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Debt Slave Ch. 01

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Jean Thomas is sold into sexual slavery and forever changed.
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Jean Thomas is just an average human man from Earth. Or, at least, he still is for the moment. Jean is, unfortunately for him, a debt-slave. He had an idea that he thought was revolutionary, took out a loan, dropped everything and pursued a small business on his homeworld. Little did he understand that Earth is a tough market, and that big business is constantly on the lookout for ideas to steal and profit from. A few years, a few more loans, and some poor managing later Jean finds himself in a fuck-load of debt. Well, several thousand literal fuck-loads given the situation he's currently in.

Large amounts of debt, especially when the debtor is unlikely to ever be able to repay them, are highly frowned-upon in galactic society. So much so, that galactic governments instituted a number of forms of debt slavery for debtors and bankruptcies.

Probably the largest problem with this process is that debt slaves must be purchased from the debt holders, who generally expect a full return on investment, if not including some of the expected profits from interest. This has led to a climate of debt purchase where the industries most likely to purchase expensive slave contracts are those where the labor is most needed, as well as the most likely to see a return.

Debts so large as the ones Jean held are typically only sought after by a handful of industries. All of them are exploitative, few of them a debt slave could be expected to survive through contract completion both whole in body and mind. The few industries such a debt slave could be expected to survive their contract "whole" simply have a different definition of "whole" than most galactic citizens.

Fortunately for Jean, his contract had garnered interest from several different industries. Even better, the judge of his bankruptcy case took pity on him. Jean was given his pick of the bad choices on offer. Only one of those industries offered contracts that guaranteed survival, healthcare, and a lack of dismemberment: the sexual services industry.

Making the easy selection, the bankruptcy court quickly sold Jean's contract to an unknown organization. He was knocked out and put in stasis. His court-mandated memory removal to prevent recidivism was performed cleanly and efficiently. Then, he was shipped off to his new owner.

Which is where we find him now: on an alien world, on the operating table of a local modder, naked, and just now waking up for the first time since his sentencing. A beautiful alien woman with faintly gray-green skin, horns, and a tail, presumably the modder or one of their staff, sits just inside his range of sight. Restraints hold him in place while tubes, sensors, and other devices seem to penetrate his every orifice. It would all be more alarming if the situation somehow didn't leave him feeling intensely horny.

A smooth, thin voice echoes out into the room from the woman, "Jean... nice to finally have you awake and aware. My name is Nijue, and I've been contracted by your new owner to mod you for your new profession. We're going to, at a minimum, give you a female body, but let you keep your dick. They want you to be a futanari, capable of copulating with any client of their choice. Outside of that, they have given me a number of options and a healthy budget to give you some initial modifications. I'm the best modder there is around these parts, so this is likely going to be a fairly long term relationship between you and me. You want something to increase your sales, maybe lower your debt a bit faster? You come to me. So, we can do this the easy way and I'll make sure you like what you become. Or, we can do this the hard way and I'll enjoy seeing just what I can make of you." The last was said with a hint of sadistic glee.

Jean gulped. "I... a f-female body? Why can't I keep my body, at least somewhat? I've got debts to repay. My body is valuable too, even if it's not the same as your money."

"Oh," said the lab coat-wearing alien with clear enjoyment, "But, then, not only would we have to be careful about what clients you end up with to keep the genital compatibility, your new owners are specifically looking for in a humanoid like you, but you wouldn't have as much sex appeal. Sex appeal, you see, is key in this industry. As such, I'm under orders to work in as much sex appeal as possible in the changes."

"New owners? What's that about?" Jean panted, the panic nearly overwhelming him. "What's going on?"

Nijue grinned widely, "Damn! Court got your memory that badly did they?" After waiting for an answer from Jean, and only getting confusion in response she continues. "You were hauled in to bankruptcy court." With those words, recognition dawned on Jean's features. He didn't have any personal experience with debt slaves, but he'd done his research as his debts loomed on the horizon. Thinking back, he couldn't remember how his debts got so bad, but he could remember the tension and fear of being yanked into bankruptcy court.

"Ah! I see that you understand now..." the modder giggles, "you're a debt slave, one that I hear has a fairly massive debt to pay off." She leans forward and caresses the man's face seductively, but with an air of danger as if the caress could turn to a scratch in an instant. "Lucky for you that the adult entertainment industry took an interest. I've heard that people with your kind of debt don't tend to survive their contracts in any other industry."

Nijue steps back and begins to work on a handheld tablet she picks up from nearby. A holo-display flickers to life in front of Jean's restrained form. "Now then," the modder's voice rings out in an almost singsong tone, "We need to get started on your initial mod package, gotta turn you into a pretty little dickgirl for your owners."

With the ease of practice and hours of study in her chosen profession, Nijue calls forth various models of 3D renders of what Jean might look like with different mod packages and displays them in the floating display in front of him. "I'll be a bit nice here, if nothing else to make sure our relationship starts off on the right foot." The woman turns towards Jean and gives him a sultry smile, "As such, I'm going to let you choose your base appearance when we change you into a futanari. However, you're going to get a single mod of my choice depending on which appearance you choose."

Jean nervously scans the different models, eyeing each one warily. There's almost twenty different starter options, although most of those are generic and easily distinguished. All of the options are clearly derived from Jean's genetic code and limited to human in appearance. It seems as though his owners don't want him to go xeno or cyber as of yet, probably something to do with his prospective clientele. All of the options, however, do seem to fit some kind of porn archetype that Jean is at least somewhat familiar with. Soon, he has it narrowed down to just five options, which he mentally lists out in detail to weigh the pros and cons of each of these feminine forms:

Option 1: Twink - The twink has a lean, yet masculine appearance with androgynous looks. While the muscle on their frame isn't prominent, it does show off their figure and carries the impression of an incredible athletic ability. The twink features more effeminate facial features and is noted for soft skin, good for the physical appearance part of their profession.

It's easier to move the body of a slim and lean model as well. If Jean is expected to work physically while having sex with their clients then being able to move their muscles in concert is probably important. This option seems to lean heavily on a mixture of dancer-like flexibility and the more muscular build of a runner or cheerleader. It would focus on ease of movement when shifting positions and for Jean to be able to move in physically strenuous positions.

Option 2: Domme - The domme body includes stronger legs, allowing easy retention of various positions with her clients. Jean's arms also remain rather muscular and strong. Even though it leaves a moderate amount of muscle across the torso, they have impressive bust. Perhaps similar to a B or C cup. In terms of size, their hips and ass are the next defining characteristics, standing out somewhat as eye-catching. Jean would have long nails, a particular fetish in many species in the galaxy, and would be sensitive to others touching their body

Considering what little he knew about his situation, this body struck him as probably being one of the better options. It strikes Jean as an enjoyable aesthetic and the appearance itself hits a few boxes his customers were likely to check off.

Option 3: Gidget - More of a girl-next-door, or rather porn-next-door, beauty. She's fuller figured than the other models, and has a very sultry demeanor, perhaps from constantly moving her hips. This body type seems to go well with a thick penis. Her body might bear some resemblance to various pop-culture depictions of Venus de Milo, having a relatively thin waist, wide hips, and big and thicc cheeks.

This feels like a body that comes from physical pleasure and has a submissive nature, a domme being its preferred partner. This body is also probably intended for the sake of bondage and may have a more intense and rough kind of sex.

Option 4: Femme Fatale - A body type dominated by its slim, accentuated features, the femme fatale has 'legs for days'. Its overall sense of tightness suggests sexual confidence, yet its tone is slinky and suggestive rather than forthright. An appeal that focuses on teasing is usually prevalent. She has relatively wide hips and a moderate bust size with thin muscular arms and long nails. She strikes Jean as the kind that's always flirting and teasing, yet never giving them what they want.

Option 5: Cheerleader - Bigger breasts, bigger cheeks, and thicc thighs make this model larger, softer, and all around more voluptuous. While a cheerleader is better to be known for having an exceedingly bubbly personality, not to mention thick thighs, and enjoys keeping their form well toned, but not ripped, the Cheerleader treats the shape of their body, with a broad bosom, plush rear, and fit body, as their most alluring trait.

Jean indicates the five narrowed down options to Nijue. "Any chance you could tell me what you're going to tag on to each of these?" He frowns, "There might be one or two that I prefer, but I'm willing to bet that you would 'monkey's paw' me with some kind of ironically sadistic mod for that choice."

Nijue's eyes start flickering through the individual 3D models before her. Slight tweaks and other external variables are played with until all the models have individually fitting traits associated with them. She works steadily for what feels like half an hour until at last she turns to Jean. "Hmm, cheeky boy," chuckles Nijue. "I like that, still, you should show more respect to your superior and the modder that will be servicing you." She leans forward, her cleavage on full display in Jean's view. Jean found it nearly impossible to look away. He'd spent however damn long he's been here being pumped full of drugs and looking at sexed up versions of himself. Having the real thing shoved right in his face was certainly not helping his attempts at making a logical decision during this crisis.

Nijue smirks as she spies where Jean's eyes are looking, "Don't think I haven't been watching your tracker, you really should take up your owners on that urge to masturbate. You'd probably not feel as flustered when trying to make a big decision like this."

Jean pulls his eyes off of her tits and glares directly into her eyes. "How the hell am I supposed to do that when you have restraints strapping me to this chair?" he spits out, "Whatever, just hand over the tablet or something so I can go through the details. After I've got a better idea of these models I can figure out my proper answer to this."

The modder grins wider as she leans in and presses her mouth to Jean's own and slips him tongue for a long moment before leaning back and taking the datapad with the models in her hand, but not passing it over. "Those are just the default descriptions, they can and will change. You'll find that the only answer we desire is 'Yes, mistress.'" The alien leans forward, her breasts pressing against Jean's as she sets her hands behind his head and pulls herself forward to where her lips just brush against his. "Those are the options that have been given to you. If you keep resisting and pushing for more information, then I'll make some changes that you definitely don't want."

Jean's mind spins as he desperately tries to comprehend the modder in front of him. During her threats, her voice becomes eerily quiet as she makes a very deliberate effort to lean further forward and practically whisper in his ear. The scent of her hair washes over him, flooding his mind and threatening to cloud his judgment, but through supreme willpower he keeps himself steady as she finishes her threat, "Trust me, there's a world of difference between what I'll be adding to the listed options now and what may be put there, should you continue to refuse me." She punctuates her words with a lewd kiss to the neck, right near the jugular, before leaning back into her chair.

Jean tries to think quietly as his hard-on rages from his restrained form. He tries to imagine just what this sadistic modder is likely to add to each of the five options. It's almost easier to imagine with his lust-fogged brain. His brain goes into overdrive, and he imagines far too many horrific, hot, amazing scenarios. He instead decides to toss caution to the wind and just pick, delaying any more at this point would only make things worse. Jean picks the option that feels like the best choice for the current situation. "Option four: I'd like to start out as a femme fatale, Mistress," the honorific slips out quite naturally at the end.

Jean tenses up, waiting for the other shoe to drop. He knows that this particular modder isn't just going to let him slide easily. In fact, he's fairly certain his new owners want at least one exotic mod package from Nijue. At this point, he just hopes that picking an option that's more on the sexed-up end of things gives her less room to ironically fuck him over. The alien in front of him merely smiles a big smile and pushes a button on her datapad. There's a sound as she sends the results.

Nijue leans back and regards Jean for a long while. Jean stares back, mentally praying that his assessment of the modder was correct and she won't ironically find some way to enhance his suffering. Though with his raging boner, there's probably not much he can do to prevent some level of suffering regardless.

Nijue starts spinning around in her chair, "Ah! You should have seen yourself when I told you what I'd do if you refused to work with me. It was well and truly delicious!" She stops spinning and grins at him. "I do so love to see that moment of fear and indecision! You even went and chose something of a looker, rather than trying to be androgynous or masculine." She leans forward in her chair, once again showing off her tits. "I think I can be kind this time..." She looks to the side, pouting and tapping her lips in thought. "How's about we give you something to make sure you enjoy things a bit more?" She turns back to Jean and grins with that increasingly familiar manic smile. "How about we give you an internal clit, the normal external one, and an extra at the base of your penis? That'll make sure you enjoy all the normal stuff we're equipping you for."

There is no going back.

Once Jean has the initial mods, the process is permanent. Her owners have spent a lot of money on him, so they won't allow him to refuse certain assignments that do not fit into the femme fatale archetype that Jean has chosen. Instead of being able to rely on the 'refusal policy' and simply leaving the customers that don't work for her, she'll be strongly encouraged to try and figure out an alternative.

Jean gulps, a bad feeling wriggles its way to the forefront of their thoughts. "Wait, it doesn't matter how I answer this question, right? Is that the real 'you're fucked' question that I need to say 'No' to instead?" Jean asks the modder a more pertinent question, "Just what does that internal clit mean anyway?"

Nijue giggles and shakes her head, a distinctly genuine reaction from the woman, "I'll admit that was one of the responses I was expecting, glad to see you'd rather cooperate than try and fight." She leans forward and swivels a bit in her chair. "It's pretty much exactly what it sounds like. Your species aren't the only humanoids in the galaxy, and a few of the other races have different erogenous zones. One of the more common mods is a bit of a play on that. Essentially, we take the same structure of nerve tissue that makes up your little clitty, and we branch it out to some additional spots inside of you. The ones we put inside your vagina and at the base of your cock have a bit more flesh covering them than your standard clit. We do that to make sure that it's less likely to get oversensitive."

Jean sits, mulling over the information. A part of him expects this to be some elaborate ruse on the alien's part. Maybe they want to see how Jean will take this new information, but everything that Nijue has told him seems very honest. With so much effort to maintain his forced arousal and sedation, he's become far less resistant to any kind of sexual advance and her personal scent was becoming overwhelmingly heady.

Jean tries to meet Nijue's eyes, rather than any other assets she has on display. "I think I've gotten a good enough read on you at this point to know that the extra clits aren't exactly something I can refuse at this point." he sighs in resignation. "Is there anything I need to do to get this process started?"

Nijue's smile becomes the most genuine one that Jean has seen yet. "My, my, you do catch on quick! You're probably the most exciting job I've worked on in the last few years..." She turns to work at her computer a bit more. "Just for that, I'm going to do this the fun way. Make sure you get to enjoy the process of being changed..."

Jean watches as she manipulates her desk a bit more before walking over to him. She stands near his head and brushes her fingers through his hair and looking down into his eyes, her tits on display right in front of him. "Enjoy the view, because it's probably the last one you'll get that you didn't pick out yourself, at least for a while. I know that I'm going to love watching you squirm and cum through this whole process." Her motions become significantly more tender. "You're going to want to get more mods sooner or later. Give me a good show, come back to me of your own volition next time. Do that, and I'll make sure to take good care of you every time you come back to me."

She leans over and trails kisses down his naked form, leading all the way to his throbbing cock. The kiss she presses into his shaft sets his nerves ablaze. She trails down even further, kissing his ballsack then his taint. "Let's start getting rid of these balls for you, and giving you a nice little fuckhole to replace them." Her hands grasp his balls one last time as she turns and talks to her computer. "Go ahead and send in the slime with the adjusted parameters. I'm ready to watch a new hole be fucked into my little project here."

Jean turns from watching her to panic a bit when he feels the chair she has him strapped into raise up. Everything tilts and moves until Jean is held in a position similar to that used for a pelvic exam. His legs are held firmly in stirrups, and he can't see what is going on past his hips with the angle he is laying at.

An alabaster slime pours from some drain on the ceiling and slithers around just out of Jean's sight. His hands grip tightly into the armrests of the chair as he tries to get a handle on the situation. He feels the slime as it starts to lather itself between his thighs, and then has the wind knocked out of him when it suddenly pushes one of its tendrils through his anus.


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