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Good Girl vs. Slut Ch. 17

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Mandy wants to tag along.
15.4k words

Part 17 of the 19 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 08/30/2008
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***All characters are over 18***

"I don't know, Mandy...are you really sure this is the best thing to do?" Trisha was skeptical.

Mandy nodded, pulling a strand of short blonde hair away from her face. "It's the only thing to do, Trish. I have to!"

The two cheerleaders shut their lockers together, ready to head to English class. Trisha's frilled pink miniskirt swished against her slender legs, the frills stopping around her thighs, just inches from showing off her cute butt. The petite brunette was carrying her books pressed against her chest, and they were pushing against her 32C-cup breasts, so that they strained and swelled out of her lacy tank top, two perky mounds that rode high on her slim frame and swayed slightly with each step Trisha took. She was used to walking to class with Britney, and that usually meant that they were always late. Along with the fact that Trisha was several inches shorter than the head cheerleader, she was used to running flat out through the halls to keep up with Britney as they raced to their classrooms, heels clacking and miniskirts flopping. But Mandy was a good student, always on time, and the two girls were almost the same height; barely five feet tall. So they could take their time.

"I know that's what you think, Mandy. But I...I just don't know if Jon's going to see it the same way. What if he gets mad?"

Mandy sighed. "Well...I guess he might. But I just can't keep this a secret any longer. I was up all night worrying about it, Trisha!"

The blonde slid her thumbs through the straps of her backpack, deep in thought. Mandy's outfit, as always, was much more conservative than Trisha's miniskirt and tank top; she was wearing jeans and a T-shirt. But even in the last few days, Trisha had noticed a few changes in her friend. Mandy now walked a little more upright and poised then before, and while before she would always blush when boys looked or grinned at her, she would now wave or even offer a flirty smile back. She didn't look any different on the outside, but Trisha could tell that Mandy, no longer a virgin, was getting more confident about everything related to boys and sex.

"Okay," Trisha said. "So walk me through this again. You were supposed to meet him at his house at eight, but you thought it was seven."

"Right." Mandy's blonde hair bobbed as she nodded.

"So Amanda gave you a ride early, and you saw Nicole walking out of his house just then."


"And he said she was just there to get some help on Biology?"

"Well, at first he was just like nothing was wrong. But then I demanded to know why she was there." Mandy sighed, blushing. "I know...I was a stupid, jealous girlfriend. But I mean, thatiskind of suspicious, isn't it?"

"Yeah," Trisha agreed. "It is."

"So anyway, I demanded to know why she was there, and he said they were just like working on a worksheet together or something. And then we got into this big discussion, and he told me that he would never think of lying to me, that he always tells me everything. He said he never keeps anything from me."

"So what did you say?"

The blonde shook her head. "I didn't say anything then. But I couldn't stop thinking about it all night. I mean, if he tells me everything, then I should tell him everything too, right? And that includes what we did in that bookstore. You know...practicing blowjobs on those guys."

" really trust him? About Nicole and all that?"

Mandy didn't even hesitate. "He's my boyfriend. Of course I trust him. And I want him to trust me too!"

Trisha nodded. "Yeah, I know, but...what if he gets mad at you? I mean, you and I know that you really just wanted to learn some stuff, that it was all about being better for him. But what if he doesn't see it that way?"

Mandy was chewing on a piece of her short blonde hair, an old habit, deep in thought. "I don't know...I'm worried about that too. I'll just have to find some way to explain it to him, right? I mean, my intentions were good!"

"I guess so, but..."

"Hey, Trish!"

The two cheerleaders had just arrived at their classroom, and at the sound of her name the brunette turned. It was Britney, in a pair of denim shorts and a halter top, her stiletto boots clacking as she walked towards them. Trisha quickly put a sweet smile on her face, but her insides were boiling. She hadn't forgotten the sight of Britney fucking Dan in her kitchen, behind her back, barely an hour after she had left the head cheerleader's house, teary and humiliated.I can't believe she's still acting like she's my friend, like she didn't do anything wrong! But I got back at her...

"Hi Britney," Trisha said sweetly. "What's up?"

"You left your purse at my house, hun. You really didn't notice until now?"

Of course she had noticed; that was why she had gone back to Britney's house in the first place, and had ended up catching her in the act.I almost want to tell her about last night...about whimpering and bucking in handcuffs on Dan's table, about letting him and five other guys fuck me in his apartment. Just to see her face!But instead she feigned surprise.

"Really? Oh man...I'm such a ditz. Thanks a lot, Brit!"

"No problem. Can you bring me mine tomorrow?"

"Of course!" Trisha chirped.Yeah...whatever!

"Thanks. Hey, you want to do something tonight?" Britney was leaning casually against the wall, as sexy and confident as ever, her gorgeous legs stretched out, catching the eye of every guy who passed them.

"Oh, um..." Trisha thought quickly. "I...can't tonight, Britney, sorry! I'm doing something with Mandy." Her best friend caught on just as quickly, and she nodded too.

"Oh, okay." Britney shrugged. "Some other time, then. See ya!" And then the class slut strode off, her long hair cascading across her slim back, her ass wiggling in her tight shorts.

"Wow," Mandy whispered as they watched her leave. "I can't believe her. She's acting like nothing's wrong!"

Trisha smiled at her friend as the two petite girls walked into the classroom. She could always count on Mandy for support, even in something like hating someone together. "I know." The cheerleaders took their seats at their desks, Trisha carefully adjusting her miniskirt over her slim thighs.

"Still, though..." Mandy said, sounding concerned. "Are you sure it was a good idea to go see Dan again?"

Trisha shuddered slightly at the thought, remembering the way she was passed around by half a dozen men, the feeling of having a cock plunged into her cunt and her mouth at the same time, of being covered with cum from men who had paid to fuck her. At first she was overwhelmed with shame, but then she felt herself tingling with pleasure, thinking about the feeling of those hard cocks powering into her, of the lust in their eyes as they ravished her together, grabbing and groping her dainty body. "Yes," she said, smiling back at Mandy. "I'm glad I did it. It was totally worth it."

Mandy's face remained concerned for a few seconds, but at last she smiled and let out a giggle. "Geez, Trish...I'll better make sure to never go behind your back like Britney!"

Trisha giggled too. "Oh, Mandy...I know you never would!"


That afternoon, Trisha was lounging on her bed, reading for History, when the phone rang. The young cheerleader was lying on the stomach, propped on her elbows, her perky tits pressed against the bedspread, the frills of her miniskirt resting on the slight curve of her ass, so that her panties just barely peeked out the bottom. She had tied her long, wavy brown hair into a ponytail that now dangled down her slim, arched back. Trisha waited for the ringing to stop, assuming that her parents would answer it. But a second later, there was a knock at her bedroom door.

"Trisha, honey?" It was her mother.

"Yeah, mom?"

"Phone for you."

The petite cheerleader hopped off the bed, straightening her skirt as she thanked her mom and put the phone to her ear. But before she could even say anything, she heard a loud sniff, and then the sound of someone blowing their nose.


"Trisha!!" It was Mandy. She was clearly crying, her voice weepy and interrupted by constant sniffs and sobs.

"Mandy! What...w-what's wrong?"

"Oh, were right! I should have listened to you! I'm such an idiot!"

Trisha held the phone closer to her ear, standing in the middle of her bedroom, struggling to hear through Mandy's sobs. Her friend was almost impossible to understand. "Right about what? I...I don't understand."

"About Jon!" Mandy wailed. "I...I just couldn't h-help it. I told him a-about that afternoon in the bookstore...w-when you taught me about blowjob..."

Trisha sighed.Oh no...

"And he got mad!" she sobbed. "He s-said it was like cheating! He said I had no idea whose dick I was sucking!"

Well...he's kind of right, isn't he? I mean, that was the point! Why did she tell him??"And then what?"

"A-and then he said he couldn't believe I had done that and he hung up!!! And he wouldn't answer any of my calls!!"

"Mandy..." Trisha's heart went out to her friend. "I'm so sorry..."

"No..." Mandy sniffled, her voice getting so weak that for a moment, it was barely a whisper. "No, there's more..."

Uh oh..."Oh...okay, go on..."

"W-well..." Mandy paused to sniff. "I drove over to his house, right? Because I justhadto talk to him! I couldn't let us end things like that!"

Trisha nodded. "Right. And then...?"

"I...I tried to call him when I got to his street, but he still wouldn't answer! And when I rang the doorbell no one answered! But I...I knew he was home 'cause I was just talking to him!" Mandy gulped. " I tried to sneak into his bedroom..."

"Oh, Mandy! You didn't!"

But Mandy didn't even hear Trisha, and she kept plowing on with her story. "And then, I saw that his light was on, so I was trying to get his attention and I peeked in through the window, and...and..."

"And...what?" Trisha's eyes widened as she sat on her bed, the phone plastered to her cheek.

"He...he was there...and he was...he was..."

"He was what??" Trisha shouted, unable to control herself.

"Oh,Trisha! He was...f-f..." Mandy stuttered now, unable to get out the word. "f-fucking Nicole! I was right! I was right the entire time!"

Trisha gasped. That certainly wasn't what she expected. "Oh my God! I don't believe it"What an asshole!

Mandy's voice was now louder than before, wild and frantic. "B-but Trisha...what if I drove him to her?? What if he always wanted to be with her, but he was faithful to me...until I told him about..."

"No!" Trisha stopped her. "Don't you see, Mandy? He was cheating on you the whole time! You were the only honest tried to do the right thing! And he took advantage of you!"First Britney, and now Jon... why does everyone have to lie to everyone else??

Mandy's sniffles came through slowly. "W-what...? You...really think?"

"Of course!" Trisha shouted. "Don't think that any of this is your fault, Mandy!"

There was a long pause on Mandy's side of the line. Then, suddenly, the blonde's voice came back, fiery and angry. "You''re right! I can't believe him! You're totally right, Trisha!"

The petite cheerleader nodded, fingering her miniskirt as she listened. "You're better off without him!"

"Yeah!" Mandy replied, her voice rising now. "I'm a million times better off without him! I'm...I can't believe him!" Trisha's friend was no longer sniffling; now she was sputtering in her anger. "He...he was cheating on me with Nicole the entire time...and he thought I couldn't be with anyone else? He thought I could only give him a blowjob?? No way!! I'll show him, Trisha! I'll show him he doesn't deserve me!"

Trisha nodded again, smiling. "Good for you, Mandy!"

Mandy kept rambling, as if Trisha wasn't even there. "I...I'll show him I can sleep with whoever I want too!"

"Good! Serves him right!"

"Yeah!" Mandy was now speaking in a blur, frantic and livid. "He'll see! Maybe...maybe I'll sleep with the first guy I see! Or maybe...I'll go back to that store and give out some more blowjobs! Or..."

There was another pause, and Trisha flopped down on her bed as she waited, for so long that she wondered if something had happened. But just as she was about to say something, Mandy's voice came back, and this time it had a different, darker tone to it.

"No, Trisha, I have an even better idea! Remember when we were talking about Dan earlier today? I want you to call him tonight, too! And...I want to go with you!"

Trisha jolted upright.Wait...what??"Um...h-hold on a minute, Mandy. Let's not get carried away. I don't know if that's a good idea."

"No, Trish," Mandy's voice was completely steady now. "it's a great idea! You've told me how Dan always uses you like a he makes you do all these dirty, nasty things! I'm going to do them too! I'm going to show Jon how dirty I can really be!"

What? This is crazy!!"Mandy...wait...two weeks ago you were a virgin! I don't...I think you should think about this a little bit."God...I've been hanging out with Britney for months, I'm a complete slut, and even I'm ashamed of the things Dan's done to me! Getting fucked together by a group of strangers...letting everyone watch while two men plunge their cocks into me together...what makes Mandy think she could handle that? She's crazy!

"No," Mandy said again. "No, I'm sure about this, Trisha. I'm going to head over to your house, okay? Call Dan. I'll see you soon."

"Mandy! Mandy, wait!" Trisha yelped in panic. But then she heard a dial tone. Mandy had already hung up.

Trisha jumped up off her bed, ignoring the fact that her miniskirt was rumpled halfway up her ass, pacing around her bedroom in fright, staring at the carpet, trying desperately to think. At last, the cheerleader stopped in front of her mirror, and looked up. She saw her own reflection in the mirror; a petite brunette, eighteen years old and barely five feet tall, looking just as cute and sweet as usual, with her perky tits thrust out and her slender legs on display underneath her skirt. The little body in the mirror had been ravished and abused so many times by Dan; the tight pussy under her miniskirt had been pumped and drilled by countless cocks in the lifeguard's apartment. Trisha had subjected herself to enough hard poundings from Dan to know what to expect.But bringing Mandy along?? That's out of the question! Dan's already corrupted me...he's already got me addicted to the way he fucks me, the way he treats me like a whore! But...not Mandy! No way!

Trisha sighed, shaking her head, sending her long brown hair flopping around her pouty cheeks.I'll...I'll just have to talk her out of it! I can do that...right?


But only an hour later, Trisha found herself standing on Dan's porch, next to Mandy. Trisha paused in front of Dan's door, holding her breath, closing her eyes and listening to the night air. She had had this feeling before, in this exact spot: the feeling that this was a terrible idea, that she should just go home before it was too late. This time, she was surer than ever. But somehow, here she was. Somehow, instead of changing Mandy's mind, she had arrived at the lifeguard's apartment with her friend in tow.

She turned to stare at the blonde, standing next to her on the balcony. Mandy's outfit was borrowed entirely from Trisha's wardrobe; a white blouse tied up around her naval, exposing her friend's impressively slim, taut stomach, and a checkered miniskirt. The skirt's hem ended in frills that stopped at the tops of Mandy's thighs, and her legs looked even more slender than usual in sheer white stockings and a pair of Trisha's black stiletto heels. Not used to the heels, Mandy had tripped and wobbled her way from the car to Dan's apartment building, but even so the blonde had finished off her slutty-schoolgirl look by putting her short blonde hair up into a pair of pigtails that bobbed briskly in the air with each of her steps. As she stood on the balcony, Trisha couldn't help admitting that Mandy looked fantastic; a dainty blonde, showing off her petite, teenage figure, looking so innocent and sweet and yet dressed so naughty at the same time.And that just makes things worse! These guys are going to pounce all over her as soon as they see her: an eighteen-year-old blonde, cute and all dolled up!

"What are you waiting for?" Mandy said, staring at her friend with a determined look on her face.

" I just thought that...maybe we could think this over..."

Mandy quickly shook her head, sending the pigtails flopping. "No way, Trisha. Just knock. I'm ready."

Mandy had been so fierce and angry at Trisha's house. Her vindictive side was brand new to Trisha, and it frightened her. The petite brunette had prepared a whole speech for Mandy, ready to tell her friend that there was absolutely no way she would take her, that Mandy wasn't thinking things through, that she was just doing this for revenge and she would regret it as soon as she got there. But the blonde had shown up refusing to back down, her face flushed with determination, her blue eyes steely and fierce. In Trisha's room, her friend raged and yelled, demanding the sluttiest outfits to wear to Dan's, ignoring Trisha even as she desperately tried to get a word in. And before she knew it, she was driving Mandy to Dan's apartment in her car.

"Mandy, I'm just can't imagine what it's like to..."

"No!" Mandy's voice was higher than usual, and she fiercely shook her head again. "Just knock, Trisha!"

The cheerleader gulped, and she finally obeyed. Dan opened the door only a second later, his breath smelling of alcohol, grinning down at the two petite girls. "Come on in, sweethearts," he smirked.

Last night, when Trisha had arrived, the men had been lounged casually around the apartment, waiting for her. But news of her wild, nasty gang-bang must have spread since then, because with a sinking feeling Trisha saw that the room was much more full than yesterday, and this time they were all eagerly edging towards the doorway in a crowd, fighting to see the new arrivals.

They weren't disappointed. As she and Mandy stepped inside and Dan closed the door, Trisha could almost feel their eyes widening with delight as they drank in the sight: two high school cheerleaders, both of them barely five feet tall, looking just as young and cute as the lifeguard had promised. Mandy was every guy's schoolgirl fantasy come to life, her tied-up shirt tight around her slim chest and baring her tapered waist, her checkered miniskirt barely covering her ass. Trisha, submitting to Mandy's demands, had slipped into a short, red strapless dress, wrapped tight around her petite figure. Her perky tits strained against the fabric, two round, ample mounds that seemed just moments away from popping out of the dress's low-cut top. The material hugged every inch of the curve of Trisha's waist, the arch of her back and her firm ass, the hem just an inch away from revealing a peek of her thong. The cheerleader suddenly jolted as she felt Dan's hands on her slim back, and she realized that he was fingering the tie on the back of her dress, teasing his fingers through the single bow; he was relishing the knowledge that with a single pull, he could undo the tie of her dress and let it sag down Trisha's braless chest and slim frame.

"Well, Trisha," he smirked. "Aren't you going to introduce your friend?"

Trisha turned to look at Mandy, and her heart sank. It was just as she had expected. The blonde's gritty, determined look had been wiped clean and replaced by widened eyes and a frightened expression. She watched as her friend instinctively tried to tug the short miniskirt down over more of her slim thighs, ashamed of her skimpy outfit, trying to cover herself against the leers and grins of all the men in the room. But every bit that she pulled it down only revealed more of her taut stomach, and after a few more tugs the straps of the blonde's thong peeked out of the top. Mandy noticed them instantly, and with a soft gasp she quickly stopped played with her skirt, instead planting her arms straight by her sides, mortified.I tried to warn her!Trisha thought.It's one thing to think about fucking a bunch of guys to get back at someone...but it's totally different to actually be in the room, to see their hungry faces, ready to tear off your clothes... Why didn't she listen to me? couplings/i feel your cock throbing between my thighsFuck and breed me uncle. Sex stories .com ("nude families"a study in 05"literotica story tag""literotica crossdressing"literotica daughter bikiniFucking my son when husband was awayerotic storiesunfulfilled mom taboo sexstoriesIncest with mom and sister,cousins,aunts storiesBecoming a lesbian slave ch.03 litarotic storiemarriage ch. 2 dreamcloud"literotica femdom""mother son sex stories""dont cum in me"literotica Jaw wired shutlyricsmaster.ruLiteroica gay bulging underwear strippedliterorica"literotica bdsm"blasherberrystay with me son taboo sexstories"accidental anal"family cum slut literoticialiterotica tickle curse/s/a-lost-bet-ch-01"forced gangbang""sister sex stories"literioica marathiদাদার চোদা/ অগ্নি"free incest stories""breast expansion comic"handjob air literoti aliroticaLesbian orphanage sex storiesDharma11 wifeloversplease fuck me, uncle Randy "big dicks"litteroticadezurtdawg"mom literotica"sutha annium nanumwife dressed as christmas elf story litarotica.comcontrol groping harem litero"creampie eating""literotica bully"Grey_Lion_Short_Talesdescent into debauchery nicci"literotica creampie"The kristen archives brothers 4 incherprue kissed phoebe fanfictionQueen yavara chapter 47Martin Coronation Street sex cock"lesbian sex stories"pornbimbosekreto ng mag ina incestyour cock head growing harder inside my ass- Erotic Couplings -"family nude""literotica massage"“Meetup IRL Pt. 02”Mommy the family cunt muncher literotic/stories/memberpage.php?uid=1200914jonmartin22gay time stop stories literoticaliterorica orgy virusslut mommie ch.4Hanging with mr cooper xxx incest storiesliterotica "spasming womb"pussy worship hypnosis audioasstr pregnant surrogatehugging my mom taboo sexstories"literotica loving wives"Litereotica nonconsent laxativeprince and princess taboo sexstoriesliteorica new warden"cfnm beach"yshomatsuLiterotica "doesn't cover anything"literoitca"literotica incest""chastity literotica""gloryhole literotica"chat-avenue/s/sitting-on-my-sons-lap/comment/8831770burningangelBending housemaid on the kitchen table and banging her lesbian, 30 yrs. Unfaithful"young sluts"literotica stepdaughter lavender aroma"literotica femdom"Taken in the Shower (Erotic Nonconsent, Forced Sex, BDSM, and Rape Storieswifes big tits have too much milk literotica"lite erotica"literticafucking mom in the open fields taboo sexstoriesபால் literotica"transformation literotica"