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Following the Rules

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Her orgasms are denied and ruined by her stepfather.
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Jane looked around the quiet video rental store and bit her lip.

She still had another half an hour left at work, but there were no customers. Her coworker, Brent, was in the back, rewinding tapes that had been returned. She was alone, and her pussy had been aching so badly all day.

She leaned back slowly against the edge of the shelf behind her, and bit harder to hold back the gasp that wanted to break free at the feeling of the hard corner pressing against her ass and the lips of her pussy through the fabric of her jeans. Her clit throbbed and her insides fluttered.

Jane hesitated. She couldn't come like this, could she? She'd be in big trouble if she came, and if Daddy found out about it...but she wasn't rubbing her clit or anything. It just felt so good.

And could Daddy even really tell? If she just had a little one at work, and then had a shower when she got home, how would he know?

She wiggled her hips back and forth a little, and her eyes slid shut as a zing of pleasure went through her. If she leaned forward just right, she could feel the pressure of the shelf deep inside of her, almost like a man's cock entering her. She shivered.

A hand touched the inside of her thigh. Jane gasped and her eyes flew open.

Brent was standing in front of her, smirking. He was thin and gangly, and not at all the kind of man she was attracted to, but the pressure of his hand on the inside of her thigh made her clit go crazy, twitching and tingling. It took her a moment to understand the words he was saying.

"If you wanted...there's no security cameras in the bathroom, and it's pretty much time to close up for the night..."

"What? No!" she said, then hurriedly pushed his hand off of her. He put his hands in the air and backed up.

"Okay, okay! You just seem pretty, y'know, worked up there. I'm just saying, I've never had any complaints."

"I'm not allowed," she blurted, and he gave her a funny look.

"Not allowed? I thought you were single?"

"My Daddy doesn't let me play around with boys."

The look on Brent's face became even stranger. "You're nineteen and your dad still tells you what to do? What, are you a virgin?"

Jane took a breath and lifted her chin. "Yes. I am. And I'm going to stay that way until I meet the man I'm ready to marry."

"Wow." Brent stared at her, then said, "alright, whatever. Stop humping the shelves, then, freak."

Jane blushed. She hadn't realized she was being that obvious. "I wasn't!"

"Sure. Listen, I'll close up, you just go home and, uh...do whatever you need to do. I'll clock you out when I leave."

She hesitated. Accepting the deal felt too much like admitting to what she had been doing, but she was so embarrassed and aroused that it would be torture to stand around for the next fifteen minutes while Brent closed the store.

And if she got home a little early, she would have a little more time before Daddy got home...

"Fine," she muttered, and grabbed her things before fleeing the store.


Ten minutes later, Jane reached home: the little trailer she shared with her step-father.

It had been just the two of them for a few years, ever since her mother died. They looked out for each other. It was true that her step-father had come into her life pretty late, once she was a teen, but she'd never known her real father, and she was so grateful for how he looked after her, it seemed natural for him to be her Daddy.

But sometimes his rules were really, really hard to follow.

She dropped her purse in her bedroom, then came back out into the living room and kitchen area. She wasn't going to do it. She'd promised him that she wouldn't come without permission. She'd given her word!

But her pussy ached so, so badly. The whole walk home, her clit had been so swollen that she could feel the seam of her jeans riding up against it.

That was it. She had to change out of her stupid jeans.

She went back into her bedroom quickly and stripped. The cool air on her damp panties made her shiver and bite her lip again. She stopped and looked at herself in her floor-length mirror; she was standing in front of her dresser.

She backed up, slowly, until her ass made contact with it, and pressed herself back against it the way she had been doing at the store, just to see how it looked.

Oh, shit. It really was obvious what she had been doing. There was no way she could convince Brent otherwise.

She stood back up again and sighed quietly at the loss of the pressure against her tingling pussy, rubbing a hand down one of her thighs. It was so, so hard not to touch. But that was one of Daddy's biggest rules. He'd come home from work early one day, shortly after her eighteenth birthday, and found her using a cheap little finger vibrator on herself that she'd spent her birthday money on.

Jane's eyes closed again as she remembered the buzzy sensation of the little vibrator on her clit. It had been the first and only time she'd gotten to try it out. Just the memory of it made her pussy clench hard.

She leaned back against the corner of her dresser, just lightly, letting the hard edge of it part the flaps of her pussy through the thin fabric of her panties. She couldn't hold back a quiet whimper at the sensation.

Daddy had taken the vibe and thrown it away. It was for her own good; she hadn't realized what playing with that kind of toy might do to her. Daddy had explained it all to her, that if she played with herself too much, it might make it hard to come for her husband when she found one. It might turn her into a slut, looking for bigger and bigger cocks, never satisfied.

So she'd agreed to let Daddy control when she touched and when she got to come. And Daddy was really nice about it; he let her come on special occasions, and if she asked nicely, she could have a ruin whenever she wanted, as long as he was there to watch and make sure she did it properly.

But, oh, it was so hard sometimes to be a good girl. Her last real orgasm had been on her birthday, and that was months ago.

She rocked back against her dresser and groaned quietly. She was close. She was so close. If she just reached down now and rubbed her clit, even just over her panties...just the thought made her shudder as she hit the edge, her pussy throbbing.

Would he know? How would he be able to tell?

She reached her hand down and laid it over the curve of her pussy, cupping herself. Her clit jumped with excitement so hard that she could feel it against her finger. She shuddered and moaned. She was so, so close.

She couldn't quite bring herself to rub--she was already being so bad--but she slowly pressed down, firmer and firmer, and groaned at the way the pressure grew in her clit, how the ache in her pussy sharpened until it felt like she was a hair away from coming, like she should have already come. Her stomach was tight with the tension of it.

"I can't," she tried to remind herself. "I can't, I can't--"

The door to the trailer opened.

"Janey, I'm home," her Daddy called.

Jane whipped her hand away from her pussy, and then cried out as the sudden release of pressure tipped her body over the edge.

For just a second, it was amazing, a hard and body-wracking orgasm starting to take root inside of her; but she jumped away from the dresser as well and forced herself to spread her legs, and the pleasure dissipated to an empty numbness as her pussy contracted frenetically and her hips jerked. "Oh," she whimpered, clenching her hands tightly into fists to resist the urge to reach down and rub herself, to bring back the pleasure she'd tasted.

Her Daddy stuck his head into the room and frowned. She flushed and stared at the floor, but she couldn't hide the way her body was still shaking from the ruined orgasm, her hips still snapping against the air helplessly.

"Jane," he said, all of the happiness in his voice replaced with disappointment, and Jane's eyes immediately filled with tears.

"I ruined it, Daddy, I promise," she tried to explain. "I'm sorry. I know I'm not supposed to touch without you here. I'm sorry. But I ruined it!"

"And can you explain why you couldn't wait for a ruin until I got home?" he demanded. She bit her lip. He shook his head and sighed. "Janey..."

"I'm sorry! It's just so hard! My pussy was aching so bad, and there was this boy at work--"

"Did you do anything with him?" her Daddy asked sharply.

"No! I told him no, I said I'm waiting to get married, just like we agreed."

"Alright." Her Daddy sighed again. "I appreciate that some days are going to be harder for you than others, Janey, but these rules aren't just for the easy days. That's what we agreed to, isn't it?"

"Yes, Daddy," she whispered, tears starting to roll down her cheeks now. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry."

"I know you are, Janey." He looked at her and smiled a little. "Take those panties off, now. We need to make sure you remember."

She winced, but there was no point in arguing. She'd broken the rule; she knew the consequences.

Jane slid her panties off so that she was standing there in just her bra. Her Daddy crossed the room and sat on her bed, patting his lap. She kept her head down in shame as she walked over to him and climbed across his lap, presenting her ass. He placed his hand on her cheeks and she bit her lip as her pussy tingled a little, her pent-up arousal having been barely released through the ruin she'd given herself. If she thought about it, she could almost still feel it, that amazing orgasm that she'd ripped away, like it was lodged inside of her and waiting to come back. She squirmed.

Her Daddy lifted his hand and brought it down hard, and Jane forgot all of her worries about orgasms as the stinging pain hit her. "Ow! Ow, Daddy, I'm sorry!"

"I know you are, Janey. You know the rules. Fifteen for touching when I'm not here," he said gently, and then smacked her again, and again. Pretty soon, Jane was sobbing, the pain and the shame washing over her as she confronted how flagrantly she'd broken her Daddy's rules. And all because of what? Because her stupid pussy wanted to come? What was she, some kind of slut?

When the spanking was finished, she apologized again, squirming on her Daddy's lap--in pain, this time, though there was still the ever-present low burn of frustrated arousal--and sobbed out another apology. Her Daddy shushed her and rubbed some of the sting away.

"Do you want to tell me what made today so hard, Janey? Was it this boy you were talking about?"

"No," she admitted, sniffling. "I was already really--really wanting to come. And he could tell. Oh, god. Am I a slut, Daddy?"

"No, you're not a slut. That's what the rules are for. You're my good girl," he reminded her. "Even if you need some help following the rules sometimes."

"I just want to come so bad sometimes," she admitted quietly. "I can't stop thinking about it. And sometimes...sometimes the ruins make it worse. It feels like I had a chance for a really nice orgasm and I lost it."

"Shh, no, Janey. Every orgasm you give up now is another orgasm you'll have for your husband," he assured her. "And those will be the most beautiful experience of your life. You don't want to miss out on that."

"No, Daddy, I know," she whispered. "Did...mom have beautiful orgasms like that? With you?"

He sighed heavily. "Well...I mean, you know your mother didn't save herself for our marriage, of course. And she was never a woman with very much self-control. Honestly, Janey, she usually had to use a toy on herself after we finished making love. Like that little one I took away from you."

"Oh," Jane said, feeling a pang of embarrassment as she imagined her mother lying there in bed and holding a cheap vibrator against her clit after Daddy had just given her the amazing gift of intimacy. She couldn't even imagine it; she was certain that if a big, strong man like Daddy put his dick into her, she'd come immediately. Her clit pulsed a little at the very idea. "That's too bad."

"Yes. It was hard on the both of us. I don't want that for you, Janey. I want you to be able to have big, beautiful orgasms for your future husband, ones that he'll be able to feel while he's inside of you."

She flushed. "I want that too, Daddy."

"I know you do. That's why you're such a good girl." He rubbed his hand over her butt again, and she bit her lip and shivered a little. He chuckled quietly. "You're still pretty wet back here, hmm?"

"Yes, Daddy," she admitted bashfully.

There was a long moment of silence, and then one of Daddy's thick fingers brushed over the sensitive lips of Jane's pussy.

She gasped and twitched. He'd never, ever touched her there before; he'd always instructed her on how to touch herself, both for ruins and for orgasms. But now his finger brushed her again, just the lightest sensation catching at the edges of her delicate parts and sending hot tingles racing through her. "D-daddy?"

"Shh, Jane, I'm just taking a little look," he assured her. He pressed his finger in deeper, parting the folds, and she gasped again and spread her thighs. She could feel her insides pulsing over and over. The sharp edge of that powerful orgasm was rising in her again, coming back to haunt her.

"Daddy," she whimpered. "Please. I still want to come really bad."

"I understand," he assured her, but his finger didn't leave. Instead, a second one joined it, spreading the lips of her pussy apart and exposing the delicate skin to the air. He let out a breath. "Oh, Janey, you really are perfect back here. You're just clenching over and over. I can see it."

She whimpered. Then the pad of his finger brushed her delicate, desperate hole, and she gasped. "Oh! Daddy, oh, oh, oh, please!"

"Do you want another ruin, Janey?" he asked, rubbing his finger slowly back and forth over her virgin hole, tickling that need deep inside of her. "Do you want your Daddy to do it for you this time?"

"I--" she gasped, spreading her thighs further. Did she? Another ruin sounded terrible, but she didn't want her Daddy to stop touching her. "I don't know," she whined. "I really, really want to come. My pussy wants it so bad."

"Okay. Shh," he said, and then slipped just the tip of his finger inside of her. "How about just an edge? Can you hold yourself back for me like we've practiced, Janey?"

"Daddy," she whimpered. He only made her edge on special days, when she was going to get an orgasm. "Will you let me come, Daddy? Please, please?"

"Maybe," he said, and his thick finger slid just a bit further into her. She gasped and shuddered. "I know I shouldn't be rewarding you after your poor behavior, but...if I'm the one touching you, I suppose it isn't really masturbating, is it?"

"No, it feels so different," she whimpered. He pressed his finger in deeper and deeper, and she whined.

"Okay, Janey. I'll make you a deal. If you can come from my finger like this, then you're allowed. But no rubbing your clit, alright?"

"Oh, god, yes, Daddy, please," Jane said immediately. "Oh. Oh, Daddy, your finger feels so good, oh!"

He pressed his finger deeper, and Jane's eyes rolled back in her head at the feeling of it, her body clenching down over and over on his thick digit. It already felt so big. She wondered how much thicker a cock would feel, and a little "uhn" noise slipped out of her as she rocked her hips.

"None of that," Her Daddy said, pressing his other hand down on her back to keep her still. "I don't want you rubbing your clit against my leg, now."

"Yes, Daddy, sorry," she gasped. "Please--please, Daddy, will you move your finger more?"

"Like this?" he asked, and began slowly thrusting it in and out, caressing the sensitive walls of her tunnel. Jane gasped and whined. It felt so good, and she could feel that orgasm hovering just out of reach, pressing down on her.

"Yes! Daddy, oh, I'm so close!" she said, but it wasn't quite true. Her clit throbbed, trapped against her Daddy's leg, demanding stimulation. She whimpered in frustration. "Please, Daddy, harder?"

He thrust his finger in and out of her hard, fucking her pussy properly with it, and she squealed. "Oh! Oh!"

"Yeah? Is that good, Janey?"

"Oh, Daddy, please! I'm close, I'm so close! Oh! I want to come so bad!"

"You can come, Janey. Go ahead," he said, continuing to thrust his finger into her. But the longer he went, the further the pleasure seemed to creep away from her, the more demanding her clit became. She whimpered.

"Please, please," she whined, squirming. "I want it, please--" she dug her fingers into the sheets as she felt her pussy growing more used to the intrusion of the finger, the orgasm slipping further away. She sobbed, then suddenly reached down, her hand going straight for her clit.

"Janey!" Her Daddy grabbed her wrist, and then pulled his finger out of her, leaving her squirming and sobbing. "What did I just say?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she cried, squirming and still trying to hump forward into his leg. "I want it so bad, Daddy, please, I need to touch my clit!"

He responded with a sharp smack to her ass that made her squeal and jump. He slapped her again, and she sobbed. "If you can't control yourself, then the deal is off."

"Please, please," she moaned. "Oh, Daddy, please, I need to come so bad!"

"Stop acting like a slut," he warned her, and she whimpered, but she couldn't make her hips stop rocking, seeking the barest pleasure of her clit brushing against the fabric of his pants. "Janey," he said again, then he grabbed her hip and flipped her over in his lap and slapped her hard directly on the pussy.

She howled in pain and tried to close her legs, but her Daddy gripped one of her thighs, keeping them open. "This is what you wanted, isn't it?" he demanded grimly. "This is where you want me to touch you? On your greedy, slutty little clit?"

"No, no, Daddy, please! I'm sorry!" she cried, and then shrieked when he slapped her again and again. The pain was shocking, but in between slaps the heat of it built between her legs, her clit growing red and swollen and thumping with her pulse. Her stomach tightened until it was hard to breath. "Oh no. Oh, oh, Daddy, I'm--oh, god, I'll come!"

"I don't think so. Hold it, Janey," he said firmly, smacking her again. She yelped and then wailed, her toes curling into the bedding as she tried to hold back against the pressure building inside of her.

"I can't, I can't! Daddy!"

"One more," he said, and slapped her again, hard. She sucked in a breath and held it, tensing her whole body against the throbbing need that was crackling like thunder inside of her.

After a few seconds, when another slap didn't come, she let out the breath on a low sob."Daddy..." She wanted to beg him to put his finger back in, because now she would come for sure, she was still holding back by the skin of her teeth, but she knew it was too late. She'd messed up.

"Up," he said, and helped her to her feet, holding her up when her thighs shook. "Go stand in the corner of the living room."

"Daddy, please," she whimpered, but he steered her out, placing her in the corner where he wanted her.

"Stay right here where I can see you while I make dinner. Hands on your head. If I see you so much as think about rubbing your pussy, you'll be in big trouble, Janey," he warned her.

She nodded tearfully and put her hands on her head, shifting her weight back and forth. She could still feel the heavy weight of the orgasm bearing down inside her, trying to get out.

Her Daddy went to the kitchenette and began preparing dinner. Jane stood in the corner and took deep breaths, waiting for the tension inside of her to recede, but it didn't. Her clit throbbed and ached from the spanking, and it hurt, but it also felt so intense, dragging up through her insides and against the hard knot of the orgasm waiting inside her.


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