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Guardian Program Ch. 25

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Game night. Who invited Molly? Jessie makes her move.
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Part 26 of the 41 part series

Updated 05/24/2024
Created 03/05/2024
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Guardian Program Ch. 25

A novel by R.C.PeterGabriel, all rights reserved.

The rest of the week went by quickly. Jessie came into the bedroom every morning and informed us breakfast was ready. The three of us would eat, then I would head for my office. Jessie would knock and come in a few hours later, either bringing me lunch or making me come out to eat. Then I would work some more and Jessie or Toni would tell me dinner was ready.

After dinner, Toni would refuse to let me back in the office, and the three of us would do something together before Toni would drag me off to force herself on me. Of course, she didn't have to put much force into it. She also expertly avoided the subject of what she wanted to tell me after I returned from Europe each time I tried to bring it up.

Sam and I spoke at least once a day, but she called me Thursday morning to tell me that she had been called back to Washington and to ask if it was okay for her to go. We talked for about thirty minutes. I found that I was missing her as much as she was missing me. The only difference was that I had the distractions of family. I promised to take her to Kisumu, Kenya on Tuesday of the next week, but reminded her that I had to be back before my birthday the following Monday.

By Friday, Toni was nearly insatiable and wanted to cancel the card game with the Clemons. I told her that if she couldn't survive a few hours without an orgasm, she needed to seek help. She laughed and said that my help with achieving one was exactly what she was asking for. Then she got a mischievous look in her eye and said I might be surprised to find out what she would do to achieve one.

I returned the challenge by bringing her to the edge and keeping her there. I finally took pity on her around 01:30 in the afternoon, and let her cum.

At 17:30 and a few seconds, I heard Jessie let Bill, and Debra in the front door. She stuck her head into my office to let me know they were there. I had only managed to work for a few hours due to Toni insisting on the extended 'nooner' but I was looking forward to the distraction and hurried my phone call, sent two e-mails, and called it a day.

I made my way into the kitchen and found everyone milling around talking. After greeting our guests, I washed up and retrieved the fixings for my 'Gut Buster Burgers'. A third pound of ground meat with minced onion, and a touch of smoky BBQ sauce blended in, three strips of crisp bacon, an egg over-easy, Swiss cheese, lettuce, tomato, and mayo, all on a butter-toasted bun. Neither Jessie nor Toni could eat a whole one.

I had put the bacon on and rolled out four patties when Bill started handing out shots. He said he'd been trying out some new liquors, and wanted our opinion of a blend he had come up with. It had a cream base and tasted of nutmeg, but had the fire of cinnamon. I was okay with the taste but found it somewhat confusing on the palate, and asked if he had any more.

He produced a hip flask and refilled my shot glass about half full, explaining that he had only brought enough for a taste. If I liked it, he'd make more and bring it over. I decided I could take or leave it and would stick with beer for dinner.

Fifteen minutes later we were seated and eating. The evening's laughter had started with a conversation about the week's episode of the Big Bang Theory. I hadn't seen it yet but Toni's impersonation of Penny was hilarious.

After dinner, Jessie said she was meeting up with some friends and excused herself. The rest of us moved to the card table, where Debra produced a pair of paper sacks. She explained that since we always spent the first half hour deciding on the game and the stakes, she put the names of ten different card games in one sack and our names in the other. The person whose name was drawn would determine the stakes.

She shook the sacks several times and had me draw out one of the folded slips of paper. I unfolded it to find Toni's name. Bill drew out of the other sack and stated we would be playing poker.

We all looked at Toni, who looked confused for a moment. When she realized she got to pick the stakes she asked for everyone's ideas to choose from. I suggested yard work. Bill suggested painting a room, which brought up the question of who had to purchase the paint. It was agreed that the homeowner would buy the paint and the losing team would provide the labor. Debra suggested personal shopping for a week or two.

Toni bit her lip for several minutes while Bill replaced our empty dinner beers with full highballs. I could tell Toni had something in mind but was reluctant to say it.

She finally squared her shoulders and looked me in the eye. "Do you remember very recently when you withheld a certain thing from me? You made me wait an excruciatingly long time to receive something that I desperately wanted."

I found myself in a surprisingly good mood, and the reminder of this afternoon's lovemaking had me grinning. "Yes, Mrs. Smith, I remember quite well."

"That's good of you to remember Mr. Smith," she stated with the same mischievous look on her face that she had given me before our lovemaking. "Because I've learned not so long ago that one good turn deserves another. I was teased mercilessly, and I plan on returning the favor. Do you think you can handle it?"

I laughed, and in my overconfidence said. "Bring it, Mrs. Smith!"

"Just remember you said that." She turned to our guests and gave them an inquisitive look. "Does everyone agree the stakes will be whatever I name?"

We all seemed to realize that something was up but agreed as one.

Toni looked around the table and then smiled at me. "I have never played this myself but I heard it was fun, and I know there are lots of ways to play so I'll defer to the first person who says they know the rules."

"In that case, I know the rules," I chuckled.

Toni smiled. "That was cheating Mr. Smith, you are disqualified from providing the rules, unless neither of our guests knows how to play."

I gave her my best pout but nodded in agreement.

"I choose clothing."

My mouth dropped open as both Bill and Debra shouted, "I know the rules!" at the same time.

"You want to play strip poker?" I asked while Debra and Bill discussed who would get to lay down the rules.

Toni grinned at me. "I plan on teasing you as you've never been teased, Mr. Smith"

Our guests finally agreed that it was a tie and difered on Toni's choice as to who had won.

I had to smile at the sparkle in my wife's eye as she started playing footsy with me, even though the flirty effect was lost due to the clear table top.

Toni tapped her lip a few times while she thought about her choice. "If I choose Debra, she will just say that we have to get naked right away and jump Robert's bones in two seconds. I think Bill will at least make a game of it.

"You shouldn't have cheated Robert, now you have to play by other people's rules, and I know how you feel about that."

Normally that statement would have bothered me greatly, but I was feeling amazing. And although I knew she was teasing me, I just smiled and acknowledged her. "You're right, cheating always has a cost."

Bill started shuffling while he smiled, seemingly at Toni's playfulness. "Okay, the game will continue until our normal quitting time of eleven-thirty, or until we unanimously agree to stop. We will play using Texas Hold'um rules except there will be one Joker in the deck and only two phases to the betting. I'll explain the rules of the Joker later.

The first phase of betting comes after the flop. You will have the option of playing your hand or folding. If you fold, you lose one article of clothing, but only if the winner chooses to collect.

"If you play your hand, you risk losing two articles of clothing, but only if the winner chooses you as the designated loser for the hand, but the other players who stay in all lose one, again only if the winner chooses to collect.

"Giving the winner the option of collecting from the folders or secondary losers allows the game to run longer. I usually don't collect except from my choice but it's up to you.

"Table stakes only. No running upstairs and putting on more clothes. Once an article of clothing is off, it can't be replaced until the game is over.

"If a player is naked and is choosing to fold or loses the hand, he or she has to lick or kiss the body part of the winner's choice. The chosen body part doesn't have to be on the winner, but it does have to have already been exposed from normal play. Don't worry Robert, I won't make you give me head."

I was relieved to hear it even though I hadn't thought of the possibility until he mentioned it. However, I must have let the relief show on my face because everyone laughed at me.

Once the laughing stopped, which took a while because I found myself joining in Bill continued.

"Where was I? Oh, yeah. As for those who play out their hands, assuming everyone doing so is naked, anything goes as long as the bet is agreed upon by everyone before exposing the hands.

"Now about the joker. It's not a wild card, it's a 'you get to be wild' card."

Bill paused to watch as Toni and I looked confused. "If you get the joker, you must turn it over at once. It isn't used in play at all. What it does is give you the chance at a bonus win.

"The joker will be replaced with another card, and play continues like normal. If the player who got the joker wins the hand, he or she gets the bonus. If the joker comes up with the group's cards, you have to kiss the body part of the person to your right that the person on your left designates.

"Those are the rules. Or we can disregard Toni's choice if you're uncomfortable with the thought of being naked in front of the neighbors."

I was sure the last was aimed at me, but Bill had looked at Debra when he said it. I looked at Toni who was giving me a challenging look and said. "Come on Mr. Smith, I know being naked doesn't bother you, and this could be fun. Not to mention you agreed to abide by my choice."

I hate being manipulated, but for some reason, it didn't seem to bother me that Toni was being obvious about it. Not to mention she seemed to have a glow about her and I wanted to jump her bones right there on the table. So I leaned over and kissed her.

"Okay Mrs. Smith, you win, but if you want to stop just say the word."

"Just remember Robert, I love you more than life itself but I still owe you for this afternoon, and I seem to remember you saying 'Bring it'."

Toni turned to our guests saying, "We're in. The rules stand as explained. No takebacks."

I laughed. "No takebacks?" I looked at Bill and Debra, who were smirking at the comment. "I guess, even though I haven't uttered the phrase since I was ... four, it looks like we're in and 'no takebacks'."

Bill stood after reaching over and taking my glass. I had to stop and think before I remembered having downed it. "Anyone else?" asked Bill. Debra raised her half-empty glass, so Bill took it and headed off to refill them.

While he was gone, I started getting a feeling that I should check something before the game started but my mind kept drifting away from the thought. I glanced to my right only to meet Debra's eyes.

"You know Robert, I've wanted you naked since the day I met you." She turned to Toni saying, "Thank you. I can't wait to get a look at his willy."

Toni smiled. "I hope I don't seem too smug when you do."

I tried to tune out their conversation because they weren't including me anyway. Instead, I tried to figure out what I needed to check on, so I excused myself.

Halfway to my office, it hit me. I realized that if we were going to be licking each other, I needed to make sure Toni couldn't catch anything from doing it. I closed the door to my office and asked Hal to scan for any contagion that either of our guests might have. He informed me that neither of them had any communicable illnesses. I found that I was weirdly elated by the news and headed back to the sunroom.

When I got there, Bill was dealing the first hand. No one folded, and since Debra won, I was chosen as her designated loser. My shoes came off. While Debra rubbed her hands together in glee. Toni just smirked.

Two hands later, Bill was dealt the Joker but lost the hand. "By the way," I recalled. "You never said what the bonus was."

Bill reached down and pulled off one of his shoes, and tossed it behind him. "The one who wins the bonus is blindfolded. Then the members of the opposite sex draw straws and the one with the long straw has sex with the bonus winner. No one can say anything, not even a moan. And no other touching in any way. If the person who is blindfolded guesses who they're having sex with, and no clues are given, then they get to have sex with the remaining member of that gender as well.

"If we were playing with a bigger group ... well you get the picture," he said with a smile. "But either way the joker comes out of the deck after that.

Toni laughed. "That wouldn't be too hard. Unless Bill has a monster-sized dick, Debra and I would know right away."

I hadn't counted on having sex with Debra, and I certainly hadn't counted on Toni having sex with Bill. I tried to figure out how to get out of it but looking around the table at the happy and laughing faces had me feeling strangely comfortable, and my concerns seemed to just slip away.

Debra was looking back and forth between Toni and my crotch, and when Toni nodded yes and grinned, Debra told her to deal the cards.

Three hands later, we were all barefoot, and Toni was pulling her shirt off. I watched Bill's eyes eat up Toni's blue bra and her barely-contained nipples when we were all startled by Jessie's voice.

"If you're going to play strip poker, don't you think you should close the windows?" We looked over to her standing by the control panel. She spun the rheostat causing the windows to de-polarize and go black.

"We thought you left," I pointed out.

She walked over to the table. "Nope, not for an hour or so. Deal me in."

Bill didn't even hesitate. He reached behind himself to one of the spare chairs, pushed his shirt and socks off onto the floor then slid it up between Toni and himself.

Jessie paused only a second before walking around the table and sitting down.

I looked at Toni for some help. "Um, you can't play," she stammered. "You're not old enough."

Jessie sighed. "Toni, I'm eighteen and it's not like I haven't played before." She looked at me since I was dealing. "Come on Dad, deal."

Trying to come up with some way out, I uttered, "It wouldn't be fair, the game has already started."

Looking around the table, Jessie agreed, "You're right."

She stood up, and I thought she was going to leave. I almost started dealing, when she kicked off her shoes and pulled off her socks. "Fair is fair, I'll catch up." Then she pulled off her sheer over shirt, leaving her with a bright green tank top and a pair of cut-off blue jeans shorts.

I found myself staring at her chest. Something was different and it took me several moments to realize she was wearing a pushup.

Bill, not hiding his joy in the least, patted her chair encouraging her to sit back down.

Debra leaned over and stroked my arm saying, "Go on, deal the cards. It will be okay."

It was then that I realized I was high. I could feel Debra's touch like I had some kind of superpower, and her voice telling me it was okay, seemed to mean it was. So, I started dealing.

Toni won the hand and named Debra as the loser. I watched as she pulled her shirt off, then stood and slid off her pants, leaving her with only a sheer, black lace bra and panty set that didn't leave much to the imagination.

Debra won the next round and out of revenge named Toni as the loser. She stood and took off her pants doing a slow strip tease, then turned her back and did the same with her bra. Everyone at the table started whistling and catcalling like we were at a cheap strip joint.

After flashing her nipples several times, she finally dropped her hands and sat down.

A few seconds later Jessie backhanded Bill, on the arm. When he jumped and looked surprised at her, she informed him, "It isn't polite to stare."

We all laughed, including Bill. The very next hand he got his revenge though, and named Jessie as the loser. She simply stood, pulled her tank off, and dropped her shorts. I found myself staring just like Bill had with Toni's naked breasts.

Jessie was wearing a bright turquoise pushup and panty set, the exact color of Sam's eyes.

When I managed to look up and met her eyes she raised an eyebrow and cocked her head slightly to the side. She was clearly asking me a question, but I had no idea what it could be.

Debra ended up naked after the next hand. She seemed quite eager to expose herself, even though we could already see everything through her sheer underthings.

I pulled the joker on the next hand, and it was replaced with a seven, giving me a pair. The flop also contained a seven, now I had a dilemma.

Should I fold, so that I didn't have to take the chance of having sex with Debra, or play it in hopes that Bill never draws it? I decided that staying in was the lesser of two evils. When the last card was also a seven, I knew I had the winning hand. No one could possibly get a straight flush.

"Um." I interjected articulately, and turned over my hand before anyone could ask me what I meant by "um".

When the table erupted with cat calls and other teasing comments, Jessie sat looking confused for several moments, before asking what was going on. Bill explained but said she didn't have to worry because no one expected her to draw.

It was suggested that I use a chaise lounge on the far side of the pool, so I couldn't hear what was going on.

I stripped down, only to have Bill mutter "Holy Shit!" While Debra glanced at Toni only briefly before returning her gaze to my growing cock.

"Toni, I thought you were over the top, but he's a right fit one after all isn't he?"

Toni just smiled but ended up looking a bit too smug.

I grabbed my shirt and moved off to the other side of the pool. After turning one of the lounges to face the table across the pool, I laid down sinking into the mattress, and laid my shirt across my face.

Bill called across the pool, saying that I needed to tie it so it couldn't be removed.

I raised my head and saw Toni, Debra, and Bill in a small huddle by the table and Jessie was walking away. I was glad she chose to leave. I know she'd seen Toni, and I having sex, but I sure didn't want Bill to get the chance to 'kiss, or lick' any of her body parts that Debra would name.

Picking up my shirt, I tied it across my eyes. Being blindfolded, I realized I could hear my breathing and heartbeat. I could feel the air moving in the room as it passed over my skin. Realizing again that I was high, I tried to figure out how I could have been drugged, but the thoughts drifted away as I slowly stroked my semi-erect shaft to its full size. I was amazed at how much more sensitive I was.

Bill admonished me to wait for my bonus to arrive, so I stopped stroking myself. I concentrated on sounds and listened to the water from the pool's filtering system running over the rocks near the deep end. I thought I could hear whispering coming from the other side of the pool but I wasn't sure. The lounge felt as if I were drifting on the water, slowly spinning.

After what seemed to be four or five minutes, I heard a pair of bare feet moving towards me. They weren't skipping or moving quickly, so I felt confident it was Toni.

Whoever it was stood above me for several minutes, I could only assume they were examining every inch of my flesh. I could hear her breathing, becoming more labored as she stood there. Then I felt a pair of smooth legs straddle my thighs and the next moment my shaft was being lifted.


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