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House Guests

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An online cock tease gets more than she bargained for.
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House Guests

In which Marie and Matt are forced to entertain two unwelcome visitors.

Now semiretired, I work part-time as a consultant for a company I once managed, where in my tenure we developed leading edge law drafting software. By the time I took early retirement, we had our software installed in all Australasian parliamentary drafting offices. Now the company has retained me for a month, to visit your country to seek expressions of interests for state legislatures there. The bonus for me is hopefully to meet you, and also to renew my acquaintance with an old friend Albert, who has lived in your country for several years now.

Albert and I went through primary school, or what you would call junior school, and high school together in a small group of close friends. Albert's father came from Gisborne on the east coast, and is Ngapuhi. The East Coast Maoris are darker than the other tribes, but as his mother was Te Awiata, Albert was not as dark as his father. He had a big cock, bigger than most, and after sports in the showers we used to tease him about his cock as not only was it big, it was blacker than the rest of him. We stopped teasing him when the slutty girls at high school began to hang around him. He told me that once after the Saturday rugby game, one of the girls was waiting outside the locker rooms and asked him to walk her home. When he got there, he found two of her friends. waiting. He said that he fucked all three twice before he left to go home. While both Albert and I were the same height, in high school he had filled out more than me, and played for the school's First Fifteen rugby team. I had let him know I was coming over, and pleasantly surprised to find he lived less than half a hour's drive from your home.

Once I knew I was coming over, I was in almost constant contact with you. Having exchanged messages of our likes and dislikes, we had gone on to discuss what you would like to do with me, and I was looking forward to our meeting with great anticipation. However when I contacted you from my hotel in your town, I was hugely disappointed when you told me you had changed your mind and no longer wanted to meet.

That night when I met Albert in a downtown bar, I was delighted to see him, because although we kept in touch by email, we hadn't met in ten years. After a few drinks while we caught up on what had happened in the past few years and talked about mutual friends, I told him about my disappointment in not seeing you. He wanted to no the full story, and when I had finished, he shook his head.

"Man! She's been playing you mate! She probably never meant to meet you in the first place!"

"I don't know," I responded, "she sounded genuine!"

"Nah, she's just a cock teaser!" he retorted, "I've met plenty like her before. They get their kicks out of stringing you along, telling you all the things they're going to let you do, like teasing a horse with a carrot! If some chick did that to me, I'd go round there and give her one whether she wanted it or not!"

I stared moodily into my drink, flushing with anger as the truth of Albert's sank in.

"Yeah, I'm in two minds to do that!" I told him. "The problem is that the boyfriend will probably be at home at this time of night."

"No worries mate!" he told me, "I'll come with you. If the boyo gets in the way I'll take care of him!"

Draining my drink, I banged the glass down on the table. "Yeah, let's do it!" I told him, "I've got blue balls from waiting for this! Let's go!"

Albert's car is just outside. I give him the address as we buckle up our belts, and he feeds the address into the navigation system. I'm surprised at how close we are to your home, in less than ten minutes the satnav system announces that we have reached our destination as we pull up outside a small house. We sit in the car for a few minutes. Behind the curtains I can see lights are on so you must be home. Finally Albert urges me into action. "Come on mate, we can't sit here all night!" Leaving the car we walk up the path and I knock on the door. After a couple of minutes, after no response, I knock again, harder. I hear footsteps beyond the door and then it opens. A young guy in sweats is standing there; I'm picking it's Matt. He looks at us questioningly.

"Can I help you?" he asks.

"Gidday! You must be Matt." I tell him, "I'm Doug. I've come from New Zealand to see Marie."

He looks at me with confusion, wondering how I know his name. From down the hallway I can hear the sound of a television program or movie. Matt looks at me for a minute or two longer before he turns to shout down the hall, "Marie, there's a guy called Doug at the door to see you!"

I heard something called out from the lounge and he turns back to me. "She says she doesn't want to see you. She said to fuck off!" He begins to close the door, but from behind me Albert's arm swiftly reaches out, grabbing Matt's wrist, preventing him closing the door. Twisting Matt's wrist, Albert forces his arm up his back.

"Take it easy!" Albert tells him, "Just take it easy, and no one gets hurt!" Stepping past them, I walk down the hall to the lounge. I step into the lounge, Albert forcing Matt to follow.

You look up, consternation showing on your face before you recognise me. "Get out! Get out, before I call the police!"

With quick strides I cross the room, snatching your phone from your hand and dropping it in my pocket. You are wearing a baggy tee shirt and sweat pants, bare feet tucked under you. "That's not a nice way to talk to me!" I tell you, "After I've come halfway around the world to see you!"

"What do you want?" you demand shrilly, putting your feet on the floor and making to stand.

"Why, nothing that you haven't already promised." I tell you with a grin as I push you back down on the settee.

"I don't know what you mean!" you say fearfully.

"Come on Marie," I tell you scornfully, "All the messages, telling me what you were going to let me do to you!"

"I didn't mean it!" you tell me, a tremor in your voice.

"Well, you should have thought about it." I tell you, "You're in too deep now!"

"What do you mean?" you ask, a quaver in your voice.

"I'm going to get what I came for!" I tell you.

"You can't make me!" you tell me, trying to stand up. I push you back down. "Bring boyfriend over here," I tell Albert, "and if either of them try anything stupid, break his arm!"

Albert frogmarches Matt across to you, pushing him down onto his knees and forcing his arm high up his back so that that he has to kneel with his face on the settee cushions next to you. I wander through the house until I find your bedroom, rummaging through the cupboards and drawers until I find what I am looking for. Continuing through the house I take a kitchen chair through to the lounge, placing it at the side of the room. "Bring boyfriend over here!" I tell Albert, and he brings Matt up on his feet, marching him across to the chair, forcing him down into it. With a belt I have taken from the bedroom I pass it around Matt's waist, fastening it behind the back of the seat, and with the corded belts I have taken from your bathrobes I tie Matt's ankles to the chair legs, looping the cords back under the chair to loop tightly around the belt to prevent him freeing himself.

Turning back towards you, I relish the look of horrified realisation on you face as you acknowledge there is no escape. "Come on sweetheart," I tell you mockingly, "I've seen pictures of that tight little body of yours. Now show it to Daddy!"

You shrink back onto the settee but I grab your wrist, pulling you to your feet. "Don't be shy," I tell you, as Albert steps behind you, grabbing the hem of your tee shirt and pulling it over your head. I release your wrist and Albert tosses the tee shirt aside. you are wearing just a white bra under your top. "Nice!" I comment, stepping forward to grasp your breasts through your bra. "Let's see what's under the sweats!" I tell Albert. He reaches around you, effortlessly lifting you from the floor. You try to kick out at me, but I've already got the waist of your sweatpants in both hands and pull them down and off, leaving you in nothing but pretty little lacy white briefs and your bra.

Matt is struggling to stand, but he's too well secured to the chair. While Albert still has you lifted from the ground, I step in close to pull your briefs off, avoiding your legs as you attempt to kick out at me.

"Feisty little thing, isn't she?" Albert laughed, sliding his big hands up to cup your breasts roughly.

"Mm! Nice" I murmur, stepping back to look at you, "A shaven haven, Looks good enough to eat! Let's see those titties mate!" I tell Albert. Letting go of one of your wrists he unsnaps your bra and discards it. His big fingers have already left red imprints in your nice smooth breasts. Off to the side of the room I see Matt redouble his efforts to free himself in response to seeing you stripped naked but his efforts are futile, as there is no way he could untie the knots without being able to see them.

Albert's got a good hold of you and doesn't need my help, so I begin to strip off. "What are you doing?" you question, your voice shaking.

"Wise up girlie!" I tell you, "I haven't come halfway around the world just to look at those perky tits and sweet pussy. if you're not going to deliver what you promised, Albert and I are going to help ourselves!" Dropping my trousers and briefs I straighten up to pull my skivvy over my head. I see you look nervously at my erect cock and grin to myself, musing to myself that if you think that's big, wait till you see Albert's.

"You want her on the floor mate?" Albert asked, seeing me stripped for action.

"Nah, I'm going to have a bite of that sweet peach!" I tell him, "Hold her down on the settee!" Lifting you effortlessly, Albert moves behind the settee, swinging you up and over the back of the unit, dropping you down onto the cushions, his arms restraining you as his hands maul your breasts. Dropping to my knees I move between your thighs, effortlessly avoiding your wild kicks and grabbing your thighs firmly, spreading them wide to expose your cunt.

Your pussy is closed and dry, but as I run my tongue along your crease, wetting it with my saliva, it slowly opens and I am able to thrust my tongue inside. Although your juices aren't yet flowing, your cunt tastes sweet. My tongue finds the tiny nub of your clitoris. and begins to stimulate it. You attempt to close your legs, your hips shrinking back in protest, but Albert's grip in you is firm and I continue to hold your legs splayed wide, and despite your vocal protestations of disgust your clitoris is beginning to respond to my tongue, swelling and hardening, your pussy lips growing puffy, your tight channel opening and becoming moist with your fragrant and sweet juices.

"Mm, tasty!" I tell Albert as I grab a squab from the settee, "Let's have her on the floor!" Once more lifting you effortlessly, Albert brings you around to the front of the settee, depositing you on your back on the floor with the cushion beneath your hips, pinning you by your arms to the floor. You try to kick out at me as I drop to my knees but grasping your ankles in both hands I hold your legs raised and spread wide, opening you to me. Behind me I can hear Matt's chair moving on the floor as I position myself to penetrate you, but looking at Albert I see him watching Matt, giving me a small shake of his head to indicate that Matt is no threat. Positioning my broad knob between you pussy lips I thrust forward, surging into you, drawing a cry of protest from you as I work my cock deeper into you with short and firm thrusts. Releasing your legs and reaching under you to grasp your smooth, firm buttocks I begin to fuck you steadily, and after several minutes you being to respond, raising her hips to meet my thrusts. Dropping my head I suck on each of your breasts in turn, delighting in finding your nipples swelling and hardening in response.

Albert releases your arms and they go around me, gripping my buttocks and pulling me harder into you. From the corner of my eye I see Albert stripping off, tossing his clothes to one side before coming to kneel beside us. I lift my head from your breasts to allow him to get closer to offer his erect cock to you. It looks even bigger and blacker than I remember it, good nine or ten inches long and with a thickness to match. I see your eyes widen in amazement at the size of Albert's cock but then you turn your head towards him, opening your mouth and he feeds his cock to you, like a man feeding a carrot to a horse. Even while you start sucking Albert's massive cock as he pumps it back and forth between your lips I feel your body begin to shake as you climax, your cunt clamping down on my pistoning cock. The contractions of your cunt on my cock is enough the bring me off and I pump my spunk into you with several thrusts before withdrawing.

Albert pulls his cock from your mouth and moves to take his place between your legs. His cock looks even bigger and more swollen, shiny with your saliva for half its length. Looking across at Matt I see that he has given up trying to untie himself, instead watching with a mixture of horror and fascination as Albert ranges his huge black knob between your pussy lips. You give a grunt as Albert's thick cock bulldozes up into your cunt before raising your legs and crossing them over his back as he works his cock deep inside you, becoming very vocal. if you liked my cock, you're loving Albert's, crying "Fuck yes! Fuck, it's filling me up! Give it to me!"

Albert has hooked his arms under your legs, raising them and pushing them back towards your shoulders, opening you to him so that we can see his big cock going all the way into you.

Matt is watching in fascination as Albert's big cock pumps rhythmically back and forth in your cunt, displacing the spunk I unloaded in you only minutes before, and I can see a bulge in the front of his sweat pants revealing that he has become erect.

You shriek in climax as Albert's big cock continues to ravage your pussy, but he is relentless, pounding his cock into you for another five minutes or more, before suddenly pulling out if you, grabbing you by the hips to lift you up and flipping you over onto your knees to surge back into you from behind. I have begun to grow erect once more, watching you and Albert in action, and I kneel in front of you so that you can suck me as Alberts fucks you, his thrusts driving your lips back and forth on my slimy cock.

Your cunt is making wet farting sounds as Albert's big cock displaces air from it. I look across at Matt and see that he had tugged his sweat pants down to free his cock, slowly stroking it, his eyes glued to the erotic sight of his girlfriend on her knees, taking a big black cock in her pussy while sucking on another cock, moaning and twitching periodically as multiple orgasms wash over her.

By now Albert has been fucking you steadily for about twenty minutes. "Jeez mate," I tell him "don't be greedy and hog that pussy! You must have cum by now!"

Albert gives a laugh, his big body shaking, "I've cum twice mate, but this tight little pussy just keeps sucking me in!"

"Well let me in on the action!" I tell him "Get her up over you so I can have a go at that tight little ass hole!"

Pulling out of you Albert rolls into his back, pulling you across to straddle him. As you lower yourself into his shiny black cock, streaked with white spunk, I move in behind you both to kneel behind you, tugging your butt cheeks apart to expose your anus. The crease of your buttocks is wet with a mixture of spunk and your juices. As you ride Albert's cock I wet my fingers in the slime in your crease, inserting first one, then a second, and finally a third finger into your tight, pursed hole. Withdrawing my fingers I grab your hips to hold you still and then force my knob into your ass, drawing a moan of anguish from you, driving it deep with a series of short thrusts. As I begin to fuck your ass, beneath you Albert begins thrusting up into you, and through the membrane of flesh between your asshole and your cunt I can feel Albert's cock moving inside you.

I hear Matt gasping and look across in time to see his spunk jet from his cock to splash onto the floor. The sensation on my cock of Albert's cock moving inside you is so stimulating that within minutes I am emptying my spunk into your bowels, but I keep fucking your ass until my cock begins to shrink and it slips from you as your hips continue to move on Albert's cock.

Picking your tee shirt from the floor I use it to clean the slime from my cock and belly before beginning to dress, watching as Albert rolls over on top of you, lifting your legs up onto his shoulders as he rams his cock straight down into you like a greasy black pile driver, forcing spunk from you to run down your ass crack and mix with my spunk pulsing from your anus. Matt's cock is still hard, and he continues to stroke his cock as he stares in fascination at his girlfriend wailing in climax as she is fucked with her ankles up around her ears by a big black cock.

Albert begins grunting, discharging yet another load of spunk into you with several short strokes before collapsing onto your hips, breathing deeply. With a sigh he eases his softening cock from you, letting your legs slide from his shoulders to lie splayed wide as you lie panting and exhausted in the floor, silvery spunk oozing from your gaping cunt. I toss Albert your tee and he wipes himself clean with it before pulling his clothes on.

"What about buddy boy?" Albert asks me, gesturing at Matt who is still stroking himself, gazing at your naked and perspiring body lying on the floor.

"Nah, don't worry mate," I tell him, "Missy here can untie him once she gets her breath back. Let's fuck off back to the bar and get a drink. I'm parched!".

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novaguy2unovaguy2uover 3 years agoAuthor

That's what she asked for, so that's what I wrote.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

That’s nonconsent

novaguy2unovaguy2uover 3 years agoAuthor

The story was written in response to a request from a correspondent, and is in line with what she requested.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

That's rape

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