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Hidden Valley Ch. 14

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Life comes full circle in the valley.
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Part 14 of the 14 part series

Updated 10/11/2022
Created 09/07/2004
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Final Chapter: The circle is Complete

Over the next few months bellies started getting bigger all over town. Every morning Betsy was waiting in Bob's office and she would spend about an hour with him. It's a wonder he got any work done at all. Sometime during the day Alison and Susan both would come by, sometimes together. Of course I had my time with my soon to be husband on his couch.

We started making plans for the wedding. So far Bob and I were getting married as well as Adam and Faith. Bobby and the father of her baby, JJ were getting closer and closer and it seemed they might join us. Hope was still free and pregnant but after being back in the valley with childhood sweetheart Josh it was looking like a four way wedding. Tom and Sharon were living together in one of Karen and John's guest rooms. They dated other people from the valley but were exploring being together as brother and sister in the open. Kevin and Jack found rooms with other families and were dating as well.

Out of the eight people getting married, three were my sisters and I. The only new people to the valley getting married were my husband Bob and his sister Bobbie. This made it a family wedding that the valley was invited to and not an open wedding. Things were going to be much different than the multi-weddings in the past. We timed it so it would also be a celebration for the founding mothers to finally get fucked by Kevin, Tom, Jack and my Bob.

Each of us wanted our mother to give us away (it is the mother's bloodline that is carried forward). Even Bobbie asked mom to walk her down the isle. We all had big bellies being almost seven months along. The celebration started on Sunday and it was for the founding mothers. Joan Thompson, my grand mother, organized it. Kevin, Jack, Tom and Bob were locked away all day Saturday. It's not as bad as it sounds. They were in the loft at the meeting hall so there was lots of room and grandma brought them their meals. There were windows all around so they could see everything, they were just not allowed to have sex with anyone, even us. Grandma wanted them primed for the task on Sunday.

Sunday morning my sisters and I took breakfast up to the guys while Grandma welcomed the guest. Every one in town was coming but the only ones these four could fuck were the six founding mothers. We had made outfits for all of them, the founding mothers as well as the four guys. The outfit made them the center of attention all day.

All four guys had eaten and been eaten by all six women, some on a daily basis. These six women are the best in the valley for sucking cock and the guys know this first hand. Living in the valley the longest they have the sweetest pussy you'll ever taste, I know that from first hand. Now they were finally going to get to fuck them and I'm not sure who was looking forward to it the most, the guys or the women.

The founding mothers were all seated at a long table with Grandma and Cindy Rosswalld in the center. Betsy James was next to grandma then Becky Wilson. Next to Cindy was Rose Donalson and Carolin Duncan. We brought the guys down and they were to be waiters for the founding mothers for the day. Anything they wanted the guys would get for them and when they wanted to get fucked or sucked they would do that as well. These were also the only women without big bellies. I brought Bob over between grandma and Betsy. I gave grandma a kiss then Betsy and said, "My Bob here has wanted both of you for the longest time. You will have to choose who goes first but I can tell you that it will not be just once with either of you."

Grandma Joan and Betsy both lean in and kiss Bob's cock. As the two women start working over Bob's cock I kiss him goodbye and leave him with six of the horniest women I know. I know he won't be any use to me when I get him back.

Betsy tells Joan, "I've had this cock in my mouth everyday for almost 7 months and now I'll be able to fuck him every morning at work so why don't you go first."

Joan didn't say a word she just stood and lay across the table with her legs wide open. Betsy brought Bob's cock to grandma's pussy and watched as Bob slid into her for the first time. There was a great cheer as most of the town was up in the loft looking down. While the others were still talking about fucking my Bob was pounding away at grandma. That got things started and soon four of the mothers were being fucked on the table as the town cheered on.

While Betsy was the oldest, grandma was the youngest of the group. She was 18 when she came to the valley after marring grandpa just out of med-school. They were the only ones without kids when they first came here. She had Cindy and Sandy at 19 just after they got here. She had Diana when Mom had us, so she was 38 then. Now at 57 she is the youngest of the group. She could have had another baby with us but chose not to.

Since Bob was the first to start he filled grandma's pussy first and he had a lot to give her. He just kept cuming. When he pulled out of Joan's dripping pussy Betsy helped her roll over on her back on the table. This was just for the mothers so they would lick each other's pussy and not the daughters. Well Betsy was right there licking away. This put her pussy right in front of Bob. He had eaten it so much and now it was right there to be fucked. Even though he had just filled grandma his cock was hard. Watching Betsy with Joan had him ready to go in no time. He walked right up behind Betsy and shoved his cock deep in her pussy as she ate away at grandma. I got so excited watching the three of them I had to fuck someone. Dad was standing with us three girls and his cock was rock hard. I steeped in front of him before my sisters did and reached down to aim his cock at my pussy. He pushed forward and was fucking me hard and fast as we watch all the fucking below.

Once all the women had been fucked at least once things calmed down around the table. In the loft things were still going heavy. Dad and I weren't the only ones fucking up there. Faith and Hope had Josh and Adam while Mom was fucking her dad like I was. Mom and I got into a 69 and I had Dad's cum in my pussy and now grandpa's in my mouth from mom's pussy. Life doesn't get any better.

There wasn't much cock sucking going on around the table they all wanted to finally get as much young cum as they could in their pussys. Bob managed to fuck four of the sex women, Grandma, Betsy, Rose and Cindy. As I expected Bob was fucked out by the time it was over. He may not have been able to get it hard enough to fuck me but that didn't keep him from licking my freshly fucked pussy after Dad and Grandpa filled me up.

Monday everyone rested from the orgy the day before. The eight of us were put in the loft. We were all to stay there until mom came to get each of us. Tuesday was Faith's wedding, Wednesday was Hope, Thursday was mine and Bobbie went last on Friday. For once I didn't have to go last. This way there would not be three copies of the bride. Each of us would have our own day to be the center of attention. Then we could join the rest of the town. My wedding would be the only one with all three of us there but Faith and Hope both said it was my day and they would stay back out of the way until afterward.

Monday night Mom came to get Faith and Adam. Faith was to have her last night as a single woman alone with Dad. Adam had his mother all to himself for the whole night. Mom came back with her brother Sandy, Adam's father, to stay with us and let the kids have their last night with their parent. I wouldn't see Faith again until my wedding. Spending the day yesterday with grandma, Bob was looking forward to spending some time with mom. That didn't bother me any because that left Uncle Sandy for me.

Bob was busy that night as he first fucked my mother and then his sister Bobbie. After Bob, Mom also fucked her brother Sandy. Don't think I was left out, Bob was fucking me as I cleaned my mom's pussy and again as I licked his sister clean. I was also fucked by Uncle Sandy as we watched Bob and mom. He loves watching his sister getting fucked as much as he loves fucking her. Mom and I were lying next to each other. I was on my hands and knees and mom was on her back. We were kissing and playing with each others tits as the guys pounded our pussys. Mom gripped my tits hard and screamed and I knew she was cuming. That set off Sandy and he filled my pussy pushing me over the edge. Bob was the last to fill mom's pussy with his load.

We all rested a short while before I went down on mom. Bob loves watching me with any of the women and he was ready to go in short order. Mom and I were in a 69 as she licked her brothers cream from me. I was surprised when Bob shoved his cock in me and mom kept licking. With the two of them going after me I didn't last five minutes. I was soon filling my mother's mouth. Bob shot off deep in my pussy which filled my mother's mouth even more when he pulled out.

We all took a break before doing the same to Bob's sister Bobbie. Faith and Adams night could not have been much better than what we all had. When we finally fell asleep I don't even know who I was cuddled up to. I do know it was one of the guys because I had his cock in my hand.

The next morning Mom and Sandy left for the wedding. We watched from the loft as Mom walked Faith down the isle. The ceremony was short as everyone wanted to get to the reception. Instead of kissing the bride Rev. Rosswalld had Adam fuck his bride in front of the town. It was their first time as man and wife. It was all so beautiful Hope and I were holding each other crying. Bob and Josh took us to bed and we missed most of the afternoon as the four of us did everything we could together.

Bobbie wanted to know what to expect so JJ spent most of the day eating or fucking Bobbie as she watched Faith and Adam. There are now 31 men in town and we had three with us. During the course of the day Bobbie watched Faith take on all 28 me either sucking them or fucking them. There were many breaks during the day so it was not just one long gangbang. Every man treated her as his own loving bride. They all went by age and rank in the valley. After her husband would be her grandfather, Doc, then Rev Rosswalld and the rest of the founding fathers.

They took a break for lunch and Bobbie was so excited about what she had seen. She kept going on and on about these old guys and how they could fuck. In the last several months she had fucked most of them at some time but to have them all together. After lunch was Dad's age group and Dad went first. Another short break and it was our friends fucking her. Then they all had a huge dinner.

It wasn't long after they all ate that mom came to get Hope and Josh. When she returned she had Rev Rosswalld with her leaving Josh alone with his mother Cindy. The valley has been very kind to the men, and I guess to the women as well, giving all the men a nice solid 8" but like I said before Rev Rosswalld had more than that before he came to the valley. Even at his advanced years of 76 he knew just what to do with that big cock of his. Rev Rosswalld was the hit of the loft that night and was still going at it when I fell asleep with Bob and JJ.

Hope's wedding was a repeat of Faith's except there were now 29 men for her. After the big dinner mom came to get Bob and I. Since Bob didn't have his mother to be with him tonight my mom steeped in. Dad's sister Karen let them have their side of the house so she and her husband John went to join Bobbie and JJ. This gave Bob and mom a place to be alone tonight and Bobbie and JJ weren't left alone in the loft.

As we walked to the house all I could think was this was finally my night alone with my dad. I noticed that Bob and Mom were way behind me. It seems they had started already. That was fine with me I know how much Bob loves fucking mom and now he has her all to himself for the whole night. I waited for them to catch up. Mom was stroking his cock and he was playing with her pussy. I kissed them both the ran on ahead to be with Dad.

I got to our house and dad was waiting for me. He held me and kissed me then led me to his bedroom. He said, "So my little girl is getting married tomorrow."

I walked into his bedroom and turned to face him saying, "Yes I am but tonight I'm all yours, just like my sisters before me."

Dad led me to the bed and said, "Your sisters being here has nothing to do with it. Don't ever tell anyone but you were always my favorite. I have been looking forward to this since you turned 18. I have wanted to spend the night with just you. We have fucked many times but have never spent the night alone together."

I laughed and said, "I bet you told Faith and Hope the same thing."

Dad looked very serious and said, "No I didn't and you can't either. You were unexpected. We thought your mother was having twins. You were a total surprise. You were smaller then your sisters when you were born but caught up fast. Faith is outspoken like your mother, Hope is her own person but you were always more like me than the others. I always felt closer to you even though I love all my daughters."

I sat on the edge of the bed. I had never heard any of this before. I felt a closeness to Dad but I thought we all did. I thought my feelings for dad were like my sisters and the same from dad to them. Now my feelings for Dad almost scared me, and he's feelings for me. Tonight was going to be much more special than I ever thought it would be.

Dad sat on the bed and pulled me on his lap like he did when I was a kid. He held me and we kissed. We had kissed many times before as father and daughter and as lovers but this was different. I looked in his eyes and softly said, "Make love to me Daddy."

He pulled me tight to his body and kissed me again and said, "I always have Joy."

He picked me up in his strong arms and turned to lay me on the bed. As I was lying on the bed Dad stood and looked at me. The way he was looking at me made me think that was the way he looked at me when I was born. It was a strange feeling but a comforting feeling. He climbed on the bed and lay next to me. His eyes and his hands were roaming my body like it was the first time. In many ways I guess it was. I always felt a deep love for my father but never more so than at that moment. I wanted to please him every way I could yet I knew I could never displease him no mater what I did.

I thought this would be my night to do things with and to my father that I never had the chance to do before. I could see in his eyes that this was his night to be with me. I would do what ever he wanted but it was his to choice. He ran his hand over my very big belly and said, "Al says you're going to have twins. That's what I thought the night you were born." He kissed my belly and said, "I'm so glad you came out. You're going to be a wonderful mother and wife. Bob is very lucky you picked him."

We couldn't do it with Dad on top like I would have wanted. I rolled on my side and lifted my leg opening my pussy to him and asked, "Please dad. I want you in me now. Make love to me."

He spooned up behind me and his cock was right there at my pussy. He held my tits in his hands like they were bags of gold. I reached down and pushed the head of his cock into my pussy. He slowly pushed forward until he was all the way inside of me. He held me there for the longest time with my tits in his hands and his cock deep in my pussy. I turned my head so I could kiss him. As we kissed his cock slowly started moving in and out of me. We never broke the kiss and he started moving faster and faster. He was soon filling my pussy with his daddy cream and I was wishing so hard that it was him making me pregnant.

I had never considered any one but Bob to be the father of my baby until that moment. His cock slipped out of me and I rolled on my back again looking up at him. Then I told him, "I wish it was your baby in me."

He kissed me softly and said, "I know baby, but this is how it should be. Your mother and I made you before the valley took over. Now you and your husband are doing the same. That's how it should be."

We made love twice more that night but mostly we just held each other and talked about the future. Dad knows how much I truly love Bob and he is very happy we could have our own baby together. We talked of many things like we always had but knowing how Dad feels about me made it all different. I asked why I always had to be last. He smiled and said, "Just between you and me, you always save the best for last." From then on it was our little secret and I never minded being last again, not with Daddy.

The next morning Mom came to get me and Dad went to Bob. When we were alone mom said, "Did you enjoy your special time with Dad last night. He has been looking forward to that night for a long time."

Surprised I asked mom, "You knew about last night?"

She held me and said, "Of course I did. Your father and I share everything. You'll have to do the same with Bob to make it work."

In my mind I just went from being #1 with daddy to being #2 after Mom but that is how it should be. I held Mom and kissed her and said, "I hope someone tells Bob that."

Mom laughed and said, "Don't worry, I did. We had a nice mother son talk last night. Don't get me wrong he fucked the hell out of me three times last night but we still had time to talk. Let me tell you, you're in for a wild ride with this one but he is a keeper."

We both started laughing and getting ready which was not much more than a veil and gloves. As we walked to the church/meeting hall we had time to talk. It was not about the wedding night sex,. That was covered many times on the day of my deflowering. This was a talk about being happily married in a naked town that loves to fuck and raising my kids there. It was about being open, honest and caring. It was about sharing everything.

We got to the church and when we entered everyone turned to look at us. Bob and Dad were waiting for us. My sisters were there with their new husbands but were in the back. I turned to kiss Mom then we went to meet Bob and Dad in front with Rev Rosswalld. I walk down the isle and look at all the naked pregnant people. Bob and I have fucked everyone of them. He fathered some of their babies. The man who is marring us just gave a powerful fucking two nights ago. All this must seem so unreal to Bob but to me it is home. This is where I grew up. This is where I want to raise my children. This is the only life style I've ever known.

Rev Rosswalld's message was short but to the point, I am now a married woman. I was gently laid on my back across one of the tables and I took on the founding fathers in both my mouth and pussy. My grand father was right there at the head of the line. Bob was at the next table doing the same to the founding mothers. We took a break for lunch and Bob and I went to clean up. It was our first time alone since we became man and wife. He held me and kissed me and I said, "Welcome to the family."

He kissed me back and said, "It is a family like no other but a family and a town I am proud to be a part of,"

We joined the others for a much needed lunch. Both my sisters came by with their husbands and wished us well. Soon it was time for Mom and Dad's age group and my very proud Dad led the line. Mom was first in line for Bob. He and I looked at each other, smiled and took on my parents. I was afraid all this sex would send me in to labor but all the men were very gentle and respectful. Bob had his hands full with all the pregnant women.

We had a very big dinner and then it was my age group. They were a lot more fun as they went through the line. We were all laughing and playing around. I looked up and saw Bobbie watching me and her brother from the loft. It wasn't hard to tell that JJ was pounding her hard from behind as she watched. The last man to come over to the table and fuck me was my new husband and the whole town cheered.


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