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Hindu Goddess

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Lucas liked blond blue eyed women.
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I felt one of the most wonderful feelings of my life as awareness suddenly morphed out of confusion.

I wasn't exactly sure where I was, but there was no mistaking the fact that my cock was reciprocating back and forth in a truly invigorating silken pussy. Without interrupting my nerve-tingling movements I gradually opened my eyes.

I noticed that the female body that I was on top of didn't have the alabaster skin color that my wife Gail has; rather its color was what I had heard called "wheatish," a pleasant smooth shiny light brown color. My eyes drifted from the toned body of the female to her face and chest. Flashing through my strangely dulled mind was "it's either perfectly buxom and vivacious Bollywood star Katrina Kaif; or Aarna Bhatt the twenty two year old daughter of the CEO and major stockholder of the company that I work for; or the most advanced cyborg ever created."

Before my addled brain could determine which of the three options was the most likely the body under me spasmed in orgasm and emitted a banshee-like scream. The spasm was accompanied by the silken cavern that my cock was ensconced in clamping on my cock like a vice. My cock quickly followed that clamping with the most powerful ejaculation in my history. As euphoria overtook me the last, but very strange, thought that I had before I returned to a fugue state was "I don't want this to ever end -- but be careful not to crush her."

After the passage of an indeterminate period of time I again gained some clarity apparently brought on by my dick hardening into a piece of steel. I was in a spoon position with what I assume was the same athletic naked wheatish-colored body. Like a heat-seeking missile my cock seemed to act on its own as it buried itself in the silken chasm between the toned body's thighs, my hands sought out the orbs on her chest, and I was once again in rapture as I sawed in and out of the female's silky slit. After a few minutes of classic ecstasy my balls bubbled over, I grunted like a pen full of hogs as I injected another load into the lustrous pussy, and the wheatish toned body shivered in orgasm as whines of pleasure were interspersed with my grunts.

Again I slipped into a stage of debilitation with my pleasure receptors overloaded.

After another unknown passage of time I slowly gained complete cognizance. My eyes had only been open for a few seconds when the woman lying next to me rolled over and with a somewhat glassy expression looked into my eyes. I then immediately knew which of the three options she was -- Aarna Bhatt, the married (she kept her maiden name) twenty two year old daughter of the CEO of my employer Bhatt Pharma International Ltd., namely Dr. Veer Bhatt.

"What are you doing in bed with me Lucas Moore?" Aarna asked.

I wasn't sure that she would recognize me, even though I had interacted with her at least a dozen times and had a twenty minute one-on-one conversation with her once.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Bhatt, but I really have no clue," I honestly replied.

"Whose bed is this?"

"I have no clue about that, either," I replied; after glancing around I continued "I know for sure that it isn't mine, and I assume that it's not yours either."

"You give me the two most profound orgasms of my life and you have no explanation?" she skeptically inquired. "And why did I agree to let you fuck me? My husband and father will be appalled."

"Ms. Bhatt, all that I can tell you is that we're here now, but I have no recollection of anything that happened recently. The last memory that I have is of a party at your father's estate where awards were handed out for superior performance over the last year."

"Did you get an award for superior performance? Your performance in this bed was definitely superior," she cackled.

I'm sure that I blushed; then I stammered "I...I...well...know...uh," before she put me out of my misery with "Don't bother answering. Whatever the circumstances we're both going to be in deep mal" ("mal" is the Hindi word for "shit").

With that she slowly got out of bed, not making any effort to conceal her ponderous naked breasts or her perfect pelvis. I did see her look down at her crotch where a white substance was leaking out. "Mal, I'll have to wash this off," she said, maybe to me, maybe just to herself. Then she looked at me and said "Is there a bathroom here?"

"I have no clue about that either," I replied as I started to get out of bed. I suddenly felt -- and noticed -- that my cock was again rock hard. Aarna didn't hide the fact that she was looking at it. "In view of the condition of your male member it is clear that I can't ask you to shower with me -- not that I'm cognizant I don't want to get fucked again," she snickered.

Aarna obviously found a bathroom since I heard water running. As Aarna was showering I looked out the window. It appeared that we were on the second floor of the guest house on her father's extensive property. I looked at my cellphone and determined that it was about 5:50 a. m. on Sunday, making it about 10-12 hours after my last recollection of the event on the Bhatt estate. I also tried to evaluate why my brain was so fuzzy and why I didn't remember anything until I was in the middle of fucking Aarna. The only conclusion that I could come to was that we both were drugged; only I didn't know of any drug that had the specific effect that Aarna and I experienced and I should know -- since I have a masters in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the University of Michigan -- Ann Arbor and I work in developing pharmaceuticals for Bhatt Pharma International.

After Aarna was showered and dressed I asked her to wait until I showered and dressed before she left. She agreed. After a quick shower and putting on the same clothes that I wore yesterday I sat down with her. "Ms. Bhatt.."

She interrupted me with a nonchalant "I think that you probably should call me Aarna since you fucked me at least twice that I remember."

I'm sure that I blushed, I let out a nervous cough, and then said "Uh...sure; uh...Aarna, I'm sure that we were drugged."

"I agree -- I checked my phone while you were showering and it's Sunday at 6:05 a. m. and the last I remember it was Saturday around 8 p. m., and I have dozens of text messages from my husband, father, mother, and brother."

"What do we do about it?" I asked.

"I'm going to play it by ear, but I am going to get a blood test immediately and I suggest that you do it too, Lucas."

"I will...but I think we should go to the hospital separately; and have them take a double sample and keep one for yourself in case further testing is necessary," I stated.

Aarna smiled, blew me a kiss, and exited turning her head toward me as she said "Wait at least ten minutes before you exit."


You're probably wondering what the fuck is going on. I was too. I'll give you some background which may be significant as things move forward from 6 a. m. that notable Sunday.

On that Sunday I was twenty six years old and from a strange background. My father left my mother, younger sister, and me when I was seven years old. My mother had a hard time coping with life. Although I was only of average size my situation (and probably traits that I inherited from my absent father) caused me to become a complete asshole. I fought constantly -- because I was quick, tough, and fearless I won 90% of the time -- bullied people, and had a juvenile arrest record by the time that I was fourteen and became too much for my mother to handle. My life changed dramatically when she shipped me and my sister off to live with my childless Aunt Ruth (my mom's sister) and Uncle Warren.

Warren is an ex-NFL defensive end. He is six five and his playing weight was 275 pounds, and he slimed down to 235 pounds of pure lean muscle after he retired. Ruth won several national judo competitions as a middleweight, and would have made the US Olympic team but for an untimely injury. They are both warm and friendly -- but tough absolutely no-nonsense -- people.

I got religion when one day in a fit of uncalled for anger I pushed Aunt Ruth. Next thing I knew I was on my back seeing stars and with her foot on my throat. "Don't ever touch me in anger again," she said and then helped me up. When Uncle Warren got home he lifted me up in the air with one arm, pinned me against the wall, and said "Only wimps try to bully women. If you ever touch a woman in ager again I'll break every bone in your body. Understand?" I quickly nodded yes.

That incident turned me around completely. I soon realized that if I wasn't acting like an asshole that I was actually very smart and a good track athlete. By applying myself I graduated High School at 17 after coming in fourth in the state in the 800 meters, got my B. Sc. in Pharmaceutical Sciences at 20, my masters at 21, and had already been named as the inventor of six pharmaceutical patents or applications (owned by Bhatt Pharma) by the time that I was 26.

I met my wife Gail Moore nee Sanders when I was in graduate school and she was an undergraduate, and we had been married for four years and were both 26 that infamous Sunday. While Gail is smart and beautiful at times she can have a prickly personality if things don't go her way; however, I can usually cajole her out of a bad mood. We have what I consider to be a great sex life.

I didn't know Dr. Veer Bhatt that well on that infamous Sunday because as the CEO of a mid-sized pharmaceutical company he didn't normally interact much with the researchers like me. I had talked with him briefly a few times and he had presented me with a superior performance award at his estate the Saturday before the infamous Sunday. As earlier indicated I had significantly more interaction with his daughter who has a BSc in Pharmacy and some role at Bhatt Pharma International that I never quite understood. While I had always been attracted to alabaster-skinned blue eyed women like my wife Gail and definitely not to Hindu women, no man (including me) could deny that Aarna is a fox, with a body that looks more like it was created by Michelangelo rather than that of a real live woman, and a beautiful face.

At the time of the notable Sunday twenty two year old Aarna had been married about eighteen months to thirty five year old rich Indian businessman Sai Patel, a marriage arranged by Aarna's old-school parents. According to the grapevine the arranged marriage was much to Aarna's dismay since she was born in America and is as American in her outlook as Michelle Obama or Laura Bush. I had met Sai a couple of times but since my Aunt Ruth taught me not to say nasty things about people I will not comment on what I think of him.


I saw Aarna leaving the hospital as I entered it. I had blood drawn including one vial given to me that was sealed with tape that had the technician's initials on it and the other that the hospital would test for all known "date rape" drugs. I begged for expedited results, but the fastest that they could guarantee was five days.

When I got home to my and Gail's rented condo it was like entering a hornet's nest. "Where the fuck have you been?" barked Gail. "You just ghosted me at your little awards ceremony and no one could find you; do you realize how fucking embarrassing that was?" she snarled with her arms crossed.

Another thing that Aunt Ruth and Uncle Warren taught me -- honesty is always the best policy -- so my reply to Gail was solemn. "Hon, I need to tell you something that's really going to hurt, and which I have no real explanation for at this time but hope to have one by the end of the week. Please sit down next to me," I continued holding her hands and after initial rejection on her part finally got her to sit down.

"I woke up just before six this morning on the second floor of the guest house on Dr. Bhatt's estate, where the ceremony was held. I was in bed with Dr. Bhatt's daughter Aarna, and it was obvious that we had had sex. I have absolutely no idea how I got there, how she got there, why my mind was essentially blank for about ten-twelve hours preceding that, or anything else. It was obvious that I had been drugged as had she; and she also has no recollection of what happened," I reported.

Gail's eyes got wider and redder as my explanation continued. She looked about ready to explode before I squeezed her hands and said "I just got back from the hospital where I had blood drawn to be tested for GHB and similar drugs, and Aarna also got tested. I hope to have the results in five or six days."

My last statement didn't cap the explosion. "You fucking cheating asshole..." were the first things to come out of Gail's mouth and probably the most pleasant words during the ten minute diatribe that followed. I let her vent. Just as she ran out of steam and turned and ran to our bedroom my cellphone buzzed. Caller ID said "John Thompson," Dr. Veer Bhatt's personal assistant. I didn't know that he had my cellphone number, but obviously he could have gotten it from HR. "Oh shit..." I grumbled to myself as I pressed the green button.

"Lucas Moore," was my timid answer.

"Moore, Dr. Bhatt wants you to come to his office immediately. When can you be here?" I heard Thompson's nasally voice bark.

"I can be there in twenty minutes," I replied.

"Make it fifteen," was the response, followed by termination of the call.

I went to my bedroom. The door was locked. I yelled through the door "Gail, the shit is about to hit the fan at work. Dr. Bhatt requires me to meet him immediately. We'll talk more when I get back."

"Fuck you," was her response.

As I drove to my office I was probably the most uncomfortable that I ever was in my life since Uncle Warren lifted fourteen-year-old me off my feet and threatened to break every bone in my body if I ever again touched a woman in anger. My mantra to myself was "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit..."

When I got to Dr. Bhatt's office he, Thompson, Bhatt Pharma's head of security Harlan Oatley, and Aarna's asshole (sorry, Aunt Ruth) husband Sai Patel were there with stern faces.

"Sit, Moore," Dr. Bhatt snapped.

I sat.

"I've just been shown the most disturbing video of my life -- I could only watch the first few seconds but John and Sai assure me that the rest is just as disturbing -- of you raping my daughter," Dr. Bhatt snapped, his eyes moist with tears.

"Dr. Bhatt, I did not rape your daughter," I softly replied.

"You fucking asshole, are you saying she consented to sex with you," Sai growled with and his fists balled.

"No, she did not consent. Neither of us consented. We were both drugged and have gone to the hospital for blood tests," I snapped back, staring him in the eye.

I then turned to Dr. Bhatt and said "You know your daughter; if she wasn't drugged there is no way that she would have sex out of marriage, and while you don't really know me I can assure you that I also would never cheat on mine. Neither of us have any recollection since about eight o'clock on Saturday night until we woke up about six this morning."

Patel then snapped "Look at this video -- taken about four a. m. today -- and tell me that you weren't totally in control of your faculties."

Patel then pushed a button on a remote and a sixty inch screen off to the left came alive, as Dr. Bhatt noticeably turned his head in the opposite direction. As I watched I was sure that it was from the first time that I gained cognizance with my cock buried in Aarna's silken pussy. I had to admit that it sure looked like I knew what I was doing, and even more disturbing than that I felt my pants tent -- watching Aarna in the throes of passion was the most erotic thing that I had ever seen in my life. Fortunately the video cut off before I came in my pants-- a distinct possibility -- sitting in Bhatt's office.

Before anyone else could say something I said "I agree that it does look like I'm aware; all I can tell you is that before the scene you just showed I was completely out of it and have no idea how I had penetrated Ms. Bhatt, and afterward I completely went comatose again. That obviously is not a complete video; I would like to see scenes before and after that, and would like to know who filmed it."

"That's not going to happen," Oatley snapped. "Who gave me the video this morning is none of your business and he assured me that he was so disgusted that it was all that he had and terminated it immediately. He wasn't sure that it was a rape until he reviewed it later and brought it to my attention."

"I need to know who it was and if there is more -- you're charging me with rape when I was completely out of it and have no idea how we even ended up in the bed in the guest house second floor, let alone what led up to it. Ask Ms. Bhatt," I yelled, starting to lose my temper.

"We've talked to Aarna, and while what she says generally supports you she cannot be absolutely certain that you didn't drug her," Dr. Bhatt interjected. "You're suspended until the blood tests come back; even if they show that you've been drugged I may report you to the police, but I'll wait to see that information before deciding. In any event, you're fired; clean out your desk today."

I saw no point in saying anything further. I got up, walked out of Dr. Bhatt's office, and toward mine. Oatley caught up with me and grabbed my arm as if to escort me. I pulled it away and got in his face, my fighting instincts from my early years coming to the forefront and backed up by my six day a week intense gym workouts.

"Keep your fucking hands off of me; I'm capable of clearing out my desk on my own," I snarled at Oatley. Even though Oatley is bigger than I am and acts like a hard ass he's really a pussy and I could wipe the floor with him -- and he knows it -- so he backed off.


The next week was hell. Gail wouldn't talk to me, I felt completely gutted from being fired, I had a potential rape charge hanging over my head, and I was so pissed that I could scream about who had drugged Aarna and me and why.

I got a call from the hospital on Friday morning and I was asked to come pick up my blood test results about 11 o'clock. Gail had the day off work and I told her that I was going to get the results and that after I got the test results I would work out at the gym and that we could open them up together. "I'll be back about four this afternoon," I told her. She seemed only mildly interested and gave me a Sphinx-like look and then went into our home office.

When I got to the hospital the results weren't waiting for me in an envelope as I expected; the technician who had done the tests wanted to talk to me. When I went into her office, to my surprise Aarna was already there.

Aarna smiled at me; I smiled back but immediately had to go into "control" mode because my cock was instinctively hardening just at the sight of her. Her bright short sundress, with some cleavage showing and combined with her toned bare thighs extending out from her sundress, and beautiful face, presented a scene that could easily overcome me with lust. I immediately thought back to when I was fucking her in the spoon position while mauling her prodigious tits, and it was all that I could do to purge my mind of that spectacular scene. Luckily I did regain control after a few seconds, and sat down, looking at the technician, and specifically not at Aarna's thighs.

"I hope that you both don't mind that I have you here together but since your results are almost identical I thought that appropriate," technician Laura Lainey said as she sat behind her desk.

Aarna and I both said "No problem," almost in unison, causing all three of us to smile.

Since Laura knew that both of us understood the basic technology she got right to the point and explained everything in scientific language. The bottom line was that both samples had some indications of GHB but that the dominant chemical was a unique one, which she called "Substance X." According to Laura Substance X had some things in common with Rohypnol and Ketamine but was distinctly different in other ways. Also, my blood had traces of sildenafil citrate (the active ingredient in Viagra), and Aarna's blood had traces of Flibanserin (often called female Viagra although its results are much less effective and consistent).

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