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Hit Ch. 01

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Some people you've just got to hit.
5.2k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 08/21/2017
Created 11/02/2010
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(No BDSM yet but be patient. Things will develop.)


Josie lounged at a small round table in a corner of the bar with a beer and shot. Her attitude didn't invite company yet after a few drinks the arrogant or stupid would inevitably make a try. Dressed in tight jeans and t-shirt her slim figure was attraction enough.

The long black silken hair framed an attractive face which had been spoiled by a grimace too often held. Early in the evening the inexperienced would fancy their chances and later a cheap guy would think he didn't have to buy her many drinks. The early ones couldn't handle the put-downs and later they were disappointed to find she could hold her drink.

A tall muscular young man came to stand by her chair was full of natural athletic confidence and only partly full of drink. "Do you wanna dance?" he offered.

"No!" Josie stated plainly. The word wasn't needed for the look of disdain she flashed him was enough.

Unused to being put down in front of his buddies he reached down with a hand under her arm pulling her out of the chair. "I can teach you some moves, babe," he said with a big stupid grin on his face that was supposed to be a winsome smile full of charm

He doubled up in pain and sank to the floor. "That's a move you weren't expecting eh?" she smile. Josie looked at him with a boot poised to kick him in a kidney if he moved too quickly. A large hand gripped her shoulder.

"That's enough," Pete said. He pulled the guy to his feet and shoved him away. "Go home and take your friends with you," he said. The voice hadn't been raised but one look at who it was sent them scuttling off.

"I don't need your protection. I can look after myself," Josie flatly stated with the usual grimace on her face.

"I can see that. I need him for a job in the morning," Pete said, looking her over. "Sit down," he told her.

She was half way down into the wooden bar chair anyway. It was difficult to rise again without looking stupid so she leaned back in the chair looking straight at him with a challenging look. Keep my interest or move on was just one of the messages being shoved across the table.

"Where did you learn that move? One finger in the solar plexus to a guy like that is impressive," Pete said quietly.

"The marines," she stated, with a crooked smile that added to her beauty. The way she had spat the words spilt an uncomfortable feeling on the table between them.

"You weren't in the marines," he said, challenging her in turn.

"My father was," she said, this time looking away into the distance.

"Mine too. Taught me discipline and not to look for trouble," he said, leaving the statement open. She looked back at him obviously taking the point.

"Are you trouble mister?" she said, with contempt in her voice and a grin that merely turned up a corner of the mouth.

A silence descended on the awkward conversation as a round of drinks was delivered by a waitress. She studiously ignored them without the false formalities of earning a tip.

"Sitting in this bar drinking alone isn't the way to avoid trouble," he told her.

"Who says I'm into avoiding trouble," she threw back at him.

"What did your father do besides teach you to fight?" he asked. His curiosity had been aroused by her attitude as well as the tight fit of her jeans.

"We used to wrestle on the floor until he got me into a helpless hold. He always won eventually. Sometimes he got some of the guys from the platoon to try and take me. Sometimes I won," she looked back at him with head up, eyes narrowed, expecting something in return.

He looked at the small breasts with nipples hardening under the tight t-shirt. "A hard case I take it. You enjoyed it though, win or lose," he stated.

Josie gave him a hard look frowning fiercely. Scrutinising his face she found no sign of pathetic sympathy or sordid innuendo. A statement of fact had been offered. She relaxed a little and swallowed the biting rough whisky.

He was in his early forties. He was a handsome rough working man, not a pretty boy who would be more interested in himself than her. An eye tooth was the only thing missing, for he had all is hair and plenty of muscle, all of it from hard work rather than working out.

She was twenty four and attractive but no magazine model. Not tall but slim, except for a belly that would blossom if she ate regular and small hard breasts with a butt to match. She sat with legs apart as though to say here it is come and get it if you dare.

She leaned forward with an amused look on her face. "Do you want to fuck me Pete?"


In the old fashioned motel room Josie pulled her panties off, dropped them on the floor and lay back on the bed, not bothering to remove the t-shirt. He too had simply dropped his pants on the floor.

His breathing became ragged and gasping but at the last moment he held back. With his cock still inside he lifted himself on large rough hands to look into her face. It was difficult to make out the expression with light from the blinds slatted across her face.

"You're not enjoying this," he stated.

"I'm not drunk enough. Don't tell me you're a gentleman wanting the lady to cum first. Carry on. Get it over with," she told him. The restrained emotion didn't hide the disappointment in her voice.

He reluctantly pulled himself from her and rolled over to face the ceiling. "It needs more than a good paint job," he said seriously.

"Who are you Pete?" she asked. It had been a long time, if ever, that she had been interested in someone.

"I had a good local hardware store until that damn chain moved into town. I lost the business and my wife too. She ran off with the area manager. Don't think she meant it to spite me. He had a nice big regular pay cheque on offer." Leaning over the edge of the bed he fumbled in his jeans. "Here," he said.

She didn't want to see a sad family picture from his wallet and was surprised when he dropped a few crumpled bills on her tummy. "What's this?"

"Isn't that the rate for a whore to listen to cheerless stories?" He rolled off the bed in time to miss the elbow punch. It crumpled the pillow instead of his face. Landing on his back he caught her as she leaped on him. He managed to grip her arms before she could strike out and supported her torso with bent knees.

He kicked away her legs each time she tried to kick him. She tried to head-butt him and missed as he held her away. She wriggled and cursed trying to get a hold on him.

He pulled her close, still gripping her arms, to suck a whole breast into his mouth. It was small and firm and he could feel the nipple growing hard from the sucking and biting.

No longer kicking out she breathed heavily from the exertion and his attention, though he knew it was something more than this. Feeling the heat of her body against his was a sensation remembered from a long time ago when sex was fun, not just a married mans duty.

She still held her body stiff as though waiting a chance to hurt him but he decided to take a chance. Without warning he lifted her up and slid her onto his cock. Her slight frame held enough weight to push her down its length embedding him deep inside her body.

"You bastard!" she breathed out in a breathy whisper. Nevertheless she pulled her legs around almost kicking his face. She began to ride him pushing down hard with every stroke. She fucked herself on him using his cock like a wild thing as though still fighting.

An angry outburst of harsh abuse rattled from between her clenched teeth and he felt an orgasm being shaken from her body. As she deflated against him he used her in turn. He quickly cum but the ride was satisfying.


There were no goodbyes. They got dressed absorbed in their own thoughts working out what had happened, not why, so it could be fitted into what to do next. An awkward hand shake turned into a shoulder press style of an even more awkward hug.

Josie left first shuffling her feet, the only sign she was reluctant to leave, nevertheless, not glancing back. Not even on the drive out of town did she pause but carried on eating up the road. Breakfast like any other meal could be snatched from a gas station on the way to somewhere else.


Josie knocked on the door of an ordinary suburban home. It was late at night and she was half hoping he would be out, but somehow knew he would be there. With a start she realised the door had opened and he was standing staring at her.

She didn't know what to say, couldn't express what she felt. She hardly knew why she was there.

"You had better come in," Pete told her. He just turned and walked through the lounge into the kitchen leaving her to stumble in the darkened interior of an unfamiliar house.

The kitchen light was switched on buzzing, not loud enough to drown the sound of crickets busy attracting a partner. It blinded her for a moment and so was caught unawares again after adjusting found him standing close, examining her.

"Who gave you that?" he asked, referring to a shiny blue eye.

"You should have seen the other guy," she shrugged.

"I told you to watch out for yourself," he said, admonishing her.

The concern in his voice was obvious, enough to thaw her, just enough to accept a glistening chrome chair. She hadn't decided to stay though. Looking around the kitchen it looked as though she had stepped into a show-home from the sixties. Sparkling clean chrome and green Formica predominated.

"I like it," he said, noticing the scrutiny.

Rattled from having driven all yesterday, then driven almost straight back through the night she missed his meaning. She ignored him a moment, clearing the droning road noise from her head wondering if this had been the right direction.

"So, tell me," he said.

It wasn't exactly a welcoming enquiry as to how she was and with his back to her fixing a drink it would have been rude from anyone else.

"I drove some place and stopped in a bar to enquire about a motel," she stated, as though it were a report to a concerned parent.

"I got run out of town," she said, trying to sound impressed with her own importance. It had just made her feel the powers of female attraction were failing. A pair of tight jeans with a tighter t-shirt usually succeeded in minimising a bar fight, but not this time.

Bar trouble didn't usually result in unpleasant advice from the law. It was a humbling and sobering experience when a local cop told her to drive and not come back.

"Are you listening?" he asked.

"I'm hard of hearing from weapon fire in Nam," she said.

"You weren't in Vietnam," he said incredulously.

"Nam, it's a place up north. Interesting place, interesting people, they shoot pool a lot. Shoot anything else that comes in their sights when drunk," she smirked with a crooked lip, almost a snarl, but definitely a challenge.

"Here drink this," he said, and sat down facing her.

"I'm too wired for coffee, been running on nothing else since, well," her voice tailed off not wanting to mention their moment of lust together.

"It's hot milk," he said.

"Thanks mom," she said, trying to sound sarcastic only it came out more appreciative and revealing than intended.

"You look tired, time for bed," he told her.

A little disappointed when he opened the door to the spare room she nevertheless smiled at him on closing the door. Thankfully there was a shower in a small cubicle off the bedroom.

Feeling even more rejected she decided to test her powers of attraction like soldier readying for combat though feeling like a tired slapper.

She slipped on the only clean clothes she had, an unmatched bra and panties, ready to confront him. Unsure of what to say she tried to work it out while looking for his room.

She walked in and hesitated until he pulled back the covers for her. Without a word needed she gave in to simply slide into bed. He pulled the covers up and wrapped his arms around her.

"Go to sleep, your safe now," he whispered.

For once in her life she did as she was told. Too tired to think she sunk into a dreamless sleep of exhaustion.

Startled from sleep she wondered where she was hoping it wouldn't be an unpleasant surprise.

"Sit up," he told her and placed a tray on her lap. "Coffee, eggs, bacon and beans," he announced. "Eggs they way you like 'em, over easy. Well you do now, that's the only way I know how," he told her.

Pete carefully got into bed and helped himself to the extra cup. Ravenous hunger meant the food didn't touch the sides as it was gulped down.

Watching her struggle to place the tray on the floor he admired the round tight ass.

"I don't fuck for food you know," she scowled.

"I know," he stated. "You don't do it for love or money either so what do you do it for?" he chuckled.

She hit him but without the strength he knew she had. He thought it might be a love tap but would have to get to know her better before deciding. She let him wrap his arms around her though still suspicious, like an ally cat resisting domesticity.

"You can get comfort from a hug you know," he chided her.

"Not fun enough," she breathed out with a throaty chuckle. Turning on him she looked serious, "I don't do it, haven't for a long time. The other night was different, you're," she creased her forehead in thought.

"Different?" he offered.

"Fuck you," she chuckled.

He pulled her close and kissed her. She opened her mouth and he tasted coffee and orange but it was sweet. "I want to fuck you hard then fuck you slow," he breathed in her ear.

She snuggled in his strong arms using him as a comforter. She knew she didn't have to and that made it all right and so she wanted to, but not just now. She was busy enjoying his caresses to her face.

"Hey! I don't like that," she complained.

"Your enjoying it so far so just relax and tell me when your not. It's nice I can tell," he said, while running a wet finger around her asshole.

"Well, that is, but no further," she warned him.

Pete wondered what her limits were and was sure she would let him know. He stretched his arm to reach further round and felt her legs part.

"That I like. You've hit the spot," she said, in a breathy whisper.

She hadn't needed to tell him. When her hand found and gripped his hard cock it was a clear message.

They carried on pleasuring each other for some time. She opened her eyes wide realising he was still hard. "You didn't cum?" she asked.

"You were too busy enjoying yourself to think of me," he playfully scolded her.

"Well thank you kind, sir. That was a lovely way to start the day," she told him with her head on his chest. She played with his hairs, twisting them around her fingers until he gave in and said, "Ouch!"

"I had better apologise to your neglected friend," she smiled innocently and disappeared under the sheet.

For a moment he watched the back of her head slowly moving up and down but soon closed his eyes to concentrate on the feel of her mouth engulfing him. Too soon the promised orgasm brought a contorted look to his face that belied the pleasure.

Her hands completed the job massaging and gripping, both his cock and balls, as he came back to earth. Curling his legs toward her he felt a wet patch and learnt something else about her. She didn't swallow. If she stayed long enough he would teach her what he liked and learn what she needed too.

It would be fun teaching her and she had so much to learn.

"So, are you staying?" he asked.

"The room service is good. Maybe, lets see, a day at a time, OK?" she asked.

"That's a song," he murmured.

"What is?" she asked.

"A day at a time," he croaked out of tune.

"Let's make it our song, OK? Just don't sing it," she said, with mock sincerity.

He slapped her ass and she giggled a lusty resonant laugh.

All morning they romped around like teenagers. They showered together turning it into a sensuous exploration of each other bodies. They learnt where to caress and scratch and tickle to elicit yelps and laughs and more intimate sounds. When she tried to get dressed he tussled with her until she gave up, resolving into panting with lust.

He didn't want the young vixen to escape. He wanted to get to know her. She was exciting, a challenge, and he was prepared to meet it.

"I'm getting dressed," she declared.

"OK," he smiled.

She glanced at him hearing the word as though it were permission to go ahead. She hesitated reaching for the sensible black panties then shook her head with a grin. He was sprawled out across the bed, where they had been wrestling, prepared for the reverse striptease show. She would have rebelled at his turning her decision into his permission but decided to use it against him.

"What the hell," she murmured. If that's what he wanted then why not give him something to think about. She bent over with straight legs squeezing her thighs together to push her lips between them. She took her time straightening the panties out while wiggling her ass at him.

Purposely tangling the panties about her legs she took an age pulling them up then wiggled her bottom into them. Making sure the panties were plastered between her cheeks she picked up the jeans. With them over her thighs she adjusted the panties again then pulled the jeans up to her waist and tightened the belt pulling her tummy in.

Turning to him, with the t-shirt dangling from a finger, she tried on an innocent look but it wasn't necessary as he was too distracted with her figure to notice. With the t-shirt over her head she lifted the small pert breasts up, holding the pose, pretending to fiddle with the top.

She made a show of pulling it down over her breasts and when it caught on a hard nipple realised she too was aroused. The look on his face was enough to amuse her as well as bringing on a familiar tingling sensation between the legs.

"Are you ready?" she asked.

"Uh, pretty much," he smiled.

"I meant for a shopping trip," she scolded him, with hands on hips. She expected him to cry off the idea but he jumped up to get dressed.

"We'll get lunch first to build up the energy," he said pulling on his jeans.

"Energy for what?" she asked suspiciously.

"Shopping, what else?" he asked in mock surprise.

Josie expected him to drag her back to bed or mean they needed energy for another session. It was a pleasant surprise to be driven to a mall to actually shop. Even better he pointed out clothing stores she might be interested in on the way to his favourite coffee stop.

"You're not choosing my clothes. Not now, not ever. Yea, that's nice but I don't wear dresses. I just don't like the idea of you buying me stuff," she hissed at him, trying not to attract attention.

Reluctantly she pulled on a light summer dress reluctantly having to agree with the choice. It was hot out there and it would feel cool. She was also surprised he hadn't tried to dress her in short skirt and halter top or something more brazen.

Twirling in a mirror she began to agree. It showed off her figure to advantage without being slutty. When he looked at her she felt feminine and attractive. A look of pride in his eyes left her feeling light headed and alive.

"Can I trust you to pick some underwear?" She pulled the dress tight against her body showing how the black panties and bra were outlined. "White, comfortable and sensible," she warned him. She went back into the changing room wondering what he might fetch, expecting it to be an uncomfortable thong.

He brought back just the right thing. "You don't need to wear the bra, do you?" he asked.

Thinking he was referring to them being too small she almost poked him in the ribs. The look on his face told a different story. It was unusual for her to give in to anyone but so far she had so decided to continue until she found out what he was up to. She shrugged her shoulders and quickly pulled on the panties.


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