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Help Me Rhonda

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A Not So Boring Weekend.
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Chapter 1 -- A Not So Boring Weekend

"Hey... honey... look!" I heard Rhonda's voice in the far corner of the room. She was standing there, with one ample breast slid out of her camisole. Her left hand wrapped around it, squeezing her breast as I looked over.

I quickly looked behind me. No one seemed to notice her standing over in the corner of the convention center. I looked back to my wife who had pulled out the other breast and was now pushing them up with both hands and making her sexy face.

She quickly turned around and adjusted herself as the gentleman whom had been talking to someone next to her began to move. I saw a smile on her face as she turned her head over her shoulder.

Within minutes she was sitting next to me again at our table. Leaning in she kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear. "Did you like my little show, honey?"

I turned my head and gave her the biggest smile I could muster. "Hell yea, I did." I said lip locking with my wife. She giggled when the kiss broke and the loudspeaker began to interrupt our flirting.

"Ladies and gentleman we here at Sharps, McGovern and Wailings welcome you and hope you enjoy the festivities that have been planned for your weekend..."

The loudspeaker started to become background noise as I sipped my Long Island Iced Tea while we scoped out the room. It was the same as it always was. Stuffy businessmen and women anchored to their spouses for a rudimentary retreat.

It was starting to look like it was going to be another boring weekend, simply to get bonus points with the higher ups for showing up. Or at least I thought...

The dinner they had given us was not too terrible, even though I would have preferred it just be my wife and I at the local Applebee's. The conversation during the initial festivities wasn't too terrible either, although I mostly only talked with my wife. Another couple sat at our table, but they were far from interesting and as the evening wound down I glanced at my wife who was doing a fine job faking interest at whatever Mr. and Mrs. Midwest were talking about.

Finally, they excused themselves claiming an early start for tomorrow and I was left alone with my sexy brunette wife once again. As she twirled her hair and glanced around the room I was so drawn to her. She was incredible and the treat which sparked my anticipation of returning to our hotel room tonight. "I love you." I said catching her attention. She smiled at me.

She had her free hand on my thigh as I began to nuzzle my nose into her exposed neck. I loved it when she wore her hair the way she had today. It was a sort of an updo but aloud for lengthy pieces to fall in front of her face. Her dark brown eyes caught mine as I smiled at her.

"Well..." she started removing her hand from my thigh. She grabbed her water glass and took a drink before setting it back down. "Are you up for some fun?" She asked with a devious twinkle about her.

"What do you have in mind?" I asked, still smiling at her.

Her eyes started drifting around the room as she was obviously scheming. I was always excited when my wife came up with interesting fun things to "play" at. She was a true exhibitionist and that was just fine with me, since I was a voyeur and loved her even more for it.

Rhonda and I had been married coming up on ten years and there was never a shortage of excitement when it came to her... freedom, shall we say? We were very open with our feelings, fantasies and pretty much each other. She was truly my best friend as well as the love of my life. From our first date, I was totally captivated by this woman.

It was then she alluded to the fact that she was willing to show me the goods no matter who was around. In turn, I was quick to encourage her every chance I got and our love story began in a very playful, naughty whirlwind.

It didn't take long till we were fucking like rabbits in every remote location she could find and doing some of the most incredible things I'd ever done in my life. Like, the time she gave me a blowjob on a public bus or when she skinny dipped in the lake behind the police station. Needless to say, it did not take me long to fall head over heels for this woman.

She returned her view to me and flashed a quick grin as she got up from her chair. Walking away from me, she looked over her shoulder back at me. "Well... come on, then." She said and I immediately got up and quickly followed.

Her pace was steadfast as we dipped and weaved in and out of the remaining guests. "Where are we going?" I asked falling behind. She did not answer, yet motioned for me to hurry up.

Eventually our jaunt had come to a conclusion as I realized we had made our way out of the banquet room and into the hall that leads to the attached hotel. Quickly she did a 180 to check her surroundings and then reached her hand under her skirt. My eyes widened as I could guess where this was going. She flicked her lace G-string she had just removed at me then turned and started her walk again, flipping up the back end of her skirt to expose her naked buttocks.

I caught the undergarments and caught a whiff of her sweet aroma as I wadded them up shoving them into my pants pocket. Quickly, with a tingle in my cock and a skip to my heartbeat, I followed my naughty wife eager to see what she had intended for tonight.

To my surprise we were not returning to the banquet room, but instead headed to the hotel. That was odd, I thought to myself. All the people were in the staging area, as they liked to call it. Never the less, I followed eagerly awaiting what my deviant wife had up her sleeve.

She paused as we reached the catwalk connecting the hotel to the convention center and she slowed a bit, looking behind her to make sure I was still close. Looking ahead again, before she began walking once more she quickly lifted her skirt to her waist and allowed me the view of her ample ass as she scurried down the footbridge.

I noticed my mouth was producing an insane amount of saliva as I once again, eagerly followed her. She came to the end of the catwalk and looked left, then right. Turning to face me, she once again pulled up her skit this time exposing her clean shaven pussy for my enjoyment. I almost reached up to her at this point, but my attempting to touch her uncovered area was for not, as she quickly turned and was again on her task.

"Come along now... you don't want to be late" she said, her voice trailing off. I stepped up my pace to an almost jog, but still felt I was lagging behind.

Finally, she stopped at a double-sided door. I looked at the marking to the side, "Pool Area". I smirked at her and began to feel my pants forming the usual tent.

Before walking through the doors she turned and looked at me with that devilish grin she was so good at. Again, she lifted her skirt and exposed her hairless crevice. She slid her hand down her body, reaching her spot; she spread the pussy wide at the lips. Then removed her hand, stuck two fingers in her mouth and gave a little moan as she disappeared into the pool area.

The pool area was laid out like most four star hotels, a very nice heated pool that looked to extend to 9' and a small alcove with a sauna tub connecting. That's when I noticed we were not alone.

Sitting in the sauna tub was an older, balding gentleman and as I looked at my wife I could see the disappointment form on her face. Then, it changed drastically and seemed like she got another one of her fabulous ideas.

"You don't mind if I swim, do you?" Rhonda asked the man. He looked up at her and began to shake his head with a smile.

She looked back at me, walked over to the pool and lifted her camisole over her head. Next, she slid her skirt down and with one swift motion unhooked and flung her bra to a lounge chair. I could see the man slide to the edge of the sauna tub and prop his arms over as he watched my now naked wife, prepare to dive into the pool.

Watching the man out of the corner of her eye, she planted her toes on the edge of the pool raised her arms above her head and then dove. Her body was so beautiful. She only stood at about 5'5" but there were curves in all the right places. She had a hefty D cup breast, with rosy pink nipples and her body was always the perfect amount of tan. Her bottom always made me think of an apple and her legs... her legs were just perfect in my opinion. Muscular enough but not overtly big, I always blamed it on the jogging she did like it was heroine or some other addictive substance. She did say she got 'high' off the rush of brisk morning jogs.

She swam to the far side of the pool and turned under water, not coming up until she reached her starting point. When she did come up for air, her updo hair style was ruined, but only added to her sexiness. She brushed the water away from her face, spitting some down her chest. She looked at me with an ear to ear grin.

"Want to join?" She said standing before me, naked in the public hotel pool.

I looked over at the man who seemed to be waiting for my answer. "Uh..." I murmured.

"Hell son, if you don't I will." He said from a distance. I gave a little laugh and began unbuttoning my shirt. Kicking off my shoes I tossed the shirt to the chair she had tossed her clothes. I put my hands on my belt buckle and looked at my wife. She gave a nod and I undid the belt and slid down my pants.

Walking them over to the lounge chair in only my boxer shorts I heard Rhonda once more. "Don't be a prude Ty" she said. Obviously she was referring to the shorts I still had on, and not turning around to her I simply slipped them down and kicked them to the side.

My erection was easily noticed by all, I could guess as I walked over to the pool edge. Cannon balling in I let out a rather large splash to engulfed Rhonda as she gave a little scream. She splashed me back in a playful way. "You got me all wet, babe."

I held my arms out, inviting her in and smirked. "Not yet I haven't." I said as we embraced. Grabbing her ass under the water I gave her a big tongue filled kiss. She eagerly allowed my probing and joined the tongue dance with her own as she hiked one leg over my hip.

I soon realized my grabbing was spreading her ass cheeks and most likely giving the man in the sauna tub a decent view of her pussy lips. I was evident that Rhonda realized this as well because she moved purposefully in a way that my hand was very close to entering her cunt.

"I want to fuck you, right now" she whispered to me clenching her hand around my hard cock. Over her shoulder I looked toward the man in the sauna tub. Yep, sure enough he was still watching not even trying to hide that fact.

I allowed her to slide my cock inside her pussy as I gripped her leg that was thrown over my hip. She began to splash the water around us and let out a hefty moan upon penetration. "Oh fuck Ty, that's nice" she said gazing into my eyes.

I leaned closer and stuck my tongue in her inviting mouth as she slapped her pussy up and down on my cock in the water. Eventually we moved closer to the edge of the pool and as I sat down on the shallow step. She now had an easier time mounting me with her feet on the step. She then began to bounce up and down with ease.

She gave me deep tongue filled kisses as she bounced, sliding her tongue in heavy and deep then withdrawing slowly. She bit my bottom lip with a nibble as she spoke "Fuck me baby, oh god fuck me". And fuck her I did, gently squeezing her tits as she neared her sweat agony of orgasmic pleasure.

After her orgasm subsided I flipped her over, mounting her from behind and slid my cock back into her. We were now entirely out of the water and I was doggy fucking her against the railing that led into the shallow end of the pool. She gripped the railing hard and met my thrusts with the momentum of her ass.

Just knowing the man in the sauna tub was still watching me fuck my wife excited me and as she reached around to spread her ass cheek to the side... the site of her cleanly shave asshole was more than I could endure.

She must have felt it in my thrusts because just in time and without missing a beat she shot me a look as she ordered my next move. "Cum all over my ass, baby" she said. And I did just that. Whipping my dick out of her pussy I jerked the largest load I'd jerked in quite some time all over her ass. Well, most of it hit her ass although some hit her back, her hair and yes even her face that was still turned to my view.

As I finished exploding all over her beautiful body she forced her ass backward, which allowed my semi-erect cock to slide back into her without trouble. She pumped a few more times and moaned her last few moans. With that she turned around, kissed me and stepped out of the pool.

I stood there in the shallow end of the pool, my deflating cock in front of me as I watched my sexy wife prance across the pool area to her clothes. Damn, I loved this woman!

She began to put her clothes on and while zipping her skirt looked at the man in the sauna tub, with her bare tits still exposed. "I'm sorry for the interruption" she said smiling.

"Oh no... not an interruption at all" I heard him answer.

I laughed to myself as I walked over to where she was and began to dress myself.

We made it to our hotel room and she immediately planted herself on the bed, back down. I walked to the side and looked down at her with a huge smile on my face. "Was that a good start to the weekend?"

"Oh yes. Yes it was" I replied leaning down to kiss her.

The next morning I awoke to find the room was empty. I laid there for a minute remembering the adventure my wife had led me on last night and began to feel my already hard cock. Damn, I thought to myself, maybe this wasn't going to be such a bad weekend after all.

As I rolled out of the queen sized bed I put my elbows on my knees and ran my hands through my hair. Giving myself a second to collect my thoughts, I paused. Just then the room door flung open and before me was my sexy wife, Rhonda. She was dressed in her work out attire as I realized that's why she was gone so early. She smiled at me as she came closer and jumped behind me in the bed.

Wrapping her arms around my mid-section she leaned her mouth against my ear. "And how is Mr. Sleepyhead this morning" she asked me nibbling on my earlobe.

"Still in awe baby" I said turning and kissing her mouth.

She pouted her lips at me. "Seriously, Ten years and I still surprise you?"

I laughed at her fake shock. "Baby, you know you never cease to amaze and surprise me." I kissed her again.

She rolled around and got out of the bed, holding her hand out to me. "Come on; let's see what trouble we can get in today." She said with that scheming smile on her face.

We stepped into the banquet room at half past ten, just in time for the usual Saturday activity lists to be given out. Finding an unoccupied table we sat and took one of the lists that had been piled on the tables.

"Scavenger hunt!" Rhonda exclaimed. "Oooh can we do that?" She excitedly asked me. I nodded with a laugh.

I scanned the list. Other than what had Rhonda so excited it seemed like the usual boring job fare type shit. The scavenger hunt did sound like it would suck the least, so I settled on the fact that my entire Saturday would be in Rhonda's very capable and naughty hands.

I tossed the paper aside as Rhonda crashed into me sticking her mouth to my ear. "Oh my god Ty, look who it is" She said giving an unnoticed point across the room. Yep, it was in fact the man from the sauna tub. I laughed with her and made few ahs and oohs.

Her face was notably a reddish shade as she threw her hand over mouth attempting to stifle the laughter. This was interesting as my wife rarely showed embarrassment. Perhaps it was because it was my work retreat, but I did not recognize the man and as there were several companies here this weekend I really didn't care who he was either.

"Don't forget the lunch buffet will be served immediately following this morning's activities"

The loudspeaker moaned on as I tossed the list back onto the table. I threw my arm around Rhonda's shoulder as she leaned more into me. Reaching down and kissing her cheek I asked "Are you ready to head out?"

She gave a nod and began to stand up. I couldn't help but notice she seemed to be hiding her face in her hair from the man from the sauna tub as we walked out of the door. I laughed to myself as we entered the hallway.

"So, any plans I should be aware of today?" I asked as we walked hand in hand down the hall to the first clue on the list.

She began to sway our hands with force. "Um..." she was awfully giddy today I noticed. "What rules do I have to follow?"

I stopped walking which caused her to stumble backward with my tug of her arm. She walked up and got in my face as to fake a school yard standoff. "What" she asked trying her best to look scary.

I smiled at her attempt. "Do I need to place rules on these plans?"

She shrugged her shoulders and threw her arms outward. "I don't know... I might do something very naughty and crazy today." I could see her smile even though she was trying desperately to hide it as she leaned in and planted a wet kiss on my lips.

I thought for a moment as I knew just how naughty Rhonda could get. Finally I decided to throw caution to the wind and let her have complete autonomy over our weekend. "No. No rules this weekend." Her eyes widened as I spoke.

"Are you sure, babe?" She asked beginning to once more nibble my bottom lip.

"I trust you. I love you. Free reign all weekend." I said feeling confident with my decision.

Her eye brow rose as I could see the wheels turning in her plot machine. "You do realize what you're letting me do, right?" She asked a final time. I nodded as I saw a rush of delight wash over her.

I knew my wife and how she could get. She did always seem to hold back, for my benefit and I was now letting the reigns loose and I was not only okay with the possibilities, but somewhat eager to see how far she would push the envelope when given a chance.

As we approached the bistro, which was first on the list of scavenger's we would be hunting I was still amazed at the look my wife had on her face. She seemed more like a kid in a candy store than anything else. I wondered what she would come up with. Hell, I wondered just how naughty she could get. All in all, I was very willing to find out. This was going to be exciting.

The smell of freshly cooked bread was over powering and I found myself getting very hungry as we walked into the bistro. There was one man behind the counter and a couple sitting at the back. It was only about eleven in the morning, so that was understandable although I thought with the scavenger hunt involving at least a few hundred people, they would have been a little busier.

Rhonda turned and faced me cutting off my jaunt to the man at the counter. "No rules, right?" She asked again placing her hands palms down on my chest.

"Correct." I said. She leaned in and shoved her tongue into my mouth until she found mine. Our tongues danced for several seconds before she broke the kiss.

"Wait here." She turned and walked over to the man behind the counter. He was fairly young, maybe a few years younger than us and seemed to be well kept. I watched as Rhonda got his attention and then slowly began to slide her hand up and down his arm as they spoke.

The oddest part of all this was the erection I noticed growing in my pants. That was new, but I watched on. I then saw her run her hand up and grip his bicep. She let out a laugh as if he was telling her a joke. He reached under the counter and handed her and envelope. She glanced back at me and smiled then turned and full kissed him on the mouth. There was definitely tongue involved in that kiss I noticed.


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