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Her First Time Ch. 31

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Next day with Jenny and Richard.
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Part 31 of the 48 part series

Updated 06/14/2024
Created 12/13/2019
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Later, Saturday evening, March 28

My heart was pounding. Jenny and Richard were still at our house, sitting on our loveseat, Jenny wearing one of Dani's silk robes, no idea what, if anything, underneath it, her bare legs across Richard's waist; Dani in the very, very sexy negligee that I'd bought her at Adam and Eve in Reno, sitting on my lap on our recliner, the four of us with another glass of wine and a brownie.

"There was another thing, a fourth thing that stood out above the others," I said, not believing that I was actually going to tell this part of my dream, "it..." I took a deep breath, looking back and forth between Jenny and Richard, "It involved... you..." I told Jenny.

I looked at Richard after I said it, he looked inquisitive, nothing else. I couldn't believe I was going to reveal this. It was one of those that I'd vowed to NEVER utter a word about. I already had, inadvertently, to Dani, but this was different, totally different

"His dreams have had a way of coming true," Dani said, knowing what I was going to say, or at least part of it, her hand working its way underneath, to my groin. Despite what we'd just done, or maybe because of it, plus the current situation in our living room was making me very, very turned on!

I took another deep breath, my body shaking. I don't think I'd ever felt quite the terror of that moment, mixed in with the horniness, it was a potent combination. "It was the next weekend... after Tampa, the first time. Dani and I were going out to dinner with our best friends, you and Richard. We stopped at your house to pick you up... and you said Richard had an emergency, a caesarian with twin preemies. I didn't think anything about it, it was such a common occurrence.

"We offered to reschedule dinner, but you said no... and I didn't really want to, anyway, neither did Dani. Dani was wearing a short, leather skirt... you know how she likes leather, and you a silk dress, sheer black stockings... lilac perfume. You were both so sexy, and after that weekend with Alan and Dani, I was... shall I say, more than a little horny... going to dinner with two beautiful women. To be honest, I was on cloud nine."

I watched Richard, looking for any reaction from him, watching with a very bemused smile on his face, rubbing his wife's thigh, and starting to develop a tent in his tight Speedo... as was I. Either of these women, dressed as they were, were more than enough to send any man into overdrive, but with Richard's hand working higher on Jenny's thigh and Dani in that babydoll, her hand where it was...

"We went to the Black Angus, both of you flirting with me, flirting with our waiter, not pulling your dresses down after sliding in the booth, the scent of your perfume."

"I think I know where this is going, except he hasn't told me any of the details," Dani said, her hand slowly working up and down on my member, slickened by the oozing precum.

So far, it seemed Richard seemed to be approving of the story, evidenced by the bulge in his Speedo. Of course, he didn't know where it was going, either.

"Dani told you about the..." vibrator, the one I'd surprised her with the night before. No, I wasn't going to mention that. Who knows, I might want to try that for real sometime. "Never mind that, it's not important. But after dinner, you suggested this new place over in Pasco, you said the dancing was great."

"Mario's?" Jenny asked, "it's a new, small nightclub that one of my students mentioned a couple weeks ago. She thought it was hot." She giggled, "Young people, everything is 'hot'."

I thought a moment, trying to remember the name on the sign outside, "Yeah, I think that was the name," I told her, "on Lewis Street? I remember this one was on Lewis Street, a couple blocks past Griggs, red neon sign in front, 'Mario's'"

"That's it, how could you have known about that? They'd just opened when Nance told me about it, two weeks ago. It didn't even exist until after you came out of your coma."

I shrugged my shoulders, "Welcome to my world," I told her, "just another mystery, I could practically go on forever telling you the things I couldn't have known about."

"They had live music, country, a couple, very good, pretty girl, good looking guy, like they should have been on American Idol or some such," I said.

"It's what Nance raved about, the duo of country singers," Jenny added.

"Yeah, we were enjoying their music," I said, "we ordered drinks and sat listening for a little while until you drug Dani out on the dance floor..." I rolled my eyes, "so fucking sexy! You both were driving me crazy in your short skirts, grinding against each other, whispering sexy secrets."

"Maybe we should try this place," Dani said, "sounds like fun," as my hand was tweaking her left nipple.

"I like the idea of the strip club better," Jenny said, "but yeah, we should."

The strip club, yeah, that'd be a dream come true! "You two danced a couple songs before you sat back down, and Dani pulled me out on the floor for a slow song that the girl, wearing a short western dress, was making extra sexy... that sultry voice... Dani was wearing the perfume we'd bought in Tampa, the sexiest ever, it drove everyone crazy, nibbling on my neck... just trying to drive me wild... and damned well succeeding!"

"Mmm, wished I'd been there," Dani said, "lucky you!"

"Yeah, lucky me!" I agreed, "especially when we were walking back to our table and you whispered in my ear that Jen would want to dance with me, too."

"We ordered another drink and you and Jenny danced another couple fast songs together, and when another slow song came on, I'd had enough liquid courage to ask Jenny."

Richard still seemed to be enjoying the story, I'd been afraid he might get a bout of jealousy, wouldn't blame him. His hand had worked its way between her legs, getting her to squirm on his lap.

"You know how Jenny dances, like she's gliding on air... flowing like liquid. I have no idea how she does that," I said, to no one in particular, just an observation, "but to me, that night, it was like she was floating in my arms, so smooth, her arms wrapped around my neck, all my blood going to my dick..."

I took a deep breath, the next could change everything, I knew that.

"I'd never danced with anyone so sensual," I was looking at Jenny, "your perfume, your cheek against mine, arms around my neck, breasts pressed against me. I was... mesmerized, so aroused by Dani's best friend... and then your lips, tickling my ear, whispering to me, 'Dani asked me if I wanted to seduce you.'"

I hesitated, my heart pounding, unsure of anything after what I'd just said. I'm not sure what I'd think if the positions were reversed, if Richard had told me that about my Dani? Well, that's not true, I'd be excited as hell, but before my accident? Before my dreams of Alan Ryder and Dani? That would have been totally a different story. What would I have thought, then? But what I might have thought wouldn't mean squat, I'm not Richard... Dani isn't Jenny.

"You going to go on?" Jenny asked me, surprising me.

I looked at her, "You sure? I've been afraid to tell this part, even to Dani. It just kind of accidentally came out in Reno last weekend... and none of the details."

"We're sure, finish it, all of it," Richard said, "it was just a dream."

"Wait... Richard, the thing you have to know... these weren't... just dreams. What they were, I don't know, none of it can be explained, but... 'just' a dream... no. It might turn real, might not.... But, in one way or another, almost all of my 'dreams', virtually all that I've told Dani so far, and so much that I haven't even mentioned yet, have been coming true, one way or another,... so, do you really want to hear the rest of this?"

Dani, bless my wife, raised the stakes of the game we were playing, "Or maybe..." she said to Richard with a smirk on her face, pressing her breast into me a little harder, "you might want me and Jen to trade places... would make the rest of this story a lot more fun..."

"Hon?" I asked Dani, not believing what she'd just said.

"You want us to trade?" climbing off my lap, stepping over to the loveseat and offering Jenny her hand.

"Richard, now's the time, yes or no, no hard feelings if you don't want to," Dani said, standing in front of her friends.

Jenny was watching her husband, making no move to take Dani's offered hand. Poor Richard's face was white, his mouth working, nothing coming out, looking back and forth from his wife to Dani. As a doctor, he likely makes life or death decisions frequently, but this... this was completely different, he acted wayyy out of his element. "No... no, that's not what I meant, no, I don't object... want you to... trade, yeah," he finally stammered.

Jenny put her hand in Dani's, and began to stand. I was shell-shocked, this had gone from madness to 'holy shit!' in a matter of seconds. Was something that had been lurking in the back of my mind, a hidden fantasy, for decades about to happen in real life? I was suddenly shaking uncontrollably.

Jenny took Dani's offered hand, standing up with her. Dani whispered something in her ear, too quietly for us to hear, Jenny nodded. "I think..." Dani started, "the evening may get interesting,"

Understatement of the fucking century!

"But first," she untied the robe's sash from around Jenny's waist, letting her robe fall open, then pushed it off her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. Jenny was wearing nothing under it, her birthday suit, her pussy shaved... or waxed, bare, like Dani'; her thin, dancer's body beautiful... perfection; small, upturned breasts matching the rest of her body perfectly; brownish-pink, hardened nipples. I'd often let my mind wander, seeing her in her relatively skimpy dance costumes, never imagining that she'd ever be standing nude in front of me, about to... to... sit on my almost as naked lap!

As the two of them stood watching each other, Dani pressed her negligee's straps off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor, standing just as naked and bare as Jenny.

I caught myself holding my breath, watching these two women about to do the unthinkable. I took a glance at Richard, his face still white, jaw open. I wondered... was my face as white as his?

The recliner and loveseat had maybe six feet between them, with our very naked wives roughly in the center of that space. "You ready?" Dani asked. Jenny nodded, each looked back toward their respective spouse and then Jenny at me, Dani at Richard, each taking those couple steps toward... what, exactly? How the hell was this going to play out? It had already gone so far beyond what I'd have ever believed it ever would...

"I believe this is my seat," Jenny said, sitting her naked body down on my nothing-but-Speedo-covered lap, facing me, her devastating perfume overwhelming my senses. Well, that along with her naked body! Dani, likewise, sat down next to Richard, snuggling up next to him. At least not on him, her legs splayed apart like Jenny's, her pussy pressing up against my barely covered, overstimulated dick.

"You have a story to finish, I believe," Jenny said, tickling my chest with her fingernails. Lord help me, I could not have avoided looking down at her chest, breasts, and nipples pressed against me more if she'd been a beautiful mermaid instead of a perfect woman. One arm was around her and I didn't know what to do with my hands, kind of flailing in a conflagration of wanting and fear. Dani and Jenny had renewed their perfume after cleaning up from the hot tub, she smelled like lilac, the same as she had that other night, so fucking feminine... so sexy!

"It's okay to touch, you know, be kind of offended if you didn't," she said, with a giggle. I glanced at Dani and Richard, he seemed to be in the same quandary, not knowing what to do with his hands. I finally settled on my hand wrapping around Jenny's back, pulling her to me. She intertwined her fingers in mine, and we sat, not knowing exactly what to do.

Dani had pulled Richard's hand up, cupping one of her breasts, smiling, and watching me. "The story," she said, "we're waiting, I believe Jenny had just told you that I wanted her to seduce you."

The fucking story had left my mind completely, somehow a dream didn't seem quite so significant when the real-life woman was sitting on my lap, her naked breasts pressed against my chest, putting a hickey on my neck. But... they wanted to know what had happened in the dream, so...

"Yeah, that's what she said, that you wanted her to seduce me." I closed my eyes, going back to that night in my head, trying to ignore the naked woman whose lips were doing that to me. "I was... was... guess it'd be safe to say a little incredulous... caught off guard... mumbled something, thinking I hadn't heard what I'd just heard. Jenny... let out a little giggle and... kissed me, just briefly, 'seduce you,' she repeated, 'like this' and kissed me again... told me she told Dani she'd love it, that if I wanted her to, I needed to kiss her... like I meant it.

"I looked, Dani was watching, no expression on her face... 'three... two... one... ' Jenny counted down... and I kissed her... like she said, like I meant it... and I did. God, I wanted her!"

"Was it... kind of like this...?" Jenny, on my lap, said, bringing her lips to mine, her hand on my opposite cheek pulling me to her, her lips so soft, mouth open, her tongue... oh God!

And it went on forever, Jenny's lips on mine, her body against mine, our arms around each other, Jenny's breasts pressed against me. I have never, ever... kissed another woman besides Dani like that!

We broke, both of us breathing hard, looking at Dani and Richard. They were watching us, Richard's hand cupping her tit, hers over his, together massaging it.

"Have to tell you boys... Dani and I agreed... we're not sleeping with you, not tonight," Jenny said, "but we want the story... all of it," she added, "and maybe a little real-life fun to go with it."

I moaned, my dick was so fucking hard! But I understood, this was not to be taken lightly, not a 'spur of the moment' thing. And then the rest of what she'd said hit me, 'not tonight'. Did that mean...? Fuck!!!

"You told me..." oh crap! Jenny had one of my nipples between her lips, sucking it.

"Told you what?" and she switched to my other nipple.

"Oh shit... that feels so good! God, Jenny, you're driving me crazy!" She let out a little giggle and sucked harder.

"Told me... told me..." Oh, those lips! "that... Dani wanted to watch me make love with you... feel what I'd felt when she was with Alan."

"Mmm, and I was okay with that?" I groaned, her tongue... her lips... down my stomach... fingers toying with the elastic of the Speedo, "Know what I want to do? Bet you do..." as her lips hovered just above my groin. She'd scooted down my legs and off my lap, "This has to go," she said, beginning to slide the Speedo down my legs, "want you just as naked as me and Dani."

She got on the floor, working the Speedo down off my legs, then her tongue on the tip of my cock, "I do this to you that night?" she asked, sliding her lips just over the head. I was... oh hell, I can't even begin to describe!

"That's all you get... 'It is forbidden'," she said in her best fake 'Onna' accent, followed by a giggle and climbing back on my lap, "too bad, too, Richard loves it when he comes in my throat." She pointed to a spot about halfway down her long, slender neck, "About there," she said, "that's where he likes his cock when he comes." She giggled again, "makes quite a lump sliding down," she said, "perhaps we'll let you and Dani watch sometime... maybe..." and she let that 'maybe' dangle, just fueling my imagination.

Ooohhh! Nuff said 'bout that!

I groaned, breathing was hard. I'd already come twice that evening, damn good thing or I'd have exploded the instant Jenny's lips touched me... down there. On the couch, Richard had one of Dani's nipples in his mouth, sucking for all he was worth. She was laying back, a huge grin on her face, massaging his scalp.

And then Jenny's tongue was flicking my ear, "What then," she whispered in my ear.

"We made it back to the house..."

"Speak up, Dani and Richard need to hear, too."

I don't know, did this woman have any fucking idea what she was doing to me? At that moment, her fingers were playing with my balls, fingernails barely touching them.

"You told me you liked lots of foreplay before we made love."

"Mmm, you might have guessed, I do," she said, pulling my head down to one of her tits, thrusting her chest out.

"Dani said she was turned on," I said in-between mouthfuls of tit.

"You and I sat on the couch, Dani in the loveseat... it was closer then, right over... there," I told her, pointing to a place beside the couch. "We kissed..." and Jenny kissed me again, this time like 'she' meant it, even more than a moment ago. Her tongue was in my mouth, she sucked mine into her mouth, her hands clawing at my hair, mine exploring her naked back...

"Dani put on this thing... a leotard thing she'd brought back from Tampa," I started to tell her in-between kisses all over my face, "it held her arms, she said she was afraid she wouldn't be able to control herself otherwise.

"You sucked me... like you just said, down your throat... except you wouldn't let me come, you wanted me... inside you."

I was seeing the couch, a little hard to ignore. Dani and Richard were kissing like we had been a moment earlier, his hand between her legs, her hand over his.

"We hear you, your story, keep going... ohhh, Richard, don't stop!" Dani was practically crying over on our couch, writhing with Richard's hand rubbing her.

"You... Oh God, Jenny, I don't know how much of that I can take," her grinding her pussy on me, my dick trapped between her pussy lips and my stomach... desperately wanting to be inside her!

She backed off a little, "You had me on my back... you scooted up my body... spread your legs over my face... and..."

"Ohh God," Jenny moaned, I felt her hand, her fingers between our bodies, and a huge moan as she pressed fingers inside herself, "did I taste... like this?" she asked, pressing two wet fingers in my mouth.

"Yesss!" I told her, sucking her fingers clean, "yours was the first pussy I'd ever tasted that wasn't Dani!"

"You scooted back down my body, lifted yourself, held my cock at your entrance... waited... torturing... and let yourself down... oh so slowly."

Dani and Jenny groaned in unison. "You rocked back and forth... I couldn't stop myself... I came inside you... you spasmed and came, too."

And the real-life Jenny on my lap bit down on my shoulder, another hickey. I felt her hand between our bodies again, thrusting into herself... and I exploded a third time that night! Dani was on the couch, fingers inside herself, same as Jenny, her body shuddering on Richard's lap.

Minutes later, after we all had caught our breath, I told her, "After that first time we went to bed, the three of us, Dani was still in her costume, you in one of her babydolls, the black, flowery one." I realized then the babydoll Jenny had worn that night... it was identical to what I'd bought for Dani in Reno, "That one," I told her, pointing to the one Dani had taken off, just minutes earlier.

"We fucked again on the bed, you on your hands and knees, doggy style. Dani was in misery, she hadn't been able to come all night and was sooo horny!" I looked over at Dani, still naked, sitting beside Richard, telling her, "You'd satisfied your curiosity, now you knew how I'd felt watching you and Alan... you seemed to have liked it."


Richard and Jenny stayed the night in our spare room. You may have noticed I said 'stayed', not 'slept'. I don't think there was much sleeping from the noises we heard during the night. Not that Dani and I did much sleeping, either. We went to bed and fucked, Dani on top, cowgirl, a very loud moan coming from her when she dropped her pussy down onto me, plunging me so fucking deep inside her, not even the slightest effort to muffle.

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