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Here Comes the Bride


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"Ah. I don't know if my husband would agree to do laser hair removal... he's very macho." Said sadly a colleague of hers.

"Every couple is different. I find him very cute, and not gay at all. No homo. We've seen a lot of porn together, and the straight actors are almost all shaved."

"You two watch porn together?!"

"Yeah sure, so I masturbate while he groans inside the cage. Ha, ha!"

"But you're cruel!"

"No: he's the one who asked me. I help him realize his fantasies, his phantasms."

"Aw... that sounds like a fairy tale to me..."

Britney's eyes lit up, "Wait till you say that! The most magical thing is that because he doesn't cum, there's no mess to clean up afterward!"


"Exactly! You know, yeah, when a guy spurts, then you find his mess everywhere: on the hair, on the silk brand new lingerie, on the new silk sheets, even on the wall of my room! Instead, with him, I am sure, because he doesn't stain and doesn't leave messes around! And anyway, even if by chance a drop of precum drips, I never have to clean it up... he has to lick it off with his tongue and swallow it all. Even cuffed, if in case."

"Oh! This is really a fabled fairy tale! I feel like a dream!"

"No, no... The Best Is Yet To Come! You know when you're amid post-orgasmic bliss... and you just want to relax and sleep... lo and behold, he told me, «Never Reciprocate». Which means, that I can fall asleep without caring about his pleasure at all. And I guarantee it's the most beautiful feeling in the world."

"Oh, Britney! But you always have to reciprocate, that would be rude!" said the pregnant one.

"Not if he's the one asking for it. He wants me to ignore his aching arousal. He wants me to relax and fall asleep in slumber. Sometimes he lies down behind me and compresses the cage against the cleft of my buttocks... I like to feel how the deniegated flesh throbs, it makes me sleep better. I don't know if he falls asleep... maybe not, ha, ha! Maybe he stays awake dreaming of me, with the smell of vaginal juices smeared on his nose and mouth that he couldn't wash. Ah! He is so kind... and from tomorrow he will be my husband: Here Comes Only the Bride."###


Chapter 3. Last night: what about a second celebration tomorrow, for the girls only?


The elder sister, Abigail, explained in a matter-of-fact voice. "There will be two celebrations tomorrow. One tomorrow evening, just us girls. And before that, one at noon, with all the relatives and neighbors and colleagues. It would be hard to explain to my grandfather that the lovebirds practice a kinky lifestyle... so, the most superficial interpretation of the lyrical text only means that the bride and groom will walk away from the noise of the party, to lock themselves in the scented room... all absolutely vanilla, and easy for my grandfather to digest too, right?"


"But we know he wears a chastity cage. We know that this text lends itself to another interpretation. The ring that will hold all his sperm is the ring at the base of the cage: it surrounds the testicles and does not allow the shaft to get a proud erection. The bedroom is at the top of the stairs: and the torture dungeon is at the bottom of the stairs, in the basement. He will need all his courage to resist the teasing and denial sessions. Obedient Paladin, because he has sworn never to betray her. She is called 'jewel' because she wears the key around her neck as if it were a precious stone: the key to his youth."

Silently, Britney showed the key, which hung from a thin gold chain. Some had already noticed it, others were completely unaware. It looked like a real jewel, all glittering: sometimes all it takes is a thin layer of polish to make an ordinary object look precious.

"Oh gosh!" "THAT is the real key?" "oh, wow!" "Oh, I need it too..."

Abigail continued, looking at the paper, and pointing her sister with her finger every time she said «YOU»: "Please note that the next sentence is still only addressed to the Bride. YOU flee from the party, YOU alone will enjoy the delights of the heart, that is, YOU alone will achieve numerous orgasms. Only you: the Bride. It is not said at all that he will have an orgasm. Only the last sentence is addressed to him: "Room" means space between the walls, and the sentence means that that narrow space now welcomes him between the bars. Locked is not a room, but the space of the cage. And now his dick is "in, away": locked in, and away from the pussy he so much craves to possess."

Britney had blushed as her sister recounted these intimate things. But it was all true.

Then Priscilla asked her, "But does «CROWD», here... maybe it means... oh, no! Perhaps there will be many men in your pussy? No, right? Confirm me that it never..."

"No! Of course not. Absolutely not. I am not a cheating person. I will never be... how do you say? A hotwife who gets fucked by strangers. I believe the translation kept "crowd" just to emphasize that the two lovebirds will be away from their relatives and grandparents... but as I told you, there will be two celebrations. One at noon, and one in the evening. In the evening you girls are all invited... and there will be no men, there will only be the caged groom."

"Ohoh, thank goodness! I couldn't have accepted you telling all of us that you would welcome a crowd into your pussy... it would have been so embarrassing for me!"

One of the friends, a member of the soccer team many years before, was embraced by her lesbian lover. Tia was Mexican, tanned, and strong, while Vanessa was tall, pale, and thin. The Mexican said, "Pardon the pun, but you are already «embarazada» without needing any more embarrassment." The level of dad-joke was so low, that the girls laughed as if they were drunk (when only a bottle of sparkling white wine had actually been uncorked).

Britney assumed a solemn pose, standing with hands on hips next to the large king-size bed. Unconsciously, she enunciated her plans in a very loud voice, probably due to emotion: the girls listened to her in silence.

"I will be his wife legally by then, and as his first order, I will command him to serve each of you with his tongue, only if some of you choose to allow him, of course. This will arouse him, but I will not grant him any release. The lock will remain closed all night until dawn (at least). I want him to spend his entire wedding night aroused, licking my friends' pussies! [her voice was very solemn: perhaps the words would have been heard even from the other rooms in the house.] Licking also each offered rosebud, neck, nipple, feet, and ankles! Other men only think about spurting and drinking on their wedding night: but I'm not an average wife. I want his cum to stay all the way inside his blue balls."

The girls were amazed, but also admiring and envious. Comments were mixed, though some nodded vigorously.

"I don't believe it..." "It's not possible..." "I can't even imagine..."

The two cousins said "No, we can confirm that it's all true, he even wrote a real Contract, Britney showed it to us in Sunbucks Coffee... A contract, in which he agrees to wear the 24/7/365 cage, and he has promised that he will never bother her with pleas to get a release..."

"A signed contract?"

Britney shook her hand, as if to dismiss the subject "Yes, but it's a long story... there are a lot of clauses and caveats to set limits: for example, zero cuckolding, and zero gay interactions with males. I keep the signed contract in the drawer... but now I don't feel like reading it."

But Cousin Karen was very enthusiastic: "The two of us read it! And he also gave up claiming special treatment for his own birthday, for the 4th of July, and for Christmas! I'm sure because it seemed like a lot of sacrifices!" chirped the younger cousin. The older one nodded.

"OK, so we believe by the proven reliability of two eyewitnesses that he signed a contract. But how can you trust him?" in a bored voice said a colleague, Camilla, notoriously lesbian and sour in her comments about men. "And... More importantly, where is he right now? I bet while we're here innocently chatting, he's screwing some hooker in some nightclub with his drunken friends... blocks are all the same."

Britney and her sister burst out laughing heartily. "Ha, ha! oh... Camilla, just think he guessed you were going to say that line... And he gave me an envelope for you. Here."

Camilla opened the envelope and found a handwritten note, addressed to her. She read aloud:

«Dear Camilla, Thank you! We had a bet that one of the girls would doubt that I wouldn't be faithful to Britney under the pretext of drunkenness, and I had personally put all my money on you! Or (to be read-only if I lost the bet): Dear Unexpected Friend of my bride-to-be, I'm sorry you stole Camilla's line! Of course, I'm just kidding, just trying to make you smile on this joyful day.

As you can see, the only key to the padlock that keeps my penis imprisoned is pending from Britney's necklace, right now [meanwhile, Britney was displaying the key with blatant gestures and wide winking smiles, like a dumb valet in a TV commercial].

If you want to know HOW I am, let's say that the bride-to-be received orgasms from my mouth whenever she was in the right mood, while I never got permission from her to cum: counting today, it adds up to exactly 24 days. [Britney performed an elegant reverence as the girls applauded both of them: both for his devoted endurance and for her gentle power].

If you want to know WHERE I am, just look under the bed.»

Camilla opened her eyes wide. "Your groom is under the bed? Was he under the bed all this time, and did he hear everything we said?"

"Yes, of course. Since there are no men here, he is naked, wearing only the cage with the padlock. I'm sure he will have dark blue balls after listening to your voices and ironic talk! But don't worry: for extra security, I have cuffed his wrists behind his back. Do you want to see him, girls?"!

"Yay!" "Yay!" "Right away!" "Me first!"

But the elder sister interjected. "Girls, girls! Order! Keep calm and follow the directions. The man is on a yoga mat, which I had previously laid on the floor. It will be enough for you to help me pull the mat... and along with the mat, the caged groom will also come out, like a stuffed turkey from the oven"

No one had noticed that a yoga mat was sticking out from under the king-size bed. Three pairs of hands began to pull, then helped by other hands. In an instant the girls saw a mat come out from under the sheets... and on top of the mat, the groom, naked, caged, and cuffed.

There was a moment of silence. It wasn't embarrassment: the girls were genuinely curious. Britney had feared that some would mock him, but it didn't happen. On the contrary, they all praised the groom, for his devotion and strength of will.

Encouraged by the positive attitude of her friends, Britney stood up and positioned herself above her future husband's head, her ankles close to his ears. She looked at her friends and with a mocking smile said, "Girls, you decide. This is a bachelorette party. I am the bride. Either we dress up like nymphomaniacs, and go get drunk in some bar, and you hire some male stripper to do a pole dance for me. Or, I can give you a practical demonstration of how a queen can sit on her throne, and how a caged husband can give his bride-to-be many orgasms, even without using his cock."

The girls did not hesitate for a moment. The curiosity to see the husband in action was too great.

By acclamation, it was decided that they would stay there in the room.

Some of the girls had already heard of these devices, but most were just curious. One in particular stared at the blue balls and in a faint voice asked, "But don't they hurt?"

Britney was still standing, and pointing her foot encouraged her friend to come closer. "Stroke his testicles, dear... he can't react, his wrists are cuffed. Caress him gently..."

The girl hesitated but the curiosity was too great. With her fingertips she grazed his swollen testicles... he let out a stifled groan as his cock jerked.

"Uh! How funny!"

"Yes, it's really nice to look at. And the most interesting thing is that it can take a long time to be looked at! Usually, males are so hurried, that they pull it out and after a short time it's already flaccid. Instead he, now he stays tense for a long time, and you can caress him if you want... caress him with the back of your foot, he really likes that."

The girl looked at the man, to check if his eyes communicated pain or annoyance. But his gaze was serene as if allowing himself to be tortured by his wife's friends was a Paladin's Quest on behalf of his queen. The girl slid her bare foot out of the slippers and stroked his cold balls with the back of her warm foot. The spongy knob had turned purple and flesh peeped through the metal bars. A stifled moan gurgled from his throat.

"Shush, darling, you don't want to frighten my friends with the sounds of your throat, do you? I'm sitting on my throne now, so you'll use your mouth for something more useful than just moaning..."

Britney sat on his face, pressing rosebud to her nose and pussy to her chin.

In her hand, she held a Magic Wand. While he underneath licked her relentlessly, she switched the Wand on to its slowest speed and continued to chat with her friends as if he didn't even exist.

Looking sternly at her friends, Britney hissed, "Now, I will have my orgasm, but to you, I entrust a collective task. This is his last night as a bachelor. But while I can orgasm, he cannot, because I will not allow it.

HERE, AND NOW, «HERE COMES THE BRIDE», only the Bride, while the groom cannot even get a full erection, and his arousal must keep him awake all night, always thinking of my GRACEFUL denial of his allowance.

When I sleep, I want all of you girls, in turn, to keep him from slumber. I want you to keep him awake, trying to arouse him, but never allowing him to spurt. Do you promise to fulfill this extreme wish of mine?".

The older sister nodded: she would be able to carry out the task on her own. But her friends, cousins, and colleagues also declared themselves ready to fulfill the bride's wish. The groom sighed: it would be a long night of torture and denial.

One of the cousins asked if she could place a small kiss on the skin of his balls. He winced at the mere thought, but Britney granted her royal permission. This seemed like fun, so in turn all the girls caressed and kissed his exposed blue balls.

Karen, the younger cousin, kissed his blue balls and noticed that something glistened under his buttocks. Amazed, she asked, "Abigail, I wonder... When you said he's like a stuffed turkey, you weren't just referring to the fact that he has restrained extremities, were you?"

The bride's sister replied, with a mocking grin: "Stuffed because we buried a large anal dildo with dragon scales in him. I had proposed that it be a remote-controlled vibrator, to torture him with the app on my mobile phone, but the too generous bride, here, wouldn't have it... she said she didn't want me to distract him while he worked with his tongue... and then she confided in me that she wants to experiment with that game during honeymoon, on an island near Croatia... there are many naturist resorts on those islands, they say..."

Some of the girls were visibly aroused, from moaning and watching the two lovebirds in action. Erect nipples poked out from the thin fabric of the baby dolls, and more than one girl had a wet spot on her silk pajama bottoms.

Camilla asked, "Is he clever with his tongue?"

Amidst her own moans, Britney smiled, shaking a lock of hair from her sweat-soaked forehead. "Yes. Aahh... He's very skilled. I know you're used to World Cup lesbians, but.. AAHH! I guarantee my husband is really talented. And with his cock locked, I bet you shouldn't mind at all being licked by him."

"I must admit you're right. An erect penis doesn't attract me, but this caged shrimp seems so innocent and harmless... it's very intriguing."

"You can order him to lick you even now, Camilla. I have changed my mind. There is no need for all of you to have to wait until tomorrow night when he is my husband. When... AAHHH! When I have the ring on my finger. AAHHH... You all can take advantage of his services even today... as of today... he is already my... Paladin... obedient... AAHHH!" speaking for her was becoming more and more difficult as her tongue reached very vulnerable points.

The idea that he was forced to lick her friends' pussies without ever being able to cum, just to satisfy her whim, made her feel empowered and powerful. Thinking no more, Britney increased the speed of the Magic Wand's vibration. He groaned as he was flooded with her vaginal juices. His cock kept drawing blood from an erection that was made impossible by the presence of the metal cage, despite the very exciting situation, the sight of all those nearly naked girls, and the smell of their wet pussies.

In fact, some of the girlfriends had started masturbating under the transparent baby doll watching Britney orgasm and foretasting the services the groom would render throughout the night. One cousin had stuck three fingers inside her pussy, hidden by her pajama bottoms. Another friend, Priscilla, who was pregnant. had stripped naked and was touching her nipples.

Camilla looked lasciviously at Britney and said, Camilla looked lasciviously at Britney and said, "Tell me Brit... Do you think your husband would be more turned on if I licked your pregnant friend's nipples?"

The penis jerked hard. Britney laughed, amidst the moans. "Yes, Cam, I think so... AAAHHH... ask Priscilla if she..."

Priscilla was eager: she immediately moved her fingers to caress the skin around the clitoral cap, but it was obvious that the large nipples would appreciate some attention: "Yes! Of course! Here they are! Thank you! Take a good look, groom-to-be! I know many men appreciate the soft skin of pregnant women!"The nipples were already stiff and erect, but under the swift and skillful strokes of Camilla's tongue, they became as hard as iron nails.

The man groaned as he struggled to concentrate on Britney's orgasm. If he had been free, he would have taken advantage of all those drunk and horny girls... but he was an obedient Paladin locked inside his own gleaming silver armor.

The bride-to-be was about to orgasm. All the girls could see the signs of the orgasm that was mounting inexorably: curled toes, quickened pulse, flushed cheeks, labored breathing.

Britney increased the speed of the magic wand again. It was obvious that she didn't care if the sweaty groom wasn't getting any pleasure: all that mattered was that she had an intense orgasm. The girls watched as she arched her back, then collapsed with all her weight on his face, screaming.

Some thought he might have choked to death on sweat and vaginal juices. Britney lay still for a few minutes, and he too was motionless: the only sign of life was the rhythmic twitching of his caged cock.

Finally, Britney slid down his body. With very slow, almost hypnotic movements, climbed weakly onto the bed. The soft mattress was like a cotton cloud transporting her to the ninth level of Slumberland.

The submissive groom was still lying on the floor, caged and cuffed, and unsatisfied: while the bride ascended into the high heavens to fall asleep peacefully.

She lay down on top of the sumptuous sheets, squinted her tired eyes for a moment, she smiled at the girls, and whispered: "«Never Reciprocate». Best feeling in life."

Then she closed her eyes and fell asleep, clutching in her fingers the key that held the future groom-to-be's cock tightly held.

Abigail, the elder sister covered Britney with a comfy soft blanket. After that kind gesture, she turned towards the girls with the stern look of someone who had already planned everything.

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