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Full Moon Rising

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A naive maiden stumbles into the lair of a werewolf...
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Victoria's mother had always said that her innate curiosity would be the death of her someday. While Victoria didn't disagree, she certainly didn't see herself as suicidally curious ...

Well, until now.

For months on end, she had been trying (and failing) to snag the attention of Edward Parker - the best blacksmith in the county and, more importantly, the only man who'd ever made her actually melt on sight.

She'd lost count of how many times she'd come to his image, envisioning his big, brutish body thrusting into her in the blacksmith's shop, or climbing in her bedroom window to ravage her during the night. Victoria was hardly a virgin - not to the knowledge of her overbearing mother, mind - but even she found herself blushing at some of the fantasies Edward inspired.

However, much to her chagrin, Edward was totally oblivious to her affections.

Alright, perhaps not totally oblivious. She'd caught him staring at her during village fairs before, his black eyes boring into the back of her skull hard enough to have her pussy throbbing without so much as a touch. Once, at one of the more rowdy evening fairs, she'd been surrounded by men begging for a dance with her, pawing at her and getting close enough to her person to have her about ready to sock one in the eye. Edward had stalked over to her table and sat right beside her, never saying a word; his presence alone had been enough to scare off her over-zealous suitors. She'd smiled and thanked him sweetly, but he merely nodded and remained where he was, shoulder-to-shoulder with her, for the rest of the evening.

Still, since that incident, he'd never paid Victoria much mind. She'd tried everything - flirting with others in his presence, wearing lower-cut dresses, bending over before his station, loudly complaining to her girl-friends about how her new lace garters were itching her.

But Edward's eyes never strayed to her - at least, not that she could tell.

But tonight was different. Each month, Edward would journey up to a cabin on the hillside, on the outskirts of the village, for what his apprentice had told her was "a hunting trip".

Well, this hunting trip was different: Victoria was the hunter, and she was determined that Edward would be her prey.

At twilight on the day he'd left for his cabin, Victoria had donned her most revealing dress - the neckline so low the tops of her nipples were visible in some lights, most comfortable shoes, her lace underwear, her best corset, and let her hair down so it fell in soft, auburn ringlets. Then, she began her journey.

Her mother was asleep in the sitting room by the fire, so Victoria had to creep out of the back door, her whole body already one edge for the sheer thrill of sneaking out. As she trekked around the village boundaries and up towards the cabin, her pussy began to leak with excitement at the thought of Edward ploughing into her from behind, mounting her like the beast of a man he was and fucking her senseless. She cupped a hand to her soaking mound and walked faster, hungry for what the cabin held.

When she finally reached the small log cabin, her legs were shaking from both exercise and anticipation. She knocked on the door, once, twice, and waited.

"Who goes there?" came a gruff voice. She'd heard his voice before, but never so ... clearly.

"It's ... ah ... it's Victoria," she replied, hoping her voice didn't betray the slight nerves she felt.

"Victoria?" His voice seemed gruffer now, almost a growl. "What do you want?"

She shivered, his voice cascading down her spine. "I'm sorry to disturb you, it's just ... I got lost," she lied, wincing at how idiotic she sounded. "I was on a hillside walk, and I seem to have lost my way."

"It isn't safe," Edward growled. "Go home."

"Well, I would," she huffed, "but it's too dark for me to do so. I remembered you had this cabin, and I thought -"

There was a shuffling on wooden floorboards, and a low, animalistic growl that had the hairs on the back of Victoria's neck standing on end.


"I can smell you," he said, voice so low she almost failed to hear him. "I can smell your sweetness, Victoria. You smell fucking delicious, little one."

A sound escaped her - something between a squeak and a moan. Her cunt pulsed.

A chuckle sounded. "Come in, then, Victoria. But have care," he grunted, then another feral growl echoed through the cabin, "I'm not in my right mind."

With trembling fingers, Victoria opened the cabin door and slipped inside. The small house was coated in shadows, and smelled of leather and wood and ... fur?

"Edward?" she asked, squinting into the empty house, lit by the full moon overhead. "Are you there?"

Suddenly a creature emerged from the darkness, drawing a yelp of fright from Victoria. It was huge - at least eight foot tall - covered in brown fur, with gleaming black eyes, a predatory grin, pointed ears, and standing on its hindlegs. From between its legs was sprouted a throbbing, enormous cock, purple-and-red and bobbing as it stalked towards Victoria, cowering against the wall.

The smell of him, the growling, huffing breath emanating from his feral mouth, combined with the lusty haze she seemed to be suffering from, made for a heady concoction. She was afraid, yes, but moreover she was...


"Edward," she breathed, knowing those heated eyes anywhere. She struggled to hide her fear, but she tried for casual conversation to keep herself from fainting: "My, what big eyes you have!"

"All the better to see what lies under that scrap of cloth you call a dress, dear Victoria," the creature purred, and as if called for, her nipples turned stiff against the linen.

"What big ears you have!" she stammered, chest heaving with something just beyond fear.

He chuckled. "All the better to hear your screams as I pound that tight cunt raw, my dear."

If she'd thought her blood felt hot before, it was positively boiling now. He couldn't possibly want to shove that entire thing inside her. Not that she was complaining, mind - this entire scenario seemed like something from her wildest fantasies, but she had to admit that even she wasn't creative enough to have turned Edward into some kind of wolf-man.

"A-and what big teeth you have," she breathed, spying his pronounced canines gleaming in the moonlight.

A slither of fear slipped through her at his answering predatory grin.

"All the better to eat you with, little one," he snarled, and then pounced.

Victoria had a split-second of utter and sheer panic before his huge body covered hers, his clawed hands slashing at her dress until it hung in shreds off her body, leaving her in her lace under-garments and naught else.

She screamed as he pushed her against the wall, kneeling at her feet and prying her legs apart, holding them split wide open for his view. She thrashed above him, but he merely chuckled.

"Look at yourself, Victoria, you eager little whore. Don't think I haven't seen you - smelled you - panting after me like a bitch in heat. Every day the wolf drew closer to the surface at your presence, every day I had to resist the urge to simply throw you down and fuck you like the slut you are. But now, here you are, offering yourself to me so freely." Edward's head snapped back, so that his eyes met hers, a kind of frenzied desperation in their depths. "Tell me you want this, pet. I don't think I can control myself..."

"I want this," Victoria panted, nodding frantically. "I've wanted this for so long, Edward. I don't care what you look like, what you are ... just please, please fuck me!"

For what seemed like an age, he simply stared at her. As she stared back, his face seemed to morph before her very eyes - his snout grew more pronounced, his hair growing, his teeth elongating, until it seemed like he was almost taken over by a massive wolf creature.

A short, loud howl erupted from him, and she froze, whole body alert with a jumble of emotions.

And then, to her relief, his teeth ripped the lace covering from her soaked pussy, and his mouth dove into her hot, dewy flesh. Her hands stroked the fur atop his head, holding him close to her dripping cunt.

The cry that escaped her was inhuman, as his flat, wide tongue lapped at her labia, tickling her engorged clit, flicking up into her readied hole. His nose pressed as close as he could, a hum of delight vibrating against her, drawing another yell of pleasure.

She was so fucking close, so near to the edge already, driven on by the sheer animal act of him eating her out so deliciously...

Then, before she could tumble over the cliff towards orgasm, he pulled back, pulling her down with him, and flipped her onto all fours before him.

"Edward, I -"

His throbbing, meaty shaft thrust up into her before she could form the sentence, and she cried out in ecstasy instead. He bent over her, mounting her, his claws digging into her shoulders as he held her steady, pushing her head down so her ass reared up further.

"You think this is good," he growled, "wait until you feel my knot."

Victoria's eyes bulged at that idea, but she scarcely had time to think about it, before he was pounding away at her sopping flesh, his wolfish cock fitting her perfectly, filling her beyond any cock she'd ever fucked.

"Yes," Victoria panted, "yes, yes! Oh, fuck me, Edward! Use me like the bitch I am!"

He scored his claws down her spine, his snout nuzzling into her neck. "You're mine," he snarled, nipping her skin. "You always have been, and your body knows it. You've always been wet for me, little one. This sweet little cunt knows who it belongs it, and who can properly fuck it and breed it."

His words had her shaking, quaking with excitement, until his cock hit a particularly good spot deep inside her, and she wailed high as she came, his pussy fluttering around his monster cock, her whole body strung tight as a bow, back arched and tits bouncing.

He pounded her through her orgasm, harder and harder until she was sure she would split in two.

"Those men thought they could taste this sweet pussy," Edward growled, "but no man will ever have access to you again, will he, Victoria?"

"No," she moaned, only half-conscious, certain she was almost drooling with contentment. "Only you, Edward. Only ever you."

He laughed, the sound coming out in puffs and huffs, his cock driving into her harder still at her agreement. He was so big, and his fur rubbed against her skin so lovingly, his claws scratching lazily at her hips as he continued licking and nipping the skin on her shoulder.

"Please fill me with cum, Edward," she pleaded, knowing somehow he needed her encouragement - perhaps he thought himself too rough with her? "I want you to spray my insides with it, I want to cum just from the feeling of you pumping me full ... please! Oh, fuck!"

She squealed delightedly as Edward bit down on her shoulder, hard enough to break the skin, and his cock thickened impossibly within her tightness.

She could almost feel the seed pump through his monster dick, his balls hot and heavy against her ass. He spilled into her, thick and fast, feeding his potent seed into her eager body. The base of his cock grew bulbous, making her draw in a gasp, but he merely licked at her neck and purred into her ear, reassuring her, soothing her.

"That's my knot, dearest," he rasped. "It's to make sure your little belly is swollen with cum, so that soon it might be swollen with pups. This transformation happens every month, Victoria, so I'll be breeding you every chance I get." She moaned, writhing before him, fingernails clawing at the floorboards. He laughed, a gruff huffing. "You finally got me, little one. Is this what you dreamed of, when you rubbed your clit and fucked yourself to the thought of me?"

Victoria smiled dreamily. "It's even better," she answered, bucking backwards against his knot, which had to be the size of her fist, at least. He twisted her hips in a way that had her suddenly coming, even stronger than before, juices dripping from her pussy onto the floor. She shrieked in bliss, laughing hysterically at the sensations he was tugging from her body.

"Mine," growled Edward. He brought her body upwards so that she was leaning against his big, furry body, his muscular chest hard against her back.

She moaned again, her body slowly giving way to unconsciousness as he petted her sweaty skin and matted hair.

"Oh, and pet," Edward drawled, though his voice sounded far-off now. She made a vaguely interested hum. "Don't think you're getting away easy - my transformations usually last for three or four days."

Victoria simply laughed again, and gave in to the darkness.

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Puppy_HandlerPuppy_Handler14 days ago

What a lovely and short little story!

oldpantythiefoldpantythief5 months ago

Seems like they both got what they wanted. Wonder what Victoria's mother will thing about a house full of puppies running around? LOL.

ladyruby1ladyruby16 months ago

Hot. I like the blend between the traditional little red riding hood runs into the big bad wolf and your take on it!

UncertainTUncertainTover 2 years ago

Very well told, a fun tale.

EroticAarielEroticAarielalmost 3 years ago

❤️❤️❤️read again… love love love

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Little red riding hood

I laugh my butt off. It's a good story but boy did I laugh.

kinkyangelkinkyangelover 6 years ago
Great story!

Hot, sensual, and left me wanting more. What else can I possibly want? Great job!

TheHornyPhoenixTheHornyPhoenixabout 7 years ago

I must say, I enjoy the end. Basically says you have a few more days before in done. She is in way over her head, which coincidently is what's getting fucked next.

She's going to me up to her ass in dog cum, which coincidently is.... We all know what the joke in saying here is, right?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Fuck Yes

Pure gold. We need more of this kinda thing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
So damn hot

God that was good. Please continue with their breeding. His animalistic roughness and that knot...holy hell I'm so turned on right now. Great job!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I loved this story, it was to the point erotic and good

SubmissiveAudreySubmissiveAudreyover 7 years ago
Just what I've been looking for!

This is the story I've been looking for since I came to this site! Your story is amazing! If you wrote more about them or other werewolf mating books I would totally buy them. The passion was HOT and it had me very pleased. ;) Continue your writing. Definitely adding you to my favorite authors.

SassyKatz71SassyKatz71almost 8 years ago

Good writing. A few grammar mistakes aside, it's well written. An enjoyable story that isn't too short, nor too long and exhaustively drawn out. The scenes would of been sexier if they were a bit longer and not so rushed through .Hot,but a tad quick.

Still, Overall I give it 5 stars for an arousing story. And hope to read more on this one. Would like to know what happens the next 2 to 3 days,after all is said and done ??

crazybooklady12crazybooklady12almost 8 years ago
5 stars

i think that was amazing I hope you continue it :]

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Damn girl! You write the most fabulous stories! <3

Erika281Erika281over 8 years ago
love it

I love characters, pace of the story and ending too. 5 stars! Just wish you would write at least one more chapter!

P.S. I am glad she isn´t turned to werevolf, it is hotter this way

Wolftight21Wolftight21over 8 years ago

Nice though I hope that was a bite to change. Hope you continue it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Victoria's fantasy

What fantasies did Edward inspire Victoria to have??prettyKittyK

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I normally don't care for Chapter stories but omg I think you need to write another one with those two. <3

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Fuck. More Knot please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Well done, got me hot, thank you!!!!

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