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Finally Fucking My Best Friend

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Nova follows me to the locker room, someone else joins too.
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Orientation was always a painful process at the resort. The whole summer staff had the same basic orientation year after year. An hour of intake documents followed by the drug test and a full day of training sessions. Customer Service first (because our number one priority is customer service, or so we'd been told regularly). Next we had a first aid refresher, then a conflict de-escalation seminar. I'm not saying that these weren't important, but it got repetitive after the fourth or fifth summer.

The morning's sessions were all taught by people who had WAY too much energy for a Saturday morning. I sat at the back of the room with all the seasoned veterans who would rather be scraping gum off the sidewalk than sitting here. I made more of an attempt to pay attention than the man next to me, who had fallen asleep.

I looked around the room, hoping to see familiar faces. I locked eyes with Devin, the head of security. He and I had both worked here since we were fifteen. Six years of this. He rolled his eyes as the presenter bubbled about the difference between a cut and a scrape. I could tell Devin was equally as impatient with today, but he had to pay attention. Being the youngest department head, the older staff were foaming at the mouth anticipating his fuck ups. My gaze moved on.

More familiar faces that I couldn't match to names. There must have been a hundred people. I'd be lucky if I remembered ten of them. Finally, I spotted the person I was really looking for.

Nova had her back to me, but I could tell it was her. It might have been the red highlight through her blonde hair that she had debuted for me last year. It was darker than she had intended, but I insisted it looked great, and she grudgingly kept it. A year later, and I guess it had grown on her.

Maybe it was the way she sat, one leg up on the seat with the chair tipped back, and her head tipped over to the side. Her "I know this information already, but I'll pay attention anyways" pose. She always exuded confidence. It made me slightly jealous.

Of course, it might have been the fact that we'd known each other for the better part of a decade. We could pick each other out of a crowd from across the room with ease.

Phew. I had asked her if she was working at the resort again this summer, but she refused to tell me. It was some kind of game to her. She liked watching me squirm, thinking about having to work the summer without her. She's the one that found this job in the first place. I guess she had a brother who knew someone that comes here sporadically, and knew the aquatics director.

Nova didn't turn around, not that I was watching her the whole time or anything. Every now and then she'd glance down at her watch to check the time or answer a text. I wanted to text her, but when I pulled my phone out, it was dead. Figures. I plugged it in at the wall and kept listening to the presentation.

Much to the delight of my whining stomach, it was finally lunch time. We had an hour before the next mandatory session began, so I decided to walk down the street to the sandwich shop I'd be frequenting for the next several months. I looked around for Nova, but she was nowhere to be seen. I grabbed my now-charged phone, shot her a text and headed for the shop.

Going to Charlie's, want anything? My phone buzzed before it reached my pocket.

Nah. Getting lunch with Vinnie. TTYL.

Who the hell was Vinnie? I shrugged to myself and tried to hide my disappointment as I trudged over to Charlie's. I stepped outside and immediately regretted it. It was June, and the temperature was already in the high 80s and humid. It was going to be a hot summer. Good thing we work at a pool, I thought to myself.

I made it two blocks in the beating sun before someone grabbed the back of my shirt. Tight. A gruff voice behind me,

"You better bring me a sandwich punk!" The brief tension in my gut released as soon as she started speaking. It wasn't uncommon for people to get dragged down a side street and mugged around here, but I figured Nova wouldn't do that to me. I smiled broadly, turning around.

"Aren't you a little short to be threatening people?" I looked down at my best friend who was at least five inches shorter than me. I was a solid six foot; her, maybe five-six. She was smiling too. A sticker was stuck to her chest. Hello! My name is Vinnie!

"I can't believe you were going to Charlie's and thought I wouldn't want to come!" She bemoaned.

"I thought you were with Vinnie," I said guiltily, although I don't know why. Nova's green eyes rolled so far around that I thought they'd end up facing the wrong way.

"Were you jealous?" She blinked up at me innocently. I turned and headed for Charlie's, ignoring the question that she already knew the answer to. She jogged to catch up to me, sticking Vinnie's nametag to my shoulder. "I know you were back there looking at me the whole time."

My heart skipped. Of course I glanced her way a time or two. I mean, I wasn't particularly close to anyone else at orientation, and I wanted to be with someone I knew. That was the reason, I lied to myself. I looked back at Nova. Her hair, normally straight, was frizzy in the humidity. It reached past her shoulders, brushed over the left side. She wore a loose black hoodie today, and sweats. I don't know how she wasn't dying. We'd been texting for the whole semester, but neither of us had enough free time to actually come visit each other, since we were both going to school out of town. I missed her. I smiled.

"Something funny?" Nova caught me.

"Yeah," I shrugged. "You seem to get shorter every time I see you."

That earned me a jab to the ribs. Nova checked the time and we made our way to Charlie's.


We got back from Charlie's forty-five minutes late. Nova and I had sat at the counter, chatting with Charlie for a while, talking about our semesters, and thinking up our summer plans. We didn't realize how late it was until Charlie took a phone-in order and told the customer that it'd be ready around 2:00. Oops.

We snuck in to the General Information session just as Devin was going over fire drill information.

"Hey, Jack," he taunted over the microphone, "nice of you to join us."

My face reddened and Nova snorted. I pursed my lips and gave an embarrassed wave to the room, which was now looking at us. Nova curtseyed. Devin winked at me with a devious smirk and continued with his presentation. Since Nova and I had worked here for years now, everyone knew who we were. There were plenty of rumors swirling around about us dating, and this certainly wouldn't help. It didn't occur to me until later that, because we ran back, both of us were sweaty, disheveled, and out of breath. I know what I would have thought had anyone else showed up like this, but I digress.

The director hopped on the microphone next. "It's time to split up by department." He listed off the departments and where they would all be meeting. Aquatics would go to the auditorium, and split up from there. Finally, I thought to myself, thankful that the worst part was over.

I suppose I shouldn't complain too much. This job wasn't bad at all. The pay was excellent, my coworkers were always great, and I got to be outside all summer. One day of orientation won't kill me.

On the way over, I caught a group of guys that must have been 18, maybe college freshmen, ogling Nova. It wasn't uncommon I suppose, she was beautiful, and the way she was smiling was infectious. I got a burning sensation in my chest as I stood taller and squared my shoulders, raising an eyebrow towards them. The kids scurried away. Nova tilted her head up at me, eyebrows cocked. Oh. I guess she saw that.

"Something wrong, Jack?" Her tone dripped with false ignorance. Nova didn't mind the attention, I think she secretly enjoyed it. I didn't know why I had reacted like that. I declined to answer, and turned down the hall towards the auditorium. I caught her smirking as I turned away.

"Should we maybe go in separately?" I suggested to Nova as we arrived.

"Why on earth would we need to do that?" The glimmer in Nova's eyes told me she knew exactly why. I blushed.

"Well... ummm..." I stammered. I wasn't an awkward guy, and I wasn't afraid to talk about sex or anything, but her teasing was making me feel something that would be uncomfortable to explain. Nova laughed and pushed me through the door. Oh well.

Since we had been in the back of the orientation, most of the aquatics staff managed to beat us to the auditorium. Maintenance, security, instructors, front office all gathered in their respective areas. There were five others that were hanging out at the stage. Our lifeguards this year.

Nova winced, and I knew why. Our numbers dwindled every year, but five lifeguards? There would be a ton of overtime this summer, to say the least. We exchanged tired glances and made our way to the stage. The group saw us coming and I caught a few of them looking between Nova and I and grinning. I shot them a glare.

"Guardians of lives," I called to get their attention. All five looked up and acknowledged us. "I'm Jack, I'm the manager this summer."

Being the manager meant very little. In addition to regular lifeguard duties, I also made the schedule. That's about it.

"Hi, I'm Nova. Assistant manager. I answer to Nova, my Queen, SuperNova, or anything else really." That got some smiles. I recognized three of the staff. Haley was a second year lifeguard. She went to school with Nova, a few years behind her. Connor, Haley's brother, was our age. He had started the summer after Nova and I. Andy was in his third summer, and swore it would be his last, since he was graduating this summer. There were two new lifeguards. A shy looking girl with darker skin and curly hair, and another girl that seemed to be dissociating.

"I'm Kiara," the dissociated girl spoke up. "I'm nineteen and this is my first year."

Everyone turned to the shy girl. Without looking up, "I'm Dani. Eighteen. First year."

"Welcome to the team, guys," Nova beamed at them. Even the shy girl looked up and smiled a little. Nova had that effect on people. You couldn't help but to feel welcome around her. Unless she was mad at you. Then you should probably run.

We spent no more than a half hour talking about the job before I sent everyone home. I preferred to do any other training on site since it was easier that way. We'd meet up in the morning and finish training the new guards.


The next morning came, and I was ready to go. As hesitant as I was to start working for the summer again, I was excited to see Nova again. We had been nearly inseparable since middle school when we met.

We were the only new kids at the school that year, so naturally we befriended each other. We studied together, went out together (not on dates, just with each other's company), got in trouble together, and even went to Prom together. Neither of us could get a proper date, but prom was better with friends anyways.

After high school, we went our separate ways, but we stayed in touch. We'd see each other over school breaks and text each other nonstop. We complained about girlfriends and boyfriends to each other, and saw each other through a couple bad breakups.

It wasn't until recently that I realized that I had feelings for her, but I was too terrified to say anything. She was my best friend, and I didn't want to lose that. What if she didn't feel the same way? Either way, one of us was always in a relationship or situationship or something more complicated. It was never the right time. This summer was different though. We had both been single for the semester. She had wanted to focus on school, and I didn't really try to go on a date. I told myself that it was because I needed more time, or that I would find the right person eventually.

This summer, I thought, on my way to the pool. This summer I'll tell her.

We spent the day going over rules and protocols, walking the campus to show Dani and Kiara where everything was. The pool opened the next day. Everyone went home for the day, leaving Nova and I to make the schedule. I sat down at the desk, opened excel, and got to work. Meanwhile, Nova was cleaning up the office.

Dangerous thoughts crossed my mind with just the two of us here. What if this was the right time to tell her? What if she felt the same way? What would happen?

I imagined her hugging me. It wasn't something she hadn't done before, but recently her hugs made my heart do jumping jacks. They were tight, like she was trying to squeeze me back together. I wondered if she could feel my heart racing, or if she'd noticed the redness in my face. Or the awkward bulge in my shorts. If she had, she never said anything. I inhaled, imagining her scent, the lavender that lingered in her hair.

I jumped as suddenly her arms were over my shoulders. Instantly my mind cleared and I was back in the present. Nova stood behind me, arms over my shoulders as I sat in the chair, her hands clasped together over my chest. Ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum. My heart still raced. Blood flowed to my face and... further south. I adjusted myself so I was sitting closer to the desk, its edge pressing into my abdomen.

"Scare ya?" Nova asked, oblivious to my thoughts. I swallowed and licked my lips, which had gone dry. I glanced down at her watch instead of turning around. The screen lit up "would you like to track a workout?" She must have just run in here.

"Just figuring out how we're going to have enough staff for the summer." Only a partial lie. I didn't dare look away from the screen. I had always found touch to be a sensual thing. The feeling of someone else's skin against my own drove me crazy. When I felt Nova's arms along my neck my brain melted leaving only thoughts of my friend. Something warm and soft pressed between my shoulders when Nova leaned over. I did not allow my thoughts to dwell on that.

"Yeah, there are going to be some long days," she agreed. "Hey, I've got the uniforms at the front desk. Can you help me bring them in?"

About to get up to help, I froze. I couldn't stand up right now. "Uhh, yeah of course. I'll be right there, let me just finish this week's schedule up."

I heard Nova leave, as I pretended to click around the spreadsheet. This was going to be a tough summer.


The next few days dragged by. Nova and I didn't spend much time on the same shift because Andy and Haley were on vacation. I mean come on. Who takes a vacation starting on the second day of your summer job. I would work all day one day, she would take the next. Saturday would be the next time I saw her. We used to get dinner or drinks after work, but the full-day shifts usually left us too exhausted.

We distributed uniforms to everyone on the first day. Swimsuits, shorts, tee-shirts, tank tops, hats, jackets, sweats, the works. They even gave us sunscreen this year. I didn't expect us to be busy, but a summer camp came the second day, followed by a ninety degree day. Needless to say, we were busy.

The days flew by, since we were so busy. There was the occasional first aid incident, someone cut their hand or their foot. Nothing major. Dani and Kiara were fitting in well, and picked up the job with ease.

"Thunderstorms tomorrow," Kiara mentioned as she walked down the deck towards one of the elevated chairs. "Do we need to be here?"

I nodded. Unfortunately, even if the pool is closed, we had to be here during business hours. The pool was outdoors, so management wanted to make sure nobody ran and jumped in.

"Yeah, but we probably don't need everyone here." I reminded myself to knock on wood later. With our luck, the rain wouldn't come and we'd be screwed. Saturday tended to be our busiest day, so I had scheduled everyone.

"Hey!" Nova shouted out of the office. "Good news! They hired more lifeguards! We're getting three new guys!"

I sighed in relief.

"When?" Dani asked, probably dreading having to meet new people. She had finally gotten comfortable enough with the six of us.

"Monday." Nova answered, then went back inside. Two more days of this. Then we'll be properly staffed. That excitement got us through the rest of the day. I decided that we didn't need everyone here on Saturday. Dani volunteered to come in, and Nova and I would be here as well, so the others could have a day off.

We closed the pool for the day and got to cleaning up. Dani and Kiara swept around the deck, Nova mopped up, and I started vacuuming the pool. It'd take a while, since the pool was six lanes wide, but I didn't mind.

I was about halfway done when Dani and Kiara came over.

"Do you want some help?" Kiara offered.

"Nah, go home. It's been a long day," I declined. They looked like they wanted to protest but I could tell they were tired. Ten minutes went by before I was suddenly pushed into the pool.

"AH!" I screamed in surprise. Not my proudest moment. I surfaced, and shook the hair out of my eyes. Nova stood there, laughing. I wasn't really thinking because of how tired we all were, but I grabbed her ankle and pulled her in as well.

"Jack! What the fuck!" Nova glared at me. I gulped. Was she really mad? Fortunately, she laughed, and splashed me. "You're lucky it's still so hot outside."

"Oh yeah? Why don't you cool down then?" I suggested as I wrapped myself around her knees and pulled her underwater. She kicked my thigh playfully. No no no, I thought, as I felt my heart quicken.

"Jack," she complained as she surfaced, "I already changed!"

I realized she was right. She was wearing a gray shirt from a concert we saw last year, jean shorts, and her watch, which I was glad was waterproof. I also realized that her shirt was very wet. I could see red lace peeking through it, begging to be appreciated. A modicum of brown was barely visible through the lace cup. NOT THAT I WAS LOOKING. My eyes shot back towards the empty office, the dark sky, anywhere but Nova.

"Never seen a bra before?" She teased, climbing out of the pool. I guess I wasn't too subtle about it. "Come on, we'll finish vacuuming in the morning. It's dark out."

She was right, of course, but I didn't want to get out of the water. My shorts would stick to me like they usually did, and I would swear that she kept glancing down towards my bulge. Either out of kindness, or a hurry to get home, she jumped out of the pool and made her way to the office. I couldn't help but admire her as she got out. Her chest, outlined in red lace under a see-through shirt, bounced as she hopped up to the deck, and her toned ass was peeking out of her shorts. She swung her hips as she walked back, as if she knew I was watching. I was mesmerized, hopelessly lost in the smooth movement of my best friend's body. I felt guilty. I think. Maybe I didn't feel guilt for the obscenely dirty thoughts drifting between my ears, but I felt guilty for not feeling guilty?

"I'm locking the door if you're not inside in ten seconds," she called without turning around. I snapped out of my daydream.

"Fine," I grabbed the vacuum from the bottom of the pool and dragged it over to the building. I left all the hoses and cords connected because we'd just have to reconnect them in the morning.

"Locker room is already mopped, I'm just going to change here," she said. "No peeking."

I froze for a second as I was flooded by thoughts that nearly stopped by heart, but then turned towards a wall and toweled myself dry. I heard her wet shorts hit the ground with a squishy PLOP. A second one followed. Her shirt, I assumed.

"Hey, I'm going to close the window. Not turning around, just letting you know," I informed her as I shuffled sideways towards the window that faced the pool. I lowered the blinds, but as I was doing it I caught a glimpse of her reflection.

Nova was bent over, picking up her sweater and sweatpants from her bag, her round ass perfectly aimed towards me. It was like she thought I couldn't see, and wanted to tease me further. Is she wearing panties? I wondered as I realized that, in the reflection, I saw her bare cheeks. It took all my self control not to turn around. Not to reach for her and fill my hands with her marvelous inheritance. She bent further, presumably reaching for something. I realized that yes, she was. It was a red thong, matching her bra. Who's that for? I wondered, that heat in my chest rising again. She reached for something on the ground, I couldn't tear my eyes away just yet. Where her red thong widened to hide her sex, I thought I could make out the faintest detail. Maybe it was nothing more than my heated imagination filling in the details of the reflection. I closed my jaw and dropped the blinds quickly as she stood up.

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