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Dragon Eggs Have Many Uses

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He requires a treatment that must be administered anally.
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I was in serious trouble. Yesterday, while fishing at the river, I had reached my hand into the murky waters after spotting a shiny rock. I immediately felt a sharp sting against the inside of my wrist and withdrew my arm to find a nasty set of bite marks on my skin. I barely caught sight of a pair of black eyes staring up at me before they disappeared into the watery depths. I feared I had been bitten by one of the vicious water spirits that have plagued this lake and the surrounding rivers for centuries. As told by the village elders, it would take only days for my body to succumb to the disease.

The village healer refused to see me, for fear that I was now marked with death. My family had promptly kicked me out of our home - their own son - because they believed the presence of the disease would result in bad fortune. There was only one thing left for me to do, dangerous though it may be.

About a day's walk from our village lived a witch in a small hut. Rumors had long spread that she was an abomination, a hideous creature, a cursed woman. There was a decent chance she would kidnap me and torture me for the remainder of my short lifespan. But I was running out of options. Perhaps she was the only one who could help me.

And so, I trekked across the valley in search of a cure. The hut was easy enough to find, as it was the only structure for miles. I noticed right away the absence of woodland creatures in these parts, making it clear who the predator was. I knocked on the door with a shaking hand.

I could tell that she had once been very beautiful. She was a full-figured woman dressed in a sheer black robe, thin enough that I could see very clearly her low-hanging breasts. A mane of black hair swirled around her pointed face. I was surprised by how young she looked -- no older than her mid-forties, thought that couldn't possibly be right. The stories about her had been circling through the northern villages for centuries. If I looked closely enough, I could spot the subtle signs of aging -- crow's feet at the corners of her eyes, leathery skin clinging to her neck and hands.

She appraised the bite marks with an expert eye. "It appears you've had a run-in with a particularly nasty type of water-spirit. The infection has already progressed. I'd say you're only days away from becoming a flesh-eating sea-monster yourself." Her tone was laced with an amusement that I did not appreciate.

"Can you treat it?" I asked desperately.

"I can. But the treatment will be physically taxing."

"I don't have much of a choice. I will take any treatment you have."

She shrugged. "Very well. Dragon eggs possess some of the strongest healing properties in the world. Based on the advanced stage of your condition, I believe five of them will do the trick."

I stared at her, confused. "What am I supposed to do with them? Do I have to swallow them?"

She smiled at me, but it was a wicked smile with sharp teeth. "The most effective treatment requires the eggs to be administered anally. They will need to remain inside you for twenty-four hours while the healing magic works its way through your system."

I swallowed hard. I'd never had anything up my rear before. I wanted to leave right then and there, but this seemed to be the only choice I had. I mentally prepared myself for the likelihood that this treatment would be very painful.

"This way, please," she instructed, leading me further into the lion's den, to a back room cluttered with various potions and vials and trinkets. A dozen candles burned throughout the space, the only source of light, which provided an ominous atmosphere for what was about to take place. A wooden bench sat in the middle of the room, one end higher than the other, like a seesaw. The witch pointed to it and said, "Remove your trousers and bend over."

I shuffled nervously on my feet, but did as she asked, dropping my pants to the floor. The cool air hit my bare backside and I shivered. As I climbed aboard the bench, I reminded myself that the alternative was death. The angle of the bench allowed my rear to be lifted higher than my head. I felt horribly exposed.

I felt a leather cuff around my ankle and bolted upright. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I need to restrain you, or else your movements will disrupt the process. Do as I say, or you can leave right now and face the disease alone."

Against my better judgement, I resumed my position on the bench and allowed the witch to shackle my ankles to the floor. She moved to do the same to my wrists, and I opened my mouth to protest, but paused at the sight of her raised brow.

I was now positioned on all fours over the bench, with my arms and legs restrained, and my ass in the air. My heart dropped as I realized the witch could have been lying about the treatment just to immobilize me. Had I walked right into her trap? I was paralyzed with fear.

She held one of the dragon eggs before my face so I could get a good look. It was bright blue and slightly larger than my closed fist. Taking a second look, I realized the egg was also covered in tiny, hard ridges. I felt my body tense as I imagined taking such a thing inside me.

"Ready?" she asked, smirking.


"Too late. Now, let's get you opened up."

I felt a thick, cool fluid drip between my cheeks. A bony finger pressed gently against my most sensitive hole. She rubbed the lubricant around the outside of my ring in rhythmic circles before pushing smoothly inside. I reflexively clamped down on her finger as she pumped it in and out of my asshole. It was such a foreign sensation, one that was not altogether unpleasant. "You're going to need to relax, or this is going to be more difficult than it needs to be," she advised.

She inserted a second finger. My whole body felt anchored to that single sensation of her fingers inside me. Embarrassingly, I felt my cock twitch to life.

She pressed the first egg against my asshole. I fought the instinct to clench my cheeks tightly together. Inch by inch, the egg invaded me, stretching apart my tightest muscle. I groaned as my body struggled to accommodate such girth. I strained against the chains as pain radiated from my asshole to the rest of my body. The stretching continued until the witch finally said, "You're at the widest point. Now, be a good boy and take the rest of it." The pressure increased until my asshole eventually gave out and accepted the large foreign object. I moaned as the egg sank into my lower intestine. "There we go," the witch said gleefully.

"Ready for the second one?" she asked.

The second egg was slightly larger than the first. Now that I was a little more stretched out, the second egg met my asshole with less resistance. It slid up my darkest cavity and settled next to the first one. My cock began to stiffen, and I flushed with humiliation. How could I possibly be enjoying this? I hoped the witch wouldn't notice but I could hear it in her voice as she said, "Good boy. Ready for another?"

By the time the third egg found its home inside me, my cock had become raging hard and impossible to conceal. My gaping asshole welcomed the third egg, swallowing it whole within seconds. The feeling of the eggs rubbing against each other inside me was extraordinary. I felt my face flush red with shame.

"You're being such a good boy. Do you like being filled up?" she asked, brushing her fingers along my erect cock. "Look at how hard you are for me. I think it's time for another egg."

She inserted the fourth egg easily but let it rest at the opening of my asshole for a moment, forcing my ring to remain open. She tapped her fingers on the half of the egg that was sticking out, a feeling that reverberated up my spine and made my cock dance. "Perhaps I'll just leave you here like this, with an egg half-inside you. Or would you like me to push it all the way in?"

I merely grunted in response, struggling to shift my body in a way that would allow the dragon egg to continue inwards--

"I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you?"

"Push it in," I begged. "Please."

"As you wish." She pressed lightly against the fourth egg, and it entered me with almost no resistance. "Look at your greedy little asshole, sucking the egg right up. Have you done this before?"

Though I felt like I was filled to the brim, I knew there was no stopping the sadistic witch as she forced the final dragon egg past my loosened sphincter and into my ass. The rest of the eggs sank deeper to make room for the newest intruder. The witch began stroking my cock slowly and tauntingly. My moans grew louder and louder.

"I'm going to have to plug you, so the eggs don't fall out," she informed me. She held before my face what looked to be a bulbous root vegetable with a tapered end. The width was larger than that of the dragon eggs. "Open wide," she instructed, before stuffing the plug into my well-stretched hole. She planted the plug firmly inside me, preventing the eggs from escaping my body. She tugged on the handle, forcing my asshole to open and close, open and close. I moaned while she did this, enjoying the feeling of my sphincter being manipulated so relentlessly. Finally, she allowed the plug to settle.

She wrapped her hand around my cock and began to milk me with great force. "I think you're enjoying this a little too much, human. I bet you didn't know that dragon eggs have many uses. One of them being pleasure, of course. Are you going to cum for me? I know you can do it. Be a good boy and cum for me."

Her words pushed me over the edge, and my cock finally exploded. She continued to milk me for every last drop. "You've made a mess all over my floor," she scolded me, with a slap on my right ass cheek. "I have half a mind to make you clean it up."

After she untied me, I collapsed on a blanket on the floor and fell instantly asleep. I awoke twelve hours later will a feeling of fullness in my stomach and a slightly distended abdomen. I glanced at my wrist and was shocked to see that my wound had almost fully healed. The magic of the dragon eggs had actually worked.

"You've got twelve more hours until those things come out, human," said the witch. "I'm going to put you to work. Be a dear and help me move my cauldron to the front room."

The witch gave me tasks that were intended to torture me, that much was clear. With every step, every movement, the dragon eggs shifted inside me and created sensations that were sometimes pleasurable and sometimes unbearable. After nearly cleaning the witch's entire hut, she finally announced, "It's time for the eggs to come out."

Once again, I found myself bent over the wooden bench, bare ass in the air, and totally at the mercy of the wicked witch. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit excited for this part.

My semi-hard cock was evidence enough of my eagerness. The witch began to stroke me, noting, "It's a shame the eggs have to come out. This is more fun than I've had in a while, human." She tugged at the vegetable-plug, twisting it around, pulling it against my rectum. She removed the plug completely and I felt a little emptier without it. "Look at your dirty little hole, gaping for me."

"Push," she ordered, rubbing my bum with both hands. "I can see it crowning. Good boy. Now, hold it," she instructed, "Don't let the egg fall out." I did as she commanded, not entirely sure why I felt the need to obey her. The egg remained in a state of crowning while she ran her fingers around my stretched ring. "Don't push it out until I say," she ordered, and I heard the sound of footsteps echo throughout the room. Had she walked away? Had she really left me here, ass in the air, with a dragon egg half-inside me? I wondered what would happen if I disobeyed.

Fortunately, I didn't have to make that decision, as my bowels continued to expel the egg of their own accord. It popped out of me and landed on the ground with a thud. Three more eggs followed suit in rapid succession.

I didn't hear her return, but her voice cut through the room like a knife. "Did I say you could push out those eggs? No, I don't believe that I did." She ran a hand over my bum, stroking it gently. "It seems the last egg is stuck. Very well." Before I could even register what was happening, her fist was inside my body.

She reached her hand all the way inside me, past my worn-out sphincter, deep into my lower intestine. I could feel her arm disappearing up my backside, all the way up to her elbow. Wet sloshing sounds filled the room as she fished around my bowels for the final egg. At last, she located it, and gripped the egg with her whole fist. She withdrew her arm several inches before shoving it back in, the egg still in grip. Surely my moans shook the forest. She fisted me for several minutes before yanking out the egg in one quick swoop--a movement that happened so quickly and violently, I came instantly in response. My cum splattered all over the floor I'd scrubbed clean earlier that morning.

"Good boy," she praised me. "That's all of them."

"Are you going to let me go now?" I asked, relieved.

"What? Oh, we're not finished here. You disobeyed me, naughty human." She stood before me and held my chin with a curved finger. I stared innocently into her bright green eyes. "Now I'm going to have to punish you."

She walked away again and returned a moment later with what appeared to be a long, wooden rod, about the length and thickness of my forearm. It looked as though it had been sanded down to a smooth finish. I swallowed as I began to realize her intention for this new device.

"Please," I begged. "You don't have to do this--."

"Stop pretending like you're not enjoying this, human. I can see that your cock is already starting to harden again. Let's see if we can push you over the edge."

She moved to stand behind me and my asshole involuntarily quivered with fear. I heard the sound of the witch clear her throat and hurl a gob of spit onto my already-ravaged hole. "That's all the lubricant you're getting," she informed me. I felt the tip of the wooden rod rest against my opening. The witch didn't waste any time -- she shoved it into me several inches without any preamble. I screamed as I was suddenly filled up once again.

She fucked me hard with that wooden rod, shoving it up my backside without remorse, until all sixteen inches filled my lower intestine. The hard object dragged against my walls, stretching me out so thoroughly I doubted my sphincter would ever recover. Somewhere along the way the pain turned to pleasure, and every time the rod entered me, my asshole swallowed it gratefully. I wanted more, more, more. With the rod lodged deep inside me, she began to spank me, hard, over and over again. My cock exploded without her even touching it.

Afterwards, as I waddled home with an empty lower intestine and a sore bottom, I realized the witch wasn't so scary after all.

"Don't hesitate to stop by," she called with a wave.

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