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Gotta Pay the Piper Ch. 27


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"Okay, I have to admit, I really do not understand it." I said, "But it sounds like you do not want to change anything. You want to stay here as my slave."

Sonya smiled. "Yep, until my collar comes off, I want to stay here as your slave. Here I have your protection." She smiled sheepishly and then boldly sat up and said, "If you really want to do me a favor, I want you to promise me you will NEVER sell me or send me away unless I betray you in such a manner I deserve it." Sonya grinned. "I'll never do that, of course. Will you promise to keep me here as your slave?"

I had to laugh. I was being manipulated to make a promise I had no obligation to keep except my word. I made the promise. "You want us to stay here today? Or I could send Charlene to work and I spend the day with you." 'HEY!' Charlene protested loudly. I grinned and told them to go to work. I knew Sonya had planned to move Charlene from the warehouse and start her working in the office. She wanted to take advantage of Charlene's under-utilized degree.

I wondered for a few minutes if I would bored being on my own. That amused me. As a young man I'd spent a few years on my own, until drawn out of my shell by Christine and years later, by this group of slaves with Lenore. I never did well living by myself. Now I found I also had a purpose I had not had in the years since I lost Christine.

The creative juices were flowing once again. I had some ideas for new programs, which was my forte. I felt good about my life as I walked down the hall to my office.

I got hours of programming in before I heard the first of the girls arrive mid-afternoon. Rene, Carol, Angie and Robin all arrived at once. I had made it clear they needed to stay close to keep each other safe. They all shared one class. Angie, having to drop out the previous semester, was making up a couple she'd missed. She'd decided to take one class with Rene and Carol. "Can you believe the amount of reading, we have to do already?" Angie groused.

I did not think they knew I could hear them. I realized that was true when they continued.

"Yeah, and I'd advise you to get on it." Robin said. "You screw up and get bad grades, and you'll be wearing one of these damn chastity belts after getting your butt welted." Angie giggled and said she'd take the spanking but not being able to get off would be terrible. 'No shit! I'd beg Bas to let me out of it for a little while, but I'm sure just asking would mean Lenore would add time." Rene asked if Lenore ever told told her how long she'd be locked up. "Fuck, no! We are gonna stay locked up until she decides we've been punished enough. Sonya unlocks us long enough to check us for problems and let us wash up but then we get locked back up right away. I'm climbing the walls! I knew we were screwed when Lenore took the ring out of Sherrie's clit hood. They did not want to risk her getting infected and she could not do all the cleaning to prevent that. That told me we are gonna stay locked for a while."

"Ask Bas to let you out." Angie suggested. "Offer to suck his cock. He's a nice guy. He gets a kick out of making a girl cum." Rene and Carol laughed.

"Oh yeah, beg him and see how far it gets you. Lenore is the key to getting into the Boss's bed." Rene giggled. "She's the one you need to kiss up to. And, Robin, don't forget to get your butt naked before you get caught. I don't think you want to have your butt reddened tonight."

The girls went to their rooms. I had heard enough and went to the kitchen for a beer and was sitting in the kitchen when the Carol walked in. "Oh, hi, Boss." she said. "Just came in for a drink, and no I am not going to get a beer. I have studying to do. Thought I'd make a pot of tea." I did not act like I'd heard anything of what the girls had discussed. After she got the tea started she said, " Have you heard from my Mom lately?" I told her I had not. "Robin and Marianne are kinda asking me to check with her to see how their Mom is doing. I hope they don't get the idea that how my Mom treats Beth is my responsibility." I asked her how they could think that. "Well, maybe not my responsibility, but they know you rented their mother to mine. They think I can just call and check on her. I would not call Mom without your explicit permission beforehand."

"Good. You can blame it on me that I have not given you permission to talk to your Mom." I said. "It's not that I am trying to be mean, but it is the same as my not allowing visitation. I like to keep our household affairs mostly private. I allowed Sonya, Rene, and you to go home over the holidays as a reward for good work. Okay?"

Carol said, "Oh, yeah. That is perfectly okay." Then she giggled. "Not like I could say otherwise. But it is perfectly understandable. You are the boss, BOSS! Oh, hey, speaking of that, how about you ordering me to your bed sometime soon for a little booty call?" Carol grinned and shimmied her body. She had removed her bra and her nipples poked out the fabric of her tshirt as her tits wiggled."We are gonna be studying really hard but I know I could use a study break." I told her I'll think about it. She smiled and took her cup of tea back to her room. "We are gonna get a little studying done before we start supper. Robin and I are on cooking detail tonight." As I watched her leave, she wiggled her ass a little more and walked out laughing.

The house was quiet again so I went back to my own work. I'd propped the door open so I could hear down the hall. Richard and Marianne were the next to arrive home. "You are walking on thin ice. Don't push me!" I heard Richard say. Marianne huffed loudly and told him he was being unfair and he should consider her feelings. "I warned you. You just earned yourself a spanking." Richard said. I could hear the gasp of shock all the way down the hall. "Get your clothes off and fold them. You know you are supposed to be naked at home. Now, I've been nice and let you wear skirts to hide your chastity belt. I am thinking about giving you a choice for tomorrow. A skirt that might show welts on your thighs or pants that might show a little bulge in front."

Marianne began to protest how he should be taking care of her rather than being so mean and how she has always looked out for his needs and wants. "I told you to be quiet but you had to run your mouth. Three of our friends stood laughing as you gave me a hard time and one even asked me why I couldn't control my girl especially with her being a collared slave." Marianne obviously knew she was in trouble and protested he answered back and stopped the teasing. "Yeah, they would have liked to see me bend you over and spank you right there. I told them Mr Hebert warned me not to bare your butt and spank you at school as it would be 'disruptive'. But you and I both know Mr Hebert would not mind a bit if I took you to the office and paddled your butt there. Over your clothes or on your bare ass."

Marianne changed tactics. "Please, Rich. You know how sore my butt is after the way those girls whipped me raw the whole weekend! I can barely sit down now! Please don't make it worse." she pleaded, her voice changing timbre. I wondered if Richard was going to relent. He didn't.

"Oh, your butt is going to be far worse off. I imagine you are going to find it even more difficult to sit down over the next couple days." Richard answered hotly. "I warned you to stop, TWICE. You kept running your mouth about how you wanted to talk to your mom. I told you neither Bas nor Mr Hebert thought that was a good idea, but you could not accept that and kept arguing, AND in front of our classmates. How do you think that made me look?" Richard asked. I could hear the anger in his voice. "Don't shrug like you don't know or don't care! You WILL care once I've peppered your butt. I just have to wait until Sonya gets home to ask her for a key to your belt. I want an open shot at your butt without the straps in the way. And ONE word out of your mouth is gonna get you welts down your thighs with the switch. I'm going to get a snack and then start my reading."

I could hear Marianne whimper and half sob. I listened, but did not hear anything else from her or Richard. I walked down the hallway to find Richard walking out of the kitchen with an apple in his hand. "Hey, Uncle Bas!" he greeted me. "Can you give me the key to Marianne's belt or do I need to wait for Sonya?" I told him I could get a key from the small safe in the kitchen. I was referring to the handgun safe we kept in the kitchen. Sonya had access to that one so we kept one set of keys to the chastity belts there but of course, no weapon. Sometimes the credit card we used for household expenses was locked up as well, but more often than not, it was in a kitchen drawer where girls could be sent to the store without major fanfare.

I asked him why he wanted the key and joked that it would be easier and more private to get a quick blowjob if he wanted sex. I saw his expression change as he realized I'd heard his conversation. "No, I am gonna spank Marianne's butt. She would not listen to me and argued when I told her she could not go talk to Beth. I'm gonna impress on her butt, if not her mind, that she needs to listen to me." I glanced over at Marianne, whose face was bright red as she stood trembling. She began to realize her power over Richard was waning.

While I unlocked the small safe to get the key, Carol and Robin arrived to start dinner preparation. "I met your brother and sister today, Carol." Richard announced. "I'd seen them around but did not know who they were. They introduced themselves to me outside the school office." Carol asked how they knew who Richard was. "Well, I think everybody in the school knows me now as the guy who brings his slave girl to school. They told me they drive Beth to work every morning. Did you know she is going to work in the school office? Well, today was the first day. They were not too happy with having to wait around until Beth is finished. They said at the end of the school day they are to ask Mr Hebert to see if Beth was free to go or if he was going to give her a ride home. They asked how you were doing. I just said you were starting classes."

"Thanks, Rich." Carol said. "Dave and Tori were both very interested in how things worked around here. They won't be eighteen until next summer but that does not mean they aren't interested in sex and what happens to sex slaves." I broke in to say she was a student slave, not a sex slave. "You know what I mean. They both grilled me on what my life was like. Mom told me to be honest but not sexually graphic. That was pretty hard. How do you describe you can be used sexually whenever your owner wants without being graphic? Or that you can be stripped and punished at any time? Not that I am complaining about my treatment! I am happy here." She was quick to add this last bit. "I imagine they hate having their time taken up having to drive Beth back and forth and not being able to even strip her." Carol giggled. "I know the twins. They are pissed they can't do a thing to Beth because of their age. They have the same attitude everybody else has about slaves."

Richard removed Marianne's chastity belt and patted his lap. He did not even smack her bare butt twice before she began to cry, begging him to be considerate of how bad her bottom was bruised. Richard shook his head, knowing full well she was trying to manipulate him. We all knew her butt had to be sore. That alone should have been enough she would not have risked another punishment, but apparently she had not considered that. Now the issue was brought home. She was bawling before Richard pounded her butt with his bare hand the tenth time. "Okay a half dozen with the paddle and we will be finished." he said.

'No! You can't!" Marianne howled. "I hurt too much." Apparently she had not learned. Carol shook her head and muttered, 'stupid bitch.' 

"Okay, after the EIGHT with the paddle, you'll get five with the switch." Richard said. Marianne bawled and screamed as Richard applied the paddle to her butt with her bent over, her forearms on the chair. Her screams turned strident as he used the dowel rod euphemistically called the 'switch'. He was nice enough to not give her penalty swats for the times she broke position. That did not go unnoticed.

"Girl, you are lucky Rich likes you." Rene offered, coldly. "You broke position and jumped up so many times you'd still be getting your ass welted if anybody else was whipping you. You need to learn. You are a slave, nothing more than a bitch to be fucked and spanked when you fuck up." She turned to Carol who had come in to join the others. "Dave and Tori are missing out. They can't do a thing to Beth but hopefully, they'll learn from us and not screw up their lives." Carol nodded. I could tell their younger siblings had been the topic of earlier conversations.

Marianne was kneeling in the living room, still crying but now locked back into her belt when Sonya and Charlene got home. Sonya asked what the girl had done. Richard explained. As I watched the exchange I noticed Richard automatically deferred to Sonya. He answered her questions and accepted her suggestion that perhaps Marianne had been adequately punished for now. He agreed. The woman was in charge despite her collar. Nobody questioned her authority of being in charge of the household. I grinned to myself as I watched. Was this an acknowledgment of a perceived status the woman had?

Lenore and Sherrie came home, dragging after a hard day at the office. "Damn, Bas, We are up to our asses with cases. We usually have a backlog after the holidays, but his year seems busier than normal." Lenore said. I gave her a quick update of the day's activities. "Sorry, but if Marianne can't learn, her ass will pay. I am too busy to worry about her right now. Give me a day or two and I will handle it." I told her I think Richard was up to the job.

I let things go over dinner. Like we normally did, each person described their day. Despite her sore butt, Marianne got a little defensive when her offense was brought to light. "I just wanted to talk with my mother", she offered, quietly. "I thought it unfair when Rich told me no." The others were not as sympathetic with her plight like she'd hoped.

"Tori told us they were there to check to see if Mom would ride home with them or wait for Mr Hebert." Marianne said. "She even giggled and asked me if I was really locked in a chastity belt. It was so embarrassing. I guess Mom or Ms Lucy told her about our belts." I asked if she knew Tori from before. "Yeah, we both played volleyball on the school team last year. But I was a year ahead so did not have much interaction outside of that. Of course we knew our sisters were friends and planning to be roommates. It was embarrassing for her to grin at me knowing what she might be thinking. I was afraid she might try to feel the belt under my clothes. She acted like she was going to do that." I glanced over at Carol, who was grinning. She knew her sister. I suspected that the girl being underage was the only thing that kept her from messing with Marianne more. I asked if they were not friends since their sisters were. Marianne blushed and stammered. "Well, no. She thought we had a lot in common but she is a year behind me so....." She left the rest unsaid. I suspected Marianne had dismissed the younger girl as not being worthy of her time. I wondered if Marianne now worried that might bite her on the ass.

We went around the table describing our day. Lenore said she and Sherrie were struggling to catch up with the number of cases dumped on them after the holiday. The college girls said they had a lot of studying to do as they were already a week behind in their reading despite having only been in class for a single day. I told the group that Dan Dupree, the contractor I had enlisted to reconstruct my garage area and turn it into living space was going to start the next morning.

"I want the the driveway open for them to bring in their supplies. We'll all park off to the side." I said. "And before a few of you ask, the house nudity rules for those of you involved, stand."

"So will we have extra room for a few more girls, Bas?" Richard asked, trying to keep from grinning. "We have space over at my house now, too." Marianne began to tear. Her shoulders trembled. I suspected Richard had indeed told the girl I had offered to buy another girl or two who he could use sexually.

"I'm considering it." I said. Lenore shot me a look but did not say anything. "The slave sale I like was closed for Christmas and New Years. I heard there was a permit problem that kept them from having a sale this past weekend. I'll bet this next Saturday there will be a full house and maybe some very interesting slaves to consider. After three weeks of not being able to sell a slave the owner did not want, we might make some very good buys. A buyer's market, if you will." Richard grinned and winked. I could tell Lenore was concerned.

"Don't you think we have enough girls?" Lenore asked with a serious expression after taking me to one side. "Our lives are complicated enough." I explained what Richard and I thought of to give Marianne a hard time. "Well, I think we have a full household as it is." Lenore scowled.

"Half our girls are in school." I said. "We don't need the money but a few slaves we could put to work might be a nice addition, like Derek has at the Hacienda." Then I added, sternly. "Richard and I might just go and take a look. We'll see if we find anything interesting."

Lenore's expression changed at my attitude. She immediately changed tack. "Uhh, I did not mean to try to tell you what to do." she apologized. "I was approached today with a proposal. It is going to take some major private discussion between us before I accept. Of course, I'll need your full support."

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

As suggested by you( Gamblnluck) that two or more chapters are almost ready and awaited for posting.

The story line a excellent balance of judicial slavery details intertwined with sex ( though most of sex left to the readers imagination ). hope you are back to active writing an provide us the thrilling followup on this story line.

JeanCFNMJeanCFNM7 months ago

I found these entertaining. well written and the sex was unimportant just needed to explain much of the details of judicial slavery, Do hope you continue. But as a writer i know how it can dry up on you.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Eagerly awaiting the updates on the story. Its well written and detailed dystopian world with right amount of sex and plot.

Will be very interesting to have Dr. Merge receiving her way of slave treatment in your typical settings.

Also interested to read any new story line in the same world. Read both Slave camp and this story two times.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Eagerly awaiting the follow-on chapters. Its a well nit dystopian world with fine details. Expecting to have some action on Dr Merge ( she should get what she gives) in some form , by Lenore or otherwise.

Except the some brutal depiction on Lenore ex-husband, the story line is very engaging and erotic. Pl keep the Male dominating stories in this world. read the Slave camp story already two times ( once after reading the gotta pay piper).

Carnes8004Carnes8004about 1 year ago

2 months and still waiting. But I will wait, unless you join the Patreon scamer group.

Carnes8004Carnes8004about 1 year ago

I just finished reading the chapters a third time. I am glad you advised us as to to the next chapter. To my amazement I have found that a few authors have too many fingers in the fire and don't care they are causing reads to drift away to other areas. Some PURPOSELY hold back finished chapters up to 6 or 7 months. I presume they think are achieving something if they sit their arse in front of a computer 24/7 and bang away at a keyboard. COVID restrictions are gone. My advice? Writing is a recreation, and get back in the work force. Do something to help the world get back on it's feet. Thank you again, Gamblnluck.

GamblnluckGamblnluckabout 1 year agoAuthor

Just to let people know, this story is not over. I have another chapter or two mostly written but needing 'tweaking'. I just got distracted by my 'Mother owns me" story. That and going out of the country for a few weeks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

You know I value myself and my time. I read 26 chapters with sadly no ending. Just so you know I don’t give ratings till I get to the end . So instead of 27 5 stars you’re gonna receive 26 3 stars for wasting my time. Another words without and ending pI’ve made it a waste of your time too !!!!!!!! I respect your talent why don’t you respect my time ?

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