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Dick is Easy Pussy is Hard

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For women, it is as easy as ordering takeout.
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I answered an ad for a roommate with two young women. Both women were in their 20's, young and pretty. Sarah, the oldest, did most of the talking. The other woman, Pam, didn't say much.

The apartment had a common room with a kitchen and couch. There were three bedrooms, one for each of us. The bedrooms were small, and the walls were so thin I worried the women would hear me if I jerked off.

The women were not interested in dating me, much to my disappointment. Pam had a boyfriend, and Sarah was just not interested.

After a few days, we got used to each other. We sat in the living room and watched TV. I usually masturbate at least once a day, but I was embarrassed to do it around the woman, so I got a little antsy. The girls were on their phones and chatting.

"Fuck it! I am going to order takeout!" Sarah said.

"Didn't you already eat?" I asked, puzzled

Pam rolled her eyes. "Not that kind of takeout," she explained.

"What other kind is there?"

"You'll see."

Soon, there was a knock on the door, and Sarah got up and answered. "Are you Matt?" she asked.

"Are you Madison?" I heard a male voice answer.

"Yep! Come on in!" I heard Sarah answer. "Are you ok if we skip the small talk? I want to take the edge off, if you don't mind. We can chat afterward if you want."

"Sure! I don't mind. It's ok with me!" He answered

I was puzzled that Sarah answered "Madison" instead of her real name. I was even more surprised when she led the guy by the hand into her bedroom without introducing us. I don't think he even realized we were there; he focused on following Sarah. I looked at Pam with a questioning look.

"She does this a couple of times a week. She gets horny and sets up an online date with some random guy."

"She will have sex with a guy she never met?" I was a little shocked. "Why not just get a boyfriend?"

"She doesn't want one. She says this is less hassle. This way, she gets as much sex as she wants, when she wants, without any baggage."

I had to admit that she had a point.

I could hear the sounds of sex coming from Sarah's room. Sarah was loud during sex. She told her partner to "fuck her hard" repeatedly. It was arousing as hell listening to Sarah and her lover.

"Does she ever have the same guy over twice?"

"Nope. Not as far as I know. Maybe by accident. I don't think Sarah bothers to look. It is just as easy to get a new guy each time. She has a great profile picture, and she clearly says she only wants a one-time quick fuck with no hassle."

I imagined how that would look for the guy, a quick, easy fuck with a beautiful woman. What guy would turn that down? I wondered if I could get into her pants.

"Wow! Have you ever tried it yourself?"

Pam looked embarrassed. "Promise not to tell Tom?"

"Ok," I answered. Tom was her boyfriend, who I met briefly.

"Sarah talked me into trying it. She used her profile to get a guy to come over. She had me open the door and take him back to my bedroom. We hardly talked. I don't think he even noticed that I didn't look like Sarah's profile picture. He just started taking off his clothes, and I took mine off too."

"Wow! How was it?" I was super hard now.

"Pretty good," Pam admitted. "I got off hard. He was good with his tongue, and his dick was thicker than Tom's. You can't say anything to Tom, right? Promise?"

"Ok. I promise. Did you only do it once?"

Pam hesitated, then after a pause, answered, "No. Sometimes Sarah will ask me if I want some 'takeout.' She will text two different guys and take whoever comes first. When the second guy knocks, I answer the door and take him back to my room. She has good taste in guys, so they are always good-looking."

"Sometimes a guy takes a while to get here. Sarah will get impatient and ask another guy to come over. I don't think she even cares which one shows up first or tell me about it. She will just be in the bedroom having sex with some guy, and there will be a knock on the door, and another guy is standing there, expecting to get laid."

"What do you do?"

"Usually, I take him back to my room and give him head and fuck him!"

I was very horny at this point

"Wow! That is so simple! I wish I could do that! It sounds way easier than taking a girl out for dinner a bunch of times."

"I know! Right? You should try it!"

"That never works for me." I admitted, "I tried all those hookup apps, and girls just want to chat. I think most of them are bots and fake girls offshore who are trying to scam you."

"Yeah. I bet it is a lot more difficult for guys to get laid. It's pretty easy for a woman. Maybe Sarah can help! She is pretty good with dating apps. She has lots of practice."

Eventually, we heard Sarah and the guy finish. The guy came out and left. He waved and said "hi" on his way out. He had a big smile on his face.

Sarah came out and dropped a used condom in the kitchen trash. She plopped on the couch between Pam and me.

"Wow! I needed that!" She sighed contently. "What's on TV?" She glanced down at my shorts. "Dude! You have major tentage! You should take care of that."

I looked down, and she was right. My erection was making a comically obvious tent in my shorts. I adjusted myself. "Sorry"

Sarah laughed and told me to stand up so they could see. I reluctantly stood up and faced them. My erection stood straight out in my shorts.

Both Pam and Sarah laughed. Sarah pressed her hand against the end of my dick, pushing it. It was the first time someone other than myself had touched it in months. It felt amazing.

Sarah took her hand away. "Feel how hard he is," she told Pam.

Pam reached out and grabbed my dick open-handed, and pulled it. I almost moaned.

"Wow! He is hard! I haven't felt one that hard in a long time". Pam said to Sarah

"Go to your room and jerk off. You will feel better," Sarah instructed me

Pam, let go of my dick. "Yeah. It's distracting to see you hard like that. Go and get off, and then we can have some drinks after you are more relaxed. I bet it won't take long. Then we can help you with your dating profile. Maybe help you find a girl."

I was embarrassed to jerk off with the girls in the other room, knowing what I was doing.

As I started to walk towards my room, Sarah called out. "Oh! Here, take this" She picked up a small shot glass from the living room table and handed it to me. I took it, not sure what to do with it. "Cum in this and bring it back when you finish. Try to get as much as you can," Sarah instructed

I was puzzled and embarrassed, but I went to my room as I was told and started to jerk off. I tried not to make any more noise than I had to, but I was pretty sure that the girls would be able to hear me through the thin walls.

I imagined the feel of Pam tugging on my dick and Sarah's hand pressing it against me. I wondered why Sarah wanted me to save my cum for her.

Before long, I could feel my climax get close, and I inserted the head of my dick into the opening of the small glass. It was just big enough to fit. I felt the first contraction, and a thick squirt of cum shot into the glass. I pumped the shaft of my dick and felt several more strong contractions as jets of cum filled the glass.

Embarrassed but less aroused, I brought the glass to the living room. Sarah reached out, and I handed it to her. It had about an inch of thick white cum in the bottom of the glass.

"Wow! You came a lot! I bet that felt good. How long had it been?" Sarah asked

"Not since I moved in. Maybe four days."

"Was that by yourself?" Pam wanted to know

"Yeah," I admitted

"When was the last time you were with a woman?"

"Maybe three months. I broke up with my girlfriend about six months ago, but we kept seeing each other until she started dating someone else."

Pam and Sarah chuckled at that.

Sarah had a bottle of whisky and three shot glasses. She carefully poured my cum from the water glass into each shot glass and added a layer of whisky. She handed one to each of us.

"To good cum!" She toasted. Both girls downed the liquor in one shot and smiled.

I was reluctant, but the girls looked at me expectantly, so I tipped the shot glass and poured it into my mouth.

The whisky burned and contrasted with the thick, creamy cum. I felt strange drinking cum while the girls watched me, especially my own. I swallowed, and the girls cheered.

The girls asked me about how often I masturbated and if I used sex toys. Sarah scraped the last of the cum from the glass and mixed another strong shot of whisky, and gave it to me to drink. I was feeling it.

I let Sarah use my phone and update my dating profile. She went on some dating apps and matched with a few girls. She messaged a few on my behalf, but it didn't go anywhere. The conversations died out after a couple of exchanges.

"Wow! This is a lot harder as a guy," She commented, frustrated.

We drank and talked while Sarah tried to find a girl for me. We stayed up late. The following day, I had a splitting headache and hangover.

A few days later

A few days later, I woke up with a morning erection. I opened my laptop and started watching porn. I tried to be quiet and slowly stroke myself, but I wanted something more intense. I opened my "toy box" and pulled out a penis sleeve. I imagined that the girls in the porn videos were Sarah and Pam.

There was a knock on the door. "Hey! Morning! Can we come in?" It was Sarah

I quickly pulled the sheet over me, still leaving the penis sleeve on my dick, and closed my laptop.

"Ok," I answered

Sarah opened the door and walked in with a big smile. Pam followed behind her. I felt mortified that they caught me masturbating.

"Good morning!" Sarah beamed. "We brought you coffee!" She handed me a mug full of steaming coffee.

"Thanks," I reached for it. I knew my erection, and the penis sleeve made a tent in the thin sheet. It was obvious what I was doing.

Sarah sat down on the bed next to me, still smiling. Pam sat on the end of the bed.

"Is everything ok? We could hear strange noises coming from your room. We thought maybe you were having a seizure."

My face felt like it was a thousand degrees. I stammered a response. "No. I was just, eh...."

The girls giggled. Still laughing, Sarah said, "Sorry. We shouldn't tease you. It was rude of us to walk in on you. We should let you finish."

I almost said, "Finish what," trying to play innocent, but I realized how silly that sounded, and I kept quiet. I expected Sarah to get up to leave, but she didn't move

"Oh my god! Are these your toys?" Pam said

I realized right away that she saw my open drawer of sex toys. It was even more mortifying than being walked in on.

Pam got up and opened the drawer more, and pulled out a large string of anal beads over a foot long. Some of the beads were over an inch wide. She also pulled out a huge glass butt plug. It was very long and had a bulb that was several inches across.

"Is this what I think it is?" She said, a little awed.

"Oh my god!" Sarah explained and pulled out another glass anal dildo. It was about nine inches long and quite thick. "You can put this in your ass?" She asked me

"Yes," I admitted meekly.

"It's huge! Doesn't it hurt?"

"No, but it is intense."

"Have you ever been with a guy?" Pam asked


"Maybe you should! You might like it."

Sarah pulled out my glass butt plug. She looked at it with a grin, almost a leer. "I dare you to wear this during breakfast!" She challenged

I protested, but I was intensely erect.

"Please?! I will help you get laid. It will be fun!"

I agreed reluctantly.

Sarah smiled and popped open the tube of lube I had in the drawer, along with the sex toys. She used her finger to smear a generous loading over the large glass surface, then handed it to me.

The girls watched me reach under the sheet and feel for my anus with the tip of the bulb. It was big, almost 2 inches across at the widest point and maybe six inches long. I felt myself stretch as I inserted it. It slid home, and I felt the familiar feeling of fullness and firmness as my ass clenched down on it.

Both Pam and Sarah had grins on their face as Sarah held out a pair of gym shorts for me to wear. No underwear, just one layer of thin gym shorts. I put them on under the sheet while the girls laughed.

I was embarrassed. My roommates giggled as we made breakfast. My erection made an obvious tent, and I walked funny from the butt plug. I was especially aware of it as we sat and ate.

While we ate, Sarah promised to use my account to jump on dating apps right after breakfast and find someone for me.

As soon as we finished eating, Sarah borrowed my phone to try getting a hookup while I went to the bathroom, pulled the plug out of my ass, and cleaned it.

Sarah and Pam laughed when they saw the cleaned glass plug. They observed that it was a lot larger than my dick. I was still hard, but Sarah made me promise not to finish jerking off. She wanted me to save it for a date.

Sarah typed away furiously. I could tell that she was frustrated.

"Yes! I am over six feet tall, and yes, you and your cat are pretty, you dumb cunt!" She said as she typed

"You didn't really...." I started to ask

"No! I didn't call her a dumb cunt! I just thought it quietly in my head!" She said as she focused on the phone. "Shit! She unmatched me! Argh! Now I have to start over!"

She collapsed on the couch, looking at the ceiling. "What's up with these women!"

Pam looked at me and shrugged. "Sorry, dude, I don't think this will happen."

"No! I got this!" Sarah sat up straight and started taping on the phone again. "I just need to take a different approach."

We watched Sarah tap furiously. Now she was smiling.

About five minutes later, she shouted, "Boom! You are getting laid! You owe me!"

"Wow! That's great! I owe you big!" I told her

"Now, don't screw it up! There is no need to overthink it or try to seduce anyone. Just keep an open mind and go with the flow. As long as everyone gets off, it's all good. Just relax and enjoy the experience."

I still had the thin gym shorts, and my erection was obvious. Sarah and Pam chuckled and teased me. Sarah made little touches on my arm and back. Her smell and closeness heightened my arousal more than watching porn.

"You are going to get fucked so hard!" She told me. She seemed even more excited about my date than I was. "Don't worry about making noise. Make a little, so we know it's going well!"

I was nervous while I waited. Finally, there was a knock on the door.

"Go get the door. Remember to keep an open mind, relax and enjoy it. It's just a play date. You will never see them again. Just take them back to your room and get off," Sarah coached me

I walked to the door, aware of my arousal and my erection rubbing against the smooth material of my gym shorts. I wondered who I would find on the other side of the door and if she would be cute or chubby. I realized I didn't even know her name as I opened the door.

The door swung open, and a guy stood there with a big smile. I was confused, thinking he was one of Sarah or Pam's dates. I invited him in, expecting Sarah to take him back to her room.

Sarah waved and pretended not to pay much attention, but I caught her smile. "Just take him back to your room, and don't worry about making noise. It's ok. Have fun!"

My head spun, and it felt like I was floating on air as I walked back to my room, and the guy followed me.

He closed the door behind us. He smiled.

"I know it's your first time, and the first time can feel strange. Don't worry about it. Just relax." He said as he felt my dick. I was not as hard as I was earlier.

I felt frozen and let him pull my shorts down. He knelt and started nuzzling my dick. He kissed the side of my dick. It had been a while since I was with a woman, and this felt just as good. He started to suck me.

I felt my reluctance melt away as he sucked me. I hardened, and he could suck my dick down to the root. I moaned. I saw him looking at me, with my dick filling his mouth.

I felt his finger questing for my rectum. I moaned again as I felt him slide a finger inside.

I let him pull off my shirt, and he led me to my bed. He sucked me and worked two fingers into my ass. It felt good.

I saw him peel off his clothes. He was hard, and his dick was a little larger than mine. He was circumcised and had no pubic hair at all.

He knelt by my head and held his dick up to my mouth. I opened my mouth, and he felt warm. I could smell him. It was soft yet firm and wouldn't fit and just bumped up against the back of my mouth. I gagged a little. After he pulled out, I could still taste him and feel the echo of the head of his dick pressing against the back of my throat.

He pushed me on my hands and knees and got behind me. I felt him put some slippery lubricant on his fingers and finger me deeply.

I felt him line his thick dick up against my ass. I groaned as he entered me. I knew the girls could hear, but I couldn't help it.

It didn't hurt. He was not as big as my largest sex toy, and his dick was softer than my glass dildo. He worked it in gently at first. I felt full and moaned the whole way.

After a few slow strokes, he gathered speed and started fucking me harder. He was deep, and it was way more intense than with my sex toys. I moaned with every stroke.

He pulled out and rolled me over on my back, then lifted my legs on his shoulder. He slid in easily this time. I reached down and started stroking myself. He smiled while he watched me. I felt vulnerable and exposed, and the feeling of him inside me was intense.

I couldn't help it anymore and started to cum. It was a big one, and several ropes of cum reached up to my chest.

Just as I finished, I felt him pull out, and he stroked himself as he came, adding his squirts of cum over my stomach and dick and balls.

We exchanged a few pleasantries, and I lay exhausted and dumbfounded as I watched him get dressed and leave. I never even asked him his name.

The door burst open as soon as he left, and both girls ran in and jumped on the bed. I was still naked and covered in cum. I didn't even cover-up.

"You should have seen the look on your face when you opened the door! Priceless!" Sarah said.

"Did you do it?" Pam asked.

"Hell, yes, he did! Look at him!" Sarah observed. "What did you do? Did you like it? What was it like?" She wanted to know. "Tell us everything!"

I was still semi-hard and covered in puddles of cum. I told them what had happened, and Sarah asked many questions, filling in the details.

Even though I had come a few minutes earlier, I got even more erect while we talked.

"Is this all your cum?" Sarah wanted to know. "I can't believe there is so much of it!"

I explained the puddles on my chest were mine. The ones on my stomach and around my dick were mainly his.

"Let's see if they taste differently" Sarah wiped some of the cum off my chest and put it in her mouth. "Hmm! I just love the taste of cum! Especially yours! You have good-tasting cum! Doesn't his cum taste good?" Sarah asked Pam.

Pam wiped some off my chest and tasted it, and agreed.

"What about the other guy? Is this his?" Sarah whipped a glob of cum near my dick and tasted it. "That is pretty good too, but not as good as yours. What do you think, Pam?"

Pam whipped her finger through a puddle next to my dick and had a taste, and agreed.

The girls giggled after teasing me. I was very erect again.

"Did you suck him?"


"That would be so much fun to watch. Did you like it? Don't you love dick? I love dick! I love sucking hard dick! Do you like it?" Sarah teased

"Yeah. It was kind of fun. I can still taste him," I answered.

Sarah wiped some more cum off my chest and licked it off her finger.


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