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Home for Horny Monsters Ch. 109


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As she neared the village, she sifted through the rumors that had been carried along the wind to her little shrine. She had heard stories about distant villages being attacked, sometimes even leveled by troubled spirits, or possibly demons. It wasn't an uncommon occurrence in this part of the world. With so much scientific innovation spreading throughout the mainland, many creatures similar to herself had come here as refugees. The natural pecking order had been disrupted, and trouble often followed.

It was a good thing she was considered the top of the food chain. Her serpentine features curled into a smile as she rode the currents, shifting her coils to act as a rudder. In places, the rocks were sharp, and she'd prefer to keep all her scales intact. Last year, she had been playing in the river and knocked several loose. While the wound had been painful, the smiles of the children who had found her prismatic scales on the bank and used them for tiny hats had somehow been worth it.

She surfaced upstream, just above where the fishermen threw their nets, and shifted back to human form as she stepped ashore. There were rumors about the dragon who lived in the river, and so she avoided letting them ever see her serpentine form on land. Misdirection was easy when it was someone else making all the assumptions.

The path into the village was only a few feet wide. She held her hands out to the side, allowing the foliage to caress her fingertips as she walked. The world above was so soft, a feature she was still getting used to. She had long ago exchanged the glittering of fire-lit gems below for the starry skies above, but had never truly appreciated just how many colors could be seen in the lands of man.

Humming a sweet tune to herself, mostly so that she wouldn't surprise any of the villagers. She stopped when she realized she didn't hear the gentle chatter of the fisherman. This was the first bend in the river where they caught their breakfast, yet nobody was to be seen. Puzzlement became concern when she passed the next two spots and still saw no one. Up ahead, the smoke rose in a giant column. What had looked troublesome from a distance had suddenly become ominous. The wind shifted and she tasted the air, hoping for answers.

It tasted of death.

She broke into a run, her bare feet kicking loose gravel into the tall reeds. Now that she was closer, she could hear the wailing of human misery, their cries shattering the stillness of the woods. She regretted not riding the river all the way to the village now, but what had been done was done. What came next would be up to her.

Bits of hot ash fell from above as she entered the village and paused to stare at the devastation. Villagers milled around in confusion, staring in shock at the massive stones that had spiraled up from beneath the soil, many of them penetrating structures. Based on what she could tell, a cooking fire had likely been overturned, the fire quickly spreading to some of the nearby trees and other buildings. People had been trapped beneath the rubble, many of them perishing in the flames. Gasping for air, she placed a hand over her mouth and wept.

The villagers didn't see her at first, too busy were they with their grief. She moved around the perimeter, sending pulses of magic into the ground in the hopes of finding someone who had survived, somebody that she could save. These people would rebuild, sure, but even a small victory would help them sleep a little bit better tonight.

She used her magic to push aside the stones, the villagers looking to her for guidance. The soul of the village had been broken, but for what purpose? The scent of magic was strong, yet there was no culprit. Mischievous spirits, at best, may claim the life of a human, but there was usually a purpose, even if it was just spur of the moment cruelty.

"Over here!"

The naga paused, her lips thinning out. Who was speaking English? She chanced a glance over her shoulder and saw a group of men emerge from the forest. Some of them wore leather armaments and carried swords at their waists. The others had staffs, and all of them carried backpacks. They were being led by islanders she didn't recognize, likely acting as guides.

"Looks like our quarry has struck again." One of the men carrying a staff knelt down by a woman whose face was covered in burns. His hands filled with soft light as he attempted to heal her. "These people need our help."

Oh. She knew who these men were. Clicking her tongue in disapproval, she started moving toward the outskirts of the village. Though she had never met anyone from the Order in person, it would serve her well to abandon the area for a few days. Technically, she was the village deity, but she didn't feel like enduring their scrutiny. They were outsiders at best, and couldn't be trusted.

Still, their efforts were appreciated. The people of the Order moved quickly, offering support to those in need. It was only by chance that she noticed how intently they searched the faces of those they helped, how they studied the dead as if afraid they would rise. She wanted to flee into the woods, but could sense them hiding in the grass, lying still and waiting. If their hearts hadn't been beating so hard, she never would have sensed the tremors in the earth. There were more of them out there, watching. Waiting. Hunting.

Though the fires were out, water was being hauled up from the river by bucket to make sure the smoldering remains were properly extinguished, and it was there that she found her exit. Kneeling in the cool water of the river, she slid forward into the current, allowing it to pull her under and away. Transforming into a serpent once more, she was about a hundred feet downstream when the trap was sprung.

A massive net engulfed her, ripping her free of the water. She thrashed about, hissing in surprise as a pair of mages levitated her out of the water while knights hauled her onto the shore.

Back in the present, a similar hiss escaped Ratu's lips as she opened her eyes. She forced the memories down into her gut, feeding it to the fire that was building within. The village had been so many decades ago, yet the pain was still fresh. Just like before, Mohan was waiting at the end.

She tapped her foot impatiently. Why was this elevator so slow?

At last, the car stopped and the doors slid open. Ratu stepped forward into the luxurious suite just as a door along the edge of the room clicked shut. She could hear Ingrid's muffled shouts from beyond, but the well-dressed figure standing in the center of the room and staring up at the monitors was all she had eyes for. He studied a replay of her fight with the merfolk in the lobby, watching as she bombarded the royal court with fire that could crack stone.

"I remember the first time I saw you summon fire, back when we were young." Mohan's voice was wistful, nostalgic, and clearly rehearsed. "It's a special moment in every naga's life, when we first resonate with magic. For you, it was always fire. I'll never forget how your eyes sparkled like emeralds, wide with wonder as you held that ball of flame in your hands. That afternoon, we sat at your father's feet and you spoke for hours about how it felt, being so close to a power that could bring comfort, yet also destroy. It was in those moments that I first found my feelings for you." Mohan straightened his suit and turned in place. The scales on his face rippled as he adjusted his cufflinks. "Surely you remember--"

Ratu hit him with a fireball that caused the monitors behind him to spark and melt, the swirling torrent of fire cracking the marble beneath Mohan's feet as the impurities crackled and burned. Both hands extended, she demanded nothing less than for his entire body to turn to ash before he could do any more harm.

"I see you're still impulsive." Mohan tsked her from within the fire. Even now, she could feel the swirling barrier of air he had summoned. "And here I thought we could at least be cordial."

"I have nothing to say to you." Ratu twisted the fingers of her left hand, commanding the marble at his feet to break. Once it had done so, she clapped her hands together, causing the shattered masonry to collapse inward on top of Mohan with the intent of crushing the life from him.

"And yet, I have plenty to say to you." Mohan the Director snapped his fingers and the marble shattered into dust, which got caught up in the swirling vortex around him. He blasted the remnants of the floor outward, and Ratu summoned a wall of fire to drive them into the air. The air conditioning system kicked on, the air return rattling as it sucked up marble dust. "So perhaps you can stop trying to kill me for a minute and hear me out."

"No." Ratu remembered the last time she attempted to hear him out, her thoughts going back in time once more to the village.

Mohan stood at the edge of the village, a triumphant glare in his eyes. He was dressed as a guide and leaning against a tree. He spoke to her through the wind blowing across her ears, meaning the Order couldn't hear.

"One last chance," he said. "If you come home with me, all will be forgiven. But if I have to drag you home, these villagers will pay."

"NEVER!" she shouted through her serpentine lips, causing the villagers and Order to recoil in shock. Flames licked at her eyes and nose as she attempted to burn away the protective runes of the net.

"So be it." Mohan's body began to melt as he moved toward the villagers, his body stretching out as scales sprouted across his flesh. By the time someone saw the massive snake and screamed, Mohan was already slamming his jaws shut around them.

Mohan sighed in disgust. "I went through a lot of work for this, you know." He gestured at the broken monitors behind him. "I thought you'd appreciate all I did to find you."

"All these years, and yet you still don't understand." Ratu channeled the fire, the temperature of her skin heating up. "You still think of me as a lost belonging, or worse, an escaped slave."

Mohan waved dismissively. "I had hoped your time with the mortals would have tempered your hysterics, but that was wishful thinking on my part." He loosened his tie and then shrugged out of his jacket. "You're a lot like fire, you know? Wild, powerful, capable of great things. But just like fire, you lack discipline." He undid the cufflinks on his sleeves and then rolled them up. "Imagine how strong you would have been if we had been together all this time. I didn't waste all these years obeying the whims of mortals, my dearest. It was time spent honing my abilities, learning to better channel my strength, to become one with the wind, all those things we spoke of when we were children."

"I want you to imagine how happy we could have been if you would have just trusted me!" Ratu's eyes were now brimming with tears. "I was prepared to spend my entire life by your side, but then I saw how ugly you truly were beneath those scales. If your jealousy hadn't claimed you, if you hadn't lashed out at me, struck me with your fists, we could have been together! I was in love with you once, Mohan, I truly was. You were the center of my world, and then you fell out from beneath me. You broke my heart!"

Mohan cracked his knuckles. "You were the one who left. If anyone is allowed to complain, it is me. I am the one who suffered, after all. That man you adore, your Caretaker, he will blame you for what is about to transpire, you'll see."

"That man is everything you are not." The air around Ratu ignited.

Mohan snorted. "Oh really? If that's true, then why have you given him a false name? What is wrong with your true name, hm?"

"I hate that name," she hissed. "But only because I heard it spill from your lips so often."

He chuckled, the air around his body now circulating so fiercely that the fabric of his pants made a flapping sound. "You're coming home," he said. "Whether you like it or not, my precious Upala."

"My name is Ratu!" The air exploded, and Ratu threw herself forward, her body changing as fire spiraled around her. Mohan rose to face her, transforming into his serpentine form as well. They were nearly full sized by the time she struck, her fangs seeking his flesh, and the two of them crashed against the closest wall, causing the building to groan and shudder beneath their combined weight. The storm of fire raged inside the penthouse suite, melting everything that didn't simply ignite, and the two of them crashed together into an exterior wall. It collapsed, and they tumbled together through the open air to the ground below.


We've officially entered the third act of Book 7! I'm going for the record on property destruction in a single novel, so be ready for it. Surprises, spells, and shenanigans await in the days ahead!

Thank you so much for reading, don't forget to leave a rating and feel free to send me feedback. My spam filter eats some of them, so apologies if I never responded, but I do try to hunt them down every few months!

Last but not least, make sure you're drinking plenty of water. It's good for your skin and helps balance your mood. Do something kind for yourself today, and I'll see you in the year ahead!


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AnonymousAnonymous13 days ago

at this time Ratu seemes really silly. Surely her ex did it not make it to the top of the order by stupidity and he is prepared in his hometurf. She goes in alone for an fight in unbeknown territiory instead of going home and protecting her home which is under attack too. Thinning out their group on different grounds does always plays in favor for the enemy, but again - even knowing that Mime really need to be beat up badly as long hes walking stupid arround like the fool he is for evryone. Give the girls some strap-on's to show Mike like he's bending on everybodys whim, unable to just say no.

Bluesea00Bluesea0014 days ago

Our resident Naga of the carefully hidden threads is approaching the climax.

Congrats It's a real effort to stop reading each chapter without stopping by to leave some coments.

Wildwood55Wildwood55about 1 month ago

'Drinking' plenty of water isn't a chore for me, anymore, I just pour it down the small silicone tube, through my abdomen & into my belly.

Been that way for nearly 4 yrs, (not long enough to seem normal, tho). All courtesy of throat cancer radiation which destroyed my saliva glands, preventing me frim being able to swallow. Swallowing w/o the lubrication of saliva is impossible; it all sticks in your throat.

Get your HPV vaccine, guys, you DON'T want this to eff up your 60's. (HPV doesn't only give women cancer of the cervix, it gives men throat cancer.)

Lenny20Lenny20about 2 months ago
Plot twist

I thought the storyline with the Director could go in a few directions - but I didn't expect him to be a naga looking for Ratu to reclaim his betrothed. That was insane (good)!

When the battle of the house inevetable continues I'm really curious to see if someone gets dragged to where Cyrus is at or if this maybe was a tease for the next book or another spin-off.

I also have the suspicion that a certain hat-man would be a interessting buyer for cryptids. That's my guess how that fucker comes into play in the main events.

Another great one, so far on the way to become my favourite book so far.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Absolutely tickled by thought of Lily as Mike. And why wouldn’t I be?! That entire episode was simply boffo. As always, champing at the bit for more

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

This has improved as it went, as the writer has honed her skills. My current favorite “book.”

AeralitoAeralito4 months ago

This is awesome. Fantastic writing. I will be sorry to see it end eventually, but I can always read it again. 😍

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Pheww... all caught up now.

I love the plot planning. My take is Darius is Sarah's new meat suit. Hiding a necklace, Elizabeth is a new person to him, familiarity with house and tenants, other knowledge he shouldn't have...

I've seen several references to an Irish castle and side story, but don't remember reading it. Did I miss a chapter? Or is this a future story arc?

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Hail hydra :)

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The 'dad jokes' along with Mike's explanation of them (they've given up all hope of coolness, essentially, to be dads, so these jokes are their last hurrah and refuge) are great.

Same with Lily's impersonation jokes of Mike. Never enough Lily. Her saving Beth is like a little ironic easter egg...She Who Should Be Queen helping She Who Should HAVE Been Queen...

Great chapter...truly 5 stars on this one (and unlike some folks, they aren't all quite...).

Looking forward to the big wrap-up.

Ratu's backstory is yet another example of excellent world-building. How far out do you 'storyboard' or plan these arcs? Do you have stories like that pre-written for all of your characters, or make them mostly up upon arriving at the need for it?

On to the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Dammit. I reached the end again! I read too fast is the problem... Man you definitely left us some clif hangers . Cyrus. Ingrid. Ratu .... Can that dick head capitan François die already! Pretty please!!!!

I hope i at least sent one person your way . I use MeWe as a social, instead of Facebook... And i frequent the sex groups lol... Thats where i told at least a few people of your awsome existence, i mean writing 😅 . Both are true! Also i think you might be Canadian! Me too . Im in Alberta. I think this is the 3 message ive left you under anonymous... I just dont know what email i had originally signed up on lit . So i cant retrieve my password... Anyway . Keep writing!!!


P.s. its cold sssoooo cold right now . I hope your staying warm where you are !!!!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Thanks again for another mastery writen chaprer of this Epic fantasy series forc adults.

Argonaut_1975Argonaut_19755 months ago

Five stars. Waiting for the next installment.

JodailyJodaily5 months ago

Ditto to anonymous below. All caught up 😪. Counting tje days.

I did appreciate the back story on Ratu. And now it's time for Mike to get home and kick some ass!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I’m addicted.

When will chapter 110 be out?

LobowraithLobowraith5 months ago

Do you have any idea how frustrating you are with your bloody cliffhangers. Your as bad as part wolf

notStanleynotStanley5 months ago

>"This naga just admitted he's putting your lives and mine at risk because he's mad that I live with his ex-fiance."

Mohan has a problem recognizing the "ex" part of that :{

BriteStudioMKMBriteStudioMKM5 months ago

Snake Kaiju battle!!!!!!

TomdullyTomdully5 months ago

I liked hearing of Ratu's story. This is one of humor and drama it was a Blast.have a blessed day.

JumbleofOddThotsJumbleofOddThots5 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I've caught up? IVE CAUGHT UP??? Noooo!!!! I need to know what happens next!

WolfenherzWolfenherz5 months ago

Damn fine story, thank you.

4Logwald_Timberson4Logwald_Timberson5 months ago

I love your sense of humor you have in your writing! The pun scene at that start of this chapter with Ratu, incredible. I had to read it twice before a could compose myself enough to continue on. This needs to be made into an animated series somehow, and that's just for the comedy and story itself. The sex and hot women would be like the cherry on top the sunday. Absolutely incredible work, can't wait till I get back to this book in my second reread!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Simply put as a child would say your mean!

Really enjoying the series and all the character interplay os great

Pls keep it up

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Excellent as always! Can't wait for the next one

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

It took me threes days after reading to realise there wasn't any horny in this chapter, that's how good this book is.

BarryAllen888BarryAllen8885 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I have found that it’s harder to read the stories serially rather than binging so I can’t wait to re-read once the book is completed.

I like the shift to Mike using his big head a bit more and building the tension. I love the inclusion of Ratu. My only criticism is that you have created such a wonderful cast of characters that it’s so difficult to incorporate them for anything beyond flashes. The flashes on action makes the story feel stretched and it’s honestly not your fault that I really like everyone. So kudos!

jdailey63jdailey635 months ago

It only gets better with each chapter, watching the characters grow and become who they are. You are an amazing writer. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Thank you, please keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago


Ooooooo, like, 4 chapters with zero erotica and Mike makes a bunch of red shirts splooge themselves, something he's never shown to be able to do before. Please don't tell me you count that as erotica....bwa ha ha ha ha!

rvagirlrvagirl5 months ago

“Boohoo where’s the sex the story has lost its roots” as Mike uses his mind to makes six people splooge themselves so hard they take a level of exhaustion.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I for one agree with Anon who says the story could benefit from more erotica that the earlier chapters were full of and got us all hooked. It was PART of the great story writing back then. I can't comprehend the people saying sex "gets in the way" of the story/action. Like it's got to be either-or?? It used to be BOTH. And Anon who says "Anyone complaining about the lack of sex should go and read something else. This series is about so much more than just sex." Of COURSE it's about so much more than sex, but there ISNT ANY anymore. Again, it used to be both. Now it's not. How about anyone complaining that there isn't sex anymore or that it gets in the way of action should stop reading literotica and go read G rated action novels.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

5 stars are not enough

Anyone complaining about the lack of sex should go and read somerhing else. This series is about so much more than just sex

workingpartyworkingparty5 months ago

I for one am grateful that your story has moved beyond the sex over load. It's nice have story that is able to stand on its content more then its sex. Please keep up the good work. Thank you for your time and effort.

lackofsleeplackofsleep5 months ago

Another great instalment, leaving me wanting more. Wishing you and your family a happy new year

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Well now, I guess you're on your way to the destruction you promised! Hope you had a fantastic Christmas and are looking forward to an amazing and prosperous (did you eat your black beans - good luck - and greens - money? Neither did I, Walmart was fresh out...) New Year. Dang, this is definitely more action movie than sex story right now, but I'm loving it! I hope Opal has her way with Captain Douchewinkle and Team Mike kicks ass all over the place; can't wait for the orgy afterwards...

Stay well - I didn't log in, thatstratismine

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Can’t wait to see Ratu murder this guy. Also I feel like Ratu and Lily need to start a support group for people with magical abusive exes

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The only thing I don't like about this chapter is that I have finally caught up to the author and now have to wait like so many have.

Thanks for a phenomenal read

Newt0351Newt03515 months ago

Lovely as always. I truly enjoy your work. Thank you for sharing your world with us.

Looking forward to 2024 and the Radley household kicking butt.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I fucking called it that the director was her ex ever since she told Mike about him.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Ya I do love the story but.......

Fight fight fight (no sex) fight fight fight (no sex) fight fight fight (no sex).....

The erotica has very sadly evaporated from this series......

The Home for Formerly Horny Monsters.....

dfisk007dfisk0075 months ago

Happy New Year, wishing you the best! Thank you for sharing your life/story,

dfisk007dfisk0075 months ago

Happy New Year and thank you for sharing your life/story!

dontyouwishyouknewdontyouwishyouknew5 months ago

I love that this story is like the Energizer Bunny, it just keeps going and going and going... Thanks Annabelle!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Happy New Year Annabelle! Thank you for this beautiful story. It brings a smile to my face when I see the new chapter post. Many blessings to you and your family for 2024!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

You know I stopped reading this series right around the 35 chapter mark and always said I would come back to it when you finished writing, imagine my surprise when checking in that it’s up to 109 chapters. Guess I’ll start reading again.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Love you, thank you for all you have conjured for us. You are amazing. Continue with the tale. Love your ability to bring us into your amazing journey. Thank you, for all that you have done.

KrittaKritta5 months ago

Horrible cliffhanger, but still I can't remember an entry thay wasn't an easy 5.

Reine2417Reine24175 months ago

I could never get tired of reading HFHM, I’m like an addict waiting for my next fix xxx

firehorseukfirehorseuk5 months ago

Weren't the bullets were enchanted by Cyrus to activate the lions? Once the bullets started flying around, I thought lions would activate. If the weren't activated on purpose, you can just mention the soldiers avoided the main gate and therefore the lions.

Where is the Jabberwocky hiding? If the soldiers avoided it or if Eulalie was holding him in reserve then please mention that.

Merry Xmas & Happy New Year.

Irenae21Irenae215 months ago

Ohh Come On!!!!?

We love you anyway. Have a great Crossover

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I loved it. Please don't ever stop writing about Mike, I could care less about the sex to me this is the best I have ever read. I can't wait to read 110.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Another great chapter. I cant believe it has been 6 years. You most likely have alot more than 10000 readers. There are quite a few people who probably haven't created a lit account.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I love that the director isn’t really a Big Bad, he’s just Ratu’s ex. I love how lighthearted this makes this book. The SoS are bad guys enough for me. Interesting how a cryptid made it so high into the Order…

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Missed some really great opportunity movie refrences with lil and the growing appendage - spaceballs - it seems like your swartz is as big as mine. Could have had it glow green like a light sword. - star wars captain I am your father or the best of all - highlander - there can only be one. Seriously what a great chapter you are by far the best here on lit. and deserve so much more recognition for the work you do and oh my gash the dad jokes every time you drop one in is HA larious and ratu attempt just pure magic and the comment made right after of regret just wow 5 stars are just not enough so times it by infinite and i might reach how great these are love your mind Annabelle its the best part of your literary gifts

Lizzyspapaw15Lizzyspapaw155 months ago

You storyline keeps getting better and better...I can wait until the next installment

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago


Again ending on a cliff hanger....


And I love it!!!!!

HemmingswayHemmingsway5 months ago

Another great chapter. Keep up the good work!

Ravus_SapiensRavus_Sapiens5 months ago

Fantastic as always. How long was that reference planned? It really feels like too much of a coincidence to not think it was planned from the beginning, or at least since they were watching Marvel on the flight to Hawai'i.

I'm a classicist, so I'm really hoping 110 will be called Paradise Lost. 🙏

Also, there seems to have been an error when posting: Literotica doesn't list chapter 109 with the rest of the series, making it more difficult to go directly from chapter 108 to 109.

skippersdadskippersdad5 months ago

Wow, Another great story. I love all that you had written, keep it up.

SamardnazSamardnaz5 months ago

Well, I guess I qualify as a new reader. I started with chapter 1 of HFHM in October. I've now read all the spinoff stories, and 109 chapters of HFHM. Love the stories! Eagerly awaiting chapter 110...

Themonk1335Themonk13355 months ago

This just keeps getting better and better.

oldmanbill69oldmanbill695 months ago

A new year and new chapters to come !!!! Now to wait and remember !

TJSkywindTJSkywind5 months ago

Even the third time around, it's still a fun read. Some of the more astute readers will have figured out how Amir was bankrolling his projects, and that the Curator is the one who restored Amir's body using his organ bank, making it possible for the SoS to participate in the attack on Radley House. Ripples and ripples do wash upon distant shores.

Thanks for sharing! 5* Slainté

firehorseukfirehorseuk5 months ago

"So before we begin, is there anybody who wants to get off?" ROFL

"The occupants of the car screamed in panic as the oxygen was quickly sucked out of the small space." You didn't mention the elevator door closing to keep a small space. If the elevator door is not shut then there is no 'small space'. You may want a different explanation/mechanism here to scare the occupants.

10Bender10Bender5 months ago

Luuucyy, you got some splainin to do. So is werewolf Taisa, half Naga? Or is DAH an alternate multiverse? Or should I just shut up and enjoy the ride. My teenage boy said Dad, i really like giraffes. They are so cool. You know why?.

Yeah I said what you're thinking. Because dad jokes write themselves. And we have to take our pleasure where we can

Because you look up to them

caitiff1969caitiff19695 months ago

Chapter 109 is an amazing Christmas/Yule gift, and Chapter 110 is a New Years Blessing to come!

Your words/tales keep me wanting more!

Belated Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays, and have a Blessed upcoming year.

Thank you!

JazHazJazHaz5 months ago

Awesome battle at the House, Eulalie and Co just toying with the Order and SoS.

bear1999bear19995 months ago

awesome as usual..thanks and Happy New Yer

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

What an awesome holiday gift you've offered us; a brand new instalment and a true gem at that =)

PitGrande84PitGrande845 months ago

I'm looking forward to the new part. You rocked this one. You've whetted my appetite.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I'm not sure which was better - Mike's line in the elevator or how giddy he was when some of them understood the reference!

alanawebndataalanawebndata5 months ago

Omg. What a great chapter. So many cliffs I don’t know which one to hang from..

Thank you for continuing to write and sharing it with all of us

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