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Hot Wife

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Best friend urges Susan to become a hot wife.
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I like the loving wives category but it can be difficult to come up with something different and the comments are often ruthless. I try to explore alternate realities or situations with angst.

I do spell and grammar checks and proof read but bound to miss some. If that bothers you too much maybe think about reading something else.

This one is going to get slaughtered, no revenge or retribution, just people with quirks. Please read the, the subject matter will no doubt send some readers apoplectic, don't read it if it's not your thing. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy it, they are free and they are just stories.

Best Wishes, Satin.


Susan had been friends with Dianne for years; they met up at the gym twice a week and had coffee afterwards. Despite meeting so often they were never short of things to talk about. Much of that centred around family updates, including Susan's husband David and Diane's husband Russell. Susan noted a significant upturn in Diane's mood and demeanour; she was now far more positive than she had been in months, maybe even years. There was a period when their marriage seemed to be faltering.

Diane was 37; with an outgoing personality she was very direct and to the point. Tall and naturally athletic she took fitness seriously, in that regard Susan tagged along and kept in shape.

Susan was 35; she had long blonde wavy hair and blue eyes. Quieter than her friend, yet easily capable enough to hold her senior management position. Her style was professional, often involving pencil skirts and jackets worn with heels. On evenings out she made the most of her curves and cleavage, secretly enjoying the attention they often attracted. This was partly due to having few admirers when younger, other prettier girls always stole the attention. With limited experience before marriage she truly blossomed through her late 20's and early 30's.

Her husband of six years David was handsome and easy going. He was a calm and confident engineer, living in a world of logic and numbers. Their sex life was good... that was it, just good. At times Susan lamented her limited experience and the lack of variety and intensity. Actually 'good' was a stretch, lacklustre seemed to be the word that best described things.

Susan shared her woes with her best friend. In response Diane confessed her approach to keeping things interesting in the bedroom. She had taken a lover with her husband's approval! To say Susan was shocked was a gross understatement; this was her very normal friend, not some vamp or celebrity.

Diane tried to explain, "It's based on many women our age discovering an increased sex drive, and wanting to experiment and explore things."

"Well I can see why some women might enjoy that, but what about Russell, doesn't he object, it's so... outrageous."

"My Russell loves it, he is so supportive and I have never loved him more. It's a common male fantasy to see their wives desired. You might be surprised that David would probably like to see you admired by other men."

Susan sat there open mouthed, "I can't get my head around a husband actually approving of that!"

"Some even suggest it, for most it's just fantasy and it won't go further than a little flirting. Don't tell me David doesn't like to see you in sexy dress and stockings; but for others they can really get off on it. Don't judge too quickly, it's not for everyone but many 'normal' men like it."

Diane went on, "Listen David is a nice guy but he isn't pushing your buttons and you need to do something about it. Why don't you come over Thursday night; you can meet Marcus."


"Yes Marcus, he is my lover and a really nice guy; I am due a session with him on Thursday."

"A session?"

Diane laughed at Susan's increased pitch of questions, "Yes a session, as in a sex session. Just come along and meet him; if you're still interested we can help you talk to David about things if you like."

The conversation enthralled Susan, the excitement was undeniable and in some ways it was tempting. She did want to experience more but couldn't see that arrangement working for her and David.


Susan could think of little else, the topic prayed on her mind. She decided to go over on Thursday; there was no need to lie to David about where she was going, they often called into each other's houses.

Russell invited her in and introduced her to Marcus over drinks whilst Diane was finishing getting ready. The conversation was remarkably polite, he seemed like a decent guy and got on well with Russell. Diane swept into the room, she'd clearly made an effort and sat very close to Marcus. Susan noticed his arm move around her waist, Diane was totally focused on him; she was almost giddy with it.

Marcus smiled at Susan, "What about you Susan, would you ever consider a lover."

"No I am happily married, I... well I couldn't."

Diane responded, "Hey we're happily married as well! Russell is so supportive and we've never been closer or happier. It's the most energising thing we've done in our relationship."

"So do you two still have sex?"

"Of course, Russell I am not cutting him off, he loves to reclaim me and that's on a par with my time with Marcus; the emotions and intensity are off the map."

Marcus laughed at that, "Speaking of which, you need to be taken before you can be reclaimed, shall we go up?"

Dianne kissed Marcus passionately before responding, "Absolutely lover."

She turned to Susan who was still in shock, "We leave the door open for Russell, so feel free to check us out as well, it will help illustrate what is involved... and the benefits."

Susan was left with Russell, it was awkward for her but Russell seemed totally relaxed, "So what is your fantasy Susan. Don't you want to be ravished by a young fit and hung man?"

"I... well I don't know about that, doesn't it bother you?"

"Wait until you see Diane with Marcus, she is completely uninhibited. It can be edgy and difficult at times, but it's highly erotic and at the end of the day she always comes back to me."

Just as Susan thought the situation couldn't get any more surreal; their conversation was interrupted by the sounds of sex echoing down the stairs, Russell simply smiled.

"Wow it certainly sounds like Diane is having a good time. Ermm how long do they..."

"Usually all evening, Marcus can repeat and Diane has multiple orgasms. The honest truth is I can't match him, not even close. You must have noticed the change in her as well; she's happier, more confident? We have stopped arguing; she treats me much better these days and tells me how much she loves me."

"Yeah I have noticed, it's why I asked her what had changed, I was surprised by her explanation. Do you still love her as much, given what she is doing?"

"Honestly the answer is yes, she could have any number of men, but chooses to stay with me. Seeing her fulfilled that way is delectable."

Susan paused before asking, "You know David well; do you think he might be like you... that he might accept this sort of arrangement?"

"It's difficult to tell, he seems set in his ways and quite traditional. Let me refill your wine, then we can go and check on them if you like."

Susan was stunned at the noises and comments emanating from her best friend as they walked up the stairs. By the time she could get a view into the bedroom, Diane was squealing and begging to be fucked. Propped up on two pillows, her ass in the air, Diane still had stockings and heels on, with her legs spread her feet bounced constantly. The cause of that was Marcus laying into her with what looked like a sizeable cock. What caught Susan's attention was Marcus's very fit and toned body; he looked like a Greek God and seemed totally in control as he fucked her best friend... hard.

Russell whispered to her, "I told you it was hot, just look at her, she is magnificent!"

Susan couldn't deny it, the scene before her and her friend's responses were highly arousing. They looked wonderful together and Susan had never witnessed sex like it, Diane's orgasms were something to behold. The total adulation Russell showed his wife was both intriguing and endearing.


A few days later Diane and Russell were entertaining their friends over dinner and relaxing with a mellow wine. Diane's thoughts turned to sex and how to get her friend to join the hot wife lifestyle. She imagined them having all sorts of fun together. Susan was such a 'looker'; they could have their choice of men. Blonde hair, big tits and curves in all the right places, they were bound to go for her. Even Marcus checked her out, the cheeky sod! She was determined to persuade Susan to try the lifestyle and help her friend reach her full sexual potential.

"So David, I was explaining to Susan how Russell and I have been having fun and expanded our sex life; we're more fulfilled than ever before."

Susan squirmed having a good idea where this conversation was headed; knowing Diane had the bottle to be direct to the point of bluntness. That might not be a bad thing as she'd decided she couldn't risk broaching the looming subject directly with David.

David was intrigued, recognising he and Susan felt a bit stuck, "Oh, dare I risk asking what that has involved or might I be too shocked?"

"You might well be shocked, at least initially, in basic terms I have become a hot wife. That means I enjoy the occasional company of another man, it has electrified our sex lives. We're at it all the time these days, aren't we Russell?"

"Absolutely, I can honestly say I have never experienced as much sex or variety. It's the most exciting thing we've tried and to see Diane so fulfilled and happy is fantastic to witness."

David wondered if he'd heard correctly, they'd just explained adultery like a daily trip to the corner shops... hadn't they?

"I am not sure how to respond to that. I suppose if it works for you both and you're open and honest with each other."

Diane pushed again, "What about you David, would you like to see your wife more sexual and totally fulfilled?"

"Well, I don't know about that, depends who is doing the fulfilling."

They all laughed with genuine good humour, "Ha, that's a good answer, I know it sounds pretty radical, but once you get used to it, it feels really natural and we've never looked back."

David noticed Susan sat quietly; there was no way they hadn't discussed this before tonight. Did that mean she wanted to try the same thing? For that matter did he? He'd been trying to spice up their sex life for what seemed like an eternity with little success. He didn't want to come across as perverted and Susan had always been fairly straight laced.

"If you guys would like to find out more there is a meet and greet party next week for couples similar to us, no pressure if it's not for you."

Russell added, "You should definitely come along, it's a completely different experience. The couple that host the parties have a home out in the country, they make all the arrangements."

After that, the conversation moved back to more mundane matters, the evening ended with David and Susan remaining non-committal about the party.


Little did David know it but Diane was constantly talking to Susan about experiences with her lover. Tales of multiple orgasms and the best sex ever were getting to her, whilst the strong relationship between Diane and Russell was clearly evident. Susan was becoming hooked on the idea. They didn't go to the party initially, but with Diane's continued prompting, Susan didn't let it drop.

David had to admit, he was curious, he couldn't imagine exactly what went on at the parties. Seeing other normal suburban wives letting go would be exciting, he wondered if it might involve anyone they knew. He had a suspicion that a couple of women at work might be up for that sort of thing.

Susan nudged him again, "Well, do you think we should try going to a party?"

David continued focusing on the beer in his hand as he sat at their kitchen table.

Susan pressed on, "I think it might be interesting to go, just to see what the people are like. We don't have to do anything. We might just end up having drinks and deciding it's not for us."

"I'm not sure, I mean it's about wives getting off with other guys isn't it? Is that something you really want, and I don't see how the husband benefits."

"Diane is like a changed woman and Russell seems to really get off on it; they have never been happier. The idea of spicing things up is something we've agreed on but actually doing that is proving difficult, so this might help us."

"Yeah well I am curious to see what and who might be involved, but I am not comfortable with you... well participating."

"That's ok, we'll just go and take a look. To be honest this conversation has already got me a bit revved up and you could benefit immediately if you like... why don't you take me to bed?"

At least that was an easy decision, David took the offer eagerly. What followed was some of the best sex of their married lives. David already felt as though he was competing with imaginary lovers. He made sure to get her off orally before making love to her. Susan was more responsive and more vocal than she'd ever been in the past, it became more of a full on passionate fucking.

Susan sighed afterward, "That was amazing, things are already heating up and that's just from us talking about it. I don't want to lose that; I'd like to find a way for us to keep exploring together."


Diane called Susan the next day, "So, are you guys finally coming to the party?"

"I hope so; David seems to be coming around to the idea."

"That's fabulous, just get him there, the rest will take care of itself, trust me."

"Are you sure we can just check it out?"

"Yeah of course, the hosts are lovely and everyone there is really chilled."

"I am still not sure about all of this, it still feels wrong and I am nervous about it changing how David see's me."

"Well, in some ways both you and him want to see a different side to you, a sexually liberated side, one that makes him desire you even more. It's natural for it to feel wrong initially but that passes quickly, it takes a bit of time to drop the baggage we all grew up with."

"Yeah I guess that makes sense."

"I promise it's the best decision you will ever make. The party is this Friday, you can pick us up and we'll look after you both. Oh and remember to wear something sexy."

Friday night found David and Susan driving to their first party. Susan was nervous but very excited; David had doubts but curiosity was winning the day.

"I'm not sure about this!"

"Don't worry babe, I'm sure it will all be fine."

"Just remember that you don't have to do anything."

"Exactly, don't forget we're picking up Diane and Russell."

They arrived at the 'house' 40 minutes later, although mansion would be a more accurate description. A tall beautiful woman greeted them, saying she was called Rachel and was always delighted to welcome new friends.

David couldn't help thinking that he wouldn't mind seeing the gorgeous Rachel in action, she seemed so demure, the idea of her letting go was certainly intriguing.

As they handed their coats over, Rachel seemed to appraise them, "Good, you dressed your wives to be noticed and desired."

David thought it a strange comment, Susan had really gone out of her way in getting ready for the evening, in a sparkling evening dress and highest heels, but it was all her own doing.

Russell replied, "We did, I love helping Dianne prepare thoroughly."

Rachel smiled at Russell's response before adding, "Susan you are as lovely as Diane said you would be; I think you will be a most welcome addition to our little group and the boys will simply adore you."

"That's kind of you to say Rachel, thank you so much for the invite, your home is amazing."

Rachel turned, "David, it's a delight to meet you too; now I have a date lined up for your wife, would you like to meet him?"

That was a sudden acceleration of events; both David and Susan felt their guts twisting inside. Susan sensed David's unease replying, "We were just intending to check things out initially, if that's ok?"

If Rachel noticed the apprehension she didn't show it, "It's best just to get straight into things. He is a lovely young man and waiting in the lounge, come through with me."

As Rachel led the way she spoke to Diane, "I understand Marcus maybe joining us later, is that right?"

"Yes, he's running late but will be here shortly,"

They followed their hostess into a large, dark-panelled room. Drinks were provided by a waitress service, as Rachel introduced them to a very fit looking guy. Tim was over 6 foot, he appeared confident but not in an arrogant way, although his eyes immediately honed in on Susan.

Susan tingled with excitement as they sat together, Diane ensuring Susan sat next to Tim. The conversation was natural and flowing between the five of them. Tim mentioned having dated a few married women for short periods of time, always with their husband's consent. They enjoyed a few drinks, with servers ensuring glasses were topped up; David took his time, remembering he'd have to drive later.

Susan crossed her legs, the split in her dress opening slightly, she didn't intend for it to happen but saw both Tim and David look down.

Tim smiled in delight, "Wow you have fantastic legs!"

As he said that, Tim placed a hand on her knee squeezing gently. Oh my God, he was flirting with her right in front of her husband and she was enjoying it. Susan was desperately hoping David was ok, he looked at Tim's hand but didn't react, so that was good. They talked around more topics whilst Tim continued to caress Susan's knee.

It was Dianne who changed the dynamic, "Why don't we show you around David and explain how this works while Susan gets to know Tim."

David wasn't sure he liked the idea, but decided to go along with things for now at least. Diane ushered him away, taking his arm as she walked with him.

"This is the hardest part David, but it all becomes far easier. That unease and nervousness you're feeling will be replaced with excitement and arousal. Trust me, this is the best possible gift you can offer Susan and she will be eternally grateful. Look around, these are normal everyday good people adding excitement to their lives, it's an amazing opportunity."

"I don't know about that, we are just here to check things out."

The three of them settled in a quiet corner of the expansive hall, "Did you see how excited Susan was, it's fantastic to let her experience this and it's just the start. I can guarantee when she comes back to you, it will be the most epic sex of your life. That experience blew Russell's mind and we have never looked back."

Russell agreed at that point, "That's all true, seeing you wife so free and uninhibited is a truly liberating experience, it enables you to explore what might be possible. And after all of that she chooses you, not due to rules or obligation but due to love."

"I can't see how it won't change the way we feel about each other."

"I swear to you David, I have never loved Russell more than I do today. The support, trust and devotion he has demonstrated means the world to me. We share this together and I want to repay that ten times over. He deserves that from me and I'd do anything for him; we've never been closer."

Tim wasted no time in looping an arm around Susan and pulling her in close. By the time her husband and friends sat in the hall, Susan and Tim were kissing. It started with a quick peck but after few seconds of lips locking, Susan opened her mouth in response and it became deep and sensual. She was acutely aware that the hand previously on her knee was now massaging her inner thigh.

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