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Hotter'n the Devil's Balls Ch. 02

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Will Matt come to his senses about Callie?!
6.9k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 07/06/2023
Created 04/23/2023
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My story, Georgias: Boiled Peanuts, is a lead-in for this story, as is, of course, Hotter Than The Devil's Balls Chapter 1. Callie is Georgia's stepsister, and they're both take-no-shit southern girls.

A May-December love story juicy as a peach. I hope you enjoy! xo DG

Hotter Than The Devil's Balls

Chapter 2





"Guess what?!"

Callie burst into my room, clutching her cell phone to her chest. Her eyes sparkled, and her cheeks were rosy, making me want to be the one that caused that excitement.

"I give!"

"I just booked our first weddin'! Yipppeee. Can you believe it?"

She danced around the room. Her legs looked impossibly longer in her short shorts. The cropped t-shirt could barely keep those fabulous breasts covered as she bounced with all her glee.

"Oh yeah, I can believe it," I sighed, wanting to take her in my arms and plant a long wet kiss on her.

She stopped and smiled, staring at my mouth for a moment as though she knew what I was thinking.

Suddenly she looked around. "Oh, I'm sorry for bargin' into your bedroom. I was just so excited..." she said, trailing off.

"You can barge, walk, jump, run whatever into my bedroom anytime," I said, grinning.

"For real?" she smirked.

"Oh yeahhhh."

The air was thick with innuendo.

"I might just do that sometime."

She turned and walked away, hips swaying and cute little tight ass teasing me all the way.

I changed into my painter's clothes and went up the stairs to touch up the paint on the trim on the first two rooms we'd rent. Callie had ordered all the home goods we'd need for the two rooms and had begun to set them up.

"I'm going to touch up those places we talked about," I said, watching her on the ladder running the curtains through the rod.

"Okay, you won't be in my way."

We worked in comfortable silence for a while.

"You're doing a fantastic job of decorating," I told her, leaning against the doorframe.

"Thank you," she said, straining to get the rod in the hooks.

I walked over. "Do you want me to do that?"

"I just need to go up a step on this ladder. Can you hold it for me?"

I held the ladder with both hands and looked up.

As she reached up, her crop t-shirt swung away from her breasts and rode up. The sheer white bra she wore almost brought me to my knees. Big pink nipples winked at me through the gossamer fabric.

I had plenty of time to ogle as she fiddled with the rods and curtains, perfecting them.

"You can let go now," she laughed.

I blinked out of my fantasy stupor. Callie was safely on the floor in front of me.

"Okay then!"

I let go but didn't step back. She was leaning over, creating these poofs of the sheer white curtains on the floor. Her short shorts rode up, revealing the delectable curve of her ass. The inseam of the jeans pushed between her cheeks and through her legs.

"So, what do you think?"

She turned around, and I knew she caught me ogling her. She had I-caught-you-grin that turned into a laugh.

"About what?"

We both laughed at my double entendre.

"All of it!" she said, putting her hands on her hips.

"The curtains look great. The other is a knockout," I said seriously.

"Thanks. You're not so bad yourself, Hollywood."

I caught her hand and pulled her to me.

She pushed up on those cute scarlet red painted toes, wrapped her arms around my neck, and swept in for a kiss.

"Mmm, I been waitin' to do that," she murmured, her lips brushing mine.

I moaned and pressed my lips to hers. They parted, and I teased with my tongue. She moaned softly, and I gathered her closer to me.

I vaguely heard voices in the hallway and realized the painters were painting the hallway.

I pulled back, leaning my forehead against hers. Our breathing was labored, both of us feeling the same.

"Bad timin', I guess," she smiled. "But you won't get away so easily next time, Hollywood!"

The house had a revolving door of workers, and we had nearly every minute of the day planned. It was all coming together quickly.

That day I met with the local agricultural agent for advice on the peaches, and Callie was supervising what was happening in the house. I couldn't do all this if it weren't for her.

She seemed to have a way of organizing and working with people, especially keeping me in order. I still didn't know what she did for a living, but whatever it was, she could do it remotely. She did mention she'd need to be away for three days, which I assumed was for business. I tended to let people have their own space, so I didn't ask.






If those dang painters hadn't shown at the most inopportune time, I'd have had my way with that man.

When we get close, there always seems to be a part of him that holds back a bit. I'm sure it's an age thing with him, and he thinks he's too old for me.

"I don't give a rat's ass how old y'are Matt," I mumbled to myself. "Anyone that makes my body vibrate like you do gets my attention."

Three suites were completely done and ready for warm bodies. There was much to do in other areas of the house for that to happen, so I sealed off the bedrooms so dust and dirt didn't filter in.

My next project was the kitchen, but right in the middle of that, I had to bail for three days to get back to Orlando for meetings in my office. I had staff that was my right arm, and I could efficiently work remotely, but the change of season required in-person meetings. It used to be my favorite time of year, but now it was an inconvenience because it made me have to be away from here.

Matt entered the kitchen while I was making notes on the counter. He was talking, but I just saw his mouth moving because the workers had a table saw ripping boards to wall off some rooms on the ground floor.

The house was a series of a lot of small rooms. We needed a larger parlor and dining area for guests. I suggested that Matt might want to use the rest for his living quarters if he planned on living there. He was pretty amenable to that and told me to coordinate that.

"Wow, that's loud... I was asking how much renovation you were planning in here?"

I shivered because his steamy hot breath washed across my ear while he talked. I stood on tiptoe to talk into his ear, and he put his hand on my waist to steady me.

"I don't think I'm going to do much. The kitchen is very serviceable. I want to add a coffee slash breakfast bar at that end," I said, pointing and ensuring he got the same lip-brushing and steamy breath.

We had planned fresh pastries and the like for breakfasts. I ordered an espresso machine to be built in as well as a microwave. Guests would not be making use of the kitchen appliances. Any meals could be had in town or in neighboring cities, and I planned to provide menus and information for everything available. It was not only goodwill but a sure way to get fingers pointing right here is a fine place to stay.

"The flooring, countertops, and cupboards are in great shape, so we are set in the kitchen other the built-ins?" he spoke in my ear, and then the noise stopped.

"Right, that should be---" The sawing began again, and I rolled my eyes and laughed. Matt bent his head, and I said, "The wall is just about closed off to your quarters, the dinin' room and parlor will be painted, and the hardwood just needs a good cleanin'." I shrugged. "We're on the downhill slide."

He nodded. "One of these nights after they leave, we'll go down the punch list to see what's left."

The saw fired up again; he shook his head and went out the back door.

His closeness just now had me fired up. There was just somethin' about that man that got me goin'.






By the time Callie returned from her days off, the painting was done, and the built-ins were completed in the kitchen. A plumber would come in to hook up the espresso machine, an electrician would get the microwave working, and we'd be in business.

I looked at the area to be my quarters or whoever would run this place. It was spacious, a big blank slate. Something I wasn't good at, and I hoped Callie had something in mind.

Bradley Brad was coming over in the morning to help me get a sales shack together for the end of the drive. I usually would have hired it out, but he was Callie's brother-in-law, so I thought it would be good to make friends with him for one thing. But mostly to get an idea of Callie. I was sure Bradley Brad heard things through Georgia, his wife, and Callie's stepsister.



He pulled up in a pickup truck loaded with wood.

"Hey, I'm Brad," he said, sticking out his hand.

"Matt. Great to meet you! I appreciate you giving me a hand with this."

"Happy to do it. Since I married Georgia, I started writing, so I don't get out much. This is a treat."

I had rough plans, and we looked them over on the hood of his truck. He made a few suggestions, and we got moving.

I had a cooler full of water and beer on ice. We started with water, but as the day wore on and the stand became more together, we switched to beer and a seat in the shade to admire our work thus far.

"Are you planning on living here?" Brad asked.

"I think I am. I planned on selling it, but Callie showed me there were other options. A bed and breakfast were something I wouldn't have thought of in a million years."

He nodded. "Those girls can be pretty damn creative. Even if we have to do most of the work," he laughed.

"They're similar, then?"

"The girls?" I nodded. He laughed. "For not growing up together, they are like two peas in a pod. Georgia is so happy Callie is staying around. She didn't want to see her go back to Orlando. But I'm wondering how long she'll stay here," he questioned.

"I hope she stays too," I admitted.

He looked over at me. "You've got it too, eh, man?" I nodded. "Those girls can get under your skin. One minute you're free as a bird, and the next, you're eating boiled peanuts," he grinned.

I laughed, and he went on to tell me their story. Pretty damn romantic if you ask an un-romantic male like me.

We called it a day and set a time for tomorrow morning. A few more hours and it'd be cracked out.






What I thought would take three days. But by the time the trade show was over, and I decided on the new product lines, it ended but took up the whole business week.

I stopped at the end of the drive to admire the new stand that Matt and Brad had built. It was much smaller than Georgia has but perfect for our purposes. We decided it best to keep it to selling fresh peaches and whatever else peaches we could come up with. Georgia would be canning the peaches into jams and jellies.

I keep thinking in terms of our and we. I'm getting too comfortable here, which could set me up for big-time heartbreak. I surprised myself at how much Matt was in my daily thoughts and even more shocked at how much I missed it. But he has been a large part of my life recently.

"The stand looks great! Did you miss me, Hollywood?"

He was leaning on the kitchen island, looking over some paperwork. He turned and had a big smile that lit up those incredible grey-blue eyes.

"Did I miss you? Only every second of every day!"

He walked over and pulled me into his arms. I ran my fingers through his thick black hair when he kissed me. He moaned and pulled me into him. I returned the pressure against his hardening cock. He missed me.

The kiss intensified, turning more passionate. I could have taken it on forever, but it was early afternoon, and I didn't know who was in the house beside us.

When we made love, I intended no interruptions. No distractions.

I pulled my head back and nibbled on his lower lip, then said, "Yeah, I missed you too. Are we alone?"

He sighed. "They just went to lunch. So not for long enough. I will need a lot of time for you," he smiled.

"Yeah, me too, for you."

We kissed and fooled around in the kitchen, and sure enough, it wasn't long until the workers were back and ready to work. Foiled again.

That night I heard him bumping around in his room, getting ready for bed. I almost jumped out of bed and ran over to his. But that might be a little crass, I thought.

So, while I was trying to get some sleep, I thought of what I wanted to do to him, and before long, my fingers were between my thighs and petting my wet pussy.

My clit was hard and so ready. It only took a few flicks of my finger, and I was off into a loud body rocking orgasm thinking about Matt with me.

He found me in the kitchen the next morning, trying to down enough coffee to make it through the day. Even though I had fun before falling asleep, it still wasn't enough, and my night was filled with erotic dreams of Matt.

"Good morning!" He poured a mug of coffee and looked at me over the rim. "Sleep well?"

I frowned. "No, I did not."

I was not about to explain why I didn't sleep well. Matt's presence brought up all my lusty feelings about him. I was this close to just jumping his bones. But the voices throughout the house cooled my jets.

"Sorry. Just wondered," Matt turned and leaned on the kitchen island. "What's your day today?"

"Nothing specific. I was going to do a walk-through with my list."

"Okay, good. Meet me right here at noon." He turned and walked out of the room.

At noon he passed through the kitchen and led me out the back door.

"We took possession of this while you were gone. I thought you might like to take a ride?"

A brand-new red golf cart sat shining in the sun.

"Oh yes!" I jumped up and down.

Instead of a seat in the back, a chrome diamond plate box was ready to haul whatever we'd need to haul.

"You like?" he grinned.

"Great idea, Matt," I said, jumping in the front seat. "You drive. I'll drive on the way back!"

"Deal," he said, bumping off through the back orchard.

It had been a warm winter and slid into a warm spring. The scent of the blooming trees was spectacular. The sun shining down through the leaves and blossoms created dappled shade.

He found a path that the picker's trucks probably used once. It was rough, and he took it slow, but it was still a bouncy ride. I laughed, probably enjoying it too much for an adult woman.

He stopped at the edge of a clearing. A breeze blew the soft grass, and petals rained down on us.


He walked to the back and took out a blanket and a cooler.

"I didn't see those!"

"As it was meant to be. I wanted it to be a surprise."

"It is!"

I helped him straighten out the blanket, and he opened the cooler. The first thing out was a bottle of wine and glasses.

"Oh my," I said, smiling. We clinked glasses and sipped. "This is some beautiful land, Matt. You're so lucky that it's yours."

He leaned back on an elbow. "It has grown on me. I never considered staying. Not until a beautiful young lady nearly ran me over with her pickup truck and convinced me otherwise."

I giggled. "Glad I could help." I grabbed the bottle of wine and filled our glasses again. "A toast to your new life." We clinked glasses.

He looked at me and reached up. He put his hand on the side of my face, and his thumb rubbed my lower lip. I set my glass at the edge of the blanket, where it promptly fell over, but I didn't care. I leaned over and kissed him.

He groaned and weaved his fingers through my hair, and I went on my knees and leaned over him, never breaking our kiss. I slipped my leg between his and lowered myself, half on and half off him.

He moaned and pressed his thigh between my legs. His hands slipped under my t-shirt, so warm on my skin.

We kissed, and it quickly flamed into passion. We tasted each other until we were breathless.

I pulled my t-shirt over my head, and he unhooked my bra.

"Oh, Callie," he whispered, trailing his fingers over my breasts. "So beautiful."

I pushed his shirt over his head and rubbed my breasts on his chest. Every minute up until now was foreplay; I only wanted to feel him inside me.

I scrambled out of my shorts and panties while he finished stripping. He rolled me under him, and I parted my thighs, loving his weight on me.

I kissed him deeply while he pushed in. I rose and took him ball deep. No preliminaries. We both wanted and were needy.

"Fuck me, Matt. I need you so bad."

He groaned. "Callie, I've been waiting for this. You feel so good around me."

He began to thrust slowly, and then, as I rocked to meet his every stroke, our bodies began to pound together. The sounds and the blossoms' scent mingled with the freshly mown grass and birds chirping in the trees.

The sun dappled through the trees and was warm on our skin, adding to the excitement of sex.

"Oh my god," I moaned, rocking and taking him deep. My cunt closed around his throbbing cock and set off rockets in my head while he pumped my hot juice inside me.

We were gasping, and he pulled me to his side when he collapsed beside me. We regained our breath, enjoying the surroundings as much as our lovemaking.

"You know Hollywood, you need to come up with a name for this place," I said, my head on his shoulder.

I looked up through the leaves to the cloudless indigo sky, wishing I could take a picture every season right here, in the same position.

"You're right. The marketing firm I hired asked me about that, and it completely slipped my mind."

"Uhm, how about Peach Blossom Inn or Sweet Peach Inn," I offered.

"Hmm, I like those. Or how about Peach Grove Bed and Breakfast or maybe Peach Harvest Inn?"

"Ohhh, those are good," I said. "Okay, last one, Georgia Peach Bed and Breakfast."

"Bingo!" he said. "That's it. Georgia Peach Bed and Breakfast it is. Love it."

I closed my eyes, enjoying the warm breeze on my naked body. I heard Matt digging through the wicker basket.

I flinched when something hit my skin and opened my eyes to him, dripping peach juice on me, which he promptly licked off. He continued to drip it down my stomach and licking to my pussy.

"Mmm, you have such a clever tongue," I whispered.

He spread my thighs and showed me how his clever tongue could send me into that indigo sky above.






She was gone a week, and it was the emptiest week of my life. The life and light were gone like a dark cloud hovered over me. She walked in the door, and my world was bright again.

Then I realized I was in love with her and didn't know how it happened. She swooped into my life in that oversized truck and is now camped out in my head and heart. Brad was right, I thought.

I was committed to making her want to stay here with me.

Georgia Peach Bed and Breakfast was as much her baby as mine.

When Brad and Georgia learned of the name, they wanted to pay for the roadside sign as a housewarming gift. We were happy to let them also decide on the sign and wanted it to be a surprise.

Over breakfast, Callie commented, "I reckon Georgia will have better ideas than us anyhow. She's the creative one!"

"I'm sorry that you two didn't grow up together. You must have missed so much," I said, somewhat sadly imagining it.

"Sometimes I get sad about it too, I admit. But I can't dwell on it. We both grew up in wonderful homes, even if not together."

I fumbled with the new espresso machine, and she was laughing when I brought back two mugs half full.

"I'll get it. Sometimes." I laughed. "So, how did you end up in Orlando?"


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