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Daughter Finds My Literotica Incest Pt. 01

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Daughter found my incest stories and likes it.
2.5k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 05/30/2023
Created 01/01/2020
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Let me tell you that life can sometimes take an unexpected turn.

In my home we all have our laptops on the wi-fi network and I also have a desktop computer which my wife Chrissy and my daughter Kristina think is for gaming. My computer is in my study, and is password protected, to keep it out of everyone's reach. I tell them it is because I leave games on pause, and I don't want them accidentally messing with it and losing me many hours of progress. The real reason, as I'm sure you will have guessed, is that it is because I write my Literotica stories and access my porn sites on this "gaming" machine. My wife and daughter don't know about this, and as far as I knew, they didn't even suspect.

The other day, Chrissy had gone to work, leaving me and my daughter at home. I often work at home and Kristina had a few days off to make up for having worked the weekend. I was working in the kitchen on my work laptop, the kitchen is a much nicer space than my study, with all the natural light and more pleasing on the eye, but then it should be, given the amount of money we spent on having it remodelled recently.

Kristina had just woken up and appeared in the kitchen looking for her morning coffee. She was still in a strappy lilac satin top and purple satin night shorts. You could easily see the outline of her magnificent little body. She has a little round ass just waiting to be touched, in my mind of course, and beautiful perky little tits, yum! At 5'3" with long light auburn hair and bright blue eyes, just like her mother, she is breath-taking.

I was daydreaming when she said, "Hello Daddy, I didn't know you were working at home today."

"Yes, honey, I'll be at home all week. What are your plans for your day off?"

"Nothing much really, I want to check out some of my favourite store's special offers online and then I can decide if I'm going to go out shopping. I need some new clothes and I don't want to traipse around all the shops."

"That sounds like a good plan to me!"

Then she left the kitchen with her coffee and headed back upstairs to her room. I continued to work for a few minutes and in the distance I heard Kristina swear!

"What's going on honey!"

"My laptop won't turn on!"

"Bring it here, I'll see what I can do!"

She brought down it to me and she was right, it wouldn't turn on. It just kept beeping, a distinct pattern every time, I thought it sounded like the kind of noise computers make when they have bad memory chips, but if that was the case, I didn't have time to fix it now.

"Honey, sorry laptop's dead for now, I'm not going to be able to fix it until this weekend. I will need to order some parts."

"Dad, I really need to browse the web for a few minutes, can I use your laptop.", accompanied by the fluttering eyelashes that I knew so well.

"No darling! I have to finish this project and send it in this morning, I'm sorry!"

"Cannnnn I use your gaming computer, just for 10 minutes, PLEASEEEEEE! Daddy, you know you are the best Daddy in the whole wide world!!"

Of course, I'm a sucker for compliments and she has always had me wrapped around her little finger since she was old enough to speak. I was considering what to do in my head and she carried on, "Please Daddy! I'll give you a big hug! You would save me so much time!"

"Ha! Ok, but just a few minutes and NO downloads!"

She jumped up and down and gave me the biggest hug. When she pressed against me, I could feel her hard, perky nipples through her top. I was surprised to get an erection from this, but I suppose I should have expected it, after all, I am a writer on Literotica and incest is my favourite subject for my stories. My daughter is often at the centre of these fantasies, she is just so sexy.

I gave her my password, and she immediately went to the computer in my study in the basement and I went back to work.

I was so busy concentrating on my work and the impending deadline that I did not feel the time passing. Suddenly, it came to mind, it must have been 45 minutes since she had gone downstairs.

Damn! Had I closed my browser? Could it have been on my Literotica history page... that's it, I'm fucked, she will be so mad at me... my heart skipped a beat! I jumped up and headed down the stairs.

Going down, I was afraid, then I heard slight moans. Or did I? I continued slowly trying not to make any noise. I made it to the door of my room, and the door was ajar. I could see her from behind, I could make out on the screen that she was reading one of my stories which involved her. My first thought was of impending doom, and potentially the end of everything. I looked at her again and wait! Is she actually masturbating while reading my story?

This may not be such a problem after all. What should I do, disturb her? Go back up? Hmmmmm. I decided to get closer to her. Unsurprisingly, I developed a rather obvious erection in my jogging pants when I saw that she was pleasuring herself while reading my story.

Is she interested in the Father/Daughter play? If only she would like to explore this taboo side of fantasy with me.

As I got closer to her, she jumped, her hand coming out of her satin shorts. She tried to close the browser. I could see that her nipples were really hard, wow! what a view! She looked so beautiful and amazingly sexy!

"Kristina, please I can explain, you weren't supposed to see this! I'm so sorry. Are you mad at me?"

"How long have you been there Dad?", she asked, not seeming to be angry.

"Long enough to see what you were doing!", I replied with a smile on my face, realising I wasn't going to be in trouble.

"Is that me in the story Daddy?", she asked playfully.

"Yes, that's you, you are the star of my story!"

"Have you been writing this stuff for a long time? Do you publish it too? Does it excite you Daddy? I have so many questions. I'm confused!"

"I have been writing for a while and yes I have published it online. A lot of people read my stories and follow me. Many have added my story to their favourites."

"Daddy! You didn't answer my question properly, do you get excited thinking of me?", a little more forcefully this time.

"Yes, darling, I think I do get excited when I think of you. Is that very bad?"

"No Daddy, it isn't very bad. Well it is, I'm sure lots of people would think it was, but I don't."

"You really are so beautiful; I would have to be blind, or dead not to be aroused by you!"

"Thank you, Daddy, you're so nice. I read a few stories you wrote; I must admit at first, I was mad at you. That you think of me that way, but I started reading one of your series and while reading I became turned on. So, I read another and it really turned me on, that's what you saw. "

"Kristina, are you really telling me you that you are not mad at me?", I asked hopefully.

"No Daddy, I don't hold it against you, they are very sexy stories!"

"Phew! I was really scared, are you going to tell mom? She obviously doesn't know that I write incest stories!"

"I won't tell anyone but only on one condition! I want to write stories with you. I really liked reading stories like that! I think I would like to try writing one."

"Okay, but the problem is when I write I get turned on and sometimes it's so much that I have to masturbate!"

"It suits me, because I'm probably going to join you in doing that, Daddy!"

"I would love to see you masturbate Kristina! It would be so erotic and feed my imagination for more stories!"

"Daddy, I can see that this conversation has already given you a boner, if show me how you masturbate, then I will show you how I masturbate!"

"Kristina! I hope you're sure, because if I start, I won't be able to stop, and it could get messy. You're good with that?", I asked, hoping for the right reply.

We were approaching a point of no turning back. If I got my cock out and started to masturbate for her, by the time I was ready to cum, I would be in such a state that would I want to cum on her, to touch her? Would she wake up from her current aroused state of mind and really get mad or would she be in the same mood as me.

Then she answered, "Daddy, yes I am very sure, show me what you do and to help you, here, I'll help you with something to get you going!"

At these words, she took off her top and her shorts. Her breasts were fairly small, but they were so pretty with really dark brown nipples, not too big but perky. Her pussy was shaved and she was wet, I could see that from where I was.

I pulled my pants down to free my dick and all she could do was look at it. Her hand went down to her pussy, and she started rubbing herself. Her other hand was playing with her nipples, she rubbed them and pinched them gently while pulling them. Such a mind-blowingly sexy sight, my own naked daughter getting off for me.

I took my cock in my hand and started masturbating for her, slowly at first, full strokes from root to tip. I moved closer to her and with my free hand I went to touch her breast. She looked up at me and spread her legs to show me her pussy. Then she looked at my cock, leaned over, opened her mouth and started licking and sucking it. She was a very talented cocksucker, I couldn't help but wonder who the lucky boy was who she had practised on.

"Honey! If you carry on doing that, I will cum!" I exclaimed, somewhat breathlessly.

She stopped, looked up at me again, and with great confidence, pushed my cock down her throat. Then she drew her head back, kissed the tip of my penis and said, "Daddy, I want you to kiss your daughter, fuck me and cum deep inside my pussy!"

I put my arms around her, lifted her up from the chair (she's so small) and pulled her close to me, kissing her I lowered her wet tight pussy onto my cock. Her legs instantly wrapped around me and she let out a groan as I slowly penetrated her. Her cunt felt delicious. I held her by her small round buttocks, they were firm and smooth, they were perfectly suited to my hands.

Kristina is so small and slight, it was easy to lift her up and down on my dick gently. Her legs held me tight as she whispered in my ear, "Daddyyyy! I never thought it could happen... I'm so glad my laptop broke. I love to feel your huge cock enter my pussy, it is so hot and I am so filled, your cock is so big and long aaaawwwwwgggg ... fuck me like that slowly! I want to feel it go in and out Daddy... yes, like that, oh my god, please cum in me Daddy! Please cum inside me, it's ok you can, I'm on the pill!"

"Kristina, you are so tight, so sexy... I want you to help me make you cum, keep telling me what you like!"

"Daddy, keep this pace up and I won't be long, oh my god, it feels so good Daddyyyyyy!"

I continued doing this as slowly as I could, lifting her up and down on my cock, holding her buttocks. It felt so good. I couldn't believe she really liked being fucked by her father! I shafted her for what seemed like ages because I wasn't sure she would want it again and I wanted to remember this moment for a lifetime.

You must understand that when my daughter reached adolescence, I had fallen in love with her. Why, I do not know. But I do know she is the perfect woman of my dreams and the feelings are hard to control. She is my daughter after all. Why? Why? I really do not understand. These are not normal feelings, yet I have them and I love them. I don't know why she has captured my love but now she feels so good on my dick, I don't want it to stop. This eternal battle over lust or love, how the mind works on people.

Then I heard her whisper as she bounced off my dick, "Daddy, you feel so good in me. Make me cum like that, I'm so close!"

"Kristina, I'm going to cum, you're so tight on my cock! I can't last much longer. Let me fill your pussy with my hot sperm!"

"Aaawwwwww! damn daddy, I'm cumming, please don't stop, cum in me now, pleeaaasseeeee!"

Then she started kissing me, her tongue was so soft in my mouth. His legs were so tight around me and her arms around my shoulder holding on to me. I could smell the scent in her hair. I could feel my orgasm building up deep in my balls.

She trembled in my arms as she came. It was enough to drive me over the edge to my orgasm and I started filling her with my hot seed while I was cumming so hard. "Aaaarrrggh! Kristina it is soooooo good! I love you!!"

"I love you too Daddy, but stay inside me a little longer please, I want to feel you!", she pleaded as she started to contract her pussy lips on my still hard member. We stayed that way for a few minutes as I began to soften, then I slowly lifted her from my cock and lowered her to her feet. She looked at me and said, "Daddy, that was so good, you're going to make me cum again sometimes I hope!"

"Honey, if you want to, of course I will! I never thought it would have been possible."

"Me neither! But now that we've done it, I want to keep doing it Daddy. Just because we do it at home it turns me on, thinking we might get caught!"

We kissed and agreed that I would now work at home whenever I could on her days off during the week. She also repeated that she wanted to write stories with me, that we could both be the authors and we could try new things to write about which would give us more inspiration for stories.

It was the beginning of a wonderful adventure with my beautiful daughter.

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ConniewantsitConniewantsit6 months ago

Love , thank you for your talent ! Some experiences I had with my father I’m putting into story form. Thanks so much for understanding.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Love, sorry I returned. Didn’t get to go home at the break so I’ve not seen my father since Xmas. No sex for almost four months is not good for my body or soul. Several times we have talked on the phone and he knows how much I need him. He reminded me of how he demanded I suck his penis in the airport garage before he left to go home. The fact is, I called him before he boarded the plane to remind him my lipstick was still on his cock, not something either of us would want mom to discover. My nephew called and wants to stay a few days; he’s looking at going to school here after he graduates. I hate to admit this but I’ve had some impure thoughts about seducing my older sisters son. How fucked up am I ? Laying here nude and wet playing with my pussy reading your stories. Sorry to be so needy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Love, this always makes me so wet, my father text that he will be here next weekend and I’m remembering the last time we had sex. Daddy owns me.

KinkynfitKinkynfitover 1 year ago

Wow! Super hot! Made me cum!

exhultantexhultantalmost 2 years ago

Fortunate that Kristina was attracted to the stories , believing that she was the subject of her daddy's thoughts.

Once they initiated physical contact the result was inevitable.

Cumming in his daughter crossed the live, so from now on they would continue their intercourse together.

This could be the foundation of a widening group of girls who want to be dicked, and daddy might meet several women who are looking for loving. Senior boys from school who hear of what the girls are reputed to be doing would want to join the loving - commencing with their sisters.

This expansion could continue over many more stories.

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