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David Enjoys his Perfect Job Ch. 04


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"I want more."

I thought I was already giving her my all, but she had sounded desperate, so I would see what I could do. There was no response from her when I gave her faster strokes, but there was when I pushed her legs higher.

"Yes, yes."

That had done the trick, then a minute or two later, without any warning, she climaxed. To call it a big one is an understatement. It was so intense that it spoilt any chance I had of reaching it as well. When it ended, I was just glad that I was still alive.

I was now sitting on the chair, waiting for her to move, or to even say something. It was a few minutes before there was any sign of life.

After opening her eyes, and stretching her arms into the air, she said, "It was as good as Hillary said it would be."

"So you know Mrs. Henderson?"

"Yes, she is a good friend."

That surprised me, I wouldn't have thought they had anything in common.

I waited until she had showered, and was almost dressed, before I asked her. I was hesitant, because she might be offended, but then I went for it.

"Marilyn, can I ask you why you came here?"

"I told you, to be fucked," then she gave me a big smile, before continuing with, "What you really want to know is, why does a woman like me pay for it?"

I nodded.

"I don't have to, there is always a long list of young attractive men willing to date me, but sometimes this is simpler. There is no acrimonious break up, with you selling your story to a journalist. I am not paying you for sex, I am paying you to get out of my life afterwards."

Then she laughed, and I was glad when she stopped, it was starting to get on my nerves.

Her tip was modest, but I wasn't disappointed because I also got a signed photograph of her. On it she had written, 'To my dearest David, thanks for a wonderful time, love Marilyn xxx'. It was something I would always cherish.

Ten minutes later, after showering, I was still thinking about her. My next client, a new member, was due in a few minutes, but there was no way she would top Marilyn Brandy.

When I opened the door to her, I was surprised, but pleasantly so.

"What are you doing here?"

She smiled, then said, "That's no way to greet your Mother."

"But I have another client, and you were not on my list."

"I rang in earlier, on the off chance, and that nice receptionist told me that I was lucky. Somebody had just cancelled."

I was lucky as well, first a famous actress, then my Mother. Days don't get any better than this.

I helped her off with her coat, then she gave me a quick smile, before saying, "Will you please leave, I will call you when I am ready."

That surprised me, but I did as she had asked. I couldn't understand her need for privacy, especially after all the things we had done together. When somebody has fucked you with a ten inch dildo, and you have loved it, being watched while you undress seems irrelevant. Then it hit me, this was to keep up the pretence that this was going to be just a massage.

When she called me back, I was half-expecting her to be still wearing her underwear, that would have cracked me up, but I could see it on the chair. However, I did smile when I saw the towel covering her lower body.

In my best professional voice, I said, "Madam, are you ready for your massage?"

That got a little chuckle from her. I then spent the next five minutes on her top, but well away from her nice breasts. If she was going to keep pretending that she was just here for the massage, then I was going to keep her waiting for the sex.

I then did as much of her legs as I could with the towel on. When it needed to come off I didn't ask, I just quickly removed it. Now that I had better access, I could do her thighs. I spent ten minutes on them, the last two as high as possible without touching her most intimate place. When I had finished she was breathing heavily.

"Please turn over."

She gasped. It was barely audible, but I had heard it. She had made it out of surprise, and possibly disappointment because I was continuing with the massage, instead of making it sexual.

I took my time doing her back, then when I had finished, I placed my hands on her peachy bottom. This time it wasn't a gasp, it was a deep sigh, out of relief and the anticipation of what was to come next. She was now highly excited, even though it was just her bottom I was touching. As I pushed against it, she started pushing back. It was time to turn her over so that I could get to her tits. I was going to spend as long as I could feasting on them, before fingering her. She was going to get four inside her, whether she liked it or not. Then I smiled, of course she would like it.

"Fuck me David."

It was my turn to gasp, and it was a big one. I was stunned, and it was a few seconds before I could speak.

"Turn over."

"No, do it from behind," then she giggled, "My cunt or my ass, I don't mind. You choose."

As I took my shorts off, she got onto all fours.

"What are you waiting for?"

There was a hint of frustration in her voice. I muttered a quick, "Sorry," then I was behind her, ready to push in. Both were on offer, but there was only ever going to be one that I would choose, her sweet juicy cunt.

As I fucked her, I kept thinking about what she had said. It made me even hornier. This was now so fast and furious, that it was never going to last. And it didn't. Another five minutes would have been better, ten would have been perfect, but we only managed two at the most.

"I am going to fucking co..."

Then she climaxed. I needed another three deep strokes before I got mine. As I flooded her cunt she collapsed onto the table. I only rested for a few seconds, then I pulled out of her.

As I showered, I wondered what she would say to me when I got back. I considered, 'That was some fuck', 'That was a great climax' and even 'You must have my ass next time', but I settled on something else.

She was dressed when I returned, and she looked as smart as she always did. I then got a big smile, from her.

"Thank you, that was a wonderful," there was then a slight hesitation before she said the last word. It wasn't fuck, and it wasn't climax. It was what I had thought it would be, 'Massage'.

So far it had been a perfect day, and it would get even better when I got home to Victoria. When I had left for work she had told me she was going to cook us a special meal, but she wouldn't tell me what it was.

It was roast lamb, with all the trimmings. I ate too much. As she cleared the dishes I looked forward to the great sex we would soon be having. However that didn't happen. We ended up having our second argument, and this one was more serious.

It started after I had causally said that it had been a good day at Hilltop Mansion. Her response was unexpected, "I don't like you working there." I couldn't understand why she had said that, she knew what my job was when we had started going out together, so why had she suddenly decided that she didn't like it?

There was no sex that night, but the make-up sex in the morning was fantastic. I even joked to her that we should argue more often, but she didn't find it funny.

When she left for work I went back to sleep. I had another free day with nothing urgent that needed doing, so I was going to have a lazy day.

That evening I got to work a few minutes early, that was good, I could spend some time chatting with Angela.

She asked about Victoria, and I told her it was going well. I thought it best not to mention last night's argument. Then the conversation turned to James.

"You are a friend of James. Have you seen him since he left Hilltop Mansion?"

He was more a colleague than a friend, so that wasn't likely, but I didn't correct her, I just shook my head.

"There are a lot of rumours going around. I thought you might know something."

"Sorry, I only know what was on that piece of paper you showed me."

I didn't like telling her a lie, but I couldn't risk telling her the truth. However I was curious to know what people were saying.

"So what is being said about James?"

"This one I have heard from a few people. Amy wanted to have sex with James, but he turned her down. That made her so mad she fired him."

"That's silly, James will fuck anything that has a pulse. He would never have said no to her."

She thought that was very funny, and I had to wait a while until she had stopped laughing before she told me more.

"I like this one. James has got her pregnant, and he refuses to marry her. She was so angry she wants nothing more to do with him."

It was my turn to laugh. She was nearly sixty, so was that even possible?

"What do you think?"

I moved closer to her, and I could sense her excitement as she waited for me to speak.

"I think," then I moved even closer, before adding, "That he left because he had got a new job."

That got me a slap across my head. It was done playfully, but it still hurt.

When I got to my room I slumped into the chair, then I put my hands behind my head. There was still nearly five minutes before my first client was due, so I had the opportunity to briefly relax before they arrived. I needed to take it. Once I started, it was going to be non-stop. Today's client list was Ms. Nelson, my Sister and then my Aunty. By the end of it I would be exhausted.

Ms. Nelson arrived on time, and she looked flustered. It took her a moment to catch her breath, before she said, "I had to rush, am I late?"

I shook my head, then I pointed to the clock on the wall. She looked pleased when she realised that she wasn't late, in fact she was actually two minutes early.

Turning back to me, she said, "I must have forgotten my manners," then she offered me her hand. I shook it vigorously, that made her smile.

"Do you remember me?"

"Of course. You are Mrs. Green's Granddaughter. The shy young virgin."

That made her crease up with laughter.

I then sat on the chair, watching her undress. It was done with speed, this was a woman who was eager for sex. On Mrs. Green's last visit she had asked me for a favour. She wanted me to 'deflower' her young granddaughter. However, when she arrived, I found out that she had lost her virginity years ago, and that she was a sex fiend, with an almost insatiable appetite.

Despite her being chubby, possibly even fat, I found her very erotic. The next forty minutes were a whirlwind of every sexual activity you can imagine. The highlights being when I fingered her to her second climax, and her third, with the help of my giant dildo, Mr. Big Balls. I only managed to come once, but it was more than enough for me.

When we had finished I had to hurry. I only had ten minutes to shower before my Sister would be here. I managed it in six, which was just in time, because she was early.

I had only just finished greeting her, when there was a knock on the door. It must be Angela. It wasn't, it was Aunty Jane. She was surprised to see Gemma.

"Am I early?"

"Yes, an hour early."

There was confusion for a couple of minutes, until we figured out what had happened. Aunty Jane had been given the wrong time, and when she had arrived the reception desk was empty. Angela wasn't there to tell her that there had been a mix-up.

"Sorry Aunty, you are going to have a long wait."

She didn't look happy. Then, as she was leaving, Gemma put her arms around her to give her a hug. I thought she was consoling her, but then they started whispering to each other. When they giggled, I knew they were plotting something. After breaking from their hug, my Sister was the first to speak.

"It's unfair to make Aunty wait. I think she should stay," then, after putting her hands on her hips, she added, "That is if you can manage both of us together."

After the threesome with Gemma and James, I had vowed that I would never do another. But this was different, and even though it was still as risky as before, I was never going to say no.

"OK, but if we get caught I am going to blame both of you."

That didn't seem to bother them. I then watched as they undressed each other. I hadn't expected that, but I found it highly erotic. They stopped when they were both down to just their knickers. My cock was now so hard it was doing its best to rip my shorts, and when they started fondling each other's breasts, it almost succeeded.

I had only ever had two women at the same time once before. I was on holiday, and they were staying in the same hotel as me. I met them in the bar. We got drinking, and we eventually ending up in bed together. I couldn't believe my luck. I was having sex with two women, and they were Mother and Daughter.

I don't remember exactly what happened, because I was quite drunk, but I do remember it ending with me climaxing inside the Mother, while fingering the Daughter. The next day I woke up looking for a second helping, but they had gone, not just from my room, but also from the hotel. I never saw them again.

This time I wasn't drunk, so I would probably enjoy it more, and I definitely wouldn't forget any of it.

I let them touch each other for a few more minutes, before I decided it was time to join in. I now had both hands on Gemma's tits, and my mouth on Aunty's nipple. Both of them were making appreciative noises, so I knew I was doing a good job.

"Who are you going to fuck first?"

It was Gemma, and she seemed eager to know. However, it was a difficult question. Was there an answer that would please both of them?

"I don't know, you decide?"

The ball was now back in her court.

"I want to be first," then she looked at Aunty Jane, before adding, "If that's OK with you?"

She looked relieved when she got a yes.

"I want you on the table, on your back."

After taking her knickers off, my Sister did what I had asked. As soon as she was lying flat, Aunty was sucking on her tits. That left her cunt for me.

It was now a contest between Aunty and me, to see who could abuse Gemma the most. Aunty was sucking in huge mouthfuls of tit, and I was inserting as many fingers into her cunt as I could. I manged an impressive five, three from one hand, and two from the other, all at the same time. I declared myself the winner.

What we were both doing should have been uncomfortable for my Sister, possibly even painful, but she didn't object, instead she just moaned continuously. She was obviously enjoying it.

"This is good, but I thought you were going to fuck me?"

"No, I've changed my mind."


Then she realised I must be teasing her.

"David, you are such a bastard. If you don't do it now, I might change my mind."

I was now worried that she might actually mean it, so I took my shorts off in record time.

"Turn over, I am going to have you from behind."

Then I had a brainwave.

"Wait. Aunty you can get underneath her, so that you can lick her clit while I fuck her."

It took a while for all of us to get into position. At first it was awkward, but then when I moved a bit, to get out of the way of Aunty's head, it worked a treat.

Gemma was now getting long strokes from my cock, and at the same time Aunty was lapping her clit, as fast as a cat drinking milk from a saucer. It was good for me, and for Aunty, but it must be heaven for my Sister.

The only problem when it is this good is that it never lasts for long. We managed another five minutes, six at the most, then Gemma climaxed. I had seen her orgasm lots of times before, but none like this. It was so intense and strong, that at one point I actually thought she might be having a heart attack.

When it eventually ended, she collapsed, taking me with her, and almost crushing Aunty.

I got five minutes rest before Aunty Jane reminded me that it was now her turn. We could both tell that Gemma wasn't interested, and that was confirmed when she said she was going for a shower. I was OK with that, it would be no fun for any of us if we forced her into it.

I hadn't climaxed in Gemma, so I was eager to come, but I still wanted to take my time with Aunty. Five minutes sucking on her nice nipples was enough to get us both worked up again. I then took her knickers off so that I could go down on her.

I spent the next few minutes just sticking my tongue into her opening, so that I could saviour the taste and smell of her sweet cunt. Then I got to work on her magnificent clit. Its size always amazed me.

It didn't take me long to find the right spot, and when I did, her moaning went off the scale. I kept on it for a few more minutes, then I had to back off, she was getting too near to a climax. After another minute or so, even a gentle lick was in danger of taking her over the edge. It was now time to fuck her.

When I pushed into her, it was done with force, and it made her gasp. She was about to say something, but I stifled it by giving her a long hard stroke that was almost brutal. The time for anything subtle was over, this was hot and passionate, just as it should be.

"I can't take much more of this."

I muttered, "Yes you can," then I pushed her legs higher so that I could plough into her deeper.

That was enough to make her come. It was a big one, impressive, but not as good as Gemma's. It was only when her orgasm was fading, that I managed my climax. I grunted like a wild animal as I flooded her cunt, only stopping when my balls were completely drained.

It was only when I was getting off the table, that I noticed Gemma sitting in the chair. She was now dressed.

Aunty didn't bother showering, I think because she could see that Gemma was keen to leave. Five minutes later I was getting a big hug from both of them. Their parting words sent a shiver of excitement down my spine.

Aunty said, "We must do this again."

"Yes, next week," was my Sister's reply.

I was still high with excitement when I got home. Victoria should have been there, but she wasn't, but there was a note on the kitchen table.

'David, you do know I love you, but I cannot continue sharing you with the women you see at work. I should be enough for you. If you want our relationship to continue, then you must leave Hilltop Mansion.'

I did love her, but I also loved my job. I was now angry with her for making me choose. I spent the next hour thinking about it, but I couldn't decide. I would try again in the morning.

Just out of curiosity, if you were in the same situation as Peter, what would your decision be?


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rube37rube374 months ago

I would tell David that he really needs to look to the future and if he is really in love with Victoria and wants to spend the rest of his life with her than he needs to make a change to keep her. He should tell Victoria that he totally understands and that he wants her, but will need some time to try and find something else that will provide similar pay or until he is finished with his education.

chiefhalchiefhal10 months ago

I would tell Victoria I love her, but she needs to grow up. I intend to keep my job, the choice is hers. My wife and I are ENM, it's worked for years...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Keep the job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Needs a bit of editing to fix the name confusion.

Not into creampies or two guys which killed this chapter for me. Would have much preferred if Gemma only was massaged by David.

ScottishTexanScottishTexanover 1 year ago

Okay, I'm going to preface this one with an assumption that you screwed up and said 'Peter' when you actually meant 'David'. But you ended the chapter with the following question:

"Just out of curiosity, if you were in the same situation as Peter, what would your decision be?"

Again, assuming that you are talking about David and Victoria, then the answer is very simple and very obvious. If he truly loves Victoria enough that he wants to spend the rest of his life with her and build a family with her then he has to quit his job as she has asked him to do. If she is just another piece of ass, then he can let her go and continue being a gigolo.

Quoting again: "I spent the next hour thinking about it, but I couldn't decide."

That clearly tells me that (1] he doesn't really love Victoria even though he claims that he does. It is an easy decision to make in seconds if you truly love someone. But it also clearly shows that (2) David has absolutely no clue about what LOVE really and truly is. He wouldn't know LOVE if it slapped him in the face. Victoria is better off without him. Hell, his first girlfriend Carol figured it out and wouldn't let him advance past copping a feel. 1/5

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Have you forgotten to Post the next Chapter?

OpenWordsOpenWordsover 2 years ago

Domidane... Lol, he IS a prostitute. Wtf is wrong with him being treated like one? He's being paid to do his job.

DomidaneDomidaneover 2 years ago

I didn’t like the gemma and james part, it was bad.(where gemma chosejames to fuck her and david a handjob. Really?) And there is no love between the family members. They are treating him like a prostitute. Worst incest story but good for a harem kind of category.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago


Thanks for sharing ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I agree with most of the other comments made. Personally I enjoyed every chapter. I to think he should stay. eventually he well get tired of the job, and quit. Also I think that Angela is in love with him, and he should find out. She knows what he does, so that wouldn't be a problem. Then he can continue with his work until he finished collage. Get a job outside of what he's doing. He has alot of women in high places that can help him, and then marry her.

SirPappySirPappyalmost 3 years ago

Family first....I think Victoria should move on and David can as well. Maybe the receptionist would be a more understanding partner. Maybe he graduates college and moves up in the company so she can pursue other goals herself while also engaging in the family fun with David? I've enjoyed what's written so far and am hoping for more. Ty

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Excellent, and as a young hot dog, I would probably say “goodbye, Victoria, I will never forget you.”

chris99999chris99999about 3 years agoAuthor

Peter should be David!

It's an error. I now do more checking before I publish my stories, so hopefully my work will have fewer mistakes like this.

bigalinskbigalinskabout 3 years ago

" situation as Peter, what would your decision be?" who is Peter?

MediocreGingerMediocreGingerabout 3 years ago

I think he should keep working. She knew beforehand what his job was and that he loved it. However, I think he should let her know that he has plans not to do that forever.

I feel this story isn't quite over. He should at least finish college. I think that with all the tests and such that the head honcho coming down was another test and so they offer him a higher position in the company. Whether or not he takes it I don't know. Maybe Amy wants to retire or something and thinks he will be the best replacement.

I also think that things with James aren't finished. There's no way he didn't take some of the recordings home so I see either a blackmail situation or a leak online or something.

I think this series could and should continue for a couple more chapters. I think David should end up with a girl that doesn't mind sharing and hearing about his escapades. When he leaves the job then his sister, aunt, and mom could still enjoy the benefits and such. Maybe even Mrs. Henderson since she was his biggest tipper and seemed to have a closer relationship with his family and such.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
I have loved ...

I have loved this story so far and hope you continue it

LegallySaneLegallySaneover 3 years ago
I think

this should be the end of the series. Chapter 4 was pretty disappointing and I'm

100% sure it's just going to get worse. The toys ruined it for me.

nyteramblernyteramblerover 3 years ago

Have enjoyed the story but. I think with so many rules being broke that it will crash. But Victoria knew his job and she made her choice to be with him and shouldn't have tried to force him to quit.

XanalinguistXXanalinguistXover 3 years ago
Kind of a shame

I really enjoyed the first 3 parts of the series, but this one had too many pointless tangents and too much repetition. It could have ended a lot better (this chapter and the series).

DUBLXLDUBLXLalmost 4 years ago

Please continue this adventure. He has choices to make. 22 years old, still in college, all his eggs in one basket or keeping his options open.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

The character was called David not peter

fisheronefisheronealmost 4 years ago
Decision time

There are many factors in the decision process here. One his friend already had been fired, two Peter's alpha male syndrome will eventually cost him his when one his clients says it's to rough or he refuses to stop. The big one is with the amount of women he is having bareback sex with someone is going to get an STD. When happens it will end Job and several marriages as well. These people are all well connected and success will be hard if they put you on the list. I would quit job finish school and let Victoria know that this my decision for my future not an ultimatum from her. One final thought is it started off a well structured job but slowly all the rules of protection were being broken, sex with owners wife, sex with manager, sex off-site, sex with multiple clients at one time and finally Peter started not always listening to clients and was after his satisfaction. Too many points of failure for success, look at writing on the wall and leave

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Definitely Should Continue Series

Wicked series, wish there was more. Also to answer the question, I would dump the GF. She knew his job.

AdedrumAdedrumalmost 4 years ago

Keep the job. Girlfriends come and go.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Keep the job till you finish college. Then decide between money and love!!! Or get both!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Telling Vicky Bye

It’s already been said, here, but Victoria knew what she was getting into. Sorry, babe, but you don’t get to change the contract after the fact. Never fall in love with someone’s potential! I agree w/the commenter who spoke of the lack of intimacy in the sister/James threesome.

CroonyCroonyabout 4 years ago

But visit his relatives on a regular basis. 😁

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Even an unreasonable person would have already left Hillside

But, that wouldn't make for such a good story.

dikupinyadikupinyaabout 4 years ago
no brainer

why trade a great job with plenty of pussy for a live in argument? no matter how good she is the sister, aunt, and mother more than make up for her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
The threesome

With the sister and James was a massive turn off, in what was otherwise a good story. The sister was too demanding and treated him like a consolation prize. There should be more intimacy in the taboo act of incest, not just another fuck blending into the rest.

Bedroomeyes81Bedroomeyes81over 4 years ago
love to read more

Great story love how it was building. but would have loved to read more, hopefully there will be a chapter 5 sometime. o and im at a loss with the girlfriend she sounds hot and like a great partner BUT she knew what he was doing when they started dating kinda low blow to give that ultimatum. hate to say it but bang and boot sounds needed there

linnearlinnearover 4 years ago
Keep Working

A great little series, very enjoyable but I would like you to describe the sex a little more or longer encounters.

Fuzzy_KbearFuzzy_Kbearover 4 years ago

If she really loved him and knew what he was doing before they became a couple then she shouldn't have given him an ultimatum. She just trying to control him not love him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Twice more he has his mother there... First time he uses a dildo!!! Second time she offers her ass and he ignores it!! You spent about one paragraph on each!! It was absolute garbage!! It seems you totally lost focus on what should have been the most erotic part of the story!! Very disappointing!!

buzman0112buzman0112over 4 years ago

Great story!!! As for should he stay or go, he should stay at hilltop until he is done with college and he has found a new job that he loves as much as he loves working at hilltop!!!

Eric_ShiftEric_Shiftover 4 years ago
Stay. Make great amounts of money.

Don't turn his back on this fantastic job.

feelgood2000feelgood2000over 4 years ago
What to do?

I would stay, if she loved him as much as she says why is she making him choose? Especially since she’s known from the beginning what he does.

OralLover62OralLover62over 4 years ago

He should stick with slinging drinks at the local men's strip bar and getting girls there. As for David, I would take the job without hesitation. It's like the classic comment about a hot girl on a hot car, most everyone wants the girl. I want the car, with it I can get 20 hot girls instead of being saddled with just one.

More pussy to eat is a better life ...

Just_a_GentJust_a_Gentover 4 years ago
She knew...

She knew what his job was. She has no right whatsoever to ask him to leave, much less give an ultimatum. As a massage guy, myself, it can but difficult to reconcile His business is pleasure, but it is still business. She's making it personal when it isn't. The bitch will be if she causes trouble by trying to expose Hilltop. She wasn't a client, just a friend from a party.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
A great job !

He should let her drift away and look after his ideal job.

5 stars for a great story

colrbtddscolrbtddsover 4 years ago
Choices ...!!

He is providing therapeutic services and loves his work. He needs to bide his time and cultivate a relationship with a like minded partner.Time to move on - he was too good for her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Stick with the job

David needs to stick with the job.

There will be more Victorias.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
My Pick

I would stay with the Job .. Victoria knew what she was getting into ..

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