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Family Garden Ch. 24-25


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"What is that," Cybil asked again, and again Steven shrugged that he didn't know.

Randal turned Ethel around until she was facing him. Leaning forward he kissed her open mouth and suckled on her lips, lingering as she stretched out against her bonds for more when he withdrew. Grabbing her left pendulous breast he squeezed until her chestnut skin was bulging out between his fingers. Relaxing his grip, he let her fatty glands slip through his fingers until all that was left was twisting her chestnut areola until her rosy nipple thickened up!

"Ouch! That hurts Randal," Ethel complained in a demure voice.

"Hmm," Randal harrumphed as he brought his other hand up to Ethel's nipple.

Ethel hissed and let out a strangled shriek as she began bucking and struggling against her restraints. She kicked and swung around but Randal never let go of her breast as he calmly pushed the tip of a four inch long straight needle through the center of her nipple. Tears ran down her eyes as the tip of the needle touched the tip of her long thick rosy nipple and a dab of hot red blood budded under the point as it pressed her soft skin inward until she felt a pop as it broke her skin! She settled down as the piercing pain retreated to a throb as she felt the metal penetrate deeper. She felt another pinch and a pop as the needle pushed through her skin and was now inside her breast tissue filled with fat and mammary gland!

Smiling with satisfaction, Randal twisted the needle inside his wife's breast and watched a bead of blood run down the remaining two inches of needle to a blue head. Not wanting blood in the carpet he wiped it off before leaving her spinning in an oblong swing in the center of the room while he went back to his table and picked up a handful of needles...

"You make such cute sounds when you are in the throes of pain and pleasure," Randal purred as he returned to Ethel.

His hand struck like a viper as Ethel swung around to face him. Grabbing her jaw, he halted her rotating swing. Cybil and Steven could see tears streaking her cheek, hovering on the edge of her mouth and running down to her chin. Randal kissed her violently, sucking her salty tears from her plump-lips!

"Plllllease," Ethel begged softly as Randal pulled away and grabbed her right breast.

"Haaaaa," Ethel exhaled explosively as she felt a needle point press against her right nipple, and with a pop penetrate her breast!

She felt the steel slide into her skin deeper and deeper until she felt it pressing inward and another pop and she knew the needle was inside her breast! This time Randal pushed it all the way inside, through fat and gland until all four inches disappeared and only a little blue pinhead was left pressing into her nipple. Pain dulled to an ache as Randal stepped back and spun Ethel around until her ass was facing him. Pulling on the butt plug, he twisted the long cucumber and pistoned the thing inside Ethel's rectum several times as she moaned in pleasure, "Mmm, Yes! That's what I want..."

Randal smiled, enjoying watching his wife's body arch and wiggle as she tried to participate. With a mighty thrust he slammed the glass, studded, cucumber shaped anal plug all the way inside Ethel's ass. There was only a round glass ball left between her ass cheeks, and as Cybil's jaw dropped, Randal used his thumb to press on it until her mother's asshole spread open and swallowed it whole, and he kept pushing until his thumb was buried inside her up to his second knuckle...

"Haaaaa," Ethel gasped almost climatically!

Randal left and washed his hands. When he returned he grabbed the hook end of the squash shaped dildo and began pulling and pushing it roughly, fucking it inside Ethel's vagina, tilting it so the it rubbed against her vaginal and rectal walls between it and the cucumber plug. Ethel's hips began quaking in orgasm as she became very quiet. As soon as Ethel seemed to hit her peak, Randal pulled the glass squash out of her vagina and left her struggling for little more that would let her climax!

"Nooooo," She screamed in bitter denial as her orgasm flitted away into nothingness!

Randal set the vaginal nectar soaked squash on his table and turned back to Ethel. He thrust two fingers into her vagina and hooked them behind her pubic bone and pulled her towards him and held her there by just those two fingers as her own weight pulled her away as his fingernails dug into her g-spot. Using his thumb he pressed against her urethra as he took a needle in his other hand and pressed the needle into Ethel's clitoris!

Cybil felt Steven suddenly lunge forward burying his dick deeper inside her and his cock flexed and he blasted her full of cum, as she looked back and watched him watch as the needle in their mother's clitoris pushed in!

Ethel screamed as Randal pushed the needle up inside her as he tormented her little nerve that usually gave her so much pleasure. She kicked and bucked and her bound hands clawed at the air as her hips began to quake. He stopped with only a half inch of the needle inside her clit and let go so that it hung in the air quivering with her arousal as he grabbed another. Taking one then a second needle, he found the center of the bottoms of both her ass cheeks and with skilled practice pushed each needle into his wife's beautiful flawless chestnut skin until he passed through her fat and buried the tip in her firm muscles.

Time passed by with aching slowness as he pinned fifty needles down her legs, following an imaginary line from the bottom of her ass cheeks all the way to her thick ankles. Fifty more needles made a line from her pussy slit to her sternum, and then he took special delight in pushing four needles through her nipples. He basked in the enjoyment of watching those thin pieces of steel press into her sensitive skin until it popped through, disappeared inside her, and then pressed against the opposite side of her until it finally tore through her skin and reappeared. Six needles pierced her nipples, and twenty more pierced her areolas around their full circumference. Then he pulled out six inch long needles to pincushion her breasts from underneath and above, from her cleavage across toward her arm, and from her side boob needles disappeared into firm fatty flesh pointed toward her sternum...

Once Randal finally ran out of needles, he went back to his table with all of his toys and retrieved the glass eggplant. Turning Ethel around, Cybil and Steven could see that her clear lubricants were dribbling down her vulva before sliding down the needle impaling her clitoris and building to large dollops that fell into the carpet. Randal flicked the needle and she moaned. With a smile he pushed the large round end of the glass eggplant against her pussy and let it follow her vulva until it reached her vagina. With a strong thrust he pushed and everyone watched as Ethel's vaginal mouth spread open and slipped around the massive glass vegetable, swallowing it whole as it disappeared inside her!

Cybil pushed her hips back into Steven and felt him explode inside her again and again. Steven was pinching and twisting her nipples so hard and she was imagining what it must feel like to be pierced and pinned as her mother was. She wanted to pierce her nipples now and get a clitoris bar and a couple of labia hoops as well. Steven grabbed her neck and began squeezing until she couldn't breathe as her climax hit and she struggled not to moan and wail. He was cumming so much! She was so full! His seed was running down his dick to dribble from his balls, and the rest was running down her inner thighs in rivulets!

Randal looked at Ethel contemplatively and then announced, "I am going down for a bourbon. I will be back later."

Ethel said nothing, she was huffing in pain and pleasure and too engrossed in her own sensations to respond. Steven and Cybil watched Randal leave. When they were certain he was gone, Cybil pushed the closet door open and walked off of Steven's dick as she approached her mother. Steven followed right behind and softly caressed his mother's ass as Cybil asked, "Momma? Are you okay?"

Ethel huffed and sighed at Steven's touch before she answered, "I'm...fine dear. It...looks more painful than it is..."

"That's a lie, but okay," Cybil retorted and then asked, "Do you want us to get you down?"

"No!" She answered explosively, "No. This is Randal's and my time together. Just leave please..."

"Leave," Steven asked, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, leave now," Ethel commanded, "This is embarrassing enough as it is. Please go!"

"Okay." Cybil and Steven answered as one before they turned and left...


Chapter 25 - A Fool For You, part 2

Gorden Home - 1:00 pm

Kathryn ran away from her problems for hours and by the time she got home she still didn't know what she should do.

She was exhausted, her belly hurt, and she was starving!

Walking into the house from the garage, she noticed that her father's car was home. Shaking her head, she knew all too well what her father being home on Saturday entailed, and thought about turning around and going for another run. No, that wasn't an option, two weeks of not working out felt like two years and she was exhausted.

Once she was inside the house a shiver ran down her body, a wave of nausea swept over her, and her skin goosed making her feel uneasy. It took a second for her to process her unease and then she realized the house seemed too quiet...

Making her way from the garage to the kitchen, she pulled a Powerade out of the cupboard. It was lukewarm, just the way she liked it. When they were too cold it turned her belly and she would puke. Opening it she drank the entire contents thirstily before she set the empty container down with a sigh.

Placing her hands on her washboard abdominals, she realized she was still damp with sweat. She soaked her bra completely through, and her tiny running shorts were pretty much transparent revealing her tiny red thongs underneath. She needed another shower, but first, looking around the kitchen, she realized she was also ravenous!

Opening the refrigerator she pulled eggs, bacon, sausage, milk, and cheese out and set them on the countertop by the stove. As an afterthought, she also opened the freezer and pulled out a can of concentrated orange juice.

Thirty minutes later, she sat down at the breakfast table and ate a large breakfast for lunch. Her plate was stacked high with six scrambled eggs with milk and cheese mixed in, three pieces of toast, five pieces of bacon, ten pieces of sausage, a small glass of milk, a tall glass of orange juice, and she was still hungry!

'I never eat this much food,' she thought ten minutes later when the haze of hunger lifted and she realized just how much she had eaten while using a finger to clean the last of the eggs off her plate, "Well, except for two summers ago when I got my growth spurt that shot me up from five feet one inch to six feet two inches tall."

This time though, she had this dreadful feeling she wasn't growing up again. This time...she was going to be growing out! Looking down, she pinched her small B-cup breasts and sighed, "Well, if I'm growing out maybe I will get breasts this time..."

Standing up from the table, she put the food away and cleaned up her mess. When she was finished cleaning, she wiped her wet hands across her tight little shorts stretched across her voluminous 43 inch hips and bountiful bubble butt and thought of growing outward again. Sighing in dismay she mumbled to herself, "I hope my hips don't get any broader than they already are... otherwise I won't be able to navigate anything, the high school hallways, the paths between classroom desks, or any of my sports without taking people out with them!"

With another sigh she shook her head and left the kitchen to go upstairs to her room, shut the door and stripped off her clothes. Standing in front of her standing mirror she looked at herself and twisted this way and that as she cupped her breasts. They felt sensitive and swollen and heavier, but they didn't look any bigger. Running her hands down to her belly, she sucked it in and tightened her abdominals and obliques repeatedly trying to discern any growth in her belly or bloating. Maybe she was just suffering from a horrible stomach virus...or PMS...

Lastly, she twisted until she was looking at her broad thick ass, and wondered if when she did get pregnant and had a baby; how wide and thick would it get then?

With a shake of her head over her own absurdity, she turned and walked into her bathroom to take a shower. She turned on the water as hot as she could stand it before she stepped in and let the steaming water wash dirt, sweat, and soreness away...


Gorden Home - 2:00 pm

When Kathryn left the bathroom she only wore a towel wrapped around her head as she walked to her dresser and pulled out a tight fitting white cotton tank top, and white cotton low-rise thongs. Pulling the towel from her head she threw it over her vanity chair to dry, and then pulled the tank top and thongs on. She shook out her hair and ran her fingers through it before she smiled at her reflection.

Turning away she walked out of her room, and fully intended to go downstairs to the den and watch some television. Maybe she could find a game or sporting event to watch.

She reached the stairs and heard moaning and wailing coming from her parents' Master bedroom and hoped it was her father and mother. But, the wanton sounds of lust and euphoria suddenly stoked a fire in her belly and ignited her need for release and her pussy was suddenly so wet her white cotton panties were soaking through!

"Haaa," She exhaled desirously and took a step back towards her room, intending to go to bed and satisfy herself!

With her doorknob in hand, she paused at her door and looked down to Steven's door.

It was closed.

No doubt, Cybil was with him...

The thought of her sister's body beneath her earlier that morning shattered her discipline and on a whim she walked down to his room, placed her hand on the doorknob, and put her ear to the door.

It was quiet.

Turning the doorknob, she opened the door and slipped inside. Steven's room was a mess. His bed sheets and coverlets were on the floor at the foot of the bed. His clothes littered the floor and as she kicked them aside she realized that there were a number of large cup bras and g-string and thong panties mixed in as well.

Making her way to the clearly slept in bed, Kathryn ran her hands over the rumpled blue fitted sheet as she walked down it length. Stretching out across the bed she buried her face in the mattress, letting the sheet caress her cheek, lips, and small turned up nose as the scent of her brother and sister filled her senses. Cybil's scent intoxicated her, making her head feel fuzzy and her skin tingle, while Steven's scent made her belly warm and her pussy-lips so wet her panties were becoming transparent.

She shouldn't have come into her brother's room. She knew she had made a fatal mistake when she pulled her tank top off, and pushed her thongs down until she was able to kick them off. Then she rolled on the bed and let the smell of her siblings' sexual intercourse fill up senses as the fitted sheet caressed her soft smooth chestnut skin. First across her ass and thighs, and then she turned over so the soft sheet skimmed across her perky little breasts, her flat belly, and brushed her long thick brown pubic hair decorating her mound up and down as she thrust her pelvis into the bed...

She was sighing and moaning as she flipped over again and ran her hands across her own nipples tweaking them before she caressed her belly...

"Haaaa," She exhaled lustily as she combed her fingers through her pubic hair and raked her nails back across her skin...

"Mmm," She moaned when she thrust her other hand between her thighs and dug her nails into her naturally hairless pussy-lips before using her middle finger to dive between the folds of her pedals and sink all the way inside her vagina before curling her finger back finding her g-spot!

Her eyes flew open, and she wondered when she had closed them, as she found her g-spot and simultaneously rolled her clitoris under her thumb...

"Ohhhhhhh fuck," She gasped and moved her free hand away from her pubic mound and back up her belly to cup her breast and twist her nipple!

She was breathing hard and halfway to an epic orgasm when the door handle rattled causing her to jump and squeal as Steven and Cybil kissed their way into his room. They broke from their kissing, their mouths still open from their intoxication, and stared at her in amazement...

"Oh shit," Kathryn hissed and pulled her fingers out of her vagina as she scooted across the bed. She was so embarrassed she couldn't even look up as her feet hit the floor, not even thinking to find her tank top and thongs before with a hand over her breasts darting for the door!

"Wait," Steven said as he blocked Kathryn and wrapped his arms around her as she tried to push past him and Cybil.

"Please Kitty Kat," Cybil begged and wrapped her arms around Kathryn as well.

"No let me go! This isn't right," Kathryn growled as she wiggled and fought against her older brother and younger sister, "I shouldn't have come in here! Please, let me go!"

Kathryn pushed and grappled, but the harder she fought the more her body rubbed against Steven and Cybil and her strength evaporated! Soon her shallowly buried incestuous desire was fanned to a raging fire in her belly and her vagina was lubricating like someone had turned on a faucet inside her, slicking her pussy-lips first and then running down her thighs!

"Please," Kathryn begged pitifully as she slapped Steven's chest with her palms, "Please don't do this to me! Don't make me want this too! Please!"

"But Kitty Kat," Cybil laughingly whispered as she kissed her ear, "We can't make you want something you already desire..."

Steven wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in for a hug as Cybil wrapped her arms around her from behind. Kathryn began to cry, but as she did the last of her resistance faded as her hands caressed Steven's obliques and strong back muscles as she gave in and hugged him back.

"I'm sorry I hurt you Kat," Steven whispered softly into her short brown pompadour hair, "I have never ever wanted to hurt you. I love you! I've loved you all your life, but especially since you started growing into such a drop dead beautiful woman!"

"When was that," Kathryn asked with a shaky laugh for the absurdity of her situation.

"Two years ago when you suddenly grew up over summer," Steven answered in a whisper.

Her body began to shake as she began to cry softly. She put her head on his shoulder and hugged him tighter as she whispered, "I'm sorry too."

She felt her smaller chest, her small breasts, and her sensitive chestnut eraser head nipples press into Steven's larger chest and rub across his skin. She felt Cybil's huge E-cup breasts pressing against her back, and her thick puffy nipples caressing her. Without realizing it she wrapped her arm around Steven's waist tighter and enjoyed the feeling of Cybil's belly against her buttocks.

As they tightened their hugs, Steven's hands slid down her back to her ass cheeks while Cybil moved her hands up Kathryn's belly until they were both on her ribcage with her index finger and thumb outlining the bottom curve of her breasts. Steven tightened his grip on her ass cheeks and pulled her up as she lifted herself up on the balls of her feet and tilted her head up. Her eyes were half closed and her mouth was pursed expectantly as Steven kissed her, softly at first, and then deeper and more aggressively by the second!

As the seconds passed and Steven's soft lips caressed hers, a fog of desire settled within her brain and her body tingled with ticklishness. Every hair on her body stood on end and every breath of air felt like velvet caressing her, stoking her pussy and womb to a raging tempest!

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