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David and Becky - Foolish Choices Ch. 02

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A question and answer session with Becky.
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Part 2 of the 22 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/30/2022
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Chapter 2

Day 188 -- Thursday 4th February 2016 -- Part 2

After releasing my wrist cuffs, Madam Izabela ordered me to take my thin bare mattress and place it on the floor in the middle of the cell. Lying face down on it, she had full access to my bottom from either side. I waited in that position, my head facing the door, while she went to fetch her basic medical equipment.

My bottom was still throbbing from the caning, but at least I was out of sight of those women who had witnessed not just my beating, but my inadvertent ejaculation. It was the most humiliating thing that had ever happened to me; I was so embarrassed I wanted to dig a hole for myself and disappear, but there had been nowhere to go. What made it even worse was Becky being there to see it happen, but I was still desperate for her to come into my cell to see me. I didn't know what her plans were, but surely she'd have time to visit me after coming all this way.

Izabela was taking an age to return with her antiseptic gels and ointments, and as I lay there, I thought about the months that had gone before and how I'd ended up here. Becky's love of inflicting sadistic tease and denial, coupled with my love for being sadistically teased and denied, had made us a perfect match. But Becky was always striving for more, and when another couple joined our games, it was my wife's vast imagination that put virtually no limit on where we'd end up.

Becky's friend Gina, a girl who'd worked in massage parlours and was training to become a dominatrix back home, brought caning into our games; me being the receiver, Gina the giver. She was a selfish, spoilt brat who had also been responsible for me having spent just over four awful weeks in prison in the UK last year for a minor motoring offence. She worked for the local casino owner, Tashrina Popescu who was also the owner of a string of massage parlours and femdom dungeons in the UK. I discovered also that Madam Popescu also owned this private prison here in Siskovia Province, a genuine, government backed one. Not only did it house male and female criminals in the main building, she also had a brothel on site in a separate wing which she called a spa. Men would visit this, so called spa, and pay for sexual favours from the stunning girls who worked there.

Attached to the prison, Madam Popescu also ran a femdom experience where paying customers could stay for a few days to endure prison life under the control of sexy, sadistic female guards. There were even facilities for long term, legally incarcerated prisoners in the femdom wing; this was situated underground. I had ended up here because I'd taken part in what was supposed to be a promotional event in the casino back home. I had been unfortunate enough to defy all the odds and end up owing Madam Popescu more money than I could afford to pay. Originally it was agreed that I would stay in her prison here in Siskovia Province for two weeks to clear my debt, but due to the intervention of my wife who selfishly chose to gamble my freedom for extra time in prison without my knowledge or consent, my sentence was increased to nine months. This wasn't just for fun, this was a legally imposed prison sentence, sanctioned by Madam Popescu under the authority of the Siskovian Province Justice Department.

Becky was thrilled that this had happened as it had taken our games to a new level. Here I was, subjected to a harsh, sexually frustrating and humiliating existence at the mercy of genuinely sadistic guards while she spent a wonderful nine months enjoying sexual encounters with Gina and her boyfriend. The two most frightening aspects of being in this prison were the total ban on prisoners masturbating, and the ruthless canings dished out by Madam Popescu for rule breaking. I had now fallen foul of the rules on two occasions, the first for my outburst when I discovered, after two months of incarceration, my sentence was to be nine months. For that, I had received a judicial caning of twenty strokes. Today, I had received my second judicial caning, this time forty strokes for being wrongfully found guilty of masturbating. I had been used by a trainee guard called Elena who had to prove her sadistic nature to Madam Popescu as part of her qualification to become a permanent guard at Casavana. She chose me to show how cruel and unjust she could be towards prisoners.

Izabela returned with her bag of tricks and knelt beside me on a cushion she'd brought to protect her knees from the hard stone floor. Using her mobile phone, she took a picture of my bottom which she showed me. My buttocks looked badly bruised with a mass of deep red and purple stripes. I could see a little blood oozing from the wounds that had broken the skin. It looked worse than when I'd received twenty strokes a few months ago, and I dreaded to think what sixty strokes would look like. That's what I'd receive if I broke any more rules.

"Stay still," she ordered. "I will put on antiseptic to prevent infection. It will sting a lot, just like last time."

I clenched my buttocks and gritted my teeth when she dabbed the liquid on my wounds. It was like she'd set fire to my buttocks; the pain was that intense.

"I won't put a bandage on. It is best if air gets to it so it heals quicker. You can be caned earlier if it heals quicker, yes?"

"Please, no, Madam Izabela," I said.

"No more playing with your hard cock then," she replied.

Even then I wanted to plead my innocence. I hadn't masturbated, I had ejaculated long after I'd touched my penis in the shower, but there was no point going over that again; they all knew Elena had fabricated the story for her own gain at my expense. It wasn't as if I could say anymore anyway, I was only allowed to respond to specific questions, and I wasn't going to disobey any more rules and risk more punishment.

She waited a moment before applying more antiseptic, and once again it stung like hell, perhaps not as bad the second time, but I still clenched my buttocks and flinched.

"That's ok for now," Izabela said, standing up. "I will put cream on tonight and maybe in the morning before your hard labour begins." She packed up her bag. "Put the mattress back on the bed, but if you lie down, don't lie on your back."

I wanted to ask if Becky would be coming in to see me, but thankfully she offered the information: "Your wife will come in soon. She has been given permission by Madam Popescu for a short visit. Remember, the rules still apply when she is here."

Izabela left the cell and locked me in. I stayed face down where she left me, wondering how long it would be before Becky came. Even though she had manipulated me into this dreadful prison sentence, and I felt betrayal and anger towards her, I was still looking forward to seeing her so much, I just hoped she would allow me to talk to her. After a while, I stood up to discover any sort of bending or twisting that involved my buttocks moving gave a sharp, painful reminder of the caning I'd just experienced. I tentatively picked up the end of my thin mattress and dragged it onto the metal frame of the bed. Stretching the skin of my bottom was very painful, as was any flexing of my buttock muscles.

Heeding Izabela's advice, I chose not to sit down, but stood or walked around slowly. Knowing I would still be expected to get down into the kneeling position with my head bowed and hands behind my back when anyone came in, I decided to practice. I did it a couple of times, finding the least painful way of doing it. Whichever way I tried, getting into the final position involved bending and stretching the skin of my bottom. It was quite painful, so I didn't practice for too long.

A couple of hours must have passed and I was starving. My caning had been late morning, and although I'd been left with extra drinking water and a bar of chocolate, I wasn't brought any lunch. Maybe Becky was going to bring it and we would have lunch together; something nice, maybe burgers or pizza, something I'd not had in ages. The afternoon was wearing on and still no sign of Becky. I was getting tired standing on my feet and walking slowly around my cell for something to do. Eventually I lay face down on the bed and waited.

Daylight was fading through the small window at the top of the side wall of my cell. That window was at ground level of the building I was in, and it provided the only bit of the outside world I saw for four days out of every five. The other day I spent outside in the high walled yard carrying bricks from one end to the other. Usually, the task took me eight hours and was classed as my legally required fresh air and exercise. As well as being given forty strokes of the cane, the second part of my punishment was to spend the next three days, sixteen hours each day in the yard walking up and down carrying bricks. The punishments in this prison were very severe.

Then I heard movement outside followed by three hard bangs on the cell door. That was my warning to get into position to receive a visitor, usually a guard. If I failed to get into position by a millisecond, I was beaten on the bottom with a thick leather strap, up to twelve strokes. At least I was free from any sort of corporal punishment for the next forty days; that's what the rules stated.

I still didn't want to risk any other punishments I'd not yet heard of, so I got down quickly and carefully into position hoping this was Becky. My bottom was throbbing as I listened to the cell door crank open and two sets of footsteps enter, one pair was boots, the other the scrape of high heels, definitely Becky!

"Stand up, prisoner," Gabriela's stern voice spoke loudly and commandingly.

I stood up, wincing a little with the pain and saw my beautiful Becky standing before me looking warm, healthy and happy, wearing a new black coat that reached to her knees. Her hair was full and bouncy on her shoulders and her smile, so pretty and so sexy, melted my heart and triggered also a stirring in my penis. But I couldn't get out of my head everything she had done to me.

"I will leave you both for a short time," Gabriela said sharply. "Don't think you will escape punishment if you disobey the rules, prisoner."

I looked at her, and I knew she was trying to humiliate me in front of my wife, which no doubt Becky was loving. My penis was openly growing. She stared at me as if trying to provoke me into saying something I would regret, but I wasn't going to fall for it.

She turned to Becky and spoke in a civil manner to her: "Mrs Emerson, when you have finished with him, come outside the cell and call for me. I will come to lock him in."

"Thank you, Madam Gabriela," Becky said, smiling warmly at her.

It was so good to be alone in a room with her after so many weeks, even if it was a bare prison cell. With the cell door closed, I was hoping Becky would come over and give me a hug at the very least, but she stayed where she was, smiling so sexily at me; looking at my erect penis.

"It looks like someone's pleased to see me," she said. "Ok, come on, turn around so I can see the marks on your bottom."

I did as she told me and turned.

"Wow, that is some serious damage. That must be so painful; just look at those stripes, deep and red across a background of red and purple bruising. That caning must have been agony."

I felt her step close behind me and I closed my eyes with the pain and pleasure of her placing both of her soft, cool hands on my buttocks.

"Your bottom is so warm and the flesh feels swollen and hard, like leather. Madam Popescu is brutal with the cane. I can even feel the ridges of the actual cane strokes." She sat down on the bed, wiping the cream that her hands picked up from my bottom on my mattress. There was no invitation for me to join her like the last time she had visited me in the cell.

"Ok, so this is how I want my visit to go. I am going to give you permission to speak in a minute, but I want you to think carefully what you say. You can make any comment you like and can ask as many questions as you like. When you have finished speaking, I will withdraw permission for you to speak any further, and I'll say what I have to say, which will include answering all of your questions. I won't give you permission to speak again for any reason except if I've forgotten to answer one of the questions you asked. If that happens, you must put your hand up and I'll let you ask it again. Are you clear?"

"Yes," I replied. There was a harshness in my voice that she didn't seem to pick up.

"Good. I just want to keep up the strict rules Madam Popescu has imposed; it would be unfair to undermine her tough regime, it's hard on you, I know, but you're not here for a holiday, this is prison and you're here to be punished. Ok, I give you permission to speak freely and ask your questions."

"Thank you, Becky, for being here, but why have you taken so long to come? Have you forgotten about me? Do I mean nothing to you anymore? Have you not missed me?" She listened to me in silence, her eyes fixed on mine. "I'm missing home so badly and can't wait to leave here. I'm missing my own bed, my comfortable mattress, watching a movie on the couch with you curled up beside me. I'm missing having a glass of wine sitting on the veranda watching the sun go down. I'm missing the apartment, the bay, talking to people, privacy having a shower, in my own shower at home, the privacy of going to the toilet. Wearing clothes! I only get to wear anything when I work outside moving those damn bricks up and down the yard, and then only when the temperature is cold enough. I especially miss getting to have an orgasm. I yearn for the day when I can enjoy even a hand job from you, oral would be spectacular, full sex is my dream of dreams; it's hard to imagine that day coming, will those days ever return?" I didn't believe they would, not with this woman who seemed so distant from me now.

"I've not really come to terms with what you did to get me the extra long sentence, and it irks me to know you are enjoying me being in here as much as I hate it. You enjoyed watching me being caned and ejaculating by accident while I was still on the bench, and it annoys me that you got pleasure from it." I shook my head trying to cast away those thoughts, but then something else spilled from my mouth, I couldn't help myself. "No ... I loved being so humiliated in front of you."

While I spoke, Becky was leaning back on my bed smiling at me, listening to me without making any comment. I wished I hadn't spoken that last sentence, it made Becky think she'd won, but of course, she had.

"Ok," she replied after I remained silent for a few seconds. "So, what questions do you wish to ask?"

Another wave of humiliation flooded me as it seemed she had ignored everything I'd just said. But that was who Becky had become, and I didn't want to miss out on getting answers to some questions, so I bit my tongue and complied. "The questions; I'll probably think of more later, but here goes. How long are you in Siskovia Province for and are you coming to see me again before you go back? Will you visit me another time before the end of my sentence? What have you told everyone back home about why I've gone missing, you know, like my friends? What's going on with the apartments and the running of them? Are you still seeing Gina and Liam and are you still playing sex games with them? Are you missing me, or are you too busy doing your own things?" I paused. That last question sounded a bit pathetic, but I couldn't think of any other way to ask it. Surely there was more I needed to know.

"Have you finished, David?"

"Er, I think so."

"Remember, once I withdraw permission, you won't be able to speak again, not even to ask about anything I say."

"I wish I could think of something more. But my mind has gone blank."

"If you're sure ... Ok, I withdraw permission for you to speak. It's my turn now. Answers to your questions: I'm staying in this country tonight and flying home tomorrow. I don't intend coming to visit you again on this trip. I will come over on your last day here so we can fly back together. That's the questions about Siskovia answered, I think."

I nodded, surprised that I felt so disappointed I wouldn't see her again for over three months. Rather than missing her love, which I felt was no longer there, she was still a massive connection with home, and she was still the sexiest most beautiful woman I knew; she still turned me on.

"Ok, anyone who asks about you. I've told them that we've had one or two problems and we're on a trial separation. I told them you're working away." I opened my mouth in shock, was she starting to think the same as me? She ignored me and continued: "I told your friend Phil when he called round soon after you came here. He seemed quite keen when he thought I was available, which of course I'm not. But he can be quite persistent. Don't worry, I've made it very clear I'm not interested. He does keep calling to check up to see if I'm ok though." She smiled, knowing that would make me very jealous. Her seeing Liam, who started out as a stranger, was acceptable as part of our games, but not someone who I called a friend since childhood. "The apartments are doing fine. Poppy and Jim are around quite a bit now helping out, and I've even roped Liam in to help out doing one or two odd jobs."

"Yes, I'm definitely seeing him and Gina; and yes, we are still playing our sex games. We make sure we meet at least twice a month to play and talk about you. I see Liam a little more often when he comes around to do those jobs. He doesn't take any payment, but I usually send him home with a blow job as a reward. He seems happy with that."

My penis was throbbing again despite it releasing all my pent up sperm earlier that day.

"Missing you?" She laughed. "Of course I'm missing you, but I am also doing my own thing, as you put it, and making the most of our situation as I always do. I doubt we'll ever have an opportunity like this again, so I'm just thinking of this as part of our elaborate game we all play. I'm enjoying it more than you can imagine. But I am really looking forward to you coming home and me doing all those nice things to you that I know you're so desperate for. You will be well rewarded; I can assure you. I'm thinking of leaving the cage off for a month and giving you everything you desire during that time, with no tricks. I think that's all your questions answered." She put a finger to her chin and looked up to the ceiling over emphasising she was deep in thought about something.

"Finally, I do have something to tell you, but I'm not sure how you're going to take it."

I suddenly felt a deep pang of worry.

"It's sort of connected with that last question about me missing you and me doing my own thing. I miss that closeness of having someone to cuddle up to at night; someone to hold me, someone to have a quiet meal with, someone to enjoy a normal, warm, loving sexual relationship with. I do have a little confession to make: I have actually met someone I like."

A rage grew inside me, the fucking bitch; I struggled to contain my anger, but I managed to hold back from even speaking. Becky must have seen it all in my eyes.

"David, please, please, don't worry. I have absolutely no romantic feelings for him whatsoever. I promise you, there's nothing in it ... but he does come round often, and he does stay the night. I have sex with him and we cuddle and fall asleep in each other's arms. His name is Josh, you don't know him and he doesn't know you. I met him in early November and I found it so easy to get on with him and confide in him. I told him about you, and how much I was missing you; he was so comforting. He knows you're in prison in a foreign country, but I've not told him anything about the circumstances. He doesn't even know about what I get up to with Gina and Liam. He just thinks I'm a normal, but temporarily lonely woman looking for companionship while her husband is unfortunate enough to be locked up far from home. We started a sexual relationship about a month after I first met him, but he knows you'll be returning in a few months, and he knows when you do come home, it's over between me and him. He's ... we're just enjoying the time we have."


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