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D-I-D Syndrome

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The wake of betrayal & humiliation ignites a tale of revenge.
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Damsel-In-Distress Syndrome

Wade Phillips had an auspicious start in life. His parents loved him beyond measure and doted over him as most caring parents do. However, as a toddler at the age of two, his father died in an industrial accident at the textile mill where he worked. His mother was devastated and ended up working two jobs to make ends meet but a heart attack claimed her less than a year after losing her husband. Many believed she died of a broken heart. With no other close family members who could take him, the three-year-old ended up as a ward of the State at the local Woodmere Orphanage. Woodmere, located in an impoverished county, wasn't large enough to support its own grade school, so the twenty or so orphans attended the local public schools.

At the time, Wade was the youngest ward of the orphanage. The others were in upper grades, so when he started school, he had no friends from the orphanage who attended class with him that could take him under their wing. He soon learned that he was an outcast, different than his schoolmates. The orphanage kids were all looked down on by others. They weren't dressed as well. Everything he wore was a hand-me-down or a charitable donation. The local town masonic lodge helped support Woodmere's residents by supplying Christmas gifts and sponsoring celebratory summer bar-b-cues. But school kids can say and do the cruelest things and Wade was victimized at every opportunity, bullied, and picked on during his formative years.

His plight soon toughened him both physically and mentally. He could scrap with the best of them and most often came out on top when picked on or attacked. He learned to ignore the verbal barbs and tendered the 'sticks and stones' saying to inform any verbal bully that he wasn't playing their game which frustrated their efforts. But if someone pushed him or started anything physical, he was only too eager to give back as good, if not better, than he received.

Wade pretty much kept to himself and did his own work. Very few had any desire to hang out with him but everyone knew who he was and respected his fists.

It was nearing the end of his sixth-grade year in school, one afternoon while heading for the school bus stop he came upon a quasi-familiar scene as he rounded the corner of a building. A girl, younger than himself was in distress. Two well-known bullies had thrown her books to the ground and were harassing and groping her. Another younger kid must have tried to come to her aid because he was lying on the ground bleeding from the mouth and crying.

Ordinarily, Wade would have passed on by not bothering to interfere because the girl was not from the orphanage. But something inside him compelled him to insert himself into the situation.

"What's goin' on here?" Wade asked emphatically.

"We're just having some fun is all, none of your business anyway so just keep goin'." One of the bullies insisted.

Wade knew both of the bullies and had fought both of them before, but never together. Still, he couldn't just walk away. Seeing the smaller boy beaten on the ground inflamed his anger.

"Why don't you pick on somebody your own size? You cowards so chicken you have to pick on little kids and girls now?" He injected.

"There's two of us; what do you think you can do about it?" Offered the bullies with fists raised threateningly.

Without saying another word, Wade charged into both boys swinging and flailing for all he was worth. He'd never taken on two at once before and had no idea whether or not he could lick them both, but he never let them know that. A crowd soon collected and the onlookers encouraged the fight. Wade's wild swing unintentionally flung his fist into the throat of one of the bullies and he went down immediately. That evened the odds considerably and he made short work of the other bully quickly. They both quickly rose and ran away from further confrontation.

Wade picked up the girl's book bag and handed it to her. She thanked him and helped the little boy get up and they brushed each other off, thanked him again, and walked away. The little boy couldn't take his eyes off Wade. He'd never witnessed such a selfless act and it made quite an impression on the young lad.

Wade was aware that he'd been born on the wrong side of the tracks, having been raised on the poor side of town. Hardships and struggling were all he had ever known. Three-fourths of the town was comprised of mill village row houses and scattered trailer parks, barely meeting the necessities of life and affording few luxuries. The north side of town is where the wealthy mill owners, store owners, and the rich resided. Their names were always in the local newspapers lauded as generous benefactors to this cause or that, seldom accomplishing anything of real value.

Wade struggled with the school assignments and tests and barely squeaked by. However, when he made it to the eighth grade in junior high school, he had Mrs. Crenshaw, an elderly lady, for math. One day she asked him to come back to her class after school which caused him to believe he was in serious trouble. After school, he stopped back by as directed.

"Thank you, Wade, for coming to see me. If you miss your bus, I promise to get you back where you belong. Please have a seat."

"Yes, ma'am. Am I in trouble? Did I do something wrong?" He timidly implored.

"Absolutely not, young man. I take it that you do not remember me, do you?" The elderly woman inquired.

"Not before coming to this school, no ma'am. Have we met before?" He appealed.

She gave him a big smile and said, "I used to bounce you on my knee up until your mother passed away."

"Did you know my mother?" He anxiously asked with interest.

"I knew both of your parents, dear. My husband and I lived in the house next door and we were good friends. You were the most adorable and loving child and I always loved spending time with your family before...before the tragedy." She pained.

"Wow. I never met anyone who knew my real parents before. What were they like?" He asked with fascination.

"Bernard and Alice Phillips were your parents. Boy howdy did they ever love you! No parent cared for their child more. You were their whole world." Then she went on to provide details about his father's work accident that cost his life and his mother's struggle to provide for him alone in desperate times.

After talking to several others close to your father who worked with him at the mill, it came out that your father was a victim of company negligence for which your family has never been compensated. Your mother had no clue about suing nor possessed the financial resources to pursue compensation for her loss, so she tried to make up the difference with a second job. The stress and bereavement quickly took their toll on your mother and many believe that she died of a broken heart. It was so sad when you were placed in the orphanage. I tried to care for you myself but the State wouldn't allow it not being related."

Wade felt an instant bond with this benevolent teacher. She had given him more information about his past in this one meeting than he'd amassed in his entire life.

She continued. "Wade, I realize that you struggle with your work at times. I was so frustrated that I was not allowed to bring you to my home when you were orphaned but perhaps I can make up some for that now. If you can come by here every afternoon after school, I will work with you one-on-one and help bring you up to speed on all of your subjects. Is that something you might be interested in?"

"Yes Ma'am!" He exclaimed. "I'd come by every day anyway just to hear more stories about my parents even if you didn't help me!"

She chuckled at his enthusiasm and tasked herself with helping him realize the education he deserved. She hoped to improve his life for the better. She knew that a good education never hurt anyone. She worked with him daily, first teaching him the fundamentals and building from there. He was smart as a whip and just needed someone to care enough to invest time in him. She vowed to improve his confidence in himself as he began to achieve good grades and accolades.

Later that same school year, Wade came upon another damsel in distress. This was a girl he knew well because they shared several classes. Gloria Jessup was being accosted and harassed by two rich kids, Tad and Alden, the Cone brothers. Their family was the wealthiest in the county. Gloria was one of the most attractive girls in the school. Her billowing sandy-blonde locks drew warranted attention to her lovely face. She also was born and raised on the poor side of town as Wade and he wasn't about to let the rich snobs have their way with her. He forcefully pulled their hands from her arm severing their grip on their prey and stepped in between them.

"Hi, Gloria. Are these 'gentlemen' bothering you?" Wade chose his words carefully because he knew these two were well connected and could wreak havoc if they wanted to. Not wanting to incur the wrath of Tad and Alden, she said nothing but merely nodded to Wade confirming his suspicions.

"Go back where you came from, you dumb ass," Tad asserted.

"Yeah, we were here first," Alden echoed. "She's ours. You have no business interfering. We were just trying to get her attention, now beat it!"

"It appears to me that your attention is unwelcome at this time, gentlemen. I'm going to walk Gloria to her next class unless either of you wants to try to stop me," he added balling up his fists. Wade's reputation preceded him and very few tangled with him because he was like a Pitbull and just wouldn't quit or walk away from a confrontation.

"Come on Alden," Tad commanded. "We've got better things to do than mess with her kind of trailer trash anyway."

"Mark my word, Wade" Tad continued. I'll NEVER forget this! One day you're going to regret sticking your nose where it doesn't belong and I'll see to it personally," he threatened.

Wade just chuckled and rejoined, "I'll be waiting."

No one had ever stood up for Gloria as Wade had just done, especially to the richest kids in the school. He had earned a big piece of her heart that day and she reached for his hand as he escorted her to their next class. The trailer park where she lived was within biking distance of the orphanage and Wade often rode his second-hand rebuilt bicycle to see her on the weekends after his chores.

By the time they entered high school, Wade had become popular on the playing field. He was strong and fast in the football arena and achieved more quarterback sacks than any other in the county and couldn't be pinned in wrestling. His athletic prowess garnered his share of attention from the ladies. Although more than a few made their play for his interest, they were unable to break the bond to his heart held by Gloria. They had become inseparable ever since the junior high school incident. She was a bit tom-boyish which was fine with Wade. If you ever saw one, the other was always nearby.

Though her family lacked the funds for expensive eye-catching clothing, what she had was clean and attractive. She knew that Wade wasn't concerned about such things but she wished that she could experience the good life to show off to please him rather than constantly struggling for everything. He even helped her get better grades by passing along the tips and training exercises learned from Mrs. Crenshaw.

Henderson's was a very popular sports bar hang-out attended by the poor and wealthy alike. It was a good place to get a soda and escape the near-poverty they all faced. Wade and Gloria spent many free afternoons and evenings there. The rich kids hung out there as well, for two reasons. The place had an attached dance floor with a jukebox and live bands on weekends. The other draw was to try and pick up the poor girls, give them a thrill for the night, use them and then toss them aside.

Early in the school year when they all had become seniors in the twelfth grade, Tad and Alden Cone made their way over to the table at Henderson's where Gloria and Wade were seated. Acting like they were God's gift to the ladies, the pair began trying to make small talk with Gloria, especially since she was a cheerleader and one of the loveliest girls in the school and they were hoping to separate her from Wade for the night. Wade confidently held his tongue as they tried to pick Gloria up.

Tad began his smooth-talking, "Hey Gloria, how's the prettiest girl in the county doing tonight? You know, I thought you were robbed when Sonya was chosen as the head cheerleader. She must have had girl-girl sex with the coach. I mean, she's really pretty and all that, but you're much nicer than her. It should have been yours," he stated, preying upon her jealousy and rivalry with Sonya.

Of course, that statement struck a chord with Gloria just as Tad knew it would, but she wasn't about to be taken in by either of them. "Thank you for saying that, Tad, but that's water under the bridge. Sonya and I get along fine now," she lied. Sonya was her nemesis but she just wanted the two of them to go away. Gloria held Wade's hand on the table the entire time.

Believing he had an opening, Tad explained, "There's a charity event tonight at the country club, nothing formal, just a casual affair. I'm hoping you'll leave here with me now and let me take you to the shindig. I can promise you it'll be a lot of fun. I'll even buy you a new dress for the occasion. It'll give you a chance to hobnob with the folks you deserve to be with instead of letting this riff-raff hold you back. What do you say, Gloria? Are you game to have the time of your life?" Tad said with a shit-eating grin. She squeezed Wade's hand and smiled at him knowing that he was immune to their verbal insults.

"Thanks, Tad," Gloria began, "But I've heard about some of your other dates. You are very kind to make the offer, but Wade and I came in together, and I promise you we'll be leaving together. I'm sure you'll find someone else worthy of your time and attention. I'm already spoken for," she said glibly. Although she wanted nothing to do with the Cone brothers, she knew better than to intentionally insult them or humiliate them. After all, their family was very influential. The Cone family owned the textile mill where both of her parents worked. But she had not forgotten how they tried to molest her in the eighth grade.

"I'd hate to see you miss this opportunity to shine tonight, gorgeous. This could be a positive turning point in your life. We'd look great together and I'd treat you like a queen. Hanging out with this loser doesn't help your image. Who knows which whore spread her legs for the homeless bum that spawned him? Are you sure you want to miss a wonderful night out on the town with me and the good side of life?" Tad chimed with his eager brother by his side.

Gloria could feel the tension in Wade's hands flex at the insult to his parents, but she just returned a reassuring squeeze reaffirming just how inconsequential these guys were.

"Why don't you check with Sonya? Wouldn't it be better to be seen with the head cheerleader on your arm instead of the number two girl?" Gloria suggested.

"Fine! Have it YOUR way" Tad angrily spat. "It's your loss. I was trying to be nice, but I can see you have no sense of taste. Come on, Alden, let's clear out of this dump. Something from the poorhouse stinks in here." Tad's strong disdain for Wade was clearly evident. And with that, the pair strolled arrogantly out of the place.

Months went by and as the school year was winding to a close, it was time for prom, which was a huge event for the seniors. Of course, Wade and Gloria were all the talk due to their power couple popularity. It was whispered by everyone that they were all but guaranteed prom king and queen honors when it came time to vote. Wade had been doing a lot of mowing and landscaping work for the wealthier families and had accumulated adequate funds to have a great and successful prom night event. Gloria would turn eighteen the week before prom and she promised Wade her virginity on prom night so that it would be extra special for them both. Up to now, Wade had been the perfect gentleman but often left his dates with Gloria with blue balls with the impending promise of prom night. He was ready in every way.

Prom was scheduled for the upcoming Saturday night. On Thursday evening, Gloria called Wade at the orphanage.

She was in tears as she spoke, "Wade, honey, I have some terrible news. Tad's girlfriend and date for the prom, Julia, has mononucleosis and will be unable to attend."

"Well? What's that got to do with anything?" He asked.

"That's the bad part. Tad came to our mobile home this evening and formally asked me to go with him to the prom right in front of my parents. He acknowledged that it was short notice but I was the only other girl he'd consider going with."

"Of course, you said no and let him down easy, didn't you? You already have a date with me!" Wade urgently pressed.

"I tried to say no but my parents wouldn't let me. They told me that you were a nice enough boy but you didn't have any future and weren't going anywhere in life and they would be severely disappointed in me if I didn't jump at this opportunity to better myself with someone of means. They reminded me that Tad's parents own the mill where they both work and where I am planning to go to work also when I graduate. They threatened to ground me if I turned him down. I didn't have much of a choice. I'm sorry, Wade, really I am." She said tearfully.

"So you're gonna dump me at the last minute for moneybags, huh? I'm just a loser? Going nowhere? I see how it is. At least I know how your parents feel about me."

"Don't say that, Wade. You're NOT a loser and neither my parents nor anyone else will ever convince me otherwise. I hate like hell breaking our date to the prom. I don't WANT to go with Tad but I don't see how I have any other choice. I'm sorry you won't be going to the prom now. PLEASE don't let this be the end of us." She begged.

"There is no 'us', Gloria. If there was, you'd be going to the prom with me. And who says I can't go to the prom without you? Now that I know where I stand with you, I'll have to check out my other options. Have a nice life, Gloria!" And he angrily hung up the phone.

Wade made his way outside the building, sat down against a tree, and cried. He didn't want anyone to see him cry but there was no other way he could express the tremendous loss and gaping hole he felt in his chest. In mere moments and for no good reason, his soulmate had been ripped from him and it hurt. It hurt like hell. Money certainly has its privileges.

Friday during school, Wade avoided all the places he might run into Gloria or Tad. He was afraid of what he might say or do if he suddenly found himself in their presence and lost control. Then he saw Sonya moping alone at her locker getting ready for her next class and he approached her.

"Need a hand carrying books or anything?" He asked the beautiful girl.

"Nah. I'm just not enthusiastic about a few things is all," she said glumly.

"Like what?"

"Well, like my next class is history and I'd rather have a tooth pulled than to be in that class." She offered.

Wade chuckled, "Hey, I'm with you on that. I'm no fan of history either. You said a few things. What else?"

Sonya eyed him, gave a half-smile, and asked, "You're an okay guy I think; can I trust you not to blab this all over campus?"

"You know I'm solid. I can keep a confidence. You have my word," he added.

She looked around to make sure nobody else was in close enough proximity to overhear what she said. "I recently caught Justin cheating on me with Arlene so he's history and I'm between boyfriends right now. Thing is, I want to go to my senior prom but I'm not going with that asshole. Let him take that bitch Arlene. It was my mom's idea but she suggested I take my cousin to the prom. He and I get along fine and he's my age and everything, and he goes to a different high school. But I sure never imagined I'd be going with my cousin. It's a bummer."


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