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This story runs the gamut, even a little male on male.
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It was a new semester at school. My senior year and I was stuck in Stone Hall, the all male dorm. Now luckily we got one of the 3 apartments in the building. It was me, Glenn (who I had sucked off in the past) and Reid (who I wanted to suck off). Me and Glenn were bunkmates (I got the bottom bunk), Reid got the separate bed. All three beds were in one small room, connected to the bathroom on one side and the kitchen out the other door. The kitchen opened to the main area of the apartment, where we had couch, chairs, stereo, table and fishtank. It was October and Halloween was just around the corner.

So we were sittin around shootin shit about our plans for Halloween parties. And costumes.

"I'm pretty sure Ann and I are gonna attend the party right here in Stone"

"Dude it's guarenteed to be 90% guys. Sure, you already have a date but Reid and I are gonna want to find some girls of our own."

"Hey, you can stay by us, I won't mind if you dance with Ann."

Just then there was a knock at the door. "Come in" yells Glenn.

So in comes Harry. Harry is one of those guys that gets interesting party favors (if you know what I mean).

"You guys ain't gonna believe what I got just in time for the party" He pulls a plastic bottle of pills out of his pocket and shakes it at us. "Ludes!" "You guys get first crack, 8 bucks apiece. The guys each took one, I took 2 one for me and one for Ann. Now Ann would never take a quaalude (knowingly), but with my magic MORTAR and pestle, she'll never know it wound up in her drink.

The night of the party was here. I was dressed in my toga and Ann was due any minute. She was supposed to be in a toga as well, but it was cold out so I knew she'd be wearing a coat. Reid was dressed as Tarzan and Glenn was a caveman.

We had mixed a batch of Jungle Juice, and I had Anns very special cup already set aside for her. Anne showed right on time with her sorority sister Julie in tow. Soon as we got the girls out of their coats and admired Ann's sexy toga and Julies clown costume, I gave Anne her special drink and poured fresh ones for Julie and us guys.

We all toasted Halloween and made our way down to the party.

I started dancing with Ann and Glenn danced with Julie. As a slow song came on I started letting my hands roam all over Ann. As I explored Ann's costume I couldn't seem to find panty lines. She whispered g-string into my ear and my dick stiffened up.

My hands moved up top only to feel hard nipples poking up under her sheet. Quarter cup bra she told me. Holy fuck, she pulled out all the stops tonite. I couldn't wait for the quaalude to kick in.

I could feel mine kicking in, so I knew she wasn't far behind. I wanted a break to get a drink and luckily Reid was ready to step up and dance with my baby. Now Reid is a big, rangy guy. Tall, wide, long arms, big hands. And in just a loincloth Anne was having a hard time finding safe places to rub up against. Reid wasn't having any such problems.

It didn't take him long to discover Ann's basic lack of covering on her ass and tits. Anns special coctail had to be kicking in, cause she wasn't complaining about his explorations.

Suddenly the lights over the dancers went out leaving the room in darkness. So now Ann has Reid in nothing but a loincloth dancing in the dark in nothing but a sheet and some barely there undies. They had moved further onto the dance floor and I lost track of them.

As soon as the tempo picked up, Reid and Ann emerged from the dance floor. Her headlights were on HIGH BEAM. I'm sure there was much nipple tweaking going on in the dark. Meanwhile Reid had a tree trunk in his loincloth.

Ann grabbed my hand and walked me away saying she needed a bathroom. I put my arm around her and stroked her neck. I watched her shiver. The lude was working.

"Reid has a big dick." Ann says.

"Oh, and how do you know?"

"He was stabbing me in the stomach the whole time we were dancing."

"Are you sure you weren't playing with it while he was playing with your nipples?"

She blushed while looking down at her high beams and said "Well, maybe just a little. I swear if he were any taller I could've sucked it while dancing."

As we reached the bathroom I ran my hands up under her sheet, I unclipped her little bra and partially ripped down her g string and said "Let's get rid of these now."

Ann blushed and looked down at the floor and nodded.

As she disappeared into the womens room, I wandered away to get us some beverages. Turns out they had a keg, so I got us each beers. I ran into Julie as I was getting back to the bathroom.

"I was just going to the bathroom" she told me "when Glen and I ran into Ann. So he took her to dance while I was headin into the bathroom."

Great! So I'm stuck standing here holding 2 beers while my chick is out dancing with my buddy. So I'm lookin out onto the darkened dance floor tryin to see a caveman with my little Roman slave. And after a little searching I saw them, and started getting hard with the images going through my mind.

Cause I spotted them, a ways into the crowd of dancers. But instead of the 2 heads I was looking for I saw three. Apparently Reid had caught up with them and joined in. Now Glen was rubbing his groin into Ann from the front, and Reid was grindin her ass from behind. Holy shit!

This might be a good time to describe Anns toga. Never having made a toga before, what she had done was take a single size sheet (we didn't have any queen size beds in the dorms), cut a hole for her head in the center, and then draped the rest of the sheet down front and back. She used a red bathrobe sash to hold front sheet and back sheet together. This was very sexy when she was wearing her naughty undies, but I had asked her to take them off before she headed into the bathroom. So even though I couldn't really see her right now through the press of bodies I knew she must look positively obscene. Plus I knew she had to be high from the spiked jungle juice.

"Looks like Anns having fun" Julie spoke up from my shoulder.

"Yeah it does. Here, you want this beer?"


So now I had one hand free again, I reached down and adjusted my growing hard on.

"Is this turning you on, watching her dance with your buddies? You need a little help with that problem in your toga?"

I knew I was blushing as I turned to look at her. "I do think it's pretty hot" I said.

"Well, it look like it's getting hotter." She said as she turned to look back out to the dance floor.

It looks like Glen and Reid had rotated with Reid now in front and Glen behind. Plus they appeared to be exploring the open sides on her toga. Nothing truly obscene, but they had definitely discovered her lack of undergarments. Glen was playing with her tits under the sheet, but Reid had pushed the envelope. He slid the sides of the toga together under the sash behind Anns back, virtually completely exposing her ass to everyone who cared to look. And it looked like there were plenty of lookers. Including Anns sorority sister Julie who was standing next to me watching the whole thing.

"Well, who knew Ann was such a little slut?" she said.

"I sure didn't. But it is hot as fuck" I said.

As we sipped our beers and watched things got even hotter. I watched Glen peel himself off away as Ann and Reid continued their slow dance. She had her head on his shoulder as he held her and toyed with her now exposed breast. She appeared to have given up any modesty in the heat of the moment,

"God, I really gotta piss, but I gotta get rid of this hard on" he said as he waived it at Julie and I "Any takers?"

I blushed as I realized that in his high state he had just outed a little secret of ours to Julie. Julie just shook her head, looked me in the eyes and said "I sure am learning a lot tonite."

I blushed even harder as looked out and located Ann again. Ann was no longer dancing with Reid. She now had a Roman soldier at her back and a vampire with her wrapped in his cape from the front. I recognized Tony as the Centurion but I didn't recognize Dracula. As Dracula unwrapped his cape momentarily, I noticed that the shoulder straps of Anns toga had been lowered and both her tits were completely exposed. The only thing holding her toga together was the bathrobe sash holding it together at her waist. And that wasn't tied all that tight. And the look on her face was telling me she was clearly beyond caring.

Reid appeared by my side and held his finger under my nose "Here, smell how hot your girl is"

"Yeah, she's on fire" said Glen from my other side.

"Do you know who Dracula is Reid?" I asked

"No, but I got the impression that Ann knew him when he tried to cut in, so I let him."

"What gave you the idea she knew him?"

"Well, when he first walked up I saw her eyes lock on him and then turn her head and put it in my shoulder."said Reid." I knew right away this could be hot, so I handed her over. That was when Tony locked onto her ass. It really is a sweet little ass peeking put the back of that little white sheet ya know?"

"Who pulled the toga off her shoulders?" I wanted to know.

"I'm pretty sure Dracula did that right before he wrapped her in his cape" Reid told me.

"What're you planning to do?" Julie asked me.

I finished my beer and tossed the cup into a garbage as I headed into the bathroom. I had to piss like a racehorse. I did my business and headed out onto the dance floor to see about my very hot gitlfriend. As I approached I caught Tony's eye and he moved away for me to take his place. As I approached Anns ass I noted that the sheet was pulled up and being held by the sash. I could see her entire ass was exposed. And a sweet ass it was!

I could tell that Ann knew there was someone new behind her, but I don't think she recognized it was me yet. I slid my hands forward under the cape and then drew it back.

"Excuse me" said Dracula angrily.

"Don't let me bother you, I'm just her boyfriend" I said mildly.

I saw his eyes open wide as he backed away. Meanwhile this left Anns tits totally exposed. Ann seemed to awaken to the fact that I had caught her being a total slut. She quickly fixed the top of her toga and said "Baby, I gotta pee"

As we headed to the bathroom I asked her who Dracula was.

She said "Oh God, that's Brad, he's the entertainment committee chair of TKE, our brother fraternity. I may never live this down but I am so fuckin horny, I can barely think straight."

"Just relax and have fun baby. You're makin me so hot"

"As long as you're not mad at me. I may have gotten a little out of control. But for some reason I'm really fuckin horny" She said as she kissed me. "Now get me a beer while I pee."

I met her talking with Glen, Reid and Julie outside the bathroom.

"Anybody want to go have a quick smoke?"

We all headed up to our apartment to catch a little buzz and have a cigarette. Julie decided it was time to head home and we couldn't talk her into staying. That left Ann with just us guys.

As we were getting ready to head back down to the party, Reid called Ann into the bedroom. They came out and Reid was holding s pair of scissors. "I think we need to make a few minor alterations."

He and Glen pulled her toga sheet down as far as they could, front and back. Then they tightened her sash to hold it tight against her. Then Reid took the scissor and cut the sheet straight across just below her pussy in front and just below her ass in back.

Ann started to speak up and object when Reid said "Shut up slut"

Wow, where did that come from? But Ann stayed quiet and lowered her eyes.

Then Reid went to the freezer and came back with an ice cube. He held it to her lips and said "Open slut" and slid the ice cube into her mouth to get it wet. She spit it into his hand and he used it to wet and chill her nipples. Once her nipples were clearly exposed he told her to hold still and he gripped the wet material over left nipple, pulled it away from her tit and snipped it off. He let it go and it fell back in place leaving her very red nipple totally exposed against the white toga. He did the same to her right tit and said "OK, almost ready. Glen, I'm gonna need your help for the next part.

The next part? Anns eyes met mine.

Reid wanted Glen to hold the sheet together so both Anns tits were exposed. Then, as he started to suck on her left nipple to engorge it, I saw him reaching to the desk for a rubber band. He quickly wrapped the rubber band around her aurola keeping her nipple engorged. He reached his hand down to play with her super juicy pussy, handed Glen a rubber band and told him to take care of her right nipple.

Glen took care of his nipple and the guys pulled the toga back down to reveal the results. It looked like her toga had sprouted strawberries. Her bright red engorged nipples were positively obscene. Whats worse is that the shortened toga hung up on her nipples left her cunt lips hang out just in view.

"OK, ready to go kids?" said Reid.

"You ok, baby?" I asked Ann, although I didn't really think "slut" had much to say about it at this point.

She looked at me and with a little shrug said I guess so. So off we went. Glen played with her pussy all the way down on the elevator and by the time we got down to the dance again her pussy was open, wet and swollen. She was so very ready to orgasm.

The first person we ran into was Dracula. Ann stopped suddenly, turned to me and told me to dance with her. She seemed very anxious and said to me "I can't let Brad see me like this. He'll spread the word at the frat and they'll all know how much of a slut I've become."

"Have you become a slut, baby?" I asked.

"I don't know, but I sure feel like one right now."

"Well, you sure look like a hot, sexy slut baby." I said, as I reached down to stroke her pussy.

I looked over to see that Reid was talking to Dracula. I could see Dracula (Brad) seemed to be sharing a joke with Reid as they were both looking over at me and Ann.

I looked again to see Reid leading Brad over our way.

"Rich, I want to introduce you to my new friend Brad. Ann, apparently you already know Brad from TKE."

"Nice to see you again Brad" Ann said demurely.

"Don't you remember dancing with me a little earlier?"

"I remember" I said, a little tersely.

"Oh yeah, you're her boyfriend, Rich, right? Reid told me all about you."

I wasn't at all sure I liked the sound of that. "Rich, Reid told me you wouldn't mind if we took Ann for a little spin around the dance floor. Is that true?"

I looked at Brad as he toyed with Anns swollen nipples and I looked at Ann and saw the trepidation on her face at the thought. Then I looked at Reid and he smiled and nodded and I said "Sure, I guess so."

Then Reid said "I think Glen is looking for you" and nodded me in Glens direction.

I glanced at Ann and leaned in to kiss her cheek before Brad and Reid hustled her into the crowd.

I got over to the caveman and he guided me around under the bleachers and said I need to talk to you for a minute. He turned me around and pushed me down to my knees, pulled aside his costume and directed me to his throbbing hard cock.

"Your girl is such a slut and shes got me very hot. Since she's busy right now I know you can fill in"

Now my dick was really hard in my pants. I've given Glen head in the past and it always got me hot. Plus the thought of Ann out on the dancefloor doing Lord knows what with Reid and the frat rat Brad really had me going.

Then I heard an unfamiliar voice say "Well, there you are, right where Reid told me we'd find you" WE??

I looked up around Glens cock in my mouth only to see Brad leading Ann under the bleachers by the hand. Reid was following not very far behind Ann. The look on Anns face was one of mixed horror and lust. "What's the matter Ann, Rich never told you he liked the occaisional dick?"

"No" she said.

"What about you Ann? Do you like the occaisional dick?" Brad said, as he pulled back the cape to expose his big hard on.

"No. Please..." she said as she shook her head.

"Look at your boyfriend" Brad said. "He obviously likes a nice cock. Don't you Richie."

"Oh Richard, you don't know what you've done." moaned Anne.

Thats when I heard the click and saw the flash of a cel phone. It wasn't til after the picture was taken that I realized I still had a cock in my mouth. Then another pic and I looked over to see Ann with her mouth on Brads big dick. And it was both longer and thicker than the one I was suckin on. I saw Reid holding a cel phone with one hand and pulling his loincloth aside with the other as he stepped up and put his dick right alonside of Brads dick. Ann put her mouth over both dickheads at the same time just in time for the camera to snap another pic of her new trick.

"You're gonna have to send those to my phone." Brad said to Reid, as Ann shook her her fiercely around Reids dick as she looked pleadingly into Reids eyes. "I sure will" Reid said as he winked at Ann.

I realized that Glen was getting ready to come. "Hey guys, do you mind..."Glen said as he pulled his dick from my mouth and waived it in Anns direction. Reid and Brad grinned and nodded as they made room for Glen in Anns mouth. As Glen made himself at home in Anns mouth, Reid looked at Brad and nodded towards me. "Try it out. Rich likes to suck cock." Well Reid was right, and now thanks to him Ann knew all about it.

I knew me sucking Brads dick would disturb Ann, but I was so fuckin horny I couldn't resist.

As I was leaning in to suck the head into my mouth, I heard Reid say Ann, look at your boyfriend. Two pictures in rapid succession me with my mouth wrapped around Brads dick and Anns crestfallen face. Just then Ann got a huge mouthful of Glens come and another pic for Reids camera. Then another pic of the cum running out of her mouth. This was enough to send Brad over the edge and he shot his first load into my throat and then blew 2 more on my face. Reid got pics of course.

Reid motioned Ann to come over to him. He pulled the toga up over head, dropping the sash onto the floor, bent her over with her hands braced against a riser, ran his hard on along her sopping wet cunt and sank every one of his eight inches balls deep in her snatch. Just as I could hear Ann nearing her climax from Reids dick I see more flashes going off. Ann starts to come, hard, as she sees the guy with the professional grade camera looking under the bleachers and snapping more shots of her, naked, with rubber bands on her nipples, coming on Reids dick while getting fucked under the Stone bleachers.

"I'm with the school paper. I saw the flashes coming from under here and decided to see what was up. Apparently quite a bit. Brad, is this your girl?"

"No dude, she's his" Brad said as he guided me back to his dick to get the last of his come. "He's Rich and the sluts name is Ann." The photographer got a quick snap of me on Brads dick, then turned to get some more snaps of Ann still enjoying Reids dick. The second set of Ann pics were facing out the opening at the side of the bleacher. There was a small gathering of guys all peering in captured in these shots.

Ann and I scrambled to dress and get the hell back up to the room. On the way up to the room Ann said to me "I hope Brad can keep this to himself and not share it with all his frat brothers."

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26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Male on male makes it too queer for LW.

patilliepatillieover 2 years ago

Gay af, this is loving wives, put this shyte in the homo section

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I wonder if the assholes who are perfectly okay with girl/girl action is such stories but have hissy fit if there is a little boy/boy action realize that this is usually an indication of repressed homosexual feelings. If the mere presence of any guy sex offends you, you aren't as straight as you think you are. If you were really secure in your sexuality, your reaction would more likely be indifference.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I couldn't care less about the gender of a consenting cocksucker in a Literotica story. If you're not hurting anyone else, have a great time. This story, however, still sucks. Without her knowledge or consent, the MC drugs a woman he supposedly cares about, robbing her of the ability to consent to sexual activity, and then allows her to be repeatedly sexually assaulted and publicly degraded by multiple men. This plot is the author's concept of entertainment. In fact, he is so strongly invested in it that he wants to share the good time with the rest of us.

Where in Hell do they find the sick fucks who submit this shit or the ones who then approve it for publication?

Since the moderators obviously need some tips in how to evaluate submissions, here's a clue: Shit and smut both stink...just follow your nose.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

WTF- gay on gay. Get the fuck out of this category. 1*

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