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Fitting In Pt. 02


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We kissed long enuf for the windows to clear, I assured her of my love and that I was okay with the progression of our intimacy. Walking in the house Tracy bounded off the couch with a shit eatin grin.

"You guys must have been doing some serious suck face cuz the windows were so steamed I couldn't see nuthin. Way to go big sister."

Brook looked aggravated, "Tracy, you say nothing, got it? One wrong word and I'll let mom know you have a little vibrating friend tucked in your panty drawer."

If Tracy's dark skin could have shown red she would have looked like a fire hydrant. Grabbing the bag of paper she huffed off to her room. I looked at Brook.

"Vibrating friend?"

"Don't ask Frank, I'll show you when we're married."

I feigned shock, "We're getting married?"

"Bet your striped ass we are, do you think I'd let any old boy make me cum with his finger? In case you haven't figured it out tiger, you're mine, don't even think about another girl because you're MINE."

Driving home I was excited, I had planned to ask for her hand Christmas day but decided since my folks would be at Brooks the next night I would do it then, after church. What better place or time than when both families were together. Mom and dad wanted me to attend service with them at St. Johns, I wanted to go with Brook and her family, in the end my folks understood, Brooks life and mine were beginning to become one.

I'd heard mostly good things about where Brook attended, Faith Family Church, of course like any large gathering there will always be a few who want to spoil it for everyone, I was smart enough to ignore the naysayers. Walking in I was pleased to see so many folks I knew never realizing they attended, it was an eclectic mixture of colors and nationalities, I knew there were a number of black families in town but had never paid much attention to how many. Nearly half the congregation were of black descent in one form or another, oh yes, there were lots of lily white Norskies, Pollocks, and Czechs like me.

The music started out far more upbeat than my old Lutheran Church, folks were clapping, some had their hands raised in the air, something I had never seen in a traditional church setting. Following a few faster songs they settled into slower more traditional Christmas songs, the black lady leading was short and rather round, boy could she belt it out, and talk about being in authority, she ran that music team like a well-oiled machine. I was used to an organ or piano or both, FFC had guitars, keyboards, a piano, drums and three singers beside the lead, for a church of 200 they certainly made a big impact.

Following the service Brook and I were hand in hand toward the entrance waiting for her family, lots of people stopped to say hi to Brook, meet me and shake my hand, no one seemed to notice the dark purple streaks and splotches that ran through my skin, nor the lighter ones on Brook. I found myself wondering if it was a set up or if these people truly were that friendly and not moved by our skin abnormalities. I left it at that, simply a wonderment, with her family at the door we jumped in the family van headed to her house.

My folks rolled in about ten minutes after we did, Brook and I were pleased by how well our parents got along, lots of smiles, joking and meaningful conversation. Enjoying hot chocolate and lemon bars Tracy stood up.

"It's our family tradition that everyone gets to open one gift on Christmas Eve, so we're gonna do that now if you guys are okay with that?" She made a sweeping motion with her hand across the room.

When I thought everyone was done with their gifts Brook stood in front of me with a package, "Here, this is my Christmas Eve gift to you."

I unwrapped a pair of lined leather winter gloves, good gloves, like go to church gloves for which I was grateful. All I owned were yellow fleece Wells/LaMont chore gloves which didn't go well with anything other than work clothes. I gave her a hug and felt brave enough to kiss her. As we sat, I announced I had an early gift for Brook as well. Facing each other holding both hands I began.

"Brook, do you remember when I was falling asleep on your bed after my overnight trip?" She nodded. "You were running your fingers through my hair as we lay face to face talking, you must have thought I was asleep when you moved from the bed. You bent and kissed me, then you said. I love you Frank and I want to have your babies someday."

Brook shrieked, "You heard that? Oh my God I'm so embarrassed."

I had the engagement ring on my little finger with the stone turned inside so it was barely visible, letting go of her left hand I presented the ring with my right and asked.

"Brook Ellory, if you truly mean that will you be my wife?"

There were gasps and tears and soft laughter throughout the room, no one more happy than Brook.

Through tear filled eyes she said softly, "Yes, a thousand times yes to both being your wife and having your babies. What can I say, you've made me the happiest girl in the world."

Tracy was eyeballing the ring then quipped in her smartass way, "Nicely done sis. Hey Frank, you got any brothers or cousins might be interested in a sassy chocolate bar?"

I thought Alice was going to come unglued, all the rest of us were laughing including Jerome, it took a half minute before Alice settled down and appreciated the humor. My folks left a half hour later, we were at the front door necking (saying goodnight for the thirtieth time) when her dad bellered,

"Knock it off you two, that's enough."

In a soft voice she answered him, "Daddy be quiet, I'm engaged to this man and if I want to kiss him I will. Isn't mama calling you, must be time for your weekly rendezvous."

He perked up, "She is? I didn't hear her calling, goodnight Frank, see you tomorrow."

He was off the couch dousing lights as he rushed down the hall, we snickered and laughed to ourselves. During our last kiss she pushed her mid-section into mine, my cock was hard as a broomstick, there was no way she didn't feel it pressed against her tummy. Moving her body side to side rubbing against my cock I nearly came.

"Stop, Brook, honey. Stop, I can't take it, I'll end up with a mess in my underwear."

Snickering as she leaned back, "We don't want that do we. You know darling, now that we're engaged it won't be long before we can put all that cream somewhere else, and with me being on the pill we won't have to worry."

If I didn't know better I'd say my dick jumped an inch and grew another three. She was telling me my dick would be in her tight little pussy soon, I nearly came just from the thought. Lifting her sweater she put my hand underneath and placed it on her breast.

"I think the girls would like a goodnight squeeze before you go."

Pushing up her bra I did exactly as she had told me, as many times as I had touched those 32B's in the past, I still found myself awestruck by their soft warmness, the way her little nipples would harden, the way she would whimper into my mouth when I gently rolled them. Deciding we'd better stop before we got in trouble I parted with the promise that I'd be back by eleven in the morning. As I drove away she was standing on the porch looking down at the diamond on her finger sparkling in the light.

Lying in the dark I heard the doorknob turn and then a sliver of light from the hallway, mom stuck her head in the door and asked, "You awake Frank?"

"Yup, come on in mom."

Sitting at my feet she patted my calf, "You made a huge step tonight Frank, neither your dad nor I had any inclination, it was such a pleasant surprise. She is such a sweet girl, you make sure you take care of her, you're a month from 22 and she's right behind you, you're both of legal age for any and everything .... make wise choices, and remember, it isn't just you anymore. You'll need to learn to include her in all that you do, it doesn't come easily, but with commitment it's do-able."

"Mom I've never loved anyone like I do her, I mean I love you and dad, but it's a different love. She sets my world on fire, I get all wooly headed when I'm with her."

"Frankie, are you kids using birth control? No sense bringing a child into this world before you're both ready."

"We're still virgins ma, we haven't had sex yet."

I couldn't see her face clearly but there was enough light to see a faint smile before she spoke, "I'm proud of you kids, not many your ages can say they're still a virgin. By the way, don't *have sex* when you do take the plunge, make love to each other, it's so much more rewarding than *sex*. You sleep well and I'll see you for breakfast, probably our last Christmas breakfast with just you, none of your siblings come home any longer and hopefully by next Christmas you'll have a wife with you."

She was right, it would be Brook and me next year, we had no intention of waiting a long time to marry, we hadn't formulated any plans as yet although we had talked about it snuggled in each other's arms like lovers do when they dream out loud. Christmas morning was as usual, I got mother some jewelry and a gift certificate to her favorite dress shop, I got dad a twelve pack of chore gloves like every other year, a Carhart jacket I knew he wanted and a new scope for his 308. I got underwear as I had every Christmas since I could remember, two work shirts, a pair of dress slacks and socks, who could forget socks.

When I arrived at Brooks she was out the door bounding toward the truck, the ever present sweater wrapped around her shoulders with the bottom flapping in the breeze she was creating, as I opened the door and slid out she was in my arms.

"Good morning my love, did you have a nice morning with mom and dad?"

Hearing her call my folks mom and dad might take some getting used to, but then it would be the same for her I guess. Having a second set of parents on either side would more than likely be good for us, neither had any designs on running our lives, at the same time having age and wisdom with them in our corner can't be a bad thing as long as they offer advice and let us decide on our own. I can remember mom talking about the fine line between loving and meddling. I kissed Brook and held her tight.

"Good morning future Mrs. Frank Svoboda." (pronounced as it looks, Czechoslovakian)

"Oooooo, I like the sound of that, Mrs. Svoboda. I think I'll be the first and only black Czech in town. Won't that be a hoot."

Walking hand in hand around the other side of the truck she helped me carry in two arms full of packages, there were items from me as well as items from Brook and me. Tracy was holding the door for us as we made our way to the porch, it seemed like a perfect Christmas morning, it had snowed a few inches overnight, the sun was shining bright, the air was crisp but not but not biting and the love of my life was with me.

As soon as all were settled we exchanged gifts, of course none of the others knowing I was intending to ask for Brooks hand the gifts were basically generic things for me, which was great, I wasn't expecting anything other than from Brook. When we got to the part where her mother handed the girls each a soft looking package both set it beside them and we went on. When I inquired Brook whispered, "Underwear".

I laughed, "What is it about parents who think they need to get underwear for their kids every year?"

With a look of exasperation on her face she replied softly enough we didn't think anyone else could hear.

"I don't know but I have this to say, her idea of panties and mine are worlds apart, and next year I'll be buying your underwear, not your mother."

Little did we know Alice had ears like invisible radar, "There's absolutely nothing wrong with the underwear I buy you girls."

Tracy blurted, "They're gross mother, you might like baggy britches that come to your waist, but I don't. I want them cute and sexy, even if I'm the only one who sees them."

Jerome was becoming agitated, Alice put her hand on his, "Easy tiger, I have it all under control. So, tell me Jerome, do you like my panties?"

"With a seductive voice he answered, "Baby I love your panties, on or off."

Alice shouted, "Jerome, TMI but I love your answer."

The girls both moaned and said *gross* in unison.

Alice laughed, "How do you two think you got here?"

Tracy responded, "Yeah, but that's when you were young, now you're old and it's just gross. I mean, old people don't have sex."

Jerome laughed, "Who are you calling old little girl? Your mother and I are quite comfortable with our level of intimacy."

At that point Alice stood and declared, "Okay, that's enough talk about underwear and sex, girls help me get the table set so we can eat."

Jerome came and sat next to me where Brook had been. "Do you need help with the ring or your truck financing or anything like that. If you do come see me at the office."

"No sir, my truck is paid for, the rings are paid for and I have money in savings as well as a checking account. I'm not rich by any stretch sir, but with nowhere to go and no one to see or spend money on until I met Brook, I put most of what I earned in the bank. Matter of fact, in a few more months I'll have enough set aside in a car fund to buy Brook a decent used car, something reliable."

"Don't go using up all your savings on a car, auto loans are cheap right now. How much more do you need?"

"I won't be touching my regular savings, I set up a separate account a year ago for a newer truck, but I don't need a newer truck and Brook needs a car. With the five thousand I got as a bonus I have nine thousand in the truck account and when I get to eleven we'll go looking for a car."

He stared at me, "I'll be damned, a young person with a savings account, you aren't the norm I can tell you that Frank. I have an idea, I need to clear it with Alice, but I don't think there'll be an issue. How about we give you kids another three thousand as an engagement gift, use the eleven to buy the car and the remaining thousand for registration and insurance."

All I could do was smile. Later that evening as Brook and I sat on the couch of the living room while the rest were in the family room, I divulged what my plan was and how her parents wanted to help. She was as elated and overwhelmed by their generosity as I had been, then she turned to me with her arms snaked about my neck talking just above a whisper.

"You were really gonna buy me a car? Am I the luckiest girl in the world or what? Can I get something with heated seats, the winters are brutal on my tender bottom."

Lowering my hand to her butt I squeezed, "We can't be havin that, heated seats it is, it will be easier to keep my baby warm."

She giggled, "That aint all it'll keep warm. I have that hundred dollars you gave me, let's do something special with it, let's go somewhere for New Year's Eve, just us ---- overnight."

I gulped hard as we stared at each other, "You mean, like stay overnight somewhere? Is that what you mean?"

"Why not, we're old enough to be on our own, and now that we're engaged I think it's time I let you take my panties off. I want our first time to be special, not hiding in my basement, or in the truck or hiding in the bushes somewhere on a blanket. I want it to be in a bed somewhere all by ourselves, just us, we can learn in comfort and not be worried about others finding us."

"I wanna do that so bad Brook, but what about your folks, your dad will string me up."

"Don't worry about my folks, I've already talked with mom, she told me she knows sooner or later we're going to do it and it may as well be somewhere special. As for dad, she'll handle him, she told me there are certain parts of her body that have complete control over him, knowing how turned on I make you I can believe that. Speaking of turned on, is that a tree branch in your pants or are you just happy to see me?"

With her tiny hand wrapped around as much of my cock as the slacks would allow I croaked, "I'm happy to see you. Are we really gonna make love, do we hafta wait until New Year's Eve?"

"Yes lover, I have something special in mind that I'm gonna wear, something to make you hard as a broomstick."

The weekend and first few days of the week flew by, I had given Brook my debit card and told her to make all the necessary arrangements, she knew what she wanted, I didn't, it was one less thing to worry about for me. At one forty-five New Year's Eve day we backed out of her driveway waving goodbye to her mom and Tracy, Alice would handle things with Jerome when he came home early at three. We had a two hour trip ahead of us, she had booked a room at the Best Western in Carson City, the room was more than the hundred I'd given her, but then, we knew we weren't going to be able to do what we wanted for a hundred dollars.

With a stop to pee and grab snacks on the way, by the time we navigated our way to the BW it was just after four, checking in we got looks from several people going to and fro through the lobby, the young gal on the counter couldn't stop looking at us, Brook finally spoke up.

"It's called Vitiligo and occurs in approximately four percent of all humans, now, can we get on with registering?"

From that point all went well, there was a highly rated attached restaurant with a live band scheduled for that night which meant we wouldn't need to traipse all over town, we could do everything in-house. Once checked in we played around a little necking and petting as we dressed for our dinner reservation at six. I was mesmerized as I watched her dress, I'd never seen her in a situation like this where she walked around in her panties and bra, when she rolled the thigh highs with the lacy tops up her legs my cock was at full attention. Sitting on my lap she told me to get dressed, I could have all of her later that night.

Dinner was excellent, we each had the queen cut prime rib, I'd never paid attention to how much the little woman I was going to marry could pack away. When I asked about dessert she smiled and winked.

"I'm your dessert silly boy. Tonight, we dine on each other."

She was wearing a lovely teal colored dress that ended mid-thigh and had an abbreviated scoop neck showing just enough cleavage to make me want to stick my face in between her tasty mounds. We'd found a table by ourselves and were enjoying the night alone dancing, talking and being in love when suddenly another couple stood by our table with smiles. Both were white, both looked like me in a manner of speaking, his discolorations were more pronounced than hers, but it was obvious they were born as we were.

The lady stuck out her hand to Brook, "Hi I'm Linda and this is Greg, mind if we join you? We usually aren't well received in outings like this, when Greg saw you guys we thought what the heck, it's worth a try."

I stood to shake his hand while Brook did the same with Linda, we invited them to spend the evening with us and we had a splendid time. More than once I noticed Greg looking Brook over, to her credit Brook made sure she had her hand in mine at all times letting Greg know she was taken. When the girls went to the ladies room he commented on how pretty she was, I let him know I thought she was gorgeous and that she was my fiancé', which seemed to stop any more attempts at flirting.

While dancing I sensed a change in Brook, whereas she had always been composed, tonight she was loose and ready for more to happen. Her tiny body pressed tight to mine, during the last slow song she shifted to her right and wedged my thigh between hers, I was experiencing overload, my pressure relief valve was ready to pop. I didn't have to say a word, she already knew, we bid our new friends a goodnight and made our way to the elevator. How is it women, even inexperienced women, seem to know what to do to control lustful situations? When the doors closed, she pinned me against the wall kissing me, leaned back and with a smile said.

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