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Elle's Adventure Ch. 11

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Elle's in charge.
3.2k words

Part 11 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 01/19/2022
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It had been great to see Fabienne cum for me. She was a puzzling little thing. She said she didn't want or need to cum, but when I had insisted, she had. That was good. She may have been older than me, but I was in charge. Sure, there was stuff, lots of it, to learn, but I was a quick learner. Look how I had learned already. I could please her, and I could domme her and Penny - not to mention Mum. Fuck, if that was not a sign that I could pick things (and women) up quickly, I didn't know what was.

Tonight? I wanted to go back at Elle's. I wanted Mum. But the week was not a good time for her. I might, I giggled to myself, keep her waiting. Penny, well, she was another thing altogether. Having a much older woman so subby to me just made me so wet. Fuck! Yeah, if we went back to Fabienne's I could use both my older sluts.

I went back to class still pondering. I was sure something was happening in the politics class, but I'd have to catch up from Emma; my mind was elsewhere.

As I was walking back after a study session in the carrel - now aired and no longer smelling of Fabienne's pussy, I caught sight in the corner of my eye of something that looked like her kissing fat Amy. What the fuck! Amy? Amy was a good little cunt muncher, but she was MY cunt muncher. Fabienne was mine too. What was this? A bit on the side?

Part of me giggled. I liked Amy. She was gay and she was submissive. Sure she was a little chubby, but that gave her nice big tits and a fucking sexy arse; it wobbled nicely when I spanked her. But she knew she was a bit fat and a bit thick, so I guessed that if she and my tiny Teach wanted to hang out, that was okay. Part of me bridled. They were my fucking subs! That did it.

I texted Fabienne:

"Urs 2nite Teach. No fucking knickers needed!"

I texted Amy:

"U, Teach's place, 2 nite, b there, bitch!"

Amy was the first to reply, good girl!

"K, luv u x"

"Luv u 2, my bitch xx"

Fabienne was slower.

I was actually almost at hers when my phone pinged.

"Got held up, Miss. Smelly knickers in my bag xx."

That was more like it!

I knocked on the door. Part of my was trembling. The feelings felt like they might overwhelm me. What if I couldn't do it? What even was "it"? Fuck!

A week ago I'd been an ordinary horny teen who liked women, who read (via links provided by Mum) sexy stories online, and who had two friends with whom I did some of the stuff I read about. Sure, fuck, I had fantasies about my Mum and about older women, as well as about what I might do to Amy; but now? Wow! I had a submissive French teacher, her submissive landlady and fat Amy. They all had expectations; but what did I really know?

Fabienne was, I giggled, fab, but she knew so much more than I did. Shouldn't she be the domme?

But another part of me, well damn it, was so horny and high on it all. I had these sexy women who would do what I wanted. But there it was again. What the fuck was that? Best not overthink it, I thought!

Penny answered the door.

"Miss Elle. Miss Fabienne said you were coming for supper, and with a friend too?"

"Yes. You look nice Penny."

"Thank you Miss."

She did, I thought, as we walked through to her living room. There was an air of contentment about her. She'd done her hair with care and was dressed, if not to kill, then with some care. Her short skirt showed off her legs, and her sexy arse. Her blouse, open at the top, allowed her generous cleavage to be seen, and I could tell she had one of those push up bras on, black and lacy, my faves.

"Can I get you a drink, Miss?"

"Sure, yeah, if you have a coke, that would be good."

She brought it to me.

"Sit over there, Penny, open your legs so I can see up your skirt. Are you wearing knickers?"

It was a thrill to see her blush.

"Yes Miss, high cut black ones."

"I'll have those off you later. That's a nice smell, what is it?"

"Chicken casserole, Miss Fabienne put in into the slow cooker earlier."

"She's a gem, isn't she?"

Penny's grin could have lit the room without any further aid.

"Oh yes, she is. After all, without her I would not know you. Is Amy like you Miss?"

I smiled.

"No," I giggled, "she's a sub, like you."

"Two of us then, Miss?" She grinned.

"Well, three if we count our little French tart."

"Do you think she is submissive, Miss Elle? She dommed me very well."

There, as my English teacher would have put it, was the rub. What the fuck was Fabienne? Was she just playing? She seemed submissive to me, but then after what she had done to Penny? And yet, though she had said she did not want to orgasm, she had when I insisted. Not for the first time I reflected on something Mum had said once:

"The thing about men, love, is that they are straightforward - they want to get their end away with you. Women, well, we're a different species."

That was after I had discovered lesbian porn on Mum's computer. She admitted to me that when she was younger, she'd swung both ways, and even now, had a lesbian lover from time to time. I'd just said she was a greedy bitch, though that was envy talking. Maybe I was like her? What was it she'd said? "Insatiable?"

Just as Penny and I were talking about Fabienne, in she came with fat Amy.

"Hi Miss Elle, hi Penny. Penny, this is Amy."

Amy, bless looked dead embarrassed.

"Hi Miss Penny. Hi Miss Elle."

"Oh," said Penny, "I am not a Miss."

"Sorry, Miss," said Amy.

I giggled.

"Sit down Amy."

"Can I get you and Penny a refill?" Fabienne asked. "Amy, what would you like?"

"Can I have a diet coke?" She asked.

I said I'd have another, and Penny asked for another glass of wine.

Fabienne brought them in.

"I'll get dinner ready, you three enjoy yourselves."

With that, off she went.

I was beginning to feel easier. Amy was just a sweetie. Penny seemed happy to have us both as company, and with time to think before we did anything after supper, I relaxed too.

Fabienne was a great cook, and the casserole was delicious.

Over supper we talked, or rather, Fabienne started us off on the topic which was on all our minds.

"Miss Elle, we're going to need to talk about what you want this evening, but I wondered if I could say something?"

So respectful, bless her. I said sure.

"I don't think it is fair that all the weight falls on you."

"What do you mean?" I asked, dimly aware that, yet again, she had intuited what had been bothering me.

"Well, submissives too often expect their domme to do all the work, which isn't fair, there's three of us and one of you."

Penny and Amy blushed.

"Plus, darling Amy is new to this, as is Penny, so maybe, Miss, it would be better if we all tried to help?"

I felt a surge of relief. I did not say what I was thinking, because "Thank God for that!" would have sounded lame, so I confined myself to asking what she had in mind.

"Well, Miss, it seemed to me that the bit you have enjoyed most was when you used the strappy. Am I right?"

"Yes, that was so fucking hot. You on all fours, Penny, that sexy mature arse of yours toward me, so hawt!"

"OMG, you had Mrs J like that, but she's, well she's way older even than our Mums."

The look on Amy's face made me giggle.

"That's why it was fun. Look Amy, Penny and Fabienne are both older than us, but they are both submissive - like you. I am not."

"OMG," said the ever-imaginative Amy, "so what was it like?"

"Hot! It felt so powerful."

As I took another gulp of wine, Amy asked why.

Penny's face was a picture. It was one thing doing it with me and Fabienne, but having fat Amy hear about it was, it seemed, quite another thing.

"Not sure, but it felt kind of powerful, to be the one pushing the cock into Penny and fucking her. It kind of made her my bitch, didn't it Penny?"

Blushing deeply she agreed.

"Yes, I loved it. It was you making me your woman. Oh Miss Elle, I loved it."

I smiled. Amy was looking amazed.

"You did?"

"Yes. Miss Elle is so beautiful. That she wants me at all is a miracle."

"Yeah, I know," Amy said, "I can't believe she lets me eat her cunt. Fat working class bitch like me with a posh girl like her."

"Du calme, ladies," Fabienne intervened. "Let's finish dining first!"

There was a gleam in her eye which told me that something interesting was going to happen.

After supper we returned to the living room. Fabienne asked Penny whether "the delivery" had come. When Penny confirmed it, she was sent to get whatever it was.

She came back in carrying a box.

"As that is for Miss Elle, I think you should give it to her darling - on your knees."

"Of course, Miss Fabienne."

She looked the picture of a MILF, kneeling there, smiling, handing me the box.

I opened it.

OMG! It was my own strap-on. Eight inches, purple and ribbed, complete with harness.

"My present, Miss," Fabienne smiled.

She knew! She knew that wearing one made me happy. She's only gone and bought me one! I sort of welled up. How the fuck did she know? Who knew? I was just glad she did.

"Amy," Fabienne said, "why don't you help Miss Elle undress, I will take Penny to the bedroom and wait for you both there."

Her words were, again, spot on. Ideal in fact. Fat Amy could get me ready here, and Fabienne could prepare Slut Penny for me. I giggled to myself again. It was nice, I thought, having my own sexy maid.

I watched as they left.

Amy came up to me.

"How do you want me to do this, Elle?"

"Quickly," I laughed

I took my jummy off, as she pulled my leggings and knickers down. I unclasped by bra, letting the girls hang free.

"Fuck, Elle, you are so fucking gorgeous, can I kiss your tits?"

I loved the way Amy worshipped me, so let her. Her lips felt so good. My pussy felt so wet. I was so hot already.

Unwrapping the strappy, I stepped into the harness and adjusted it.

"What do you think?" I asked Amy.

I got the idea she liked it from the way she sank to her knees and opened her mouth.

"Wanna be my lil cock sucker, bitch?"

"Oh yes, Miss!"

"Well get your fucking kit off, I wanna see you naked too."

That girl could move when needed.

Her jumper and bra were off in moments, and they were followed by her leggings and her blue knickers. I could see a dark wet patch there. The little bitch was wet for me.

She held my girl-cock and began to lick the shaft. I pushed it in further, making her gag and choke. She sucked hard.

Like Mum, I am bi. Cock sucking was, it seemed to me, a real act of submission. I'd watched Mum do it to Dad while I rubbed myself outside; they really ought to keep their bedroom door shut when Mum's slutting herself! Watching fat Amy do it to me was such a fucking turn on. I could see why men got off on it - well, part of it. I guessed the sensations were hot for them; but the power thing, yeah, that I could get alright.

After she'd slobbered onto those fat tits of hers, I told Amy to get up.

Her face was red, her chin and tits wet with her own saliva.

"You're a good girl, Amy. Wanna go play with my subs?"

She grinned for ear to ear.

"You really mean it? They do as you say, Miss?"

"Yeah, just liked you. Wanna have fun?"

"Fuck yes," she said, rubbing herself.

"Dirty bitch," I giggled.

"I just feel horny all the time Elle."

"Yeah, me too. You go up first."

I loved watching her sexy fat arse, and teased her by touching and spanking it as we went upstairs.

Entering the main bedroom I saw, to my delight, Slut Penny in position on her bed. Nude, her big mature bum facing me, she was holding her arse open. I could smell her.

"Is this how you wanted her, Miss?" Fabienne asked demurely.

"It is. You're turning into a good maid."

"Thank you, Miss," she grinned.

"Amy, maybe you'd like to lie in front of Penny, legs open, so she can lick your pussy?"

Amy's grin grew even more. I nodded, and she got on bed, her legs either side of Penny's face.

"I see your cock is already wet, Miss?'

"Yes," I replied to Fabienne, "Amy is a good girl. She deserves a reward."

"Penny is wet, too, Miss."

I could see from the smearing on Fabienne's face that her mouth, too, had been busy.

I wanted.

I wanted them all. But with Penny's mature cunt there, just waiting, I wanted that most urgently.

Smiling at Fabienne in approval, I knelt on the bed behind Penny, adjusting the cock and positioning it to tease her wetness.

"Lick fat Amy's wet cunt, bitch!" I told Penny, smacking her arse.

As she went to work, making Amy moan, I pushed my girl-cock in, making her moan as well. As I gripped her hips and pushed, I saw her cunt stretch to take it, her lips red where I was pushing them apart. Adjusting my position, I pressed harder, making her whimper. I could see from the look on Amy's face that Penny's tongue was doing a great job.

I loved the feeling, thrusting in, taking her, harder, faster, deeper, just pounding away.

Then I felt it.


Fabienne was only licking my fucking arse, dirty bitch!

OMG, that feeling of my bum smacking back into her face as I fucked Penny was just THE best.

I'd intended to see to Penny before coming myself, but with Amy moaning and thrashing about, and Fabienne's tongue teasing my asshole, there was no way! Then I felt her fingers in my pussy. Damn! Fuck!

I heard Amy cum, and then totally lost it myself.

I just thrust so hard into Penny's mature cunt, gripping her hips to steady myself as I follow Amy down the tracks to ecstasy. It was one of those gut-wrenching ones where everything explodes. I felt myself shudder. I was glad Fabienne was holding onto me.

I was still deep in Penny when I regained some sort of consciousness, so I thought, what the hell, and carried on fucking her.

"Do you need to rub your clit, Penny?" I heard Fabienne ask.

"Oh please Miss Elle!"

Oh that power surge, an older woman begging me to be allowed to touch her own cunt.

"You okay, Amy?" I asked.

She looked up.

"Fuck, Elle, yeah!"

"Do you think the old slut should be allowed to touch her cunt?"

I thrust as I said the words, knowing how they would excite Penny. The huge moan she let out showed me I was right.

"Nah, let her wait," Amy giggled.

"No!" I told Penny who whimpered.

You wanna play with Teach?" I asked Amy.

"Fuck yeah!"

"Fabienne, strip and get on the bed with Amy."

I heard her assent from behind me.

The sight of her petite, light-brown body on the bed next to Amy's larger white one, made for an interesting contrast.

"Snog her," I told Amy, who obliged by kissing our teacher.

Watching the ample Amy pull the petite Fabienne into her folds was such a turn on that I fucked Penny even harder. She pushed back into me, I thrust into her. She was so wet that her cunt was making the lewdest squelching noises. I leaned in, my tits touching against her back, and I grabbed her hair, pulling her back.

"Who own you, slut?"

"You do, you do Miss."

"Do you still need to cum?"

"You decide that Miss."

Pushing in deep and hard, she moaned.

"Good answer. Rub your clit, slut!"

She almost fell into the bed with my next thrust, but she managed to stay where she was as she rubbed.

Amy was having her big tits sucked by Fabienne, and clearly enjoying it.

I saw Penny's asshole clench and felt her spasm. She could not hold position and collapsed onto the bed, moaning loudly as my strappy slipped out.

That felt good. Penny was there, still moaning, one hand between her thighs, and when I looked, Amy was being eaten out by our teacher. Girls rule!

Being the horny little bitch she is, Amy came almost at once.

Right, I thought, my turn!

Emerging from between Amy's ample thighs, her face smeared with her cunt cream,

Fabienne rolled over to me and unstrapped the harness.

"Ride my face, Miss!"

She always seemed to know.

I straddled her face. My pussy was on fire, which was odd because it was dripping wet. The sensations as my lips and clit rubbed against her face were so strong it was like a dozen simultaneous orgasms beginning to spark each other off. It was too much. I wanted to hold it, but there was no way once I felt her lips sucking my clit. Clenching my thighs, I was lost to the world.

Fuck but that was good!

"Bloody hell, Elle, was that as hot as it looked?"

I smiled at Amy.

"Well you just had the same treatment."

"She is so good."

Fabienne emerged from between my thighs and lay next to Penny, who had turned over to watch the show.

I pulled Amy to me.

The air was filled with the scent of pussy.

"Amy," I said, an idea occurring to me, "do you want to learn how to eat pussy?"

"What, as good as Teach does?"

I nodded.

"Fuck yes."

"Okay," I giggled, "anatomy lesson time. Fabienne, Penny, sit up, legs open so Amy can examine your cunts and get familiar with them."

Penny obliged at once, sitting up, knees apart, holding her lips open. Fabienne was slower.

"Come on Teach!"

"Okay Miss," she responded, rather reluctantly.

"Get on with it."

She opened her legs too.

"Right," I said to Amy, "you lick upwards until you come to the v at the top of their cunts, and you can see, look..."

My finger slipped upwards until it touched Penny's unhooded and rather large clit.

"And" I began, "you can see she is larger than..."

I stopped. Fuck. Fabienne looked so different there.

She looked at me.

"Oh fuck! You're not a Muslim are you, it's not that thing?"

Fabienne looked at me.

"I didn't want to. No, no!" She said - getting up and running from the room.

We looked at each other.

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PixiehoffPixiehoff3 months agoAuthor

Thank you so much, Elle xxxxx

Mynt_ElevenMynt_Eleven4 months ago

This chapter was absolutely incredible! It had so much of what I’d hoped for. Elle is so incredible. My heart broke at the end. I feel bad for Fabienne. Her reluctance, her embarrassment. I hope things improve for her in the next chapter.

Very excellent chapter!

PixiehoffPixiehoff4 months agoAuthor

Thank you so much my darlings xxxxxx

GayKatGayKat4 months ago

That Muslim Thing!?!


Hallo Pixie!


Well Love, we or I... had a little difficulty getting here but here we are.

Thank you for another beautifully written hot and sexy chapter, we wish it could be 10-Stars and 10-Orgasms 😜... but alas Literotica says it's a maximum of only 5! 😢


Love, I have such hate for some Muslim cultures, particularly those religious customs that call for the butchering of a young female's genitals!

Reading this one line: ["Oh fuck! You're not a Muslim are you, it's not that thing?"] _ My mind jumped straight to "The cutting!"... Wow, talk about a quick jolt back to reality, my panties were soaked from my earlier fantasizing, but between my legs I was as dry as the desert, so at that point I was pretty much through, until Jackie ask me what's going on Kat, it's like you just turned off... once I realized that I was just being silly, I started thinking about voting and writing the comment, but before we did... I decided I'd better read chapters 11 and 12 together and I'm so glad we did,,, yes!


Thank-you, 5-Stars and 5-More Orgasms 😕.


From your two kinky dike friends,


The Black Queen 👩🏿 and Gay kat 👩🏼‍!

💋 💋 💋🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹💋 💋 💋

PixiehoffPixiehoffabout 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you Mama, hope you will enjoy the rest xxxxx

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