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Day 1 - Femboy Tavern's NNN

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Day 1 - No Nut Novembereth at the Femboy Tavern.
4.3k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 11/14/2023
Created 11/03/2023
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All characters are OVER 18.

Please excuse my frequent use of the word "boy". This implies "Femboy", not child or underaged male.


This chapter features the following:

Censored Curse Words. Anthropomorphic Characters. Pig futa. Sex Work. Size Difference. Large Futa Cock. Odd Genitalia. Porn Physics. Stomach bulge. Musk/Sweat. Sloppy Sex. Rough sex. Some Masochism. Some Degrading/Humiliation. Gentle to Rough. Self Orgasm Denial. Anal Gape. Anal Creampie.


Please Enjoy.


Day 1

"Lady Eleanor?"


Standing behind the bar, absentmindedly polishing a glass was Lady Eleanor, or just Eleanor for everyone else other than Luca. She had poofy brown curly hair that fluffed down over her shoulders. With her beautiful caramel colored skin and her fairly human appearance, probably you wouldn't expect she was a quarter orc, if it wasn't for her pointed ears and small canines that peeked out from her plump lips.

Standing on the taller side of 5'11, she glanced down at the halfling boy, on the other side of the counter.

"Oh, Luca! Sorry, I spaced out there for a second." She smiled.

"Yeah, you looked a little lost." He giggled. "Everything alright?" He asked seriously, reminding her of the curse and her new appendage between her legs that came with it.

"Uh, yeah I'm fine."

Lady Eleanor

- 2.3 inches

- Marble sized

- Content

"What about you? Everything okay?" She asked.

"Yeah..." He huffed. "Table 3 is just-" Luca rolled his eyes. "You get it."

"Want me to ask them to leave?"

"No, it's fine. Honestly I'm used to it by now."

Though he was the smallest of the femboys at the tavern, being on the short side of 4'11", Luca had worked here the longest, and knew fairly well how to handle the handsy futa customers, which were the Tavern's main clientele.

Being half human, half Gnomish, with curly blond hair, blue eyes, and a soft face, usually meant he got more attention then he cared for. Gnomes were quite well known for being capable of taking sizes much larger than they looked like they could handle. Which made him a curiosity amongst many horny futas looking for a place to warm their cock.

But it had been a while since Luca willingly dove into the sheets with a customer. He made enough money as is, and kinda had the eyes for a specific woman, though she openly preferred big futa cock rather than Gnome dick.

"I should probably go top them off before they miss me." Luca joked. "I'll be back in a moment."

Luca crossed through the fairly packed tavern, patrons eating and drinking, chatting and dealing, all as light lute music played in the background.

Coming around a large woman who was taller than him even sitting down at a table, Luca came face to face with a tower of bowls of stew and stines of grog, stacked high and teetering.

Without a word, he took a step back and allowed Lucky to pass, carrying the mountain of barware.

Lucky was lightly tanned from days running around in the sun, and staring out windows. Though he looked like a fairly normal human, his floppy black ears and fluffy tail, made it obvious he wasn't.

"Need any help?" Luca asked, though he already knew the answer.

"Nope, I got it." Lucky nodded and like a flash, he was setting drinks and stew in front of guests, filling orders.

"Well, keep up the good work." Luca said, and Lucky beamed.

Luca never understood how the fluffy haired dog boy did it. Lucky was the newest hire of all the boys. But he took to serving like a fish to water.

The orders were always correct and the guests were always pleased, that's not even mentioning his amazing dexterity to balance stacks of bowls and cups effortlessly. And doing it all with what seemed like just a handful of brain cells in that cute little head of his.

"Hey~ doggy, how about you show me a good night?" A drunk patron slurred.

"Please don't grab my tail." Lucky said with a bright smile. "But how's this?" He plopped two extra cups of grog in front of her. "On me." Gave a little yip and continued dishing out orders.

Luca had no idea how he just seemed to do it all, but he had some ideas.

"Did I do a good job?" Lucky asked as he finished his stops and bounded up to the bar in front of Lady Eleanor.

"Of course Lucky, you always do the best job." She smiled and patted his head. He nuzzled into her hand, a beaming smile on his face. "Such a good boy."

Lucky was basically the definition of praise kink. Melting at compliments and damn near begging to be called a good boy. Hell, if one of the guests buttered him up enough, Lucky would be under the table serving sloppy toppy before the night was over... Luca had seen it. But now they made sure to check on him every once and a while, just to make sure he wasn't being manipulated.

Luca continued, passing by the elven twins' table. And they were up to their usual shtick. Lucky had the skill to serve multiple tables, but the twins preferred a more hands on approach, quite literally.

They usually preferred one to two tables, the ones with the wealthy patrons. They'd butter them up, flirt their hearts out until they had their guest eating out of the palm of their hand.

Nova was sitting in an official looking woman's lap, whispering into her ear as his hips moved, grinding into her. All the while twilight sat beside the other woman at the table, his hand was out of view, though most definitely in play with the way he smiled up at her.

If it wasn't for the whole no nut Novembereth ban on clients, they'd most definitely have both these ladies upstairs, spilling out coin purses and... other fluids.

If this was Luca's tavern, he wouldn't have allowed things like this out in the open, even though it was fully legal. Here in the Hunglands, laws around the privacy of sex were much looser, and seeing how the majority of the natives consisted of pervy futas, it made sense.

Standing over by the stairs, Luca locked eyes with Quinn, who was holding a serving tray to his chest, looking out into the tavern hall.

"You okay?" Luca asked, walking over to the pink haired boy.

"Oh... yeah I'm fine." Quinn said, giving Luca a bright smile, which quickly faded back to his normal face. "I just needed a breather."

Quinn was the tallest of the boys, but was the thinnest. He was always pale, no matter how much sun he'd got, and though he looked human, with pink hair, curly ram-like horns, and a long thin tail that was fluffy at the end, no one knew what he was. And Quinn didn't know either.

Eleanor had saved Quinn from a slave auction, like she had done with Luca, but Quinn had been in much worse shape when he arrived. It had taken Quinn a week to even start talking after he'd come to live with them. But he seemed pretty happy with his life now, though every so often he'd step away from serving to take a breather.

Luca wasn't sure if Quinn ever took guests. Sometimes Quinn would just disappear, but Luca never knew if it was to step out and get some fresh air or to slip away upstairs with some lady.

"Want me to take over your tables?" Luca asked.

"No, I'm fine. Thanks though!" Quinn said, giving him another big smile.

"I'll leave you to it."

Luca criss-crossed through tables, checking in on a few of his patrons before finally getting to table 3. Even taking the long way, he ended up here eventually. Luca steeled himself, putting on an award winning smile.

"So, you ladies need a fill up?" He asked, reaching for their tankers, before they could even answer and there was immediately a heavy hand groping his rear.

Luca just smiled and took the large cups in hand, but as he did the orc hand vanished from his butt, and grabbed his wrist, spilling grog across the table top.

"How about I fill YOU up?" The orcish woman said, lifting Luca by his arm off the ground. "Put that Gnomish body to the test." She grinned licking her lips as she held high.

Luca squirmed in her grip, but it was no use. "Unhand me... please." The sight of a guest grabbing a server had quieted the room.

Eleanor caught sight of this and was about to step in when a "HEY!" cut through the tavern hall.

Luca didn't have to look up to know Orion was standing in the kitchen doorway, shirtless if not for a stained apron and slacks. He'd been sequestered to the kitchen for the last few months, banned from serving for picking fights with rude patrons.

"You put him down now!" Orion shouted, sharp teeth bare.

"Hehe, such a big mouth for such a little boy." The orcish woman laughed.

Being the second shortest of the Tavern boys, Orion wasn't very large in stature, though he was in attitude. Orion was as rough and tumble as they came. Though he was only half goblin, he possessed the ferocity of at least a couple full bloods.

Green skin, pointed ears, a mop of black hair that covered one of his eyes, and a myriad of scars, that and a bad attitude summed up Orion.

Though he often complained that once he got enough money he would leave, it was obvious Orion cared deeply about the other Tavern boys. He always jumped in when they needed help. He had a bad habit of, if a guest was too eager to bone, he'd "give them something to f**", which usually meant himself. Orion had almost as much sex as the twins with how much he stepped in for the other boys, and made sure the patrons paid him for it after.

But being they had an agreement about no taking clients this month, Orion had to use his fists instead.

"Put him down, or I'll put you down." Orion snarled at the laughing orc.

"There's no need for violence. Ma'am please put down my barmaid." Eleanor called out, as she moved from behind the counter, not wanting Orion to get into it.

"Is that so?" The orc woman said to Orion ignoring Eleanor's words. "You and what arm- Oof~"

Before she could finish speaking, Orion had decked, the woman twice his size, full force in the crotch, causing her to drop Luca and double over. As she did, Orion jumped, slamming a knee solidly into her forehead, sending her careening back into the floor, smashing a chair in the process.

The other orcs at the table motioned to stand, but Orion brandished a kitchen knife at them, motioning for them to sit back down.

"When she wakes up, tell her I'm sorry about my knee running into her face. That was rude of me. And I owe her a free drink." He stabbed the knife into the table. "and tip your waiter."

Orion retracted the knife and returned to the kitchen, not even glancing over at Luca.

The women at the table stood, scooping up their friend, and stumbled out of the tavern, but not before leaving a few copper on the table.

Luca continued on with his night. Serving tables and cleaning up messes. The dinner and supper rushes had ended, and with the sun having set it was mostly night drinkers.

Orion sat at the end of the bar, in a bowl of stew and a tankard of grog.

"Hey, thanks for earlier."

Orion drained his tankard and burped. "Don't mention it."

"It was so cool when-"

"Seriously." Orion shoved the empty tankard into Luca's arms. "Don't mention it."

Luca gave him a half smile and went to get him a refill.

The Tavern door swung open, and Luca recognized the face of the woman as she walked in. She was a large Hogvitan woman, pink and brown spotted skin, a snout and 2 large tusks. It was the woman Orion had upstairs when Luca and Lady Eleanor were out yesterday.

The hulking woman made her way down the bar, bee-lining for Orion. She loomed over him, blocking his light, and the goblin boy tilted his head back and looked up at her.

"Oh, it's you."

"This is my last night." She snorted.

He looked back at his stew.

"Head upstairs, I'll be right up."

She turned and stomped her way upstairs, as Orion lifted the bowl to his lips and downed it all in a few gulps.

Slipping from the bar stool, Orion made his way over to Eleanor, grabbing Luca in the process and dragging him over to her.

"Okay, this woman paid for services a few days ago. She paid for nights in advance before you guys decided to do this stupid no nut thing. I know we said no sex but I don't have a choice here."

"Ori, you don't have to do this." Eleanor said, but Orion just shook his head and she could see his conviction.

"Technically the only real rule is that you're not allowed to cum. I mean if you can have sex without cumming, then you'd fine. Can you do that?" Luca asked.

Orion scoffed. "You idiots actually cum, from taking clients."

Luca shrugged and Eleanor nodded.

Orion huffed. "Fine. I'll be back, and I'm not losing, like some pussy b***!"

Luca and Eleanor looked at each other as Orion stomped up the steps.

He stood in front of the door and took a deep breath. "No F**ing cuming!" He told himself. Then opened the door.

Inside the large Hog-like woman lay naked in his small bed, dwarfing it. He stood there staring at her.

"Come on, get naked." She huffed.

"Look, I know you paid for a full night. But I can't accommodate that. I'll give you one orgasm and you'll get out."

"But I already paid."

"I know." Orion sighed, "how about one orgasm tonight, and I'll give you a free night in Decembereth."

"All the way in Decembereth?!"

"That's the best I can do. Take it or leave it."

"Make it two nights."

"Fine! Let's just get this over with." Orion said, stripping down, tossing off his apron, and slacks.


Goblin Femboy

- 4.2 inches

- Ping Pong ball sized

- Irritated

Orion crossed the room, slipping into the bed, and barely found space kneeling down between the hog woman's large thighs. She was 4 times his mass, though thankfully her cock was only a measly 12 inches, being fairly short for a futa her size. His eyes traced up the length of her fat cock, what she lacked in length, she more than made up for with girth. His eyes came to rest on the swirl of her corkscrew tip.

Being so close to her throbbing meaty cock, Orion got a nose full of her. He had known she was a futa adventurer, and she sure smelled the part. She smelled of sweat, thick cum, and a day of heavy travel.

Her heavy musk filled his senses. Orion found his arousal starting to grow and he felt a bit disgusted with himself.

Though he had a harsh exterior, in bed, Orion was a bit of a masochist. He loved being degraded and humiliated. And day old pig dick, was right up his alley. He hated that this was turning him on.

"I'll just suck her off and make her cum fast, and get this over with." He told himself. Grabbing her cock with both hands, he stuck the musty swirl of a tip into his mouth, wasting no time.

It was salty and tasted of old cum. The hog futa, hummed with pleasure. "That's it, swallow Mama's cock." She moaned. Placing a large hand on top of his head, she pushed him farther down on her dick.

Orion quickly went from lavishing the meaty corkscrew with his tongue, to it being pushed back and into his throat. Her girth quickly followed, filling his mouth.

His green dick and pink tip bounced at how rough she was being, as he couldn't help how much he enjoyed being used.

His gag reflex had long been gone from rough skull f**ing from the past, but he found himself falling into the groove of purposely gagging on her cock. He knew some futa's who just ate that s**t up, and part of him enjoyed the fantasy it ticked, forced to choke on a futa's cock.

What he didn't fake however were the light tears in his eyes, the width of her cock pushing into his throat, made him tear up a bit.

She moaned loudly. "I've been waiting for this all day. Ya throat is so tight. That's it, choke on ma cock ya wee slut."

His body trembled with pleasure and part of his mind melted at her using his throat as her personal hole. He wanted more, for her to shove him to the base, make him dumb on her cock but he fought back, forcing himself not to enjoy this.

His hands on her shaft was now slick with his own saliva mixed with her bitter precum. He began stroking, double fisted, as fast as he could, trying to drive her to the edge as quickly as possible.

This was his third night with her. He knew she was quite the quick shot, though her recovery time was equally as fast. That had been why he'd suggested only one orgasm. He knew the longer he was in bed with her, the higher the likelihood of him losing this stupid challenge and letting big Sis down.

"Oh~ Gods!" She moaned as he started bobbing his head up and down on her fat cock more frantically, her hand pushing him a little farther down each time.

The light pain of her cock stretching and using his throat made his brain buzz, he could feel his own thighs growing wet with his precum. F**! Why did trying to hold back and not enjoy this make it so much more of a turn on. Was he really going to cum from a cock in his throat?!

He reached down in desperation, taking each of her bulbous testicles in his hands. Boiling hot, he could almost feel the way they churned with her spunk. God Damn! It had only been a little over 24 hours since their last session, but with how much they weighed in his hands it felt like she already had a month's worth stored up.

Grabbing her balls, he tugged at them. "Cum you f**ing pig!" He screamed in his head, wanting to force the cum out of her.

She gave off a pleasured squeal and quickly pulled him off her cock.

"Ya cheeky little bugger." She snorted. "That throat is quite the marvel, but if I'm only allowed to cum once, it's gonna be in that tight little a**."

She reached down and grabbed his hips, and as if repositioning a burger, flipped him around, till his a** was in her face. With the way he was swung around, his face slapped into her cock, squishing against it, his body laying on her stomach.

Tusked spread his butt cheeks as he felt a snout and tongue, lap at his ring, before eagerly going to town on his hole.

"Oh f**!" He yelped, grabbing onto her cock for balance as she hungrily ate and opened him up, her long heavy tongue diving in and out of him, rubbing relentlessly against his prostate.

He was spilling precum onto her large breasts, as her tongue milked his most sensitive spot. Eyes closed, face firmly pressed against her fat musky cock, Orion felt like he was losing his mind.

"F***! Why now? Why now of all times did they plan on this no cumming s**t?!" He we wanted to give in, to couldn't enjoy this sloppy f**ing f**k!

He gripped her cock hard and made her wince. "Oy! The hell ya doing down there." She snorted.

"Just... put it in already." Orion panted through gritted teeth, partly wanting to get it over with and partly to feel her cock rearrange his insides.

"Eager are we?" She laughed. "Well let's not leave ya waiting." As easy as she'd picked him up, she lowered his hips to her cock.

His knees were back on solid mattress as she rubbed her tip between his buttcheeks, teasing herself and Orion with her imminent penetration. His body had betrayed him, grinding back into her, his hole clenching and flexing, hungry for her cock.

"That's it slut. Ya want my cock, don't ya?"

Orion bit down hard on his lip nearly drawing blood. "Just put it in you stupid pig." He spat but it was muffled into the mattress.

"I didn't hear ya. I wanna hear that girly little voice moan for Mama's cock."

She was leaking precum now, squelching and spilling it between his cheeks, down his back, covering his butt and her cock in a thin layer of sticky hog precum.

"Please, put it inside me. I need your cock." Every ounce of baritone had drained from his voice, as he whimpered out those words. He hated how high pitched his voice became when he got all worked up.

"That's a good b***."

With a finger she guided in the point of her corkscrew, and Orion felt it easily slide in. His body was so eager and with the work her tongue had done, he easily swallowed the swirl of her tip, feeling its ridges rub past his prostate.


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