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Good Cop

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Homeless girl gets taken in.
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The bar offered little comfort as she sat in the dimly lit corner. Her deep green eyes averted from every glance that might happen her way. Her hands that while delicate held a strength in them of someone who has had to take care of herself for quite some time now, straightened her dress. That dress, a short black number fit a bit too tight, secondhand store clothes never did fit right. It was quiet in the bar that evening, a few regulars coming and going but nothing extraordinary. She herself was not a regular but sitting in a strange bar sure beat sitting out on the streets.

The door would open and close flooding the small bar with light from the setting sun before closing once more to plunge the room back to dim shadows. Every time that door opened she would watch the new patron with mild interest, her thoughts wondering to what they did for a living or where they lived. The door opened again and when her eyes adjusted back to be able to see who entered again, her interest was more than mild. He was tall and very handsome, the epitome of the "tall-dark-and-handsome" type. His hair was long, just past his shoulders and was as black as midnight. He walked with an air of authority as he made his way to the bar.

If he turned just to his left he would see her blatantly staring at him so she did her best to sneak glances at him as he was handed a beer. It was obvious from the way he spoke to the barkeep that he was a regular around here. The handsome man and the bartender laughed back and fourth about something she couldn't quite hear. A few words would float over to her every now and then above the din of the jukebox that played endlessly.

"How's things at the precinct?" The barkeep asked. Oh dear lord he is a cop! She thought to herself. For some reason that made her nervous. Often as she moved from place to place in town she was stopped by the police and suspected to be a hooker. Dressed, as she was this evening, in a tight short black dress complete with thigh high stockings and high-heeled shoes, well she would have a tough time explaining how she wasn't a hooker. Her hopes were dashed of even meeting the tall-dark-and-handsome man, even though she wasn't really there to meet a guy.

Jenny felt that if she could dress up and sit in a place that she couldn't even afford a glass of beer at, that she was escaping her hopeless situation, if just for a little while. Her philosophy was that if she didn't look homeless... she wasn't, or at least she could pretend.

Slender fingers twirled a strand of wavy red hair between them as she turned to watch a couple dancing in front of the jukebox. They moved in rhythm with the music, their bodies close together, their lips meeting every now ant then. Jenny sighed wishing that someone wanted to dance with her like that.

Suddenly there was movement beside her and a tall curvy glass filled with a red frozen concoction was set before her. She was about to say she didn't order anything when she looked up at who had delivered the drink. Her heart just about stopped in her chest. The tall-dark-handsome- man stood there smiling down at her.

"Hi there. Thought you might like this. You look like a daiquiri girl to me." He smiled sending lightning bolts to her heart as her brain had a melt down.

"Oh ... uhh... thanks." She stammered sounding like a drink was the last thing she needed. Coming to her wits she managed a warm smile to him.

"You new around here? I don't remember seeing you here before."

His cop instincts taking over with the questioning until he realized what he was doing.

"Sorry, I'm Eric."

He blushed slightly adding to his charming look.

"Nice to meet you Erik. I'm Jenny. Yea, I'm... new around here." Jenny lied a bit. She wasn't new to the neighborhood but she was new to the bar so it was only a slight lie.

"Sorry to intrude. A pretty lady sitting by herself... well I just thought I'd say hello." He moved as if he was going to leave or something so Jenny jumped to her senses quickly. "Oh don't worry. Nothing to intrude upon. You can join me if you like?" She nodded to the empty chair beside her.

His smile would light up a room at her invitation. He thought she was distractingly beautiful with her heart shaped face, framed in red waves. Her eyes that were round and deep seemed to pull him in with every glance. Pulling out the chair he sat and began the habit of questioning again.

"You live around here? Got someone expecting you home?" OK so that wasn't such a subtle way of asking if she was attached but he thought it might work anyhow.

Jenny giggled slightly at him and that giggle sounded like soft wind chime in the breeze to his ears.

"No, no one at home." She smiled in a slight laugh as she spoke. She was tempted to add out of irony, no home either, but she didn't. She raised her drink to her lips and looked at him through thick dark lashes and over the rim of her glass. Her empty stomach protested the addition of alcohol but she ignored the sensations that found her fast.

He nodded with a smile as she sipped his beer he had brought along too.

"What about you? Family waiting at home for your return?" She ventured to throw his same line of questioning back at him.

He chuckled and shook his head, "Nope. Married only to my work as sad as that is. My cats might be waiting for me though." His smile genuine as his eyes connected with hers once more.

They chatted about this and that, nothing too deep but they both felt the spark between them.

"Say..." Erik paused for a moment as if not quite sure how she would respond. "What do you say to going to grab a bite to eat?" He looked hopeful to her.

Jenny began to smile at the invitation but hesitated. She wondered if he was going to pay because she didn't have a dime to her name at the moment. As if sensing her worry Erik spoke up, "How 'bout we go to my place? I can whip up a mean spaghetti and we can talk without the noise of a place." He hoped he didn't sound like he was desperate or was asking her to sleep with him though he had to admit the idea had crossed his mind, he was a man after all.

Jenny had really enjoyed the talk they had been having and she did want to continue it but going to his place sounded a bit risky. She reminded herself that he was a cop and that maybe it was ok. Soon she had convinced herself that it would actually be fun to have him cook for her and boy was she hungry.

" All right." She nodded and smiled to him.

"Great. Do you want to drive and follow me or ride with me?" He asked.

"Umm... I'll just ride with you." She didn't add that she had no car to follow him in. Smiling he stood and waited for her to stand also. Reaching behind her chair Jenny grabbed her ever present, scruffy backpack that was filled to the brim and followed Erik out the door. He showed her to his small Chevy pickup and opened the door for her.

Sliding into the truck in her short dress did little to hide the fact that she wore thigh high black stockings, a prize possession of Jenny's.

Jenny thought that she looked elegant in them and she couldn't help but notice Erik's reaction as he caught a glimpse of the lace tops of the stockings.

Closing her door she watched him as he slid into the drivers side. Sitting so close to him did little to settle the jumpy feeling in her stomach as he drove off to his apartment building. The drive was short to arrive at a moderately nice set of apartments. Leaving the truck in his spot Erik showed Jenny to his door and opened it allowing her to enter first.

As he flipped on the light she took in the noticeably bachelor apartment. A worn couch and matching chair, a bookcase filled with books and a small entertainment center were just about the only inhabitants of the room. Suddenly she felt something at her ankles, Looking down Jenny saw a beautiful calico cat.

"Oh aren't you a pretty kitty." She cooed as she bent down to scoop the kitty in her arms. Erik smiled and headed for the kitchen to begin cooking.

"Make yourself at home. Have a seat of turn on the tube if you want."

Jenny set the kitty down on the couch and went to the bookcase. Her fingers glided over various titles and she wondered at the erotic sounding titles of some of the volumes. She was too sleepy for reading and television wasn't interesting to her.

She heard his efforts in the kitchen and slowly moved to where she was leaning at the doorframe watching him. He was stirring the sauce when he caught her watching him. Bringing the large spoonful to his lips he tasted it then moved to hold it out for her to taste.

"Try it, tell me what you think."

Jenny let the spoon touch her slightly parted lips before she licked the sauce off of them. "Mmm... that is wonderful!"

Erik beamed at the compliment and at the way she licked her lips. Soon he was setting two plates heaped with spaghetti and two glasses of wine on the coffee table in the living room. He took a moment to light a few candles before he settled next to her on the floor.

"It may not be fancy but it's something." He said almost apologetically.

"Oh I think it is great." Jenny had to control the urge to dive in and pig out. It had been days since she had a full meal and she was ravenous. They ate in silence for a while, mainly because Jenny was too busy eating to talk.

"You know, it won't go anywhere if you slow down." Erik teased her lightly.

Jenny looked up to him in embarrassment for a moment before lowering her eyes. She reached for her drink and forced herself to take a slow sip.

"It's just... well it is so good and I haven't had a meal like this in a while." Jenny confessed after the sip of wine.

"I figured as much." He chuckled slightly embarrassed at the compliment.

Her eyes widened and she paled just a bit. "You figured?" Perhaps he had guessed her not so well hidden homeless status after all.

He nodded, "Well you must not have eaten Italian lately, mine's not the best in town." He teased her slightly.

Relieved at what he meant she smiled, "Well, it's the best to me."

His smile matched her own in brightness as their eyes held each other for a moment. Erik cleared his throat quietly as if any noise would be better than the sudden silence. Jenny glanced down at her plate and began to eat once more.

Soon both had finished off their food and a couple glasses of wine. Jenny leaned back against the couch; glass in hand after he had refilled it once more. The combination of food, wine and his handsome presence sent a tingling sensation over her body. She had long since kicked off her high heels and now as she stretched out a stocking clad foot, rising toes to play with the leg of his pants she cocked her head to him and asked, "So, what is it you do again?"

Erik leaned back next to her, his eyes following her leg to the toes that rubbed just below his knee. Clearing his throat almost nervously he said, "I'm a cop."

"Ohhh, one of the good guys eh?" She teased a bit as she took another sip from her now half- empty glass. She giggled as his eyes noticeably lingered on the low cut neckline of her tight dress. Her full round breasts showed proudly from the black material that pushed them together nearly spilling them from their confines.

"Umm... yea... I guess you could say that." Erik stammered a bit as he moistened his lips, eyes moving reluctantly to look into hers.

Jenny was feeling quite at ease with the tall-dark- and –handsome stranger. She set her glass on the table near by letting her finger trace around the rim of the glass as she looked out of the corner of her eyes at him, "But you're not... always good, are you?"

Her question full of hints and innuendo as her finger dipped into her wine then was brought up to her full lips. Pink tongue darted out to lick at her finger before taking it into her mouth to quickly suck off the remaining wine. Erik's eyes grew wider as the corners of his lips turned up in a slow smile. "I'm always good at what I do." Erik replied, his words dripping with the same innuendo.

Jenny leaned her head back on the edge of the couch. Her long red hair fell over the side of her face but before she could reach to move it Erik's large hand was delicately brushing silken strands back. Jenny's breath caught in her throat as she felt his strong fingers caress down her temple to her jaw line. His hand slowly pulled away, having revealed her face and exposed her neck to his view. His eyes took up caressing where his fingers had left off, tracing down her neck to her cleavage. The silence between them was broken as he said quietly. "You're a very beautiful woman Jenny."

She smiled at him as he blushed again. "I'm glad you approve." She retorted sending them both to laughing. Erik moved just a bit closer to her, his size almost towering over her small frame," I uhh... I didn't ask you here just to uhh... well... try to sleep with you." He tried to explain himself cursing himself all the while for sounding foolish. Jenny giggled at his nervousness and raised a hand to toy with the buttons at his shirt. Her expression while seeming innocent enough held playful eyes that traced over his form in a lustful manor.

"Maybe not... but things change right?" Her big deep green eyes looked up to him as she drew even closer to him. Her fingers moved up his chest to tap on his chin before lightly tracing his lips. Her actions set his mind to ease that his attentions would not be regarded as too forward.

Erik gently placed a hand on her knee loving the feel of her beneath those stockings. Slowly his hand traveled up her thigh until it reached the hem of her short dress. All the while their eyes had been locked upon each other in a conversation of shared wants.

Erik's other hand went to cup the side of Jenny's face slowly pulling her to him. Lips tasting of wine met in a slow first kiss as his hand moving to the back of her head to be buried in red waves to hold her to him. The kiss did not break but intensified as lips parted to allow tongues to meet and taste.

Jenny set to work slowly unbuttoning his shirt revealing toned muscles and smooth tanned skin. His hand at her thigh slipped under the hem of her dress to slowly move to feel the tops of her stockings. With his hand moving up her dress had been pushed up so that when he finally broke the kiss his eyes beheld the tops of her milky white thighs held in black lace. His eyes filled with a fiery lust looked down at her as his voice huskily whispered, "You are the most sexy woman I have ever seen."

With that his lips dipped down to her neck licking and kissing. The hand that once held the back of her head slid down to press her back, holding her to him tightly. Her hand went to the back of his neck entangling fingers in his long hair and urging his lips in their endeavors. Jenny's other hand pushed his shirt out of the way until fingertips brushed over his nipples lightly. A soft moan was voiced against her neck as she felt his teeth rake against her skin.

"Oh god..." whispered breathlessly from her lips as his hand on her thigh reached down and under her leg to cup her ass firmly. With his hands at her back and ass Erik easily lifted Jenny up and placed her on his lap. She quickly pulled at her dress raising it so that her legs could straddle his and she could sit facing him. Ravenously hungry kisses came as lips met again.

Hands groped, feeling for flesh both clothed and naked. Erik drove his tongue deep into her warm mouth as his hands lowered the zipper to her dress. Jenny backed off from the kiss pulling her dress up over taught stomach and yanking it over full mounds. She threw her dress down and sat straight on his lap. Erik looked up and down her now black thin lace bra covered breasts to her black lace covered womanhood.

The rise in the bulge at his pants was very considerable as she shook her hair back so it wouldn't hide her from his gaze. His hands slowly cupped around her large breasts, thumbs stroking at nipples that poked up under lace covering. Jenny bit her bottom lip savoring his touch and the hardening of her nipples.

Erik slid a finger up to her shoulder and tucked it under the strap of her bra. Slowly he pulled it down repeating that action on the other shoulder. Lowering his lips to her collarbone he kissed his way across her chest and then back to the valley between her breasts. His tongue licked down into that valley as far as the lace would allow. In a quick motion he had released the catch of her bra at her back and watched as it fell away. Now her breasts stood out naked and pointing to him. The light pink of areolas wrinkled into darker pink peaks of nipples that he eagerly took first one side then the other into his mouth.

Jenny moaned and sighed at his sucking her breasts so intently. Her hips had met his as she slowly ground her lace into his pants. She felt his rock hard erection on the sensitive folds of her moistening womanhood as he continued lavishing attention on her breasts.

"Please... oh... I have to do something." She sat back on him, her longing eyes meeting his slightly bewildered blues. She looked down as if to direct his gaze to where her hands were working to free his cock from his khaki pants. Nimble fingers worked until his pulsing manhood was able to stand out throbbing at her. His slightly harder breathing told of his want of her fingers to continue stroking his hardness.

Slowly Jenny slid her body down until her lips rested hovering above bulbous head. The feel of her hot breath was enough to send his head falling back on the couch behind him and his fingers intertwining in her hair. Soft lips kissed the top of the head sending shivers through Erik spine.

"Oh god..."

He breathed heavily as her mouth slowly engulfed his erection. Her tongue swirled and played around his thickness as she moaned approval at his growing hardness. Her eyes widened as he began to sink down on him. He was very long and thick so in no time her mouth was full of hot throbbing manhood. She pushed past any reflexes to let him slide down her throat some. Even then there was enough of his cock left for three fingers to wrap around and pump.

Erik was slipping into heavenly bliss as the half naked beauty began to slowly bob and suck on his cock. He could feel her breasts bump into his thighs each time she went down and when he raised his head to watch her he saw her heart shaped firm ass stuck up in the air. He groaned as she worked on him a bit harder now, going as deep as she could on his 9 inches while tightening her suction around him. Seeing her ass, clad in black lace and stuck up as it was he licked his lips and had an idea.

"I'm gonna move babe... move with me."

He placed his hands on her sides to help guide her as he slid to the side and lay down on the floor at the foot of the couch. She moved so that she didn't stop her sucking him as he spread out his legs beside her then leaned back. His hands to her sides urged her to turn around so that his hands could slide to her legs and guide them to straddle his chest. When she complied all while happily sucking his cock, Erik pulled her ass back and down some until his tongue met her lace covered pussy.

Jenni knew she was dripping wet and when his tongue touched her soaked panties she jumped and moaned. She shuddered and widened the stance of her knees to place her pussy closer to his lips. Erik tongued her panties once more drinking in the flavor of her then burred his nose in the wet fabric as well.

His hands reached up and deftly ripped away the moist lace that stood in his way of devouring her. She whimpered at his show of strength and lust stopping her efforts for a moment of sheer pleasure as his tongue drove into her wet folds. Erik wasted no time in seeking out her clit and sucking on it while flicking that bud with his tongue. Jenni grinded her hips on his face and nearly swallowed his cock in response to his 69 attack.


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