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Dreamland Delight

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A young woman is disturbed in the night.
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Alyssa woke with a churning fear boiling in the pit of her stomach; eyes wrenching open to dim blue-grey of an early twilight she at once felt a looming presence. Frozen in this feeling she attempted to adjust herself atop the limp air mattress now partially cocooning around her shape, only finding no muscle would do as much as twitch.

Laying there she breathe, focusing wide eyes to the ceiling above before she again willed paralyzed muscles to move, each successive attempt as futile as the last. Seeping panic set in, its signal racing throughout her body as she felt her heart begin to race. Trapped, the sound in her ears from each rapid throb soon became a raucous chorus of deep rapid throbs.

Fear had now taken full control of her mind, the definition between dreamt shadows and what she knew to be real ceased to stand apart, merging. These dark figures soon began their dance, surrounding her in a cruel circle as though taunting the scream she felt choked within her throat.

"Breathe, girl. Breathe," her conscious will fought, imagining a calm to her voice as she made for a desperate struggle of control, fighting the primordial mind and it's crying demand of flight.

"Sleep paralysis... It's sleep paralysis... This will pass..." She chant with soft internal voice, drawing power from it's potential.

Pupils twitched, and they're lock from the ceiling was broke. Now able, she begun looking around, tracking the wisp of a figure coming near her mattress before her eyes met it's face, sending it into retreat. Sensing that her focus repulsed the figure she came upon a new empowered strength.

Eye's turning toward another, she met the talisman of her gaze against it's darkly evil face, staring into the black void until it flew away; each figure she examined like this, each she pushed away.

Holding by shear stubborn force of will she cast this spell, launching it against the shapes surrounding her and soon assured in mind of its power until a sudden touch electrified her nerves.

"No!" Her silent cry unheard from opened lips. The silence only terrified her mind more, the inability to cry or beg driving a desperate shriek imagined within her mind.

Unable to fight she endured the tight grasp now wrapped around her ankle, her head turned away was unable to do more than partially throw her eyes toward the offending entity.

"It's only..." The next recital of her words of power cut to an abrupt end as she sensed her hips rising. A rolling sense seized her, she was being lifted by this one leg that the unknown being had captured.

Pulling a tight grasp around her she felt caught, the rest of her body following the rotation of what was once her leg, but now serving as the long taunt lever for another. It continued folding over until she lay on the floor, thighs splayed and hips raised.

Left like this she rested unmolested, mind desperately sorting through a rapid fire of confused thoughts, of just how she moved in the grips of paralysis between sleep and consciousness.

Realizing just then that her head lay turned toward the wall she sank, heart near freezing as she panics over her trapped her eyes now laying where it could no longer see the figures she knew now filled the room. Not yet beaten she drew breath, forcing deep counted cycle of contraction and relaxation of her diaphragm; grasping for the fleeting control of something, anything, to help keep rampant emotions under control.

They were out there, of course, real or imagined she felt them moving, as though she could hear their soft sounds against the floor, and feel the movements of air across her flesh. Those things she imagined, or thought she had, almost knowing if those signs that they had come nearer. Crawling sense tingling her flesh she felt more certain that they were there, above her, looking at her... admiring her.

It was strange relief then, mind wandering, that she thought her breasts being pressed into the floor and out of their sight was a comfort, however small a comfort as she was, laying stripped of all but the dark cotton of her underwear.

"This. Is. Just. A. Dream..." The next of her enchanted defenses, eyes forced closed to will some part of the sleeping mind awake; commanding with all the will she had she demanded that some spark would come, to light her waking world once more.

Holding to this hope she partly expected her mind to snap from this stupor and for her eyes to open to the warmth of a morning sun... It was not so.

Outside of her the malevolence had disagreed, the sudden pinch of fabric being pulled up between the furrow of her crouch making her ache as she felt her hips pull away from the floor. Whatever it was, it had taken her underwear into its grasp and was now towing her waist from the floor with it.

"This is a dream!" The next internal cry came with a desperate trembled breath, weight settling into new position before she felt her underwear slip down around her knees.

"Dream! It's a dream! Wake up! WAKE UP!" It was behind her, pushing against her something she'd recognized, thick and warm that thing now haunted the space between her thighs, so afraid of it that the slightest graze burned her nerves.

"Please wake up!" It had found her center, the hollow warmth of her sex resisting the thick vile menace as it pressed it's advantage. Two points of pressure grasp around her hips then, pulling them back, burning her sex with the grinding pressure of ill lubricated flesh.

Unable to move Alyssa lay there, imagining the sound of her sobs as the specter finally forced itself inside of her. She went blank, tears filling her eyes as she felt the uncomfortable pinch of something thick and warm suddenly take possession of her.

Unable to fight it, cry of her pain or beg mercy she lay, defeated, waiting for the strokes now pumping it's heavy figure against her thighs to finish. The pain all the worse knowing that only she could hear the pitiful sobs.

It finished, several warm streams painting her back as the apparition pulled from out of her swollen sex, the next quick to take it's turn. Listening to the dull clap of this next attacker Alyssa slowly became overwhelmed with new fears, drawing her mind to the prospect that she'd been sedated and that this was really happening.

Weakening resolve now clouding her mind she let slow heavy blinks press the tears from her eyes as the shame begun to burn her cheeks, a final realization that this was probably not a dream.

Her second assailant was finishing, a warmth landing across her ass as it too pulled out before finishing, for which she was thankful before the third suddenly took her. Rough, she felt it grab at her hair, pulling her limp head from the floor as it pounded her sore sex for more times than she'd ever used it in a single night.

She would have begged them just to be gentle, had she still held power over her speech; not even to stop, just to have her slowly so it would not hurt so badly as this. Tears now stream down her cheeks she lay and wait, unable to do more than simply allow this nightmare to happen.

It grunt, the first of any vocalization she'd heard, as the final thrust bore into her belly and erupted. The sound and feeling so familiar, a new burst of water flowed from her soaked eyes, rueful thoughts regretting her decision not to remain on the pill since moving to this new town.

Pulled by the scalp she felt her chest lift from the floor, whole of her lifting until she came to wobble upon knelt legs. Through the blur of tears she tried to assess how many figures surrounded her, their shapes merging and parting with each movement forced into her by the grasp of hair.

"No more... please... no more..." The sound within her imagination pleaded as the heat and stench of a wet cock was forced between her slack lips. Bitter tang of man and woman mixed along the shaft, this one just having used her. Knelt there Alyssa was forced to take this mass, it's owner pumping it's pelvis up against her face until the weakened gag reflex complained of the abuse, choked sound of breath expressing the discomfort.

It was not long before the flaccid organ was withdrawn and another put in its place. Immediately she choked on this stiff mass of flesh, unable to so much as flinch while she was again forced to mouth this sudden invasion. Both sides of her head were taken this time, stinging her scalp with roughness which it had taken to her. Ungentle, uncaring, it ravaged her throat, pumping her head against him until the soft lobes of her lips pressed to the fettered mess of unshorn hair sprouting from it hilt.

Retching she smelt the man, his flesh wretched of unwashed sex and cum. This one had used her too, she thought, as much those thoughts could filter through the painful ravaging which she now endured. It was a kindness when it finally finished, the mass pulling from her as she was dropped to the floor. Ass propped into the air she felt her lungs burn, heaving for air as she lay motionless waiting for the next outrage.

The wait was not long, Alyssa soon feeling the gentle prod of that soaked cock tease itself between the swollen folds of her sex before she was taken for the fourth time. Letting out a low pitiful mewl she finally heard her own voice escape as she lay on the floor, face rocking with each pump slapped into her womanhood.

This erupted inside her as the last had, burning anxieties of the last coming to tjhe fore, consequences her sordid evening she wished against, a silent plea rising up to any power that she not be made pregnant long after these men had finished with her.

The pinching pressure now removed, she felt herself make another sound, a low demure moan escaping between her parted lips as she experienced the relief of his thick cock slipping out of her tender sex.

Breathing heavily she wished again that she'd wake, and that this all proved itself just a fitful sleeping imagination as he felt her cheek dampen with tears against the floor. There was shuffling around her though, and another had taken her by the hair; hoisting her, it lay her mouth once more to bear against a mass of stiff cock.

Giving a shuddered breath she inhaled, the scent of clean flesh striking her mind, and forcing it to add to the count of how many assailants who had come to surround her.

"Four... There are four... at least..." Eyes opening he saw nothing but the shadow of who or what it was pumping it's crotch against her lips, using her as another lift her hips for what she was all to certain. There was a choked sob as she was suddenly taken at both ends, the stream of her tears now dripping down from her jaw as she was now forced to endure the pain and discomfort of both cocks greedily burrowing inside of her.

Lowering oxygen dimming thoughts she lay between the two, pained by this and the previous abuse she endured. Sound growing around her she was then forced to hear the boastful chorus of a man's hilt slapping against her ass; the sound a steady stream of harsh claps, making her feel so awfully used.

Pushing down the sob she took the respite of the manhood retreating from her mouth to suck a desperate breath, pulling quick shallow lungfuls of air between the soft pathetic pants the man inside her forced her to make; each blow his cock slammed inside her channel making her huff a low groan.

Breathing so desperately she then felt the growing warmth rise from her core, trembling muscles joining a moan as she came, the sudden surprise of her aching sex pulling around the monster inside her drawing a gasp before she let out a low lurid moan for those around her to hear.

Rewarded for her performance the one behind her suddenly lay a sudden slap across her ass, the sting burning as the efforts he thrust into her sex redoubled, making her hurt.

Another moan escaped her lips before she was forced to take the cock inside her mouth once more, cheeks burning with the idea that she had made it seem that this was enjoyable to her. By both sides she again lay between these men, her dull eyes blinking slowly to barely register the dark shape in front of her, only waiting for them to finish.

In her sex she felt the one finish, the third of the evening to do so inside her, with a sudden grunt. Womanhood vacant she felt it tremble, the seeping remnants of seed welling from her closing walls. The man at her face did not last long after, pulling himself from out her lips before the warmth of his release crossed across her breasts.

"Nuhhhh....Nyuhhh..." She felt her breathy attempt at words fail, the first she'd spoke during the attack, giving another sudden growing pang of fear in her stomach that this was no dream. Rolled onto her back she felt something forced between her thighs, it's rough scrap pulled across her flesh to wipe the sore mound of flesh clean before another man mounted her.

Legs pushed up against her chest he felt him, a sudden large swelling of pressure spear deeper than any other had up until that point during the attack. Giving a cry she felt muscles spasm, her body moving for a brief movement under power of it's own as this brute suddenly forced a large mass of cock into her sex.

Eyes rolled back, she couldn't breath as her knees were forced toward her shoulders. He was using her as a pivot, launching his hips down against her body with the full force of all his weight. The hard blows knocked into the floor to give a hollow thud into the apartment below, shaming her again with the thought of the couple living beneath her, and what they may be thinking of the sound.

Giving a rattled sob into the air she cried out, trailing with a dull mewling groan. Eyes widening she heard these sounds again coming from outside her head, her own voice suddenly mewling an intelligible protest of her abuse until she suddenly was contorted with a violent slap across her face.

They did not want to hear her, and though she tried to hold the sound another low sob broke, unable to stop the pained moans from escaping as she was so violently disregarded, used, broken. Feeling it stop, the man above her sounding spent she knew that she'd once again been deposited into. Her numb aching sex no longer giving much signal to her brain other than pain.

She was again soon left on the floor, legs sprawling apart as they settled back against the hard laminate.. She tried to think of how many times she'd been taken, how many there may still be in the room as her respite lingered. Knowing only that several remained, her mind sharp only on this sense of presence and fear.

Rolled onto her stomach she was once more propped upon her knees, head left to the floor as a man grabbed her by the hips. Lifted, she knew her center was once more on full display to an unknown set of eyes, that she'd soon take another between her thighs, used for an uncounted number of times.

The pressure applied to her sent a shock from these thoughts, the cool press of a grease covered head exploring the outer bounds of the taunt drum of her bottom. Struggling she forced her arms to attempt a press up, the futile efforts doing little more than flinch her arms impotently against the floor.

Unable to do more than breath a ragged moan she lay between the clutches of this evil, forced to endure every grinding inch of flesh forcibly shoved into a place she'd never desired a man to enter. Possessed by the dark paralysis she shut her eyes, waiting for the pain to cease, for the assault to be over and for her eyes to open to the light of the day, where she'd discover the reality of this torture.

Unbearable, she sobbed, the smack of the man's pelvis into her bottom making her shiver, each sudden thrust making her sob with a loud rueful moan, a protest to the agony she was forced to enter for his pleasure.

It was a blessing that this man did not last long, so excited by the sound of her pain he had begun to stiffen his thrusts prematurely and came, the sudden release joined by the hard, rough pull of hands around her small breasts, a grip to hold her body tight against his as he released inside her bowels.

Mewling she could do little for her firm mounds as they were pinched and rolled between the man's hands, only waiting for him to disengage and remove himself from her defeated body.

She was discarded soon after, another man leaving her a little more broken than the last, as she lay curled atop her knees to suck several body wracking sobs. It was not long before she was once more used like this, tight sphincter tearing around the second as he took her more violently than the first.

More used her like this, then her pussy, then mouth, before ass once more again.

Mind devoid of any sense of time she endured, unable to fight or scream she lay pulled between the desires of men filling her room until at last her body gave the relief of unconsciousness, a darkness clouding whatever torture they had remaining for her dignity.

It was late afternoon when she finally awoke, body awash in pain atop the filth of her bedroom floor, body bruised and fetid. In this late afternoon glow from her bare window she lay, eyes looking out to the pale blue of an autumn day.

Sprawled listless across the floor it was several hours before she finally stirred, rising to find the phone she'd need to deliver a short text she'd mulled countless times inside her head.

"Thank you."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Great ending

I would think she'd be clear about what was happening faster but that's a quibble.

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