She'd no sooner tried to swing her legs onto the bed when she said, "This isn't going to work."

"What's the problem?" he asked, his face still buried in the comforter.

"My skirt is so tight I can't..."

He heard the sound of a zipper and out of the corner of his eye he saw the skirt fall to the floor. A second later, she was straddling his back.

"That's much better," she announced. "Now I can actually put some pressure on it."

"Ouch!" he cried out as she pushed down.

"Too hard?" she said.

"A little bit," he told her.

She put her hands on his shoulders and bent down so that her mouth was near his ear and said quietly, "Hasn't it been...too hard all night?"

"What? What are you talking about, Olivia?" he said as he tried to raise up.

"Shhh. Just lie still, okay? I'm going to make you feel better like I did last time only this time I'm going to make you feel much, much better."

She gently kissed his ear as he said, "Olivia, I don't know what you're doing, but that's not okay. Your my niece and I'm your..."

She pulled him over onto his back and straddled his chest. She took his hands and put them on her sweater and said, "I've been paying attention and I know exactly what you like and what you need to feel better."

"Olivia, this is so..."

She bent down and kissed him and said, "There. Isn't that better?"

He wanted to protest but when she took his hands and put them on her breasts the battle, as short-lived as it was, was over.

"Do you like seeing me in a tight, pretty little sweater, Uncle Luke?"

She pressed her ass down on his crotch and said, "Mmmm. I think you do! I think you like it very much, don't you?"

"Yes," he croaked.

"Did you know I haven't thought about anything but you and..." She unzipped his pants and undid the buckle in two swift motions and reached inside and found him. "And...this...since I saw it in the bathroom?"

She watched him moan without saying a word as she slid down toward the end of the bed and pulled off his pants and underwear.

"Oh, my God!" she said. "It wasn't that big when I saw it before."

She was afraid she wouldn't be able to follow through with her plan. It had looked big before but it was positively monstrous looking. It was straight and hard and...thick. She could tell it was far bigger than all thee of her own fingers put together. But she was also fascinated by it.

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