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He Chose Me Ch. 01

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He couldn't wait anymore to tell her how he felt.
5k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/22/2015
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I have edited the story to correct the typos and other mistakes.


Chapter 1: Kayla

James and I met when we were four years old. He and his mom moved in next door; and they were invited over for a play date. My twin sister, Kylie, took one look at him and said, "ew, boy", and went to our room. He and I got along very well, and became friends instantly. Most people called him Jimmy, but when I got upset because I didn't have a nickname, he told me that I could call him James, so that neither of us had a nickname.

When we got to Kindergarten, another boy teased him because his best friend was a girl.

"Girls are gross, you can't have one as a best friend. You have to choose between us and her," the boy told him.

"If I have to choose between you and Kayla, I choose Kayla," James told the boy and took my hand as we walked away.

That began my lifelong love affair with James. We remained friends all through elementary school. In middle school, James began playing football, and gained some new popular friends. I continued to hang out with him, but our group dynamic changed. It was no longer just the two of us. My sister began hanging out with us, because boys were no longer gross, and brought her friends with her. He gained some friends from football, and we became a group of about twelve that hung out together. As he became more and more popular, we hung out less and less. He still was the nice guy, who let me call him James, because I didn't have a nickname, even though he became king of the school due to his football prowess. As each year went by, I grew more and more in love with him.

Even though we have known each other basically our whole lives, our true story doesn't begin until the summer after we graduated high school.


I was staring. I knew I was staring, but I couldn't keep my eyes off of them. James had been talking to my sister Kylie on the front porch for 10 minutes. What could they be talking about for that long? Granted, Kylie was doing most of the talking, but James wasn't stopping her. He was listening. Finally, he stepped back and headed towards his house next door. I moved away from the window and went back to the kitchen table and pretended to read the newspaper that was spread out. Kylie came back inside and went to the refrigerator to get a drink.

"Hey Kylie," I said as casual as I could, "what did James want?"

"Nothing really. He just wanted to talk," She said as she opened a can of Diet Coke. "I think he likes me. I mean, why else would he come over just to talk. Amber did tell me that he mentioned trying to get up the courage to ask me out."

"Really?" I said trying not to sound too shocked. "Are you going to say yes?"

"I haven't decided yet. I mean he is gorgeous, but we are going to different schools in the fall. It would just be a summer fling."

Kylie decided to end the conversation there by walking out of the room, leaving me in my misery. I have had a crush on James for as long as I could remember. We have been good friends our entire lives. I didn't want to be the one to ruin that by professing my love and being rejected. And there is no doubt that I would be rejected, especially if Kylie was his type. Kylie and I may be twins, but we looked nothing alike. Where she was thin and athletic, I was curvy and a bookworm. We had slightly similar features, but they looked vastly different on our frames. She was going to the local state college on a track scholarship. I, on the other hand, got an academic scholarship to Notre Dame. James was going to Notre Dame with me, on a football scholarship. He was the epitome of a high school football god. He was tall, dark, and gorgeous; and completely out of my league. He had dated the prettiest girls in the school, he was the most popular kid in our graduating class, and everybody loved him. Even though he ruled the school, he was never mean or cliquey. He was an all around nice guy, which just made me like him more. If James were to reject me, I am sure he would do it in a nice way, but I know that would just make me feel worse. I needed to get him off my mind.

I decided to head outside to check the mail before our parents came home from work. It was summer break before we all went off to college, and we had decided to spend the entire summer with all our friends at the beach to have some great memories to take to college with us. As I reached the mailbox, James popped up out of nowhere.

"Hey Kayla!" He said.

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed, pressing my hand against my chest. "Don't do that. Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

"Sorry," James said. "I was trying to catch you earlier. Kylie said you weren't home."

"Huh, that's weird. I've been home all day. I wonder why she said that."

"I don't know... Anyway, a couple of the guys are planning a trip to the beach tomorrow morning. They are planning on spending the entire day there. I was wondering if you wanted to come."

"Yea sure, that sounds like fun," I said as I grabbed the mail out of the box. "I wonder why Kylie didn't tell me."

"I figured we could go together," He said seemingly ignoring my question. "How about you swing by in the morning and we can take my car?"

"Sure. What times should we be there?"

"9. And it's just you and me. Kylie told me she is heading there later with some of the other girls. They don't like to get up that early."

"Right. 9 sounds good. I'll see you tomorrow." I started heading back towards the house.

"Wait..." James said jogging up next to me. "Maybe we could have breakfast at my house before we go."

"Am I going to have to make this breakfast?" I asked skeptically.

"Nope. I'll make breakfast." He said with his chest out.

"Cereal?" I said in a mocking tone.

"No, real breakfast. Eggs, or pancakes, or french toast. Something hot. I promise."

"Sounds yummy. I can't wait." I said as we reached the front porch.

"Great. I'll see you tomorrow." James hesitated for a second, like he wanted to to say something else, but then headed back towards his house.


I woke up early the next morning. I was too excited to stay asleep. I was going to spend some time with James without my sister around. She always made sure she was between the two of us. I showered and shaved; making sure I would look nice in my bathing suit. It only took two minutes to walk over to James' house. I walked in the back door, like I had been doing since I was in elementary school. His mom was in the kitchen gathering her stuff in her purse.

"Good morning Ms. Morgan. How are you doing?" I said to James' mother as I walked in.

"Good morning Kayla. I am doing well. How are you? Enjoying your summer?"

"Very much."

"Well I'm off to work. Tell Jimmy that breakfast has come and gone. I'll see you later." She said as she walked out the door.


I headed up the stairs to James' bedroom. The door was slightly open, and I could see that he was still in bed. I walked in and turned on the lights.

"Rise and shine, sleepyhead. Your mom said breakfast has come and gone." I walked over to his bed and sat down beside him.

"You know, you really need to work on your bedside manner," James said as he turned over towards me.

"Well I'm not planning on becoming a doctor, so I don't have to worry about that. What happened to us having breakfast?"

"Breakfast is still on the agenda." James said as he pulled me into bed with him.

"What are you doing?" I gasped as I rolled into his body.

"I'm helping you relax."

"Who says I need to relax," I asked as I inched away from him.

"It's a figure of speech," he said pulling me back towards him.

"No it's not."

"Maybe I just want to spend some time alone with you. We never get to chat just the two of us anymore."

I didn't know what to say. It was true we hadn't had many conversations just the two of us in a while, but I hadn't realized he'd noticed. He seemed content being surrounded by our other friends, especially our female friends. Finally I found my voice and spoke.

"That's true."

"So what do you want to talk about?"

I don't know why I said what I said next, but I couldn't stop myself.

"Are you going to ask Kylie out?"

James' brow wrinkled with confusion. "Like on a date?"


"No. Why would you think that?" He lifted himself up onto his elbow to look at me while I answered.

"Kylie told me Amber told her that she overheard you saying you were working up the courage to ask her out." I said quickly and softly, hoping it wasn't true.

"Well Amber heard wrong. I have no interest in asking Kylie out," he said firmly.

"Why not? She's beautiful."

"She's not my type."

I gulped. "What is your type?"

He looked right into my eyes as he said, "You."

I couldn't speak. I couldn't breathe. Had he really just said that? He continued to look at me, waiting for a response.

"Me?" I finally croaked out.

He smiled. "Yes, you. It's always been you."

He reached his hand up, and touched my face. I was just staring at him, still not believing what I was hearing. James liked me, and apparently had for a while.

"Are you going to say something?" He asked.

"I would really like to kiss you right now, but I am worried about morning breathe."

"I brushed my teeth be-" I cut him off with a kiss before he could get anything else out. He stayed still for a moment and then he kissed me back. And what a kiss it was. It was like he was devouring me. He brought his body on top of mine. I couldn't believe this was happening. His body felt amazing pressed up against mine. We both moaned at the same time. His hands started to travel down my body. I felt self-conscious at first, but then it felt so good that I forgot to care. One of his hands found its way under my shirt. The feel of skin on skin was unbelievable.

"You feel amazing," James said as he moved his kisses down to my neck. I moaned louder than I thought possible when his tongue ran across the base of my neck. My body automatically thrust up against his. His hand moved up and grazed the bottom of my breast. James pulled himself up onto his elbows and looked into my eyes.

"I have wanted this for a long time. Let me know if I am moving to fast."

"I've wanted this too," I said putting my right hand on his cheek. I gave him a deep kiss. "Don't stop."

James' light green eyes darkened to a forest green. He moved his head down to kiss me again. Those were some of the last intelligible words that came out of our mouths. For the next couple minutes there were mostly grunts and moans as we explored each other's bodies. At some point we started removing clothes. James' body was beautiful. Football had made him muscular, but also lean. I stifled a moan as I ran my hand down his torso. I hesitated for a moment when I reached his pajama pants, but I couldn't stop myself from touching him. My hand went inside his pants and I touched him over his underwear. A groan escaped his lips. I stilled my hand when I heard him.

"Don't stop," he whispered.

I grew bolder with his words, and wrapped my hand around his erection and slowly began stroking up and down. A strangled groan came from the back of his throat. He let me stroke him a couple more times, before he stilled my hand. I looked at him, wondering what I had done wrong.

"I don't want this to end before it starts," he explained.

I smiled, proud that I had caused him to almost lose control. I decided to take that confidence, and say what I really wanted to say.

"Then let's get started."

I reached down and began pushing his pants off his hips. Once his were off, I started on mine. He just leaned back on his knees and watched me. I was not used to this sort of attention, but the look in his eyes was giving me all the confidence in the world. I stripped off all of my clothes, saying a silent prayer that I had decided to wear a bikini, so that we were both completely naked. We took a moment to just stare at each other.

"You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," he said as his eyes roamed my body.

"James..." His eyes returned to mine. "I want..."

"Are you sure? I don't want to rush you. I know that you're a --"

"Yes, I'm sure," I answered, cutting him off. I couldn't wait another moment for him to be inside of me.

James reached over to his bedside table and pulled a condom out of the top drawer. I watched him roll it over his strained erection. Then his eyes, again, returned to mine. He kissed me deeply, with so much passion I thought I would burst. I felt his erection at my entrance. He slowly inched in.

"Oh god," James moaned.

My voice was caught in my throat. He was stretching me more than I ever felt possible. It was a weird feeling at first, having someone else inside of you. When he was all the way in, he paused. His breathing was labored.

"Are you okay?" He asked, trying to read the expression on my face.

I was unable to form words, so I just nodded.

He checked my eyes one more time before kissing me again. Then he began to thrust and all thought left me. My body felt tingly as James ignited all my nerve endings. He whispered amazingly romantic and erotic words as he thrusted into my body over and over. I was experiencing a sensory overload. I couldn't control the moans, groans, and other noises that were coming from me.

"Oh, James...oh, please..."

I kept pleading, but I didn't know what for. I just knew that I needed him to keep going. I grabbed at his body, trying to hold on.

" fuck..." James groaned against my neck. He then planted kisses along my neck and jaw, before making his way back to my lips. He pressed a hard kiss to my mouth.

"James...I'm...I'm going to..." I wasn't able to finish that sentence. My orgasm overtook my body and a scream ripped from me.

James continued to thrust, which drew out my orgasm, and triggered his. After a few more thrusts he stiffened above me and moaned out my name. It sounded so wonderful coming out of him in a groan. He half collapsed on top of me. He didn't put all his weight on me, but what weight was on me felt wonderful. I felt so close to him.

After a moment he lifted himself up and looked into my eyes. He brushed some air off of my face and left his hand on my cheek. He placed a soft kiss to my lips.

"That was--" He started.

"Amazing," I finished.

A huge smile came across his face.

"Amazing," He reiterated.

He withdrew from my body and threw the condom into the trash can next to the bed. I felt empty now that he was gone. He laid onto his back and pulled me half on him.

"I have wanted to do that for a long time." He admitted.

"Why didn't you ever say anything?" I asked looking into his eyes.

James stayed quiet for a bit. He looked at me and then up at the ceiling.

"I was nervous. I was scared. I enjoy spending time with you and I was worried that it would ruin our friendship. If I said something, and you didn't feel the same way, I figured it would be awkward for us to hang out together. I had finally decided that I didn't care if it was awkward, I couldn't keep quiet anymore, but that was just this past summer. I didn't want to start something and then us end up at different colleges, and never see each other again. I didn't want this to be temporary, I don't want this to be temporary. Then when I found out we were both going to Notre Dame, I decided that I would ask you to prom, but--"

"But then we all decided to go as a group, instead of have dates," I finished for him.

I thought back to a couple months before when we were all talking about prom. When the topic of going as a group was brought up I was happy, because I didn't want to have to worry about finding a date. I didn't want to worry about how I would feel seeing James go with someone else. Then I asked myself, how did we come to that conclusion. Someone had brought it up. It had been Kylie who had brought it up, and Amber, her best friend, had jumped on the idea. Had they planned that? Had they known James was going to ask me, and they wanted to make sure that didn't happen? No, they couldn't have. I didn't even know he liked me, how would they know.

"So that is why I never said anything," James said, interrupting my thoughts. "What about you?"

"Honestly, I didn't think you were interested in me, and I didn't want to make a fool of myself by saying something." The last part came out in a whisper. I kept my eyes down.

James lifted my face, and drew my eyes towards his. He planted a soft kiss on my lips.

"I know I am doing this backwards, but I would like you to be my girlfriend, and I would like to take you on a proper date."

"That definitely is backwards. We have sex, then you ask me to be your girlfriend, then you ask me on a date."


"Okay then, yes I would love to go on a date with you."

James smiled and then he kissed me again. His phone buzzed.

"We are so late for the beach," he said looking at the clock. He checked his phone and sent a reply to whoever it was. "We should probably head out."

We reluctantly got out of bed. We showered, separately. When I got downstairs after my shower, I found James making breakfast. I stopped at the bottom of the stairs and just watched him. He was making french toast, my favorite. He must have heard my footsteps, because he turned to look at me. He gave me a huge smile.

"I promised you breakfast."

He stuffed me with french toast before we headed to the beach. All the guys were there when we arrived. Some were lounging on chairs, others were setting up for some beach volleyball. Since it was already 11 o-clock I expected to see some of the girls there, but there were none.

We grabbed the chairs from the car and headed towards them.

"It's about time you showed up. Where have you been?" Sam shouted at us.

"Where are the girls?" James asked for me.

"They decided to head to the mall instead. Just us guys today. Well, us guys and Kayla." He said gesturing towards me. "Why aren't you at the mall with the rest of the girls?"

"Because I don't feel like spending 3 hours staring at one top. Are we going to play some volleyball or what?" I said dropping my stuff and heading towards the net.

As I walked away I heard Sam ask James, "they didn't invite her, did they?" No, they hadn't. But I wasn't going to let that bother me. I preferred spending time with the guys. They were nicer, at least to me.

"Are we going to play volleyball, or just gossip all day," I yelled over to them.

"Just for that we are playing girls vs boys," James called back.

"Well that doesn't seem very fair, there are way more of you girls than me," I shot back at him.

He smiled and started running towards me. I saw the playful look in his eye, and immediately dropped my stuff and began running away. I knew if he caught me, I would end up dumped into the water, whether I had my bag with me or not.

He eventually caught me, and threw me in the ocean. I toweled off a bit, but mostly let the sun dry me as I helped my team lose horrifically at volleyball. This was why Kylie got the athletic scholarship, and I did not.

When everyone took a break for lunch, I went back to James' car to call my mom.

"Hi Mom," I said when she picked up.

"Hi Kayla, what's going on?"

"I just wanted to give you a heads up about tonight. I will not be home for dinner."

"Ok, thanks. Where will you be?"

"I will be on date...with James," I answered, trying to not let the fact that I couldn't stop smiling affect my voice.

There was a pause on the other end. "With James? Really? Well it's about time," my mom said with her smile coming through loud and clear. "When did this happen?"

"This morning."

"Well that is just great, honey. I am so happy for you," There was a noise on the other end. "I'm sorry honey, I have to run to a meeting. Can we talk more about this tonight, before you leave?"


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