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Hall Pass Blues


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Here's the voice mail, word for word:

"Hey baby, it's me.

I saw that you called. Sorry I missed your call before.

I've been having a lot of fun, but I'm okay, everything's fine. I'm actually doing really good. I'm still with Derek. He lives not too far from the mall here.


(Long pause)

Yeah, we've been having a lot of fun.

(Long Pause)

So, I know you probably got a million questions, so I'll try to answer them real quick. He's in the shower right now, but when he comes out, I'll probably be busy again so I probably won't answer the phone.

Okay. Number one, yes, he is way bigger than you. I'd say probably close to double your size. and he really knows how to use it.

Number two, yes, I did come a lot. Like I don't even know how many times, I lost count and I came really hard every single time.

Number three, yeah, black guys really do fuck a lot better than white guys. I can't even explain how much better he is and so that will probably answer question number four.


Yes, he is way better than you.


Way better. If you take every orgasm I've ever had with you, it's like adding them all up and it doesn't even compare to one of the times that he made me come.

(Very long pause)

And now I guess I'll tell you the things that you probably don't want to hear, but I promised I would be honest with you. I really hope you're not mad at me, but we are not using condoms.


And I'm letting him come inside me.

I know that was the rule, but I can't even explain how amazing it is without the condom and how much I just need this. I mean, you're great, but this is just like mind blowing. So we fucked like, I guess like nine times now or so, something like that. And I let him come in me every time, and it's been really amazing.

Another thing is that I let him (Long Pause) I let him fuck me in the ass. And I know I told you I wouldn't do that and I don't let you do it, but he's just so great that I just wanted to try it and I actually came really hard when he fucked me that way.

I'm sorry, but I'm going to stay here tonight. He'll drop me off at the library in the morning, so you don't have to worry about coming to pick me up. But I know we've been going for like 4 hours now, but I just need this so bad. It's just so amazing. Please don't be mad and try to understand. I promise I'll make it up to you.

(Long Pause)

And then I guess lastly, I'll tell you now that I want to make this like a regular thing. I know I promised this was only going to be a one-time thing but, I want to keep seeing him and we still have each other and nothing will change there. But I want to do this more often with him because he makes me come harder than I've ever come before. I've never had sex like this before. And it is, like, completely mind blowing. We can start our family soon, I promise.

(Long Pause)

So I am going to get back to having sex, and the good news is that he likes nylons and heels, just like you do, and he's cum so much in my pussy that it's, like, running all over my nylons. So I have some nice messy nylons for you when I get home tomorrow, and you can jerk off into them if you want. I will call you, I guess, tomorrow morning. I'm probably going to turn my phone off tonight because we're going to be getting it on. So thank you again. I love you so much for letting me do this. And I'll talk to you later. I love you so much, baby."

Bye for now.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -

Not a Fairytale Ending

That was the moment our fairytale ended and became my nightmare. Our marriage was over and I knew my life was about to change. I sent an email to my boss, telling him I would be out for a few days due to a family emergency. Fuck him, if he didn't like it, Fuck everyone!

Suddenly I was sober and pissed. I felt the blood flowing through my veins and my heart pounding in my chest. This was another feeling that was new to me, but I used the anger and rage to power my actions.

There was no sleep that night, and by 7 am, my F150 was loaded with three suitcases full of clothes, and five boxes with my files, computers, and all my personal items. She would soon learn the consequences of her actions. She gave up everything, our future family, a life of luxury, and all the years of love I've showered her with for what? Some strange cock? Fuck, I hate myself for letting this happen.

I saw several calls from her early the next morning and immediately blocked her number. There was nothing I needed to say to her, and talking to her would just send me back into rage and anger. Besides, I was too busy packing my things and had no time to waste. I wanted to be long gone and out of her life before she came home.

I drove six hours north to the Lake of the Ozarks, and was able to get a rental cabin on the lake during the drive. A week on the lake in this quiet location was just what I needed. It was 3PM when I checked in and suddenly I was in desperate need of sleep. After getting settled in the room I was going to get a few hours of sleep, and then a good meal. Then I would try to get my head back in the game.

Later that night when I turned my phone back on. I had dozens of text messages and calls. Apparently, Maggie had no clue at my anger, or that I would respond this way.

I learned later that an hour after I left she came home and entered the kitchen. That's when she saw the note, my phone, and my wedding ring on the table when she finally came home from her fuck fest. She had no idea I would leave her like this, and she actually believed I would understand her desires. Panicking, she picked up my note and started reading it.

"Maggie, we are done and here's why:

1. No Condoms, and you let him cum inside you several times, as you explained in your voicemail

2. You turned your phone off, and I could not reach you

3. You were going to leave by 10pm, but you spent the night with him

4. You gave him your ass,which you promised to me

5. It was supposed to be a one-time thing, now you want to continue (Feel free now -- he's all yours)

6. I really didn't need to hear that he was so much better than me, or that he makes you come so much better than I ever did. Thank you for letting me know how terrible I was as a lover. Well, he's all yours now. Enjoy yourself.

Because of this, we're done. You can keep my wedding ring as a memento. Don't bother looking for me as I'm gone and won't be found. Since Derek makes you feel so wonderful, feel free to move in with him.

The apartment is paid through the end of the month, which is when the lease expires (I'm glad I waited to renew it for another year.) You will have to either sign a new lease or move in with your new fuck toy.

You can forget the new car, there's no way I'll be paying for that now. You'll need to bring the loaner car back to the dealership and get your old car, if they haven't sold it yet.

I didn't take any money out of the checking or savings account. You can keep that. It will probably last you about a month if you're really careful. Don't forget, now that I'm gone you will have to pay all the utilities, food, and expenses. All of our joint credit cards have been canceled. You're on your own now, time to grow up.

On Monday I'll be quitting my job by phone from wherever I am, and you'll need to get your own medical insurance.

Children? Not with me, never going to happen. Maybe your big black lover can fill that part of your life.

You can file for divorce, or not, I don't care. In my mind, we are no longer married. You might as well file for abandonment, and in a year it will be official.

I have always loved you, and will miss being with you, but I can't live with the woman that left that message for me last night. I don't know who she is but she will not be part of my life. I'll never be a cuckold. You took advantage of me and what happened without my knowledge over 7 years ago. I hope you're happy with your decision to destroy everything we had together.

In case you don't remember what you said on the voicemail, I posted a link to the recording on my Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsAPP. After our friends and family hear it, I'm sure they will understand why I abandoned you. I hope you enjoy listening to your betrayal and the death of our marriage.

I hate what you've done, and I wish you a life filled with regret and misery."


-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -

Maggie's Thoughts

She pulled up her phone and clicked on the voicemail link. After she listened to her own words she broke down and fell to her knees. She was grief stricken, and so sorry for what she had done. Between the weed and the wine, she lost control of the situation. The feelings she expressed were true, but was sorry for the way she explained it in the voice mail. She never would have gone through with this if she thought Billy would leave her.

She screamed and wailed for an hour. Finally, after an hour of tears and pain she posted a lengthy apology in response to his post. She wanted Billy and everyone to see that she was sorry and wanted him back.

Billy had not returned to social media after posting his last note. In her mind she thought that if he had read her words he might have reconsidered returning and giving her another chance. That was not going to happen.

Sometime Later...

During that week Billy decided that he needed to get as far away from here as possible. After quitting his job, and speaking with his financial advisors, he made travel arrangements to spend the next two months in Hawaii, the same place he was going to take Maggie as a surprise vacation.

Billy sent Harley, his best man, the title to his truck and where to pick it up as a thank you for his friendship. He explained he was going to be gone for a long time. He also sent his new email address to stay in touch.

Harley did stay in touch with Billy and told him what happened after he left town. Maggie begged him to tell her where Billy was to no avail. When Maggie returned the loaner car, she learned her old car was already sent to auction. The dealership was angry that there would be no sale, and refused to give her any money for the trade in explaining the monies would go towards the loaner car they supplied. She would have to get an attorney to try and get it back, but without any funds that was going to be difficult.

She tried desperately to reach out to Billy, but nobody knew where he was. Her mom and dad were angry at her actions, but offered her to come live with them if she wanted to come down to Arizona. She tried to keep the apartment with the hope that Billy would come to his senses and return. Maggie was now working two jobs just to make ends meet. She never realized how expensive it was to pay for everything because Billy always took care of all the expenses. She finally realized her childish need for getting even was a very big mistake.

After a year of not hearing from Billy, she knew he wasn't coming back. She dated several guys but would never again experience the loving relationship she had with Billy. She missed him dearly, and cursed herself for taking advantage of that stupid Hall Pass.

Two years later, the marriage was over and they were both free again. With his knowledge of Crypto Currencies, along with his financial investments, Billy's account blossomed to a respectable $28 Million over the next few years.

He was now living in his new Hawaiian beach house on the Island of Kauai with his 21-year-old wife. This was the house he wanted to buy for Maggie before she lost her mind. Kelly, his new love, was in heaven and would never want a hall pass. Just to make sure, he had her sign a prenuptial agreement to protect himself from an unexpected Slut-Ray that might strike in the future.

While Maggie struggled to make ends meet, and find a good man to love her again, Billy started living a new chapter in life, filled with love and happiness. Some of you may say that Billy should have split his hidden wealth with Maggie, or at least set her up with support. Remember, before this happened, Billy intended to give Maggie everything, and not hide their blessings, but things changed. Being generous after her night of fucking some other guy would have been a nice gesture, however, in Billy's mind her betrayal destroyed every ounce of love he had for her. Nope, in his mind she got what she deserved. A life without his love and lots of regrets, just as Billy had wished her.

One day, still living a sad lonely life and stuck in her small town, Maggie saw an interview on TV with a man she recognized as Billy...yes Billy her ex-husband. She jumped to her feet and stood right in front of the TV Screen.

CNN was interviewing Billy about his Save the Children Foundation, at his large beach home on Kauai with his wife Kelly and their daughter Abigal. That's when she realized how bad she screwed things up. After the years of not seeing or hearing from Billy, the image of him with his new family hit her hard.

When she learned about his success, and how he became a philanthropist from all his wealth, she broke down and cried the tears of the insane. Yes, she was a broken woman, all because she wanted to get even. She then remembered a quote from one of favorite authors, John Southard -- "The only people who you should get even with, are those who have helped you." She will try hard to remember that, if ever given the chance again.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 hours ago

Disagree with Russ43Chandler. This is a great five star slice of live.

desecrationdesecrationabout 18 hours ago

This wife showed utter disregard for the devastation she was creating in her pursuit of revenge. She is pathological, and he is lucky to be free of her.

Russ43ChandlerRuss43Chandler22 days ago

Another great story from you. Given the many 5 star efforts you’ve created this one was not so perfect. Still warrants 4 stars. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

The fact that she was so distraught with his alleged blowjob and how big a deal she made out of it, the guy was truly an idiot giving her a hall pass, and even more retarded to actually let he cash it, I mean grow some balls man. Sure honey the trade in for that pass is right at the bottom of this divorce decree.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I realize girls can be incredibly stupid. I had a lab partner in college that would regale us with his exploits. Any girl that would sleep with him must have been an idiot.

On a side note, thinking back there are a number of people working in engineering positions now that scare me because I know what how they did in important classes back in college.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Well this is easy. Go Black don’t come Back!!!

Ocker53Ocker53about 2 months ago

I got to say this author is on a roll, I have rad 3 great stories of hers one after the other⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

mourambamourambaabout 2 months ago

"She finally realized her childish need for getting even was a very big mistake." No, getting even is not childish! He fucked up the first time when he got a BJ. Being drunk is not an excuse for cheating, otherwise people will just get drunk, cheat, and then blame it on Alcohol. If you can't handle it, then don't freaking drink that much.

That being said, she went overboard, just plain being stupid slut and sending that vocal. Just crazy. He got oral, so her Hall pass should be equal. She should just be getting oral or giving oral as well. No sex! no 2 hours, nothing else! Just get licked by Derek /or she gives a BJ to Derek and Done!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

One of the saddest stories I have ever read that didn’t have anyone die in it. Anyone who thinks he should have split the wealth with her before leaving is an imbecile who should be put in a mental institution. Talk about someone not living in reality. Why would you award a woman who did drugs (yeah only marijuana but it is still a drug) and got so drunk that she left that voice message. It would have been less cruel to shoot the poor guy in the head. If he didn’t have that money, he might have killed her, her lover and then himself but knowing he had the resources to get away and stay hidden while recovering from his mental and emotional damage undoubtedly gave him a reason to keep going and rebuild his life. Why would someone who wanted to get even and planned to be home in 2 hours decide to smoke weed and drink? She may have only had her husband to have sex in her life but she also never had to get a real job, pay bills, get health insurance and worry about all the things real adults have to deal with on a daily basis. She was spoiled and had it all and yet she still wanted more. I can’t believe she not only broke every rule and somehow took it in the ass by someone who I’m guessing was at least ten inches and not pencil thin which shows what kind of a whore we are talking about. The topper is wanting it to be a regular thing and since it was stated that it was all true but she shouldn’t have said it basically means she was going to go behind his back and fuck her new lover since he would never go for that. A rollercoaster of emotions in this story but still easily 5💫

Schwanze1Schwanze12 months ago

Gotta' love a happy ending. 😁

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

5* for Billy.

Derek can get her a barista job

Disappointed that there was no payback for Derek even organized after a year or 2

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Nope, not even close to enough burn... Better ending...

Billy left for three days to complete his plan. when he went home the cheating skank slut Maggie tried to hug him but he slapped her face and drug her by the hair into the bedroom. Four masked men followed him in. He laughed and cheered for the next two hours as they used her in every way possible even while she cried and begged him to help her. When they were done two other men drug the young black man Derrik into the bedroom. They all fucked him until he passed out from pain and abuse. He was never the same after that. Billy and the four men drove the cunt to Tijuana and sold her to a cartel who used her in one of their whore houses. She was never heard from again. Billy stayed in Mexico and made millions. Every so often he'd drop by with a guy who weighed about 300 pounds and laugh as he watched him fuck his ex slut wife. He lived happily ever after... whore Maggie, not so much!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Too bad nothing happened to the black bitch Derek. Someone should have kicked his 19yr old dick.

Slut Maggie


rbloch66rbloch663 months ago

She deserved to fry. His mistake was unintentional and non-consensual. Hers was deliberate.

rbloch66rbloch663 months ago

Yup. If you don’t want to slide off of the cliff, keep off of the narrow paths.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Great BTB and the slut librarian didn't deserve any more from him BUT that black bitch barista Derek needed to be fucked up.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

He got her stoned and used her, such a great guy compared to her husband. I cann see why she was so into him.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Only thing missing is payback on Derek! Could have been a 5.

AmbivalenceAmbivalence4 months ago

"Baby, when I saw that photo of you with that slut, I felt the same way. I can remember it as if it was yesterday. So, I do understand, but I'll tell you that it gets better and when I get back tomorrow night, I'll be the best wife ever, I promise."


"If it gets better, why do it?"

"Because it still hurts when I think about it."

"Great. Then consider this. I was completely drunk and don't even remember it - you'll be sober and will remember everything."

I didn't *do* it to hurt you - you're doing it *to* hurt me."

I didn't *plan* to do it. You're planning it."

You're still hurt by it even knowing all of this - you think I'll *ever* be able to forgive you for doing this?"

You go fuck your dick - you've already ended our marriage. If you could never forgive me, you should never have married me."

FlamethrowFlamethrow4 months ago

You did a great job of explaining the emotions he went through but for me, the Hall Pass should only ever have been for her to be eaten out by some anonymous dude. There was a huge imbalance in the sin and the penalty. Still a good story and thanks

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Cindy's done it again. Five stars.

FantasyTrainFantasyTrain4 months ago

Bitch BURNT! Score for the home team!

consulting91consulting914 months ago

Great story. I always love how you write and keep me entertained.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Entertaining story tbf. But you might want to edit the part “That's when she saw the note, my phone, and my wedding ring on the table when she finally came home….” - he had his phone with him when he arrived at the Ozarks…

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Seriously harsh yet incredibly poignant. You have a wonderful grasp of life and emotions otherwise you would be unable to write about these things so succinctly. A masterful job.

arnowolarnowol4 months ago

I immediately gave this story five stars at the end. But after reading the last five comments, it became clear to me what went wrong. I would have only given it three stars.

Catcher78Catcher785 months ago

Well written. After somebody cheats, trust is gone.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

hall pass never should have been on the table. IF she wanted revenge, she should've gotten it before they got married. That way they both could go into the marriage as equals, not holding anything over each other.

Once she walked out that door to 'claim' her hall pass, even if she had abidded by all the rules, that relationship was doomed.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

So the moral of the story is when you’re pissed and high on weed don’t make any phone calls, it could be detrimental to your wellbeing.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Never should have married her. Him agreeing to hall pass both then and now was absurd and indicated how weak he was. Should have gone to marriage counseling or a lawyer immediately when it was brought up to use. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.

Her breaking all the rules of the agreement after he honored his agreement (hall pass) was so oot and deserved max embarrassment and pain. But he was still a weak cuck. what sort of marriage does he have if she waits 7 years for revenge and then expects to still have children with her. Not a lot of love showing there.

Donovan7777Donovan77775 months ago

So did anyone get that Billy got a bj when he was flat out drunk. Was it ever said that he fucked the stripper? I don’t think so. So why does this bitch get an all in hall pass? Just have some anon guy eat her pussy for an hour and then it’s all equal. But I really do think that the voice mail is over the top.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Burn the bitch. Love it,I had two wife’s divorce me and each one took half of me. This is what I have left.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

5 Stars from Tyrone

She fucked a black guy lol, white women that fuck black guys are the sluttiest whores I have ever met they will literally fuck anything and black dudes simp hard for white women. Maggie is the town bike and Billy has the successful happy family he wanted and has forgotten Maggie, everyone wins.

B3ndoverB3ndover6 months ago

Good story hooray for Billy.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

She gotten more big cock, now she got even,she deserve it,she tried to play her husband to becoming a cuckold for her karma strikes back.. at least she enjoying being a slut with a blackguy better lover better fucker etc

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19697 months ago

nice quote to dig up.

good story... his revenge felt a little soft... but that's probably me wanting the main character to be as petty as me... you know, rub his wealth and success in the ex's face a little.

That aside, I think she should have learned and found some kind of marriage and had children. Not as good a life as Billy, possibly a hard working life so that the impact of the television interview would retain its weight.

Finally, the BJ at the stag was non-consensual... ie R-word. Couldn't have a story without that incident but somewhere along the way it would have been good for Billy tell her the BJ was non-consensual because he was too drunk to give consent...

No sex should have been one of his rules he established. He only received a BJ, she should have only been able to give one... then from there she violates the rules and goes all the way.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I've heard that awful voice-mail on several adult sites. If I was the recipient of said monstrosity I probably would have used life's self checkout lane.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

As he got a blow job, wouldn't that make them even if that's all she did? When she had sex with the guy who was not her husband that became cheating. Guess she didn't see it that way.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Wow. Her phone call was beyond brutal. She and her husband must have had a terrible sex life. Contrary to LW tropes packing an extra 5-6 inches doesn't automatically result in cosmic orgasms. Beyond 8 inches is basically a waste unless a woman had an abnormally long vaginal track. At 7-8 inches and the right angles, a guy can tap all the deep fornices (look up the term). At 6 inches a guy can regularly tap the cervix unless the woman again has a large vaginal tract. Might mean some experimenting with positions. Regardless, cosmic sex and the huge orgasms are not the sum total of a marriage. She claimed what she said wad "true" while sober the day, but knew she shouldn't have said it. But a marriage is way more than orgasms. Did she ever sew Derek again? Seems like not because she had some ridiculous hope that Billy would come.back and tried to keep the apartment. Ironically if she had heot a lid on her feelings, and came back home, they would have stay married but she woukd have gone behind his back screwing Derek and other well endowed black guys (sigh another LW trope that actually subtly promotes prejudice). She would have been caught soon than later, since Billy's radar would be up. And gone through a vicious divorce anyways. Yes she was wrong to seek out her "balancing" revenge with Billy by screwing Derek. But she broke all the rules and was going to regularly see Derek. You can argue she lost her mind, but it means their marriage was in the trash anyways that only did she use the hall pass for some perceived vengeance but she also was going to trade in her loving husband and marriage for some big orgasms. Again I contend that their marital sex life must have had issues. For whatever reasons. Most husbands who have nearly a decade of exclusive sex with their mate, will ekanr how to please their partner and even if only average erect size (5.1-5.5 inches depending on study) they should have an advantage based on what their spouse likes and dislikes and knowledge of their erogenous zones. But of course the huge dicked black guy swoops in (trope trope trope alert) and emits her brain with orgasms and ut is all over. Except not only does she lose Bilky and the life she might have had but she finds no one who remotely loves her the same way and just has sexual experiences, which are ultimately hollow without live and intimacy when one grows up to be an actualy emotionally healthy adult. There was no other outcome given that call. The fact that it really happened is truly depressing.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Dumping the stupid bitch was the ONLY right move, she did hers on purpose, he was drunk and his so called friends set up bad circumstances were things got out of hand and were used by a bad egg to cause him grief. She deserved to loose everything.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

The author does a great job. Enjoy and skip the stupid Anonymus comments comments.

In the Bible Cain attacked (and killed) his brother Abel because he was evil and Abel was good. Evil hate good because it shows them for what they are.

The author gave us an excellent FREE little short story. The only way I can understand the attacks is they can't come near his talent, and are evilly jealous.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

5 stars. You say:

"Some of you may say that Billy should have split his hidden wealth with Maggie, or at least set her up with support."

Why should he help her? She left him a vicious brutal message that tore him down and belittled him. Most unforgivably she refused to let him fuck her ass but allowed another man.

I don't think he owed her shit. She deserved the loneliness and the life of struggle. The MC deserved a happy, fulfilling life with the unlimited freedom of wealth. They both got what they deserve.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

She wasn't grief stricken. Neither alcohol nor weed makes you say things like that. Therein lies the problem with these kinds of stories, the author wants the reader to believe that the wife cares about the husband and is grief stricken by the loss, when all the actions point in the exact opposite direction. Maggie's was more than happy to get out of the relationship as she'd realised that having children with pencil dick wasn't going to work. She was overall happy that she hadn't sold herself for his wealth because she wasn't a whore.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

What an absurd premise. The only way that 'even' would have been achieved is if he/she'd hired someone to do oral on Maggie.

The interesting thing is that the voicemail clearly showed that there were a lot more cracks in the marriage than we were led to believe. No one leaves a msg like that if they aren't harbouring deep-seated issues.

Which makes me think that perhaps he was a wife beater or micro dicked ... but then that would really be her fault for remaining a virgin before marriage. Really what kind of stupid remains a virgin.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

This is the only story of Cindytv that I have disliked. All the others have been 5 stars. I’m so profoundly sick of the Big Cock trope and especially the BBC!! Reality and research doesn’t back that up yet authors here keep on using it sadly! Sure a small percentage of women who have large pussies might like them but the majority of women do not and I’m above average.

Think of it from an evolutionary perspective. If big cocks were what most women prefer most men would have them just to keep the species going over the centuries.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Tropes everywhere in this story. From the drunken blowjob from stripper to petty wife wanting to get even to the hilarious superior black sex to Billy becoming a millionaire, tropes filled this story and it was still great. The most realistic part is the wife wanting to get even, women never forgive their husband cheating without getting revenge. The sad part is women dont realize that if you choose to stay married to your partner after an affair you have to forgive the cheating and let it go.

WisquejacWisquejac8 months ago

Liked it and the quote at the end. Thank you.

rbloch66rbloch668 months ago

She had essentially forgiven him after their years of marriage, but then she changed her mind. He had every right to change his mind about allowing it. Dumb bltch.

I feel a little more attention could have been to the details of his life becoming better. I did like the ending, but it needed to be filled out a little more.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Ok story. One comment is how could he wake up at the cabin and check his phone if he left it with his wedding ring at their apartment?

NicealloverNiceallover8 months ago

Cindy is a great writer who is very good at writing loving wives stories. There are all the elements here that make it interesting and hard to put down until you finish it. I just want to say that I enjoy some kind of contact with them afterwards because it makes me feel the regret that much more. I also feel that the husband should have a ray of sympathy for her. Some little act of kindness to make her feel profound remorse.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Crazy inequity for the hall.pass. And her voice-mail was just epically bad. I like a reconciliation as much as the next guy but wow, there is just nothing left after he nuclear phone call. Sad that one night of hot sex (with the obligatory black penis trope) caused her to lose her mind. It was sad that she kept hoping he would come back, but after she heard the voice-mail, should be obvious zero chance of reconciliation.

LT56linebackerLT56linebacker9 months ago

Is Derek still walking upright? As a matter of fact, is he still walking at all?? 4 stars, for no payback. Hang in there, buddy. Like you need to. Lucky. The Bear liked it.


AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

His hall pass should have had to happen before the marriage. Anything after that and she is hamburger meat. 5

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

All he got was a bj how does that equal sex for to hours which turned into all night?

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Better ending would have been Billy had her kidnapped and sold to a Mexican brothel south of the boarder and visited her to make sure she knew he did it.

SouthdownSouthdown9 months ago

sage advice indeed:The only people who you should get even with, are those who have helped you

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

What Maggie surely got preggers with all that hot sex.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Fuck Maggie, he did the right thing!!

He can enjoy his wealth in Hawaii while the dumb bitch works her two jobs

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Not bad. Though felt the story was missing something.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Sex without consent is rape.

Then his stupid wife raped their relationship.

End of story.

argomez99argomez9910 months ago

Struckwrong Measured revenge? The guy didn't remember, didn't even KNOW he got blown. And for what, 4 minutes? She gets 2 hours, gets to pick the guy, knows him and is friends with him, has at least a week to plan, and then gets to remember the whole thing! The upping the ante was fair, but just the mother of all understatements. About the only thing she left out was that she boned Derek's entire basketball team that showed up later that night.

AllNigherAllNigher10 months ago

Enjoyed the story but never write bought into it. Cannot imagine getting pral and giving a hallpass for anything with open end timeline. If that's the case get it out of the way before the wedding so you know if you can deal with it. Or course there is then the whole notion of her smoking weed before doing this... How bad am idea is that? Him going along with it, and the typical trope of getting rich just when it all happens.,..

It just kept looking on to that nagging feeling that it didn't ring true, but then this is fantasy and you accomplished your goal by writing an entertaining story. Not your best, but enjoyable. Would have liked a bit more depth in the ending though.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I know everyone thinks she got what she served or didn't get what she might have... well... here is reality... she was upset for about a week, afterall she did not know how rich her husband was and since being a least a 6 or above in the looks department she found a new guy or guys within a month. Narcissist always feel entitled and never think anything is their fault... in fact, she probably still thinks it was her husbands fault and he is just losing out on her wonderfulness because his fragile male ego.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Can't say I feel for her. She destroyed herself and absolutely had it coming. That she threatened him with future adultery if he did let her use her HALL PASS was huge red flag that she'd not be opposed to the Martian Slut Ray down the line. THAT, all by itself, would have ended the marriage.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Her revenge backfired.

StruckwrongStruckwrong11 months ago

She was going for an ill considered but at least measured revenge and then she uppped the stakes and lost.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Not bad. But, there wasn't enough crying, wailing, smoking craters, and blood running in the streets.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Share his wealth...hilarious. To be blunt, she would have just "vanished" never to be seen again

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I really enjoyed it, and Thank You for sharing it with us. I gave it 5 stars, as I thought it was a different take on the whole "hall pass" saga. At least she burned herself, by not realizing what her use of the hall pass would do to their marriage. She obviously didn't think far enough a head of that night. In fact she and Derrick blew up all of the rules they agreed upon, which was what killed the marriage. I do think she blew the whole "blow job" that Billy got out of proportion. It would have been another story if he had gotten laid by the girl, but he didn't. And like someone else commented, an equal use of the "hall pass" would have been her getting her pussy ate out while she was completely wasted drunk, not getting fucked. Her having sex, escalated the "getting even" up 2 full notches, let alone staying out ALL night having sex repeatedly. Personally I think she got exactly what she deserved.

rbloch66rbloch6612 months ago

Brutal! Well deserved, but brutal.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

A good read

Torsini71Torsini7112 months ago

Wow, great story. No way that marriage had any chance after the complete emasculation of her voice mail message and that she broke ever rule made for the hall pass.

davezqdavezq12 months ago

I like the quote at the end. The situation is a bit hard to believe, but it is laid out well and characters are logical for the most part. Again I have been following this author for a while and I see her improving each story.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Women and their narcissistic self-entitled need for things to be equal. They want all the privileges men have but without having to honor the duties that earn them, and at the same time keep all the same privileges women already have. Quick point of FACT: the #1 imperative of life is to reproduce, men have an inherent disgust for adulterers, the emotional pain and suffering cheating causes us is deep seated in our DNA that is why fidelity is so important to males because though there is no 100% guarantee of parentage fidelity gives us the best odds. Women don't even comprehend these biological imperatives infidelity to them only hurts their egos and pride!

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

A hallpass should be a quid pro quo or tit for tat.


He apparently got oral sex. Once.


Her hallpass should only have entitled her to one instance of oral sex. And *preferably* while drunk off her freaking gourd.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Thanks for the read

BTW, when Billy asks himself "Have I turned into a complete pussy?" , the answer is no, he always was a complete pussy.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Ok. I think it was pretty obvious, he was set up at the bachelor party. Regardless, the time for them to deal with it, should have been prior to the wedding. If the wife had such high moral standards, there is no way she would have suggested a “ free pass” in the future, as that would be dropping her off, the moral high horse. And so wifey fucks her second ever, and immediately gets a case of “ jungle fever”, and can’t think straight. And makes a unilateral decision, to demand the ability to continue fucking him? A far more likely outcome would have been her not being able to enjoy it, due to guilt. After all, she was becoming what she despised....

3 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Maggie's a total bitch for dragging out the insane hall pass years into her marriage. Billy was pictured getting a BJ when drunk into oblivion, but she didn't want to know that. It's just that it happened. Under duress - she threatened not to marry him - he agreed to the hall pass. She said she can't see it being used. But talking about starting a family is reason why?

Billie never stated that he was under pressure when he agreed, nor asked why Maggie didn't ask any of his friends what happened.

She might have been good if she kept to her promises on the agreement she made with Billie. But not only did she not, she basically nuked it, along with her marriage. Letting him know in that voicemail that she's fucking the guy bareback hours after she said she'd return home, & how much better Derrick is than her husband & that her orgasms are more intense than all her's with Billie combined was cause by itsself to shatter any marriage. Unless both agree to her actions, which Billie definitely did not.

Missing from the story is what evolved with Billie's postings insofar as friends, family & others are concerned- except for her parents. Also, how did he meet his new wife? Just a few lines would've been good for the story. She indicated that her feelings "were true" and she just wished she could've expressed them better. I'd love to find out how exactly would she do that.

I personally would've liked Billie to return to his social medias to see what (Cindy would write as) his responses. Would've been interesting, especially having read other of the author's stories.

Along with the commenter below me, I noticed many of the errors, mostly commas, but that's just a minute part. The story wasn't quite up to the par that this author puts out. It still was an good story & I'm glad I read it, but with my points above, wasn't quite as expected.

The author continues to be one of my favorite authors on this site & I always look forward to her stories & can't imagine stopping in the future. This story is still worth a 4 & I thank her for all her efforts!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


He tried to give himself a pass as he was drunk and didn't remember.

He chose to get drunk and allow strippers. Been to a lot of friends bachelor parties and saw many drunk BUT not a one had strippers. Another myth that got a lot of people believing it's a necessity to bachelor parties.! She went Way over the top so got what she deserved

inka2222inka2222about 1 year ago

And yeah, if the story was genuine, I agree with one of the below comments - if he wasn't aware of the BJ never mind consented to it, it was rape and he should have said that to the ho.

inka2222inka2222about 1 year ago

I'm not sure if it was intended as a parody or genuine story - the writing quality was not quite same as this author's usual and felt slightly over-the-top cartoonish (or Anime-ish?). But either way, it was an entertaining BTB read, with karma working, so 5 easy stars for giving readers positive vibes in the cesspool of man-hating that LE site lately mostly turned into.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I rated this originally 4 stars, which I'm keeping. However, I find some of the writing not up to your superb style. It starts with punctuation foulups. Then some questionable word usage. For example, you wrote: "You will sleep in the guest room for a week until I can get over this." Confusing: sleep in the guest room for a week, or until he get's over her pass usage. Might not be the same. This comes after accidently re-reading this story, but having enjoyed it, I kept on reading.

>>> I don't see my remarks shown, so I'll repeat. Maggie wanted a hall pass for what Billy presumably did. He said he was too drunk, & the fact that the guy who sent the photo to her was beaten & in the hospital should indicate something. If in doubt still, why not ask WTF happened? She waits 7yrs to spring the hall pass on her husband after constantly stating that it'll never be used, that it's just a way of making things "equal" between them.

>>> Once she's with the guy, the bitch forgets all about her agreements in total? I'd hope that most women aren't that scatter brained. Then she destroys her marriage further with that disastrous phone call. That wasn't love, but attempted humiliation along with belittlement & disrespect of her husband. He didn't really mention all this in the letter.

>>> Again, Billie was beyond drunk when this supposedly happened. He didn't want that. Maggie, on the other hand, Maggie wasn't when she "forced" him with the pass. That set up her disastrous phone message while both stoned & drunk. This, however, was only to be for sex & nothing more. At the end, Maggie blames the Hall Pass on her problems & it's use. That might be part, but her smashing her agreements with Billie was the over-riding thing. I wonder how many marriages became doomed by that bullshit pass.

>>> There's mention about his sending her messages via social medias, but nothing about responses. I believe he should've just filed the divorce papers, if not immediately, then within a month or so. However, I also understand his NOT doing that. In the end, Billie had little choice than to go nuclear.

>>> Again, despite the unfortunate errors listed above initially, this's still the usual good & interesting story by Cindy, I wonder if she was in a rush for this as those errors are generally not made by this fine author. Again once more, I'm keeping the 4 stars. Bob

Bamo68Bamo68about 1 year ago

Hi Cindy, yet again another entertaining story. I still don't get why the cheating partner whether male or female are so stupid. She might have been high, but is that any excuse. She wasn't high when she decided to have sex with another man. One last point, since when does a drunken blow job equal full sex. Still a good read though.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

That stupid slut Deserved everything she got, Including not sharing in her ex-husband wealthwealth. The husband was Exactly right for what he did to her. The only think he made a mistake in doing, was not taking Revenge on her lower. The lover knew she was married, but she fucked her and their marriage. I know I didn't feel sorry for her and wouldn't have if she would have killed herself..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Your usual great story, but please... please... fix your dialogue quotes. That's like the 'broken window' of story writing: so visible but so easy to repair. Like Billy, the quotes just disappeared a few times. On that note, I detest the runaway, puking, crying, getting-drunk manchildren LW writers continually memorialize, but in this case, it worked. Billy's reactions were entirely believable and measured.

pantylvr2pantylvr2about 1 year ago

Loved it, great story and well written

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Cindy, Thanks for posting the links to the Audio Voicemail, AND the link to the Story with Images. The story was even more enjoyable with the photos! 5 Stars and please keep writing. I love your stories, even with the errors :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Liked the story a lot, even tho the ending's somewhat sad in that the forever would never come. Maggie's wrong in not believing her to-be boyfriend about the party & pictures. She wanted a hall pass that she doesn't expect to use- just to even things out. OK. But she then uses the pass years later, when everything's seemingly going well & the past forgotten. Why waiting so damned long?

He agreed on her used, tho he didn't like it & couldn't understand her need after all that time. They agreed on rules of conduct, which was then absolutely ignored when she did have sex with this guy. To make matters much worse, her voice mail's full of betrayal, insults, dismissing her husband & his manhood.

There's no man that'd listen to how she betrayed him, not sexually as she had the hall pass, but in action by having sex without a condom, giving him her ass, as well as belittling her husbands penis & abilities of pleasing her. To top it off, she said she'd be home after 2hrs, but stayed the night & part of the next day.

She wishes she didn't use her pass, but it wasn't that which caused her marriage to collapse. It's what she did with it, and betraying her agreements with her husband, that did it. I love CindyTV- always a good, well written & interesting story. 4 stars. Bob

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I don't get it. He got drunk and passed out. While out some woman bjed him. What does everyone call this when it's the woman who has passed out and a guy does the same.

They call it rape.

So his girlfriend wants a hall pass based off what was done to him.

Well she's a peach.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Immature and boring tale about two children who didn’t grow up. Interesting how it appealed to the huge ‘holier tha thou’ audience on Lit.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

more red meat for us meat-eaters

Johnny3018Johnny3018about 1 year ago

Cindy, your story is one of loss and then finding and learning of the loss but again. I do believe your story. It is like what i'm going to give you now.

I was dating the second richest woman in Texas and living in and out of her home. My mobile homes and land of 3 acres was nothing to her postage stamp lot in a CCR area of Tyler TX. where her home was about 650K. Her new car was 65K and she called to tell me she was sorry about how we broke up. She had never had a guy drop her, she had always dropped the guy so she told me to never call or contact her again.

I had her kids do a back ground on me with a FBI agent and then the FBI telling them I was after their mothers money. I had a nervous break down. I ended up in a VA hospital for 30 days. My Dr. Gary, told me to face down what she was told was a lying about every thing and not to fight any of what the FBI found in the one name they knew about me. I had worked under 5 names, been in the Army and Air Force under two different names and then had spent time in the Alphabet units as a chopper in the 80's and 90's. So Gary said to say, if I tell you every thing is a lie, would you still love me? If not then it is over, and if yes then Johnny and not John would could back to you. Her kids wanted to push it into the FBI for predication. They found out they didn't have a case and they closed it. She found out it was all true but under 5 names and the records show it to be true. I walked a way, I didn't want to see her again or her two daughters 39 and 35 and the girl friend of one and the husband of the others after pulling a back ground on them and sending that to their Mother. The female husband was living a double life with a lady at work and out of town lovers and the husband had a blonde GF with pictures at the gym and her home on a parabolic Mice. I didn't get even but learned that money was the root of her kids eval and I didn't need it. I'm now dating a Lady, that lost her breast to cancer and didn't have them replaced do to a 50% change that cancer will come back again then. She was shock to find a man that had lost a wife to stage 5 cancer and her body had been all cut up to remove most of her body parts before she died in 2021. I haven't seen her without clothes, we haven't had sex, but have held hands, kissed and she spends the weekend in my guest room, loves my life style and my dogs and cats. Some day soon I know we will end up in bed, but to me, I love the person, not the breast. I don't think sex is all people can make of it but it is what holds us together as a couple and bonds our hearts. Thank you for your story and I do wish you the best as we both grow in life. At my age I have about 20 years to go now if I'm caring for this body and keeping it up, Next month i'm 74 years young again and I hope your working on your life now too.

CastAdriftCastAdriftabout 1 year ago

Good story. I think the most important point is the quotation at the end.

ManoBlueManoBlueabout 1 year ago

And this woman still better than that woman in your reconciliation story

davezqdavezqabout 1 year ago

There are some interesting wrinkles here, although still some shortcuts in the plot that left the characters shallow and not totally believable. I have followed this author since I first discovered her, and she has improved tremendously. Keep on writing!

mainer42mainer42about 1 year ago

loved this story and the characters.

Russ43ChandlerRuss43Chandlerabout 1 year ago

Loved the story as written and would have loved a scene of them meeting again for greater reactions. You do character so well. Thanks for sharing your efforts.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

He should've never married her in the first place🤷🏾‍♀️.. he certainly shouldn't of agreed to the hall pass in hopes she won't use it.. it's either she forgave him or didn't.. a hall pass is the stupidest thing I've ever heard of.. why would she think leaving him a voice-mail telling him her lover is bigger, better and the oragsms stronger.... would make any man want to be with her after that?😂😂😂.. did she think he was a little wimp cuck?.. I can't even imagine his dick getting hard after hearing that.. she completely annihilated his manhood and self esteem and really thought he'd be home waiting for he.. her lovers dick must've scrambled her brains a little

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Love the strong person being either man or woman of the cheated on that just leave’s because that’s what they deserve especially when it’s premeditated like this. If she really wanted to get even technically she should only get oral from the guy and be so high and drunk she could never remember just like her hubby. As far as not never seeing the guy again as a rule or talking to him not possible as he worked In her building. Always a entertaining story from Cindytv

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

After learning that his soon to be wife demanded a hall pass for some time in the future Billy should have taken the engagement ring back and told her to think about a future without him. Billy getting drunk at a bachelor party was just stupid but finding someone who turned her on was deliberate and needed to end any relationship.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Goodshoes2 - 👍👍 right on point!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Okay you had your fun Cindy! now get back on the horse and behave you hear. I was laughing so hard when your Barrister worked at Starbucks, He must be the highest educated barista in the world of making a coffee, but stranger things have happened in LW world. {lots of stars btw}

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

That voice-mail you based it on that voice-mail that is real on p[=nhub ,wonder how many people will notice.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

5 stars, thank you.

Personally I would have had some consequences against Derrick also nothing over the top but he also was complicit.

I really liked the wake up call with the car, the bulls overall and of x course his life well lives as caught on TV.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

There are too many crushing and discouraging violations at once for the first betrayal of a wife who was absolutely faithful before. Did she deliberately break her husband's rules by crossing out point by point?

RodrigoHacheRodrigoHacheabout 1 year ago

if she really wants get even, she should give a blowjob to a drunken man and get paid for it. HaHaHa

I Love It 5 Stars

Ganymede69Ganymede69about 1 year ago

Ohhh I like this one a lot! 5 stars!

GamblnluckGamblnluckabout 1 year ago

I want to start by saying I thoroughly enjoyed the story. It was a well written tale of a woman who lost her mind and the husband who was not about to put up with her infidelity and her disrespect.


I have one problem with the story and so many other similar stories. And that is the use of the BBC. Are there that many RACISTS here that think a wife cheating is not enough but it is worse or kinkier if the man is the stereotypical hung black man who is great at fucking but worthless as an individual. The woman always wants to fuck the black man and even is willing to bear his kids but she never wants him as a husband or daddy to his kids. Is it because so many here think of black men as exactly that?

Cucks find it kinkier if their girlfriends or wives are screwing a black man. Other men find the race of the man makes her cheating worse.

Lifestyle66Lifestyle66about 1 year ago

Another fantasy BTB story, where the guy is the best and innocent, the wife turns into a slut, and the guy becomes rich and lives happily ever after.

Note that the wife didn't even wait to see her lover and fuck him, but turned her phone off at the very moment she was supposed to be starting to get together with him at 8 PM. So: Martian Slut Ray, with some technical details. No offense intended, but although your writing is rather good, I consider that story line average for this genre.

rustynail95rustynail95about 1 year ago

This looks very much like a clever parody of the “Hall Pass” meme. It’s just so silly that anyone who takes this seriously needs some help. Just some fun on Cindy’s part.

Luckyguy1965Luckyguy1965about 1 year ago

Great reading.I have been reading stories on this sight for years and you rank with the great writers on this sight👍👍👍

26thNC26thNCabout 1 year ago

Another idiot wife giving up a wonderful life for a foolish hall pass and the stereotypical big black clown. Story not up to your usual high standards, but great when compared to its competition here in loving cuckolds. Keep them coming.

MasterJerryGMasterJerryGabout 1 year ago

Sorry about all the negative feedback by those that can't do as good (or they would). Still following along with you.

goodshoes2goodshoes2about 1 year ago

Decent story, but what is it with BBC"s? Been in locker rooms in gym class in school, locker rooms in commercial gyms. On average, whites are just the same as blacks. I have a decent sized one, always "bottomed" out with whomever I was with and pleased them all. Especially my wife of 37 years. And I am not s super stud. And no, I do NOT cheat on my wife.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Well done; 5 stars, easily


I will say she must've really been hammered with that slut-ray, huh? The only thing she didn't do was have the guy's baby, dodged a bullet there, I guess. Everything bad a wife could do... she did. Then rubbed his nose in it. Then wanted to keep rubbing his nose in it. Confessed on tape, no less. Maximum stupidity, all the way around.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Sorry Billy, agreed before the wedding. Hate to say all vows taken during the wedding trump the agreement before. Although still the same old shit black men are better? WTF Maggie hopefully got a STD.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A tad extreme, but I kind of like it. A bit generous 4 stars.

His first mistake was getting married anyway when she demanded a hall pass. Should have said no, then found the exit. He didn't do anything. He had something done to him. Yet she believed she was the one violated.

His 2nd mistake, was not bailing out as soon as she verbalized that she would probably do it behind his back if he said no. Should have left right then, gotten a few days head start on dumping her. If she is willing to rub that bit of obvious logic in his face, then it is more than obvious that is exactly what she would do. No need to even ask yourself can I trust her or closely monitor her actions. Trust just left the building and he should have too.

I can't imagine purposely starting a family with that woman. In the end he couldn't either. Good for him.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

If this really happened as you claim, "even" would have been that she gets blackout drunk and then some dude gives her oral, which she doesn't remember. It really never happened, did it? 'Not your worst, but not your best either.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Cindy, here’s a suggestion that I hope will help you:

The next time the moderators of this site reject one of your stories for being too violent, refer them to edrider’s stories. As long as those are still posted on this site, they have no justification for blocking anything!


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