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Heiress Whored 07

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Miss de Witt and her stepmom clash.
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Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 08/30/2023
Created 08/16/2023
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That night we hardly stopped to draw breath. Food? Who needed it? Sleep? Who needed it? Nic? Her I needed. Ash? She needed me. We feasted on each other and loved like two girls who had found something they had always needed without knowing that it had even existed until this moment.

We must have slept, or maybe it was the adrenaline of love that meant we could greet the Friday morning without feeling exhausted? Either way, we awoke to each other's arms and kissed. I saw that look in her eyes.

"And yes, Missy, before you ask, I meant all those soppy things."

"So did I," she said, smiling that sweet smile of hers. I loved her dimples.

We breakfasted together. It felt like we had been doing this for ages. It felt good. There could be no doubt about it. Well, if that did not complicate things mightily, I was falling in love!

As on the previous day, we went to work together, and I went up to see Alisha, after kissing Nic goodbye in the lift.

"Hi, Ash," she said, cheerfully, her manner quite different than the day before. Your stepmother will be arriving at ten, I think she wants us to dine early tonight, so I shall see you then. Okay?"

"Of course," I replied.

I popped down to see Nic.

"I've set up a feed on your laptop, darling, so we can monitor your stepmom."

It was good that she was not asking why. That, I guessed, was part of being in love, you did things to please your lover, just because you could.

"There is also an alert for her texts as well as access to her calls."

"Thanks darling."

I could not quite put my finger on it, but if I was going to trust my instincts as an escort, I should also trust them on this. Something was going on, and I doubted it was something that would be in my interest.

I went back to my apartment and set the laptop up. Amber got to the apartment just after eleven. She looked round, clearly pleased with the penthouse suite, and after getting the maid to unpack, ordered herself a glass of white wine. Kicking her shoes off, she sat back and made a phone call.

"Sergei? Yes, it's Amber here. I'm in Paris, yes, at the apartment. What? You dirty old man, sure, of course, give me time to shower. What? Okay, a quick one before lunch - if you insist."

The smile on her face told its own story. I phoned Nic.

"Nic, darling, can we record what happens in the apartment?"

"Darling, just press the red button when you want to start, and when you want to stop."

Amber vanished into the shower, emerging in a short robe which showed off her legs to good advantage. You had, I thought, to admire her fitness, thirty-four and breasts as firm and full as anyone could ask for, bitch! Envy was a terrible thing.

Sergei, it turned out, was a tall, handsome Russian whose expertise in bed left nothing to be desired. It was clear that my cheating bitch of a stepmother enjoyed herself, and as it happened, lunch was a non-event, as they fucked through most of the afternoon. It was not until four o'clock that he said he had to go, to her evident disappointment. Then, after another shower, she made a phone call.

"Vlad, yes, it's me, Amber. I will send you details about tomorrow, okay? Now remember, the essential thing is getting the bitch out of the country pronto. You have your private jet, yes? The French will not check. I will send full details. Yes, yes, Prince Khaled will like her - tall, blonde, and sexy, what's not to like? Thanks, well, await further details. What's that? Yes, of course, but I want the money in the firm's accounts, not mine, it needs to look like a business transaction."

My heart skipped several beats.

So that was what the bitch was up to! She was going to sell me to some Arab Prince via one of her Russian contacts. Part of me had suspected something like this, which was why I had been taking precautions.

I took the burner phone that Nic had bought for me. I uploaded part of the video and set it to "send" to my father tomorrow night. If anything happened to me, at least he'd know that the pre-nup had been worth it.

Without asking, on either side, Nic came over after work.

"You look as though you have seen a ghost, and not a friendly one," she said.

I explained to her what was happening. She was, of course, horrified.

"What are you going to do?"

"I have a plan, darling, but I shall need your help too."

"You have it."

I am afraid that I am off to dinner with Alisha and my stepmom, but if you could stay till I come back."

She smiled. "Of course, and if there are any developments, I will ping you a text."

The important thing was not to let on that I was aware that anything was going on. Alisha had told me that I would be having a busy weekend, so, time to play up the submissive heiress.

I went for a red wool and silk blend minidress with matching panties. The flair from the waist would just flash my backside when I wanted, and would, I hope, reinforce the message. I did my make up and went out to see what Nic thought.

"Wow! Oh Ash, you are impossibly glam. Give me a twirl!"

I did.

Wow! Nice panties, girl!"

"Well, with these three in red heels, I should look the part. But keep your eyes peeled. Any trouble and you call the number I have left."

I caught a cab to the restaurant, and could see that Amber and Alisha were already deep in conversation when I spotted them. It was not egotism to think they had been discussing me.

Amber smiled broadly.

"Oh Ash, you look every inch the expensive escort. Give us a twirl!"

That was Amber for you, one put down and one 'let's embarrass her' in two sentences.

Naturally, I did as I was told. I think every man within twenty feet was looking at me.

"Good girl, do sit. You were right," Amber said, turning to Alisha, "she is being good."

"Thank you, Miss Alisha," I said, "and thank you Mistress Amber."

Amber grinned at Alisha.

Interesting, I thought, Alisha had clearly said nothing about my activities as a nascent domme. I put that one away for later.

We dined well, but it was clear that Amber was treating me as an escort, not her stepdaughter. As we finished, she said:

"You're going to be a good girl and come back to make me happy, aren't you Ash?"

"Yes, Mommy, of course," I said.

Alisha took her leave. Amber took me back to her room. I just hoped she'd showered thoroughly earlier; I doubted that I wanted a taste of what Sergei had pumped into her earlier.

She had, as it turned out.

"Dress off, whore," Amber said, the moment we were in her room.

"Yes Mistress."

Then it hit me; Nic was watching all this! How would she cope with seeing her girlfriend behaving like a hooker?

I stripped to my panties, while Amber unzipped her skirt and peeled her panties down. I could see how wet she was.

"I want to get to sleep soon, but I need another orgasm first, give it me, slut."

In another mood, indeed, in the frame of mind I had occupied until coming to Paris, such insulting behaviour, rubbing in the demeaning position I occupied, would have triggered a descent into subspace; but not now. It was, however, politic to reinforce her preconceived views.

As she leant back on the bed, I crawled between her thighs. She grabbed my hair, puling hard and make me squeal. I responded by licking her with more vigour. I knew what aroused her, and applied my tongue to her clit. I had noticed from the spycam that she had not cum with Sergei, and instinct told me she needed to. I sucked her clit, slowly, and then turned to tugging her lips. Her moans told me I was right.

Something about her behaviour with Sergei sprang into my mind as I teased her.

I let my finger rim her asshole, which was wet with her juices and my saliva.

"Oh gawd, gawd, yes, yes, touch me there."

I stopped.

"I said touch me there, bitch!" Amber was angry.

"Here?" I said, pushing against her tightness and making her gasp.

I switched to my thumb, pushing and circling her there, making her moan. As she did, I slid two, then three fingers into her wetness, my nails running along her walls as they opened for me. I touched her special place. As I did that, I pushed my thumb through so that my fingers could feel it; then I clenched and unclenched my had three times.

Amber was beginning to tremble.

"Oh fuck, fuck, Ash, yes, take me!"

I pulled out and slapped her pussy, hard, once, twice, three times, and then as she moved, I pushed my fingers and thumb back in, roughly, repeating the treatment three times until she was gasping.

"You fucking bitch, I need to cum, make me cum!"

She was not getting the message, so I pulled out again; this time I left her gasping and empty. She had been on the edge; she could stay there.

"You, you, you," I said, standing and looking at her.

"What the fuck?"

"If you need to cum, you need me more than I need you, Mommy dearest, so maybe being nice to your girl will get you more than being a fucking bitch."

She looked as though I had slapped her in the face. Her eyes locked with mine. I glared, holding her gaze until she looked down.

"It's just a game, Ash, I thought you liked me being like that with you."

"This, Mommy, is NOT a game, you DO like ME being like this with YOU, don't you?"

She sat there, her hand went between her legs, I slapped it away.

"Oh no, no, not at all," I said, "naughty stepmoms don't get to cum by themselves, do they?"

She looked at me again. She tried to hold my gaze, but failed again. She moved her hand back; I slapped it again.

"Do that again, and I go," I said.

"If you go, bitch, I will tell Daddy what his precious babygirl is spending her summer doing."

"Do it," I said. "I am not going to tell you what the consequence would be, but believe you me, you won't like it."

I held her gaze.

"You're bluffing."

"Try me. Daddy will forgive his babygirl eventually, so go on. Here," I said, grabbing my phone from my bag, "phone him. What's up?" I asked her, "cat got your tongue?"

"Okay, okay, look Ash, I was just playing, I won't, promise."

"Good Mommy," I said, sounding suitable placated. "But you called me a bitch and you threatened me. Naughty Mommies should be treated like naughty girls, what happens to naughty girls - Mommy?"

There was one, last, fleeting, attempt to hold my gaze, then she crumpled.

"They get spanked?" She asked.

"Correct, they do. They get spanked over their daughter's lap, and as you are pantieless, you can get over there in a moment. First, stand up! Take your blouse and bra off."

Reluctantly, slowly, she stood and did as I had told her.

I really could see how she had bewitched Papa. Amber was a rare beauty. She was not that much older than me, and as I looked at her, it hit me, there was actually a likeness there. My, was Papa looking for someone who looked like me?

"Open those legs, I want to inspect you; hands on your head."

That was the test. She could still, at that stage, have pushed back and the thing would have ended in a stalemate. But she did not. Her breasts jiggled as her hands went on her head. I circled her, touching her breasts and her pussy. She moaned.

"You did want a quick orgasm, didn't you?"

She looked at me with resentment.

"I did, can I please have one?"

"Good girl," I smiled, "Mommy is learning how to get what she needs from her stepdaughter."

I cupped her pussy, sliding three fingers in and making her bend at the knees as she groaned at the sudden intrusion. As I thrust in and out, she moved her body in time with my hand. Just as she got to the edge, again, I said:

"Spanking time!"

She gasped with disappointment as I pulled out. I put my wet fingers under her nose next to her lips.

"Sniff and clean them."

In a daze now, she sniffed her own wetness on my fingers, and them sucked them, tasting herself.

I sat down on the bed.

"Over my knee, NOW! Tell me what you need and why?"

Her ass really was an absolute peach, she really could have been a genuine model, she had the figure for it. I ran my finger along the crack, making her whimper, and then, in quick succession, I delivered half a dozen smacks, starting off gently and ending with two hard ones, one to each of her, by them, pink cheeks.

As she reached to rub herself, I thrust three fingers in and fucked her hard.

"Do you need to cum, Mommy?"

"Fuck, fuck, I am on fire, yes yesses."

"Beg your stepdaughter."

"Please, please Ash, please can I cum?"

"Yes!" I said, deciding that if I edged her one more time, she might just despair.

She came, and how she came, hard, fast, and urgently.

I let her writhe and spasm over my knee until she calmed down.

I moved her onto the bed, and adjusted her position until, trembling, she was on all fours.

I took the strap on from the bedside table, put it on, and proceeded to take her again, slowly at first, letting her head clear a little, and then, faster, as the effects of the friction and my treatment of her took effect.

I had to admit to myself that she really was a good fuck, once you got her to where she needed to be, something in her surrendered and she orgasmed again. I turned her over.

"Yes, pet, just lie on your back, spread your legs, make all your holes accessible for your Mistress. Let everything happen, you're my fucktoy, this status is what you're really craving, isn't it?"

Dazed, she groaned, "fuck yes, Yesssss!"

"Good Mommy, feels better, doesn't it?"

"Yes Ash, yes it does."

That, I thought to myself, was something we would have to see about.

"You need your sleep," I said, "see you around eleven tomorrow, ok?"

Exhausted, she looked at me.

"Yes, and for the evening too?"

There was a glint in her eye.

"Of course, Mommy."

I had turned to go by then; it was as well she did not see the glint in mine.

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PixiehoffPixiehoffabout 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you so much, Wiz. I agree, but my writing has a life of her own, I do my best with her ... :) xxxxx

Wiz1002Wiz1002about 1 year ago

Oooh, very interesting…..

Ash has Amber just where she wants her and stepmummy Amber has no idea what’s about to happen to her!!

I know you keep the chapter coming fairly quickly but this was far too short and could have been extended out to make it even better. It still got 5⭐️ from me 😊

PixiehoffPixiehoffabout 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you so much, darling Amadeus - the denouement is nigh xxxxx

amadeuseroticamadeuseroticabout 1 year ago

Nice table-turning on the evil stepmother! Will it be enough for Amber to change her wicked ways? Or will an intervention be needed in the 'nic' of time? Only the next episode will tell.

PixiehoffPixiehoffabout 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you, Anon. Yes, a feature of this has been Ashley's growth - quite how far she has grown the final chapter will reveal xxxxx

PixiehoffPixiehoffabout 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you so much, Bunny, the final chapter has been submitted, so not long to wait xxxxx

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Amber is sooooo much more diabolical than I had suspected. And to think I once admired Amber for “saving” Ash from a dangerous and destructive path. Fortunately, (and unfortunately for Amber’s devious plans) Ashley is not the naive and unsophisticated young lady she once was. The challenging path Ashley traveled has led to the discovery of her own power. - And with Nic there for love and support (and technical support), I am confident Ashley can “control” the situation. -Just like she “controlled” Amber during their dirty and dangerous liaison. Alisha is still a bit of a wildcard though, which adds a bit of uncertainty into the equation. Time for another popcorn run. 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿

WishIWroteGudWishIWroteGudabout 1 year ago

I literally can't wait for the rug to be pulled out from under the SM.

PixiehoffPixiehoffabout 1 year agoAuthor

😊😉 thank you Mama 💕

SerradaCSerradaCabout 1 year ago

AWC oh my ummmmm well what to day. Ummmmm I will be back in a few... I need to find a very very cold shower. Rellly good chapater (hard to type with one hand ... sorry ) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ and ❤️

PixiehoffPixiehoffabout 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you Lisa, the next part was submitted today, so should be up Wednesday xxxxx

PixiehoffPixiehoffabout 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you, ladylicker 0 I am so glad xxxxx

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

... again, a hot and amazing chapter ... great work, Pixie ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ as always, I can't wait for more! LisaR.

ladylicker1ladylicker1about 1 year ago

This story is so well written. I am enjoying it thoroughly. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Dr B; Fucking hell Pixie, from the virginial Vicar, to this, a pussy dripping sex feast, not only sexy, but a twisted step-mum plotting to sell-off her step-daughter to some perverted middle-east oligarch. You certainly have one twisted, perverted mind, love it. You are the absolutely best author on here, I would buy any book you published and I'm sure so would many other of your readers. Perfection, kinky, cunning, enticing and just so brilliantly developed. More please ASAP, err, you don't need to worry, five naturally, deserves so much more. OXOXO.

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