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Her Victorian Bottom Shared Ch. 03


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At the sight of the two women kissing, Henry gasped and blinked. His cock twitched and swelled even more as he felt his seed beginning its release.

Prudence broke the spell and turned to her husband. "Cover us, Sir." she breathed as Lizzie nodded eagerly.

Grabbing his pulsing poker, Henry stepped forward and laid his engorged cock head on the lips of the two women who had returned to the kiss. It was all too much and he groaned in excited agony as his spunk slithered up his pipe and spurted over the joined faces of both giggling women until rivulets of copious creamy spend slithered over their cheeks as they tasted the sizable reward of their efforts.

Prudence broke the kiss and began to lick her friends face clean before Lizzie, after a moments hesitation, did like wise. Henry flopped back into a chair and rubbed his sore cock as his wife and her friend looked at each other in silence.

Another taboo broken.

Where would their adventures take them next he wondered.

Outside, the breeze swirled and danced as the snow began to fall.


The End.

These stories were fun to write and were originally seen as a kind of writing challenge due to having read some stories from the renowned Victorian erotic magazine "The Pearl" over 30 years ago. I wanted to see if I could do them in a similar prose that was popular back then in the 1880's. Very wordy but also very poetic and highly erotic to my mind. Hope you enjoyed the tales of Henry, Prudence and Lizzie.

Maybe more to come...

In order:

1. Her Victorian Bottom Plundered.

2. Her Victorian Bottom Thrashed.

3. Her Victorian Bottom Shared: part 1.

4. Her Victorian Bottom Shared: part 2.

5. Her Victorian Bottom Shared: part 3.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Very nice. Love the style. I have a copy of "The Pearl" from some 40ish year ago. The stories were enjoyable.

Good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Well Done...

... enjoyed the entire series. I, too, have read Victorian stories, especially in my youth, and this brought back happy memories. My favourites involved incest between Father and daughter and Mother and son, so perhaps some of those elements might be introduced if and when you decide to carry on with this a little longer.

jetoshjetoshabout 7 years ago
Great Series

I thoroughly enjoyed these stories. To bad it had to end. I have also read some Victorian erotica & I think you found the right prose & pace.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Great series; I really enjoyed it. And thanks for the tip about the Pearl. It's available online and I'm reading those stories now.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I'm waiting for the next chapter.

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