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Den Mother Ep. 08: subteREIGNean


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"He did not." The General felt his beard bristle, looking back at his troops and their horses.

"Well, it hasn't fallen dead or burnt up, it seems to be doing okay. As long as it doesn't fall ill I'll be happy. I strangely read the horses mind and it was very friendly. I suppose I could play Horse Whisperer again and make a horse call, I mean house call." She grits her teeth, "Baronas touched the mark I left and I did notice afterwards that he felt something from it. Again, he looks fine." Very, very fine! Damn her hormones.

"I will question him."

"Let's do that together. Ghost?" She looks up at Garameth, "Warn Luna to be wary of Baronas for a day just to play it safe."

"You know I can hear you, right?" Luna called out telepathically while hovering over the wounded Folly.

"I forget you guys are connected Luna." Aurora paused the General and spoke out with her thoughts only, "Have you noticed any tingling or burning after Baronas touching you? I hope I didn't give you guys any magical STD."

"I'm into Magno, not Baronas."

"Oh! Oddly, all of these Romans look kind of the same. I'm still learning names. At any rate let's be on the safe side please." Luna let it go. Baronas was just as cute as Magno.

Garameth distracting the General related as best he could with the language barrier that the second Raptor could be divided up for dinner without worry. Informing his man Petonias to begin dissecting the beast the General stood up to stretch and await Aurora.

"No aches or pains Aurora." Luna admitted. "We are immortal."

"Same here." Folly intervened, "My bite marks are nearly gone, my missing muscles have nearly realigned as well."

"Good to hear, Little Sis."

"I am much older than you Aurora, it is you who is the Little Sis."

"Right!" Aurora smirked, "Sis none the less sweetheart."


"Yep! Alright Luna...just do me a favor and hang back from contact for a few hours. I noticed Baronas palm the mark I accidently left on his horses forehead and responded to it by looking at his hand. He then touched the shoulder of his horse and left his own palm print, so something is mingling between he and I. Until I understand it let's all be careful."

"We are magic based Aurora. I should be immune to your attributes."


"I did jerk Baronas off so I did touch him. He too touched my hand afterwards but I feel nothing but... oh my God! My hand is green where he came on my knuckles."

"What?" Aurora jumped to her feet startling Calahaus. Hearing laughter between Luna and Folly she knew they were messing with her. Right, Magno! "Bitches!" They were female canine shape changers so that much was fact.

Huffing her cheeks Aurora motioned Calahaus to join her at the horse. Garameth having cleared the second Raptor inspection before her she told Calahaus to let she and her pack eat that one just in case. There was more than enough meat to share between the two members of Jurassic cuisine.

"Baronas?" Calahaus took the lead, his warrior looking up from polishing his sword.

"Yes my General?"

"Your left hand." Baronas revealed his palm with questioning eyes. Looking at it directly Aurora saw a green tint that only she could see.

"How are you feeling Baronas?" She asked.

"Strong today!" The Roman shared a stern admission, his left hand once shown to his leader now clenched into a fist. While General Calahaus could only witness a normal fist, Aurora's unique vision saw a tinge of green hue upon his entire fist. The green had encompassed the back of his hand as well. It appeared that not even Baronas himself could see the emerald tint.

"Oh, boy! It's spreading. What have I done?" She thought yet smiled and turned her attention to his horse. "How about you, Big Guy? How are you feeling?" Without words she deciphered the steed's thoughts, he too admitting an inner strength. "I want you to tell me if you get sick. Just know if I have caused you any harm it was never my intention." The beast merely snorted and nodded its head. "I'd pat your forehead again but a double dose of whatever I've accidently done in branding you might make matters worse. You and your master were lucky... at least I hope you both were." Blowing the horse a kiss she stepped back and told Baronas, "I know you're enjoying Luna's company as much as Magno but slow it down. I need my girl alert when I whistle."

Baronas understanding her newfound translation techniques understood, a sadness crossing his face. Hearing Luna in her thoughts asking Aurora why, Aurora simply told her, "It's temporary. Listen to me for once." Bonded by loyalty Luna lowered her head and mumbled, "Yes, Mom!" Aurora shook her head, she hated denying her friends but it was better to play it smart. "Magno, is safe."


Motioning Calahaus to take a walk with her Aurora made her way toward the rear of their group. Soldiers were unavoidably checking her out in passing, not helping her hormones in the least. It was as if her body chemistry was absorbing their lust. While tantalizing, it was also worth noting with concern. If she were to misinterpret her own desires, harm could come to all of them. She needed to decide what was best for everyone.

"General? I think for the time being I'll make my own camp with distance between myself and your men. I'll travel with you but during the night I feel it might be safer to avoid temptation. I can sense your men wanting me. Sadly, under any other circumstance I might want them, but I hope you know I'm on your side. Harming anyone here would devastate me."

"I understand. I thank you for your honesty."

"I'll post a few of my pack to stand guard alongside your men during the night in case there are anymore of those lizards out there. My knowledge of those creatures in my time period always showed them traveling in packs like my dogs do. If more are out there they're just waiting until our defenses are down. If we're lucky maybe those two were the only ones of a larger pack to end up here like us."

"I see."

"Are you sure your own hand isn't bothering you? Not to scare you but I saw a green color on Baronas hand and the markings he left on his horses shoulder. You touching me has me worried."

"My hand is as steady as it has ever been." He shows both hands to prove he had no twitch at all. "Do you see green as you did over Baronas?"

"No actually! Which is good. I wish I had answers over how my body works. I've evolved a lot in a single day. I can only imagine what a few more days might bring. My strength is incredible, my eye sight amplified to that of an eagle or better, I can see in pitch black darkness even. I've learned to decipher both your language, and that of horses. I even have visions like Odessi. She calls it adaptation which sounds feasible to me. So, what's next? I bet if I'd kept those lizards alive I'd have been able to communicate with them even. Kind of late now though, not that I'd ever use Voiceraptor ever again." She laughed.

"I stand with you Aurora. You have proven your loyalty to me. In this strange land allies are a good thing."

"I 100% totally agree General. Let's eat." They did smell meat cooking.


Forward in time! Stones Throw Base near the Arctic Circle.

"What have we here?"

"Dr. Wesley? May I present you with your very first Sasquatch. A married couple even by the looks of it." Dr. Ivan Kurevski observed the unloading with body bags being removed from the cryptids. Dr. Rhiannon Wesley pronounced as Ryan grew excited.

"They do exist." The African American beauty in a white smock and thick rimmed glasses shared her awe.

"Indeed! We have pieces of a Wendigo as well. All yours Doctor. Fill me in on what you learn. I am off to knock a few pins down." He shared a bowling pose. "Oh! The extraction team led by Overshadow also brought in a headless woman. I've sent her corpse to be studied by Yuri Verachinski."

"I'll look in on his findings once I do my own autopsies."

"Very good!"

"Enjoy your game."

Leaving Rhiannon with her new lifeless guests she put on rubbers gloves and a surgical mask. Always one to work alone she set out in arranging her instruments then began looking the wounds over. Recording her findings on a voice activated recorder she began calling out her discoveries one by one. "Male Sasquatch approximately 9 feet tall, guess work at 800 pounds. You were a big boy, weren't you?" She said that about his mass but found her eyes drawn to a lengthy faded penis. Even unto death, rigor mortis had left the beast with a solid eighteen inches long. Not wishing to sound silly about describing his definition she pressed on. "Look at these cuts. My lord what... ah, yes ... obviously the Wendigo." She peered over her shoulder at an arm laying lifeless on another table, it's claws like meat hooks, razor sharp and bloodied. She knew a blood match would identify the Sasquatch's DNA.

"Let's have a look at Mrs. Sasquatch shall we?" She lightly patted the males arm. "Sorry for your losses by the way. Both of you undoubtedly deserved better than this. While I find knowing your species really does exist extraordinary, I also find it in my heart to say a prayer for the both of you. God be with you on your journey."

Stepping around the male to the female she went so far as to lay the females hand in the males to keep them together. Rhiannon Wesley was a true good soul, if she only knew whom she worked for was far less friendly.

"Alright Ms. Squatch, let's look at your wounds here. Quite a few cuts, crushed bones..." sifting through the females thick coat of hair she froze noting an enlarged belly. "A mother it seems." A hand on the females enlarged tummy she pouts, "A prayer for all three of..." A push up against Rhiannon's hand made her jump. Removed for a moment, she hesitantly placed her palm back over the belly. Again, a pressure rose to greet her hand. "Oh, my God!" A swift appropriation of a stethoscope she found her enthusiasm multiplying. Prepared to call Dr. Kurevski back she held off and stared at her charges.

"The baby is still alive."

Something held her in check.

"Dear God!"


At another section of Stone's Throw Base! Labs equally as deep underground.

Yuri Verachinski briskly rubbed his palms together, enamored by the perfect headless woman's body laid out before him. With everyone gone now he could be himself. Cameras off in his lab he found freedom to get acquainted with his prize.

"Fancy meeting you here. You are quite the lovely one, yes?" He delicately caressed her body. To the touch he strangely found the body still warm. "What have we here?" A pulse check of her wrist he felt no activity. Like Rhiannon across the complex, a stethoscope was used as a secondary affirmation. "No heartbeat or lung activity. How are you keeping your body heat, Beautiful Lady?" With his blinds closed he fondled her breasts and actually discovered her nipples rising erect. "Oh, this is getting good." A finger probing her pussy found moisture and even more body heat. "Well now! My lucky day." Yuri was quite the ladies madman.

"I'll need to get to the bottom of this." Carefully rolling the headless corpse of Anna over onto her belly Yuri whistled at her perfect ass and even spanked her to see if there might be any nerve reaction. Nothing but jiggle. "Interesting! There shouldn't be any muscle movement at all. How are you doing this lovely lady? I presume you were lovely... ah... yes you have a head to go with this gorgeous body. Let us take a look shall we?"

He moves to the carrying case and unzips the bag. Reaching in he grips Anna's skull lifting it out of the bag by her long raven hair. Holding it out in front of him he smiles, "You were exquisite, weren't you? I'm tempted to quote Macbeth but I'll save us both the torment of my horrible theatrics." Knowing he was not being observed Yuri chuckled then brought Anna's skull up to kiss her on the lips. While morbid it was, he found it intriguing that her lips were even soft and warm. "You are certainly intriguing. I wonder..."

Holding her hair with one hand he unbuttoned his smock then unzipped his slacks. Digging in for his cock he brought out a firm six inch erection. "See what you've done to me?" He laughed then rubbed his crown across her pouty lips. Jaw pried open with a much easier expectation he placed his penis inside her mouth. "So very natural. Incredible! I will enjoy working with you My Dear."

Face fucking her skull he could not witness Anna open her eyes and sense her abuse. Unable to control her jaw she simply endured the humiliation. She had no thoughts really, though her brain was still receiving impulses. For now, she was at his mercy.

"UGGGGH! YESSSSS!" The sick Yuri nutted into her skull. Lifting her away from his cock he brought her head up to face his and tilted her jaw enough to see his cum on her lifeless tongue. Through her severed esophagus his jizz trickled to the floor. "Welcome home Baby."

Setting her head back in the bag he sighed, "If only we would have met under better circumstances. I might have brought candles and made dinner for you."

Dinner would be served eventually Yuri Verachinski.

With whine!


"I can barely see anything down here DJ."

The cavern system seemed to go on forever. In the lead Diamondjaw simply growled at their surroundings. Blades held in ready at hearing repetitive screeching all around them, Antonio Harker hoped that they didn't stab each other in the blackness. "Wait a minute, I have a flare in my cargo pocket." Under duress he had nearly forgotten the few tools he still had at his disposal. Finding it and striking it into a glowing red glare he looked over at Diamondjaw a few feet from him. "There! This will give us maybe ten minutes."

"You create fire."

"Something like that. Let's move it won't last long."

At a faster pace they hurried through the narrow cavern, the Crystalarium long gone and now only rocks and shadows, trickling water and the screeches of distant bats their only companions. "How much further before we reach the surface?"

"Do you not feel air flow?"

"Yeah, now that you mention it. I'm glad, I was getting weak and lightheaded from the lack of oxygen. Bound to be toxic vapors down here too."

"Watch your step, Friend Ant."

"Call me Harker. Ant makes me feel small."

"Arorua points left. She guides us to freedom."

"I'm happy we were able to bring her with us. I'm not sure how, but it's good to know you and she can stick together."

"Agreed, Friend Harker. Your brother as well."

"Seems weird! I haven't seen Sam since we were kids. Honestly, I'm still trying to comprehend this reunion. I just hope it's not temporary, I could use a friendly face or two." Even Antonio had to admit having Aurora around kept him going as well. Even if it was only her spirit inside a blade. "Damn! Flare's dying already. Watch your step DJ."

"You as well."

"Following your voice, Buddy."

"What shall we talk about?"

"How did you and Arorua meet?"

"In battle! We were enemies once."

"Weren't we all?" Harker mumbled under his breath.

"So how did she fall for... OH, FUCK!" The hole was deep. Ironic seeing as Antonio was just thinking about how he too fell for Aurora Dawson once. In his freefall into oblivion Antonio Harker found it in him to apologize.

"Please forgive me Aurora."

It was his time to go.


Late night back at the Roman camp, fifty yards away in a thicket.

Aurora Dawson opened her eyes from a sound sleep. Her pups lifting their heads at her abruptly sitting up. "Antonio?" First it was a vision of Kodi Prescott, now one of Antonio Harker in unfathomable darkness. One that eyesight could not pierce when it was only a vision in her mind.

"You alright, Den Momma?" Mathias Longfellow, aka Yukon asked.

"Bad dream, I guess."

Settling back to close her eyes again Aurora fell fast asleep.

Some dreams were better off buried.

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DevilbobyDevilbobyabout 2 years ago

I agree with that last line in your story. Some dream s are better left buried.

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