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Futa Club Ch. 04

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Saphira sees former teacher and helps with her sister's plan.
7.4k words

Part 5 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/09/2022
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Chapter Four: Saphira Helps Out


Saphira walked comfortably through the halls of her old high school. She didn't get many reasons to actually venture inside anymore. Not since graduation. She came to pick Misty up occasionally, but didn't have much cause for visiting other than that.

She should make more of an effort, she decided. It was a place that held lovely memories, and still contained some fun and magic all its own. She was one of the lucky ones who'd truly enjoyed her high school years. But then, she'd had her own way of experiencing them.

Saphira sighed at memories that came back to her. Fleeting romances, perving on classmates and teachers, getting some action when the stars had aligned. Granted, she'd cheated and moved the figurative stars around a bit when it suited her.

And Ms. Kindle. Saphira saved a special whistful smile for her. She was, in fact, the reason for today's visit.

Ms. Kindle's class was right where Saphira remembered it. And, fortune favouring her, it was empty except for her former teacher. Sometimes the stars didn't need any manipulation.

"Excuse me, miss?" Saphira said, adopting a high, slightly whiny voice. "Can I get an extension on my assignment?"

Ms. Kindle turned, an exasperated expression on her face. It faded as soon as she saw Saphira smirking at her from the doorway. "Saphira," she said, a smile replacing her frown. "I haven't seen you in a while."

Saphira shrugged airily. "You know how it is. So many cute boys, so little time."

"I remember your proclivities, yes. But you were never as single-minded about all those cute boys as you like people to think."

Saphira shut the door and sauntered casually into the room, taking her time to peer around and 'accidentally' show herself off some. She was pretty sure she'd have Ms. Kindle's attention anyway, but a little extra effort never hurt.

"It's not good to limit oneself," Saphira admitted. "I like to try other things sometimes."

"Is that why you're here?" Ms. Kindle frowned suspiciously. "You could have just come to my place. You know where it is. Or called me."

"Could have, sure. But that wouldn't have been as much fun."


"Though actually, you're kinda right. I kinda have a teeny little favour to ask too."

Ms. Kindle relaxed. "Ah. There it is. Though there aren't any more grades I can help with, so what could I possibly do for you?"

"Misty still comes here, you know."

"Your sister? She's not even in my class. And as far as I know her grades are fine."

"It's not about that. I would have told her to come see you herself if it was."


"Sure. Family tradition and all. Mom used to do it too." Saphira grinned wickledly. "Though the way she tells it, there was this teacher guy who loved being bent over and--"

"You say that like you never tried to bend me over my desk."

"There was more give and take with us, I think." Saphira stepped closer, maintaining an expression that was an even mix of innocent and slutty. "Wouldn't have been as much fun if you'd always let me have my way."

Ms. Kindle was right where Saphira wanted her. She had that look in her eyes, that slight discomfort in her stance. Nothing had really changed between them. Nothing important.

"What was the favour?" Ms. Kindle asked.

"Oh, that? Well... Misty and her new girlfriend--who's adorable by the way, You'd like her--the two of them had a thought. Misty's mentioned it a few times and talked it over with me."

"What kind of thought?"

"Something about having a place where futas can go while they're at school. A club or something."

Ms. Kindle arched an eyebrow. "A club, huh?"


"That's... not a bad idea, actually. Not that I'd claim to know every futa who comes through here, nor how well they all fare. They certainly don't all enjoy their time as much as you did. Or your sister, from what I hear of her."

Saphira grinned proudly. "That's my sis. She gotten into any trouble for fucking around yet?"

"She's been relatively discreet, for the most part."

"Enh, oh well. She probably would have told me anyway. But you never know."

"Indeed." Ms. Kindle sat on the edge of her desk. "So that's it? You want me to help her out with her... club?"

"If you'd be so good."

"I might have some ideas. I'll certainly give it some thought."

"Thank you."

"And in return?"

Saphira grinned wider. She'd expected it would come to this. Was hoping for it, really. Partly Ms. Kindle had been the right choice to ask for this prticular favour. But partly, too, it was a good excuse for something else. And to be honest, Saphira hadn't found anyone quite like Ms. Kindle since leaving high school. Maybe her mom, in some ways, but that was as close as she'd gotten.

"What would you like?"

"I think you know."

"I do." Saphira smoothly undid her pants and slid them to the ground. Her panties were straining to contain her increasingly aroused cock, but she still took the time to bend over and remove her shoes, socks, and jeans before then slipping out her panties and releasing her excited erection. It was a nice thrill to be doing this in school again. She wasn't sure if it was more or less dangerous that she wasn't a student any longer. "Go ahead and bend over your desk when you're ready."

Saphira stood unselfconsciously displaying her hardening cock. She wasn't at all surpried when Ms. Kindle shook her head.

"Wrong. You're going over the desk."

"Why me? I called you doing it first."

"Because I'm your teacher."


"And because I'm doing you a favour."

"Not a big one."

Ms. Kindle glared and pursed her lips. Little thrills ran down Saphira's spine at the remembrance of that glare when she'd been only eighteen. It didn't have the same power as it once had, though it still held some.

"On the desk," Ms. Kindle said firmly. "Stick your bum out. And don't give me any sass."

"No sass, ma'am. On the desk, ma'am."

Saphira bent over Ms. Kindle's desk, grabbed the edge for support, and arched her back to best display her eager little ass. God she'd missed this.

Ms. Kindle snorted at Saphira's 'lack of sass,' but let it go for the moment. Saphira watched her over her shoulder, taking note of the lust in her eyes, and the increasing bulge down below.

Saphira wiggled with barely contained anticipation as Ms. Kindle shed her bottoms. Her gaze locked firmly on Ms. Kindle's cock as soon as it was revealed. It looked to have been trapped even more painfully than hers by the time it was released. But then, it was noticeably bigger, too, though the difference had closed a bit since she'd first been able to compare them. Saphira assumed she'd beat Ms. Kindle out one day, if her mom's genes were anything to go on, but it hadn't happened yet.

With her bottoms out of the way, Ms. Kindle stepped behind Saphira and slapped the weight of her cock down on Saphira's lower back. It was meant as a show of dominance, Saphira thought. As a way of showing that she had the bigger cock, and it was going inside Saphira any moment now. It was a move Ms. Kindle had pulled the first time she'd ever fucked Saphira, and had carried on doing it, especially when Saphira got sassy.

The joke was on her, though. Saphira loved the feel of that heavy cock on her back. Getting a sense of its weight, length, and thickness before she was all filled up by it. It was something she now did for boys who were particularly good little cock sluts, and she'd had some rather enthusiatic responses from some of them.

Ms. Kindle adjusted her stance and thrust her hips, grinding her cock against Saphira's ass. She rubbed back and forth over Saphira's butthole, teasing it with her thick, hard shaft.

"Oh no, miss, you're too big for li'l ol' me," Saphira whined, raising her voice once again to imitate a ditzy schoolgirl. She got a hard slap on the butt for her trouble.

"What did I say about sass?"

"Uh... you love it?"


Ms. Kindle's palm smacked against Saphira's bum hard and fast. She switched hands a few times, evening out the sting and warmth on each side.

Saphira's breathing went ragged, her eyes rolling back. She kept her butt stuck out for more. More grinding, more spanking, more everything. Ms. Kindle was the only one who had ever tried spanking her like that, and one of the very few who she'd allow to do so. It wasn't something she was usually into, but with Ms. Kindle... well, there was something special when it came to her.

"It's like you never learned anything at all," Ms. Kindle said.

"I learned lots. Just maybe not what you hoped I would." Saphira gave her bum an extra little wiggle.

"Obedience, for instance."

"Pff, what fun would I be if I just did what you said?"

"You would have been a much better student." Ms. Kindle gave Saphira another spank. "But you're right, you would have been a lot less fun."

Saphira cooed happily as Ms. Kindle sank to her knees and dove into her waiting butt. Ms. Kindle could be quite an aggressive licker at times, and this seemed to be one of them. Her tongue flashed wet and firm over Saphira's buthole, over and over, making a spitty mess over her tight little hole.

Some of Ms. Kindle's saliva dripped down to Saphira's balls, and her tongue followed shortly after. She sucked them briefly before moving on.

A drawer on the desk slid open as Ms. Kindle stood up again. Saphira knew the sorts of things that lurked in that desk, but in this case all that came out was some lube. Ms. Kindle slicked up her hard cock, then unceremoniously jammed a pair of slippery fingers into Saphira's butthole, giving her a hard and fast finger fucking.

"Ooh, I'd almost think you really need this," Saphira said. "Do you not have anyone fun to play with?"

"If you're implying I'd do this with my students--"

"Which I very much am."

"--I'd have to remind you I'm a teacher. I have responsibilities."

"Never stopped you before."

"There are exceptions."

Saphira moaned softly as Ms. Kindle pressed her cock to her butthole, and pushed slowly forward. Saphira's hole stretched and opened around the large invader, taking it's girth with only a mild twinge of pain as her cock just kept coming. She wasn't being given a chance to adjust. She just had to take it, all the way to the base. Getting stretched out like she didn't often experience, getting all filled up until she ached. She'd missed the hell out of this.

"Good to know I'm exceptional," Saphira said, her voice cracking slightly in spite of her best efforts to sound casual.

"That's not at all what I meant. Although, admittedly, you kind of are, in your own way. Not much of a student, but you take cock so well."

"Why thank you. You should feel me giving it."

"I have. I prefer you taking it."

Saphira snorted gently. "Of course you do. Miss strict teacher gotta be in charge, right?"

"That's the other thing. Somehow, in spite of yourself, you make me want you. You were always such a little shit. Too cocky, in more ways than one. Infuriating to every teacher who crossed your path."

"Aw, don't act like you don't love it."

Ms. Kindle grabbed Saphira's hips firmly and gave a last hard thrust to fully bury herself. Saphira moaned and couldn't talk for a moment, which might have been the point.

"You make it so sweet to pound your ass and make you take it. I'll give you that."

"A hate fuck? Is that all I am?"

Ms. Kindle sighed. "Not hardly. I've never hated you."

"Good 'cause I really like you."

"But you're sooo not my usual type."

Saphira grinned. She bit her lip and waited while Ms. Kindle finally pulled out a bit, giving the slightest relief to her butt, then slammed her cock back in. She was in for a good, hard fucking, and she was so ready for it.

"Maybe 'cause you're like me and always go for someone subby," Saphira said. "It's such a kick playing with someone who fights back sometimes."

"Is that why you kept coming back?"

"A big part of it, yeah." Saphira grinned over her shoulder. "That and you 'helping' my grades. And that you're such a wicked hot teacher. And that you've got such a nice cock and know how to use it."

Ms. Kindle's strokes got longer and harder. Her balls slapped against Saphira with every thrust. She was losing herself in the pleasure of it, but wasn't too far gone just yet.

"So you really are here for the cock. Always telling me you want my butt. Such nonsense."

"Oh but I do. I was getting to that. I mean, this is fine and all. But bending you over and taking your ass... mmm, that's the stuff dreams are made of. Making big scary teacher my little butt slut, I--"

Saphira broke off abruptly as Ms. Kindle gave her a particularly hard thrust. Ms. Kindle followed up rather expertly by grabbing Saphira's balls just hard enough to hurt a little, but not enough to ruin the mood.

"Who exactly is the little butt slut here?" Ms. Kindle asked with an overtly light tone, but with a noticeable edge to her voice.


Saphira gasped and wriggled as Ms. Kindle squeezed harder on her balls while still fucking her butt hard and steady.


"Well I'm not gonna say me. We both know that's a lie."

"Also wrong."

Ms. Kindle gave another squeeze, then released Saphira's ball to focus on slamming her butt all the harder.

Saphira ached in two places now, and she wasn't even close to being done yet. There'd be a reckoning for taking this sexy abuse when she was so out of practice with it, but she didn't much care.

She truly was deliberately getting under Ms. Kindle's skin. Bugging her former teacher just like in the old days. Accepting and embracing her butt getting pounded so hard as a result. She refused to admit it aloud, but she absolutely was the little butt slut at the moment. She wanted everything she got, and more.

Ms. Kindle's cock made lewd and sloppy sounds as it worked Saphira's bum into submission. At times it very nearly slipped out, in spite of its length, due to just how long and hard Ms. Kindle was making her thrusts.

Saphira's eyes rolled back and her mouth hung open in a permanent, drooly pant. She felt like one of those subby boys she favoured so often, getting her ass all nicely wrecked while she lay there wanting more. Goddamn she'd ache so good tomorrow.

And the pounding just kept coming. Ms. Kindle was breathing hard, but wasn't letting that slow her down. Neither her or Saphira were talking much anymore. They lacked the focus and energy for it.

An absolute torrent of cum flooded Saphira's ass as her reward for taking such a hard fucking. She smiled to herself as she felt the enormity of Ms. Kindle's lust released within her. A far better load than she ever remembered getting. Maybe she'd been missed more than her former teacher would admit.

Saphira pushed herself upright once Ms. Kindle's cock was sloppily pulled free of her bum. She was almost immediately urged to her knees, which she didn't argue about mainly because it gave her an excuse to hide how shaky her legs were.

Saphira stared fixedly up at Ms. Kindle while licking and sucking her cock clean. Ms. Kindle might be sated for now, more or less, but Saphira knew how to hold her interest and keep her arousal from going out completely. Ms. Kindle bit her lip and had to look away, making Saphira grin in self satisfaction.

"Your ass is just as amazing as I remember," Ms. Kindle said.

"Glad to hear it," Saphira said in between a few final sucks of Ms. Kindle's balls.

"I'd say we're definitely even."

"Oh would you now?"

As Ms. Kindle bent over to retrieve her panties, rather unwisely displaying herself, Saphira scooted closer and grabbed firm handfuls of her ass. She pressed her face in between Ms. Kindle's butt cheeks and licked firmly at the tasty little hole hiding between them.

"Stop that," Ms. Kindle said. "We're done here."

"We most certainly are not."

"Yes we are."

Saphira stood, having had enough time to regain her composure. "No. We're not."

"If you think you can just bend me over now and--"

"Fine, don't bend over. See if I care."

Saphira pushed Ms. Kindle backward across her desk, splaying her out on her back instead of her front. If she didn't take to that position, there were still plenty of others to try. But then, Saphira didn't expect her to last too long before caving.

Ms. Kindle glared, but didn't try to get up. She also didn't resist when Saphira pushed her legs back, levering her bum into a more favourable position.

The lube they'd used was still conveniently sitting on the desk. Saphira casually poured some just below Ms. Kindle's balls and let it run down over her butthole.

"You're used to getting your way, aren't you?" Ms. Kindle said. "Always just a bit of a brat."

"After using my butt like you did just now, I wouldn't think you'd be casting stones."

"As if that wasn't what you wanted."

Saphira smirked. "As if this isn't what you want," she countered.

"I only used to do this for you so you wouldn't pout."

"That's funny. I had the same problem with you."

Saphira rubbed her cock up and down over Ms. Kindle's asshole. She played with Ms. Kindle's cock while teasing her bum, noting that she hadn't gone soft even a little.

Ms. Kindle was breathing heavier again, even though Saphira had yet to actually push inside her butt. She was also flushed, and her unwavering cock twitched in time with Saphira sliding over her butthole. It was going to be such a joy getting all up in her ass again after so long.

"I don't remember you being so slow about this in the past," Ms. Kindle said. "Don't tell me you forgot what you're doing?"

"Perish the thought. I'm just worried that without me around, you might have forgotten how to take cock like the butt slut teacher we both know you secretly are."

"First of all, I-- ooohhh hnnnggg mmmmggghhh."

Saphira shoved her cock in and grinned wickedly at the expression Ms. Kindle made. She'd very neatly interupted whatever bullet list of arguments were about to be presented. Even if Ms. Kindle really wanted to make her point, it'd be much trickier for her while getting her ass stretched out.

"What was that?" Saphira asked sweetly.

"You... ugh, nevermind."

"Oh, ok. It sounded like you wanted to tell me something, but then stopped because someone did your favourite thing. Which is to say, put a cock in your butt."

Saphira grinned so wide it hurt a little as Ms. Kindle tried to reply, and again she pushed deeper into her butt to interupt whatever she might have said.

"Goddammit," Ms. Kindle grumbled. "Just fuck me and get it over with."

"Oh, so you really do want me to fill you up and pound you? Even though--"


"--you were all like--"

"Saphira! You're insufferable, you know that?"

"I've heard rumours." Saphira took a firm hold on Ms. Kindle's thighs and buried the remainder of her cock, making them both groan. She held still there a moment. "But for some reason people put up with me anyway."

Ms. Kindle got a lot less argumentative once Saphira started really fucking her. It was pretty hard to stay irritated or form coherent and convincing diatribes when one's ass was getting all filled, stretched, and pounded. Unless, of course, one truly didn't enjoy it. But there wasn't any risk of that here.

Saphira freed up a hand once she had a good, smooth rhythm going. She pushed Ms. Kindle's top up over her breasts, gave them a quick fondle, then resumed playing with her cock. Precum was already dripping from the tip, and there was more where that came from.

The silence between them stretched out, broken by soft grunts, moans, and the sounds of Saphira's cock going in and out of Ms. Kindle's ass. Once she got going, Saphira really didn't feel the need to tease anymore, nor did Ms. Kindle try to claim she wasn't enjoying herself. It was better to savour the moment and bask in the glow of a good ass fucking.

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