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Dressed To Kill Ch. 04

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Noella Buys A Car.
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Part 4 of the 17 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 10/31/2012
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It had been 2 weeks since the gathering at Julia's. The situation with Damien continued to deteriorate at a pace. In the last week Julia had cooked dinner for the kids five nights, with Damien leaving home early and coming home late and expecting the kids to fend for themselves. When Noella dropped Emily from school at the monster new house Damien had bought with the proceeds of the divorce, there was no usable food in the house and Damien had not left any money so they could go and buy food. She had rung him and told him if he didn't start looking after the kids and ensure there was food in the house, she would stop paying the $2000 a week maintenance and she would got to court for parental rights for Emily and control of the million dollar trust fund. Damien responded angrily, telling her she would lose more money and he it was goal to make her suffer as much he could possibly could. This upset Noella greatly, but she felt strong and confident, the power of determination filled her body. If any body was going to suffer it was going to be Damien!

Monday morning came and Noella felt restless. Images of Jeanette, Julia and Steph striding through stunned groups of shoppers had filled her thoughts and her dreams.

"Damn it." she thought. "I'm just going to have to do it!"

And so it was done. Today was the day for Noella's hot walk. There would be no videoing of this event as it was purely for the satisfaction of Noella and her need to know if she could express the pride she held for herself and demonstratively reveal her beauty and her sexuality. The day was free of driving duties for Emily as Stephanie had volunteered to take her to school, as it fitted in with her uni studies for the day. Damien had assured her that he had the kids meals and normal mundane duties covered for the day.

So after arising at 7-30am, Noella showered and had a breakfast of bircher muesli with fresh berries and a strong latte, courtesy of her automatic coffee machine, which she couldn't live without. As she enjoyed the meal she thought about what she might wear for this adventure. She didn't want to be quite as extreme as Jeanette, Steph and Julia. Dramatic but not over the top. Consistently her thoughts returned a classic Christian Dior black suit that she had bought a number of years ago. An oldy but a goody. It had been expensive when she had bought it, but Noella always felt great when she wore it and she thought she knew just to how jazz it up to make her look hot and sexy.

After tidying up her breakfast dishes she went up to her dressing room and searched out the suit. After a couple of minutes she found the suit bag in which it was stored. Removing the bag she placed the suit on the chair against the wall.She then opened a drawer that was in a chest against one wall. It was almost bursting to the brim with the lingerie sets that Noella had bought on her recent shopping spree. Soon she found what she was looking for. A La Perla lingerie set consisting of a black satin bra, embroidered tulle french knickers and suspender belt. Moving to the second drawer she selected a new packet containing black fishnet stockings.

Satisfied that she had what she needed, she moved to the bathroom to do her hair and makeup. She twisted her hair up in loose bun, securing it with an almost knife like clip. With her makeup, she went for a natural look but selected a siren red lipstick to apply once she was dressed.

Returning to the dressing room, she made busy getting ready. Soon she was standing in front of the mirror inspecting the result. Standing front on, she twisted left and right, checking the outfit from different angles. She applied the bold red lipstick expertly.

"Hmmm.....I like it!" she said to herself.

The suit jacket created a deep V, the lapel skirting over the full curve of her breast. Normally she would wear a camisole under the jacket, but not today. Today was about being bold and creating an imposing image and so the edge of the black satin bra was in clear view as it accentuated her cleavage. The skirt was mid length ,but as Noella twisted to gain a view of her back, a long split that ran up to just below her butt, was revealed, accentuating her slender fishnet stockinged legs.Her feet were adorned by the YSL heels that Julia had lent her to wear with the maids outfit, which she still hadn't returned. She knew she must do that soon.

The effect was striking. Rather than being overtly sexual, Noella radiated sensual confidence. It wasn't a brash advertisement of her physical assets, but a powerful and assured statement of a beautiful woman.

Noella smiled."Perfect!" She thought.

Noella collected her favourite clutch bag from the dressing table and headed downstairs to the kitchen where she picked up her phone and keys from the bench. Making her way through the door that led to the stairs to the garage, she carefully negotiated each step, mindful of the height of shoes. She entered the garage where her little BMW 320i, which she had had for a number of years, was parked. Sliding in behind the wheel, she started the engine and drove up the ramp that led out into the street. She pointed the car in the direction of the local supermarket. She felt as though there was a butterfly farm in her stomach, such was her nervousness as she contemplated what she was about to do.

Do I really want to do this?It's not like anybody would know if I wimped it.

What if somebody I know is there? What if nobody notices me?.....Nope they're going to notice!"

She looked down at the extensive cleavage that was showing beneath her jacket. Her breasts straining against the low cut satin bra. She smiled to herself. They were going to notice!

"Ok let's do it ." she said to herself.

Arriving at the supermarket she turned into the car park. She found a park about 25 metres from the door. She turned the car off and checked her makeup in the visor mirror.

"Perfect!" She took a deep breath. Grabbed her handbag and opened the car door. She planted the YSL's on the bitumen and stepped from the car. She wiggled the dress down a little. Straightened the jacket a little, making sure that everything that needed to be covered was covered, took another deep breath and headed for the store entrance.

Holding her head high she focussed, making sure there was a nice swing to her walk. She had barely taken five steps when a horn blared.

"Wanna come home with me babe!" the driver called. She smiled a little but kept walking straight ahead. "Stay calm Noella." she thought to self, as she felt a slight flush of embarrassment in her cheeks. "Be tall and proud." and she strode to the entrance without acknowledging the proposition.

As she was entering the supermarket an elderly couple were exiting. The old man's head swivelling as they passed, so that he caught an eyeful of the fishnets through the split of the skirt. Noella heard the old gasp as his wife belted him in the arm.

"That's disgusting!" she hissed "Albert! How dare you look!"

"I didn't Agnes! Honestly." But Noella knew that he did!

As she glided across the front of the store to the turnstiles, she could feel heads turning and eyes staring. She collected a carry basket and made for the fruit and vegetable section. There was a tall young man packing lettuce into the refrigerated display. Noella walked up to him.

"Excuse me." she asked sweetly. The reaction this elicited was priceless.

His eyes bounced up down as tried his hardest not fix his eyes on Noella's curvaceous chest.

"Ah....Ah....Ah... Can I help you?" He replied, somewhat flustered.

Noella smiled as she secretly enjoyed his discomfort.

"Can you tell me where the bananas are?" adding a little bat of the eyelids for emphasis.

"You want bananas?"

"Why of course.... and I'll need a cucumber too.....can show me where they are?"

"Cucumbers and bananas.....Umm.....Cucumbers and bananas?" repeated the flabbergasted young man.

"That's what I said." confirmed Noella "Cucumbers and bananas!"

"Ah... the cucumbers are just here." he stammered, pointing a little further down the refrigerated display from where the lettuces were. "And the bananas. They're are over there." he advised, pointing the other side of the fruit and vegetable display.

"Why thank you. You've been most helpful." complimented Noella and she went to collect her produce, the young man's stare, firmly a fixed to her tight ass, along with at least four other men in the store.

He's gone so red! It's so cute. I am being wicked aren't I! Such fun.

Next she headed towards the dairy cabinet where there were a number of shoppers milling around. Once again, heads turned. Men stared. Women tutted and jabbed there gawking partners for daring to admire the stunning Noella. Enjoying the fuss she was creating, Noella vamped it up, accentuating the swaying of her derriere.

She glided up next to a middle aged couple who were selecting which yoghurt to buy. Noella could see the man's eyes darting sideways, trying to grab a look at her breats without his partner seeing.

Emphasising her movements, she turned towards the man, bending slowly to place her shopping basket on the floor and with her right hand, slid the hem of her dress so the it revealed the top of her stocking, she pretended to adjust her stocking with her free hand. This elicited a smile from the man. Just as Noella began to stand up, the woman caught on to what was happening.

"Cyril! What are you doing!"

"Nothing Denise. I promise!"

"I don't believe! It's disgusting!" and she moved to walk off. The man smiled at Noella and gave her a wink. She blew him a kiss.

"Thank you." he said and turned to follow his wife.

He won't be getting much love tonight! That was fun!

Noella walked the length of the refrigerated cabinet , still turning turning heads. After two strolls up and down the row, Noella finally found what she was looking for. Whipped cream! She selected three cans and headed for the cash register.

My work here is done.

All the cashiers were women, so she selected the aisle where the a young girl was serving, who was all over bleached hair and pierced lip.

"Hi. How are your today?" she greeted Noella with a smile.

"I'm well thank you." responded Noella.

" I wouldn't normally say this," the cashier confessed in a hushed tone. "But you're looking mighty sexy today."

"Why thank you." replied Noella. "It's so nice of you to notice."

"It's a bit hard not to notice!"

Noella laughed.

"It's interesting mix of groceries." observed the cashier. "I mean, bananas, cucumbers and whipped cream!WTF!"

"Yes, well. It was meant to be a little joke." Noella laughed and looked down at her revealing black suit.

"I get it!" proclaimed the young woman. " Good one! And you DO look awesome! You have a nice day." she concluded after bagging Noella's groceries.

Noella picked up her bag of groceries and made for the door, heads swivelling in her direction. Once she made it to the car, she climbed in and took a deep breath and sunk back into the seat.

Wow that was amazing! I never thought I could do something like that. Yeah me!

She sat there for a few minutes, allowing the nervous energy to subside a little.

Soon she was feeling calm again and began to contemplate what she should do now. After sitting there for a few minutes an idea sparked into her mind. She had been thinking for sometime about buying a new car. Emboldened by her experience at the supermarket, she decided now was the time to go shopping for a new car.

In recent days Noella eye had been caught by a Mercedes convertible, which she thought would truly match who she was. The previous times she had purchased a car, Damien had run rough shot over her and so she seemingly always ended up with the economy model. Damien, on the other hand, always seemed to manage to acquire top of the range for himself. Now was the time to buy the car she truly wanted. Her mission defined, she headed for the Mercedes dealership near by.

Within ten minutes Noella was sitting in her green BMW, out the front of Southern Mercedes Benz. She smiled as she contemplated watch she was about to do.

Feeling good! No nerves this time. It's going to be fun!

With that thought she stepped out of the little Beemer and headed for the front door, a spring in her step. The automatic doors swished open and Noella strode into the showroom, her head held high demanding attention.

And soon attention she received! The showroom was devoid of customers and the salesmen were milling around trying to look as they were doing something constructive. Suddenly the showroom went deathly quiet, except for the clipping sound of Noella's heels on the marble floor.

My God! They're all staring at me! Make it good Noella!

She glided up to the first car on display, an Estate, ideal for the Mum taking the football team to game.

Nope! Not for Noella!

Before she could get to the second car, her path was blocked a short salesman with a Cheshire Cat Grin and seemingly so greasy, that you cold fry chips with him.

"Can I help you madam."

"I'm not a madam." said Noella, cutting him short. "I'd just like to browse thank you." she demanded, escaping his clutches. She needn't have worried about cutting him short, as it seemed to be like water off a ducks back. It was obviously not his first rejection and apparently had no impact on his fervent belief that he was God's gift to women.

That will teach you, you over confident slime.

She worked her way down the line of cars, conscious of at least five pairs of eyes watching every move she made. She passed a couple of sedans before reaching a little red SLK 200 coupe. She started to circle it, peering in through driver's window.

How cute! Love the cream interior!

Just as she started to make her way up the other side of the car a tall suave man appeared in her path. His name badge indicated his name was "Miles".

"Good afternoon. I'm Miles, the Sales Manager. Can I help you in some way?" he enquired, his eyes surveying her her up and down before becoming almost permanently fixed on her impressive cleavage.

"No. I'm fine thank you. I'm just having a browse." advised Noella, again deflecting attention.

"Well I do try to know these cars inside out, so please don't hesitate if you need assistance. I'd be only too happy to help."

"Thank you." replied Noella, a shiver going down her spine.

Ugh! How suffocating! And creepy.

Noella moved down the line, happy to be free of Mile's unwanted attention. Three cars on, she car came across a beautiful blue convertible with its top down.

"That's beautiful!" she cooed to herself, as she stroked the gleaming metallic paintwork. She made her way down the side of the car, admiring its sleek sculptured lines. Just as she reached the door a strong but calm voice approached her.

"Would you like me to open the door for you so can try the seat?"

Noella turned to see tall sandy blonde man, probably in his late twenties, striding to the car with a confident smile. Noella was a little surprised.

"Why thank you." she answered, feeling a little flushed.

With confidence and aplomb, he stepped in front of Noella and eased the door open and then stepped back, holding the door to allow Noella to get in. With a smile she lowered herself onto the car seat and swivelled to put her heeled feet on the floor of the car, allowing just a hint of her stocking tops to show.

"Thank you." she said as he gently closed the door behind her.

How dreamy he is! .........This car is beautiful. The seats are incredibly comfortable.

"My name is Mark." he introduced himself. "Do you like the car."

"Oh, I love it!" replied Noella. "I think it's me."

"You certainly look comfortable." he observed. "It's an E250 Cabriolet. Latest model."

"Well it certainly is beautiful."

"Can I be so forward as to say that you look beautiful in it."

"You can say that if you like." Giggled Noella, enjoying the flirtatious gambit.

"Are you in the market for a new car or did you just come in here to drive us all the wild?"

"Would I come in here just to create a little mayhem?" she asked coyly.

"Dressed like that you might." he asserted.

"Dressed like what?" parried Noella, enjoying the playful jousting.

"Well....." he paused, caught a little off guard. "Well ....Dressed to kill!" he blurted desperate for a retort.

"Dressed to kill!" laughed Noella. "I hope that is a compliment?"

"Of course! Would I insult such a beautiful lady?" he was laying it on thick now.

"Why thank you." Noella mocked shyness.

"You're welcome." he responded. "So ARE you here to buy a car today?"

"Why of course. Would I waste your time?"

"I'm not sure it would be waste of time, even if you didn't by a car." he replied with a smile.

"Well maybe I won't buy a car then."

"Oh no. We definitely need to find you a car. If you want a car, we'd better find you a car. We wouldn't want to disappoint you."

"Well I do like this one. How much it is?"

"Just under $12000000 drive away." he advised, starting to sound more like a car salesman."

"Is this the base model?" enquired Noella.

"Yes. There are three other models. Two around the $150000 mark and the top model is nearly $200000."

"Well I don't want the base model." she announced firmly. "Have you got one of the top model I can drive?"

"Are you sure want the top model?" he queried." The E350 is a beautiful car and you will save $50000.

"Are you saying I can't afford it?" retorted Noella, playing up her feeling of insult.

"No. No. No. I'm sure it is within your price range."

"So can I drive one?" she pushed as she played with Mark as a cat might play with a mouse.

Mark drew himself to his full 6' 3" height and eased in a deep breath.

"We do have a E500 you can drive, but I'm afraid it is the general manager's favourite and he has taken it for lunch with a "friend".

"What sort of "friend" would that be?"

"I think that would be a young and attractive female friend."

"Really. Why am I not surprised?"

"Well if you give me your details, sorry I didn't catch your name."


"Noella. What a lovely name."

"Why thank you."

"Noella. If you give me your details, I can bring the E500 around to your house this afternoon and you could take it for a drive. Will you be free later this afternoon?"

"I will be free and that would be really great."

An hour alone in a convertible with dreamy Mark will be delicious!

"Now would you like us to appraise you current car for a trade-in whilst you're here?"

"Yes please."

Mark took Noella's keys and passed them to the appraiser before ushering her to the enquiry desk. He took down her address and mobile number before escorting Noella back to her car, the appraiser having finished his work, Noella still the focus of many pairs of eyes.

"The appraiser says we can give you $15000 for your car. How does that sound?"

"We'll talk later."

"Ok. We'll talk." he agreed as he opened the door of the BMW for her, before she drove off heading for home.

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