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Feeding a Monster

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The lab contains a creature that feeds on cum.
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They led me through a dark corridor in the underground lab, until we stopped before a heavy door. The guards kept quiet through the journey, marching wordlessly at the fore and the back, rifles held firm. The security was tight like that throughout the whole complex. After all, the object of our study was a closely kept secret, and the place officially didn't exist.

As an IT specialist, I wasn't personally involved with it. I was always told the bare minimum necessary to do my job and keep the lab's computers running. That meant however, that I would sometimes be exposed to the classified information contained within, which necessitated that I have a clearance. Mentioning anything about what I learned was strictly forbidden and even then, the info didn't make sense to anyone who wasn't aware of exactly what was it they were keeping here.

The one thing I did know was that it's alive.

And today I would assist with feeding it.

When they approached me about it, I was sitting behind my desk with a donut in hand, examining some obsolete code I was supposed to update. They told me they needed my assistance and that they would add one thousand bucks to my next paycheck for this. Now, I wasn't strapping for cash, the whole secret lab thing was pretty lucrative, but how could I refuse?

They didn't tell me any details of what this job involved or why they had asked me specifically. What were the attributes that qualified me for this job? "Why not someone with experience with this type of thing?"

Their answer was that there was no one experienced at the complex right now. When I inquired how that had happened, the only response was: "Your predecessor was suddenly let go for breaking work ethic."

They assured me that this job was completely safe and that I possessed all the qualifications required. Somehow, that didn't help suppress the chill slowly creeping down my spine as I entered the small, heavily reinforced room.

The guards, to my surprise, stayed stationed outside. I was instructed to enter alone, and the armored door was closed behind me. There was no visible opening mechanism within.

"Greetings," a short woman in a black uniform spoke from the end of the room, making me jump slightly as I turned towards her. She had a serious face and dark hair kept in a tight ponytail. Her perfect posture and calm but reserved tone radiated an aura of professionalism any lawyer would envy. Her nametag read "Dr. E. Hendrix, M.D."

I cast a quick glance around the room. The only other occupant was a single guard, probably female from what I could see through all the heavy gear. The space was completely barren safe for the three of us and a small table with a bag. No chairs, no tools, no other doorways. The only exit was the one thorough which I had entered.

"You must be Mr. Wilson."

"Is that from my nametag?" I joked, trying to lift the gloomy mood.

"Yes," the doctor responded a bit more jovially, but she didn't abandon protocol. "You are here to assist with the feeding of Subject 01B, is that correct?"

"Yes. Though they didn't exactly tell me what to do."

"That's alright. I will walk you through this. If you are ready to begin then, please stand here, while I perform some tests."

I approached her a bit warily, waiting while she scrolled on her tablet. Everything about the way she talked felt like a medical checkup. I soon realized that's exactly what this was.

"Your health status was recently updated. You had your general checkup less than a week ago, performed by one of the facility's examiners?"

"As part of the contract," I answered.

"And you are not under the influence of medication or any other substance, nor were you within the last 24 hours?"


"Good. Please take this then. I will run confirmation tests before we proceed."

She handed me a pill in a taker's cup and opened her bag, extracting some medical gear. I stared at the small, blue pill and a weight began to settle in my stomach. Why would I need to be drugged to feed the thing they kept in here? Was the monster so terrifying I needed to be medicated to not freak out? I pinched my thigh and thought of the easy money. I was a professional, working for a top-secret government agency, albeit in a completely different field. I needed to at least pretend I deserved my post.

I downed the pill and set the cup on the table. The doctor had meanwhile readied the blood pressure thingy and instructed me to pull my sleeve up.

"So, is this position open for full time, or am I only here for today?" I asked, imagining receiving a thousand dollars for every day of the month, or however often did the thing need to eat.

"That remains to be seen. The other feeders are not on site, so we needed an urgent replacement. Who will fill this position is up to the higherups. Do you feel any side effects or any unpleasant reaction from the pill?"

"No, I'm fine"

"Excellent!" she said as the device tightened around my biceps. "If the effects don't wear off within four hours, please contact a facility physician." The device let go and she put it back away, apparently satisfied.

"What?" I stammered but she ignored me and instructed me to remove my shirt?

As I stared in confusion at the request, the doctor had put on a stethoscope and shot me an impatient glance.

I awkwardly complied and unbuttoned my shirt and dumped it on the floor. She circled around me as she listened to my heart and whatever else you use a stethoscope for and somehow, despite myself, I noticed I was getting an erection.

How was that even possible? Something like this hasn't happened to me since high school! I thought as I looked over to ensure she didn't see. Sure, Doctor Hendrix was hot, but that shouldn't mean anything. I was an adult! I have seen plenty of women in my time. I have moved well beyond the age when a mere touch from a random pretty face would do this to me.

I stood awkwardly with hands inconspicuously hung over my crotch while she finished up and dropped this gem: "Alright, everything within norm. We can start with the procedure. Please take the rest of your clothing off and stand within the square marked on the floor."

"What? What for?" I demanded, frozen in place. The thought of revealing to her my hard-on terrified me so much I forgot to be shocked by why that would be necessary.

The doctor was adamant though: "Please comply with the instructions without causing incidents." She stared me down with stern eyes but glanced at the guard behind me for a fraction of a second.

I had completely forgotten there was anyone else there at all. The faint metallic sound of someone in military gear came from behind me and I immediately composed myself. The soldier was as tall as me and was holding an assault rifle. I swallowed emptily and slowly turned to the wall and leaned down to take off my shoes before dropping my pants. To my horror the doctor still stared at me expectantly, so I reluctantly pulled down my shorts as well and dropped them to the pile of clothing near the wall, covering my penis with my hands.

"No need to be ashamed. That is the expected reaction. Please proceed into the yellow square, facing the wall."

I slowly lowered my hands and walked on shaky legs to the designated area, wandering if they would really have given me Viagra. Once I stood still in the square, the doctor attached some sort of electrodes to me, then flipped some switches on the wall and a small hole opened up roughly at my waist level. I couldn't see what was inside.

"Please insert your genitals and scrotum into the opening."

That's it. I just about had it now. I had absolutely no I idea why I had to do this or what any of this had to do with feeding the creature, and their secrecy had started to really piss me off. But more than anything, I was afraid. Because when human mind doesn't know something, it starts filling in the blanks. And my brain couldn't come up with an explanation that wasn't terrifying.

When I couldn't bring myself to move, the doctor gave a nod and the guard stepped in behind me and pressed me closer to the wall. I put my hands on the wall and tried to resist but they were far stronger than I thought, and I was drained and shaking. I gave out and Doctor Hendrix grabbed my manhood with a gloved hand and placed it in the hole while the guard pushed me closer.

Once both my member and my balls were in, the doctor flipped some switches again and the hole tightened around them, trapping me inside. They stepped aside, leaving me stuck against the wall by my junk, as I squirmed, more in fear than discomfort. I didn't feel anything inside, just open space, my erect dick pointing out like in some perverted gloryhole. Well, more perverted... Argh, forget about it!

The doctor pressed a button and spoke into an intercom: "Ready."

"Understood," came the response. "Brace for release."

Beyond the wall, an alarm started blaring and the rumbling of heavy machinery resonated through the facility. I could see in my mind's eye a huge door opening, the darkness beyond concealing a hungry, monstrous creature.

"Okay, what is this all about? I will do anything, just release me, okay? Whatever is going on here, I didn't sign up for this!"

My state of panic had reached the bargaining stage and unreasonable thoughts begun crossing my mind. Maybe this was the reason for the secrecy. Maybe it wasn't just to keep the knowledge of the creature away prom public, but away from the staff too. Away from its victims.

"Subject 01B feeds on human ejaculate."

"What?" I stammered, looking at Dr. Hendrix in utter confusion. She refused to elaborate. It was obvious from her resigned look that she was breaking some kind of protocol by telling me. As ever, keeping the staff as oblivious as possible. I could not fathom what this meant for me. Was I supposed to get... you know... from that? Or did it have some other horrible means of extracting it?

My visions of doom were interrupted when the alarms stopped, and silence fell on the room. And from that silence, a heavy, sloshing sounds of movement echoed. I could hear beyond the wall something my mind could not put into picture. A slithering but scratching noise as The Creature slowly approached the helpless genitalia displayed on the wall like an all you can eat buffet.

"Don't engage unless necessary," Hendrix instructed.

"Wha..." I squealed, then froze completely as the sounds reached the wall.

I squeezed my eyes shut, sweat pouring down from my body as I braced myself for the worst. But then, like a light in a darkness, a voice spoke.

"Mmmmm..." a moan came from the other side and all the hair on my neck stood up. "you're a pretty one."

I had to do a double take. Whatever I just heard didn't correspond with the picture my mind had painted. I wanted to answer but remembered to be cautious.

"Not going to say hello?" the woman prodded. Except it was not a woman, it was a creature sealed in an underground lab behind several blast doors. Or was it? Even the creature had to have a gender, right? Or was it a hermaphrodite? Did it reproduce asexually?

I had so many questions to ask but Hendrix silenced me with a meaningful look.

"No matter," it continued. "I have my methods of making men talk."

A hand brushed against my penis. An honest to God woman's hand! She dragged her nails lightly across my length and back, teasing me like she has had long years of practice. The feeling of her fingers sliding over my skin gave me full body goosebumps, before she locked them around my girth and started moving her hand ever so slowly up and down my manhood. She leaned in and I could feel her breath on my tip as she spoke.

"So, how's this for an introduction?" she teased, her face so close, her voice was reverberating through my member. "How about you tell me your name?"

I looked at Hendrix in confusion and a slight hope for approval, but she shook her head. The woman on the other side was not satisfied with my silence and continued to tease me.

"Oh, what a shame. I just haaaate to fool around with strangers. Guess this is going nowhere..." she sighed and slowed down her hand. I could feel her face hovering before my junk, just mere inches away, the air from her nose tickling me. I'm ashamed to admit it, but despite my best efforts, I was starting to get real frustrated. Her touch was just light enough to make me drool but grant no satisfaction whatsoever. I clenched my jaw and just endured.

"Hmm. Maybe I'll try something a bit... different," the woman said. Suddenly, her hand switched to my balls instead and squeezed. I yelped in pain before I could stop myself and luckily, that seemed to be enough for her to let go.

"Ah, he speaks! I was starting to worry they might have brought me a mute. God knows that's not beyond them. So, is this the kind of thing you're into? I can work with that!"

"No!" I shouted on autopilot, but it was too late. I played exactly into her hand.

"And he knows English too! My my, how generous of them. So, what should I call you?"

Now, I was told to not engage unless necessary. And, seeing as I deemed it completely necessary to not get my genitals mauled, I decided to give her what she wants, protocol be damned.

"R-Roger," I stammered. Sure, maybe not the manliest delivery ever, but I was quite literally held by my balls.

"Mmm... Roger," she repeated the name, savoring every letter like it was some sort of dessert. "So, Roger, how would you like me to begin?"

It was awkward to leave her hanging, but I felt like I depleted my permitted word limit. The woman had already returned to stroking me, this time a bit more eagerly, tightening and relaxing her grip at the very best times, twisting her hand and circling her thumb over the bottom side of my shaft.

"What happened? Did the good doctor tell you not to talk to me?" she asked like you would ask a child if a parent forbade them from eating candy. She would do everything to provoke me to speak. Hendrix, on the other hand, looked non-too pleased with her remarks.

"Well then, I'll just have to improvise." With that statement she dragged her tongue over my length, stopping to give special attention to the tip. Her touch sent electric shocks though my body. I couldn't remember the last time I felt that much bliss from such a brief contact. I began to question if it truly was just the pill and the stimulation. Whether I might actually enjoy the scary aspect.

A creature that fed on semen. My mind just couldn't seem to wrap around that concept. And installing what was essentially a gloryhole just to feed it. A scientific gloryhole.

"Why do we have to do this at all?" I whispered to Hendrix. "I mean, why go through all this instead of just supplying her with semen collected in advance?"

"It!" Henrix corrected me sternly. "And we tried. Subject 01B refused to accept indirect means of feeding."

"I'm right here, doctor. I have very good hearing, you know?" the woman... subject said teasingly. When did I start referring to her as a she? And I just did it again.

"We also tried to make the opening soundproof," Hendrix remarked, looking like she was doing her best not to roll her eyes.

Thinking about it, how was I hearing her anyway? The wall had to be reinforced and the hole had closed around my junk tight. Even if she could hear us whisper (which I should have considered sooner), I shouldn't be able to hear her much at all. Maybe she was just speaking a lot louder than she seemed. She sounded like she was talking normally, but who's to say how loud her voice really was. How could I know what she was capable of?

One hell of a blowjob, as it turned out.

She seemed to be insulted that I would pay attention to scientific queries more than her, because when she was done talking, she immediately took my whole length into her mouth in one go. I gasped at this new sensation. I've had women go down on me before, but that was simply not comparable. Never had anyone done anything like this to me before and here I was, getting a deepthroat from an unknown creature in a bunker. I could feel her throat flexing around my shaft, gripping me tighter than any vagina. She slowly retracted all the way up again without letting any air escape, her lips sealed tight, until only my tip was in her mouth, her tongue circling around it playfully, then took it all back in again. She just continued doing it over and over like it was a breeze.

I moaned as I stood there, pressed against the cold wall, getting the oral treatment of my lifetime. I would normally be burning with embarrassment, doing this before an audience, but the creature's sheer skill made me all but forget about the other occupants of the room. I closed my eyes and let myself drift off, drinking in the heavenly massage of my member.

"Like what you're feeling?"

I smothered the reflex to answer, knowing Hendrix would get angry again, when suddenly my blood froze.

The voice coming from beyond the wall was the same as before.

But the creature never stopped sucking.

"Wha..." I stammered, thinking my mind must be playing tricks on me. Surely that must have been someone else talking and I just assigned the voice to her subconsciously.

"Oh? Is something wrong, big guy?" the voice came again. "Don't you go soft on me now!"

It was her speaking. I was sure now. There must have been someone else there, perhaps "assisting" the creature. I wanted to ask, but before I could bring myself to do so, a new sensation took my attention. A second tongue. In the mouth currently working its magic on my member. As the slick appendage licked all around my shaft, suddenly I could feel a new one join its efforts. And then a third one.

The tongues licked and caressed, forming a sort of vortex around my penis. They spun around it in an infinite circular motion, even when I would have expected them to get tangled and reverse, they just continued on, endlessly."

"What are you, really?"

A giggle came from the other side. It sounded so normal, so... cute. Yet it made every hair on my body stand.

"Don't you like this? Isn't this the greatest pleasure you ever felt?"

I didn't know how to respond. Yes. It was. By a landslide! But it was... wrong? How could I be enjoying something like this? With someone... something that wasn't even human?

"If not, just tell me," she whispered. "Tell me what you want! And I'll make it happen."

I could feel her breath on my skin. Her lips brushing against my hair, sending waves of electricity across my body, all the while the first mouth continued its magic. She planted kisses across my base, moving slowly down to my balls. Her tongue traced circles over my testicle, before she opened up her mouth and sucked it in, licking and slurping on my nutsack like a lollipop. Just like that, a third mouth appeared and did the same to my other ball, leaving no part of me unattended.

"Is that all you?" I asked despite my judgement.

"Of course, honey."

"Wh... what are you?"

A high-pitched giggle sounded from across the wall. It started out innocent and girlish, like when a woman purposefully laughs on all your jokes when flirting. But as it sounded off, her voice left me deeply unsettled. It had an almost... sinister quality to it.

I swallowed emptily. I tried to tell myself all was well, that there must have been multiple women on the other side. But that didn't explain the extra tongues. Any picture my mind drew of the creature failed to be attractive. Or not disturbing. And yet I just couldn't stop shivering with all the pleasure she was giving me.

All of a sudden, she retracted her mouth. The one blowing my penis (and my mind), that is. For a moment, there was nothing, just my naked, soaked member sticking out into cold emptiness while my balls got slurped on. Then two soft, fleshy bags sandwiched it from either side.


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