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Her First Time Ch. 31


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"Jenny," she said, "J E..."

"God, girl, I know how to spell Jenny." She laughed, lightening the mood. Dani and I both gave a chuckle, too.

It came on, and I pressed the phone icon, looking around the room for a good place to put it. Dani's dresser, it's a little taller than her armoire and in a perfect spot just past the bottom of the bed. Dani has a pretty seashell on a little stand that she'd bought at the Oregon coast several years ago. I moved the shell and replaced it with Jenny's phone, positioning it just right to pick up the bed, then pressed the video icon and hit the record button. I'd noticed her battery was nearly full so that wouldn't be a problem, either. Plus, it was an iPhone 12, so it was going to take excellent videos.

I suggested to Jenny that we move her chair so she'd be in view of the lens as well. She stood and I scooted her chair over, then checked her screen to make sure, perfect.


"Why don't you open your legs a little to give your husband a little view of what he's missing," I suggested to her. She did and my heart gave a little flip-flop, taking in the view as well. It was Sharon Stone, Basic Instinct, times ten! Pink, engorged pussy lips, glistening with her juices. And that look on Jenny's face, too, no doubt how horny that girl was! I hoped her phone camera did her justice.

"Hope when you see this, you'll enjoy it as much as we're going to." I told Richard into the phone.

I turned my attention back to Dani. I was NOT going to let the lack of Richard spoil our fun. Just having Jenny watching was plenty to spice up what was still going to be a very enticing evening.

Dani's leotard was pulled up, everything except her arms in the sleeves dangling on each side. I pushed it back down her shoulders enough to get her arms started then helped push them through. "Isn't there an end to these things?" she asked when her hands never reached the arm holes, still trapped inside the spandex. Like Jenny, the rest of her upper body was so mouthwatering, tucked away inside with every curve and bump showing through the sheer material.

I wrapped the ends of the sleeves around her back the same as Jenny, pulling them tight and fastening in place with the big buttons. She instinctively pulling at her arms, trying to get them loose, the same as Jenny had done, but the material just stretched, pulling them back into place.

"You can sit," I told Dani, "I'll be right back." The leather neck brace was hidden in the closet in our dressing room. This thing alone had cost nearly three-hundred dollars, but it was worth every penny; stiff leather, flaring out at the shoulders, heavily padded for comfort, lacing up the back

"What's this?" Dani asked when I pulled it apart and fitted it around her neck.

"You'll see," I told her, "it's something Alan did with you in Tampa, something I'm sure he'd love to do to you for real when you're both alone in that ranch house in Montana," I chuckled.

I went behind and threaded the laces through the holes. The salesgirl also told us that the laces were unbreakable so they could be pulled tight, "Don't be afraid, it's cushioned enough it won't hurt, or choke," she assured. "You can't get it too tight, the tighter the better," the salesgirl had said when Richard and I were at the store.

Just to be sure, I told Dani to tell me if it was hurting her, as I began pulling tight at each set of holes. "Hurt?" I asked.

"No, but... I can't move my head."

"I think that's kind of the point," I told her, "there's going to be a reason for that." Yeah, and I was damned well looking forward to that 'reason'.

"Ohh, this feels so weird," Dani said, her head straight ahead, when I'd finished lacing and tied a bow-knot in the top, "I can't move it even a little bit." I positioned her, her butt just back from the end of the bed where I wanted her and helped her to lean back, her legs dangling off the bed.

"Now, the fun part," I told her. I'd also retrieved the straps and slippers along with the brace. I put the slippers on her feet, a small hook on each side of each one, then long, leather straps clipped to the hook on each side of the neck brace. She had absolutely no fuckin' clue what I was doing.

The opposite ends of the straps split into two a few inches from the end, with a clip on both ends. Those clips hooked into the hooks on each side of the slippers, and once straps were secured to both feet, I lifted her feet so that her legs were straight and began pulling the tightening straps for both, simultaneously.

"Ohh, ohh," Dani muttered as her legs were gradually pulled up, "what...?" I glanced at Jenny, watching with wide eyes. "I can't..." Dani mumbled when I'd pulled the strap so that her legs were winched straight up in the air, "can't... hold them..."

"That's the point, love, let your legs swing down to the sides." All she could do was let them swing in an arc... and oh, did that open up the view! Her pussy glistened wet with her juices, lips pulled apart, exposing her innermost feminine secrets. I ached to fill that void, but first...

I knelt down at the foot of the bed, careful to not make any noise to avoid letting Dani know where I was, leaned in, and touched between her lips with the tip of my tongue, wriggling it up and down. "Ohh, Ohh, God!" Dani moaned, trying to thrust her hips up to my mouth. All I gave her, though, was the tip of my tongue, listening to her whimpering. Her taste, oh, I love the taste of her when she's like this. Mouthwatering!

"More... deeper... pleeese!" she whimpered.

That was my cue, back away, again quietly, listening to Dani's whimpering. I glanced at Jenny, sitting, squirming, her mouth open, pulling at her arms.

Jenny's phone, the video, it's what Alan Ryder had done. He showed me the video one morning, what a fucking experience that was on his wall-sized TV and sound system.! I picked up the phone off its stand and zoomed it in on Dani's face, hoping it was picking up the sound of her whimpers. I tried to be very quiet, not giving anything away to Dani, she had no idea what I was doing. I got nice pictures of her in the bodysuit, showing off her sexy curves, zooming on her tits, then... down, down... to between her legs, how they were spread out, zooming once again on her wide open, juicy cunt. How wet she was, quite literally droplets leaking onto the bed. Richard was going to enjoy this video! Eat your heart out, buddy.

I stood there a moment, at the foot of the bed, taking it all in, getting her on video, Dani so fucking turned on, how her pussy was so engorged, so wet, her clit... and then pivoted to Jenny, eyes temporarily closed, squirming in her chair, pulling at her arms, legs still apart, her pussy probably just as wet as Dani's. If Richard didn't love this...!

I quietly tiptoed back to the dresser and replaced the phone on its stand then undid my pants, trying to not make a noise. My dick was so fucking hard, after everything that had been said and done, I was afraid I'd come the moment it touched Dani's pussy. Thankfully, I'd taken my shoes off long ago. My shirt followed my pants so that I was naked, except a pair of socks. They'd just have to wait, the rest of me was through waiting.

I crept to the foot of the bed, watching Dani's face staring through her blindfold straight up at the ceiling, still little mewls coming from her mouth. I lined my dick up with her open lips, her legs splayed wide to each side, careful to not touch, careful to not make any sound giving my presence away... and pushed, embedding myself deep inside her in one long, hard thrust.

Dani screamed, her trapped arms flailing, trying to free themselves, unable to move her head any direction. I pulled all the way out of her and thrust in again, getting another scream, certainly not a scream of pain.

This time I stayed inside her, grinding, pushing deeper, amazed that my orgasm hadn't already hit. I don't think I'd ever been this deep inside my wife, not ever. Dani's ongoing wail had intensified about tenfold from earlier. Hopefully, our insulated walls were enough to muffle her screams and wailing. I glanced at the window, the blind still wide open. It was dark outside but the light still on in our bedroom. If anyone was watching...

In the excitement, I'd forgotten about Jenny. Until, that is, I saw her struggling to climb up on the bed, her arms still firmly anchored in her stretchy suit. I gave Dani another hard thrust, then another, and watched in amazement as Jenny, on her knees, crawled to straddle Dani's head and lowered her pussy to her mouth, letting out a loud moan as she found her mark, grinding down on Dani's face.

I watched in amazement as Daniella Shore, my wife of twenty-eight years, was eating pussy for the first time in her forty-eight-year life, her best friend's pussy, clearly enjoying it!

As was Jenny, the look on her beautiful face was priceless, the concentration, the 'O' of her mouth... her hips rocking back and forth on Dani's mouth.

I gradually pulled out, then just as slowly pushed back into her, grinding, not wanting to interrupt her meal of Jenny's pussy.

As I watched Jenny's face, she slowly leaned forward, her face upturned, eyes closed, lips slightly open, inviting. I leaned as well, meeting her in a kiss. Her lips opened, massaging mine, her tongue in my mouth. I returned her kiss just as fervently. As we were kissing, I was moving my cock in and out of Dani, so deep. I began to feel her body tensing, shivering, her pussy clenching my cock. I wrapped my arms around Jenny, our kiss having truly become a kiss of lovers.

Dani began whimpering once again, her noises muffled by Jenny's pussy. I began to fuck her hard, feeling my orgasm rising to almost unbelievable heights before it suddenly released, shooting rope after rope of cum inside her.

Jenny's body was trembling in my arms, our kiss finally releasing its hold. She moved back off of Dani, both women panting for breath, all three bodies damp with perspiration. It had been the fuck of a lifetime! Having lost the support of Jenny's body, I collapsed onto Dani, tasting the pungent, sweetness of Jenny's pussy on her lips.

As soon as I broke the kiss with Dani, Jenny's lips replaced mine. Other than in my dream, I'd never seen two women kiss before, not like this, anyway. Jenny still had to be tasting herself on Dani's lips. If you haven't seen two women kiss in passion, you have missed out on one of the most erotic scenes imaginable. My dick was already growing hard at the sight. By the time Jenny pulled away, I could easily have fucked Dani all over again. Instead, I knew I had to help Jenny out of the leotard, let her dress and take her home before Richard arrived. I thought we probably had plenty of time but who knew for sure.

At least I was still a one-woman man... and Dani a one-man woman, albeit a little pussy on the side. The way last night and this evening had unfolded, it was seriously in doubt. I'd kissed Jenny like I've never kissed any woman besides Dani but that hardly counts in the overall scheme of life. Nor did Dani's enjoyment of Jenny's pussy. I climbed off the bed and started the search for the clothes I'd taken off. It wasn't a hard search, a pile at the foot of the bed.

"Umm, before you go, you might want to... undo this contraption... maybe lose the blindfold," Dani suggested as I was putting on my jeans. I looked at her, still spread-eagled on the bed, so scrumptious-looking with cum oozing out of her wide-open pussy. I grabbed Jenny's camera, not wanting to miss recording this sight, our very own porn show, already horny after watching that kiss.

I turned off the video, set Jenny's phone down, and finished dressing, then reluctantly released the tension on the straps, letting Dani's legs down, then had her sit up so I could remove the neck brace. She flexed her legs and twisted her neck back and forth, I guess making sure everything still worked. The rest of it, the leotard and blindfold, she asked, "Nah, I told her, I like them. 'Sides, I might wanna bring home a friend after taking Jenny home."

"You wouldn't do that."

"No, prob'ly not," I agreed, "but it sure sounds fun."

I picked up Jenny's clothes, putting them on the bed beside Dani, then helped her back up out of the chair, going behind her to undo the buttons holding the sleeves. "No, leave them, I'll wear it home, Richard will like it," she said.

Dani was listening to her, "I have a dress she can put over it, in my closet, the blue and white striped one."

I knew the dress, it's one that Dani likes to wear around the house, kind of a lounging dress, one she's never had the courage to wear out of the house. I like it cuz it's short and very clingy, shows off LOTS of skin. Usually, Dani doesn't wear any undies with it, either. Very sheer, too, one that Richard will enjoy finding on his wife, then taking off his wife and finding his present underneath. But at least it'll hide her enough to get her home without making an exhibition of herself, at least too much of an exhibition.

Something else just popped in my head as well, kind of silly but I was curious, "I just remembered, you missed your dance class Saturday, what's with that?"

Jenny laughed, "Uhh, yeah, was sort of preoccupied. I'd sent a message to everyone that we canceled it for one day. What brought that on all of a sudden?"

"Dunno, just popped in my head."

"Well... would you be a dear and send Rich a text, ask him if he has any idea when he'll be home."

"Yup," I picked it up, curious about the video, "We'll want to watch that video with you sometime," I told her. I wondered what Richard was going to think about his wife having her pussy eaten... and that kiss. I knew I was anxious to see it, all of it.

"We'll invite you over, it's set up to wirelessly connect with our TV, so can watch it on the big screen."

Yeah, 'big screen' is right. Theirs is like an eighty-inch TV. Not quite like Alan's in my dream but at least it's real, and damned big, nonetheless. "That'll be fun!" I told her. While that thought was tumbling around in my head, I found her messaging app and sent Richard the text asking when he might be home. A moment later, she got a response, 'Babies fine, should be home in about a half-hour'.

I showed it to Jenny and she smiled, "Perfect," she said, "we better get going, then." I gathered her clothes, the neck brace, straps, and put all in a bag, letting her wear the special slippers.

"You need to video whatever happens, fair's fair," I told her.

"I wouldn't dare not," she answered, "we can watch both together."

"Yeah, whenever that might be, Dani's leaving early tomorrow morning for Montana, who knows how long."

The girls kissed once again, making me wonder if a relationship had permanently changed. I was looking forward to it if it had.

A few minutes later, I'd helped Jenny into Dani's dress, retrieved her purse, and we were on our way. I took Dani's Mustang, not that I was trying to impress a pretty girl with a sexy car, but...

Jenny was quiet on the drive home, theirs is about ten minutes from ours. "Going to be lonesome for you when Dani's gone, isn't it?" she finally said when we were nearly there.

"Yeah," I agreed, "it is. I have a lot to keep me busy, though, I'm going to open a new store in Pasco, a lot of work to do on that."

She looked over at me, a big smile on her face, "That's wonderful, good luck with it. In the meantime, if you ever get lonely, and I know you will, you know you can come over any time."

I glanced, the smile on her face, I wondered if there was a hidden meaning in that invitation... especially after this weekend, "Will, I promise."

When we arrived at their house, I helped her out, then retrieved the house key from her purse, and opened the door. Inside, she asked if I'd open her bedroom door, as that's where she wanted to wait for Richard. Even opening a closed door was a bit hard for her with her arms and hands encased in the spandex.

I got her situated in their bedroom, the 'goodies' on the bed, and told her I needed to get back to Dani. Yeah, I definitely needed to... bad!

Jenny stood before me, a veritable goddess in that short, sexy dress, especially knowing what was underneath it. I had a brief pang of jealousy toward Richard, the treat awaiting him at home, a little regret that we hadn't... "Thank you for a wonderful weekend," she said, "too bad tonight was... interrupted."

Yeah, I thought, too bad. The fantasy of fantasies cut short by a fluke. I started to leave, but she stopped me, "No goodbye kiss? I think after this weekend, it'd be appropriate, don't you?"

I smiled, leaning into her and touched my lips to hers for a moment too long, then pulled back. "No, I meant a KISS, not a peck," she admonished with that lustful smile I'd seen earlier. "Don't you want me horny when Richard gets home?"

Ooookay! So, I gripped Dani's best friend's arms and pulled her to me, our lips mashing together, pressing my hardness to her stomach, our tongues mashing together, her breasts pressed against my chest. We stood there kissing for... I have no idea how long, until we heard the front door opening and closing. I backed away, catching my breath, leaving Jenny... eyes closed, her mouth still in that 'kiss' mode, apparently not worried that her husband will any second walk through the door.

I really needed to get back home to my Dani!

"Gotta go," I told her, wishing I didn't.

"Next time," Jenny said, "we finish what we started. Your dream was right... I want to..."

Oh God!

"Nice and slow, just like your dream... that's how I want to do it."

Oh God!

I stepped out just as Richard was putting his things down in the living room. "You all have fun after I left?" he asked.

I nodded, "We did, your wife is still a virgin, though." Dammit!

He chuckled, "Somehow, I didn't think she'd probably rush right home."

"Yeah, she has some things to show you," I said, shaking his hand, both of us knowing our relationship had changed considerably over the course of a very interesting weekend.

"Tell Dani goodbye for me." He smiled, "And to not do anything rash in Montana."

After a short drive, I was home once again. I parked on the opposite side of the street to not make any noise, then went in through the garage, taking my shoes off. That door can be opened and closed with virtually no sound. I was getting good at the noiseless sneaking. And thankfully, it was a relatively new house with no squeaky floorboards or stairs. Fortunately, I'd also left the bedroom door open when we left, pure happenstance.

Dani appeared to be sleeping when I snuck into the bedroom, on her back, blindfold and leotard still firmly in place, her feet flat up on the bed, knees bent, spread apart, pussy wide open and accessible, little bits of cum still evident. Perfect!

I crouched at the foot of the bed, and like before, leaned in, touching between her pussy lips with the tip of my tongue, gently pressing just a little deeper, flicking inside her, slowly working up to her clit.

"Mmm," she let out a low moan, instinctively spreading her knees a little wider apart. It was my cue to back away for a moment. When she hadn't appeared to be awakened, I resumed, this time licking the tip of her clit, slowly engulfing it in my mouth, gently sucking.

"Ohh, Ohh God! What?"

Now, there was no doubt she was awake and I gave her the full onslaught, sucking her clit, pressing my tongue as deeply into her as I could. She arched her body, the moans coming fast and furious. "Robert, honey, I hope that's you... ohh, ohh fuck that's good!"

I was enjoying this immensely, almost wishing I was Rich Little or some such, that could mimic other people's voices, make her think it wasn't her husband enjoying her pussy.

As much as I was enjoying eating Dani's pussy, my dick was begging for attention, telling me I needed to fuck her! I pulled away, ripped my clothes off... and remembered the hoop, the one I'd bought that night in Reno. The hoop was in our closet in the dressing room. I sprinted, naked, to that closet, and retrieved it off the top shelf right where we'd put it... hell, only a week ago? It seemed like forever, so much had happened since.

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