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Fuller House - Cruising for Love Ch. 02B

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The 2nd of 3 Possible Endings.
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Fuller House: Cruising for Love -- Right Path

~ Saturday, May 22nd, 2021 09:12 hrs ~

When Jackson woke up that morning he found himself in the master bedroom, naked, and alone. Rubbing his eyes he looked about and listened and seeing that the bathroom was open, as was Daniella's closet he realized that she had already gotten up and made a hasty exit. Jackson sighed as he sat up and cursed himself for being so tired after the events earlier in the morning. He had hoped to wake up first so that when she woke up she wouldn't freak out... which she apparently did as she was nowhere to be found.

Tossing off the blankets Jackson walks naked into the bathroom and proceeds to wash off all of the reminders of the events of earlier this morning. As the water cascades down his head and over his body, he still has difficulty believing he actually lived the events. He was awoken from his deep sleep by the most amazing feeling. It was very hot, very wet, and centered around his dick. When he was finally able to open his eyes and focus them in the darkness his gaze fell upon the blonde hair of Daniella "DD" Delgado giving him his first-ever blowjob.

Keeping his eyes open was very hard as her mouth felt magical as she took him deeper and deeper with every movement up and down his cock. He didn't know what led her to do this but no man in his right mind would ever stop this sexually alluring woman from initiating them into the world of sex. When Jackson felt himself on the verge of blowing his load he allowed it to happen but found the will to not give her all of his seed.

As soon as she inhaled his cum Miss D moved onto him and once she notched his cock into place, she sunk down on his rod and rode him for all he was worth. Fortunately, Jackson had given her a bit of his seed so he was not so sensitive that he would shoot off again so quickly. DD was quiet for some time to the point Jackson wasn't sure that he was pleasing her. That all changed when she finally released her lower lip and began moaning and groaning. Now content that he was up to the task Jackson let his hands come up and feel his former teacher's naked breasts. As he soaps his own body he can clearly remember the heft, the weight, the feel of her enormous tits in his hands.

The next big thing he memorized was the feel of his first woman as she came on his cock. Her pussy squeezed his stiff member for all it was worth as she came. If they had managed to do so in unison he was quite sure it would have milked his cock of all the seed he still had stored in his balls. As he was still hard and ready to go Jackson grasped his lover and flipped her onto her back. She let out the cutest shriek as he did so and that just spurred him on. The feel of her warm sweaty body against his as she leaned down and plowed into her with reckless abandon was exhilarating. If his body could have he would have made love to her for the rest of his life but alas, he eventually recharged his load and gave his lover every last bit of his seed that he had stored in them.

This time it was not two quick blasts down her throat, this time he delivered five massive blasts that he had stored up since before his senior prom. Daniella's pussy did indeed squeeze his cock when he brought her to her second orgasm of the morning. The head of Jackson's cock was lodged firmly at the mature woman's cervix and while not big enough to penetrate directly into her womb it did deliver his baby batter so that it didn't have as far to travel. Daniella's legs were wrapped firmly around her lover, ankles locked just above his bare ass and her arms were holding him firmly against her tits. The two kissed passionately in between breaths until Jackson, needing more air, rolls off DD and onto his back. The last thing he remembered before passing out was the two of them snuggling together, kissing, and then darkness.

Jackson finishes rinsing off and turns off the water. Stepping out of the shower he dries off and then makes his way to his closet to pick out his clothes for the day. He opts for gray Cargo shorts and a white button-down shirt. He plans to walk about the ship and hopefully find Daniella so that they can talk about last night, and hopefully, she will be inclined to see where they can go from here.

~ 18:45 hrs ~

Jackson was a bit put out as he traversed the entire ship and managed not to find his roommate anywhere. He has seen all four of his travel companions, bumped into Clara, and asked her to keep an eye out for DD, and is actually on the verge of making a shipwide announcement when he walks into his room and finds his surrogate sister sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Ramona..." Jackson says surprised to see his housemate and surrogate sister sitting in his living room. "Don't take this the wrong way but what are you doing here?"

Ramona Gibbler is one of four female graduate seniors from Bayview High School on this particular cruise. Jackson was gifted this trip by his mother at the suggestion of Fernando Guerrero, Ramona's father. While Fernando trusts his 18-year-old daughter implicitly he does not trust all of the single (or not) men on the cruise. Until a few years ago Fernando was one of those men that hit on every beautiful woman he encountered, despite being married to Ramona's mother. Knowing what scoundrels men like he used to be can be he wanted Jackson along to watch over Ramona, and her friends (but mainly Ramona).

While Ramona and Sienna Logan (another classmate) were less than enthusiastic about having Jackson along as a chaperone/babysitter, Jackson had promised all four young women that he would not be hovering over them and intruding on their vacation. He was planning to mingle, take in the sights and enjoy his time away from his extended family. However, he said if he happened upon something he didn't like he would interject himself... but only if he happened upon it.

True to his word Jackson only popped up occasionally at spots where the girls were but he only said hello before making himself scarce. As he had VIP access to the best dining hall he took each of his travel companions to dinner once and all were grateful for the consideration.

Ramona hadn't seen Jackson in two days when she was awoken by a pounding at her door. She had slept in today as she had been out dancing with her friends until three in the morning. Tossing on a robe, she waddled to the door where she found Miss D was the one pounding on her door. The older woman was frazzled, to say the least as she practically stormed into her former student's room. The older woman was an emotional wreck for some reason (again) and while she didn't want to go into details, the gist of it was that she couldn't be in close quarters to Jackson any longer and begged her former student to swap rooms with her.

Ramona didn't answer the woman at first as she was still in the process of waking up. She had Miss D sit on her bed while she ran into the shower to wash up and help her wake up. When she exited the bathroom Daniella again pleaded with Ramona to swap rooms with her. Knowing that Jackson's cabin was considerably more spacious than hers she reluctantly agreed. Chelsey returned as Ramona and Miss D were finishing with the packing, thus saving Ramona the time of writing an explanation letter to Chelsey. Chelsey looked saddened at the news but unbeknownst to Ramona and Miss D, it wasn't for the reason they suspected. Daniella informs Chelsey that she will be back in a bit with her bags. Chelsey states that she is going to the forward pool area and she will see the pair later. Ramona & Miss D make their way to Jackson's to pack up Daniella's belongings. Once in the room the older woman's bags were packed, the pair traded room keys and Ramona waved goodbye to her former teacher. She sighed and went about putting her belongings in the now-empty closet and drawers.

Ramona decided to let whatever is in Miss D's letter answer Jackson's questions. Reaching into her carry-on bag, she pulls out the letter that Daniella gave her. She hands it to Jackson who immediately opens it. Seeing who it is from she watches as the object of her affection walks into the bedroom and closes the door. He is gone for a good fifteen minutes before the door opens again. Ramona can't make out the mood Jackson is in. She knew that when he entered the room he looked a bit despondent but now, she wasn't sure.

"So... which room would you prefer to sleep in?" Jackson asks the girl that has been his housemate and surrogate sister for over five years.

"This is your cabin, so I think I should be generous and sleep out here," Ramona states referring to her living room.

"You don't have to..." Jackson starts to say.

"No... I insist. I took your room when mom and I moved into your house five years ago, I wouldn't feel right doing so again. Besides, if the girls want to come over and hang out this is the room better suited for entertaining than the bedroom."

Jackson looks at Ramona for a few seconds and then narrows his eyes. "What's going on Ramona?"

"Well... the girls found out that I now had access to your room and they wanted to celebrate. Coco and Sienna are ashore getting food for our party."

"Let me guess... you would appreciate it if I weren't around tonight."

"Wellll... Sienna did ask me to ask you if you wouldn't mind. I mean... how often are the four of us going to get the chance to party in a room like this?"

"I suppose that I can find something to occupy my time tonight. But... this is the one and only time." Jackson sternly states.

"Cross my heart," Ramona says holding up her right hand and making the cross symbol with her left one.

~ 20:30 hrs ~

Jackson didn't feel like dressing up tonight so I simply made his way to the VIP dining area. Quite a few eyes were on the young man who was as casual as you could get. Jackson found a table in the corner and after his day of running all over the ship in search of Daniella and missing lunch he was starved. Jackson had a large helping of Surf and Turf with a large salad and coleslaw. Once he had gorged himself Jackson left the dining area and made his way to the pool area. Having worked off the meal he was going to have for dinner over the day, he found one of the many empty deck chairs and plopping down, put on his sunglasses (not that he needed them as the sun was going over the horizon) He closed his eyes and decided to take a nap.

Forty-five minutes later Jackson was roused from his nap by the sounds of someone swearing very loudly. Opening his eyes he found himself in the presence of an older couple. From what he awoke to the gentleman to his right was pounding away at his large laptop while his wife held the cell phone up and the technician on the other end tried to help him make the computer work properly. Realizing he wouldn't be able to rest until the noise was dealt with Jackson clears his throat to get the man's attention.

"Excuse me sir... can I offer my assistance," Jackson asks referring to the laptop.

The older man looks at Jackson and realizing he has nothing to lose hands him the oversized laptop. It's a good 17-inch model but has to be at least two years old at this time as it is as thick as some novels. Still with patience and a little help from the technician on the other side (Jackson didn't know what the man was trying to accomplish after all). In under fifteen minutes Jackson had the laptop cooperating and configured for what the older man needed to do.

"Thank you, young man." The now calm older man said shaking Jackson's hand in appreciation.

"No problem sir. I have a knack for fixing computers." Jackson assures the gentleman.

For the next thirty minutes, Jackson showed the man and his wife a few tricks that they could use should they have any further issues. He also gave them his room number so if they had any major issues they could bring the laptop to him and he would do his best to help them. The gentleman, Robert Southerland, and his wife Pamela proceeded to do whatever it was they needed utilizing the ship's wifi. Just as the couple was putting the computer away a group of men of various nationalities made their way to the pool area. They were accompanied by one of the ship's various stewards.

"Excuse me, folks," The steward began. "I'm going to have to ask you to clear the pool area."

"Why? We were told we have access to the pool area at all times." Robert tells the steward.

"Sir, I'm going to have to insist you leave." The tall well-dressed man tells Robert. Jackson figures the man to be 6 and a half feet tall as he is about a head taller than his own six feet. He has a linebacker-like build and judging by the slight bulge from under the man's left arm he had a pistol in a shoulder holster. Looking about the other three men were all right-handed as they had weapons in holsters under their left arms.

"Robert," Jackson says drawing the older man's attention. "I'd say these gentlemen are entitled to the pool area. Let me escort you and your wife to your cabin so we can make sure your computer is working as it should be." Robert is normally not so easily swayed. Jackson would later learn from the man's wife that he can be downright stubborn. However, something about the young man's insistence swayed Robert.

Only after the trio was safely in the Southerland's cabin did Jackson inform the pair that the four men were armed and were more than likely up to something. Jackson didn't want to risk anything happening to his new acquaintances so he thought it best to defuse the situation and get everyone out while he could. Pamela thanked Jackson as her husband more than likely would have escalated the situation, something he had to admit he would have done. Robert gave Jackson his business card and told him that if he ever needed anything he could call him.

Jackson made his way back to his room to find it in a mess. The girls had bought alcohol while on the island and even Ramona partook in celebrating. The girls were obviously lightweights (not that he was much better) and not wanting to risk them running into some guy with bad intentions Jackson carried Sienna and then Corissa into his room. He put the pair on their stomachs, heads tilted to the side. He then got two buckets and some towels and set them up should the girls toss their cookies in the middle of the night. He then moved Ramona beside Chelsey so that he could unfold the bed. He rearranged the pillows so that the girl's heads were at what should be the foot of the bed. Once they were properly positioned Jackson set the towels up (he was out of buckets). With the girls all set and sleeping Jackson turns on some soft music. Walking over to the linen closet he pulls out the last pillow and blanket. As all the normal sleeping spaces are full Jackson plops down in the Lay-z-boy style chair, puts his pillow in place and once he has adjusted the chair to his liking pulls his blanket over his body and falls fast asleep.

~ Sunday, May 23rd, 2021 10:15 hrs ~

Jackson was roused from his sleep by the sounds of girls chattering amongst themselves. When he opened his eyes and they came into focus Jackson was greeted by the sight of his four traveling companions in their bikini swimsuits. Jackson is stunned at how beautiful his companions truly are. It is very easy to forget this with all of the beauties walking around the ship in very little clothing.

"Good Morning." Jackson greets the quartet as he stretches. Jackson's back cracks as the chair, while comfy, was not the greatest to sleep in.

"Good morning," Ramona says walking over to her surrogate brother. Jackson noted that his housemate looks like her normal self save for the very revealing swimsuit that she was wearing. Ramona leans down, showing off her modest but impressive bust. She places a soft kiss on his forehead before standing back up. Chelsey Kirkland, the second Latina of the group, bounces over in a sexy black and gold string bikini. She kneels down and turning Jackson's head to face her gives him a big close mouth kiss. "Thank you for taking such good care of us Jackson and letting us sleep in your cabin last night."

"You're very welcome Chelsey. And thank you very much for showing me your appreciation." Jackson says rubbing his thumb over his lips with a smile.

Corissa Davis was next to show her appreciation to their host. She moves to Jackson's left side and turning his head toward her gives Jackson a similar kiss. The pair smile at one another and Corissa coyly thanks Jackson before making a strategic retreat as she knows Sienna will be awaiting her turn.

"I'll see you, girls, on the pool deck," Sienna says watching Ramona, Chelsey and Coco gather their bags and make their way from the cabin to their local for the day. Once they are gone Sienna Logan sits down on Jackson's legs, her black swimsuit has blueish floral prints on the bust and bottoms. "Th... that's a very interesting suit yahhhh... you have on." Jackson says to the shapely blonde rubbing her crotch into his.

"Thank you. I wanted to thank you for allowing us to use your cabin last night. For not kicking us out when you came back and found us wasted in your cabin. And for taking such good care of all of us," Sienna states wrapping her arms around Jackson's neck.

The young man somehow realizes that this is the closest the pair has been since the Full Lips Fuller rumor started over four years ago during his freshman year. Sienna leans in and unlike the last two kisses Jackson got, Sienna gives him her all so Jackson instantly returns the kiss in kind. His hands move down to Sienna's shapely hips and rest there as their lips dance together. Jackson and Sienna lose all sense of time and likewise loses themselves in the moment. Originally she planned to simply give Jackson a kiss unlike any of her friends have given Jackson. However, the moment their lips touched Sienna's heart stopped and then began pounding rapidly. Full Lips Fuller had the same effect on her that he had on Rocki four years ago. Sienna was just glad that she was sitting down on Jackson's lap as her legs would have given out on her by now.

As their lips dueled something started creeping into the back of her mind. Sienna was not aware of the events that led to Ramona becoming Jackson's cabinmate for the trip, she just figured that Miss D must have become uncomfortable sharing the cabin with her former student for some reason.

However, as Jackson's now very rigid cock presses into the folds between her legs Sienna lets the potential gravity of where all this kissing could lead creep in, and in a panic, Sienna abruptly breaks the kiss.

"I'm sorry..." Sienna says practically leaping from the young man's lap. "I... I got carried away."

"No... I'm sorry." Jackson says putting the Lay-z-Boy back in its normal position. "I got carried away."

Sienna turns away, afraid that looking at Jackson will weaken her resolve and make her do something she isn't sure she is ready for. Jackson comes up behind her, hugs her, and kisses her left shoulder. "I think you are truly beautiful Sienna. I hope you find someone worthy of your affection when you're ready to share it." Jackson releases her, Sienna turns, kisses Jackson's right cheek, and vacates the room in a hurry.

Jackson sighs when the door clicks shut and makes his way to the bathroom. Tossing his clothes onto the bed he makes his way to the shower, turns on the water, and before it can get warm he steps under the spray. The cool water is very invigorating and calms his raging cock down. When Jackson steps out of the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist he is shocked to discover that he is not alone. Sitting on his bed, wearing an itsy bitsy, teeny weeny bikini is Clara Carpenter. The amount of material on her tiny red bikini is minuscule and shows off more flesh on the slim shapely woman that Jackson never remembers seeing on her.

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