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Daddy's Basement Ch. 02

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Evie awakes in the basement and soon learns her punishment.
3.4k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/18/2021
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I awoke in a panic, thinking I'd gone blind, but then my memory came back and I remembered the basement, the video of mom and dad, dad catching me watching it. I calmed down a little bit, guessing that he had blindfolded me. My panic levels rose again when I tried to move my arms and legs but found that I could barely move them without banging into what felt like the wall of a cage. I remembered having seen one in the basement and more pieces started to click together. It's hard to tell how long I waited there but it was long enough for my muscles to start to cramp up, causing me a lot of pain. I'd tried calling out for my dad but got no answer, I thought about calling out for anyone to come and help me but quickly realised that it would be useless, our house was somewhat secluded at the end of our road, with no houses close enough to hear me. At some point I think I drifted off to sleep, it was hard to tell, the darkness never changed and everything blurred together, it could be day or night and I wouldn't be able to tell. The only indicators of time passing were my painfully cramped muscles, empty stomach and dry throat.

Eventually I heard a sound that somehow managed to bring me both fear and relief, it was the sound of the basement door opening.

The relief I felt quickly disappeared, my dad didn't say a word, I just heard him moving about in the basement, there was the clanging of metal against metal followed by the opening and closing of a door. I lay there, willing my dad to come over and release me, at least I assumed it was him in the basement, for all I knew it could be a total stranger. A door opening and closing again, the clanging of metal, footsteps coming towards me.

"Good evening." My dad said to me, he sounded different, more formal than usual, stricter. It took me a second to realise that he was using the same voice that he had used in the video. I felt a weird tingle inside, was he seeing me the way he had seen mom?

There was an awkward silence and I realised he was waiting for a response. I wanted to shout at him for leaving me in a cage, I wanted to cry and beg for help, I wanted to ask him about the video and about what he and mom had gotten up to in the basement back in the day, there was so many things I wanted to do, but most all I wanted to get out of that cage and stretch my limbs. With that in mind I said what I hoped would lead to my freedom, "Welcome back." I said, trying a friendly smile.

In response I heard the rattling of metal which turned out to be the opening of the cage, I felt a tugging at my neck and gasped in shock, my dad had me leashed like a dog. I tried to move towards where he was tugging me from but my cramped limbs groaned in protest, my arms and legs folded underneath me wouldn't budge. After a minute of tugging I felt the leash go slack and heard my dad sigh loudly and disappointingly. Despite him having locked me in a cage all night and day I still felt bad for disappointing him, had he ever done this to mom? I thought to myself, had she felt the same as me? I didn't have time to continue that thought as I felt my dad's rough strong hands grab me by the collar and drag me out of the cage head first.

I felt the cold basement floor against my unprotected hands and feet. The next thing I felt was pain, I felt my dad pulling my legs out straight, the cramped muscles screaming in protest and causing me to cry out in pain. He did the same with my arms until my body was lined up straight, legs out behind me and arms stretched in front. I could feel the shaking of my body and the wetness of my cheeks as tears rolled down them, landing softly on the hard stone floor.

"Tonight you are going to learn your new position in life." He said, his voice hard.

I lay there silently, too afraid to answer.

"Do you understand?" He asked.

I nodded my head.

"Use your words." He told me, his voice commanding.

"I understand." I said quietly, feeling barely strong enough to speak.

I was shocked by a sudden jolt of pain as my dad's hand smacked into my left butt cheek.

"I'm sorry." I sobbed, not understanding what I had done wrong.

"Whenever you speak to me you will address me as daddy, understood?" He growled his response.

"Yes I understand Daddy" I cried, my body and mind bracing for another jolt of pain in case I had gotten it wrong. The pain didn't come, not in that moment at least.

"Well done princess, that will be the only name that you will refer to me as from now on, understood?"

"Yes Daddy"

"Get up." He commanded.

"Yes Daddy." I responded, emphasising the second word to make sure that he heard it.

Slowly I got to my feet, my sore legs groaning from the effort of holding me up. I felt disorientated being unable to see, I had no sense of direction, even if I had a chance to run I wouldn't be able to find the door. I felt a tug on the leash and started to walk, it was only then, as I felt the cold floor against my feet, that I realised that Daddy had removed my heels. For the most part I was relieved at not having to walk in heels as in my current state I would have almost definitely stumbled and fell and probably hurt myself in the process, a small part of me however was disappointed, in the short time that I'd been wearing them I'd gotten pretty good at not falling over, it would have been nice to show Daddy my new skill. There I was again, trying to please Daddy despite the way he was treating me.

The tugging on the leash stopped and came to a stand still, it was nerve wracking waiting there, waiting to see what Daddy had planned for me next, something about the uncertainty excited me, even though it would most likely be something unpleasant that would come next. I felt his hands grab my wrists and pull my hands up so that they were spread out above my head. He pushed them back a little bit and I gasped as they touched cold, hard metal. Daddy pulled straps across my wrists and tightened them, pinning my hands to the metal, then he pulled my feet back and did the same, securing them at the ankles.

I was essentially immobilised. I felt my daddy's hands in my hair as he slowly pulled away the blindfold. The basement lights were surprisingly bright and they stung my eyes, forcing me to shut them again. Daddy didn't say anything, he just stood there, watching as my eyes slowly adjusted to the light. When they had I looked at his face.

"You look perfect, princess." He told me, a smile playing across his face.

"Thank you Daddy." I said obediently, unable to stop myself from blushing at the compliment.

He moved behind me and I heard a grunt of exertion followed by my body being lifted upwards until I could no longer touch the floor with my feet. There was a locking sound and Daddy came back in front of me, despite him having increased the height of the metal cross I was bound to, I was still shorter than him, that made me feel extra small and helpless. I could feel the strain in my wrists and ankles as they took some of my weight, fortunately however the cross was tilted back slightly so that took a little bit of my weight, it was still uncomfortable however.

"Wait here." He said and headed off into the walk-in wardrobe.

I couldn't help but giggle at what I hoped was a joke.

Moments later Daddy returned with a pair of heels, they were black stilettos to match my jumpsuit, similar to the ones I had worn the day before but a little bit higher and with padlocks on the ankle straps.

"To complete the look," Daddy said, smiling at me as he slid my feet into the heels and adjusted the ankle straps so they were tight and near impossible to take off.

I wiggled my feet about, the heels would not come off, strangely I found myself quite excited to be back in heels, it felt right for some reason.

Daddy moved behind me again and started to push the contraption I was strapped to, he moved it across the room and then turned it and me so that I was facing the large TV on the wall. "I've dreamed of this day for a long time, Princess." He said, coming back around to face me. "Ever since your mom died I've been looking for someone to replace her down here, but only one person could ever fill that role, and that person is you, my sweet daughter."

I stared at him, my eyes wide, I was seeing my daddy in a whole new way, it was like he had become a completely different person.

"I never imagined that you would ever actually come in here, so imagine my surprise when the security cameras pinged me whilst I was at work to tell me there was an intruder in the basement and that the intruder was you, my sweet little girl."

I turned bright red as he called me his little girl. I was nineteen now, not a little girl, though I was very petite at only 5ft1. I felt that tingling sensation again, the one that had felt so good before.

Daddy continued, smiling as he heard a little moan of pleasure escaping my lips. "Of course I rushed home immediately, and what do I find when I get back, I find you dressed up in your mom's black latex catsuit and a pair of slutty heels watching one of the porn videos we made together. I don't know what excited me more, your choice of outfit and how perfectly it fit, or how turned on you were watching me using your mom like that." He smirked, his eyes looking at me lustfully, "Of course you still need to be punished for breaking in here."

I risk speaking, "but Daddy, you already punished me by leaving me in the cage!" I whine, thinking it unfair that I am getting punished twice.

Daddy laughs at me, making me go bright red with humiliation. "Your time in the cage was punishment for putting that outfit on without permission sweetie. Of course I do love the outfit, but it is important that I reinforce the rules of our new relationship." He moves closer and puts his hand against my cheek, "I don't want to punish you darling, but I have to, you only have two more punishments to go through, I know you can do it."

His hand on my cheek sends a wave of excitement rushing down my body to my private area. "I'll do my best daddy" I say softly, not wanting to disappoint him.

He moves his hand away, and walks behind me, returning quickly with what looked like a whip, with a thin black plastic handle and many thin black leather strips coming off it. Without saying a word he flicks his hand lightning fast and the leather strips of the whip slap me across the chest.

The latex material of the catsuit takes a lot of the impact but it still hurts a lot. My body spasms with the pain, my wrists and ankles thrashing against the restraints. The spasm ends and I stop thrashing, the pain slowly reducing down to a stinging sensation across my chest, centred around my breasts.

"Now say thank you daddy." He tells me.

"Thank you Daddy" I gasp, breathing heavily.

He smiles, "Well done princess, you will thank me after every hit, understood?"

"Yes Daddy," I say quickly, worried that any hesitation would result in more punishment.

His wrist flicks again and this time the whip lands across my stomach.

My body tried to double over in pain but it can't, my wrists and ankles start to hurt as they push against the restraints. "Thank you Daddy" I gasp.

I lose sense of time, each strike of the whip begins to blur into the last, at some point I start to cry, I remember feeling the wetness on my cheeks. I stopped crying later on, the tears drying up. The entire front of my body from the shoulders down (and my arms above my head) aches in pain, each strike now hitting some place that has been hit before, bringing back fresh pain to that spot. Daddy doesn't speak throughout this but he smiles whenever I thank him for the whipping, for the pain. At first I thank him out of fear for what the punishment will be for failing to do so, but then I feel my mind changing, I start to thank him for punishing me, for giving me what I deserve for breaking the rules.

After what seemed like forever Daddy stopped, he placed the whip on the table beneath the TV and turned to face me again. "You did well my naughty little princess." His smile is filled with pride.

His smile makes me feel proud, proud to be chosen to serve him. "Thank you Daddy" I say, fully meaning it.

"However." He says, his eyes narrowing, "on five occasions you failed to thank me for whipping you."

"I'm sorry Daddy" I say, my eyes lowering to the floor, I feel ashamed for failing him.

"It was your first real whipping sweetie, you were never going to take it perfectly, you'll do better next time." He tells me.

I gaze up at him, he is smiling again.

"Since it was your first time I will only punish you mildly for your failure, this punishment will be served alongside your punishment for watching one of Daddy's videos without permission.

I open my mouth to protest but quickly close it again, thinking it is better to just take whatever punishment he gives me.

"Good girl." He says, seeing my mouth open and close, knowing that I am losing my defiance. "Before your next punishment you better it, I don't want my little girl starving to death."

I get excited, hoping that he will let me down so that I can rest my wrists and ankles. Instead he turns away and disappears upstairs.

For ten minutes I lie there, trying not to focus on the slowly dulling stinging pains across my body and the heavy aching in my wrists and ankles. I think about mom to distract myself, thinking about whether or not she had been punished like I just had, I wondered how well she had done, had he had to punish her for failing as well?

I hear Daddy's footsteps coming slowly down the stairs and my eyes dart towards the door which I can just see out of the corner of my right eye.

The door opens to reveal that my dad is carrying a tray with a bowl of soup and a glass of water resting on it. He places the tray down on the table and picks up the glass of water.

Foolishly I let myself hope that he will let me down to eat and drink.

Instead of letting me down he raises the glass to my lips and slowly tilts it forwards, allowing a trickle of water to pass between my dry lips to quench a thirst that I didn't realise I had, the sensations elsewhere in my body distracting me from my dehydration.

As I realised this I also noticed the pain in my stomach, I hadn't eaten in over a day.

Daddy must have heard my stomach rumbling because he returned the half empty glass to the tray and picked up the bowl of soup. "Careful sweetie, it's hot" he warned me as he carefully filled the spoon with soup and slid it into my open mouth.

The soup was hot and burnt my mouth but I swallowed it down hungrily, the burning in my mouth was nothing compared to the pain of the whip. It was a microwave soup and didn't taste very good, Daddy wasn't a great cook so it was to be expected. "Thank you Daddy" I said, thankful to be receiving any food no matter how bland.

It took a while for him to finish feeding me the soup, after the bowl was empty he returned it to the tray and picked up the glass again, allowing me to finish off the water.

After he returned the now empty glass to the tray he turned back to me, "now it's time for your final punishments." He said, a slightly sinister looking smirk on his face.

"How will you punish me Daddy?" I asked him.

In response he picked up the TV remote and turned the TV on, the screen was paused on the scene I had been watching the day before. "The DVD is filled with 12 hours of mine and your mom's private videos." he told me, turning the sound up high as he spoke. "I will be leaving this overnight, where you will be forced to listen and watch as I use your mom. And you better watch carefully sweetie because I will be doing many of those same things to you over the coming months, and I expect you to start learning the same behaviours that I taught your mom many years ago."

"I understand Daddy" I say obediently, getting excited at the thought of watching more videos, remembering the feeling they gave me last time. In fact I don't really understand how it is a punishment.

"I nearly forgot your punishment for failing to thank me five times during your whipping." He says, smirking as he walks across the room and grabs something off of one of the racks. "Since it was your first time I am going to be generous and give you a punishment suitable for forgetting to only thank me three times."

"Thank you Daddy" I say, grateful for his generosity.

Daddy holds up the item he got from the rack. The item looks like a leather belt with a rubber penis attached to it. "This is a penis gag." Daddy tells me, "thanks to my generous nature the penis part is only three inches long instead of five."

"Thank you daddy" I say again.

He moves closer to me, "open your mouth princess" he commands.

I do as he asks, trying to swallow down the feeling of fear building up inside me.

Daddy slides the penis part of the gag into my mouth, the rubbery texture feels weird in my mouth and I can feel the tip of it resting on the back of my tongue, making it a little difficult to breathe through my mouth. Daddy then pulls my head forwards and tightens the belt part of the gag behind my head, ensuring that I can't just spit it out. Finally he moves behind me and I hear the clanging of metal as he tilts the contraption further back so that I am at a 45 degree angle with the floor, greatly reducing the stress on my wrists and ankles.

Daddy looks at me with a smile on his face, "you look perfect" he tells me, causing me to blush. He picks the remote up and presses play, filling the basement with the sound of my mom gagging on his cock as he thrusts in and out of her mouth. He puts the remote back down, "have a goodnight" he says, smirking as he leaves, turning off the lights and locking the door behind him, leaving me alone in the basement, the only light now coming from the TV which my eyes are now locked on to.

I hope you all enjoyed the second chapter of this story, any feedback/suggestions are much appreciated no matter if it is positive or negative.

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ToughSailorToughSailorabout 1 month ago

Just BDSM and no fucking . . . . 👎

maddictmaddictover 1 year ago

How captivating. Her Dad has gone off the deep end and so has she. I plan to read her entire story however I would have preferred princess to be a girl friend instead.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

It’s good looking for 3

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Good story, believable characters, but too few adult activities. Daughter character seem to me unlikely to take hardship of this life for simple "unspoken promiss" of adult intimacy and some minor tingles described by author. IF daddy took her underware from under the latex catsuit, he should apply some skinoil on her, to help her slip out of it in future, and/or put something extra & radiocontrolled, inside her excitement hole(s). Or he should sit her through the night on vibrating saddle. If arranged like that, she could live the best orgasm in her live and get to conclusion, she is eager to endure anything, if the reward is so exquisite...

DevilbobyDevilbobyover 2 years ago

I would have liked a bit more to this chapter illustrating the changing nature of the relationship of daddy to daughter, after all it is a momentous change, more so in her eyes than his. As you have left it, she is accepting to much without questioning anything at all.

argeelogargeelogover 2 years ago

Good story and dialogue. Please keep the chapters coming.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Loved it.

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