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Harem Master - RPG story Ch. 006


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Could she agree to share him with Ava? She accepted that she would do it, but Ava was hot and sexy. She didn't know her, but physically she could compete with Elara, what if she would try to take him from her?

Elara glanced at Asher and reminded herself how much he loved her. He wouldn't leave her for anyone, even as attractive as Ava. Elara pondered if she really could be fine if Asher slept with Ava. And she believed that she could accept that and even wanted to try on her own with the fire mage.

"That was impressive, summoning fire out of nowhere, throwing it at each other," Asher exclaimed.

"Mage fights are always exciting, and the best two of the year. And the conflict between them," Madelyn exclaimed breathlessly, speaking quickly, excited after a fight.

"They have a conflict?" Elara glanced curious at the girl.

Madelyn frowned. "As I mentioned, they are competitive. Children of a powerful mage rivalizing who is a better child," Madelyn explained with a shrug.

Elara decided she would need to find Ava and talk with her. She couldn't tell her immediately about Asher's class, but if she suited them, possible upgrades to her own class could convince her. And adding Ava to their team would be a really strong addition.

The fire mage might be already interested if Elara understood correctly Ava staring at her after a fight.

Elara got distracted from her thoughts when the next fight started in the zone.

Three of them stayed there and watched the rest of the fights. Most of them were between assassins and warriors.

Elara already filled the role of assassin, and most of the fighting warriors were guys. There were a few girls, but no one particularly caught Elara's attention. She decided to pay more attention to Tiffany in their next class as their potential teammate.

After a few more fights, there was no one interested in participating anymore. A trio of them moved out of the tribune and walked towards the Academy building.

"Hey guys, do you have plans for the rest of the day?" Madelyn asked them.

Asher just shook his head looking at Elara. She also didn't have anything planned, there were some few exciting things to do, especially with Asher in private, but she was open to other options.

Madelyn bit her lip and looked down at the ground. "I thought maybe you would want to go with me to the shops, where they sell exploring equipment," she added, shifting nervously. "We'll need to buy some weapons and other stuff when we have the first money from exploring. I want to go and look around, but I don't have anyone that I could go with."

"Yeah, that's a great idea. We can go, maybe find something interesting to gather coins for," Asher suggested, glancing at Elara for her opinion.

She nodded. They were new in the city, so checking some shops seemed interesting. It crossed her mind that Madelyn wanted to spend a lot of time with Asher, but she would be there with them, and realized she's getting paranoid about Asher and other girls lately. It started when they discovered he would need to sleep with other women.

Madelyn was aware that he had a girlfriend, maybe she just liked him. Asher was kind and friendly, Elara loved to spend time with him, even when they did things that were more like friends activities together. And Madelyn helped Asher earlier, so maybe having a friend around during his class would be a good idea, and the proportions in his group made it rather hard for a male friend.

"Are you ready to go, or do you want to grab something first?" Madelyn asked them.

Elara considered if they had time for a quick blowjob in her room, while she needed to leave her daggers there.

"We need to drop my daggers, so we can meet in ten minutes," she replied.

"Oh, I can hold them for you." Madelyn patted her bag. Elara glanced at it and passed her daggers to the blonde girl. Now they didn't have an excuse to go to their room. But maybe it was better, Madelyn would be waiting for them and it would be obvious what they did.

They would need to wait until they came back. Elara grabbed Asher's hand and followed after the blonde girl who led them out of the Academy.


Ava slammed the door to her room. She threw her bag on the bed furiously. Fortunately her roommate was not here at the moment. But she wouldn't care anyway. She was infuriated. She lost. Again. Again she was worse than him. Her fucking perfect brother. She threw herself on the bed and punched it a few times.

All her life, her twin brother was her father's favorite. And even when she was putting in more work, getting better results, working harder, their father still ignored her.

She always believed that it would pay off in the long run, they would get their classes, their skills and she could be better than him then. They would come to the Academy, and here she could show that she's better than him.

Everything should have been fine, but then they received their classes. They had identical statistics, but one of the skills, the passive one, was different. It was so unfair, she hit her bed a few more times. Ava turned on her bed, laying on her back, panting from anger. They had the same active skills. But the fucking passive skill was making it impossible for her to win a fight against him.

"Fantastic" Ava screamed livid. "Fucking resistance, as I need shit like this," she shouted louder. She got additional resistance to earth and plant magic, while Thomas got additional hundred mana points from his passive skill.

It doesn't matter any more that she was better, that she could hit him four times when he hit her two. And he also used this fucking shield. She also had this skill, but it cost too much mana. If she would summon her own shield, then she couldn't miss even once, and he could just wait for the fireball to come and block it by summoning his shield. And that would be the end of the fight.

Ava counted that Thomas had two health points at the end of their fight today, but she didn't have any more mana to inflict this damage.

"He should surrender! He fucking should!" Ava shouted to herself. If he wouldn't know her stats then he would need to surrender. But he knew her stats and skills, so was aware that she couldn't hurt him.

They shared their classes with each other the day they got them. Even if she wouldn't tell him, he would discover it during their training together. And her father wouldn't hide it from Thomas anyway, especially when she had lower stats.

And because of mana he was always winning. It crossed her mind that her lack of control in fights against him was also not helping. And he used it against her today, taunting her to summon her own shield. Ava furiously threw her fireball at his shield rather than wait until it would vanish from time.

"Asshole," she murmured to herself. Thomas knew that she couldn't do it, because it would mean the end of the fight anyway.

But Ava preferred to blame everything on the unfairness of their classes. If only they had the same exact skills, she would beat him easily.

She knew that this fight was going to end like this. It always ended like this. It didn't matter how many times she tried, no matter how many times she analyzed it, she couldn't come up with a tactic that would allow her to win.

Ava hit her bed again. Then she sat and pulled her phone out. She went to the facebook group where they posted all of today's fights. Her loss is going to be there too, but she wasn't going to watch it.

She's going to be better than him. All of her hard work, it would pay off one day, and she would defeat him. And after that, she would never let him beat her again.

Firstly, she needs to find a better team than him. Everyone knows them, and everyone knows that he was considered the better one by their father, so if they needed to choose, they would always choose him.

But Ava knew him, he wasn't going to put in much effort. Their father already set him up with two people, a ranger and a tank. He needs to find the rest of his team, and he's probably gonna look for rankings, and that's all.

Ava decided to analyze everything much deeper. To find better teammates would allow her to become a better explorer than him.

The video with the most reactions popped first, she saw it earlier. This girl, this assassin, she was moving so fast. Impossibly fast as a first level person.

She beat her opponent without any trouble. This attack, which brought him to his knees. It must be really powerful, for sure her skill.

Ava analyzed a lot of fights from the previous years, preparing for these days, when she would be on her own and would need to judge who's the best choice in a short time. She put so much work into learning how to spot the best people.

And right now, the best assassin just showed it to everyone, and now all people wanted to create a team with her. This girl was too fast and hit too hard. Ava never saw anything like that from a first level person.

She was strong, and could be an amazing teammate. Ava slammed her fist at the bed. Of course, her brother already talked with her. She didn't hear their conversation, but he jumped on her instantly when she finished her training.

For people around, her brother seemed like the best option, so Ava feared that this assassin girl would just join Thomas. Their talk was very short. Ava would have thought that the girl agreed instantly, but she could tell that something was wrong. She knew her brother too well. She could read this from his face, that he was unhappy with how the talk went.

And only confirming her suspicion was that he left the square, if the assassin would join him, he would instantly come to brag to Ava about this. But he didn't, instead looking irritated.

Ava wasn't sure what happened, but maybe it was a chance for her. Maybe she could convince this girl to create a team with her. This girl, and this boy, her boyfriend, it was obvious that they are coming together.

Yesterday, she kissed him in the main room, they stayed glued to each other. And today after training it was the same. Ava asked around, and she already knew that he was a support. There were only two male supports in this year.

He looked like a warrior or a tank, but his look didn't matter. Ava pondered, what if he was bad?

She determined that he was only a support, his role wasn't so impacting, he wouldn't drag them down so much. And this assassin girl would make it worth, even if he was useless.

It crossed Ava's mind that maybe it was what made her brother unhappy. That he would need to take a bad support with her. Maybe that was Ava's chance. Maybe Thomas rejected them because of that, and she could gain on this occasion.

Ava arranged her first exploring on Saturday with a ranger and a tank. They were both pretty strong, not the best of the year, but in the top three, she estimated. There were no official rankins yet.

Ava decided to convince this pair to go with them, and then find a warrior.

If she could convince a capable warrior to join them, she would complete a very strong team. Containing the best of the year and even the strongest assassin. And herself...

Ava clenched her fists, only her brother could be stronger than her, and it was because of his luck with a class. But it was only temporary. Ava promised herself that she's going to change that. No matter what. He was a self-absorbed asshole, and Ava was working hard for her success.

Maybe this assassin girl already noticed that, and Thomas alienated her to himself.

Ava believed she had a chance and decided to find this girl and her boyfriend tomorrow. Talk with them and ask to explore together on Saturday.

It would be good to find a way to find out how strong this support was before they go exploring. Maybe she should talk with his teacher. Ava determined she's going to look for Rachel today, she can't wait too long.

She needs to find a better team than her brother.

She needs to be better than her brother.

She's going to do anything to be better than him.


"How did you guys met?" Madelyn asked, leading Asher and Elara through the streets of the city towards the shop that she wanted to show them.

"Our parents were neighbors," Asher started. "When our mothers got pregnant at a similar time, they began to meet and support each other. They became friends and met frequently or helped each other in raising us. So, we grew up together."

"Who's older?" Madelyn chimed in.

"El, so for me, she was always there, as far as I can remember," Asher replied.

"I was three months old when he was born, so I don't remember time without him around too," Elara added. Asher was always a part of her life. From her first memories she had, they were together, playing as kids, then exploring and getting to know the world as they got older.

"That's so sweet," Madelyn stated. "It's like, you don't know a world without each other."

Elara glanced at her boyfriend. That was true. She couldn't imagine her life without him. His class didn't matter, and it didn't matter what he would need to do to fulfill their dreams. She knew that they both love each other and want to be in each other's lives.

Even if he's going to have a harem of sexy girls, she would always be his first, the one that had always been with him, through all of his life. If someone would tell her a week ago that she would agree to Asher sleeping with another woman she would punch him in the face.

Right now, she accepted that he was not only going to sleep with those women, but also going to create relationships. Elara knew him too well to believe that he could just fuck them and didn't care about them. Maybe he will not fall in love, but he was going to become close friends with them for sure.

Asher always cared about people around him, especially the ones that were close to him. Maybe that was a reason why he got his support class? Maybe it didn't match his physical appearance and his desires. But Elara realized that it matches his personality in some ways.

She felt Asher grabbing her hand and squeezing it, causing her to look at him.

"Are you alright? You got very thoughtful," he asked, looking at her.

Elara realized that she had no clue where they were going or what Asher was speaking about with Madelyn, she just followed next to him, lost in her thoughts.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine, I was just thinking about something." Asher stared at her, concerned with his beautiful brown eyes.

Elara could recognize that he wasn't convinced, but he didn't ask more about it. "Madelyn asked when we realized that we wanted to date each other," Asher mentioned.

Elara looked at the accompanying girl, she walked on the other side of Asher and observed them with a little smile.

"We were both twelve. There was this girl at our school. I think her name was Margaret. Or something like that." Elara looked at Asher for confirmation, but he just shrugged. Elara shook her head. "Of course you don't remember. Sometimes you can be really blind."

"Hey, you were the only girl that I paid any attention to. I don't remember a single girl's name from our school."

"We weren't a couple back then," Elara continued her story. "Margaret came to me one day and asked if she was Asher's type. If he ever mentioned anything about her, and if I know if he would want to be her boyfriend."

"And Elara got jealous," Asher chimed in with a boyish grin on his face.

"Not jealous... I just... realized that I don't want you to spend time with another girl. And be another girl's boyfriend. I realized that I want to be your girlfriend. And you clearly liked me."

"So what did you tell Margaret?" Madelyn asked.

"That he's my boyfriend, and she should look somewhere else."

"So in some way, you just claimed him?" Madelyn asked.

Elara snorted. "Yeah, pretty much. I found him later that day and announced to him that from this moment he's my boyfriend."

"Just like that? You stated it to him?" Madelyn asked, giggling.

"Yeah, as I said, I knew that he liked me."

"I just went along with it, and this is how I ended up here today," Asher teased.

Elara punched him in the shoulder. "I'll give you, 'I just went along with it'."

Asher winced and grabbed at his arm, and Elara realized that she used too much force. "Sorry, I was just teasing," he said sheepishly.

"I'm sorry too, I didn't mean to hit so hard," Elara apologized.

"It's fine," Asher answered and turned towards Madelyn. "I liked her, I wasn't in an age to think about things like dating. But when she told me we are a pair, I was happy about it. What boy wouldn't be when a girl like El claimed him."

Madelyn giggled until she stopped abruptly.

"Oh, we've arrived, this is the best weapon shop in the city, they sell all sorts of them here," she announced.

"Let's go in," Asher said, squeezing Elara's hand. "We can look around for some daggers that might interest you. See how much they cost," he offered further. Elara used daggers from the Academy today, but they were useless in a dungeon. She would need to find something better.

Madelyn scrunched her nose cutely. "Everything there is expensive," she stated. "But it's also powerful," she added.

They went through glass doors, on which Elara read the name of the shop - Mythic Arsenal. She looked around after entering, the shop was spacious, she could see all sorts of weapons displayed all around on shelves, divided in sections. They were divided by levels of the explorers, the smallest range was five to ten. And they went up to levels over fifty.

To use items from dungeon explorer needed an appropriate level, without it, you couldn't get bonus stats and effects from the item.

Elara stepped between the shelves with a displayed five to ten range. She swept her eyes through weapons here, all sorts of them, from bows to swords, and even some magic weapons like orbs or rods. Some of the weapons had ornaments, some of them even had some gems in them and looked really impressive.

Elara checked the prices, and they cost a lot, she didn't even want to know how much higher level weapons cost.

A pair of daggers caught Elara's attention. They appeared simple around all of the other weapons, but she could tell from the first look that they were of a good quality and would be powerful weapons to wield. They had curved blades made out of some black matte substance, the handle was made of the same material, so they appeared to be made from one piece of metal. Light didn't reflect from them, giving an impressive appearance. Elara checked the price, it was high, but not out of reach for her.

They cost two silver coins, which were equivalent to one hundred bronze coins. She gained one coin from defeating a small goblin two days ago. Ninety-nine more goblins like that, and she could have them.

Unfortunately, it wasn't so easy like that. When they explore the dungeon, they need to split what they got between all of the team members, which would make it take longer to gather so many coins.

But if the daggers were worth it, she could gather for them. Elara inspected the pair of daggers to check their stats.


Backstabbing shadow daggers - rare

Required level: 6

Attack damage: 10

Agility bonus: 2

Bonus effect: While stabbing an opponent from the back deal additional 10 damage.

Description: Curved daggers made of matte black metal, ideally suited for assassinations from the shadows directly into the back of an unsuspected opponent.


Elara was impressed with those daggers, they really seemed powerful, especially for low level. She could deal tons of damage with them if she could afford them. Additional attack damage and agility that she wanted. But the damage when she attacked from the behind? In every attack? That was a powerful effect and explained the price of the weapons.

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